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File: 108 KB, 800x600, 1252008481310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3349074 No.3349074 [Reply] [Original]

FACT: The best protagonist in anything ever.

>> No.3349085


>> No.3349099
File: 47 KB, 350x440, scrooge_mcduck_the_expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, not even close.

>> No.3349105
File: 210 KB, 1200x1896, NMH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I upgraded your Rance. His "Rance Attack" has been replaced with Ho-jectiles.

>> No.3349118
File: 112 KB, 600x678, rv16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah.

>> No.3349128


Too bad how even in his own fictional universe, the richest duck in the world has been dead for 42 years.

>> No.3349148


>> No.3349156

What are you talking about?

>> No.3349165

She's right, Rosa stated that Scrooge dies at the age of 100.

>> No.3349170

Gahahahaha, GOOD!

>> No.3349178


Don Rosa continuity. Born 1867, died 1967 (in reference to Carl Barks leaving Disney).

>> No.3349181


>> No.3349208


Well, he's alive in some rebooted continuities like Ducktales. But the Carl Barks and Don Rosa "present" is from 1947 to 1967.
He's been out for a long time.

At least when Rance falls off the branch, nobody's going to be squabbling over his loot.

>> No.3349251

My Point is, nothing story-wise indicates his death or even a specific timeline when the Rosa stories exactly happen or end.
We have one of the best Disney Publications here that I still buy, I have attened a panel where Rosa spoke, and this comment never reached my ears.
I understand the point of Bark's retirement, but after the '50 Year' anniversary story Rosa did, this statement is iffy.
Still, with Rosa retiring, the classic timeline of the Ducks is over, and other great Creators die/retire (like Scarpa), so few good new stories come out (Thogh the Time Machine epic collaboration was cool).

I miss the grand adventure and research that went into the big stories, and the gags that were not oversimplified,exaggerated skits.

>> No.3349259

Anyone want the Rance World character chart?

It's fucking MASSIVE and covers pretty much every character ever in Rance games, all connected by relation.

>> No.3349260


>> No.3349261


>> No.3349262

Shiki could kill and outrape Rance.

>> No.3349264
File: 585 KB, 1357x1000, soukan_shrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looks like, shrank to 25% size.
Can't post the original here due to sheer size.

Will upload in Megauploader in a sec....

>> No.3349266

Holy shit

>> No.3349274
File: 39 KB, 479x335, Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance is unstoppable.

>> No.3349277

Someone should translate this.

>> No.3349278

Killer doll hunting you down in your childhood.

>> No.3349291

Here you go

How to read the chart:
♪ = character canon to be in love with Rance
heart = character who had sex with Rance
cross tombstone = character killed by Rance
DA = character whose survival status is unknown
!? = character who isn't canon to exist in Rance main storyline yet
* = organization that disbanded or was destroyed

the colors of the borders around each grouup represents the organization or the area/nation

characters who images are crossed out = dead

>> No.3349301
File: 229 KB, 640x480, 1251969041592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3349307

I've thought about translating this long time ago, but I just figured there's probably not that many people who knows Rance outside Japan anyways, and didn't see the point.

Are there tons of English mods out now?
I might consider it if Rance VI and Sengoku has fan made translations available now, and there are enough fans out there...

>> No.3349324

So soon we'll get all Rance games translated but reversed, from Rance VII to Rance I?

>> No.3349330

I heard Kichikuou rance is for free now. Anyone knows where you can download it?

>> No.3349331

Sengoku does, but no VI. Which is unfortunate, VI is an awesome game.

>> No.3349332


But who the fuck would play Rance I? Or really, any of the earlier Rance titles? They should spend time translating other gameplay eroge instead of focusing on one series.

>> No.3349334


Wait, what, hang on? Is that a Touhou-styled hakutaku in there?
Right under the central portrait.

>> No.3349336

There are at least 90+ women who had sex with Rance.
Apparently, not Omachi since Rance does not fire/kill Masamune.
Ran stays a casualty.
There are a few extra 'Sex girls' that are not included due to 'alternate' route.
Gonna count the notes.

>> No.3349339

Why is dousan-chan in heart in there? I don't remember seeing an hscene for her.

>> No.3349347

which ones?
cut and paste here, and I'll tell you who they are.

>> No.3349351

Alicesoft official site.

I would. Hell yeah.

>> No.3349354

Many of them are sub-commanders with no scenes.
Aka, Rance fucked most female unique commanders.

>> No.3349355

Just like the non-unique units, you can still have sex with her.
They just don't have ecchi CGs.

>> No.3349360

If you get any generic female to love, Rance takes them. Why it's included is probably because everyone uses Dousan due to her convert actions.

>> No.3349362
File: 4 KB, 88x142, rancehakutaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bottom right.

>> No.3349365


>> No.3349371

That is correct.

I think people outside of Japan probably don't knwo this, but there's an official "epilogue" published in one of the Hanihon books for official Alicesoft fanclub members.

In it, a lot of detials were revealed.
Including the fact that.... even though it's an epilogue of the main storyline, ISOROKU IS PREGGO WITH RANCE'S BABY.

>> No.3349382

Out of them, seems that 13 are in love, + Poor Gigai.
Also, only Kenshin is the new 'love' addition in Sengoku Rance (Since True History Route is the one that will be applied in the next rance Game. excluding spin-offs).

>> No.3349389
File: 117 KB, 420x615, rance01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

That's Fellis, the demon that serves Rance.
The boy on the left is Rance and Fellis' son, "Dark Rance".

Rance got her preggo in 5D.
The son first appeared in VI.

>> No.3349390

That's nice.
Ranki for the power.

>> No.3349398

meh, I'll use a tripfag for convinience sake.
It's refereshing to be able to discuss Rance stuff with English speakers, shoot me up with questions.

>> No.3349404

Well, I understand what happens from 5-d and later(played them) and read the summary of 3, so no real questions.
Can you help me pinpoint the demon group in the chart though, is kinda clustered?

>> No.3349412

Doesn't his son want him dead for it?

Let us hope he doesn't turn out like his father did.

>> No.3349414

How similar is Kichiku-Oh to Sengoku in terms of story? I notice that a lot of characters in Kichiku-Oh are in Sengoku (and some of the Kichiku-Oh characters are also in Rance 6)

>> No.3349419

I've been playing through Rance VI, and Dark Rance does attack your group every now and then. He's pretty weak, though.

>> No.3349422


>> No.3349425

You mean would I give one to Rance?

>> No.3349438


Hold on now... normal facts of life and sexual consequences apply in Aliceverse?

Well... that's quite a surprise.

>> No.3349443

Of course. He is still a child, after all. Let him grow in power, though...

>> No.3349444

Kichikuoh was a special alternate story, where TADA decided to layout all the settings of Ranceverse he had in mind at the time.

So it IS a good reference base for the entire Rance world.
However, as the series progress, they did make a lot of changes.
Think of Kichikuoh as an incomplete blueprint, or a "pilot" game.

In Kichikuoh, Kou-hime plays a significantly different role.
She's the daughter of Nobunaga, who is overtaken by Zabiel.
When she had sex with Rance, Rance can see the "Whale" Rudo-Rasaum, the God and Creator of the universe.

Basically when Sengoku came out, they split Kou-hime into two different characters instead.
Kou and Kuro-hime.

Yes, "Dark Rance" hates his daddy, but he's a good boy. I don't think he'll turn out like his daddy.
We hope to see him meet Reset and Rangi (both are Rance's children) and make a three-kids team in the future.

The demons are towards the top-center-right.
I assume by demons you mean the "Akuma" race and not the "Majin" guys.

>> No.3349452

Oh, and I'm sure it's old news by now...

Rance II remake is in the making.
However, Rance VIII is on a hiatus right now.
Tada halted the production of Rance VIII, told Orion to work on Rance II remake, and he himself went to help out the big title for this winter (unannounced title).

>> No.3349454

Ah, that explains about Kichikuoh. Thanks.

>> No.3349455

IYeah, thanks.
Also, has God has any involvement other than kicking Rance out of the Void?
Also, IIRC All 5 original heroes subsist to some form today, are the ones other than Chaos and Nikkou mentioned somehow (backstory, current state)?

>> No.3349471
File: 14 KB, 200x200, kojiroh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys?

>> No.3349474
File: 117 KB, 1434x301, rance02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Demon (akuma) kind world.

Rasaum, the Demon King to the left.
He was formed from the left-over crumps when the world was created. He resembles Rudo-Rasaum a lot, and is planning to overtake his position as the God.

To the right of him is his wife, Tello-Etieno.
She guest starred in Toushin Toshi 3 recently.

To the right of her, in the box, is the "Three Demon Childs" (San-ma-ko)
They are the top three rulers of the demon world.
Prochione, Pollero-Patan, and Regassio.

To the right of them is random Demons that appeared in the series, including Zakarite (a parody of the demon of the same name from Project Sylpheed)

>> No.3349477
File: 20 KB, 320x240, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3349478

Rance started using protection (magical) after some princess he raped got pregnant.

>> No.3349481

Question: Why is Rance so Adol-like in appearance?

>> No.3349482
File: 8 KB, 232x230, ohhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plotless bullshit

>> No.3349491
File: 192 KB, 1514x711, rance03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many level of gods in the Ranceworld.

The top is Rudo-Rasaum, the Whale God.
The entire universe is made out of him.
All souls come from him, and eventually return to him.
Hell, run by the Oni, cleanses the soul and "reformats" it to a blank state, and returns it to the Whale.

Under him is the three Super Gods.
Their job is to create the world, and "entertain" the Whale.
If the Whale gets bored, they destroy the world and start over with a new "player".

A "player" refers to the prominent race.
Right now it's the human beings, but it used to be the Dragons.
Dragons were too perfect and powerful, so the Whale got bored with them and nearly extinct them.

Under the three Super Gods, the gods are classified as 1st-class (the highest), 2nd-class, and so on.
Then under then are the Level gods, that oversees levelings of creatures.

>> No.3349498

You got that right. But who cares anymore? Alicesoft is nothing more than a smut company that somehow has managed to survive and has not become stale like Elf(I used to be a fan of Elf WHEN THEY MADE GOOD GAMES).


>> No.3349506

Just because it doesn't have pre-teen styled melodrama doesn't mean it's plotless.

>> No.3349512
File: 41 KB, 186x191, rance04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you mention that.
There IS a separate Adol-clone in Ranceverse, named Arios.
He's the goodie-two-shoes hero type, and total opposite of Rance.
He's considered one of the three "heroes" of the world, along with Rance and Kentarou.

pic is Arios.

Rance and Arios has fought in the past, but they tied.
Pissed off, Rance went and fucked every girlfriend Arios had.

This part was supposed to be in Rance 5A~C, but the project was canned.
It's still a canon history, but only told in Hanihon.

>> No.3349523

Wow, Rance is kind of a sore loser.

>> No.3349525

>Pissed off, Rance went and fucked every girlfriend Arios had.
Consensual or rape? Would be awesome if consensual.

>> No.3349526

Well, at least he doesn't plot to kill the guy sinisterly.
Plus, they are ex-girlfriends.

>> No.3349528

How many decades ago is that now?

>> No.3349532
File: 114 KB, 600x516, akashihibachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps. Perhaps not. Haven't played the others and have no real intention to do so, but feel even though SR didn't have much of a plot, the various subplots were quite enjoyable.
Especially liked the Akashi arc. Proof that "adult themes" doesn't only imply sexual content - GTA or Postal would never face you with child soldiers.

>> No.3349533

If Rance trained just a bit after each adventure instead of marathon fucking and lazing, he would have won.
But that's less fun, I guess.

>> No.3349536
File: 613 KB, 2100x4800, moe 50803 adol_christin male ys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's amazing. So I guess the whole Adol/Rance similarities weren't unnoticed by Alicesoft and possibly intentional.

>> No.3349539

The current "Maoh Little Princess" Miki-chan and her boyfriend Kentarou are actually from a different game.
They predate even Rance 1, actually.

The original three games were:
Sarawareta Miki-chan (Kidnapped Miki-chan), Little Princess, and Little Vampire.

The story from that continues into Ranceverse.

>> No.3349542

>The current "Maoh Little Princess" Miki-chan and her boyfriend Kentarou
Why haven't they fucked yet?

>> No.3349548

Yeah, they sounded like they had a lot of history.

It's a damn shame more Rance games/info isn't translated. I'm very impressed by it's world and cast of characters.

>> No.3349549

I think 10 years or so. After they lost their writer, it all went downhill.

Now it kinda lives on by using its old titles and whatever fuckfest games they manage to sell.

>> No.3349572

Is this Hanihon book scanned?

>> No.3349575

Who knows, they may have had ecchi scenes in the original game.
I've never played the Little series, it's not exactly before my time, but I was more into Chaos Angels and Tenshitachi no Gogo back then lol

A lot of the story from Little Vampire was changed to fit with Ranceverse, of course.
So it's better to look at them as a reference.

Btw, how did the english translations handle "Majin" and "Maoh"?
If they used "demons" or "Devils", they'll run into a lot of problems later....

Akuma (demons) are totally different rance and factions than the Maoh and Majin.

>> No.3349579

>>I'm very impressed by it's world and cast of characters.

You are easily impressed then.

>> No.3349582

thanks anon!

>> No.3349595
File: 92 KB, 800x600, rance6938173270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still better than the Type-Moon universe.

>> No.3349599

Since technically there is no official English terminology, the fan translation uses Demons and Demon King(Miki, Gill, etc, taht branch).

>> No.3349601

I don't know, but I have them right here.
I don't have a scanner, but I can take digicam images, should I?

>> No.3349607

Hmm, that might cause problems then.

There's Gods and Demons (Akuma), they are opposing factions.

But the Majin/Maoh are NOT an opposing faction to Gods, they are actually part of the Gods' plan of the world.
So translating them as demons will be... very problematic later on.

>> No.3349609

It's a big wrold with recurring characters and themes, and some cosmology properly placed.
For a porn gameplay focused series, that's pretty damn better than one would expect.
And it's better than quite a few normal Adventure/RPGS either way.

>> No.3349615

Well, it's a fan translation, so can easily be retconned.
Plus, the God opposing faction could be called Devils instead.
Till more games are translated, no real issue.

>> No.3349616
File: 231 KB, 1280x960, 111680f75d54a11cbd4df5105a41dcb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that's alright. I'll look around for them. Thanks for all of the info, this is good stuff.

>> No.3349618

Why does Rance have the East German Anthem as his theme?
(Also, how do I mod sengoku rance to replace his theme with the anthem... shit would be so cash).

For those who don't know what I'm talking about check out this moontube movie and go to minute 9:20

>> No.3349622

I agree

>> No.3349625

A Glorious theme for his glorious days.

>> No.3349633

>>It's a big wrold with recurring characters and themes, and some cosmology properly placed.

Hence why you are easily impressed.

>> No.3349644
File: 191 KB, 800x990, rance05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doh, I already took a picture of one of the pages lol

This is a chronological chart showing the progress of the three heroes.
It continues to the next page.

It's from Hanihon vol. 7

>> No.3349647


Rance has been going on for 20 years now. It would only make sense that it's more developed than the Type-Moon universe.

>> No.3349649

Ooh, I'll have to get my hands on that sometime. Does it have a lot of pictures? Because I'm sure as hell not capable of reading anything of importance in that book.

>> No.3349651

Oh, so some effort in a setting where you did not expect one is just for young impressionable minds?
Get the stick out your ass, son.

>> No.3349655

Yeah, because YOU know what your talking about.

>> No.3349661

Developed/explored facets, sure.
'Better', as in construction, attention etc, not necessarily, different matter.
Besides, you post with a trip, your opinions are remembered.

>> No.3349668

The hanihons are full colored pages.
I have vol.6 and 7 here, and it's 60 pages all in color.

vol.6 has the Sengoku Rance epilogue, that takes place after the True History route, and reveals Isoroku to be preggo with Rance's baby.
(Rangi is canon woot)

Masamune is also shown alive, that's why in the character chart Omachi isn't shown to have sex with Rance.

Also, they mention that the MIKADO SWORD was found.
So some parts of Kenshin route might make into canon continuity.

>> No.3349670

What the hell, why is /jp/ full of confrontational idiots today? What happened to taking it easy?

>> No.3349671


>What the hell, why is /jp/ full of confrontational idiots today?

There was a time when it wasn't?

>> No.3349676

He reminds me of the protagonist of Ys games.

>> No.3349679

>>3349668 vol.6 has the Sengoku Rance epilogue, that takes place after the True History route, and reveals Isoroku to be preggo with Rance's baby.

That's actually pretty awesome, and it also means that Isoroku isn't missing her leg, I assume?

>> No.3349682


read >>3349512

>> No.3349684

see >>3349481

You're not the only one.

>> No.3349689

Does Keikoku ever get properly explained?
Or will she be fucked/killed another day?

>> No.3349693


Yes, I clearly have a stick up my ass for not being impressed that a game manages to have the bare-minimum requirements for a plot. I suppose I should be more lenient and praise any guitarist that can play 3 chords in a semi-coherent beat, or any artist that can draw a fairly-straight line. Having recurring characters, a theme, and a somewhat working cosmology is obviously a tremendous landmark in writing. Any company that can put half their ass into the game is exceptionally noteworthy and deserves recognition.

>> No.3349694

This is what I get for not reading. Anyway, it makes sense. They looked too alike in appearance for there not to be a connection.

>> No.3349697

correct. Isoroku still has both legs, since this is after the true history route, but is preggo.

btw, I made a mistake.
Vol.7 is the one with the epilogue
Vol.6 is the one with the Rance chonology chart.
got that backwards

>> No.3349706

Yes, because you have provided an example of anything better than the Rance universe.

I'm not saying the Rance universe is the best thing ever written, but you have no argument other than your unqualified judgment.

>> No.3349707

You have a stick up your ass because you're arguing in a thread you obviously don't belong in and are trying to tell people to stop liking things.

>> No.3349708

Keikoku has not appeared in the True History arc, nor is she referenced to in the epilogue.

Meaning, as far as we know, she doens't exist in the canon storyline.

>> No.3349710


>> No.3349712

When a very big percentage of games do not even bother so?
Especially in a game with Adult themes where usually they disregard proper semblance of writing for the sake of adult themes?

It's more that it needs to, and it's well done.
I'm not saying it's the best thing ever, I'm saying it has more thought and attention than I suspected, and it's interesting.

You have to apply your standards a bit, tightass.

>> No.3349713

Isoroku > Kenshin >>>>>> Ran

>> No.3349720

Perhaps later Discord in JAPAN...
It still fucking bothers me that you can do neither.

>> No.3349721

BB, what's your favorite Rance game?

>> No.3349723


>> No.3349724

The Majin (demon) stuff are probably on everyone' mind, since they are insanely popular part of Rance. I'll explain them next then

>> No.3349725


That just means someone else is as retarded as you. Ran > all

>> No.3349726

Route wise or Waifu wise?
Or maybe unit wise?

>> No.3349729

Shit, I'm surprised, also. You, sir, have good taste.

>> No.3349735

Kettle calling the sun black.
Ran is the worst route.

>> No.3349737

Ran route is shit, how the hell can anyone like that NTR route.

>> No.3349739

Kichikuoh = Sengoku > Rance III = Rance VI > the rest.

I thought Kichikuoh is unbeatable until Sengoku came out.
Kichikuoh still has a huge advantage in being so immensely huge scale and came first though.
Fond memories are hard to beat.

>> No.3349744

If you like Isoroku, you should play Kichiku-oh.

She was reluctant and just wanted his baby at first, but once she has the baby... she becomes so dere-dere with Rance, the sex just gets better as she actually enjoys it.

>> No.3349747

YES, do want.

>> No.3349749

It's too bad it was a single CG(though she also grasped the talismans there).
Also, perhaps I should upload the CGs of Kichikuou I have, I have not seen them elsewhere much.

>> No.3349750
File: 110 KB, 600x589, omachichibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I respect your opinion which is of equal value and worth to anybody else's, but in the name of honesty I must disagree most sincerely from a purely personal standpoint, without any intention of insult or disrespect.
Just in case.

>> No.3349751


Considering the reason the route is ntr is rance's fault, you can't really blame ran. She's one of the few girls that tried to stick to her beliefs.

>> No.3349752

Too bad 90% of us can't read it. I'll probably play it anyway, after I'm done with Rance VI. Isoroku = love.

>> No.3349757

>>When a very big percentage of games do not even bother so?

Do you have any statistics to back up this claim, or are you just pulling facts out of your ass?

>>Especially in a game with Adult themes where usually they disregard proper semblance of writing for the sake of adult themes?

How many have you played, which ones, and are you seriously trying to argue disregarding writing for the sake of porn in a Rance game? A game where 90% of the plot revolves around lolrandom humor and sex?

>> No.3349759

Damn, I'm eager to play it, I'm downloading Kichikuou right now

>> No.3349762

That's cool too.

>> No.3349766

Kenshi > Ran > Isoroku.

Sorry, but for me, kenshin is the best

>> No.3349768

...Statistics, right. If you play many RPGs. adventures/exploration, SRPGS, especially dated ones, you will realize their setting and characters are either very basic or rehashed. Of they do not bother to really expand on the setting and mechanics, and just tell you what happens in the plot.
Secondly, we talk about the world setting, not the in-game plot. Also, your ratio is quite wrong.

>> No.3349774

>Also, perhaps I should upload the CGs of Kichikuou I have, I have not seen them elsewhere much.
Do it.

>> No.3349776

I think you quoted the wrong post.

>> No.3349780
File: 575 KB, 506x1228, rance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3349791

look at

Your troll-fu is weak.

>> No.3349799

...Are you sure you quoted the correct post?

>> No.3349804
File: 182 KB, 526x1122, rance07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Majin factions are split into two.
They are fighting each other over the Maoh role.

The previous Demon Lord Gai's daughter "Hornet" wants Little Princess Miki to take the helm of their kind as the current Demon Lord.

Caverisu is the leader of the other faction, he wants to kill Miki and become the new Maoh.

Top left: Medusa
Formally a hebi-san monstergirl.
Likes to fuck and kill with her snake-penis.
She loves Caverisu.

Top right: Caverisu
Formally a squirrel (risu). Dumb, and is in love with Camilla. Wants to become the Demon Lord.

2nd left: Galtia, a formerly human mushi-user.
He has three mushi living in his stomach, and is always hungry. Dumb, but a nice guy.

2nd right: La Saizel
Twin of Hauzel, formerly Angel Knight
(but secretly, she was a 2nd class God who was split into two twins).
Very tsundere. Rance made her cry in VI.

3rd left: Kessel-Link.
Formerly a Color. Colors are female race, why Kessel-Link is a male is a mystery.
He loves maids. Has tons of Maid decipiles.

>> No.3349831

Can I get a rundown on the differences between Akuma, Majin etc? I"m a bit confused.

>> No.3349858 [DELETED] 

Top-Center: Camilla
Formerly the only female dragon in existence.
She led the demon army in VI, and was defeated (and raped) by Rance.
Hates her boss Caverisu.

top-right: Kite
Formerly human. Supereme martial artist.

left: Piar
Formerly human. Shota. Mechanical genius.
Creates cyborgs to do his bidding.

Center, below Camille: Aberuto
Formerly human, and servant of Camille.
He takes Jeek's blood-soul and becomes the new Majin

Below center: Jeek
Formally a "mimic" monster.
He can transform into almost anything, and even mimic their strength.
However when he mimic something more powerful than him, he cannot do it with full strenth or long duration.
Very gentleman-esque, and does not like to fight dirty.
Was killed by Rance in VI.

Right of Jeek: Babora
Massive Rock-giant.
Potentially the most powerful Majin of all, due to sheer size... but dumber than a rock.
He's so stupid, it's very easy to trap him.

Right of Babora: RedEye
A red "gem" turned into a Majin.
He possess the body of a Toushin (battle god), a giant robot from the ancient Magic Kingdom.
He also possess Lv3 Magic, which is the most powerful magic level in this world.
However, RedEye is totally insane.

Bottome-left: Ray
Formerly a lightning monster.
He has been in love with a human woman for decades.
The woman, Mary Anne (shown below) is now an elderly woman, but his love for her is still strong.
Caverisu is holding her life as an hostage for Ray to obey him.

Bottom-right: Warg
Formerly... human?
A loli majin who dwells in the dreams.
She can make any being see any type of dream she desires.
She was the key in restoring peace in Kichikuoh, as she can even put the Creator of the Universe to sleep, making her potentially the most dangerous being alive.

That's all for the Caverisu faction.

>> No.3349861
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Top-Center: Camilla
Formerly the only female dragon in existence.
She led the demon army in VI, and was defeated (and raped) by Rance.
Hates her boss Caverisu.

top-right: Kite
Formerly human. Supereme martial artist.

left: Piar
Formerly human. Shota. Mechanical genius.
Creates cyborgs to do his bidding.

Center, below Camille: Aberuto
Formerly human, and servant of Camille.
He takes Jeek's blood-soul and becomes the new Majin

Below center: Jeek
Formally a "mimic" monster.
He can transform into almost anything, and even mimic their strength.
However when he mimic something more powerful than him, he cannot do it with full strenth or long duration.
Very gentleman-esque, and does not like to fight dirty.
Was killed by Rance in VI.

Right of Jeek: Babora
Massive Rock-giant.
Potentially the most powerful Majin of all, due to sheer size... but dumber than a rock.
He's so stupid, it's very easy to trap him.

Right of Babora: RedEye
A red "gem" turned into a Majin.
He possess the body of a Toushin (battle god), a giant robot from the ancient Magic Kingdom.
He also possess Lv3 Magic, which is the most powerful magic level in this world.
However, RedEye is totally insane.

Bottome-left: Ray
Formerly a lightning monster.
He has been in love with a human woman for decades.
The woman, Mary Anne (shown below) is now an elderly woman, but his love for her is still strong.
Caverisu is holding her life as an hostage for Ray to obey him.

Bottom-right: Warg
Formerly... human?
A loli majin who dwells in the dreams.
She can make any being see any type of dream she desires.
She was the key in restoring peace in Kichikuoh, as she can even put the Creator of the Universe to sleep, making her potentially the most dangerous being alive.

That's all for the Caverisu faction.

>> No.3349880

He used to be good when he wasn't popular in /jp/.

Now he's the next Shiki/Archer/whatever Shonen Jump esque main character we idolize.

>> No.3349882

Maoh (Demon Lord) is the lord of the Majin (Demon).
Their purpose is to rule the land, and incite violence.
This keeps the Whale god from getting bored.
So they are not opposition of the Gods.

The Akuma (Devils) spawned from remains of Gods, and their plans is to take over the Gods as rulers of the universe.
They seduce humans to give their soul to them, and collects the souls.

Basically all souls belongs to the Whale god.
But the Devil King, a smaller evil Whale god, wants to take the souls from the world and make himself eventually bigger than the real Whale God, and take over his place.

>> No.3349885

Well, here's the CG of Kichikuou I could get.

>> No.3349898

If popularity ruins something for you, you are a faggot of the highest order. Focus and qualities of the character do not change, shounen, sheinen, josei, shoujo, kodomo or whatever.

>> No.3349905

Why is Rance 4's design of Rance so awesome?

>> No.3349909

You sound like someone from /v/.

>> No.3349910

Not my fault if most of you guys are so fucking annoying it makes everything you hype a instant piece of crap.

>> No.3349912

Thanks. That makes things easy to remember.

>> No.3349919

Who's Reset

>> No.3349929
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I'm partial to Kichikuoh and VI's Rance designs, myself.

>> No.3349935

Except it doesn't.
You are a pathetic little bitch who can't hold on to his own opinions and assessments and enjoy things for what they are..
Hey, I heard /jp/ overhypes air and water, you better avoid and hate them too.

>> No.3349940

5d,VI and Sengoku share the same art direction, pretty much.

>> No.3349942


Don't forget to leave the rep point!

>> No.3349956

Next time read more than the first post, kiddo.

>> No.3349972


i think he read them all. this point is even if you like a character having said character stuck in your face constantly gets annoying.

>> No.3349986

Not really, no.
Unless you are s\surprisingly intolerant to the consistent rance threads we have since the game became available, which are usually more about game mechanics and are condensed.

>> No.3349987

You're new to the game that's why, give it one more year and you will understand what I'm talking about.

>> No.3349992

You guys seem to know a lot about this Rance

I wish I were u

>> No.3350000
File: 98 KB, 800x600, Bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the troll, onward with the thread.

>> No.3350002

Newfag doesn't know how to hide threads.

I personally don't like the idol threads, but do I bitch?
No, I hide.

>> No.3350005

Holy shit guise you know a lot about this game.

Where can I apply for cool internet dude?

>> No.3350006


i'm not talking about rance. i'm talking about how something popular can eventually become annoying due to seeing it so many times.

>> No.3350009
File: 272 KB, 1080x858, rance08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hornet faction:

Top right: Hornet
Daugher of Demon Lord Gai, and the leader of the demons.
Follows her father's with to make the Little Prince the next Lord.
Is in a war with Caverisu faction, and losing.
She's obviously the princess of the Demons, and hopefully becomes Rance's target in the future game.

top right, under Hornet: Satella
She is a golem creator, and can create extremely powerful golems. Magic Lv2 Guardian Lv2.
She has a very sensitive skin, and easily orgasms if touched by a man.
Rance uses that to defeat her in Rance III.
Very Tsundere. Was nearly raped by Rance.
In Kichiku-oh, she becomes dere-dere to Rance after having many sex.
Red Ponytail. Yes, I love her.

Center: Silky Littleraisin
Friend and loyal servant of Hornet.
A master of Exo-skeletons. Lv 2 Chimaera creation.

Center-left: Noss and Aizel
These guys are both dead.
Noss was formerly a dragon, and was decieving his comrades. His true intention was the resurrection of Jill, the evil Demon Lord before Gai. Was killed in Rance III
Aizel fell in love with Shizuka (one of Rance major heroines) and was killed in Rance III.

bottom-left: La Hauzel
Twin of La Saizel. Fire user (Saizel was Ice).
Kind one-chan who wants to see her sister come to her side.
The goddess image shown between her and her sister, is what they become if they were merged.
2nd class Goddess of destruction, La Baswald.

Right of Hauzel: Megaras
Formerly an alien race named Holse.
The fastest Demon alive, can fly at insane speeds.

Bottom Right: Lemon C Barksham
The man who kidnapped Miki and brought her to Ranceverse. He was killed by Noss.

that's it for Hornet faction.

>> No.3350010

Onward? More like advance on

>> No.3350011

...You presume too much.
Everything I like on any board of 4chan, I have seen it dragged through shit and mud..
My tastes have not changed.
Whatever game it is, you suck at it.

>> No.3350013

I DOUBT you guys know more about Rance than me and that's why I'll make those awesome posts explaining the story, characters and all.

Prepare to suck my dick, newbies.

>> No.3350014

>50000 GET
epic get!!!!

>> No.3350020
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Well, since this ship is sinking, I'm outta here. Thanks for all the cool background info, BB.

>> No.3350026

Holy shit dude you know a lot!

>> No.3350028

Hey, remember when Inganock wasn't furry shit and people thought it looked interesting? Yeah, it was before it won the poll and became popular.

>> No.3350039

Even for /jp/, this is kinda low.
It's not even a troll/spam thread.

>> No.3350041

No need to.

I'm always here to prove everyone online I'm well informed about it.

>> No.3350051

Gimme more Rance classes guys.

I'm too stupid to use google.

>> No.3350055
File: 60 KB, 400x663, rance09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the last demon.
A true oddball.

Masuzoe, a HANI majin.
He is completely neutral, and belongs to neither faction, and lives in the bottom of the abyss.
His two sidekick Hani are named Brad and Pitt. No, seriously.

But don't underestimate him.
Being both a Demon and a Hani, he has the Demon barrier AND inheritent Perfect Magic Barrier of Hani, making him extremely durable even against another Demon.

>> No.3350057

Or translate it from Japanese.

>> No.3350058
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Please, don't incite someone to bring up the killing question.
You know which one it is.

>> No.3350060

Holy Shit, final boss.

>> No.3350064

That's pretty extreme.

>> No.3350076

I think it's all the same person. What a whiny faggot.

>> No.3350087

I forgot to include Xavier, but meh, you all know him.

The bastard that took over Nobunaga, and raped Japan.
Since he was sealed for hundreds of years, he doesn't belong to either faction.
Formerly a monster race called Fire-kappa.
Died at the end of Sengoku Rance, of course.

>> No.3350088

FACT: Best eye candy in anything, ever.

>> No.3350109

>>3350087 Fire-kappa.

How does that work?

>> No.3350122

Flame requires oxygen, which exists on water.
Apparently, it was a great fire.

>> No.3350123

Reset is a Color girl born between Rance and Pastel, the Queen of Color.
The only game she shows up in is Kichiku-oh.

However, fans expect Pastel to show up in the Helman arc, which is probably gonna be Rance 9. (Rance 8 has been stated recently to NOT be the Helman arc), since Rance is headed to the Color forest to find cure for the ice curse.

It's very AWWWWWWWWW the way Rance treats her, he become a typical daddy.
Even Rance has weakness to a loli daughter.

>> No.3350126

They live in lava?

>> No.3350143
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Top right is Pastel, Queen of the Color.
Bottom right is Reset, Rance and Pastel's daughter.

>> No.3350157

How many fucking children does Rance have? Does he at least provide for them or is he a deadbeat?

>> No.3350177

>>mass serial rapist
>>Does he at least provide for them or is he a deadbeat?

seriously dude? also 3

>> No.3350182

2+1 on a spinoff.
One is Demon Rance and he hates him (since a human impregnating a demon led to severe punishment for her) so no health care, and the most recent seed is in Isoroku, which he does not know about, most probably..
And in Kichikuou he becomes a silly dad as mentioned above.
Also, a girl he impregnated once aborted (early in his career), so he is taking contraception seriously.

>> No.3350200

There are two confirmed children in the current storyline.
Dark Rance and Rangi.
Dark Rance is the only one Rance is aware of.
They are devils, and although Rance shows a sign of concern, there's not much he can do about them right now.

Rance hasn't met Pastel yet in the canon storyline, so obviously Reset doesn't exist yet.

>> No.3350203

>>he is taking contraception seriously.

how so?

>> No.3350208

Contraception magic, cast by Sill.

>> No.3350219

Oh shit...

>> No.3350223

I never saw Fuuka dying.
Can anyone explain?

>> No.3350224

Just so it doesn't get confusing, let me explain that Fellis and Dark Rance are "Akuma", and not "Majin".
If demon is going to be used for Maoh and Majin, we should probably call her devil or something.

>> No.3350231

She dies if you kill the Orochi.

Not an easy task, of course. He's insanely more powerful than Xavier.

>> No.3350241


rance killing orochi is canon? he lets fuuka die?

>> No.3350242

But Canon-Wise, Rance did that?
Holy shit, if Rance does not start the next game at least lv 60, I'll be pissed. You can't beat Orochi and lose 30+ levels a couple months later.

>> No.3350256

It's not specifically said, but in the epilogue, Natori is seen still staying at the Oda's castle.

If Orochi wasn't killed, she wouldn't be there, she would be back to her job as miko in the shrine.

So I assume the chart creator deducted from the epilogue that it's likely Orochi was killed, and Natori and the mikos freed from their job.

>> No.3350292

And all the single men across the land mourned the loss of their outlet.

>> No.3350312
File: 24 KB, 192x256, サテラ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satella is LOVE.

She was one of the most popular chararcter along with Isoroku for years.
Can't wait till we see her in canon again.

>> No.3350320


where are the doujins then?

>> No.3350334


Her character design looks terrible.

>> No.3350344

Have you seen many Rance doujinshi regardless?

>> No.3350347
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>> No.3350355

She's been raped and will get raped repeatedly, right? I fucking hate Rance for this reason. I don't mind rape but not with characters I like.

>> No.3350363
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>> No.3350381
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None. But there's got to be some. Remember the rules of the internet - there is porn of it, even if it was porn to begin with.

Chances are they are stashed away with the legendary (pending downgrade to mythical) bishie-Rommel X bishie-Montgomery yaoi doujins.

>> No.3350384

Actually, he made her orgasm over and over, but never got to raping her in III.

In Kichikuoh, she challenges him to duel, and by winning them you have sex with her.
She's very tsundere and falls in love with Rance eventually.
She's one of the key heroine to select route, if you agree to what she asks you to, Rance eventually become the next Demon Lord by killing Miki.

That's how you get the Demon Lord end... he becomes a terrible tyrant, and Satella becomes his partner.
I think the only way to get this route is if you let Sill die early in the hands of the evil bitch in Helman. Rance becomes kinda fucked up.

>> No.3350397

Well, tell me if you ever find decent Riviera shit too.
Can you put in Spoiler tags outlines of teh Kichikuou routes?
I only got the 'Sill Wandering again' route.

>> No.3350401

What kind of moron would fall in love with Rance? I hate hatbitch for the same reason. He's fucking awesome and all, but what girl wants to be raped every night?

>> No.3350408

...You kinda missed a vital point there chief.
No matter.

>> No.3350428 [DELETED] 

it almost seems silly to ask spoiler tags for a game 13 years old lol

>> No.3350496

>>What kind of moron would fall in love with Rance?

A mixture of lolrandom and convenient plot writing to keep Kenshin seen as the super strong warrior but also the moe moe shy maiden.

Yeah, it's shit.

>> No.3350522

...I know it made sense in your head, but that is largely irrelevant.

>> No.3350559
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>what girl wants to be raped every night?

>> No.3350567

...majin buu?

oh shit I just realized they are both majin
another awesome reference?

>> No.3350571


Honestly, a 5 layered lunch box AS A SNACK is more absurd that the whole auto-lose when she faces Rance.

>> No.3350590

>>3350401 What kind of moron would fall in love with Rance?

The same kind that fall in love with jocks. The kind that ignored you in high school. Shit was so cash.

>> No.3350591

Still irrelevant.

>> No.3350633

>implying she actually wanted it

>> No.3350655
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>> No.3350676
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so anyone knows if Rance bangs the soul binder in the future

>> No.3350929

There haven't been any new Rance since VII, so no.

>> No.3350934

Yeah, that is what I was implying. You're pretty observant!

>> No.3350966

So canonically, the only people that fell in love with Rance during the JAPAN trip were Kaguyahime, Kenshin and the gay firebird?
Rance isn't as amazing as I thought he'd be.

>> No.3350972

It just means there may be others, but it's hard to say for certain without them expressing it in epilogue or sequels.

>> No.3351032

Are they even gonna make another one?

>> No.3351054

They were making VIII, but it's put on hiatus for now.
Alicesoft has some title ready for the end of the year, which they haven't announced what yet, and TADA (the director of Rance and boss at Alice) is helping the staff on that title while putting Rance VIII on hold.
Meanwhile Orion (the artist behind 5D, VI, and Sengoku) is working on remake of Rance II, mostly by himself.

>> No.3351077


Are you kidding? Are they going to stop making their signature title series that has around seven games? It's not like it's a particularly hard game to come up with a story for. They're going to make more eventually.

>> No.3351088

Financial problems can happen.

>> No.3351102


you mean the cheap whores that now want my cock now that i'm making 90 grand a year?

>> No.3351115

>>Financial problems can happen.

That will just give them more of a reason to push out another Rance title to milk the series.

>> No.3351183
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone want to explain to me what's happening here

>> No.3351203


Rance has a mixture of shock and disbelief while girls are laughing at the situation.

>> No.3351219


It's the erectile dysfunction Bad End.

>> No.3351236


Hyperwaffe kaputt?

>> No.3351757

Are the strongest people in Ranceverse Rick Addison, Rance, Arios, and Kentarou?

>> No.3351791

Gandhi, Leila, Kenshin, etc. are stronger than Rance, Arios, and Kentarou currently.

>> No.3351827

Rance gets stronger with fucking.

>> No.3351863

who is Arios?

>> No.3351881

But isn't Leila weaker than Rick and Rick is just as strong as Rance (ie By The Way is just as powerful as Rance attack)?

>> No.3351889

See: >>3349512

>> No.3351899

Canonically but Rance always has no fucking level cap for some reason.

>> No.3351945

How do the other Rance games compare to VII?

>> No.3352018

Here's hoping that the next large-scale Rance game will be a Three Kingdoms Rance. With a shy female version of Cao Cao. Shit would be so cash.

>> No.3352033


>> No.3352041

I find it very hard to Alicesoft to create a better Cao Cao than the one in Shin Koihime Musou.

>> No.3352046


>> No.3352060

And then Liu Bei and Sun Quan routes (although Sun Ce was the better protagonist ;_;).

>> No.3352496


>> No.3352598

So, I'm doing shitty. Second Game and I only had 5 points to start with from the completion. How do I get some actual points? Also. FFFFfffs TAKEDA BLITZ.

>> No.3352805
File: 162 KB, 750x1000, kou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the role of Kou Hime, and her relation to Rance? After seeing that a figure was made for her, I have to wonder what her significance is.

>> No.3353111

She's the heroine of Sengoku Rance.

>> No.3353450

In sengoku rance can fuck her, but you lose (he becomes a lolicon and start to despise normal women)

The rest of the time is more like a little sister/ a future project ("in 4 years I will fuck her, in 4 years I will fuck her...")
