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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[ERROR] No.33521109 [Reply] [Original]

guide: www.wanikani.com

Current thread: #2724
Previous thread: >>33508431

>> No.33521116

first for fallback cards

>> No.33521119

Current thread: #2724

Previous threads:
>>33508431 #2723
>>33500362 #2722

>> No.33521122
File: 8 KB, 208x94, vinnies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33521142

didn't meisou tell us that girls don't really come a few months back?

>> No.33521152

shut da fuck up

>> No.33521158

thats stupid. she either has bad sex or some stupid yogi attitude about it what counts as one.

>> No.33521162
File: 55 KB, 645x81, 4q4g07v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33521166


>> No.33521173

finna load up some right now

>> No.33521179

you will never be thin

>> No.33521197


>> No.33521198


>> No.33521213

saying a lot of cancelable things that could take down wanikani

>> No.33521222

goddamn it moe please stop having good taste it pisses me off

>> No.33521241

this incel is a multimillionaire now

>> No.33521244

good video actually
he doesnt talk about a specific method because it doesnt matter
only perseverance matters
every day for 5 years and youll make it

>> No.33521262


>get good at japanese by making mistakes
you heard him get out the vocaroos so we can laugh at you. that's how you learn japanese

>> No.33521266

finished muramasa wasnt prepared for how btfo i got
good amount of chuuni though its definitely the best vinnie ive played so far

>> No.33521269

almost got lazy and read some manga in english but the first page had a mistranslation and i ended up reading it japanese
thanks shit translator bro

>> No.33521273

havent done one of these in a while but i will answer any and all questions just @ this post

>> No.33521280

any and all questions within reason ofc dont go too far off topic : )

>> No.33521281

do you have an innie or outie (navel)

>> No.33521283

good punk band name kinda

>> No.33521292

girls don't cum because they don't have semen

>> No.33521294

someone clip the ceramics making reference and put in matt looking at his cup

>> No.33521293

its concave like 凹

kind of gives me iwrestledabearonce vibes

>> No.33521296

>The secret to learning Japanese quickly is drinking cups of Japanese semen.

>Not that I would know.
5 years ago

>> No.33521311

yeah but the natural lube comes from somewhere and squirters have a lot of it that gushes when they come. but to be fair its not a huge percentage of girls they are usually the oversexed kind

>> No.33521318

based ciaran

>> No.33521325
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>> No.33521327


>One Secret For Making Japanese Reading Easier

>just read articles about kendo

>> No.33521329

u should learn about 人体解剖学 theres no mechanism thats capable of squirting besides the pisser

>> No.33521335


>> No.33521337

never read a single meisou post in my life

>> No.33521345

>just set aside half an hour
so glad khatz (and his disciple matt) came around to tear down this bullshit, you can't acquire japanese without spending at least several hours every day

>> No.33521350

i got the glad wrong but here ya go

>> No.33521354


>> No.33521361

secrete not squirt they work like ur sweat glands

>> No.33521367

the ceo of wanikani everyone

>> No.33521379

true but i used the word "gush" but i said squirt because thats the term most people know

>> No.33521396

i don't know what you're implying

>> No.33521397

tried my hardest bro but u dont have anything worth me asking sorry

>> No.33521409
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>> No.33521410

>nandemo ii yo

>> No.33521413

its cool less work for me to do

i kinda was like if i post this itll be like last time where i get 40 yous and ill have to write a lot of replies

so kinda happy i havent gotten much yet

>> No.33521438
File: 621 KB, 623x909, tofugu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao tofugu is based

>> No.33521449

made me look i dont know what i was expecting

>> No.33521451

lmao. we accept him, one of us gooble gobble

>> No.33521462

it's me watching djt threads

>> No.33521467

wonder when the thread's gonna get good

>> No.33521470

as soon as u close it

>> No.33521481
File: 281 KB, 612x488, スクリーンショット 0003-03-03 午後4.01.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt this the djt mascot

>> No.33521482

are you implying i make em bad?

>> No.33521485


cute ハーフ

>> No.33521489

im just saiyan u dont wanna close it cuz then ur gonna miss it

>> No.33521495

so true

>> No.33521507

damn the mom looks a lot like me except for that weird nose

>> No.33521513

is it a boy or a girl

>> No.33521523
File: 407 KB, 414x499, og.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you hot girl

>> No.33521532
File: 899 KB, 1464x568, djtchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33521547

she looks like she has the downs, but that's everyone in the uk

>> No.33521552

dont understand how some people cant instantly tell

>> No.33521553

is she irish? she look like me and everyone else in my family.

>> No.33521563

well i mean if i had to put my money on something i'd say it's a boy

>> No.33521577
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, Kekkon Dekinai Otoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33521582

>little babies
i mean other than haircut and clothes not sure what you mean

>> No.33521589

anacreon is there a way to increase the tolerance for when the html page stops autoscrolling at the bottom?
it feels like your page stops scrolling very easily even with only moderately long lines
never had that happen during a game with the old one i was using which needed quite a long paragraph to go over the threshold

>> No.33521602


damn two years old an he can already read the kanji for 珈琲

>> No.33521614


yah shes a crazy person truly disgusting

>> No.33521629

i claim to have a vocabulary that rivals that of the average japanese 2 year old

>> No.33521640

wow i called it. too bad her skin isn't doing her any favors. she should really work on not looking so haggard in her vids she has some nice features

>> No.33521652

i cant imagine what its like to be a mom and pop out a baby that barely looks like u and instead looks more like a bug

>> No.33521656
File: 225 KB, 713x711, fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frufi where you at?

>> No.33521663

i agree with you, that baby looks so japanese considering how white the mom is especially. not having your kids look like you is permanent cuckery

>> No.33521665

shes prolly gonna end up on the news someday for some fucked up shit

thats ftw as hell lmao

>> No.33521668

what bugs me is the generic "exploiting my kid from the day its born to make a youtube career" funiki of the whole video

>> No.33521691

yeah id my parents put our home videos out to the public i'd feel incredibly violated as a minor

>> No.33521703

especially the ones my uncle made

>> No.33521713


>> No.33521715

thats the whole channel it actually makes it no secret the entire gimmick is about raising a bilingual kid

i didnt really think about it but yea thats actually fucked up

its weird cuz in some way i think having ur life documented so heavily is actually cool but yea when u realize ur parents frame it like some kind of science experiment or w.e id prolly be mad at them

also important to note u never see the dad so hes prolly the sinister mastermind putting both his crazy whitoid woman and baby to work for him

>> No.33521742

how do you like this obvious conartist

>> No.33521749

nothing wrong with getting that stuff recorded for posterity but like, keep it to the family only. putting it online is so fucked.

>> No.33521759

i bet it wont seem as fucked to his generation when he gets older tho

thats the crazy part about it

>> No.33521769


>> No.33521770

bet your favorite movie is truman show

>> No.33521779

he is a one man truman show but voluntarily. he even looks like jim carey

>> No.33521789

nick mullen: what if jim carrey was chinese

>> No.33521802
File: 537 KB, 1024x500, mydramalist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else uses mydramalist to find new doramas to watch?

>> No.33521804

>> No.33521805

its a good movie but its not my absolute fave


i dont look quite like jim carrey i look closer to keanu maybe if u mixed them a little bit and threw in a bit of azn

>> No.33521811

jesus christ why is she like this

>> No.33521815

keanu reeves is already part asian

>> No.33521821

no i just look at https://tver.jp/drama

>> No.33521825


>> No.33521831

its too bad he turned out to be just another failed normie

>> No.33521835


damn japanese khan academy is fun

>> No.33521836

yep they dont make good films anymore *sips*
also why didnt he get more serious roles he was pretty good at them

>> No.33521846

yea so he is and hes got irish in him so we rly arent that far apart just throw out the portuguese part and were really close i just have brown hair

>> No.33521854

always read 逃亡 as nigebou

>> No.33521858

yes it is
cope slut

>> No.33521871

imagine using duolingo when you could have duolingo but with cute fox girls

>> No.33521904

its gonna be gone soon

enjoy it

really is a good movie

>> No.33521907


>> No.33521920

i stopped putting weird shit colors in my hair from that movie

>> No.33521922

jamal loves him some white people movies

>> No.33521932

the slime streaks were bad anyway

>> No.33521933

damn this guy has a chill voice. good for relaxing

>> No.33521938
File: 393 KB, 960x540, 辻堂さんの純愛ロード.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33521939

found jamals spotify playlist

>> No.33521971

can u not shit on me for being white and liking jim carrey hes a legend and his art on twitter is good as hell

also if u want some white ppl music im more into stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7-30i1f5e0#t=30

>> No.33522010


>> No.33522017

at the end of the day im prog rock over alt rock

>> No.33522020

Is 勇者ヨシヒコ funny

>> No.33522024

still haven't clicked any of the posted youtube links

>> No.33522033

for me its rap rock

>> No.33522038

visual ゲイ rap rock

>> No.33522039

didnt read today

>> No.33522045

not my bag

>> No.33522058

not my futokoro

>> No.33522068

this is their best song its so fly

>> No.33522073


>> No.33522088

/mu/ is so shit they said 'advice' was a shitty track hope hiroshimoot nukes that cancerous board

>> No.33522090

its fucked up freebird is a ripoff of this song

>> No.33522110

tl note futokoro = bag

>> No.33522112
File: 117 KB, 720x405, 1614819867128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33522119

why is it not 'understanded' and 'knowed' why is it 'understood' and 'knew' why is it like that why is it not consistent why do they get special conjugations why is english so so shit!!! why cant you be consistent like japanese!!!

>> No.33522122

is core6k vocab list a better selection than wanikani's 6.5k or whatever?

>> No.33522124

wow fake tits on a fridge, very impressed

>> No.33522125

fake tits arent attractive

>> No.33522159


>> No.33522160

ok this i'll allow

>> No.33523836

please inform me of this non-linear perspective of time and causality, i like reading about stuff like this


also, explore yes, colonize no. the point of colonization was to spread the word of god and obtain more land to live. that's important. more land to live. it's survival that's in our nature, colonization is one of the methods we came up with to combat not having enough land.

i wish i could be willfully ignorant, or just ignorant in general. thanks, this was kind of an eye opener. i don't really care for this world anyway, i'm fine with it going on after i die. i'm not fit to raise kids anyway.


>> No.33523848

jk's aren't lolis retard

>> No.33523856

everyone should read the tale of genji

>> No.33523860

the only beings that can comment on high moral issues like bringing and taking life are the gods. they have gone silent but by consensus have thus far been pretty pro-procreation and, except for a few cucked ones, pro-slaying the fuck out of your tribe's enemies

>> No.33523876

na wie gehts

>> No.33523883

get out of your bubble retard most women except the really indoctrinated ones start trying to hook up with older guys in the teens years from pure natural biology. its faggot cucks and trannoids that make the biggest noise about this shit especially on 4chan
