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33403122 No.33403122 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33322512

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33403769
File: 148 KB, 200x300, Fafa 2002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just restarted DALK外伝 the other day.
It has one of my favorite casts of any Alicesoft game, everyone feels so colorful and alive. The combat is simple but satisfying and there's more depth than your average JRPG.
I like that the story is in a seperate section from the gameplay entirely, so you're free to read it whenever you want. 戦国ランス is one of my top games of all time but there can be times where you'd get an hour of story all at once or go ten turns with no story. Giving the reader control over the pacing works really well here.
My main issue with the game, and the one that made me drop it originally, is the class change system. It's a huge part of the game, and one of the most interesting and unique things in the game, but it is very unintuitive and the game never properly explains how it works. There are very few games I would recommend playing with a guide, but this is one of them. I tried playing with no outside information and got stressed out worrying that I was going to permanently mess up a character (which can happen). I really think it would be better if every character just had a fun unique progression like in ランスVI.
Despite that, I'd still recommend it to anyone who likes both JRPGs and VNs. The girls are cute and it's fun in that simple "bashing two action figures together" way.

>> No.33403891

Guides are for zoomers.

>> No.33403925

>What are you looking forward to?
I'm still just praying to2no gets announced

>> No.33403954

Is it eroge-day already?

>> No.33404004

Not kamige day yet because Clarias has not released.

>> No.33404025

It releases today so he's right.

>> No.33404153

I hope there will be some nice meltdowns if Clarias turns out to be absolute garbage

>> No.33404243

It’s going to average a 95 on egs and your only method of coping will be to seethe in this thread for all of eternity.

>> No.33404294

The nijima hater is going to have a melty when Clarias turns out great

>> No.33404713
File: 48 KB, 256x357, Nemurenu Hitsuji to Kodoku na Ookami -A Tale of Love, and Cutthroat-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this? I am making a ""vanilla"" backlog of ClockUp titles, so far I got
>Dead Days
and this, and yes I know they have more vanilla titles (Ero series) but I want something with plot too.

>> No.33404818

It's no totono, but it's got plot.

>> No.33405024

Don't know if you should read this one if you want vanilla. It has some rather intense gore

>> No.33405106

>playing a バカゲー
>dumb but fun so it's all fine
>literally everything is voiced even the narration (by the male protagonist)
>get to the H scene
Yeah I don't know about this. This is kind of awkward.

>> No.33405201

It literally, LITERALLY cannot possibly be worse than Baldr bringer so no matter what happens it's an improvement.

>> No.33405230

>Baldr bringer
This is apparently so bad that I want to play it

>> No.33405275

>literally everything is voiced even the narration
This sounds amazing, anon. Which game?

>> No.33405345

It's not even so bad that it's entertaining.
1. Entire story is collecting heroines, none of them interact with each other ever.
2. Gameplay is Musou: Baldr edition, simplified to shit. Game also runs like trash because the engine cannot handle 100 enemies onscreen at the same time
3. Only thing you could possibly give a shit about are hidden text entries that try to explain how all the baldr games fit into each other, but they made the font really small and gave them some aids visual overlay

>> No.33405441

Wow this sounds really bad.

>> No.33405451

Yeah, I just extract the script and grep it to find the flags and figure it out myself.

>> No.33405467

大空寺危機一髪! It's incredibly dumb so you have to like that kind of thing. Another Age fandisc I played, アカネマニアックス~流れ星伝説剛田~, also happens to have voiced narration.

>> No.33405580


>> No.33405871

It has denuvo bro
it's over, we lost.

>> No.33406105

are those in the 20th box too?

>> No.33406183

They actually aren't for some reason. Just download バンドル版バンバン.

>> No.33406194

Is Lupercalia out? I need confirmation of Hyouko having route and h-scenes.

>> No.33406885

should I just buy it?

>> No.33406959 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 1614307212468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a tweest

>> No.33406965

If it's not cracked by Sunday night I'm just gonna buy it. I can't wait any longer.

>> No.33407311

t. retarded jaded boomer

>> No.33407400

You guys are gonna be let down. A game on the level of Kimi to Kanojo doesn't come out often enough to hype yourselves this much.

>> No.33407564


>> No.33407593

Nothing warms my heart better than a seething cuck. Oh wait, a preemptively seething cuck is even comfier.

>DMM exclusive
Banned on Steam, again?

>> No.33407602

jop bros I don't feel so good...

>> No.33407617

I know the VNTS thread is dead right now but that doesn't mean you have to post that here.
Nobody cares.

>> No.33407629

We lost Danny bros....

>> No.33407637

Seethe some more, jopcuck. You need to cope loss of one jp exclusive now. Two, if you count Ntr Homestay, patch is just out

>> No.33407700

Can you all please go back to /vn/ for your shitposting?

>> No.33407701

Take it, jopcucks

>> No.33407717

You should work on your crossboarding skills before actually doing it.

>> No.33407718

Yeah, can anyone not discussing clarias please leave the thread already?

>> No.33407723

Trying my best, dude.

>> No.33407734

Maybe you'll get it this time.

>> No.33407736


>> No.33407756

Ok, i got it now
Suck it, jopcucks. Another kamige gone AHAHA

>> No.33407765

By the way, is Doukyuusei literally the first ever dating sim game or is there something else that was first?

>> No.33407806



>> No.33407830

No route at least, unless it's the true end, there's a gallery rip out already but I don't want to spoil myself and check.

>> No.33407868

Go read katan's eroge history articles

>> No.33408155

Well fuck, going to wait till spoilers because I don't want to get blueballed and not taste that DFC

>> No.33408199

literally who

>> No.33408224


>> No.33408233


>> No.33408492

Some dude from pre-historic era whom the cartel doesn't like because he trashes their kamige.

>> No.33408806

Trying to find the rakugaki bitch patch for this one

Alternatively, has anyone manage to find a download links for this release?

>> No.33409220

Why is reverse rape so hot bros

>> No.33409606

About when can we expect a crack for Clarias?

>> No.33410028
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, ichikano_pYTcvgmfBs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heroine pov scene of her trying practicing things she saw in a magazine sex special section, pretty cool.

>> No.33410159

>the heroine practicing sucking and fucking with animal meat is so hot

>> No.33410285

she bites it later and practices more so it doesnt happen to your cock, be grateful.

>> No.33410286

If you are in for that, stay away. Those games aren't going to be satisfying for the 18+ content. As far as I'm concerned, they aren't satisfying at all, but that's another story. (Writer loves double standards everywhere. It's annoying as fuck)

>> No.33410427

Why can't she just practices on real cock? You need to adjust many variables while observing the response of the dude whose cock you are sucking. It's useless to practice on sausages or banabas.
t. Homo who sucked cocks

>> No.33410456


>> No.33411087

Remember to ignore and report spam.

>> No.33411241

I'm not playing it blind hoping she has scenes, I'm waiting for confirmation before deciding to read it or not. If she doesn't its a skip and that's it.

>> No.33411430

Doesn't work.

>> No.33411537
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Classmate_Remake_2021-02-25_20-21-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding the Doukyuusei remake:

There's a casual and classic mode. The casual mode has a calendar that shows when and where events are happening for each girl, and even lets you teleport to them. As a warning, casual mode absolutely DESTROYS the game design and feeling of playing Doukyuusei. I've played Doukyuusei 2 and Kakyuusei before so I know how these games are supposed to be played, and casual mode makes it a mess that plays super wrong.

As an example: You get the nurse's first event by walking into the infirmary. Makes sense. But you get the nurse's second event by walking into the infirmary again. In normal play, you would enter the infirmary, leave when done, then visit her again some other day and there's a natural passage of time. But if you're checking the event calendar, you'll walk inside, talk to her, leave, check the calendar, then walk right back in. This obvious wrecks the intended experience. But then her third event is you accidentally running into her on the stairs. In normal play this would happen by accident, obviously, you're walking around the school one day then bump into her without realizing she was there at all. In casual mode you warp to it after her second event so there's no actual accident/coincidence at all.

As another example: One of the MC's male friends blocks the protagonist when he leaves school for the first time and forces a conversation. In normal play this will almost undoubtedly happen on day 1 or 2, there's no missing it. But with the calendar you can warp around the map and miss this event for the entire game almost simply because you never actually need to move around yourself.

Basically it completely ruins how you're supposed to experience events naturally and gives everything an artificial feel. Now, this might be fine for some - I understand that missing content can be very nerve-wracking, and you may have a better time by using the calendar to ensure you see everything. This isn't me saying everyone should play classic mode. However, if you do play casual mode, be aware that it will be completely wrecking the game experience. It is not at all an equally good option or anything like that. It changes the core experience of Doukyuusei and makes it significantly lesser. So be aware of that.

>> No.33411787

>casual/idiot mode: almost kinetic that hands you the girl on a plate
>classic mode: RL simulation where you need good RNG to get the girl
The classic system reminds me of ToHeart or Da Capo where you never knew who you'd encounter in "random" events. Later DCs dumbed it down by showing the girl on the map. It's convenient and makes it easier to enter a route, but if it wasn't there in the original it sours the remake. I agree that part of the fun is the randomness. At least a first playthrough should be blind.

>> No.33411954

Better if they just provide an option to hide it. There are people who don't have the time to play with RNG the first go.

>> No.33412006

Maggot Baits level? If it is then fuck me

>> No.33412059

Understandable but how many won't just use it out of convenience? It's like the YU-NO remake. Original had you pixel hunting which made you read a lot of optional text which helped the world building and developing Takuya. Remake showed hints for what to click so people just skip the optional stuff to progress and get their achievements faster lol. And anyone who knows how annoying the pixelhunt can be will be tempted to use easy-mode even if they have the time. Doukyuusei remake should at least have classic mode as the standard option and casual mode selectable.

>> No.33412098

I really hate the "don't have the time" argument. It's a terrible way of viewing games and systems. If a system would make you enjoy the game more, it doesn't matter that it's not the most blazing fast way to play things. Presumably if you are playing games you want good experiences, and you will not get good experiences by always prioritizing speed and low-effort styles of play over getting the most out of a game. Basically, it's a dumb argument people use to justify being lazy and wreck their own experiences while not feeling bad about it. If people really didn't "have time" to play games then they wouldn't be playing the game at all - it's not like someone has 10 hours available for Doukyuusei 1 but can't afford 5 extra hours to engage with the systems properly.

As a note, RNG is a sloppy way to describe this. The "random" events in the game don't progress relationships and are just there for fun. As for the main progression for the girls, you can generally get a good idea through just observation - you can generally find the nurse in the school infirmary, the title girl at the pool, loli by the flower store where she works, there's often girls waiting by your house so you should drop by there if you don't know what else to do, etc. There will be times where you don't know where to go for sure but those are the ones where the protagonist doesn't expect to see the girl there either and it's a surprise. Warping these kind of makes these events feel pretty dull since you knew she was there ahead of time.

It's completely fair to feel to lazy to want to interact with this, and to prefer just teleporting without actually thinking at all, but it's just lame to try to excuse your laziness by saying you don't have "time" for it.

>> No.33412119

The same retards who play on イージーモード are the ones who use guides. It being there changes nothing.

>> No.33412159

Got a bit tear-eyed after finishing 魔王編 of Muramasa. Kinda glad that I didn't get the final reveal before it actually happened, even though it was pretty obvious now that I think back on it. I think it hit much harder that way.
Sad that I'm so late to the party. Probably only the translation will be able to bring back the discussion if it ever comes out.

>> No.33412184

Personally, I'm usually a "blind first playthrough" kind of guy but there are some games like Kojin Taxi where going blind doesn't really enrich anything.

Of course that might be because redoing the "common route" 5 times with no results can be souring.

>> No.33412394

>I really hate the "don't have the time" argument
I feel the same and also about other arguments like "it's dated/aged badly" etc. Such non-arguments.
I can understand the argument for sure, time is limited after all. But most use it as a "I have the time but I'm not willing to put it into [THING]" excuse. If you're not willing to put time into something then don't do it at all. People just want to finish shit as quickly as possible to start the next thing. They don't really care about things. I mean how does one even define time worth?

Let's say it takes 20h to beat a more simple game blind and 15h with a guide. That's 25% faster, which sounds a lot. But 5h over however many days you read the game is not much. If you finish in 5 days, that's 4h per day or 3h per day. Not a huge impact IF you enjoy the game. I mean if it's fun then you could forget about time and read 6-7 hours a day and finish a day earlier.
I believe C;H is marked as 18h on EGS and I finished in ~40h going through multiple times to check every single Chaos Trigger scene. Was it a waste of time? Maybe, because it was a pain in the neck to do all triggers. But then again I don't regret it because many scenes were fun. So my 40h vs 18h for speedreaders. Doesn't matter.

This EZ casual mode dumbs the game down and makes it feel less natural and immersive as you said yourself.

>> No.33412486

does this shit have Netoare, or it is Only Avoidable Netorare? I cant 100% trust VNDB tags

>> No.33412623

I didn't get it before that scene either. That writer really is skilled being able to put it all out in the open like that and not having people get it. Shame that he stopped writing to train his sword skills on a snowy mountain.

>> No.33412650

I, for one, am glad that the Clarias torrent is not up yet.

>> No.33412662

Well it has plenty non-virgin heroines. There's attempted rape, netori and a prostitute heroine. Depending on your sensibilities any of these could be netorare. Better stay away from it. Older games are just like that. One moment a heroine is all over your dick and then you find her fucking some other chick with a strapon or giving someone an enema (not saying that happens in Doukyuusei).

>> No.33412673

Retarded EOP. Not like you'll play it.

>> No.33412713

Not an EOP, friend. No need to get aggressive. I'm still reading through nine so I wouldn't be able to start reading it immediately, yet people would post about it here. It would be frustrating and distracting.

>> No.33412736

I really don't care about the non-virgin heroines, since I get the feeling that this game goes for a more realistic approach, but yeah if it has Netorare or shit like that it is a hard pass for me

>> No.33412766

Yeah, I understand not wanting to write the sequel. But not writing anything at all seems like such a waste of talent.

>> No.33412869

Judging how other people play their dating sims is pretty pointless too.

>> No.33412912

Can't wait for the Clarias torrent.

>> No.33412929

It's up.

>> No.33412945

Better to stop at your peak than ending up like Jun Maeda or the guy who wrote Sayonara wo Oshiete.

>> No.33412976

he is busy honing the way of the sword up on the summit of mt fuji in preperation for his next work which he will release on the same day as sakutoki just to cuck scaji.

>> No.33413004

While Hikaru is far from my favourite character i do think that they managed to wrap up her story quite nicely in the end. Chachamaru is such an underated heroine. She has some truly great scenes ranging from comedy to action. The whaling speech scene is pure comedy gold.

>> No.33413027

No, no. I'm fine with other people playing casual mode, like I said. I don't judge anyone for using it. For many people it will be more fun. I just judge the argument "I don't have the time (to play it normally)", which is almost universally not true, and is a bad mindset to have.

>> No.33413070

Think it's pretty obvious he never wanted sequels. He supervised the fandisc but must have left the company soon after. Nitroplus only admitting it in like 2018, after being directly asked in a livestream is fucking retarded.

>> No.33413078

My Textractor+JapReader is ready for Clarias. Try to stop me retarded JOP.

>> No.33413167

>such an underrated heroine
Isn't she the most liked heroine of the game? Or did you mean in general among all other eroge heroines?
I think my favourite turned out to be Mizuhi (leader of bandits), especially after super short scenes with her when Kageaki is trying to overcome the influence of restored nodachi, even though she isn't actually a heroine and doesn't have much screentime.

>> No.33413177

Perhaps there was a privacy clause in the contract that kept them hush hush about it and once that expired they were free to say what he was up to then.

>> No.33413270

And by my favorite I meant favourite "heroine". Actual favourite character is by far Kageaki himself, one of the best protags of all time in all mediums for me.

>> No.33413304

So which version Doukyuusei should I play? There are a ton. I would play the PC-98 version but sadly it isn't voiced.

>> No.33413306

I don't care what other people do. If you want to eat shit out of your toilet be my guest. I can still think this or that is bad or dumb. It's called opinion. If you want to rush through games like a speedrun then do it. If you enjoy it, fine. If you don't or you force yourself through a game then fucking drop it. If you can't have any fun with any eroge then fuck off and do something else. Speedrunning is also a waste of your limited time.

>> No.33413316

Pretty cliched opinions you got there

>> No.33413321

Sounds like you still care lol.

>> No.33413340

>you can't enjoy in other ways

>> No.33413381


>> No.33413402

Just pay a bunch of dlsite amateur seiyuus to voice it and then play the soundfiles in winamp

>> No.33413403

Then you better not read these spoilers:
Lilo is the green man of Clarias.
Camus is a secret antagonist, right hand of Lancelot.
Shelly is MC's great great grandmother and she dies in his arms at the end after giving birth to his daughter.
It was all a covid dream.

>> No.33413415

If you really love the PC98 aesthetic more than anything, then that's still a valid choice, but otherwise the remake is great. The art is as fantastic as you would expect from Sumeragi, and picking her was a good choice since the bulk of the heroines in the game (despite the title) are busty MILFs. Not to mention the full voice acting. You can torn on classic mode to play it like the original game so there's no downsides except missing the PC98 art/music aesthetic.

>> No.33413440

I actually prefer the art of the remake but I'm also kind of a big purist. It would go against my dignity to play the remake first. Are there scenario changes? I heard it was censored compared to the original release.

>> No.33413445

>one of the best protags of all time in all mediums for me.
He's a massive edgelord faggot and I wanna kick his ass to death

>> No.33413462

>>33413403 meant for >>33412713

>> No.33413538

I think some ages were hidden to meet sofurin regulations.
I understand being a purist (I played Doukyuusei 2 on the original PC98 version instead of the windows version for example), though this is a case where the remake is just largely better, by which I mean the h-scenes are very fappable and the girls are actually attractive instead of kind of misshapen gremlins. I'm definitely enjoying this more than I would have enjoyed the original Doukyuusei 1.
Whatever floats your boat though.

>> No.33414203

but this is not a game, shcizo-autist, it's a fucking visual novel
go play your fucking skyrim, pleb

>> No.33414266
File: 174 KB, 1200x907, EAw5a3zUwAAksuH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the remake has the extra stuff from the console versions?

>> No.33414449

Very deep and meaningful reply anon, we've all learned a lot from your autistic obsession with terms.

>> No.33414497

Has anyone uploaded the remake? I can't find it.

>> No.33414530


why the fuck is this a post-launch update? How unfinished is this game?

>> No.33414564

truly goty

>> No.33414617

clarias bros...

>> No.33414623

Isn't that just new game+? Seems pretty normal for an update.

>> No.33414645

What the fuck do you mean 3月5日? I want to play with NG+ now.

>> No.33415109
File: 38 KB, 841x219, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering how can Parfait be a virgin-only game if it has a widow heroine, but I guess it really is.

>> No.33415128

>though this is a case where the remake is just largely better, by which I mean the h-scenes are very fappable and the girls are actually attractive instead of kind of misshapen gremlins
Does the old length of H-scenes fit the scene or is it too short to match the fappability of the CGs?

>> No.33415171

Usually too short to match the fappability of the CGs. Some are over in literally a few lines.

>> No.33415369

Is there an alternative to VNR that isn't textractor? Textractor doesn't work in full screen so it's pretty much useless.

>> No.33415393


>> No.33415406


>> No.33415678

Learning Japanese is a pretty good alternative from what I heard.

>> No.33415721

I'm using as a tool to help learn Japanese.

>> No.33415764

Why do you need full screen then? You would need to move to another window to look up words anyway.
If you mean MTL, that isn't learning.

>> No.33415795

Can't you implement a dictionary into textractor that shows meanings of words when you hover over it? Or is that only VNR?

>> No.33415963

Fucking retard, ever heard of fucking chiitrans?

>> No.33416013

Jesus, I'm glad I'm too busy with looking for a job to still care about this thread. Cause let me tell you, it doesn't look good from a scrollthrough.

Also I'm glad new Lucle is up. I might read it in few months.

>> No.33416125

clarias up.

>> No.33416135

Only a clarias crack can save the thread now.

>> No.33416244

GIGA has used AlphaROM on everything so far. Tried AlphaRomDie?

>> No.33416265

It's on r*pidgator by some DDL pajeet on anime-sharing. I can download and upload it if you want.

>> No.33416306

It has Mexashare links too, with a download manager and a VPN you can download all the parts at the same time.

>> No.33416340
File: 620 KB, 1920x1080, 9-nine-ゆきいろゆきはなゆきのあと_2021-02-26_16-19-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few years back I found out that the guy who said 働いたら負け is a filthy faker and a wagepig. I was so sad.

>> No.33416404

ask in /djt/ for how to do this

>> No.33416458
File: 408 KB, 650x405, 1611946360379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2021 the year of eroge remakes and re-releases.

>> No.33416590

So, Mashiro Iro Symphony confirmed 2021 then?

>> No.33417050

waiting for clarias...

>> No.33417225

Yes please

>> No.33417512

Yeah, this medium is creatively dead, officially.

>> No.33417610

Holy shit, Danny is godtier.

>> No.33417626

Danny is a kamige
Way better than "kamige" overrated by pretentious JOPs who post here

>> No.33417789

Is there anything worth playing in Japanese now that Danny is officially translated? I can't think of anything worthwhile.

>> No.33417837

Don't you have a /vn/ thread to spam instead of the Untranslated VN GeneraI?

>> No.33417854

Observe how no JOP talked about Danny except for NTRanon
These people always hide good things from EOPs and recommend them trash like subahibi

>> No.33417855
File: 21 KB, 806x367, Screenshot 2021-02-26 120808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone with an opinion you dislike is 1 person. Danny is seriously that good.

>> No.33417899

I'll stop posting in /jp/ when /jp/ stops shitposting in /vn/. Don't be a hypocrite that thinks you deserve 2 threads and others have to stay in 1. All visual novels were untranslated at some point, other than the really good ones that started in English.

>> No.33417976
File: 1.25 MB, 1023x1033, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my muramasa reading setup, jopbros.

>> No.33418211

I have no idea what this Danny is and I don't think I should.

>> No.33418256

Ofc you don't know good stuff. Go play garbage like muramasa, JOP faggot.

>> No.33418282

It's a netorare game, popular for having the most absurd train-wreck of a plot. Comedy gold. Someone is calling it kamige unironically 草

>> No.33418357

clarias down

>> No.33418439

I see people bitching about clarias on Japanese side
Looks like niijima did it again

>> No.33418512


>> No.33418630

5ch, egs, twitter. He's getting shat on.

>> No.33418645

people always bitch

>> No.33418655

>NTR game
Ah, the final stage of the EOP
Having ran out of good ENG translated VNsto read, he passes the time on /vn/ and plays 3rd rate H games

>> No.33418678

Drop a link here if you manage to find them, I'm also interested. Bitch series is hot as fuck.

>> No.33418690

The point of VN is to entertain yourself and also jack off. You don't need godtier plot, the train-wreck is intentional and extremely fun to experience. It's the Emergence of visual novels, and it deserves as much recognition for being such.

>> No.33418745

>Nooo I can only enjoy romeo's pretentious vomit, Jackson's world salad, sca-ji's misunderstood wikipedia quotes, narahara's edge, masada's bullshit fights
>I fucking can't have fun
This is why you JOPs are the laughing stock of the VN community.

>> No.33418770

Kek, I didn't think of it like that before but that's probably true.

>> No.33418771

At this point, I may resort to buying them off of DLsite. Just hope they accept my CC.

>> No.33418795

>Emergence of visual novels
Overhyped by the most casual of people?

>> No.33418802

Wow you read such obscure stuff you're hyped up for clarias

>> No.33418848

It's hilarious that you've deluded yourself into thinking casuals know what emergence, let alone danny's game, is.

>> No.33418868

any browser hover dictionary plugin works with an empty html

>> No.33418931

This can't be happening

>> No.33418995

IIRC people used to circumvent that by buying DLsite points on the all-ages side of DLsite via PayPal and then paying with these points on adult-only side. The points couldn't be used on another language side of DLsite however (e.g.if you bought them on ENG side, you wouldn't be able to use them on JPN side and vice versa), not sure if it still applies now.

>> No.33419161

This thread really reminds me of: "Intelligence is what is most fairly distributed in this world. Nobody thinks they need more."

I'm not sure if this is even just shit posting at this point.

>> No.33419166

It baffles to me anybody who reads netorare eroge didn't know about the existence of Home Stay and Danny, at least. That's a new level of casual only found in the vnr subreddit.

>> No.33419186

>It's the Emergence of visual novels,
That would be https://vndb.org/v16376
The VN that ShindoL literally tweeted "this VN was one of my major inspirations for Emergence."

>> No.33419213

I certainly think I need more, I wouldn't be struggling at uni otherwise.

>> No.33419247

You just need to suck your professors' cocks hard enough.

>> No.33419291

Source: dude trust me

Dawwww, looks like nijima hater is mad because Clarias is kamige

>> No.33419325

But danny's game is better

>> No.33419387

Fuck off with your dumb quotes, idiot quof.

>> No.33419516

It's over Clariasbros

>> No.33419537


>> No.33419583
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>> No.33419597

I didn't even say anything about Clarias?

>> No.33419646

Wow, what a shitty average.

>> No.33419810

lupercalia is only 15 hours long, what kusoge

>> No.33419890

Those two contrarian haters kek

>> No.33420041

15 hours without skipping voice acting? Doubt.

>> No.33420265

february 27, 2021
5:00 am jst
clarias status: not up

>> No.33420268


>> No.33420274

Just get it off anime-sharing, that’s what I’m doing. Fuck these file host timers though.

>> No.33420330

Is island worth reading if I only liked Aquas first route in Himawari and the epilogues of Himawari

>> No.33420351

Is all-ages kusoge worth reading? Is that your question? Are you sure you want to ask that?

>> No.33420366

>if I only liked Aquas first route in Himawari and the epilogues of Himawari
Then no. Island is more plot driven with no aqua tier character stuff.

>> No.33420417

Voice files are long 20.5 hours. I'd say the game is 25-30 hours long then.

>> No.33420563

I guess I'll read Lupercalia first since the Clarias patch is coming out in a week.

>> No.33420658

Huh? What’s the deal with Clarias?

>> No.33420691


>> No.33420700

it's only a ng+ patch tho who cares

>> No.33420724

I'm holding off on clarias just because I want to know if the gameplay's good and that's the sort of thing that takes time and people actually playing it a bunch.

>> No.33420769

I don't know the game setup. What if you have to play the game several times like Xuse games or Rance 10?

>> No.33420807

Only the CG set is up on Nyaa for Clarias.

>> No.33420942

I only need 3 more hours + the 60 MB part 6 and I will have grabbed the game off anime sharing. Nobody can stop me now.

>> No.33421010

Is 揺り籠より天使まで as good as Clephas claims?

>> No.33421035

For Clarias you can always play the first route all the way to the point before the ending, then wait for the patch to get the additional benefits and carry over to 2nd play.

>> No.33421048

Play one route and then wait for days to continue? That's stupid. What would I do between that? It breaks the flow.

>> No.33421079

>Play one route and then wait for days to continue?
It's what I do for most games anyway.

>> No.33421081

You could always replay a classic like kimi to kanojo.

>> No.33421182

We are in kamige month, you can play Lupercalia, Doukyuusei or that new chikan game.

>> No.33421244

can't play lupercalia the chins are too sharp for me

>> No.33421415
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, chin (chin).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't kidding

>> No.33421474

Finally chins that can compete with Gakuen Handsome.

>> No.33421763

what site do you guys use (torrent) to donwload vns? I am used to sukebei, but some jp vns barely have any seeders

>> No.33421793

the only other worthwhile torrent site is the sekret club on animebytes

>> No.33421808

anime-sharing forums

>> No.33421916

If stats actually get reset between routes I'm just going to call it kusoge.

>> No.33422086
File: 40 KB, 1154x752, deaddays_1RVwGd5BJl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I cant find any site that has Nemurenu Hitsuji to Kodoku na Ookami , I will go with this I guess

>> No.33422121

you're not the best at looking, look a little harder
No, I'm not going to tell you where to find it because I want you to learn, you'll thank me later.

>> No.33422145

I thought it fucks with your saves so you can never truly replay it from scratch?

>> No.33422160

You can delete the right files and start fresh. Personally I played it once through the JAST version and once through the Steam version, since I figured I might as well use both copies I paid for.

>> No.33422169

of course it is not impossible to find it, I just don't to install it in parts, or download a torrent that has 2 seeders.

>> No.33422255

what's the latest on clarias

>> No.33422268

Why don't you play the real version?

>> No.33422271

>or download a torrent that has 2 seeders.
what's your issue with that just leave it running for one or two days and you'll have it

>> No.33422275

Because it's not 2013 anymore?

>> No.33422281

Only three h-scenes per heroine.

>> No.33422298

?? Why does the year matter? If you only played the translated version it doesn't matter how many times you do it you're still getting an inferior version.

>> No.33422309

I'd rather read a 9.9/10 version of a 10/10 than repeating the same read over and over.

>> No.33422389

But you wouldn't be reading the same thing over and over, you still haven't read the real game for the first time yet.

>> No.33422404

you already totoknow I did though

>> No.33422449

Don't feed the EOP.

>> No.33422514

right looks like she enjoys anal

>> No.33422680

Roughly the same as Duel Savior and Baldr Force/Sky

>> No.33422707

Too many.

>> No.33422912

Can someone skim through the CG set and confirm if the rightmost girl has ero scenes or not? White hair + red eyes, not the other white hair girl.

>> No.33422923

Sounds just right to me.

>> No.33422999

Are you retarded? Why wouldn't she?

>> No.33423787

No ero CG samples on website

>> No.33423811

They just avoid spoiling traps, it's pretty standard

>> No.33424034
File: 149 KB, 1152x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ I nearly shat myself

>> No.33424364

what's this?

>> No.33425232


>> No.33425473

Wrong. That is Dead Days.

>> No.33425538
File: 71 KB, 800x600, img0450_ev_mio0018.cpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play their older titles like Sentinel

>> No.33426135

>Searching niijima on twitter
>recent tweets
>閃クラ、シナリオが足引っ張りすぎ... ほんと新島夕なんでこんなに支持されてるのか1㍉も理解できん…
Damn this nigga is hated

>> No.33426178


>> No.33426254
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>> No.33426314

This is relatable

>> No.33426365

Sounds like a butthurt hater to me, another one bitting the dust because Clarias is kamige.

>> No.33426435

It's three different tweets from three different users. 5ch comments are funny. They are waiting for someone to confirm whether niijima shit the bed this time or not.
I'll play this after making sure he didn't fuck up this time

>> No.33426472

When's girlcelly putting up normal uploads of Clarias and the Tenmei append?

>> No.33426505

Some of the pre-release trial version comments on egs are lol

>> No.33426589

Niijima Yuu writes like an ESL

>> No.33426778

Tell me about the lone nijima hater, why is he in perpetual melty state? What motivates him to search tweets to validate his poor taste?

>> No.33426813

I won't forgive niijima for trifling with my feelings with his cheap bullshit

>> No.33426830
File: 363 KB, 1280x960, teamzombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okomeman ochinpo cancer confirmed?

>> No.33426907

Is Clarias MC voiced during the sex scenes? That's another sign of kamige.

>> No.33427214

Clarias up on Nyaa

>> No.33427639

Only 1 (You) and I've never played Skyrim you loser. And it's eroge, not visual novel.

>> No.33427700

Great time for some Salsa and Ritos.

>> No.33427764

so slap sex modes on scyrim adn enjoy your hard work to get a pussy, loser
imagine being this autistic to cray about other players not putting enough efforts lol

>> No.33427903

The fuck are you even talking about schizo. You go play your skyrim, totono, island, homestay, clarias or dead days.

>> No.33427919

I hope not. He's one of the few devs who actually seems to just really love making nukige for the sake of it.

>> No.33428057

no fucktard, i'm gonna play doukyusei with easy mode and you suck my dick while i do so

>> No.33428266

Tried not being trans?

>> No.33428536

No thanks. How about you suck my cum out of your Aoi's disease riddled cunt? You like that after all because you're a cum munching EOP faggot. Go 41% already.

>> No.33428723

aoi is the best girl, faggot

>> No.33428778

Haru is a better girl than Aoi could ever be.

>> No.33428836

> he likes trannycock
as expected from jopfaggot

>> No.33428897

Is there any fucking VN with good heroines
I don't fucking want dumb women

>> No.33429094


>> No.33429364

fuck you

>> No.33429617

Kamige Clarias is up boys!

>> No.33429624

Definitely not Totono. They're dumber than Nekopara cats.
>smart heroines
>smart females
That's actually harder than I thought. Moege fails because blobs. Nukige fails because dumb cock-hungry sluts and NTRge heroines are known to make dumb decisions. Chuunige also suffer from dumb heroines that need constant rescuing. Some charage have "smart" heroines but it's more the book-smart and able to banter kinds. You could say "heroines" in shit like Umineko or Higurashi are smart, yet they often act dumb. I can't come up with anything other than all-ages shit and overrated "kamige" by our genius writers.

>> No.33429632

>I can't come up with anything other than all-ages shit and overrated "kamige" by our genius writers.

>> No.33429636

20GB are you kidding me? And it still needs a post-release patch that isn't out for over a week. Fuck this game I'll play Baldr Heart again.

>> No.33429650

sca-ji, romeo, urobutcher, jackson, narahara, r07

>> No.33429661

oh and nakazawa and uchikoshit for all-ages

>> No.33429684

4GB is smaller than expected. Sadly can't download it now but will wait for the guide and badge system patch.

>> No.33429703
File: 292 KB, 1600x900, 彼女は友達ですか? 恋人ですか? それともトメフレですか?_Version_1.0.0.0_[daTomefure (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of all dialogue in h-scenes is begging the protagonist to impregnate them
>no pregnant h-scenes
I'm very disappointed.

>> No.33429729

My dear abuser of the quote function, the final H-scenes are pregnant H-scenes, but with no bellies.

>> No.33429736

>pregnant with no belly
no TRUE pregnant h-scenes.

>> No.33429740
File: 248 KB, 600x900, library_600x900_2x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Riddle Joker any good or it's your typical yuzu shit with a super passive no-personality protagonist and the girls being pure retard moeblobs?

I've read Sanoba and it felt like it was written by a middle aged chain smoking salaryman. So shallow and unrealistic I couldn't immerse myself into any of the scenes.

>> No.33429753

its typical yuzusoft shit

>> No.33429754

>typical yuzu shit with a super passive no-personality protagonist and the girls being pure retard moeblobs
This. How about you read something good like tsuriotsu instead?

>> No.33429785

vndb reviews just reminded me that EOPs can be as obnoxious and idiotic as certain JOPs.
>guy reviews a moege and the only thing he does is complaining about the MC being a 鈍感. Absolutely nothing about the actual game. He cares only about the MC in a game about cute girls.
>that same guy reviews a scenarioge and hails it as kamige and praises the prose as comparable to early modern Japanese literature masterpieces
What does an EOP know about Japanese prose? What a joke to compare a VN translation to the "prose" of a literature translation.

>> No.33429792

why would you ever read reviews, let alone english reviews
it's deliberately seeking outrage bait. You're actively looking for things you KNOW are just going to make you upset when you see them.

>> No.33429805

he wouldn't know. maybe his MTL garbled up the pregnancy bit

>> No.33429812

Then how come it was the top seller of 2018?

>> No.33429819

Because typical yuzusoft shit is very popular and always sells well you tard

>> No.33429820

Clarias has no DRM.

>> No.33429829

Hard doubt. Post screenshots.

>> No.33429843

>muh 1080p
>muh kamige in production for a billion years

>> No.33429848
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>> No.33429850

This thread is too green recently.

>> No.33429859

donkan mc games have always been trash

>> No.33429869

What made Giga drop DRM?

>> No.33429878

I always take a looksie at the recent reviews and read some of them out of interest to see others' thoughts even for games I haven't played. Most reviews are trash and useless, sometimes I agree with arguments they make. They rarely anger me, it's just amusement. And idiots like that just wow me sometimes. It's like reading Steam reviews were the positive ones just say "boobs" or have emoticons, and some bad reviews are salty people or techlets. Then you find some detailed reviews that take apart games in a neutral objective fashion.
I wouldn't read "professional" reviews ever though, nor listen to influencers. They're corrupted by money, fame and fanboyism. And often suck at gaming.

>> No.33429879

What made them keep using the same AlphaROM that could always be bypassed with tools from 2013 and 2014 until now?

>> No.33429937

>I'm totally smarter than that guy because I can enjoy a bottom of the barrel moege despite the horrible writing
Let me guess, it was a Yuzusoft title.

>> No.33429965

No one defended donkans, EOP-kun. The point is that a game consists of various facets like characters, story, art, music, backgrounds, UI, H-scenes, voice acting, system features, and more. And moeshit focuses first and foremost on cute girls, pleasant art, voice acting, "fun" writing and おかず.

Whether a protagonist is a donkan, hetare, blank slate self-insert with 0 personality, or whatever else doesn't matter in that shit. The reviewer obsessing over the MC's very common personality trait (which is used in most moege) makes him look like a fag who didn't actually play the game. And in this case the EOP actually did not understand the game's moe. He's a pretentious fart sniffer like JOP e-celebs except they know Japanese and can talk about a game's prose. But they also don't understand the concept of moe.

>> No.33429975

Anyone having fps issues in clarias? I have no issues with AAA games, but clarias drops to like 7 fps.

>> No.33429989

Oh fuck off already with your putting words into my mouth like in the previous post. Yes, it was a Yuzushit title as you can find out by going to the vndb main page like you obviously did. Congrats, EOP-kun. And again, just because the protagonist is donkan doesn't make the entire writing horrible. Moege don't depend on protagonist writing that much, what matters is heroine writing because moebuta have to fall in love with them so they can fap. If a plotge has a donkan protagonist that's a different matter because the reader has to immerse in the setting and story and a useless MC ruins it no matter how interesting the rest is.

>> No.33429992

The MC can absolutely make or break a game. I know I wouldn't care how good the girls are if the protagonist is a stuttering mess that keeps missing every chance he's given.

>> No.33430000

That's gay.

>> No.33430008

>Yes, it was a Yuzushit title
A fucking yuzubuta has no right to call other people idiots.

>> No.33430157

Considering who plays these games I'd call that a game feature to simulate reality for maximum self-insertion.

Final reply you get from me. Again, read what I said. But you're just a baiting brainlet internet troll unable to make arguments. No point in further discussion. Have a nice day, EOP-kun, trolling whoever on this board you don't belong.

>> No.33430165

Chill, moebuta-yuzufag

>> No.33430167

People in the west just haven't developed critical language to talk about moege. They are still stuck with the checklist of conventional storytelling standards that badly apply to moege genre.

>> No.33430187

>smart heroines
Lmao you're just shitposting

>> No.33430234

clarias status: up

>> No.33430252

Works on my 7 year old laptop with integrated graphics

>> No.33430268

Call me eop again and I will doxx you.

>> No.33430278

I've tried reading a few moege and even enjoyed some (especially the kind that are more about comedy rather than the horribly written romance), but I feel like the vast majority of them are targeting bottom feeder incels. My life situation is nowhere as bad so I can't relate at all. And this is the kind of sentiment you're going to be seeing in mainstream Western reviews.

>> No.33430294

Is your RAM or disk at like 100%? Then close a few apps.

>> No.33430319

I don't know what kind of moege you're reading, but you make it sound like they're depression romps which are far from it.

>> No.33430334

a lot of them start off like that, sounds more like he's never read one past the prologue

>> No.33430386

I meant the pandering (especially in heroine routes) eventually gets so bad that it becomes extremely obvious that both the writer and intended audience had never dated anyone and never will.

>but you're supposed to just roll with the tropes and/or ctrl-skip to h-scenes if you're really bored/cringing too hard
idk, why even bother then

>> No.33430408

They're not meant for midwits like you. Either you adapt or find another subgenre.

>> No.33430431

Fucking normalfags in my medium.

>> No.33430568

I don't think you'll enjoy this medium.

>> No.33430615

>moege with "realistic dating"
the horror

>> No.33430662

What horror? It can be fun and lovely.

>> No.33430837

Imagine a moege heroine telling you that you are the fourth or fifth man she is stringing along as a personal wallet

>> No.33430935

>moege with "realistic fighting"
the horror

>> No.33430952

I meant chuunige fuck.

>> No.33430983

Realistic fighting looks like garbage. I used to be a delinquent kid at school so I witnessed many bloody fights irl and they just seen chaotic and random without any form or beauty.

>> No.33431015


>> No.33431425

>its an h-scene ruined by too much defloration blood
I just need a couple of red pixels in the mosaic, not a fucking murder scene

>> No.33431459

Who are you quoting? Certainly not me. Defloration blood is moe. Girl feeling pain and not cumming during her first time is moe.

>> No.33431488

It's cringe. She shouldn't bleed unless you're bad at fucking.

>> No.33431494

There's an appropriate level of blood that shouldn't be crossed, but sometimes is

>> No.33431561

Of course I'm bad at fucking. The MC and I are both virgins.

>> No.33431578

>playing games with virgin MCs

>> No.33432244

Is Clarias the greatest VN in history? Chapter 5 is so good

>> No.33432355

Bro, you'll never be a fucking woman. Or fuck a woman.

And real talk. It's clear you're mentally ill for reals.

>> No.33432423

Is it really?

>> No.33432440

not sure my torrent is stuck at 20%

>> No.33432470
File: 937 B, 180x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33432749

If anything it deserve the title memege at this point.

>> No.33433455

clarias is extremely good
anybody here trying to knock it down a peg is on a weird hipster bump
well deserved place in the top echelon of eroge
yeah, i would genuinely recommend it as one of the best action games i've ever played visual novel beside the point and within that achieves some of the strongest harmony between game and story i've seen period Which makes me kind of sad some people played on autopilot difficulties since some scenes landed so well because of how the gameplay in them grounded them imo but i know people also have their time much more ruined by strugglemode than I do

>> No.33433750

Help me, I'm possibly retarded.

How do you change/add notes to your VN list on VNDB? You used to be able to tick a box next to a game and then add/remove a note. I can't find that option anymore, even though my old notes are still there.

>> No.33433887

Finally figured out how to apply that Harem patch. If anyone has problems getting Chikan 2 to run feel free to ask.

>> No.33434094

tfw i've been waiting six hours for my clarias torrent to finish and didn't realize that my drive was full all along

>> No.33434103

So Urobutcher, Jackson and R07 are fine? I disagree.

>> No.33434141

Click the leftmost arrow, or go to the game page and add the note there.

>> No.33434160

Feels terrible to cum halfway through an H-scene. But she was so cute. It hurt her so much, she was actually crying, even towards the end.

>> No.33434531 [DELETED] 

Man I totally get you. The less blood the better. I liked how minimal it was in Noshoujo for Kotori and Aoi. You barely see it:

Some games go completely overboard and there's so much ketchup bleeding I get sick. I feel like many moege devs keep increasing the amounts of blood the last 2 years. Hard to believe games used to have mostly non-virgins or just didn't show any bleeding at all.

>> No.33434674

To be fair, it depends on the girl's body. It can get almost as bad as period sex. That's why I don't get Japs fetishizing it, it's fucking gross lol.

t. deflowered 2 girls

>> No.33434750

Accidentally uploaded the wrong pic.

Yeah that's true. Most girls lose their hymen from exercise and don't bleed much during their first time. Those who have an intact one have varying bleeding. Same applies to their periods. Some barely have anything and others.. just hope your gf/wife is clean and doesn't leave behind a gory mess in the bathroom. Scary.
I think eroge should not overdo it. Realism is not always good.

>> No.33434751

that's because of fuctard moebutas like you, moebutas usualyt fucking blind because of masturbating to much, so they increase blood level so tards like you would be able to see it anyway without breaking disks lol

>> No.33434764

Can you repeat that in English again, EOP?

>> No.33434801


>> No.33434888

That's not English. Also nice DeepL translation.

>> No.33434907

That's because of fugly moe pigs like you. Moe pigs are usually blinded by too much masturbation, which increases their blood levels, so fugly pigs like you don't have to crack open the disks to see them. lol

>> No.33434927

lmao this board is fucking hilarious with this EOP vs JOP eternal struggle

>> No.33434935

Stop spamming. Again, nice DeepL translation. And I still have no idea what you want to say with "don't have to crack open the disks to see them."

>> No.33434985

It's a board and thread about Japanese culture and language. An EOP has no place there. The only ones struggling are EOPs who don't understand this and who eternally wait for badly translated scraps.

>> No.33435006
File: 181 KB, 1152x720, file 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this might be the most poorly written MC I have ever seen.
>giga edgy
>"people win at life using others"
>I am darkness...
he looks like he was made to literally me hated

>> No.33435013

>Clarias is native 720p
Why is this allowed in 2021?

>> No.33435017

It's not that though. People here are calling anyone they disagree with an EOP. It's freaking hilarious.

>> No.33435021

bet you're just fucking retarded moebuta and hate cool non-virgin mc

>> No.33435034

>most japs have laptops instead of desktop PC's
>1080p laptops are still far from the standard

>> No.33435039

and I bet you are a faggot that likes the "we live in a society" "I hate friendship!!" MC you cunt

>> No.33435053

You both are retarded.

>> No.33435063

Why are Westoids so tech autistic?

>> No.33435066

lemme guess, your favorite eroge company is yuzusodt?

>> No.33435107
File: 76 KB, 801x814, she_her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no!!! MCs must be bad, and fuck everyone, they cant have friendships unless they win something in return!!! just like real life!!!
You were undoubtedly bullied at school.

>> No.33435328

How much of a pussy do you have to be to be that squeamish about blood? I hate those scenes because they look painful for the girl and it kills my boner. The only reason japs fetishize it so much is because the girl is in pain and she endures it to be a fleshlight for the MC, unless the MC is actually decent and does proper foreplay/waits for her to get used to it.

>> No.33435372

Giga respects my freedoms as a user now? Nice.

>> No.33435418

>because they look painful for the girl
Best part. Especially love Rance h scenes whenever Rance rapes another virgin using her blood as lube, because she's dry as fuck.

>> No.33435419

I love them. One of the girls described it greatly. Pain is what differentiates the first time from every other. It helps create an unforgettable emotional experience.

>> No.33435552

All of this Clarias posting is working on me.

>> No.33435622

Clarias chapter 1 was really cringe

>> No.33435646

For the record, that wouldn't even feel good and you'd just hurt your dick.
Nobody gives a shit about their first time unless they're still with the same person.

>> No.33435670

>For the record, that wouldn't even feel good and you'd just hurt your dick.
Why should i care about how does it feels irl? I don't need realism in my eroge.

>> No.33435695

>Nobody gives a shit about their first time unless they're still with the same person.
That's the point of relationships, you disgusting degenerated normalfaggot. One per lifetime.

>> No.33435703

>Pain is what differentiates the first time from every other.
No, you dumb incel. Pain just makes the experience worse and your brain tries to bury the memory of it. You're supposed to make it hurt as less as possible and make it a fun memory for her.

>> No.33435713

Neither of your points are relevant to eroge, if you want to talk about normalfag shit go somewhere else.

>> No.33435732

IRL most girls just want to be done with it so that they lose their V-card and feel like a "real woman". Still being a virgin is something they can actually get really insecure about. (Basically same as dudes).

Real life is not like your JP eroge at all.

>> No.33435750

The same reason why you wouldn't want needles going through the MC's dick, presumably you're self-inserting. Why would you self-insert into something that doesn't even feel good?
With how often people lie and misrepresent themselves, that rarely ever happens.

>> No.33435794

Every sex can the special one. There's no reason for you to attach this much value for first time. You just made it up in your brain.

>> No.33435810

How can you find a perfect partner on your first find? You only begin to understand the other person properly after you start dating him.

>> No.33435821

Kill yourself w*man.

>> No.33435823

Rofl. I just fap to whatever looks hot for me on my pc monitor.

>> No.33435853

It's not related to women. This applies to men too. I don't think you ever dated anyone in your life.

>> No.33435870

If the game says it feels good that's all that matters, there are plenty of games with both men and women losing their minds to pleasure from stuff that would be painful.

>> No.33435885

I believe all these anons who are putting purity on pedestal here are either rural Christians or sand niggs.

>> No.33435895
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Asahi, what are you doing in isekai?

>> No.33435900

Of course I haven't. I don't understand why you have doubts about that. Why are you here? Do you realize you're not welcome? You are not amongst your own. Go back to your favorite shitcord.

>> No.33435905

every 2nd character looks like asahi with a different hair color even the main girl

>> No.33435909

There are heroines with ex boyfriend

>> No.33435947
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Do the choices matter aside from the obvious ones?

>> No.33435957

Not in my games.

>> No.33435969

I didn't realize Japan was full of rural Christians and sand niggers. It's just common sense to value purity.

>> No.33435996

They spend years of their life fapping to the most degenerate shit possible. Actual pure girls wouldn't touch them with a 20 foot pole.

>> No.33436008

Purity isn't real. Used goods isn't a thing. They are all metaphors and analogies you guys came up with to promote your mental illness.

>> No.33436020

I care about purity because I'm playing a porn game that can be a perfect fantasy, I've never dated of fucked anyone and probably never will, I don't care about real women being virgins like some religious nutjob.
These discussion are always retarded because someone talks about how the fantasy is being used in-game and what makes it appealing >>33435419 and then normalfags like you bring up real life shit as if anyone gave a fuck.

>> No.33436033

Holy shit this EOP roastie invasion from /vg/ is annoying.

>> No.33436034

Japanese girls are pretty sexually active bro. Your otaku can't push their outdated values on Japanese girls.

>> No.33436054

That anon was retarded shit so ofc sensible people would make fun of him.

>> No.33436056

It's been this way, exactly this way, for years.

>> No.33436071

It's actually EOPs who talk like incels. Go lurk their thread and you'll find the same incel arguments.

>> No.33436076

What's retarded about it? That's literary what the characters say a lot of time, that's what the writers believe.
Because it doesn't apply to real life? Who gives a fuck?

>> No.33436101

Whether that's true or not, I was just pointing another culture that obviously values those things to some point. Being super sexually active is recent thing in human history anyway.

>> No.33436123

>Killing our inhibitions is recent thing in human history anyway.

>> No.33436140

Nearly every civilization had monogamous marriage for a reason.

>> No.33436151

That kinda thinking is mental illness.

>> No.33436159

you have to do them all so probably not

>> No.33436164

That's Judeo-Christian propaganda.

>> No.33436188

It literally has nothing to do with any of the sand religions. It existed well before any of them.

>> No.33436190

If you check Mesopotamian records you'll find that purity wasn't worshipped at first and suddenly it is treated as something to be protected as everyone got entangled in a web of debt where females related to you can easily to be taken away and made to do prostitution or added to the harem of creditor.

>> No.33436210

That has less to do with purity and more that if every man is guaranteed a wife, no matter how shitty they are, they're less likely to go nuclear and become a nuisance to society.

>> No.33436221

I agree, not wanting your girl full of cum from at least 10 dudes is a mental illness. Not wanting to share any special once-per-lifetime moments with her is a mental illness. Not wanting to raise someone else's child is a mental illness. Now that you're happy, you can leave.

>> No.33436226

>it is treated

>> No.33436227

Almost every tribal culture pre-christ encouraged multiple partners. Educate yourself.

>> No.33436237

Maybe eroge are for mentally ill people.
Feel free to leave if you're so normal.

>> No.33436268

I said "civilization" for a reason. Of course primitive ooga boogas were backwards.

Both things go hand in hand. Everyone marrying at a young age means purity 90+% of the time.

>> No.33436282

Purity is a literal imaginary meme. You can't find a perfect partner on your first try. Treating first sex as something extremely special is arbitrary and based on above mentioned stupid assumptions.

>> No.33436302
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It's such an odd feeling.

>> No.33436303

>You can't find a perfect partner on your first try
I can when playing eroge.

>> No.33436311

If you think the creators of harem are "ooga booga" then there's no helping you.

>> No.33436326
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does this choice matters to the story or is only to collect scenes?

>> No.33436339

But you can only watch protag finding partner, cuck.
Ever heard of seiya-saiga.com? Fucking newfag.

>> No.33436344

>creators of harem are "ooga booga"
Backwards sand people? Yeah of course they were dumb.

>> No.33436359

That's like saying you should be bound to the first friend you ever make, except more drastic because getting married entails you'll be around the person almost 24/7. There's a high chance you won't be compatible and you can never leave because divorce back then was sacrilege.

>> No.33436382

Normalfag who doesn't understand self-inserting and uses guides. The worst combination.

>> No.33436398
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A pity ELF never made Doukyuusei 3.

>> No.33436416

They were more civilized than the smelly Europeans then, you actual retard.

>> No.33436419

Divorce is still sacrilege. People need to learn to compromise and accept the other person's faults.

>> No.33436422

>There's a high chance you won't be compatible and you can never leave because divorce back then was sacrilege.
And yet relationships between the sexes was far healthier and happier in those days. Everytime you divorce, it gets worse.

>> No.33436447

Sand people backwards? Middle East was the center of advancement in most fields before 17th century.

>> No.33436452

Would it kill you pieces of shit to take your off-topic squabble to /pol/?

>> No.33436477

He's most probably an amerimutt. They learn about Greeks and then suddenly jump to industrial revolution in England.

>> No.33436524

So if your wife is beating the shit out or emotionally abusing you, you should compromise and accept her faults?
You have absolutely no way of quantifying that. Especially back in the 50s people got married within months without even knowing each other, and popped out children within a year. Now they are chained for life to someone they don't even truly know and are likely to be miserable for the rest of their lives with no escape.

>> No.33436539

Aside from Mesopotamia and say like Iranians during parts of the medieval era, European societies were more advanced.

>> No.33436589

Your snow nigger ancestors regressed during the Middle Ages by destroying the Roman Empire and were proud of it. Shut the hell up.

>> No.33436593

Happiness surveys have been done for many decades and they all show happiness has declined across time.

>> No.33436602

Autist who self-inserts and crying because of his austism, also loves CHALLENGE and cry again. Worst combo ever.

>> No.33436617

Lmao Europe was unironically a slum continent back then and they just imported developments in middle east time to time.

>> No.33436648

How much of that is due to socioeconomic factors, though?

>> No.33436651

pfff AHAHAAH a 2 day thread, hasn't hit bump limit, holy fuck now I know why so many of you faggots lurk /vn/, this is a fucking desert

>> No.33436652

That's incorrect. The Byzantines existed well into the 1400s. The early Middle Ages had a regression of course since western Rome fell, but many important institutions and developments (universities, courts, etc.) were made not too long afterwards.

>> No.33436660

accodrring to scaji there is no hapiness so you should just kill yourself because life in smeaningles

>> No.33436699

All of that went down to shitter when indentured serfdom and fiefs and anti-intellectualism became mainstream. Admit it. Europoors embraced their idiocracy.

>> No.33436740

Not really? I went to public schools and we learned plenty about the middle east in my history classes. People here believe the middle east has always been a shithole because of modern jingoistic propaganda pushed by fox and cnn.

>> No.33436773

Yuropoors were reading latin translations of Arabic translation of Greek/roman texts. Byzantines were cut off from most of the Europe back then.

>> No.33436849

Enjoying Clarias.

>> No.33436903

Yeah ofc no one likes neoliberal hellscape.

>> No.33436910

Is it impossible to change the keyboard battle controls in Clarias or am I just retarded?

>> No.33436940

>no one
Except for the 1%

>> No.33436963
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you can only change what's in here

>> No.33436972

Well, I won't play it until I get a new controller then

>> No.33437028

Just rebind keys externally.

>> No.33437251

This whole situation with academy principal in Clarias is mega cringe. MC and main heroine are so fucking dumb it isn't even funny. This is just a bad writing at this point.

>> No.33437307

How could anyone expect that from the fan-favorite Niijima Yuu-dono...

>> No.33437382

That's par for the course in niijimage

>> No.33437387

What does JOP even mean? It can't be "Japa nese Only Peasant" since everyone here knows english at the least

>> No.33437418

That's what it means. Yes. The average person who goes on about EOP/JOP are just dumb as fuck. Don't think about it too much.

>> No.33437479

JOP means Japanese only patrician which means I only play VNs in Japanese.

>> No.33437637

Shelly: "I want to restore my noble family!"
Also Shelly: "I should sell my mansion lmao, that will help!"

>> No.33438000

Anyone playing Clarias already unlock the characters that weren't in the trial? I want some input how their gameplay is. The katana girl I can imagine based on trailers. No idea about the other one. Is she ranged? Mid-range?

>> No.33438038

eop doesn't mean that you only know english either

>> No.33438106

never read a baldr game, is the battle system in clarias just a straight up copy?

>> No.33438146

it means exactly that

>> No.33438225

It does not. It means you translate JP media only in English. Which you specifically do.

>> No.33438285

The only relevant languages when those terms are used are English and Japanese, if you don't know Japanese the best thing you can hope for is consuming media is in English so you're an EOP, it doesn't matter if you know other languages.
If you're a JOP you only consume media in Japanese because you know it and understand all translation are shit.

>> No.33438791

Not at all. Clarias is like some kind of 2D armored core mixed with sekiro. Baldr games (at least sky and heart) are much faster paced and more about stringing combos together.

>> No.33438852

Do you guys know of any good nukige that focuses on smell? Not anything extreme, just armpit or sweat.

>> No.33438926

Clarias is kamige

>> No.33439301

based and niijimapilled

>> No.33439363
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I bet they fuck off screen too

>> No.33439444

I just can't take baldrhead seriously as a company because it reminds me of what I think every time I look in a mirror.

>> No.33439497

When will Noizi Ito draw art for VN's again?

>> No.33439683
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Does someone have a recommended route order for Dead Days? Am I at the choice where you go help Soukichi or you go deal with the ghost but I have been reloading for a while because of what happens next
>inb4 just use seiya-saiga newfag
I know you stupid faggot Iam using it I just want a opinion

>> No.33439794

Is the Trinity edition of Akatsuki no Goei good enough? Are the CGs cropped?

>> No.33439812

i read it and enjoyed it
i believe the cgs are cropped but i didn't know about that when i was reading it so it obviously couldn't bother me

>> No.33440171 [DELETED] 

Would Claroas works in Win7?

>> No.33440200

Would Clarias works in Win7?

>> No.33440266

Maybe if the JOP stop shitting up /vn/, the EOP will return there and stop shitting up your threads.

>> No.33440297

Haven't tried it, but just glancing at the website I see no reason why it wouldn't work. It's just directx 9.

>> No.33440791

So because some faggots are trolling your thread, your solution is to troll people who are in the thread they're supposed to be? How does that make sense?
Also one of your faggots apparently made an EOP thread here already, just go there >>33420642

>> No.33441770
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I'm playing this new Lucle game, it's the first game I've played by this writer and anyone else feel like the guy's style is a bit 'pretentious'? I've only played like 10 minutes of it but it feels like every single scene is so overblown. Like, why the fuck are they making such a big deal over a school club lmao. Hopefully there's a reason for the writing being this dramatic

>> No.33442149

It's a japanese thing just like how they make a big deal of school life stuff in general.

>> No.33442176

At least it isn't a student council
