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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33428680 No.33428680 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread >>33343968

>> No.33428829

Post Fujieda porn

>> No.33429026

I don't exactly mind the new corda designs anymore. Some of em are cute

Also Do people get tired of talking about shitty fans here, because I've had it

>> No.33429085

slow damage more like slow upload.

>> No.33429263

I just want the SD leak to happen quickly so we can all play it together ;_;

>> No.33429549
File: 2.66 MB, 1334x750, toot toot yankees are cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiniro boys are cute but SD boys are cuter

>> No.33429698

Honestly the wide is growing on me.

>> No.33430138

came here to say this

>> No.33430260

Spill the tea, did something else happen? I only saw nips complaining about the pre-reg taking Tsukimori as a hostage.

>> No.33432043

>no sd yet
>igg hates homos, so no bl vn
>aarin and yotaku are ded
>a-s are decent but prioritize hentai and otome
>otomechink reached another level of autism
>russians can no longer steal from otomechink
>me a third worlder poorfag who can only afford 500 yen kusoge dj with the use of 5 coupons
>EOPS will wait for the tumblrish twitter memeish EOP translation
>EOP translator is too busy shitposting on twitter, sd will probably come out in 2022
>by then blog will be busy playing the Dystopia slut, or that arab nights otome, where heroine rapes her brother
>the only available place that time to shitpost about the game will be discord and tumblr
>some retarded discordfags and tumblrinas already started saying the game is too dark and insensitive, causing traumas

please richfag anons leak the game and save us from brain damage

>> No.33432436

>Estimated Delivery: Tuesday, March 09, 2021
Sorry, I can't save you /blog/. It'll probably leak before I get my copy.

>> No.33433267

There's a request thread for SD on a-s, I think we should all go beg there to speed up the process

>> No.33433561

I wish it comes sooner, otherwise, you be our savior anon

It has about 2000 views, the request, and more than 40 comments begging. Usually, they post BL after like 2-3 months. That's what they did with Lkyt and 24-ku. Uuulta C only was up like 1 day before release. Maybe trouble hacking the game or too busy fapping to it?

>> No.33433650

Fuck it, I'll beg just for that 5% chance of somebody uploading it earlier than 2 months later. I also want OST, hopefully it gets leaked too

>> No.33434114 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33434315

Is that Towa? He looks like a drug addicted prostitute

>> No.33434343

I hope the game traumatizes them so much, they'll shut the fuck up

>> No.33434352

That's his final form, probably, trashy bimbo whore.

>> No.33434618

although I want these retards to suffer, I don't want nitro to release a game once in a blue moon.
they need to farm steamfags, so they can release more bl shit sooner than 2050

>> No.33434710

Towa blanco looks even more like he gets passed around at trashy parties. How is it possible.

>> No.33436719

But if all we are going to get is a bunch of retarded subhumans who bomb the reviews and scream about the game being terrible because it's not vanilla, they can fuck off forever. Thankfully Japanese fujos are still nc+ target audience

>> No.33437888
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>> No.33437915

So it was Madarame that took towas virginity.
probably his eyes virginity as well....

>> No.33437949

>your daddy
>your fruity best friend
>your ex
>huge oh no he's hot guy
Amazing routes.

>> No.33438177

ikr, but it would be even more amazing if someone leaked it asap

>> No.33438774

Does it even have any kind of DRM?

>> No.33439196 [SPOILER] 
File: 254 KB, 580x842, 1614454948257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Corda d'Oro Daigakusei-Hen #19
Full chapter (45 pages) in chingchong.

Link to the album:

The cutest chapter in years, although I don't know Chinknese and I refuse learning a shitty language.

>> No.33439437

dlsite version has drm, fujos don't know how to crack so thats probably why the delay.

>> No.33439519

>the game is too dark and insensitive, causing traumas
I honestly don't understand that, maybe I've been too used to parade and pilslash games by now that N+C feels kinda tamer now. SD doesn't seem that degenerate, it has a decent amount of edge and some dumb shit happening but not exaggeratedly laughable like dmmd or even TnC. But I don't have that supposed hyperempathy fujos have where seeing a bad end makes them cry.
I'm absolutely sure that 90% of the complaints are gonna be about Rei. As soon as the details about his onee shtick were revealed I knew it was gonna become the next shitfest. God fucking damn it. I understand what they were going for if he was forcing himself to act all girly because his dad told him fags aren't men and his real personality has deep down been more "rude" and masculine but god damn it he didn't need to shave his head. Now I understand how the local /blog/ otome trapfags feel

>> No.33439592

That's what you call overcompensating, eventually he'll grow it again after he accepts himself.
Best end.

>> No.33440158

I want more onees in my BL games

>> No.33440320

I want more oniis (real as in 100% blood relation) in my otome games

>> No.33440346

I want an onee who stays an onee

>> No.33442248


>> No.33442272

mink fuck many pussy before

>> No.33442282

>>some retarded discordfags and tumblrinas already started saying the game is too dark and insensitive, causing traumas

>> No.33442437

Wtf he didn't even spare the cats? Fuck monku

>> No.33442492

Just accept him for who he become in the end. His heir is such a small part of him and his development anyway. Overreacting to it makes you sound like a sensetive snowflake more than anything desu. A few nips briefly complained about it too, but that's it. I still saw several Rei fans here and there praising the route overall.

>> No.33442500

That's a new trend among american bl fans. Anything other than a coffee shop au or handholding with lights off after they've signed a written agreement about consent and discussed lgbt problems in today's society is pick one or everything at the same time

>> No.33442528

Pathetic baldfag, we, people with superior taste don't accept a last second character development

>> No.33442540

So will slow damage actually turn out to be the one all around good chiral game? No strings attached or shit routes?

>> No.33442550

Just look up "Slow Damage" on twitter and witness people try to cancel it for...unspecified reasons(probably "spoiler" post comparing Rei to Naoto).

>> No.33442616

I'm still not sure about Madarame, as he sounds like fushion of Mink and Shiki so far, but Taku, Rei and Fujieda all seem to be considered likable and their routes are all very different and have unique strong points according to nips.

>> No.33442683

Not a baldfag at all, I was also kinda conflicted when his final CG was revealed. I just don't think it's THAT big of a deal. I'm also sure if FD happens, we might see him grow out his hair[/spoler]

>> No.33442697
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Kill all zoomers.

>> No.33442707

In otome and BL character design is an important attraction factor.
Do you think anyone in their right mind plays nc+ games for plot?
If the capture target whose entire appeal is being an onee with long hair decides to cut it all off in the ending, of course someone will be butthurt. Especially if nothing on the promo art and merch indicated it would happen

>> No.33442738

>develop character
>expose issues
>wrap up route
>character changes as a result and appearance does too
It's petty.
Hell, the route is all about him hating the whole being an onee because he's just a dude.

>> No.33442905

Super into the 直面 track. Reminds me of modern takes on 80's jrpg battle/boss themes, it's my jam.

>> No.33442910

>Do you think anyone in their right mind plays nc+ games for plot?
I don't expect much from a plot personally, but Lamento and sweet pool were good stories. Several nips mentined the writing style involved compared to Dmmd, so maybe the plot is cool this time around.
And once again, N+C do have a tendency to change character appearanes at the very end. Just look at Rin, Noiz and now Rei and Towa in some routes. And the changes all made sense for those guys, personally. N+C love to use some cheesy symbolism, you either love or hate it desu

>> No.33443090

>it's petty to seethe about pixel men
Where do you think you are

>> No.33443106
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>What the fuck, why didn't the promo art reveal the characters entire arc?

>> No.33443319

I wonder if this Towa also goes bald

>> No.33443731

Since when is his arc about becoming bald

>> No.33443793

Next thing you'll say is that having a husbando and whining over the shittiest guy winning is "not healthy". Blog has fallen so low desu..

>> No.33444172
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why are they like this? i miss the old days where everyone looked and enjoyed whatever they wanted to and only dudebros complained

>> No.33444238

You forgot

>> No.33444387

laughed at this post

>> No.33444533

I'm going to sound super boomer but I think it's because most brats who are complaining never had to deal with hiding whatever you liked in fear of being mocked whatever, etc. The times where liking anime seemed super weird so you had to hide what you liked until you asked or someone asked you about it, so you got used to be reserved about your hobbies, they also grew up in an accepting enviroment so they feel they have the right to criticize when something deviates from the norm, lastly, we can't forget most of the time we're dealing with someone with an american mindset so that's a struggle on itself

I can't believe I'm writing this but in the end they're just priviledged kids who never had to face the hardships of gay shit/content/blah blah

>> No.33444691

Literalulully who cares when you can just click a button and go to JP only twit teleporting you back to pre 2010 fandom.

>> No.33444740

>thinking eops have the brains to do that

>> No.33445328

Lol true

>> No.33445449

And this is why I don't use Discord.

>> No.33445556

Has the OST been uploaded somewhere?

>> No.33445584

Is there any good male equivalents of those voice dramas where a nice lady pampers you, jerks you off, and maybe sings a lullaby or something afterward but most importantly isn't an annoying condescending cunt throughout the process?

>> No.33445698

How I do this

>> No.33445984

Gotta sift through DLsite.

>> No.33446003


>> No.33447567

It's almost always those types who also have ftm or anti in their bio too. It always surprises me to see other fujos who have woke tendencies or prefer softer/light BL push back against the idiots who try to cancel things like SD, saying if the idiots don't like it or it will be uncomfortable, god forbid traumatizing, then they shouldn't be retarded and go playing it

>> No.33447746

There's literally hundreds.

>> No.33448053

Even jpn artists can't escape from those batshit fuckers

>> No.33448668 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, >>33448053 is correct.

>> No.33448740

I wish nips made their own SNS like how the chinks have weibo. They had Mixi when Facebook was relevant. Westerners can make accounts too but they have make an effort to get one or they can just view without an account meaning they can't harass. Well it's too late now they the nips love Twitter's format and they aren't going to move unless some other SNS service gets big.

>> No.33448982

I follow a cunny artist with over 40k followers and they get none of that shit. They don't seem to care about non idolshit otomeshit so that side is very peaceful. I don't follow bl fandom that much but yeah its probably worse because these types more likely to seek it out cuz they are just fujos in denial. Though a lot of them still believe nc is the only blvn company so just staying on more "obscure" sides will keep yo comfy I think.

>> No.33449093

>twitter and discord screenshots
>twittertranny drama
>begging for uploads as if that will do anything here
I want the SD tourists to leave

>> No.33449324

It's not like /blog/ is active enough to shoo away tourists or to know whenever someone is a tourist, not like tourists care when they get called out either way.
It is how it is on nu-4channeru and nu-/jp/.
Shame because I like SD but I know for sure there's tourists roaming around

>> No.33449347

The tourists have been here since hashihime.

>> No.33449577

>tfw Senge will never fuck you because you are not kyo
Sad desu

>> No.33450027

Why did they think 105 save slots was enough?

>> No.33454370

Was thinking of sharing some SD fanart here but now I am scared artists are going to get harassed.

>> No.33454694


Switch port

>> No.33454721

What did I miss?

>> No.33455249

I just bought a vita just for fucking hashihime.

>> No.33455376

People claim they were traumatized by the scat scenes in Madarame's route because it reminded them or their childhood, and now they're unironically thinking of making a scat and porn free patch

>> No.33455563

> reminded them of their childhood
What, did they shit themselves in the middle of third grade? If they want a porn free patch they can wait for the eng steam release.

>> No.33456190 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456210 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456269 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456341 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456380 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456437 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456448

Seems like Madarame knows how to make his slut happy.

>> No.33456530 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456571 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456626 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456660 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33456696 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33457100

ewww post Fujieda already

>> No.33457223

Is there an option to turn off the blood

>> No.33457303
File: 1.34 MB, 1011x588, SPOILER_unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about non eop websites, but that whore from discord apparently won't be spoiling too much of his route cause it seems like it's the true end.
Also, the menu changes after you finish Rei, Taku, and Madarame.

>> No.33458250

wheres the scat

>> No.33458461

Looks like he's riding Towa

>> No.33458462


>> No.33458517


>> No.33458667

smeared on Madarame skin

>> No.33458673

More like WIDE damage.

>> No.33459527

>fujieda is the true end
Interesting. What's up with the vampire guy?

>> No.33459807

So you're telling me that in order to play the only good looking LI's route I first have to watch cute Towa get fucked by 3 fat old ugly orc-like bastards? Nitroooooooooooo

>> No.33460069

Are SD singles/OST leaked already?
il and Shinjurō are especially catchy.


>> No.33460098

absolutely based

I haven't seen anything about him at all, it kinda looks like he really is just Tutorial Man
Then again maybe it's just that the people i'm stalking are flower shop plebians and they just choose not to talk about the vampire

>> No.33460190

I might be jumping the gun because i've only listened to the 10 leaked tracks but this ost is seriously contending with Sweet Pool for my favorite soundtrack, I don't think i've ever been so soft for a n+c song like i've gotten for Lullaby

>> No.33460198

Madarame isn't fat! His ass is just a bit round

>> No.33460285

This OST is seriously good.
Lullaby is awesome and heck, I can't stop listening Shinjurō in my head since the first time I listened to it.
I hope chinks leak the MP3/FLAC soon outside otomechink.

>> No.33460682

Apart from the occasional linkin park or pierce the veil song, it is surprisingly comfy

>> No.33460769

I thought the same about that particular song.

>> No.33461103

Chinks only posted fujiedas ending at chinktube (with ofc the porn cut otherwise gulag).
He def bestboi
Nitros osts are top tier as always. Even their hentai. Minikui was kuso, but osts were perfect.

>> No.33462601

For those interested

>> No.33463283

Made the mistake of searching for slow damage (not スロダメ) on twitter
I really fucking hope people get put off by the gore (How can you not know at this point that's what N+C does?) and the game becomes a comfy enjoyable experience without typical hysteria discourse

>> No.33463367

It's honestly hard to even call it gore, it's just some wounding and cutting, surely tumblerites and twitter SJWs have experience cutting themselves.

>> No.33463455

Every game should have meat ass babies as a pleb filter

>> No.33463526

Still waiting for maggot baits /blog/ version so I can finally have some good fucking food

>> No.33463536

Otomechads can freely get off to wifebeaters, rapists, incest, raping brothers, confinement, breeding. While bl cucks can't even deal with some blood

>> No.33463545 [DELETED] 

Can we not turn off the gore

>> No.33463654

You actually can turn off the gore here. Find the game folder, click uninstall and the gore is gone

>> No.33463670 [DELETED] 

Fuck off faggot

>> No.33463692

My fellow sister of high melanin

>> No.33463711

This. You can just delete win64 folder

>> No.33463743

Slightly disappointed sd doesn't go this far, but I still appreciate the attempt to go farther than they have.

>> No.33463782

says the faggot that wants to turn off the gore in an eroguro game.

>> No.33464101

It's just some bloodplay, you weak shit.

>> No.33464117

>(How can you not know at this point that's what N+C does?)
I mean DMMD didn't have gore. and TnC gore is all bed endings I believe.

>> No.33464359

TnC was literally about a slut entering a fighting city. Shiki likes his blood, DMMD had Noizu and head cutting endings. Sweet pool and Lamento also had blood, not to mention that some of it was leaking from the MC's ass

>> No.33464366

Honestly, I said gore because that's the word I see/saw used but it's honestly just some blood here and there. Granted it's used in a more fetish way than "oh no our MC is gonna die" way but if you're playing a game like this you should've already known from the start it was gonna be degenerate. It's not like they've hidden the fact that it was eroguro.
EOPs like to do that pathetic excuse of "It has such a good story and characters but the icky content is so unfortunate!"

I think the only blood you see in dmmd is entirely in bad ends and nothing else from what I remember. You see more rape more than anything otherwise.
Even TnC wasn't all that "gorey" other than Keisuke's route and Kirigunji. Now that I think about it, rape is more dominant than blood in most games.

>> No.33465418

there's scat in his route? Another filter for the snowflakes, then

>> No.33465471

I still can't tell if the scat claim is real or literal shitposting.

>> No.33465549

I feel like it would've been mentioned in some spoilers if it was.

>> No.33465716

>slow damage costs 70 usd
what the fuck

>> No.33465750

>The pedophile is religious
This is so funny

>> No.33465867

I can't fucking believe Madarame becomes a monk

>> No.33466019

Asakura likes little kids because he relates them to angels and wants an angel of his own. He becomes close to an orphaned kid that he's pseudo-grooming to become his angel (he wants to add those wired wings to him) but he's hesitant about it, so he sends messages to euphoria (Towa) about his desire anonymously but eventually Towa realizes it's him, so to avoid the kid getting damaged he tells Asakura to put the wired wings on him. And that's how you get that CG
This is gonna trigger people harder than the rei tranny thing kek

>> No.33466092

Towa sounds based.

>> No.33466100

Sounds like something straight out of an Innocent Grey game.

>> No.33466186

Does Eiji get any CGs?

>> No.33466342

People say he doesn't because he's a bottom

>> No.33466376


>> No.33466415

>rape, guro, crossdressing, assorted fetishes are fine and numerous
>mc using his dick is out of question
I hate it.

>> No.33466470

What bl vns need is monsterfucking

>> No.33466538

damn they could have at least given us towa eiji gangbang or smth

>> No.33466679

Why does NC hate small tops?

>> No.33467304

Because small top is niche shit

>> No.33467871 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33467948

fujieda when...

>> No.33468097

If u wouldn't pay 70 dollars for fujieda u don't actually love him....

>> No.33468618

Unironically this

>> No.33469020

His proportions are so whack that a single hand of his is enough to suffocate Towa.

>> No.33469121

Kanja S no Kyusai's OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpJ-5cnDVU8

>> No.33469293


>> No.33470409

anyone else excited for taisho x alice ep3?

>> No.33470451

that's just retarded, sis

>> No.33470728
File: 168 KB, 1777x1004, kakkoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks so cool and determined to cure his harem's super ALS with his cum. I'm glad this didn't vaporware.

>> No.33471289
File: 152 KB, 700x700, EvUmvu3VIAsz9lv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>souta gets an acrylic stand but he's actually the base

>> No.33471304

Togomito is so absolutely fucking based.

>> No.33472428

>tumblerites and twitter SJWs
What the heck do SJW have to do with disliking scat and shit?

>> No.33472444

All the CG seems pretty tame in term of positioning to be honest. No 69 like DMMD, no bottom getting picked up and used like an onahole like Hashihime's third route.

Really lacking there.

>> No.33474252
File: 125 KB, 600x562, A1F7D52D-E7AB-46CD-A33B-8881C5ED6B09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consume the cum chalice

>> No.33475150

It says right there that it's milk.

>> No.33476153

>Slow Damage - Planned to be released a few months after the Japanese release, 75% translated

>> No.33476204

>He looks like a drug addicted prostitute
So just as usual.

>> No.33476406

It's the best, simply the best honestly. Have to read doujinshi and /y/ material to find it though, VNs are weirdly adverse to anything but big top-small bottom.

>> No.33476499
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>> No.33478293
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>> No.33478497
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does he fap to reis comatose body or smth

>> No.33478519
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I just refreshed the page and this showed up

>> No.33478543

>75% translated
where the hell are you getting this from

>> No.33478603

verdelish's site

>> No.33478628
File: 231 KB, 507x486, 1560234976851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a BL VN with a legit threesome ending?

>> No.33478743 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33478757

you occasionally see that in games where there's just two love interests actually. though it's often kind of a "eternally friendzoned with benefits" ending

>> No.33478765

Damn Madarame, he hits that sweet spot between nice bf and rapist face.

>> No.33478813
File: 666 KB, 995x547, mastuda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are great

>> No.33478827 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33478828

This guy WAS a rapist, but you can't rape Towa.
Every BL game would be better with him as the MC to save on retarded
>30 minutes later
>I love you so much

>> No.33478863 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 1426x870, 1614621226566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33478943

Didn't that ninja bl vn with the fat priest have a small top? He was mighty cute too

>> No.33478960

Well on the flip side, it's not like the typical otome audience would accept all that shit if done by the player character heroine to the love interests

>> No.33478965

You can't be a rapist abuser if the "victim" is into violent sex and being abused

>> No.33478974
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>Slut MC
>No incest whatsoever
Looks like I'll have to back to Hashihime's last route. Too bad.

>> No.33478994 [SPOILER] 
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Got any example? I can only thing of DMMD, but it's a bad ending and more of a "these two dudes use the MC as their personal onahole as they rape him until he's completely broken" than a genuine threesome relationship.

>> No.33478998

Depends on what you mean by condescending

>> No.33479031

>it's a self hating tomboy route
I'm glad he came into his own at least and was able to face life as his true self, but eh.

>> No.33479033

nice ass

>> No.33479047

This is what I mean. Do these threads go one time without wanting to bitch about dumb fans

>> No.33479069
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>Blog likes NC now
>Still hates Parade
What happened?

>> No.33479093

Hiroyuki was so good.
How's the porn in lkyt anyway?

>> No.33479134

Most seem to like fat Towa's otouto's route for his enthusiasm.

>> No.33479220

Parade cuck mc would rather cut his hand off than suck a dick, while chad Towa would gladly accept the dicks and enjoy the cutting

>> No.33479225

>hating one of the only seme protagonist producers
And that is shit taste

>> No.33479312

No leg locking? Madarame is getting cucked in a week.

>> No.33479928

Does Towa get DP?

>> No.33480566

not even animebytes has slow damage wtf

>> No.33480760

Shit taste is liking dead fish in bed and the characters who are afraid of dicks. No one hates hadaka mc

>> No.33481048

Try pilslash games masquerade and koibito yuugi.

>> No.33481063

Seme MC is good. Unwilling/coerced/dead fish bottoms in every route in every game is not. I want to play lkyt to see if the thicc priest really is into it though.

>> No.33481683

I like them but I wish the LIs enjoyed the sex and no homo'd a lot less.

>> No.33482973

How /blog feels about random dog fuck scenes in bl/otome?

>> No.33483047

Komine was asking for it

>> No.33483089

Parade really has that feeling of eroge VN company trying too hard to appeal to fujos vibe while adding too much no-homo that it becomes pretty annoying. They're not really bad, I thought r9 was alright but I didn't like NTY. Lkyt sounds fun though, the slut priest convinced me into wanting to try but I've been lazy to read and do my reps

>> No.33483108

Too bad I don't like verdelish's way of localizing chara speech. I'll have to wait for EMS to open up again or wait for usual sites to upload.

>> No.33483227 [SPOILER] 
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instant kamige

>> No.33483287

What is this?

>> No.33483315

Probably trying to ship the physical game, EMS is a shipping service that is pretty fast but thanks to rona it's not available to most countries.

>> No.33483394

which eng. translated game had the character ages switched...? i forget

>> No.33483428


>> No.33483838

maybe, i can't remember. i just think i saw people in /blog/ complaining about it

>> No.33483913

l can't talk for everybody, but personally I can't stand most of the characters, MCs included. Also doesn't help the lack of chemistry between LIs and MC, as well lack of interesting character interactions outside of that. Slow Damage, from what I can tell, seem to really nail this aspect, so I'm all hype. call me back when Parade will have MC teasing onee and onee actually responding to his flirting or MC making ojisan and megane fall head over hills for him and not just fuck them over and over again.

>> No.33484337

I got bored after Hiroyuki's route but Room No. 9 was good.

>> No.33484346

so fucking based

>> No.33484596

Oh we have a namefag now huh

>> No.33484618

I just wish for slow damage to get as many doujins and merch like dmmd did. It gives me that vibe of old N+C while not as overtly silly and being an actually pretty solid bobge. The characters are charismatic enough as well and it doesn't feel like Towa is forcing himself to like somebody or that the LIs are forcing themselves to like him.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure if modern nip culture is going to let it become popular as people will just return to their mobages and forget about it some months down the line.
I can only hope it at least gets a FD.

>> No.33484645 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33484893

I saw many nips already begging for FD, so hopefully that'll actually happen

>> No.33485004

my fucking dick

>> No.33485080

I want a game entirely about Towa

>> No.33485222

A truly puzzling post.

>> No.33485291


>> No.33485473


>me a third worlder poorfag who can only afford 500 yen kusoge dj with the use of 5 coupons

God I wish I had 5 coupons that I could use to buy a kusoge, I always seem to have 5 coupons of which none can be used on games

>> No.33485549

One day you will understand.

>> No.33485582 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1048x749, 1614650322639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujieda with his hair down looks strangely too similar to Towa I'd absolutely not be surprised if he's his long lost NBR brother

>> No.33485834

New licensing survey from mangagamer for any EOP interested

>> No.33486082

it's a lovely treat, especially when it's a seiyuu I like.

>> No.33486090

You guys are just joking, right?

>> No.33486140

Don't underestimate the depravity here, anon.

>> No.33486163

I don't know man, like rape sure, scat alright, but dogs? Where do we draw the line?

>> No.33486201

Go back to twitter

>> No.33486261

All I'm saying is animals are gross and usually smell.

>> No.33486321

and extremely sexy

>> No.33486350

Now you're just being a furfag.

>> No.33486759 [DELETED] 

now i can’t wait to find out how fujieda got those scars....

>> No.33487037

yes that's kind of the point

>> No.33487287

TaiAli. Teens got aged up, yet their speech still got translated like one of american teenagers

>> No.33487305

What's the point of they won't localize anything that wins anyway

>> No.33488029

I'd like to see Lkyt's CGs uncensored but that's about it.

>> No.33488818

to think people memed about scat yet there's something much more degenerate

>> No.33488923

Is Room 09 really much better than NO THANK YOU? NTY was so bad that it soured me on parade games.

>> No.33488988
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>> No.33489004

It's pretty alright, let me know what you think Seiji would smell like if you finish playing it.

>> No.33489501

Yes, play it.

>> No.33489565

It was kind of disappointing if you were looking for guro though.

>> No.33489583

At least you do get scat (real)

>> No.33489697

What the fuck is scat (fake)?

>> No.33489699

>Madarame will never do scat with you in his dirty basement full of rats and fleas
Life is so cruel sisters..

>> No.33489721

That's Mink and Yang

>> No.33490132

stop making me sad sis..

>> No.33491024

I get tired of suggesting yoshiwara every single year...I did tho again, and added ultra c and lkyt. More likely to get localized.
Mangagamerfags will vote for kns3 (which I'm in) and again the rance shit series and other non existent plot nukige.

>> No.33491059

But Yoshiwara was in their top3 requested games last year and likely earlier too. They just don't give a fuck about otome and BL. You're going to get your Parade game in 2025, another yumas game and that twitter 3p bait otome with a lesbian route

>> No.33491107

If fujieda ends up being towas long lost brother and happy ending is Towa fucking his bro for the rest of his life Definitely kamige. Chou no doku vibes.
Didn't dmmd had kinda similar true ending? Aoba was not only fucking with his bro, but his self too

>> No.33491125

Aoba fucked
>his dog
>a robot
>his twin
In just one route, how can towa compare

>> No.33491522

Towa fucks so much better and so much more than Aoba could ever in his life, so comparing them is kinda pointless

>> No.33491532

I'd be legit shocked if all the love interests are just generic unrelated dudes.

>> No.33491734

Aoba just respects his pet, it's not like he could fuck it a lot

>> No.33493491
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>> No.33493986

Fix the robot, THEN fuck the robot. Aoba is retarded and deserves to be minku'd.

>> No.33494122

>someone had to repair the cum stained robot

>> No.33494938

Aoba was retarded but had at least his cute moments, and happily fucked with the fags.

On the other hand, Akira had that annoying I hate sex and dicks smug and attitude.
Never felt satisfied. He got to top only because Rin was a slut and had bro issues.

>> No.33498151

Fujieda is so hot desu

>> No.33499767

Spoil me on why nips say he's the true route.

>> No.33499973

Based on the leaked discord stuff it seems like they hate the rance and nukige crowd but they probably get more cash from it.
Considering how highly Yoshiwara and Jooubachi no Oubou ranks every year without getting licensed I wonder if there is some issue about the contracts.

>> No.33500192

You are the true route when you're unlocked last, generally, unless you're the bonus route.

>> No.33500206

>tfw you're the joke route no one ever finds

>> No.33500730

The otome we've been getting is probably cheaper to license. Shame it's shit

>> No.33501396

Because his route deals with Towa's personal issues and his past life a bit more alongside his mommy issues , the OP changes when you do his route and Towa seems the happiest with him since he got his life sorted out basically.
Taku is a drugfag yandere, Rei is a guy, Madarame is minku so the only reasonable person seems to be Fujieda

>> No.33501447

Call Madarame Shiki or something, unlike Minku he has a nice ass, his own rat infested basement, and he actually doesn't look like a starved horse

>> No.33501676
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I thought Taku was the slut seduces the virgin one.

>> No.33501703


>> No.33501724

Lurk 2 years before posting.

>> No.33501736

>No incest
>No threesome
Not gonna lie this is boring as shit to me. Unless it has a super good vanilla true route I sleep.

>> No.33501762

Theyve said that the surveys just for fun and don't actually influence whether something will be picked up.

>> No.33501763

> Madarame is minku
He can't be THAT bad.

>> No.33501768

I see. Towa truly seems like a great MC, no matter if the slut gets healed or corrupted even further, it's still fun to watch.

>> No.33501786

Is your metric for good mc how much he likes the dick?

>> No.33501816

Madarame is mink but attractive so everyone will forgive him this time.

>> No.33501854


>> No.33501907

But he smells like shit.

>> No.33501919

Wouldn't call Madarame Minku. He is close to Matsuda tho.

>> No.33501986

As it should be.

>> No.33502093 [SPOILER] 
File: 576 KB, 1024x576, 1614726538655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one likes Hanazawa and he's far other than Mink or any other characters in is novel.

>> No.33502106

Rei is the only virgin in the game, sorry big sis

>> No.33502108

>he's far other
Far more attractive*

>> No.33502125
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But does Take get seduced by the succubus?

>> No.33502145


>> No.33502149


>> No.33502185

We need more manlet MCs being put in their place by tall chad LIs.

>> No.33502272
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Any games like this?

>> No.33502280

He also gives Towa what he asks for: dick and abuse

>> No.33502422
File: 3.07 MB, 1080x1502, hanayaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened to her art?

>> No.33502447

how do you mind rape someone gently

>> No.33502511

You can't rape someone who's willing to have sex. Therefore Madarame is a gentleman

>> No.33502516

Art influencing has gone too far. Now Yaoi is influencing Shoujo.

>> No.33502565

Just use your imagination.

>> No.33502878

Copycat artists strike back

>> No.33503061


>> No.33503775

Akira was based, tho: anti AIDS blood, good looks, Shiki (one of the hottest semes of N+C) chasing him. And it's the only character Toriumi has voiced to sound like a man.

>> No.33503776

Has anyone else here actually finished Slow Damage?

>> No.33503994

No, I read slow so I'm only two routes in. Give me a couple weeks.

>> No.33505261

Are the videos advertised as being on the app only viewable on the app?

>> No.33505353

If you're on mobile, some related videos on bilibili will try to open on the app, but you can see them on PC too and even directly on mobile as well, but it's annoying when it tries to trick you into DLing the app

>> No.33505544

I see, thanks.

>> No.33505688

>mayu really made towa wear an anime wig and then called him by his waifu's name while fucking him in a room wall to wall of said waifu's merch
towa is masochistic enough to enjoy even this, somehow.

>> No.33506919

>can't fuck igarashi

>> No.33507905

It's literally that Konata meme.

>> No.33509597

I got stuck clearing madarame - admittedly did not pay full attention to his parts. Using a guide now so it's smoother from now on, but I'm going to need like week or so probably if I want my irl life to somewhat hold up

>> No.33514936 [SPOILER] 
File: 704 KB, 1277x721, 1614788397848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish that were me

>> No.33515114

Based Madarame's route has ryona? Nice.

>> No.33515208

Was taking a dump on him right after this necessary? Madarame already looks like someone who smells like shit

>> No.33515476

Wait, what the fuck? Does that actually happen?

>> No.33515765

none of the scat jokes are real, anon, calm down

>> No.33516184
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>> No.33516413

Wait what, Paradise got translated?

>> No.33517647

There was a crowdfunded effort to TL it. Apparently the demo is coming out "soon" (as of Jan 7th 2020).

>> No.33517876

That's nice, thanks.

>> No.33517976

damn it

>> No.33518016

How bad is Taisho alice translation? I remember anons mentioning it pulling something like ace attorney and switching the setting to america, along with adding american references and changing everyone's ages. Was it an exaggeration?

>> No.33519244

Progressive zoomers are the new dudebros sadly.

>> No.33519374

funny thing is that a lot of the fujo in denial fucks like gore, even irl gore but god forbid there be literally anything sexual. There will definitely be annoying discourse

>> No.33519506

Over 3000 views on the slow damage begging thread on that site. Bets on when? How many dogecoin miners will it contain?

>> No.33519815

Good, more content I was hoping for.

>> No.33520129
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>wtf happened to her art
It improved

>> No.33520328


>> No.33520828

I’m surprised it’s managed to go so long without being uploaded yet

>> No.33521025

Someone's going to need a physical copy. The download version uses PlayDRM and that is a pain in the ass to crack unless the developers fucked up.

>> No.33521844

>most people these days have no CD/DVD drives so barely any direct physical rips
>download version has DRM
>Only the chinks have it but it's locked behind 50 diferent pairs of shoes to lick

>> No.33521902

>tfw have physical copy but piracy is a crime
sorry, poorfagsisters...
