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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3337631 No.3337631 [Reply] [Original]

What does baka's nipples taste like?

>> No.3337633

Like reported.

>> No.3337644

i'm dissapoint /jp/
it's cirno day, and i there isn't a cirno thread on the front page?

>> No.3337661


>> No.3337666

They taste like ICE CREAM, obviously.

>> No.3337672

back to /a/ please

>> No.3337674

that's where i came from. you people talk about touhou all the fucking time. i expected more from you.

>> No.3337689

"LOL 9" is not touhou

>> No.3337691

You would think those nipples would be blue....

>> No.3337700


Oh really? Then que the rest of us confused souls in, explain what it is

>> No.3337711

LOL 9 isn't a police district?

>> No.3337713

A Touhou meme has NOTHING to do with Touhou, amirite.

>> No.3337719

cirno is from touhou
9 is a nickname for cirno
therefore 9=touhou

>> No.3337741

Cirno IS Touhou. After all, she is the strongest, which means she pretty much owns every one else.

>> No.3337784


>> No.3337786

Why is she so bakalicious?

>> No.3337834

baka nipples are delicious

>> No.3337836
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He doesn't mean it that way. There are people who don't even like Touhou but just like to do that "LOL WHAT A BAKA XD" thing. It gets spammed too much. It's annoying. Posting LOOK AT THIS BAKA'S DICK doesn't make it Touhou related really anymore, since it's more /b/ material now really.

I don't feel I explained that right, but I'm too lazy to try to think of another way to explain it.

>> No.3337843

A name is a name if you have the correct subtext to point it in the right path

>> No.3337863

Oh /jp/, you are such pricks.

>> No.3337891

i think i get what you're saying. people spam cirno too much, and people are sick of it.
so that would explain the lack of cirno on this board.
i see.

well, i'll be on my way

>> No.3337902
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What does baka's vagina taste like?

>> No.3337915

I dunno, milky ice shards and tuna?

>> No.3337917

Some people (read: faggots) just try too hard. It's funning seeing them ridicule themselves here every two hours, but it's getting boring now.

>> No.3337939

If you already know your posts are boring, why do you keep posting.

>> No.3337944

>ridicule themselves

Oh the irony

>> No.3338017
File: 152 KB, 700x900, baka44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3338033

who is that girl?

>> No.3338050

Why did she stuff ice cream in her butt? Wouldn't that be cold?

>> No.3338051

hell If i know

>> No.3338062

I never understood.
Whether it's hentai, lolicon, or any other from of Japanese porn, why the massive amounts of semen? Jesus.

>> No.3338072

The real question is why do they always try to stop it from leaking out with their hand

>> No.3338079


Vanilla bean ice cream.

>> No.3338084


I know I should not find that hot, but I do. Does that make me pedo?

>> No.3338098

No, cirno is a fairy not a child

>> No.3338102

No, it makes you a lolicon

>> No.3338108

That would be as ridiculous as frosting a cake with her butt. It can't be ice cream, so it must be milk.

>> No.3338121

Or it could be the semen of 20 men or a horse

>> No.3338122
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, 6064801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pixels and source requests

>> No.3338141

whats a pixel taste like

>> No.3338159
File: 133 KB, 550x900, 651107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that artist sure does a lot of pictures like this.

>> No.3338161

>picture of someone in Gensokyo

You lost me.

>> No.3338166

What if it was a horse then busta

>> No.3338187


Who is this artist?

>> No.3338205

The artist is

>> No.3338209

Where would she find a horse in Japan, let alone Gensokyo?

>> No.3338214


>> No.3338227

Things like to appear in gensokyo from the outside world.

>> No.3338258

Yes, but I highly doubt that the first reaction Cirno would have on finding a horse would be to have sex with it, as opposed to freezing it. Or her surviving even if she did.

>> No.3338330

Fairys are hard to kill, I don't think a horse dick would kill cirno

>> No.3338381

No, they are very easy to kill. Just look at phantasmagoria of flower view. They reincarnate relatively quickly, however.

>> No.3338518

So how would reincarnation work with a horse dick inside of cirno?

>> No.3338538

Reincarnation implies not the same body.

>> No.3338548

I just imagined a horse ejaculating with sufficient force to launch Cirno in the air, leaving her suspended on a frozen stream of sperm.

Thanks /jp/.

>> No.3338550

>implying implications that are not expressed or implied

>> No.3338553


Analysis indicates that you are homosexual and have leanings towards Bestiality.

There is a 75% chance you knew both of these things already.

There is a 20% chance you own a dildo shaped like a horse's penis.

>> No.3338555

So would the horse be fucking a dead cirno body as alive cirno reincarnates somewhere

>> No.3338556

You want nor. Not expressed nor implied.

>> No.3338563

God, that's hot.

>> No.3338571

eh, fair enough. Conceding the point, but not the war.

>> No.3338575

So if you killed cirno, you would have a dead cirno body to fuck as much as you want. While alive fairy cirno is out somewhere doing things?

>> No.3338578

Presumably it'd melt after a while or something.

>> No.3338583

Cirno isn't made of ice though

>> No.3338590

You all just have these things wrong, they do not reincarnate they are just very resilient to damage, and have fast regeneration.
Which is why spirit energy is better for exterminating youkai, etc
Thus a horse dick would just tear cirno apart repeatedly while her insane fairy regeneration keeps repairing the damage.

>> No.3338602
File: 125 KB, 500x750, 6079566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her nipples are though.

>> No.3338732

Right, but since she's an elemental fairy I'd assume her corpse would decompose into it.

>> No.3338746

this looks trimmed

>> No.3339052

trimmed indeed

>> No.3339120


link full?

>> No.3339162

Why don't you find the full one

>> No.3339184

Fairies don't have corpses; their bodies vanish when you kill them, and then reincarnate someplace else.

>> No.3339235

Well guys, I was late for cirno day.

I came 9 times between 11:09 and 12:00

happy cirno day

>> No.3339240

>hi guys, i'm a leading authority on Touhou canon. Shit I make up is automatically true

>> No.3339258

this again? >w<

>> No.3339350

Well I think the reincarnation part is fanon shit.

I'm 100% sure they just regenerate fast and heavily and are harder to exterminate with regular means, than persay spiritual means

>> No.3339375

>>3339350 100% sure
What canon works can you point to that back up your claim? That's how youkai supposedly work, but I don't know if how fairies work has ever been really described one way or the other.

>> No.3339380

Ask Zun.

>> No.3339385

Well I remember lines about how fairys are hard to exterminate for those reasons. I just can't remember where they are from

>> No.3339408

Still, an individual fairy is short-lived(*1), but they immediately resurrect in the same shape.
Even if they suffer large injuries so that their bodies are in pieces, they heal immediately.
In a stricter sense fairies can't die.
Therefore they take reckless action, without fearing death.
Since their concept of death differs from that of humans it may look so, it is also said that they simply are stupid.
(*1) 妖精の命は、人間のそれとは異なるので、短命という言い方は間違い

1: Fairy life differs from that of humans, so it is a mistake to say that they are short-lived.
In short: Fairies probably can't die, but who knows for sure because LOL Akyu.

>> No.3339426

Well at least I was right

>> No.3339430


Same reason Yuka can't die--they're aspects/spirits of nature.

>> No.3339432

Wait, what IS Yuka, anyways?

>> No.3339445

They taste like a strawberry snow cone.

>> No.3339448

A flower youkai. Aka a flower given a humanoid form, and more powers.

>> No.3339456

A force of nature.

Interpret as you wish.

>> No.3339468

lulz this thread been here 6 hours wheres the mods?

>> No.3339472

If we interpret how we wish, Then we end up with more nonsense useless fanon bullshit facts.

Thus we look towards the texts zun has released to find an answer, not matter how vague it is it is infinitely better than the words of a fat moron.

>> No.3339476

This pretty much sums it up. Youkai are spiritual/reincarnation creatures. Nothing like Buu from the DBZ series, this is entirely different.

>> No.3339479

That is for Fairies. Not youkai

>> No.3339498

Youkai (妖怪) is a term mostly associated with Japanese folk creatures and ghosts. The term can also apply broadly to anything that is a supernatural being or legend, from any culture. Because there are thousands of stories of magical beings around the world, the different types of youkai are endless. Fairies, vampires, oni, and nekomata can all be found in Gensokyo. Alternatively, it is a common Japanese belief that after a certain amount of time, ordinary objects and animals gain life and personality, becoming a kind of youkai as well. In some cases even a normal human can become a youkai under the right conditions.

>> No.3339504
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>> No.3339514

For human youkai you have.
Captain Murasa - Drowned in anger

Actually thats the only one I can think of

>> No.3339522

goddamn macrophiles

>> No.3339529


>> No.3339530
File: 49 KB, 580x350, force-a-nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3339555

I always wonder why people believe made-up shit and never read the many touhou books

>> No.3339569


1. Dude, they're shooting games.
2. repeat 1 until desired result is achieved.

I really don't think ZUN thinks all this through nearly as much as the fans do.

>> No.3339582

Because the Touhou fandom has run absolutely out of control.

Only a direct contradiction of fandom by Word of God has any stopping power, and even then... Maybe not.

>> No.3339586

I want to rub icecubes on them until they melt away.

>> No.3339591


Always remember:

People are bitching about a simple freeware shmup.

If that doesn't immediately return you to a rational point of view regarding the subject, you're beyond help.

>> No.3339607


Now Arc, we both know that isn't true.

>> No.3339611

Heavily, heavily pirated. Not Freeware.

>> No.3339612


>implying that people pay for ZUN's games



>> No.3339613

Hello troll.
1. Its not even freeware you pirate.
2. There be dem touhou books, arrrr.

>> No.3339620


>There be dem touhou books, arrrr.

1. SSIB is shit.
2. PMiSS is only slightly less shit.

Implying that you like either of these horrors makes you a shitty little man.

>> No.3339623

>Hello troll.

If you know that much, why are you replying anyway?

>> No.3339632


SSIB had Sakuya, so I could tolerate it pretty easily.

>> No.3339638

EaLND/SaBND/OSP most specifically isn't shit, and it happens to be the most related to the subject at hand.

>> No.3339642

Turns out that is full. Damn.

>> No.3339645

I've become so desensitized to underdeveloped breasts that I only just now realized that this thread isn't worksafe. I think I'm losing it.

>> No.3339650

Why not, we are both trolling each other. Only difference is I don't use a dumb tripcode for attention

>> No.3339657



Fanservice and ZUN verbally fellating himself. Marginally less horrible than the steaming pile of shit that is SSIB.

I suppose you're also going to say that Inaba of the Moon/Earth is a damned masterpiece worthy of recognition by the Library of Congress.

Also, I am of the opinion that Nemu Matsukura is a faggot.

>> No.3339658 [SPOILER] 
File: 301 KB, 813x598, 1250823987599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I've finally discovered proof that KoG and Cirno are the same person.

>> No.3339659


Dude, are you still freaking out in every Touhou thread? I'm not even a big Touhou fan, but I don't even need to like the games that you're being completely immature.

Sure, people are replying to your posts which makes them immature, but it's probably been people who make one or two posts and then give up. You haven't shut up all day, which makes you the biggest dumbass of them all.

Obviously it's retarded of me to even be posting this, though, since you'll just go "^___^ U mad? They responded, so I win because I'm more mature!"

>> No.3339662

If this thread isn't worksafe, you need to find yourself a more rewarding job.

>> No.3339672



>> No.3339674


>I don't even need to like the games that you're being completely immature.

What the fuck am I reading? I cannot make sense of this incoherent, butthurt ranting.

Take a chill pill, brosap.

>> No.3339681


I shouldn't have laughed.

>> No.3339686

The best part is when you are anonymous you can talk to yourself

>> No.3339689




hes a tripfag, what else were you expecting, they cant think at all

>> No.3339694

We are argueing about touhou in a thread about the taste of baka nipples

>> No.3339699

What's the matter, not GRIMDARK enough for you?

>> No.3339703

Anyway, Touhou project games are there for you to have fun with them. I personally could not be bothered to give a shit if everyone wants to sit around and fantasize about horse dicks in Cirno.

You have boolits for me to dodge? You have things for me to shoot?


Well, I guess I don't give a fuck about your shit. Have fun with whatever you're enjoying.

>> No.3339715

Prove it

>> No.3339736

Also, you secondaryfags can stop pretending that there is this tremendous backstory that you need to know in order to fully enjoy the Touhou Project games.

You can enjoy them just as much if you completely ignore the moonrunes and the moeblob art. I fail to see how knowing that Cirno is a BAKA affects my ability to dodge boolits. I dodged bullets just fine when I knew her only as being that annoying low-level boss with the silly look on her face.

>> No.3339741

Prove it

>> No.3339746

Looks like someone challenges you to a game of danmaku, Arc.
What are you gonna do?
[ ]Accept
[ ]Decline

>> No.3339752

Since when does Prove it = play touhou.
It means give evidence

>> No.3339761


Prove what? That you're a secondaryfag? That's your problem and not mine. Go watch some IOSYS videos.

>>3339746 can go fuck himself with his irrelevant shit. Start a 'Let's Play Danmaku' thread, why don't you? Get a proper dick waving competition going on.

>> No.3339781
File: 153 KB, 800x1030, 1251544185526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arc, you're a meanie...

>> No.3339786

You can't make a post screaming "YOU GUYS AREN'T WAVING YOUR DICKS RIGHT" and then back down when someone challenges you to a dick-waving contest.

>> No.3339795

>You can't make a post screaming "YOU GUYS AREN'T WAVING YOUR DICKS RIGHT

Oh, sure, put some more words in my mouth, why don't you.

If anything, I was wondering why the HELL you feel the need to wave your dicks so furiously over a stupid little shmup.
For fuck's sake, knowing what color panties Reimu wears isn't going to help you clear Lunatic mode.

But don't let me stop you. Wave your dicks around, by all means. Pretend that there's some gigantic, novel-worthy story that is necessary to read before you play the games.

>> No.3339806

The reason why the touhou fanbase is so large is probably precisely because the story (such as it is) isn't novel worthy. It's just a bunch of flat characters shooting bullets at each other that tons of people draw fanart and write stories about.

That the games are good helps too, I guess.

>> No.3339810

Tripfags are fucking lamers.

Most of you faggots have a problem with anyone enjoying life or posting on your precious /jp/. Take your third rate shit someplace else.

>> No.3339814


>> No.3339815

what the fuck is a lamer. fuck off and die

>> No.3339817
File: 281 KB, 600x487, 3b63cf01fd95e934dd94f4d8c1a3f4d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab your umbrellas, people, for shit just got real.

>> No.3339820

Prove it, everything you say has no evidence and is therefore false

>> No.3339821


>The reason why the touhou fanbase is so large is probably precisely because the story (such as it is) isn't novel worthy. It's just a bunch of flat characters shooting bullets at each other that tons of people draw fanart and write stories about.

Incidentally, there's not much use to arguing minutiae and pretending to know of some gigantic, overarching plot. Even the 'BUKKS' that the secondaryfans praise as Touhou canon are either shitty slice-of-life comics or yonkoma. Who gives a shit?

I sure don't.

Which was my initial observation.

>> No.3339829

don't like being called what you are lame and bottom tier I see. Losing your trip doesn't change the fact you are broken as a human. Damaged goods are always bottom tier.

>> No.3339831

I think the fans give a shit. They wouldn't make so much stuff if the original was good, but because touhou's story and characters are shit they have no qualms fucking with them.

Except the music, which is awesome, so they remix that constantly.

>> No.3339836


So then, if these stories are fan made, what's the point of bickering over WHOSE STORY IS BETTAR? Isn't it all equally fan-garbage that has nothing to do with the games?

>> No.3339840

Baka baka baka baka baka

>> No.3339849
File: 42 KB, 750x600, Touhou armpits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see there aren't real Touhou Fans in here.
/Jp/ isn't even worth having a thread of any touhou if this shit goes on the front page.

>> No.3339852

Why are you looking for a point? Shut the fuck up and dodge bullets or fap to porn or laugh at shitty 4koma jokes.

>> No.3339854

You clearly don't care; why do you care that other people do care?

>> No.3339857


Sir, I will be all too pleased if there was never another Touhou thread on /jp/. If there was an end to them, I assure you that I would not shed a single tear.

Your threat seems a little empty to me.

>> No.3339862

Well look at the general progression of this thread, we start with the op asking.
What does baka's nipples taste like?
People angry at naked cirno chest,
Then we go to people telling each other to go back to /a/
Then a discussion on why 9 is associated with cirno.
Then cirno porn, with one image having cirno's vagina leaking tons of cum.
Then we go into who could have came so much into cirno, with many men and horse as the only imaginable choices.
Then we get into a arguement about how horses would be in gensokyo.
Then we discuss how fairys die, go into youkai, then yuka.
Then we get into the current tripfag angry at touhou story arguement.

>> No.3339867


No, no.

YOU are the ones looking for a point. I don't need a point, and I don't particularly care for one.

I just find it funny that you can admit there's almost no story to the Touhou games, most of what is known amongst the fans is doujin work and such...yet here you are arguing over the legitimacy of your stances regarding the backstory behind Touhou.

You don't see me losing my shit if someone mentions HAPPYLIGHT Gensokyo.

>> No.3339868

I've seen you lose your shit over HAPPYLIGHT Gensokyo multiple times, Arc.

>> No.3339870

HAPPYLIGHT gensokyo rules

>> No.3339872

Fanon is just as legitimate as canon.
