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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33334037 No.33334037 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON. The all-new "archived after 38 replies" edition.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (in Japanese)

>Kara no Kyoukai – the Garden of Sinners
Kara no Kyoukai novel (in Japanese)
English translations by cokesakto
Kara no Kyoukai Anime Movies
Kara no Kyoukai Manga

Tsukihime PLUS-DISC
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
MELTY BLOOD PC Collection (updated 2018-05-30)
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga

Fate stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate hollow ataraxia
Fate Zero
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files Manga

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night
VN: https://mega.nz/#F!YVkkhAjQ!Ggu2BS3MDfaofporByJsFw
English Patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nUY3G5Z8tgBnfvELhbLiYhmLolDI2TwC/
French Patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

Other works
>Angel Voice (A doujin anthology that contains the short novel "Notes." written by Nasu, and the Manga "clowick canaan-vail" drawn by Takeuchi.)
>Fate Apocrypha
>Fate Extra
>Fate Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fate strange Fake
>Fate type Redline
>Fire Girl
>Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade manga
>Tsuki no Sango
>Tsuki no Sango Manga

Other links
>Beast's Lair
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate/complete material II Character material.
>Fate Art Books
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Type-Moon Comic Ace
>Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc)
>Tsukihime Archives
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary Phantasm translation

Previous: >>33303906

>> No.33334078
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>> No.33334094
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Boy Shiki!

>> No.33334108
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MILF Shiki!

>> No.33334117
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>> No.33334350


Wtf? a new thread made just for Shiki Birthday or something? lol the other one only lasted like 2 days.

>> No.33335132

Good day, i would like to read the tsukihime visual novel, which version from the OP should i grab? And do i need anything else?

>> No.33336138

Fuwanovel version from nyaasi

>> No.33338781

this one is the best

>> No.33339260

How the fuck did the old thread actually die?

>> No.33339515

Saabanto no assashin
Sasaki Kojirou

>> No.33339999

Because people didn't post in it.
I disagree but respect your opinion.

>> No.33341146

I get that Sasaki was summoned by Medea, but what about True Assassin Hassan?
He just kind of pops up.

>> No.33342108

Zouken summons him. I don't remember the exact details. Probably something to do with the Assassin slot never technically being 'filled' by Sasaki (due to being summoned by Medea) + Zouken having helped create the HGW system and knowing all the cheat codes.

>> No.33343506

How can I become a farmer if I lack the necessary set of skills? I don't even like wheat

>> No.33343729

Put seed on the ground
Cover in dirt
Give it some water

>> No.33343768

Wheat is good for you.

>> No.33346075


>> No.33348168

Why is Kara no Kyoukai so kino and Shiki so cute bros? Nasu never topped its quality.

>> No.33348238

>Nasu never topped its quality.
Blasphemy. KnK does have its own unique charm though.

>> No.33352318
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>> No.33352993
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Hmm, I wonder what this reminds me of?

>> No.33353012
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While somewhat different, it is the same style with a few tweaks.
Shame Koyama, shame.

>> No.33353068

Oh no, if it is actually mirrored I'm gonna snap.
Looks like taking the old and simply changing a few things, or using it as reference, both of which is not very good.

>> No.33353112
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>> No.33353145

Upon final inspection, it is an original piece, as the required mods to the original would take too much time.
Still, it is no different to what Koyama has done dozens of times now, take old Aoko art elements and put it in new stuff that flanderises everything.
The silver lining is that he clearly still has a drive to his old work.

>> No.33353699
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Revising old stuff. Fun times.

>> No.33353742
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>> No.33353797
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>> No.33353856
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>> No.33353867
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>> No.33354093

Dead franchise

>> No.33354283
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>> No.33356271
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Whats wrong nasu? Is the tsuki remake that bad?

>> No.33357114
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Yeah it became dead the moment TM succumb to virutal gambling

>> No.33358016
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Since Shiki Ryougi is in Melty Blood Actress Again, when is it recommended to watch KnK movies? Is it after finishing Tsukihime or after Kagetsu Tohya? I've read that KnK have plenty of Tsukihime references.

>> No.33358074

>I've read that KnK have plenty of Tsukihime references
It does? I mean both Shiki's have MEoDP but that's all I can see. Maybe some little stuff about DA and DAAs left and right but not that much really. And Toko and Aoko being siblings I guess?

>> No.33358662

KnK was written before Tsukihime. Tsukihime is the one that references KnK.

>> No.33360473

The tsukihime remake will save type-moon.

>> No.33362228

no it wont. the fatefags have seen to that

>> No.33363192

FGO will lose its mega-popularity and become like KanColle meaning that type-moon gets bored with it and works on other things. It's Tsukihime's time to shine.

>> No.33364684
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Shirabii is based for doing Alice art.

>> No.33365338
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>FGO will lose its mega-popularity and become like KanColle meaning that type-moon gets bored with it and works on other things
Keep telling that to yourself

>> No.33365766

Kohaku did nothing wrong.

>> No.33365796

FGO is already past its peak popularity. It'll still be profitable of course, but it'll stop being the "big thing" and just be another gatcha.

>> No.33366745

It’s still popular but it’s already reached how popularity it will be. Only a new FGO game made for consoles like Genshin will have it reach a new audience and have it explode in popularity to a bigger audience.

>> No.33366895
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I've been editing the mirror moon scripts to read more like a normal book (and improve some of the more egregious translations) for about a year and a half now. I'm wondering what kind of legal trouble I would get in if I tried to sell these. If I were to change all the proper nouns would it get past Aniplex's radar?
I realize I was inconsistent with my numbering conventions

>> No.33366965

>editing the mirror moon scripts to read more like a normal book (and improve some of the more egregious translations)
What the actual fuck. Do you even know Japanese?

>> No.33367019

Barely, I only got like 3 months into anki

>> No.33367034

So the answer is "no" then. Well anyway, you'll never make any money off of this but at least you aren't doing it for free.

>> No.33367222

Share a snippet for us, anon. I'm curious.

>> No.33367899
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It's still an early draft so it definitely needs some more editing, but I figured it was good enough for personal use

>> No.33370693

Talking about fate fanbooks, have you guys seen this: https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/8756-Fate-Misty-Lament ?
I think it looks really good for fanmade stuff, but no news for a long time. Hope he continues.

>> No.33370849

I've always wondered why we never got a grail war played straight.

>> No.33370863

>a grail war played straight
Because that's actually boring.

>> No.33371050

But will Genshin kill FGO?
Out of all gachas out there, Genshin Impact seems the one that's able to rival FGO.

>> No.33371342

One can only hope

>> No.33371510

Why so? Every grail war has twists and turns, why not have this one just be a completely regular war?

>> No.33371516

If genshin can pull their act together, probably. Their content release and quality is heading towards DW level as of now

>> No.33372987
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I think it was shilled at some point here a while ago. I really like some designs like pic related

>> No.33374552

>Their content release and quality is heading towards DW level as of now
Genshin has already had more main story updates than FGO has had since Olympus, which was 10 months ago. And genshin has only been released for 5.

>> No.33378025

I need a smug Arc reaction pic, does anyone have it?

>> No.33378034

A straight grail war means every class except for Archer, Saber, and Lancer autolose because everything else is rigged to be shit. After that, it would just be boring battle shounen fights. The twists and turns are what made F/SN good.

>> No.33378454

Not at all. Different games, different audiences. Genshin is more of a console game. There's a point people can't play even if they want to because the content ends, like how you beat a real game. People play FGO while commuting daily, etc, It's much easier to play on phone than Genshin and there's a whole lot more content. People also play FGO to read the story while no one cares about Genshin's story, it's all about the graphics, gameplay and character designs. This silly "franchise killing" pretty much only affects what franchise people choose to draw in fanart or doujins, and what gachabrain bandwagoners shitpost about.
Last story update for FGO was HRM 2 months ago

>> No.33378687

Every F/SN Servant had a chance to win besides Medusa, what are you on about? Yes even Kojirou. He just needed to sit there until everyone except Saber was defeated then defeat her before she unleashes Excalibur (the battle WAS pretty close).

>> No.33378749

>Every F/SN Servant had a chance to win
Yeah precisely because it was a fucked up, weird grail war.

>> No.33378968

I mean, in the Fate route the only fucked up and weird things that affected the story were Medea summoning Kojirou and Gilgamesh existing. People killing each other to steal Servants, Servants that are backstabbers, catalysts that are Noble Phantasms like Avalon being used, that's all part of a normal Grail War. And Medea would have probably won had Gilgamesh not turned her into minced meat. I don't see how Casters autolose.

>> No.33379099

The only reason Medea can win is because she happens to be both broken enough to fuck with the Grail System and summon/contract with servants AND she has rule breaker. Without either one of those, she has no chance. As a class, Caster is garbage because the knight classes all typically have magic protection and thus the one thing the are actually good at (magic) is not that effective.

>> No.33379590

Watched KnK #5 yesterday with a friend and a bottle of whiskey. Goddamn bros, why is it so fucking good?

>> No.33379779

You can hype up pretty much every Servant like that.
Tamamo's Rank EX Witchcraft is broken enough to ignore and go through Elizabeth's Rank A+ Magic Resistance in CCC, her Noble Phantasm gives her infinite mana, and she could even grow extra tails if Master builds enough trust with her.
Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm can completely mindbreak a Servant depending on how guilty their conscience is. The effects vary but this could leave the target unable to do anything, or even kill them. It's not Magic Resistance that's needed to block this but mental interference resistance. It worked on Jeanne who has Rank EX Magic Resistance.
Hans can write even a True Demon into existence, depending on the circumstances (he is unreliable). In broad terms he turns people into leading characters. This buffs his Master so can't be blocked with Magic Resistance.
Gilles can summon a Lovecraftian abomination that any one Servant would find tough to beat. Required the alliance of 3 Servants to beat in Zero (Saber, Lancer and Rider).
Solomon literally won the F/GO Fuyuki Holy Grail War.
Xuanzang can become a Buddha with her Rank EX Enlightenment Noble Phantasm. She can ignore most Servants' attacks in that form but this incinerates her Saint Graph afterwards.
The first 4 I listed are all shit-tier Servants even among Casters.

>> No.33379884

I can't speak for any of the extra/FGO shit because I know nothing about it. I'm only talking about the Fuyuki Grail War.

I don't know why you named him because he's a shit servant. Just because he can summon one decent familiar doesn't make him good. All you have to do is run away until he runs out of mana. He would get clowned every time like what happened in F/Z.

>> No.33380227

Had Lancer not broken his own NP to help out, Excalibur would've been unusable (or weakened, I forgot which one) because of Saber's magic injury. If that happened and Gilles summoned the tentacle monster, only Gilgamesh and maybe Iskandar could defeat it with firepower alone.
If Gilles gathers mana in secret then summons his familiar once most Servants have been defeated or weakened, he could win despite being shit tier. HGWs are battle royales. Servants get hurt, lose Noble Phantasms, spend too much mana, etc. all the time.

>> No.33380409

Giles's tentacle monster thing has basically no mobility though. Literally just run away (if you don't feel like/can't take out the master) and there's nothing he can do. It's not like he has any serious binding spells or whatever. Basically for a Giles's win, he'd have to secretly store a ton of mana, somehow magically lure every other servant in one place, also hope everyone is weakened and no one has a good NP to counter it, and even then he still might one win. It's just shit. You might as well gamble one true assassin to assassinating the 6 other masters in a row. Even that's more likely.

>> No.33382187

>Last story update for FGO was HRM 2 months ago
I said MORE you fag.

>> No.33384811

legalize wheat

>> No.33384867
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Every artist's favorite trap aside,
is Apocrypha worth read/watching?

>> No.33385594

It was pretty fun, although I managed to tune out Sieg's existence so YMMV.

>> No.33385840

Newfag here. Is this thread dead already?

>> No.33385933

Dunno about Genshin but Jap twitter is all over Uma Musume right now.

>> No.33386494

It died in spirit a while ago.

>> No.33386857

The anime sucks

>> No.33387026

I got completely bored with the anime after episode 3 and dropped it. I was pleasantly surprised with how good the LN is, so I recommend reading it.

>> No.33387465

Do you remember when Aoko trolled Akiha saying she was Shiki's first love? I don't recall what Melty Blood arcade was, maybe it wans't even Akiha to get trolled

>> No.33387717

Nvm it was Akiha's react.

>> No.33389391
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Fate/Apocrypha is definitely worth it because of Shirou.
The anime butchers Fate/Apocrypha by cutting out a ton of scenes and replaced some important scenes such as one that deeply explains Jeanne's motivations, so I highly recommend you to read the light novels, just going to warn you, the translation for volume 3 is incomplete and volume 5 didn't get any translation, so you might have to watch the anime to finish the whole story.
If you know Japanese, then reading entirety of the light novel shouldn't be a problem to you.

>> No.33391514
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I still remember when CCC stood for CrazyCloverClub and not the name of an actual game.


>> No.33392856

will we ever get that CCC translation out before it gets remade?

>> No.33394207

CCC is dogshit and the group working on it is even worse.

>> No.33406096

>naming a character Kotomine Shirou outside of a parody
Why did they do this? Even if he's actually well written (doubt.jpg), it just makes it harder to take it seriously.

>> No.33409210

It's a red herring to make you think he's anything like kotomine or shirou, when actually he's just Chinese Knockoff Goetia

>> No.33409931

If someone asks Nasu these days he'd almost certainly retcon Gilles strength to hype the book up more. Prelati being Narita's would instantly make Nasu want to wank it. and the inclusion of outer gods in fgo give the spellbook as described much more potential.

>> No.33412150

>he's just Chinese Knockoff Goetia
I thought Apocrypha came first

>> No.33412226

Apocrypha was released 3 years before FGO yeah

>> No.33413291
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what if I told you
everything is Nasu's fault

>> No.33415720

God damn it

>> No.33420035
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Now, I don't know anything about Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya, Melty Blood, Melty Blood Re-ACT, Melty Blood Act Cadenza, Melty Blood Actress Again, Tsuki no Sango, Notes, Mahoutsukai no Yoru, Fate/stay night, Hollow ataraxia, Unlimited codes, Tiger colosseum, Fate/zero, Garden of Avalon, Koha-Ace, Take Moon, Carnival Phantasm, Emiya Gohan, Prisma Illya, Prisma Illya 2wei, Prisma Illya 3rei, Type Redline, Apocrypha, Case Files, Prototype, Prototype Fragments, Labyrinth, Strange Fake, Extra, Extra Last Encore, CCC, CCC Foxtail, Extella, Extella Link, Requiem, or Fate/Grand Order.

But I think

>> No.33420589

This pasta is growing on me.

>> No.33425532
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>> No.33426552

Ah, a fellow DDD reader

>> No.33426598

My wife Shiki is so cute.

>> No.33427259
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>> No.33430031
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>> No.33430151

How would she be fixed in the remake?

>> No.33431462

Her route exists but the quality is second lowest compared to Ciel's

>> No.33433598

I think, therefore I am wrong here

>> No.33435333

I would be okay with this.

>> No.33437363
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>> No.33437417

I can't even think of what would happen in her route.
Does Shiki fix her vampirism? A fight with Nero/Roa? But then that would just be a retread of Arc/Ciel.

>> No.33438305

That's a crop, not a resize, and all it does is make the image harder to put through image search. The resolution is still way too large

>> No.33440755

I have no idea but whatever happens I hope it goes off the rails with chuuni fights and shit.

>> No.33446927
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>> No.33449614

but I dont like sayba....

>> No.33452059

Give 1 good reason

>> No.33455755

Takeuchi is going to send his assassins after you.

>> No.33455961


>> No.33458428

he said a GOOD reason

>> No.33460383


>> No.33464342

But Saber technically isn't Anglo-Saxon like a modern brit.

>> No.33468077

So when does the next Type-Moon ace come out again?

>> No.33468531

Late March, I forgot the exact date but I think it's between the 23rd and 27th

>> No.33468556

March 26th

>> No.33468562

Darn, basically nothing to talk about until late March. I was hoping it was earlier in the month.

>> No.33471542
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>page 9
let's talk about what we like about Arcueid
She's pretty.
She's funny.
She's dumb but also very smart.
She's very strong!

>> No.33471628

fingers crossed that tsukire brings back the cut H scene where she marble-phantasms herself a futa cock and fucks ciel with it

>> No.33471851
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Anyone have the art where Takeuchi redraw this image for UBW cover of the song ?

>> No.33473059

I read F/SN and Zero a long time ago and remember the broad outline of the story but no the details. Will I lose anything by not having those details fresh in my mind when playing Extra and Extra CCC?

>> No.33475256
File: 147 KB, 638x999, 0eb1d82adeb07aef71d3ddeda4cd1720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss old Arc.
Can someone explain the whole formation of True Ancestors thing?
You'll be fine.

>> No.33476203
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How good would tsukihime be without Kohaku and Hisui's route?

>> No.33476258

>how good would tsukihime be if it was missing like half the story
Not very good?

>> No.33478486
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Can't find a good scan anywhere

>> No.33480507

Just reread F/SN.
