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3344976 No.3344976 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the anime so shitty, /jp/?

>> No.3344992

because DEEN

>> No.3344989


>> No.3344997

You know, you really have two options, here:

1.) We go over every little change, stupid decision, and crappy cell that we had to endure,


2.) lol, DEEN.

>> No.3344998 [DELETED] 

They should have gotten a studio like Madhouse or KyoAni to do it. Deen just sucks.

>> No.3344999


>> No.3345004

lol adaptation

>> No.3345011

Higurashi anime > VN

Enjoy your glove hands.

>> No.3345014


>> No.3345019

why are movies made from books so shitty

>> No.3345034


Except it isn't.

Read the VNs again, they're great.

Boxing glove moe~

>> No.3345038
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Oh DEEN... why are you so shitty?

>> No.3345053

I take it people don't like the New Beatrice with dental plan, no snaggleteeth, and big breasts?

I like the Beatrice in the anime. Never watched it, but I'd snuggle up on her chest from what I've seen in the captures. GOLDEN PILLOWS.

>> No.3345063
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I love how GAINAX is all XD

>> No.3345084

because anime/movie/tv adaptions of vns/books suck. without exception.

>> No.3345086

I guess I'm the only VN reader who doesn't hate it?

>> No.3345090

compared to the original i mean.

>> No.3345097


>> No.3345098


>> No.3345103

The anime is good.

>> No.3345104

what anime?

>> No.3345108

Why are the VNs so mediocre?

>> No.3345114


Gainax should be naked, having spent all of its budget on the first few episodes.

>> No.3345112
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wakarimasen lol

>> No.3345109

It's fine.

>> No.3345110


Clannad, Kanon, and Lord of the Rings would like to have a word with you.

>> No.3345122

Did you miss how the LotR fanboys complained about the movies? Hardcore fans will always whine about any adaptation no matter how good it is.

>> No.3345126

the originals were much better. except for kanon which was the exact same, vn would be better if only for the ability to focus on 1 route at a time.

>> No.3345148


I thought they were too long and drawn out. Bored me to sleep plenty of times. The movies on the other hand were incredible.

>> No.3345149

Anime is fine, faggots just whine about every little change or scene left out. It's kind of ridiculous.

>> No.3345179

Also, all anime is shitty. OP was setting himself up for a failure there.

>> No.3345182


Did you even play the VN? The pacing in the anime is horrible, they switch between the main story and the tea parties without making any distinction, the presentation of the characters is horrible (and the fact that they die off so quickly is even worse). I mean, I understand that you can't fit in four games worth of details in a 24 (?) episode series, but if you're going to turn it into some half-ass presentation of random scenes then don't bother doing it at all.

>> No.3345192

Nobody is forcing you to watch it.

>> No.3345194

I do like anime red text.

>> No.3345201


Even LOGH?

>> No.3345206

The pacing is off and some of the scenes didn't have the impact they should have. And they fucked up the remixes of some of the best music. Other than that, it's not horrible. I'm still watching.

>> No.3345210

He never said he was forced to watch it. Troll

>> No.3345211


Especially LOGH. Pretentious shit.

>> No.3345224

why are they so hurrying at the end?
they could have skipped most of the shannon/george kanon/jessica stuff and leave out an episode for the banquet + tea time. that way we get more rosa musou and battler being desperate.
they could even have kept the original planning and use one more episode. ep11 is definitely too rushed anyway.
EP4 really sucks in the middle so there's no point not to cut it there. I only hope they'll leave enough time for the end of EP3 which is fuck awesome.

>> No.3345229

How the fuck am I trolling? /jp/ why are you so angry?

>> No.3345256



>> No.3345266


You don't have to keep watching something to realize it's shitty.

> /jp/ why are you so angry?

"No one's forcing you to be here"

>> No.3345285

Take it easy.

>> No.3345292

>they could have skipped most of the shannon/george kanon/jessica stuff

People would complain. Why? I have no idea, but people just love to complain.

>> No.3345507

the anime is fine. i've read the entire VN and i don't see anything to complain about in the anime. all of the retarded faggots who think cutting stupid things like beato headsmash are just moronic idiots who don't know shit about anime adaptions.

>> No.3345515


Wow. Fuck this, I'm dropping it.

>> No.3346229

Because in order to get ahead you must get a head.
