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File: 1.02 MB, 1370x1600, 87635167_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33329585 No.33329585 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/2021/01/writers-list.html
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/2021/01/fanart-galleries-hub.html
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/b7QSFbIQ#G3K9UO01viIkxUrQBlwx5A

>> No.33329609

I want Kiki to open my mouth and spit in it!

>> No.33329614
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>> No.33329627

>What you gonna do niggy, I'm too cute

>> No.33329634


>> No.33329645

x is best girl

>> No.33329657

My wife Titania of course

>> No.33329669

I want my Kiki to look at me coldly when my anime figures and video games come in the mail!

>> No.33329673

I bet the Chief God is cute, sad she's locked herself away

>> No.33329674

hello frens

>> No.33329676
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Strong cows make the best milk

>> No.33329677
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What do you cook for a Wendigo family that only knows meat and more meat?

>> No.33329682

>not y
Y is best girl you can’t prove me wrong.

>> No.33329693
File: 352 KB, 606x777, Jinko3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33329708

Gotta be strong to carries those fat tiddies

>> No.33329713

and they turn a boy into a strong man as well

>> No.33329722

Someone said KC was flipping out over some NTR pictures on Twitter last thread. How would that even look. It would have to be a very specific drawing wouldn't it? It is a bit confusing.

>> No.33329749
File: 56 KB, 461x364, 76180865fea4bef00702a907c78e8f3ea037a414cbf7d5e08faf56fb84b13c68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hang around with Shirokuto's sabbath
>get to be near her a lot
>all I do is chores and a bit of studying when Shiro feels like teaching
>Shirokuto accidentally calls you "grandson"

>> No.33329753
File: 865 KB, 1500x1154, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna marry the whole raiding party.
Gonna be worshiped like a god back at their stronghold.
Gonna father dozens, if not hundreds, of p'orcers.

>> No.33329754

>Wendigo-san is having a great day
>she and her husband are meeting their daughters boyfriend for the first time today
>Wendi-Chan and her boyfriend shows up to the house and sits down at the dinner table and he asks
>”Do you have any salad? I’m a vegetarian.”
>the her daughter speaks up too
>”Yeah mom I’m becoming a vegetarian too! And I’m moving to the beach to start up a kale taco stand with him!”
>Wendigo-San is startled awake in her bed next to her husband
>a large hand covers her shoulder
>”Have a bad dream dear?”
>Wendigo-San shakes her head yes
>”It’s okay hun, there’s no such thing as vegetarians.”
>Wendigo-San soon falls back to sleep listening to her husbands heartbeat

>> No.33329767

Plump piggy p'orcers pumping out piglets!

>> No.33329779

Holy shit, now that's a rape face.
Sabbath pick me up, I'm scared.

>> No.33329784
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x2294, EuwDQszVEAAOlEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine breeding stock

>> No.33329799
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x965, CatoblepasColors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished drawing this yesterday. I'm out of ideas, so I'm going to draw MILF baphomet again, probably.

>> No.33329814
File: 381 KB, 1530x876, 1592304367362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good husbands know how to calm their wives down, and vice versa

>> No.33329818

Hi I'm Anon Cockson and this is jackass,
>finds single dragon sleeping on her hoard
>steal all her stuff
>wake her up by screaming you're a dumb lizard, aren't ye?

>> No.33329820

Rogue, evil p'orcers like that will captured and assimilated into the tribe and turned into submissive, breeding sows

>> No.33329839 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1185x1091, Del89RockOn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33329855

Wurm is the kind of monster that greets thunderbirds by saying "How!" to them with a hand up

>> No.33329880

What is most injun like monster?

>> No.33329887
File: 50 KB, 768x1024, slimewaif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious Question
What is your favorite and second favorite slime girl type?

>> No.33329898
File: 836 KB, 1308x2160, visearrYRx8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33329899

Dark slime then shog. Love me some purple.

>> No.33329905
File: 3.08 MB, 3130x3600, 1484138315294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becoming a spider-husband to a loli eldritch wife is what all true warriors strive for

>> No.33329906

Either Griffon or Thunderbird
I guess technically Wendigo

>> No.33329909

I don't like cold wet slimy sex anon. Would just make me think it would be like fucking Pelosi.

>> No.33329912

nah want a mino wife to cuddle with

>> No.33329914

Was xenoblade art due to smash bros.

>> No.33329917

I just wonder what ANONs up to...

>> No.33329928

A slime made of coffee tasting goo

>> No.33329936

>this weeks crossover with Theft Anon proved to be quite the show stopper

>> No.33329937

Honestly I'd be too preoccupied with trying out my cool spider body to fuck my wife

>> No.33329940

You mean "How do you fly?". Because Wurm is of the Tard family. Bless her little paste-eating glue-huffing heart.

>> No.33329947
File: 152 KB, 691x1000, 2011-11-07-450769_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this chick?

>> No.33329959

who else is of the tard family?

>> No.33329961

Imagine the smell of fat, jungle cat ass. Imagine the taste.
Absolutely exquisite

>> No.33329968

So a married person, or was there some husband gasping in the background? I don't know about xenoblade.

>> No.33329971

Sounds like a bad end if you ask me

>> No.33329977
File: 228 KB, 989x1200, 1DBTeWB9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A village got raided by an orc raiding party because some dude marked himself with a h'orc mana marker.

>> No.33329987

I'd imagine Jubjubs are pretty tard, too horny to think

>> No.33329990

I remember not liking her , I dont remember why though.

>> No.33329992

Doesn't matter. Ate pork ass

>> No.33330000

How do I get a monster girl if I am already married? (married at 18, 37 now).

>> No.33330002

I'll accidentally fall into her web and be nice to her. She won't know what to do.

>> No.33330019
File: 94 KB, 500x768, 1611858770077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33330027

shove your wife into den of monsters they'll turn her into one. She might divorce you for doing that though so ask nicely first.

>> No.33330034
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1683, C1YvZ8wY_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no anon, how did I get down here? You'll be a good boy and help me back up right? Something about that face makes me think that's a no~

>> No.33330046
File: 317 KB, 1378x2039, uaaFjWQt_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jubjub is a cumbrain
>Can't stop thinking of dick
>Comes off as a fucking idiot to everyone around her
>The moment she's got dick in her and an orgasm later, she turns out to be a total nerd, super smart
>Is just obsessed with dick when she isn't perched on her man
>When she is perched on her man, she's cool, calm, and collected; very chill

>> No.33330056

go home ya drunk oni

>> No.33330059
File: 3.29 MB, 1700x2400, Cat fished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful about online dating anon that cute cheshire you agreed to tea time tonight could really be a human disguised as one. So do your part and report these women to the proper authorities so they can be properly monsterized

>> No.33330106

Hobgoblins, Zombies, Moths... the list goes on.The Tard family is quite extensive, and most of them are nigh indestructible. What an unusual trend.

>> No.33330137

Translation? I don't speak bloodsucker

>> No.33330145

>Jub just makes horny noises off the dick while hubby is in a conference call
>Gets on as soon as he's done
>Looks at a shitposting cheshire who's been hanging around her while he's been away
>What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux,” and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
>cums as she says the last word
>hubby has to go to the bathroom
>back to mumbling about dick

>> No.33330194

>will anon be able to escape form the clutches of the space pharaoh of Tpyge Prime?
>will the commander ever be able to catch up with her target?
>find out next week on Space Outlaw Anon!

>> No.33330198
File: 191 KB, 1200x844, O4u2LDAr_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sniff* a-and he *sniff* told m-me "g-go home ya *sob* drunk o-oniiiii"*sobsniff*

>> No.33330208

My daughter keeps begging for a madam commander doll, where can I get one?

>> No.33330211

He will, and she won't. At least not until the ratings start to drop.

>> No.33330227

An order girl is somehow manhandling your dragon and giant swinging her by the tail. How do you help her?

>> No.33330230

the shogshop obviously

>> No.33330238

That nigga better bash her in the puss. Maybe even finger her.to show her whois in charge.

>> No.33330247

>same plot week after week
>millions still watch

>> No.33330256

I heard the reviews on Mamonoogle saying the stuff you get there is sticky and purple, and low quality zipangu knockoffs

>> No.33330269

well, im unsure if its even acting its so good
>methinks hes a rogue adventurer with a monstrous bone to pick

>> No.33330285
File: 345 KB, 1414x1999, EXbmtX-X0AIZn5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big sharks?

>> No.33330293

what type of monster would like a tard?

>> No.33330306
File: 673 KB, 1100x1149, AC4IHqCP_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man married to a h'orc obtains Lilith's Panacea
>uses it to juice up his wife
>turns into single most powerful man raping machine the world has ever seen
>few decades later a terrifying warband led by her daughters is rampaging across the continent
>the Order considers her a threat second only to the DL
>no army can stand against the rape WAAAGH!
>An entire horde where the average h'orc is considered a basic mook

>> No.33330307

I distract the Order girl bye yelling "SO LONG GAY BOWSER" so she messes up the throw

>> No.33330309 [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 500x376, tumblr_0954d00798571c6bb0d4f87df47dff4c_1205f148_500.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*murrrrs lightly*

>> No.33330323 [DELETED] 

Probably a democrat.

>> No.33330358

Whichever one is your waifu anon.

>> No.33330370

Wish I had a corrupt anubis vizier to bribe.

>> No.33330384

How do monsters train men to stop behaving like sluts?

>> No.33330393

Keep their balls drained

>> No.33330409 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33330414

Which book is the state of Pressia (presumably an Order-aligned Germany analogue) mentioned in? I distinctly remember it being mentioned in passing, but now I can't find it.

Ocelomeh, and the Tezcatlipoca that are mentioned in their entry but don't have an entry of their own yet

>> No.33330430 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 367x271, Carnac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A jew, a jabberwock and Princess Diana.

>> No.33330445

Little mamono love Madam Commander

>> No.33330459

>that feel when no catgirl

>> No.33330458


>> No.33330464

>oct 3s get is going to be a furry/tg shitpost
calling it now

>> No.33330478

Wasn't this image originally about father yeti stalking his daughter's prospective BF?

>> No.33330489

Should goblins be greenskins instead?

>> No.33330508

Reminder to fuck your leprechaun for St. Patrick's.

>> No.33330517 [DELETED] 

Should white men be allowed to own monster girls?

>> No.33330520

They're fine as they are. I like the hobgoblin dynamic.

>> No.33330521
File: 826 KB, 1280x960, 1609513027883_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think that holstaur milk tastes like sweetened condensed milk

>> No.33330536

Y'all know PETAs stance on animal girls...

>> No.33330542
File: 117 KB, 484x463, 1572488019220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.33330545

maybe, someone should recolor the pics green to see what it would look like

>> No.33330589
File: 164 KB, 1000x654, justabaddream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33330636

A Wendigo with a big mountain man looking husband is really fitting. latenight ( think that's him) is such a good artist

>> No.33330641
File: 708 KB, 2843x2701, 1539726410248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeti season is nearing its end in Canada! What are appropriate spring time monster girls?

>> No.33330646

Ok you had your fun in the last thread dont ruin this one

>> No.33330673

I bet this wendi nibbles her steaks instead of tearing into them like a feral animal.

>> No.33330717 [DELETED] 

>latenight drew another one of my stupid greentexts
>both times he did it was about Wendigo’s
Is this a sign?

>> No.33330811

>latenight drew another one of my stupid greentexts
>both times it was dealing with Wendigos
Is this a sign?
Also, thanks for the drawing man. Seriously, it made my day.

>> No.33330866

Latenight is always a blessing. honestly, thanks for sticking around man.

>> No.33330886
File: 414 KB, 1200x675, Sleepy Sheepy Trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33330924
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Worship bat

>> No.33330927
File: 133 KB, 494x500, Nureonago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nureonagos are my favorite slime. Queen Slimes are pretty interesting.

>> No.33330968

she does too

>> No.33330999

Last time I did I was thrown into quarantine.

>> No.33331049

how many kids can you have with a single monster girl? can you make an army with how many kids you can make with them?

>> No.33331088

I heard monster girl fertility is actually rather low (not sure the credibility on that) but depending on their lifespan probably a lot, just gotta fuck constantly to get em

>> No.33331092

Why do think that would have a discrete number?

>> No.33331102

Don't quote me on this, but the more common the monstergirl, the more fertile they are.
P'orcs? Pregnant when you look at them lewdly.
Wights? Several near death experiences for a decent chance at one kid.

>> No.33331130

Looks great anon! Love the colors it has. Gives a really unique feel to the art work.

>> No.33331159

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, enjoy the sight of monster girls in fluffy jackets and the mysteries they may hold.
Are they buff? Are the thick? Have they bothered with undergarments? Are they three large rats standing on each others shoulders?
The mysteries they may hold in those coats.

>> No.33331185
File: 118 KB, 680x1080, needle makes pee pee go boing boing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory penis inspection day procedures for every human man!

>> No.33331195
File: 121 KB, 599x499, 1475893691104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, P'orcs would be low-mid tier. The real big breeders would be like slimes, rats and devil bugs. Maybe bees and ants as well?

>> No.33331234
File: 2.27 MB, 1250x1600, 1561150232710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33331253

If removed does she become bustier?
Are the seals like some form of magic breast binding?

>> No.33331275

>Tiny Inari covered in seals
>Take one off and she becomes bigger
>Once all are off she's super hourglass
>Rape Ensues

>> No.33331306

>All that ancient evil converted to maximum THICK
>Desire to know more intensifies.

>> No.33331383

There is one more seal on her back, bigger than the others, do you dare pull it off?

>> No.33331399
File: 260 KB, 464x455, unknown (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you guys got seals with your evil wives?

>> No.33331408

Yes, I must.
Preferably after a nice dinner

>> No.33331416

You can get a really good deal on a bulk package of them.

>> No.33331432

any hyperborean mgfus

>> No.33331468

>You peel the last seal off
>Her bust gets like maybe 2 inches bigger
>Guess it wasn't a big deal-
>She has jubjub levels of horny now

Good luck putting the seals back on

>> No.33331480

Don't need to, going balls deep till she's carrying a litter of kitsune kits.

>> No.33331569

Is the sound of a man suckling on a teat and drinking like ASMR to them?

>> No.33331605

Also the sound of milk spraying into a pail.

>> No.33331669

small, fairy-sized bee girls who don't know personal space getting in your face when you're eating outdoors!

>> No.33331847
File: 75 KB, 759x747, unknown (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33331855
File: 472 KB, 1044x1500, dmmmg_2511_0129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Kousuke
Today is a good day

>> No.33331931

I'm sure she'd come up with some equivalent of the needle through the condom to reduce the efficacy of seals.
It's good to give an evil wife some enrichment activities.

>> No.33331960

Gonna wrap her up like a mummy.

>> No.33332200

Your dragon has now been yeeted into the stratosphere. What do you do now?

>> No.33332258
File: 202 KB, 891x578, lRbIV7tP_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the punishment for men who think they are unlovable.

>> No.33332274
File: 3.25 MB, 400x385, e727b42ce06b3d17acecc57f54b7f3eb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ancient evils are powerful enough to still be active once heavily sealed. Best hope she doesn't "seal" you with her.

>> No.33332295
File: 166 KB, 1080x513, 20181009_000730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How To Capture A Human Boy: For Non-Aggressive Monster (And Aggressive Ones Too)

>> No.33332396

Imagine college kids returning to Wintertown and telling everyone about Vegans

>> No.33332417

more meat for them

>> No.33332430

Is it weird that I want to see monsters and their husbands cuddling while wearing wedding rings?

>> No.33332447


>> No.33332460

That doesn't look like a punishment to me.

>> No.33332471

>This is the punishment for men who think they are unlovable.
Being wrong is it's own punishment

>> No.33332479

>"but when he bit into the turkey..."
>"she realized it was TOFU"
>wendi screams
>the rest of the snuggle scouts are unfazed by wendi dad's horror story
>councilor whitehorn rolls her eyes after hearin the tofurkey story for the millionth time

>> No.33332504
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x1093, 1613241258888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you think about monster girls in your daily life?

>> No.33332536
File: 311 KB, 1329x1488, 8k12ScmC_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to like slimes, but their liquidity makes them hard to imagine touching. How much resistence would touching and pushing on them result in? How could your dick feel good thrusting into water? Do they hold together well enough to grope and caress their face and kiss their lips? All these questions make me reject slimes.
How do you think slimes feel like, slime-husbands and slime-experts? I would like to like slimes too.
Of the slimes, my favorite is humpty-chan, I like her nutritionaly fortifying egg yolk and the egg shell that encloses her and her husband.

>> No.33332565


>> No.33332579

I don't really keep track, but it's usually one of the first things I think about when I'm bored.
When I'm thinking of monster girls, I like to make a model of them in my mind, then rotate it really fast. It's really entertaining when you add in things like tail/hair physics while your spinning them.

>> No.33332582

humpty and dark

>> No.33332588

I feel for the many men who've died unloved.

>> No.33332600

at idle moments and when i'm drifting off to sleep.

>> No.33332632

Oh yes.

>> No.33332650

Unironically brother love is so much more reliable than whatever a woman can offer you.

>> No.33332661

maybe a shog, barely?

>> No.33332677

who does the inspecting? maybe if a small fertile brown cat was around for this procedure?

>> No.33332679

good nite frens

>> No.33332685
File: 423 KB, 1222x1498, k2vLkopo_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let the wights bite

>> No.33332691

Yetis are year-round girls. Being snuggled never goes out of style.

>> No.33332721

I imagine that:
>They have surface tension, such that pushing into them takes more effort than moving a limb that's already in them
>They're pretty thick to begin with, like trying to move through honey

>> No.33332758

How about pressure, how much muscular power do they have to push back on you or to squeeze your D? I guess It should be at least human level, but maybe that's the charm of slimes or something that they only move through fluid movement, not muscular movement.

>> No.33332793
File: 1.21 MB, 1700x1757, slime time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydraulic power can be extreme, they likely have enough power to push back even stronger than muscles can (not that they really have a need to)

>> No.33332825
File: 1.67 MB, 3091x3702, 5D466638-09D5-4292-904D-320C2AB3A8B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get your pesky sister to stay of your laBORAtory??

>> No.33332835

stay out**

>> No.33332845

By letting her stay in my bed at night.

>> No.33332865

I never watched this show

>> No.33332869

I want to have some non-newtonian fun with her.

>> No.33332881
File: 717 KB, 850x1125, 1608302018364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming wall of text.

I'm not an expert or anything but I find that slimes have no real rules on how they feel, their temperature, and other characteristics. The closest real-world comparison would be like jello but way thicker, malleable and stickier. I agree with what >>33332721
is saying too.
>How could your dick feel good thrusting into water?
With enough resistance or suction come from insider her body plus whatever sort of texture is around you down there anything is possible. So basically a free-forming slime onahole.
>Do they hold together well enough to grope and caress their face and kiss their lips?
Generally yes but maybe not so much if they get too excited?

Artists who draw slime girls all seem to have their own idea on how they work. Some interpretations have them notably gooey as opposed to being more put together, Some will make a point to almost always have a slime girl with a core and others will forgo it entirely (Dark Slime is the only slime girl in MGE to have one iirc)

>> No.33332920

Even worse, impossible burgers, plant matter made to taste like meat.

>> No.33332928
File: 334 KB, 1000x1333, 1612742030127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will fuck spiders now.

>> No.33332929
File: 2.39 MB, 5500x3019, DBEFD2CC-F66E-4694-A34F-BC04FC428A78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By waiting until after today’s episode ends to watch the Sabbath Puff Girls!

>> No.33332959

>wendi takes a bite and swallows
>has a pseudo allergic reaction, clutching her throat and heaving as she rolls around on the diner floor

>> No.33332966

OK, so which is
>Everything Nice
This is an important question

>> No.33333003

Yeah sure
Don't Wendigos eat any veggies at all?

>> No.33333025
File: 18 KB, 280x275, BitterMilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the bitter version?
She'll be too grossed out to do it because I really am unlovable.

>> No.33333086
File: 1.17 MB, 1022x1100, handlebars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys help, I got a job at that new company in town, and when I came into work today, I saw the email saying it was penis inspection day, I'm hiding in the janitors closet now, how do I get out of this?

>> No.33333089

I thought that was apple juice for a second

>> No.33333105


>> No.33333111

I know we don't like Monster Guys here, but I wouldn't mind more MG's granting transformations like the Nacha.

>> No.33333120

Thing about slimes is they're a big market monstergirl, but they aren't based on mythology or anything, first known record of a slime monster is DnD. There's very little history for slimes which means more room for doing whatever you want with them

>> No.33333121

Try saying you have covid-19 and start coughing LOUDLY.

>> No.33333159

Closest thing I want for transformations is the headcanon that Elemental contracts (when strong enough) grant powers like logia devil fruits in one piece

>> No.33333162 [DELETED] 

Implying MGs mate with any other race other than whites

>> No.33333175 [DELETED] 

2020 didn't help black people any did it?

>> No.33333183
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1419, 87852029_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. That sort of versatility is what I find enjoyable.

>> No.33333192
File: 165 KB, 850x1202, __original_drawn_by_slm__sample-0839a493d03f6fa28833f420e4746a95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So basically a free-forming slime onahole.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, that's acceptable.
>Bodily integrity
KC specifically draws all his slimes very gooey and melty, which is why I don't like them that much. I prefer this artist's slimes, they're much more womanly.
Another idea I've seen in a few places is that slimes have a few different types of internal parts to them that can freely transform into each other, muscles, cartilage, skin, etc, but they all have the same color and refractive index so it looks like just one material. That way you can have familiar biological mechanics along with a slime-like aesthetic.

>> No.33333201

In fact, they conduct DNA tests to ensure that their partner is white enough to have sex with. Many cases where the guy kill himself because even mamono refused to have sex with him because his skin wasn't white enough.

>> No.33333203

I saw what happened to the last guy who had a sickness, instantly dragged off to "check how bad it is, and get him to the hospital if he needs to go", no way faking one will actually work

>> No.33333247

Shog is more eldritch than hyperborean, but she has kinda an Atlantean feel.

There's also Valkyries, although they aren't as interesting in MGE as they could be. Of course all BEEG beast girls are nice too.

>> No.33333274

Lol, I'm just kidding. I don't wanna drag race stuff into this, KC has made it clear the perfect MGs exist for every good-hearted man.

although when I won't vouch for what might happen when some of the more aggressive monsters like Jinkos find out about (((certain people)))

>> No.33333313 [DELETED] 

Black people didn't help black people much.

Why do people have to be so mean to each other bros? I was never racist in my life until people started calling me a Nazi for wanting cute girls in my vidya

>> No.33333324

Don't go on twitter

>> No.33333351

Dont let bad black people corrupt you standard view on people
just like dont let NTR corrupt your veiw on korean comics

>> No.33333380

>korean comics

>> No.33333401
File: 333 KB, 600x500, Gazer on the barricades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33333426

NTR is pretty much godwin's law for Korean media
If it goes on long enough, there will be a NTR plot/subplit somewhere

>> No.33333512
File: 358 KB, 600x750, 1555695160371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KC specifically draws all his slimes very gooey and melty, which is why I don't like them that much.
I definitely see where you're coming from. Being firm/solid enough to handle is ideal.
I quite like this image: https://imgbox.com/3P3dK1KP

>> No.33333515
File: 477 KB, 2182x2800, Good news, everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.33333517

Well yeah but you can't just tell em they are

>> No.33333537

What is wrong with these people.

>> No.33333546

I get the feeling there'd be more than a few kinds of MGs that take the whole "Men come from mars" saying a bit too literally.

>> No.33333563

Ah, Mars. The planet of men!

>> No.33333604

With the MGE world not being a planet, I wonder what the smart monsters would think of the concept of outer space and being told that people visited our moon in the past.
Conditions on Venus are harsh as hell, think of the MGs that would live there.

>> No.33333717


>> No.33333785

It's hot, but there's no oxygen, so it's not a place for a fire elemental. Lava Golem would have a better time there.

>> No.33333797
File: 1.14 MB, 1250x1875, 1611677288244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone mentioned how lizzard girls would get insecurities comparing themselves to dragons. My question is: Would they really?
Dragon Girls
>In case they are defeated by their husband, they will become subserviant and (if he wishes) submissive
>In case they capture their husband, they will regard him as the most valuable part of their treasury, but they will also work to empower him and whip him into a fine man of power, after which they will default to the previously mentioned behavior (after being defeated)
Lizard Girls:
>Seek out the most powerful man to combat him
>In case they lose - they submit to the victor, as he is the superior warrior
>In case they win - they effectively enslave the man, but will work daily to train him and ensure he gets more proficient in combat. After he grows in power to the point he can defeat them - they will submit to the superior warrior again
Those two races are not so diffrent in my opnion.

>> No.33333839

Lava golems? Io could be a good place for SPACE!lava golem too.
That just gives me an idea, could there be an ice counterpart to lava golems? Cryovolcanos are a thing.
Ice golems from Triton anyone?

>> No.33333969

Space is weird. I have no fucking clue what life-forms outside of Earth will turn out to be like.

>> No.33333986


>> No.33333989

Giant Space-Kraken? Space Slime? Maybe a Black Hole MG?

>> No.33333996

What about Komodo Dragons?

>> No.33334013

I know I have art of a Black Hole girl somewhere and I will report back when I find it

>> No.33334081
File: 218 KB, 1269x1525, 1554952834993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33334101

Hey, stop eating my planet, it's full of people I hate but I still like it!

>> No.33334110

You fool! The herald of Galactus wields the power cosmic!

>> No.33334173

She can wield whatever she damn well pleases, that doesn't mean I'm gonna let her eat my planet, at least, not without seriously annoying her

>> No.33334208

You'll be better off living on Rapestar Remina anyway.

>> No.33334282

I didn't hate white people until 4chan and all of the /pol/ memes. Just kidding. I still don't hate any races because that would be retarded.

Apparently most white people are unironically retarded and want everyone to hate them, according to your "reasoning"

>> No.33334326
File: 553 KB, 1200x1271, 1392657595025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White snek

>> No.33334428

White snek bad snek
No trust white snek
No tuoch white snek

>> No.33334435

Boop snoot

>> No.33334449

This is how you wake up to her pressing the blue fire into your chest, anon, be careful

>> No.33334612

If me no touch white snek, my chest burns bad.
if me touchwwhite snek, white snek and my snek both happy.

>> No.33334684
File: 1.31 MB, 1140x1984, 1613427890788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start licking.

>> No.33334739

Spread your legs first.

>> No.33334772

Which monster girl is the most fun to yeet around?

>> No.33334781

Say "please" first, fatso.

>> No.33334828

Nah, Imma nibble instead, now gimme that tail

>> No.33334841
File: 126 KB, 850x1009, 1613003126802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the BEEG ones of course.

>> No.33334941

How long do we have until the Day of the Snack?

>> No.33335037

Black Holes are heavy and slow, don't worry about it

>> No.33335056

>Calling her fat and dumb.
You've doomed us all.

>> No.33335089

Don't worry anon, he may have doomed us all, but one small offering of (you) will surely appease Blackhole-chan

>> No.33335147
File: 218 KB, 800x534, PALI_3040-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava golems are cool, we need a volcanic zone biota or civilization. Think of hawaiian lava fields on the small scale, and large igneous provinces on the large scale. It could be inhabited by lava golems, balrogs, hell-asscoiated monsters, dragons, tough founder plants, harpies, lizardmen.

>> No.33335183
File: 315 KB, 1600x2479, Sea Dragon Leviathan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea Dragon Leviathans dwell in the inactive lava zone

>> No.33335214

>Hey anon, most of the planets population was devastated by the bacteria, let's get to work repopulating
Think your pelvis can handle it?

>> No.33335246
File: 1.45 MB, 1169x1500, 1602941616686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.33335255

I came here to play

>> No.33335364
File: 690 KB, 959x1357, __original_drawn_by_rib_y_uhki__4a23330fc399d42d90563cf4344af19b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no tall dark elf classmate to tease you constantly

>> No.33335409

Dickslap her while she's sitting and run.

>> No.33335539

>when you realize Lamias are taur-types since their bodies attach where the snake head would be

>> No.33335545
File: 777 KB, 745x1887, Ice_Queen_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lava golems are cool
Ice Queens are hot

>> No.33335558

What's the best way to manhandle her?

>> No.33335570

Which part of her?

>> No.33335591

Back of the head obviously.
Lotus position for a full access to delicious muscles and beautiful face.

>> No.33335595

No, they're land mermaids.

>> No.33335610

More like land, eel mermaids

>> No.33335615

If Lamias attached near where the pelvic area on snakes would be, closer to the tail, they would be a lot shorter and wouldn't be able to move like a snake.

>> No.33335619

>when you realize mermaids are taur-types, sine their bodies attach where the fish head would be.

>> No.33335622
File: 843 KB, 1200x1500, 1605908792917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had a sister and she monsterized would you fuck her?

>> No.33335625

So your cumshot would be so strong that it would be able to yeet such a BEEG girl?

>> No.33335630

No, incest is shit tier

>> No.33335639

>was going to correct you about those being the pelvic fins, but realized a lot of mermaids have 2 sets of fins

>> No.33335656

What if she's the only monster girl around who wanted to fuck you?

>> No.33335665
File: 1.98 MB, 1754x3027, 1613732736364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEEG girls are like reverse lizard girls. Half of the fun is working hard to get musclier and stronger and manhandle her like a ragdoll.

>> No.33335672

At this point I would consider suicide because there's something fundamentally wrong with me in way that can't be fixed.

>> No.33335735

>you try to kill yourself
>she stops you and rapes you
>you become her sex slave

>> No.33335740

Nah, although she would probably monsterize quite eagerly.

>> No.33335762

No one would mind You incestfags if You didn't push Your fetish onto people. You know that?

>> No.33335764

Why would you say that?

>> No.33335812

I like monsterboys.
Becoming a monsterboy matching your wife as a sign of ultimate dedication.
And having a big oni onii-chan to hang out with.

>> No.33335933

I wouldn't. Incest just really rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.33335963

How about just meating a fucking woman?
not a mother or sister, just geeting a decen MG on one of you tripss to the supermaket or some shit
Why are people obessed with family relations being fuckable?

>> No.33335974

Anime incest is hot.

>> No.33336007

I dissagree
I kinda just want a vinilla relation ship in what regard

>> No.33336010

Escape through the vents or strike a deal with your boss.

>> No.33336017

>How about just meating
I'm vegetarian

>> No.33336042

It's hot when it's anime.

>> No.33336060

Would you eat the leaves off your plant waifu?

>> No.33336063

Just meet and meat random girl and call her "big sister" during the act.

>> No.33336079

Would you like it if she pretends to be blood related?

>> No.33336083

Baka. Why go out to meet a woman when you have one at home

>> No.33336095

I believe majority of people who think sibling incest is hot don't have sisters. Motherfucking is a massive rabbit hole that I probably couldn't condense in a single post even if I did have a background in psychology.
That's fine, the meat is not going in your mouth.

>> No.33336120

I wouldn't do any of that at all to begin with. Because just like almost all people I don't like incest.

>> No.33336139

2D incest =/= 3D incest

>> No.33336265

Gentleman, how do we protect human maidens from those monster thots.

>> No.33336271
File: 983 KB, 695x939, 1584138969154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside! Make way! Best girl coming through!

>> No.33336276

By giving them cursed artifacts and armor, that should help protect them.

>> No.33336290

Okay, where is she?

>> No.33336294

I heard the dick was an effective weapon against them.

>> No.33336307

Walking past you.

>> No.33336447


>> No.33336478
File: 1.71 MB, 1500x2046, 1555104877340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33336793

We need to throw ourselves at them and fuck them all. That way they will be pacified and won't think again of threatening human lands or monsterizing human women.

>> No.33337138

>rata-owned chinese restaurant
>gathers intel on male customers
>makes a personalized message and puts them in fortune cookies
>store is such a matchmaking success that mamono are literally on a backlog to work there

>> No.33337361

I want to find a yeti in the cold and put a big coat on her and tell her she's going to get cold. No snuggles, just coat.

>> No.33337447

What we need to do is build a bunch of towers and put all the human women in them to protect them from the monsters!

>> No.33337621
File: 1.88 MB, 2545x1741, Comfyfluffysnek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 2 resist floof?

>> No.33337725

You can’t.
I should know I have three Huskies and they’re all fluff machines. And don’t get me started on the hair, I have to clean out my roomba everyday when I get home from work.

>> No.33337763

Wim Hoff method. Go outside into the cold near naked and practice your breathing until the cold no longer bothers you. Surely then, on cold and rainy nights, you won’t be tempted by a mofu.

>> No.33337774

Why contain it? Let it spill over to the schools and churches, let the mofu pile up in the streets.

In the end, theyll beg us to touch it

>> No.33337844

>>makes a personalized message and puts them in fortune cookies
I love this idea.
>dense anon goes to his favorite Chinese restaurant with the cute Jinko cook
>he likes to talk to her but he doesn’t know how to exactly ask her out on a proper date
>he gets his fortune cookie and inside it reads
>man what a weird fortune, oh well time to make a plan on how to ask Jinko-san on a date!
>the Rata is seen consoling the Jinko crying in the break room

>> No.33337888
File: 97 KB, 707x810, 1613256578363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's me Jinko. There's no fortune, just give me YOUR FUCKING DICK.
>oh wow haha, those chinese can be really abstract sometimes

>> No.33338041
File: 875 KB, 848x1199, xYnc6klV_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lich while attempting to date a human
>Human, I require your genetic material for research purposes.
>Would you rather:
>Donate your sperm by ejaculating into test tube
>Mate directly with me
>Would you prefer to be conscious or unconscious during the mating? In case you feel too nervous to do it.

>> No.33338107

>anon opens his cookie
says 'Since you don't drink and work out I bet your liver tastes heavenly <3'
>anon looks back to see the Inari cashier blow a kiss at him

>> No.33338115

Shave her.

>> No.33338145

Big oversized cumbersome FLOOFY coat.

>> No.33338228

I like the idea of MGs not understanding how normal people go about asking someone out.
>out on the subway
>succubus in a pristine pantsuit and heels clacks up to you
>”You, drop your pants now.”

>> No.33338259

All my fortune said was “There are squirrels in my attic.” Should I get an exterminator?

>> No.33338260

Drop your pants on her head to escape.

>> No.33338386

>please don't kill us, we're not tree rats and that's a slur
They say as they beg you cutely.

>> No.33338565

Yeah those Mist Continent girls love their riddles maybe more so than the Sphinx’s.
>walking down the street one day
>a Hinezumi asks me if I would love to fondle her dumplings
>bitch didn’t have any dumplings
Weird lot those Mist Continent girls.

>> No.33338582

>As a trained exterminator, I'd strip them down, throw them on my bed, cover em in whipped cream and chocolate syrup and go to town

>> No.33338656

>*thump* *thump* *thump*
>No...no Tree Rat!
>*thump* *thump*
>Squirrel! Squirrel!
>*thump* *thump*
>Please call me a squirrel!

>> No.33338681
File: 581 KB, 768x768, 1611396857920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This cookie was a property of Miss Danuki. Any inflicted damage on stated property results in follow liability: marrying the victim
Turn back around to see Danuki rubbing her hands together.

>> No.33338724

What Monsters enjoy spankings? [Spoiler]Obviously pink P'Orc butts are built for paddlings.[/spoiler]

>> No.33338729

>Would you prefer to be conscious or unconscious during the mating?
How does she know about my sleeping sex fetish?

>> No.33338750

Ctrl + S

>> No.33338762

Yeti torture would be bundling her up like Randy from A Christmas Story so she can't put her paws down to hug, she would lay there like a slug

>> No.33338772

Mamono mana.

>> No.33338782

Kunoichi. Those girls love being spanked into submission (doesn't take long either).

>> No.33338842

A there any more unique monster girls you've found on DeviantArt and ended up liking?

>> No.33338924

odd to specify deviant art, but that does remind me, there was this like comic I found. Traditional Art and it's still going from like 2015, though the art style did not improve so dunno if it's worth reading

>> No.33338961

Because of its bad reputation and posters from this thread being unexpectedly more tolerant of that site since they search for the better artworks from there themselves.

>> No.33338965
File: 531 KB, 1200x822, c2cd73271d24b5cbe300df7fb07c5aa94a578501ae56428d5c093821b81673ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smug ojou-sama nura that will only take other smug ojou-samas into the harem

>> No.33339027

What if I force her to take in other girls?

>> No.33339061

ok I'll see you in court

>> No.33339068

That makes sense, well just searching up monster girl I found that a guy that I had known as just "the pokemon fusion guy" has been doing monster girl stuff, mostly of Monster Musume

>> No.33339115

She will ohohoho at you.

>> No.33339297

Hi I'm Anon Cockson and this is jackass
>go up to cat kingdom queen
>place cucumber behind her as she walks
>watch her jump and yowl

>> No.33339329
File: 868 KB, 2000x1000, d94ux1w-6e3010c2-bb69-477a-955b-d0ed67d05707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare penguin harpies.

>> No.33339365
File: 909 KB, 2000x1000, d99hr2k-eba3c350-3b2b-489e-886b-4bb0d96ceb73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33339461
File: 3.42 MB, 2300x3400, 1610825217014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a young king and the puppet of some power hungry bombshell dark mage or demon in disguise

>> No.33339470
File: 751 KB, 1000x680, 74706575_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33339588

Perfect. I'll spoil and serve them all!

>> No.33339635

She'll teach them to be smug ojou-samas

>> No.33339648

I wanna facefuck the smug off a cheshire's face. Even though I know it's a futile effort

>> No.33339654

Who do You think is a judge, prosecutor and Your lawyer boyim?

>> No.33339729
File: 119 KB, 497x547, prepare danuki for takeoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to YEET a little shit.

>> No.33339787

>get a mindbreaking orgasm as soon as my tongue touches her thigh
>I am out for the rest of the day
Hopefully she is patient with me

>> No.33339839
File: 310 KB, 507x736, 8e24b2b3cf8ea7df59b54dcf06ee649885dc65385578ae2dd68e0545af5359db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make my scheming court mage blush by telling her I want to marry her when I am old enough!

>> No.33339863

You read the wrong side of the fortune cookie anon!

>> No.33339891

Never give up anon, you can always ask the Wurm lawyer for help. She does excellent work prone boner
I wish I had saved that image

>> No.33339909

>young prince becomes a king
>now every old hag in his fathers court is trying to make their move on him
>even the grey hair Cheshire jester
>her hairs grey because she could never get the old king to laugh

>> No.33339916

>go to trial
>empty courtroom except for the 2 of you
>danuki runs up to judge's bench with a robe and white wig on
>tells the prosecution to state their case
>she runs over next to you and throws on a jacket and skirt
>states case, runs back to judge bench
>puts robe back on, tells defendant to state case
>runs to the defendant's side, throws on pantsuit but puts on pants backwards in her haste
>states case
>calls for a witness
>questions herself, even breaks to run over to the judge's seat and say that 1 of the questions was merely asking about hearsay and was irrelevant
>all while she periodically runs over to the jury box putting on random clothes and jotting down notes and running over to the reporter's table and typing some stuff with glasses on
>you're just watching because it's kind of cute but at the same time very scary because your whole fate rests in 1 danuki's imagination

>> No.33339918

Empowering the kingdom to protect you!

>> No.33339933
File: 193 KB, 1066x544, 1613886778291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great king dies
>crown is passed to his teenage son
>effectively the kingdom is now ruled by a bunch of aristocratic buffoons
>demon disguises herself as a rich baroness
>infiltrates the court
>plans on taking over, turning the kingdom over to monsters and dispose of young king
>she meets the young king
>lad is devastated by the death of his father, who was loved by all
>tries his best, but fails to compete with old, sketchy lords, as he only ever had combat training before his father's demise
>carries great sadness and darkness inside him, with no man to call his friend
>demon lady pays little regard to him at first, but is later captivated by boy's spirit
>she helps him and guides him into the world of royal affairs
>he becomes more and more indebted and dependant on her
>she becomes more and more enthralled and interested in the boy
>one of the unbearably hot summer nights he can't find any sleep
>to combat loneliness, boy ventures into her chamber to chat
>leaves a man
>demoness and her king disposes of corrupt lords using her wit
>she refuses to pass the kingdom to her kin
>instead she is crowned it's queen, on the side of the beloved man
>being loved by such a greater man, she helped forge and carrying his heir under her heart is a reward greater than any other she could receive from Demon Lord

>> No.33339969

I won't able to resists those wide-hipped old ladies. Gonna turn them all into mothers!

>> No.33339975

She has no bailiff to keep you from manhandling her, is that intentional?

>> No.33340025

I bet the demon lord would be happy either way. She is based like that.

>> No.33340026

Gonna have lots of bastards about.
And I imagine she's going to nearly be crying when I laugh.

>> No.33340044

her friend who owns the costume store was out of buff supernuki costumes, she said I'd just have to pretend

>> No.33340072

I'd rather the Danuki get yeeted for being a little cunt.

>> No.33340099

Why wait?

>> No.33340148

I wonder how easy it would be to make her mess up?
>get called to the witness stand
>keep calling judge Nuki cute
>she starts doing her thing as a judge while wearing her lawyer clothes

>> No.33340156
File: 126 KB, 456x448, CEhQcyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheshire greets the young king with a corny joke
>the kind of ironic not-joke that nobody would laugh at
>cracks up
>pic related
>can faintly hear a voice that sounds like it's coming from her womb asking to be bred

>> No.33340158

>walk up to her
>she has to tackle you now because she's the bailiff
>hold her upside down by the tail when she tries because she's too tiny

>> No.33340208 [DELETED] 

So he fucked her so hard, she turned into a humen too?

>> No.33340209

>be a king
>Your court is just disguised mamono trying to "take You out" to take over the kingdom
>Your wizard is a dark mage
>Your right hand is a Demon
>Your throne guards are both kunoichi
>Your hunting houns are a very mofu Hellhounds
>Your priest is a kitsune
>Your childhood friend betrothed is a Lilim
>Your treasure is a creeping coin
>Your jester is a Cheshire
>Your majordomo is an oni (don't ask)
>somehow end up in bed with all of them one night
>You're still in charge because they couldn't decide who gets to be the new chief.

>> No.33340218

>Gonna have lots of bastards about.
Why? You’re the king! Just marry them all!

>> No.33340224

>her hairs grey because she could never get the old king to laugh
I want to hug her and tell her I like her jokes.
Then I'm gonna make puns about her grey hair until she smiles.

>> No.33340230
File: 174 KB, 686x1200, 268_chimaera_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33340249

So he fucked her so hard, she turned into a human too?

>> No.33340270

Mistress fetish?

>> No.33340278
File: 482 KB, 1970x1464, wurmlawyer greentext.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha me too, I'll check the fanart hub/archives and save it for later, it's pretty useful, all I have is the greentext it's from

>> No.33340284

>attacking the bailiff
You are just adding more crimes to your rap sheet

>> No.33340325

I would need to take a look at the marriage laws but I guess swapping it to polygamy allowed would be fair game, especially considering we already have a sizeable monster population..
Next would be purchasing a few fertility potions and the like to ensure plentiful heirs.

>> No.33340336
File: 2.23 MB, 1050x1400, 87975430_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33340337

What's she gonna do, arrest me while she's upside down? Hahaha.

>> No.33340417

She's going to be your ball and chain

>> No.33340554
File: 1.83 MB, 640x2808, harpies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are harpies so good lads?

>> No.33340568

Woah, is it just me or is that a gray panther. Rawrr.

>> No.33340570

>doors open
>the ones scheduled to use this courtroom around this time show up
>see nuki at the witness stand with a backwards business skirt on and a guy's shirt she did for one of the jurors
>she's red as a beet with a visible cloud of steam coming out of her ears demanding that the judge throw out anon's case because called her a "little cutie batootie"
>running back and forth between the bench and the jurors box where she has the judge's wig on sideways typing away at the typewriter that somehow got over there from the recorder's desk
>all while anon's sitting there watching and chuckling
>picks up nuki who's mumbley sputtering jibberish and tells the people coming in that they'll be on their way

>> No.33340602 [DELETED] 

>Hold it
>right there
>you can't
>just leave
>the courtroom
>and walk out
>into town
>*splat* *splat* *splat*

>> No.33340660

>Hold it
>right there
>you can't
>just leave
>the courtroom
>and walk out
>into town
>*splat* *splat* *splat*

>> No.33340702


Cause they lay big eggs

>> No.33340770
File: 180 KB, 800x800, 1393240228618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thing I wrote is highlighted

>> No.33340772

Cause they are super cute.

>> No.33340797
File: 2.19 MB, 1003x1416, 1603553497935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly, I would surrender my kingdom to demons in a heartbeat.

>> No.33340815
File: 2.69 MB, 2741x3990, Trad Hellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trad MGs

>> No.33340842

>Minotaurs are for monogamous marriage
>Holstaurs are for single-species harem
Change my mind

>> No.33340853
File: 116 KB, 900x639, gwen-bassett-devils-advocate-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you already did since I don't see you having one. Enjoy your loving horny demons.

>> No.33340861

farms usually have more than one cow yes

>> No.33340877

That's a nice dress

>> No.33340910

>anon carrying his delirious danuki judge jury and lawyer combo back to his place
>giggling to herself as they head through the city
>"I hold anon in contempt!"
>still writing jurors notes
>just full of kid's name ideas
Danuki court is /cute/

>> No.33340930
File: 404 KB, 1280x1652, 1612821806544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject modernity, embrace mindbreak

>> No.33340947

Most MGs are just really horny trads, 'cept sex before marriage, though first sex IS marriage

>> No.33340957

For me, it's the Dark Elf prosecutor with her whip who keeps calling me a foolish fool who foolishly fools around

>> No.33340982

They love family

>> No.33340996

I know! Summer dresses are beautiful.

>> No.33341055
File: 47 KB, 417x579, 2d4f65fc-d5fc-4cd3-9112-7218761101bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my image

>> No.33341072

Hey guys, my Hellhound rapist keeps calling me during work. It's nice to talk to someone but it's getting in the way, and my coworkers are getting frustrated. How do I tell her politely that our thing is strictly a 6PM after work in the alley behind the office sort of affair?

>> No.33341126

eat some raging shrooms and go to town on her

>> No.33341129

>Anon yeets a Tanuki
>He gets a bill of $500 the next day

>> No.33341188

>Ma'am you don't decide that, the judge does
*sheepishly sits back down*

>> No.33341191

>Tough monster girl acting angry or fearful when you push them down, climb on top, and rape them
>They're secretly ahegaoing on the inside

>> No.33341211
File: 2.39 MB, 853x912, paizuri death rapist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut MGs.

>> No.33341239

Slut MGs turning INTO Trad GMs?

>> No.33341250
File: 1.62 MB, 1120x1280, 01f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33341264

Actually it's the judge who sheepishly obeys her, the whip is NO PROBLEM

>> No.33341296

>danuki comes to collect bill
>please...please no mo-YEET!

>> No.33341380
File: 174 KB, 800x600, f9ab62c56c569ba778bc8a97fee10857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut MGs turning into EVEN BIGGER sluts!

>> No.33341430

Minotaur in addition to holstaur harem for protection of everyone includgin husband. Add a hakutaco in for some proppa learnin.

>> No.33341466

You got someone to teach them Spanish?

>> No.33341536

Hey now that's a copyrighted product of Taqueria Titania, better be ordering from us or you're going to have to change that name

>> No.33341565
File: 184 KB, 800x565, 1614006538826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hfw her body truly doesn't bother you

>> No.33341591
File: 508 KB, 1600x1200, Ouroboros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33341629

her body doesn't bother me but the fact that she can chug a corrupting potion and run at my ass shooting me full of poison as soon as she sees me does but that's just her saying she likes me right?

>> No.33341651

Wouldn’t that be a gookfox, not a nip one?

>> No.33341694
File: 324 KB, 1280x1129, p1_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that it's on all the doujin sites, was it any good?

>> No.33341701
File: 105 KB, 873x853, hakutaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33341710
File: 2.41 MB, 1380x1303, 1584221279120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33341754
File: 476 KB, 1104x888, pogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Insert rattlesnake joke here]

>was it any good?
I enjoyed it.

>> No.33341783
File: 83 KB, 680x675, Rattlesnake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33341802

What is?

>> No.33341803

>Owl girl
>Cosplay kobold bitch

It checked all the boxes for me. Only shame was it implied cow titties and didn't deliver.

>> No.33341805
File: 225 KB, 966x960, 1610541925479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that's just her saying she likes me right?

>> No.33341822

Why does post quality precipitously drop every day from like 3AM to 8AM?

>> No.33341832

Cosplay bitch?

>> No.33341834 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.59 MB, 2480x3028, 1614007777141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the madman actually did it.

>> No.33341851

What do you mean?

>> No.33341856

If you have fast legs, you can grope as many monsters as you want and not have to marry them!

>> No.33341860

That's a metaphor for the mental burdens you carry. Mischievous thoughts that distract and befuddle us. Truly, there are squirrels in all our attics.

>> No.33341861

She's a "kobold" but really looks more like your milquetoast kemonomimi girl. Which is fine, but not a monster girl.

>> No.33341879

Like KDF's ones?

>> No.33341904
File: 232 KB, 616x580, Euivb5DXcAMGrQp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These doujins are fun. Not great, but moderately fap-worthy and for some reason they usually get a chuckle out of me. Wish they were longer.

The creators clearly don't give a shit about their stuff being pirated anymore either, which is pretty based.

>> No.33341914


>> No.33341935

>his ceiling collapses
>"wow, he had actual squirrels in his attic"
>"I just got served"

>> No.33341954

>Autistic seahorse
I don't understand the meme. What's the meaning behind it?

>> No.33341959

So like Yubi memebitch?

>> No.33341960


>> No.33341985

Maybe because of how she is in the doujin?

>> No.33341995


>> No.33341997
File: 3.01 MB, 2500x1801, 1613285782318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What timezone You fag

>> No.33342000 [SPOILER] 
File: 265 KB, 515x556, 1614008184093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was decent but didn't have any zingers like the last one.

>> No.33342029

Knight Autism.

>> No.33342036

I mean whenever I check on these threads in the morning it looks like the last several hours worth of posts were made by a gaggle of 13-year-olds.

>> No.33342059


>> No.33342085 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.83 MB, 1453x1119, 1614008388988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Short answer: Yes. The creators might be fags but the doujins aren't bad.

>> No.33342086


>> No.33342168

I really hope we get to see more mindbroken Sylvie. Easily my favorite two pages in the whole thing.

>> No.33342208
File: 680 KB, 1042x938, Seahorse_Breeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those vacant, empty cum-covered eyes
Are these going to get more degenerate with time, or less?

>> No.33342211
File: 892 KB, 4096x4096, 1593011398564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember that your local Hellhound guards are very very friendly and are happy to get to know you better.
Please do not resist.

>> No.33342260

I can imagine some MGs take positions as guards just to marry Order shmucks that come making trouble

>> No.33342280

Are you just trying to start an argument? The thread looks the same no matter the time of day, so I guess you're just bored and trying to imply things about people from a different part of the world to you.

>> No.33342285

if ya could would ya stay here with ya mg waifu or go over to the mg homeland?

>> No.33342301

am I being detained?

>> No.33342349

>Come back to these threads after months
>They haven't changed much, which I guess is nice
>Lanternon seems to be dead though
This is a real shame, his stories got me into MGE in the first place. I hope he's okay.

>> No.33342364

That's what bad dogs get for stealing a man's yubis.

>> No.33342371
File: 94 KB, 737x737, 1602134697172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33342381

Not until you say please

>> No.33342422

no, my seed shall never spilled for I will only my holy seed to those who are worthy

>> No.33342462

That guy better finish his paladin story before dying forever

>> No.33342476
File: 647 KB, 634x356, bbc8d0db4f9e409f88834109c97af847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to turn the tables on a rapist succubus using a consecrated cock.

>> No.33342480

Just being taken in for questioning. You might be in there a while, because your friendly guards make sure to do a thorough job!

Go to her homeland, I want her to be comfortable, being where I am might make her feel a little out of place.

>> No.33342515

I hope he does too. I don't want another Parkedbuggy situation where a good story just stops forever randomly. We had so many writers do that back when we had lots of them.
I may not care for Anonymoose Saga but at least that guy is committed, since its still ongoing over five years later.

>> No.33342570

>he doesn’t want a fetish pushed into him to become based
Fuck your succubus little sister, have a harem, be a shota for your momster wife, and enjoy whatever other fetishes like femdom rape that get pushed on here.

>> No.33342597
File: 441 KB, 754x900, 1388119948263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of Manticore story do people want to see these days? Something more than just [Press X to Tailpussy] preferably

>> No.33342599

i wish the pretentious twats that were part of his initial fanbase years ago were called out more

>> No.33342604

Turning that old cat into a broodmother!

>> No.33342607
File: 63 KB, 450x500, 1457015665203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sorry for quitting on you and stuff

>> No.33342609

You're not my waifu. Go ask someone else.

>> No.33342751

End up spending a whole day getting her tail unstuck from somewhere along with not being able to just stick it in sometimes due to being frustrated. Other monster girls run into you and try to help from time to time, and you finally get it out after just narrowly avoiding a terrible situation with irreversible consequences.

>> No.33342756

>Write a story about a one-trick monster
>Don't want to use the one trick
Just pick a different monster to write about.

>> No.33342762

What happens when you drunk manticore wife accidentally slides her tailpussy over your arm?

>> No.33342771

>pretentious twats
What? Almost nobody talked out his stuff, even when it was regularly updated. Are we thinking about the same person?

>> No.33342773

The best way to expand the kingdom

They know how to rule well so it will all turn out fine anyway.

>> No.33342774

>Random gangbangs are now kosher.
At least use a doppel potion. Gunna make kc.

>> No.33342788

I doubt you're him, but if you are I understand
I quit too

>> No.33342789

Make kc sad*

>> No.33342820

Got some grudges?

>> No.33342821

I meant that I don't just want to write Tailpussy Sex: The Reckoning. I.e. an actual story besides the smut.

>> No.33342827

Thumbnail made me immediately think of a certain gorilla angel.
On the other hand, I've also been thinking of how good a winged buff gorilla monster girl wood look due to said gorilla angel (take a yeti, switch her to normal gorilla colors then give her muscles and wings).

>> No.33342829

>Gunna make kc.
Do NOT make KC.

>> No.33342831

The real question will be finding noble houses to marry them into.
At least Matrilineal is still the default monster marriage scenario.

>> No.33342839

I didn't say I was Parkedbuggy, I'm just one of those other ones

>> No.33342840

Is KDF still around?

>> No.33342854

What's wrong with creating a KC?

>> No.33342871

Not sure.

>> No.33342876

I remember an anon had an interesting idea of a manticore nurse that could use her spines as an anesthetic

>> No.33342882

He still comes here from time to time.

>> No.33342959

You can make new noble houses after the daughterus have found somebody

>> No.33342974

She's been only using her tailpussy to jack you for about a year. She's the super confident and smug type who teases you for cumming so fast. You finally convince her to use her actually pussy, agrees to missionary.
She cums almost instantly upon putting it in and as you go to town on her and tease her for the same thing she says "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" with tears of joy streaming down her face as she leg locks you for good measure.

>> No.33343003

Oh I see. I think it would be fun to write about a smug and sadistic manticore getting what she desereves

>> No.33343062
File: 2.49 MB, 1269x1800, K07zL0Ez_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a wonderful dream were I needed to find a place to sleep at night, but the only place I was allowed to was a cocky harpy's nest who proceeded to rape me with her amazing ass.

>> No.33343078

Overconfident and cocky MGs are fun to tease.

>> No.33343100

Good redneck MGs?

>> No.33343103

Yes, this. I love when femdom gets reversed.

>> No.33343121

What would she get that she deserves without it being smut?

>> No.33343131

Bayou Sahu

>> No.33343148

>no Southern Belle Wight who died waiting for her beloved to come back fighting those damn yanks

>> No.33343156

Well, they'd probably form it on their own if they weren't the first three heirs.

Although it would be quite interesting to see who gets the first kid.
>Your Eldest daughter is no longer your Heir, she has signed up with the Pillaging Sister's and is now a Mercenary.

>> No.33343175

The hounds are calling Emily

>> No.33343181

Gator Gals

>> No.33343188

Are we talking real or fake rednecks? Hicks? Backwoods hicks? What about the swamp people? There are so many different types of us southerners you northerners just don’t understand it.

>> No.33343212

I've been having the same Yeti dream for a while now. Always wake up by the time she agrees to have sex, but at least I get a good amount of kissing and cuddling done.

>> No.33343232


>> No.33343234

>inviting her mercenary gang to a feast at your castle
Sounds like a good time. Make sure to bring out the baby pictures

>> No.33343245

I don't know, I saw a greentext in a previous thread about how a manticore was torturing this guy she secretly liked or something and he eventually up and ran away because she was taking the whole sadism thing too far. There's probably more options that aren't smut but it's hard to write anything MGE imho unless it's somewhat tangentially lewd or it's a super wholesome mamono like Greenworm or something.

>> No.33343246
File: 729 KB, 1014x1082, U9VrjSvj_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering everyone has been locked up for months,you have been working on that family expansion project,right?

>> No.33343255

This kind of https://youtu.be/t6OBk9YBLQU ?

>> No.33343269

>tfw no red(neck) oni to make moonshine down in the holler with

>> No.33343279

>She's huge, buff, and has a fair few number of scars.
>laughing it up with her most trusted comrades in the dining hall.
>Until she realizes that the usual painting of her dad on the throne has been replaced with the one of her as a child.
>She's in a cute dress and looks adorable.
Ah, feasts.

>> No.33343297

>YOU! You're under arrest for disturbing the peace
>but officer, I only sneezed!
>So, you're resisting arrest too? You're coming with me, criminal. I'll sort you out at the station

>> No.33343323

What a nice guard, taking anon down to the station to wrap him up in a blanket and feed him warm soup. Can't have any citizens getting sick on her watch!

>> No.33343368


>> No.33343371
File: 207 KB, 850x1245, OOBAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another episode of roll Your own adventure!
>live in a totalitarian, extremist realm
>Your doors are kicked in
>You didn't show up for the mandatory penis inspection today
>kinda hoping that they will rape You and You can finally get a gf
>they don't
>turns out aggresive relationship policy rendered all mamono in the City 17 taken
>they take You into the station
>the officer looks worried
>keeps patting Your head and telling You it's going to be okay
>finally a report comes back from the census burreau
>there's one last single girl in the realm
>she's a farmgirl that lives far away from civilization
>before You can protest or request that You can take Your pc from back home - they load You onto a cart and drive You to Your new wife's farm.
>cart drops You off before a neatly lookking hut
>doors open and You can see...
What do You see Anon? What does Your wife farm?
Don't forget to tell us! You are welcomed to write a short story!

>> No.33343397

>Danuki finally settles down as a guard to get away from all her odd jobs
>Yeet-kun runs into her and she realizes her partner is bailing on her
What does she do?

>> No.33343410
File: 308 KB, 1600x1200, comfy worm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some employees at your supermarket but are having problems finding quality employees? Consider Greenworms! These mamono are very hard workers, and I guarantee that you won't regret your decision to bring one onto your team. While one may think that they are confined to produce section work due to their nature, they actually can do so much more! Greenworms are very friendly and helpful beings, meaning their customer service skills are excellent! You can have them stock shelves and help customers find items in the store without any worry that they'll be too shy. On the contrary, their cute but calmly determined demeanor actually is very endearing to many customers, which can make even the most ornery customer smile at how hard the precious little worm is working! They might even climb up on the customer's back and personally tell them where to go, which is another advantage Greenworms have other other employees. On the topic of climbing, this allows them to do stocking much more efficiently than other employees as well. I would check to see how stable your shelves are, but it's no problem at all for them to climb up and reach shelves and additional upper storage that most would struggle with. This is all on top of their unparalleled ability to manage produce. Greenworms, being hungry hungry caterpillars, understand when produce is at its best and highest quality just from looking at them. It's part of their physiology! In doing so, they can tell when produce needs to be rotated out or sold quickly to avoid spoilage! This is on top of their great customer service attributes, which combined can significantly increase the efficiency and profits that the produce section brings in, allowing the store to be much more flexible in other departments. Yesterday, me and my Greenworm ran into another one who had just been employed by the local supermarket. I was looking for eggplants, as it's my worm's favorite meal, and the Greenworm employee was very helpful in getting the best eggplants that I could have expected. Being someone who is a sort of Greenworm fan, I instinctually gave her a headpat and told her what a great job she was doing. My Greenworm got a little jealous by me doing that, however, and insisted that she help the employee worm with her work for the rest of the afternoon. Only after a couple hours and plenty of 'good job's and headpats were we able to head home and make her favorite eggplants for dinner!

>> No.33343457
File: 207 KB, 700x1200, Big Reimoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her mother looks massively pregnant in every familiy picture
It's good to be king

>> No.33343461

I wanna SURAM DANKKU that can.

>> No.33343496

She gets pregnant from her breasts?

>> No.33343498

were you even around at a time? he started it back in 2015-ish and it immediately became thread's closest equivalent to a blockbuster for awhile. almost every update (which he did like every other week back then) got a 30+ post chain of reaction, and discussions would sometimes spark spontaneously as well. i've never seen anything else receiving that sort of feedback barring probably YBA

happen to recognize yourself?
just distaste. you know, like having to bear with loud fans of some counter culture cartoon thinking they're smart for liking it

>> No.33343503

Makes sense given the situation I suppose.
Probably doesn't farm anything, just constantly uses a fed up Holst's tits as punching bags while muttering something about her own not growing.
I miss my PC and wish I was shitposting the Gremlins on monsterchan instead.

>> No.33343504

Big miko.

>> No.33343508

Ok but where can I actually find this?

>> No.33343512

Oh yeah.
Its a different woman per species but in everyone they're hugely pregnant.
The Cheshire still does her role as jester and still wears her old motley, even if it doesn't exactly fit....at all.

>> No.33343518


>> No.33343522

>Being someone who is a sort of Greenworm fan
You don’t say good buddy?

>> No.33343529
File: 41 KB, 232x242, Suspicious Wurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Wurms?

>> No.33343535

She would be the leader of some Ancient Egyptian looking farm town(probably by a big river) with a lot of mummies working there. I guess my job would be to worship her all day or something

>> No.33343547

>were you even around at a time?
I was, guess I forgot though. I remember a few writers getting crazy vocal fanbases through the years though, like Nyanon and a few others I forget.

>> No.33343553

>Humpty Egg
Hey wait a minute something doesn't seem right about this "farm girl"

>> No.33343562
File: 481 KB, 2000x2500, Danon crossing the Alps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wrote about a guy who got picked on and then raped and mutilated a cheshire and a centaur

>> No.33343564
File: 30 KB, 360x450, Bogey_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am now the comfiest redneck in the world. Do Bogeys like fishing, hunting, camping, and shooting?

>> No.33343567

Jokes on you, i dont mind farming, its better than working any office job
>spending each spring plowing fields and planting seeds, easily done with automaton strength
>siting around as summer comes around blasting warning shots at harpies and wererabbits
>its fall and its time to harvest with her scything arms
>winter is here and theres nothing to do but cuddling with her heating function

>> No.33343579

Pic unrelated I guess
I couldn't find the pic I wanted so I just posted a big fertile miko

>> No.33343581

When you wish upon a star...

>> No.33343586

A fairly big writefag at the time, he wrote a slightly edgy revenge story about monstergirls getting fucked up and a really nice one shot or two.

>> No.33343627 [DELETED] 

But what does the acronyms stand for?

>> No.33343633

>Devil Bug
Guess I have a lot of cleaning to do...

>> No.33343653


>> No.33343670

But what does the acronym stand for?

>> No.33343677
File: 2.91 MB, 2250x1800, The writers of old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the guys of old. all the guys and the others that are older than these
Yellow bird adventures IIRC

>> No.33343703

>Shitposting a guide by Alp
But my contributions...
Anyway I miss Bromont

>> No.33343716


>> No.33343724

Where did everyone go?

>> No.33343731

I hit the fucking jackpot. I love farming and troll girls.

>> No.33343733

Some writefags went on to make bigger and better things, others seem to have faded into obscurity for no real reason.

And then there's the couple we don't talk about at all.

>> No.33343747

Were the threads really that chock full of stories years ago? It seems hard to believe browsing nowadays. Right now we have Magus, Amoeba anon, yananon once in while. Don’t know about anyone else

>> No.33343760

I've been going to work this whole time so not me.

>> No.33343764

>retired warform automaton got herself a farm

>> No.33343771

I for one got a job. Then Covid hit, I lost that job and started writing a novel.
Dude, you wouldn't believe how much writing these threads had back in the /a/ days. We had a blog for updates and everything.

>> No.33343772

Some moved on to other sites.
Some grew tired of writing and stopped.
Some developed a deep hatred for the flaws of their writing and stopped so as not to sully the English language.

>> No.33343773

Iron Beast is still around, both him and losenis write, but are slow.

>> No.33343812

>Honey Bee
After learning her species, the large field of wildflowers we passed on the way to the hut started to make more sense. With no Alraune in sight, she probably used their nectar for food.
After whatever the officers left, I talked to the troubled monster, hoping to understand more about her and what she's doing away from the large hive cities. Turns out she was a queen bee, and bought the property in hopes of making it into a new hive city, only to learn that it's far away from any human civilization, forcing her to register for the husband program, and soil that is only fit to grow a handful of flowering plants. Bees are naturally very social, and being alone for a long time put a lot of stress on her.
I tried my best to comfort her, telling her that I will do everything I can to help her achieve her dreams. Saying that really helped lift her mood, but wasn't the best for my pelvis, as I was immediately pulled into the bed to help her make some worker bees.

>> No.33343819

>Some developed a deep hatred for the flaws of their writing and stopped so as not to sully the English language.
No, he went on to do pixel art and commercial hentai games.

>> No.33343830

>wagon rolls down a decrepit path to a ramshackle hut
>you pass row after row of derelict crops, frying in the sun and choking amidst weeds
>no one comes out to greet you when you arrive
>officer opens the door and shoves you inside
>only furniture is a musty bed and a slanted table
>and a massive statue in the center of the room
>a demon with a melancholic gaze
>door slams shut behind you, told to keep her company
>hear stone grating
>whip around to face statue
>swear that the face is a little less sad now
>decide to sleep on the bed until your new wife gets back
>she must still be in the fields
>a shame she decided to be a farmer, she would have made a better sculptor
>she'll be back soon
>it's dusk after all

>> No.33343847

Ignore the whatever in the second paragraph. I thought about writing more about the hut's design by taking any belongings the officers left me and placing them around the hut, but it got too long and boring.

>> No.33343850

3~ stories per day was the norm

>> No.33343896
File: 891 KB, 1542x1374, 0XnFfp1v_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all I'm told is that I'm being shipped out to a farm
>picturing something like stereotypical green hills and fields of corn as the armored cart slowly rolls along towards my new life
>door to the cart opens and the big oni guard gingerly picks me up and drops me out onto the ground
>instead of landing on a grassy prairie I sink into marshy muck up to my knees
>nothing to do but wade over to the farmhouse my guard pointed me to from the dry safety of her cart
>vampire mosquitos buzz around and gossip as I half walk, half swim to my wife's home
>"aww, looks like she's finally going to get a boy!"
>"heehee, has he ever worked a day in his life? It doesn't look like he has a single pint of blood in him!"
>"welcome to the rice fields, motherfucker!"
>finally make it to the door while ignoring the bugs
>at least I'll be able to dry off once inside
>the moment I push open the door I'm tackled back outside and into the water by a toadgirl frog-leaping into me at full force
>can't get one word out due to the long tongue rolling over my face and trying to explore my mouth
>can't get up from the swampy ground due to the strong legs wrapped around me
>that's one way to say hello

>> No.33343900

Anywhere you can still read good MG stories? I mostly know MGs from MGE and recent threads.

>> No.33343907

Around 2014/15 there were weekly blog updates due to the amount of writing we had in the threads. Most of it was fun and comfy, with some edge or pure porn mixed in. But the blog was run by someone who kept having major freak outs and was deleted years ago.
As for the writers, they all faded away/lost interest (for the most part) and for some reason nobody seemed interested in replacing them.
Some of us stuck around as regular anons after all this time and I wouldn't be surprised if there's more still lurking around than you'd think.

>> No.33343928

the blog still exists, it just hasnt been updated sinse 2018

>> No.33343943

Huh. I thought ELH deleted it.

>> No.33343949
File: 160 KB, 636x618, 1612584342159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome to the rice fields mother fucker


>> No.33343976

All this talk of writers/writing almost makes me want to try to get back into that. Almost.

>> No.33343994

Shut up Alp

>> No.33344008

Nah, he just jumped ship and abandoned the thread
and last year abandoned the discord that he was one of the mods on last i heard
He still lurks the thread at random intervals, but its nothing to really care about

>> No.33344016

Nah, I was even more unknown than that guy

>> No.33344037

Same. But it's not like the old days, anons wouldn't be interested and most of us were fucking terrible anyway.
If anything its the comfy greentexts I miss the most.

>> No.33344055

Greentexts were what I had most fun writing honestly.

>> No.33344057
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x1693, 1487006264692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, this talk of writers has inspired me to put you all to the test.
Is a tiger a valid option?

>> No.33344079

CYOAs made threads spammy and that massive fuck up was a blessing in disguise.

>> No.33344082

>vamp mosquitoe
Me. She is farming me.

>> No.33344088

Always, even if she gets removed as one.

>> No.33344100

Yes the tiger was a valid option. But then someone had to go and spam the polls to fuck up the story.

>> No.33344101

man look at those PAW PADS

>> No.33344136

Couple? So only 2 have ever gained that status.

>> No.33344162

Same. But then I realize most of my stupid stories can be condensed into short greentexts that other anons can have fun with.

>> No.33344168

Read the OP.

>> No.33344171
File: 943 KB, 595x842, Raiju_the_Lightning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled twice myself and got type index twice, but anyway:
>Very energetic girl with a fuzzy and messy hair bolts outside and grabs my hand
>drags me out to her house
>looks more like a electrical workshop than a farmhouse
>I start asking about various equipment, tell her I'm an electrical engineer myself
>she gets really excited
>"ohmygod, our glorious leader really did read my letter"
>chat around a bit, she's super fast, but very nice and easy going
>time to go for the kill
>casualy approach her while she talks about Linux and GNU being two diffrent things
>get touchy
>she grabs my arms
>not yet sugarpuff
>wait, mamono turns down sex?
>she says You need to see the farm
>takes me out
>"farm" is just a sea of metal pylons
>ask her what is she farming
>"Lightning of course! Now we should head back inside, storm is going to be here very soon"
>indeed there's a mass of dark clouds approaching fast from the east
>"Good thing You came today, You're not going to ever forget our wedding night."
>we get back inside
>storm starts
>deafening cascade of thunders starts hitting the pylon field
>she seems entranced
>I just pray that none of those will hit our house
>after a while everything calms down
>"Wait here husband"
>she runs out to the pylons buzzing with energy
>grabs a cable sticking out of the ground
>clicks a button and at the same time all pylons connect to her
>mass of electricty hits her so hard I can see her hair glowing like the second sun
>it's like a localized explosion
>and then - after a moment, everything is calm again
>she's just laying there. I want to go and check on her, but she stands up before I can do anything.
>I back away a few step as she looks at me with mad, lustful eyes
>I can feel sexual energy, the power of which could monsterize a whole realm emanating from my new wife's frame
>fear and excitement freeze me in place as the energy radiates stronger and stronger the closer she gets to me
>I really am not forgetting this night

>> No.33344181

W-wgat would happen if you licked them?

>> No.33344183

Yeah, Bob and whoever wrote about diapers

>> No.33344195

Were a decent amount of the stories on /a/ not that restricted to conforming with MGE specifically? If so, that might have been at least some part of it.

>> No.33344209


>> No.33344213
File: 860 KB, 1169x1065, mWwCzzug_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm not busy time to write this one out I suppose
>Get sent off to the middle of nowhere to become a farm girls' husband
>Not really into country girls, I grew up in a rural community and was really excited to move into the city when I got into high school
>Should have thought about the consequences of watching the neighbor's kid on the day I was supposed to get my penis inspected
>Long gone are the days of playing video games and shogposting on 4Monster
>Well whatever worst case I have to milk Holsts or grow carrots or something
>Told along the way that this is an ok farm, girl in question recently has been given full control since her parents retired somewhere
>The farm girl has always been too busy to look for love, now she needs someone to help out with daily maintenance
>Arrive at the neatly kept farmhouse expecting to see holsts or something
>Sign reads: Loveling Famliy Farms
>Can see the crops from the driveway
>A bunch of paddies full of melting vegetables
>Door opens, farm girl comes out
>It's a cupid but not like one you would see in books or anything
>She's wearing a traditional farm dress with brown work boots and her longer hair done in braided pigtails
>Face covered in freckles, she stares bullets into me before breaking to speak
"Hello anon, come in"
>She tells me her mother and father started this farm to spread these vegetables throughout the realm
>Eating them allows people to release their inhibitions and fall in love, it is her duty or something as a Cupid to grow them
>Initially think she hates me because she doesn't talk much and stares pretty blankly
>After a few weeks I realize she doesn't hate me at all, she's just bad with words
>Work isn't too hard, just making sure the water in the paddies is pure and plowing the unused fields for the next crop rotation
>I do the physical labor while she manages the finances and shipping logistics
>About a month later at dinner time she looks disturbed, ask her what the problem is
>All of a sudden she points and arrow at me, I'm obviously instinctively scared
>She's shaking and pulls it back before fidgeting with the arrow head
"...can't shoot it"
>Excuses herself and runs upstairs
>Call her dad to see if he knows what's going on
"Oh, you know, my little girl has problems saying what she means, I hear her talking with her mother all the time saying how much she likes you. I wouldn't put much thought into it, she'll figure things out."
>Head upstairs to see her sulking in the corner, ask her what's wrong
>Points to a bunch of paper in the corner
"...can't put it in 1 arrow"
>A mountain of love letters and lists of things she likes about me
>There's stuff in here though that way predates coming here though
>Turns out she met me one day when her parents visited my hometown, has been looking forward to meeting me again since
>Makes sense that a Cupid wouldn't just agree to a shotgun marriage with a random
>Give her a hug, tell her she can just shoot me with all the arrows in the world if that's how many it takes
>And we lived happily ever after starting a family, continuing the tradition of the Loveling-Anon Family Farm
yeah this took way too long to write but whatever hope you enjoy

>> No.33344214

I used to write here years ago, now I'm a published author. I still lurk, but I feel the thread just isn't as receptive to writing as it once was.

>> No.33344217

I’m guessing a meat farm of some sort, I hope I don’t get too attached to the livestock

>> No.33344222

I'd say Hatch too but it's actually a small number of samefags who passionately hate him rather than the entire thread.

>> No.33344225

There was a mix, but most /a/ stories still used settings the thread came up with.

>> No.33344239

>static heart pupils

>> No.33344264

I don't hate him but he's kind of a dick.

>> No.33344276

What's wrong with being a Greenworm fan?

>> No.33344281

I guess you're either Machineanon, Penywise or Silent.
They're the only three I know of who were good enough to probably get published with some work.

>> No.33344289

Fuck it, why not? Consider Green... Wurms!?

>> No.33344301


>> No.33344312

Wurm who was raised by Greenworms but feels like an ugly duckling on account of her hard carapace!

>> No.33344327

I’m feeling that this is a part of it. It’s seems that there aren’t many readers for non greentext stuff. Though that’s not entirely true, Magus gets piled everytime he takes requests

>> No.33344334

I am aware of this name!

>> No.33344352

I can whole heartedly agree the thread has moved with more a taste towards green texts and wacky stories

>> No.33344367

>the days when people were super happy to receive and discuss content
>discussions always spawned more content
I miss is bros.
Like you wouldn't believe. Not a thread went by without pastebin links. Tons of stuff. Wasn't always good, but it was something. You found a story you really liked and couldn't wait for the next chapter or spinoff.

>> No.33344377

Hey thanks anon, good to be remembered. I wrote a Satyros Aunt short a few months back then life killed me, but even if thread culture changed I'll always like monster girls.

>> No.33344401

Yes, but she's a key component to their wacky antics
>Wurm digs a tunnel into the tomato farm
>Greenworms single file infiltrate the facility
>Tomato buffet
Green Wurm is such a dangerous existence that farmers actively go from Wurm residence to Wurm residence playing some cheesy instructional video on the dangers of letting your child wander in the forest alone.

>> No.33344407

I really liked Wonderland Club man. Glad to see you

>> No.33344408

Shit, I forgot you. Yeah, that makes sense. Congratulations!

>> No.33344428

Thanks! Never thought I'd hobby write monster girls then end up doing a horror novel that gets picked up by one of the biggest publishers.
My writing has improved so much, but I still think the tone of Wonderland is the best I've ever done.

>> No.33344437

But what happens once all those worms cocoon and come out with their wings? Poor Wurmie's going to feel like an outsider.

>> No.33344476

>I wrote a Satyros Aunt short a few months back then life killed me
I don’t remember that one. I do remember the Ogre Blackmail story you did a while back.

>> No.33344517

>her Greenworm sisters are all in their coccoons
>Green Wurm is wrapped up in some blankets like a coccoon softly sleeping next to them
It would be cute, and once they emerge as Papillon they would be able to elegantly tell her that despite their differences she's their beloved sister and couldn't imagine life without her!

>> No.33344535

Looks like I hit the jackpot.

>> No.33344555

>the newly hatched Papillon girls make a pair of wings for their Wurm sister
Their gremlin friend actually makes them able to fly.

>> No.33344567

They make papermache wings and work in unison to fly her around. It only lasts a few minutes before they are too exhausted but she really appreciates it

>> No.33344578

>Owl Mage
Not too bad, barn owl jokes aside

>> No.33344596

Today we told a happy story

>> No.33344601

But I can't use my PC in the woods

>> No.33344613

In other words I'm doing all the work in the day time. Great.

>> No.33344638

Wurm’s are good girls who deserve all the happy endings possible!

>> No.33344712

>The cart ride was a long one, but I did learn something about my new home from the guards
>The "farm" doesn't actually have any crops, but instead has undead farmhands collecting mana from the area's dense fog
>The cart stops at a deep pit filled with purple fog, moans can be heard from inside the pit, but the fog is too thick to see what's making the noise
>Looking around, all the vegetation in the area is gone, but is replaced by undead of all kinds, using strange machines to suck up the fog as it rises from the earth
>Before I can ask any questions, the cart leaves, and I am approached by a zombie
>I open my mouth to greet her, but she shoves me into the pit before I can let a word out, and I fall for what feels like forever
>I wake up on a patch of soft dirt, I can barely see what is in front of me with all the fog
>My head starts spinning, the mana is so dense it's like breathing through a straw, and the voice in my head gets quieter as it is replaced with a primal urge to mate
>A voice pierces the fog, bringing me to my senses for just a moment
>My response was almost automatic
"Yes, dear?"
>With a powerful flap of her wings, the fog briefly disperses, revealing my new wife, looking down at me with lust-filled eyes
>Clouds of purple fog puff out of her mouth with every breath as she stomps her way over to me, her pussy drooling with juices in preparation for what happens next
>Production at the farm is now at an all-time high, and two voices can be heard in the pit, calling out to each other between moans and heavy breaths

>> No.33344717

Here you go anon

>> No.33344727
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>> No.33344764

What can I say. Greenworms always result in a happy ending.

>> No.33344784

Would it be racist and offensive if you say to a Monstergirl:

>"Care for a game of Gwent?"
>"Can we play Gwent?"

>> No.33344788

It says it’s forbidden.

>> No.33344792


>> No.33344793

Awesome, pastebin strikes again. I'll fix it.

>> No.33344800

What monsters call their partner "Husband" or "Darling" or "Master"
Besides the obvious

>> No.33344815

Thanks mane

>> No.33344845

>Lizard girl getting teased at school because she accidentally called Mr. Anon ‘daddy’ in History class

>> No.33344852

I don't see how.

>> No.33344941

>anon catches wind of her getting bullied
>tfw it's actually his daughter
>tfw the other lizardgirls are also all his daughters

>> No.33344943

Prolly since Gwent is from the Witcher.

Monstergirls might find it offensive because it came from the Witcher, a series about monster hunters killing monsters for profit.

And for that matter, the Witcher school insignia (most commonly the school of the Wolf) might be a Mamono equivalent of an offensive Nazi Swastika or SS Thunderbolts.

Therefore the Monstergirl ADL (Anti-Defimation League) has listed the Witcher School symbols, especially the more common and popular Kaer Morhen school of the Wolf symbol. As a racist hate symbol.

>> No.33344950

So they just went with whatever random stuff was in the threads? No wonder there were more writefags. Well, and also because /a/ has more anons.

>> No.33344957

You okay with a google doc? I forgot about the pastebin smart filters bullshit, and thus that short is now locked. Which is funny because the twin daughter incest angels is not locked somehow, but whatever pastebin you do you.

>> No.33344965

She eventually dates Mr. Anon's son so they can't make fun of her because it's true now
uh oh

>> No.33344992

There's a few kingdoms that we know about. The three in the Mist Continent, The Order, Dragonia, Fairy Kingdom, Demon Lord's Forces Etc
There should be at least two desert kingdoms, because there wouldn't be encyclopedia entries describing realms run by Pharaoh and Apophis if it hasn't happened
Would places run by Wights, Vampires, and Slime Queens be considered independent?

To what extent monster states consider one another part of the same country? Not many places seem to be under the direct rule of the DL to begin with. I don't think that the Monster Lord rules anything outside of Royal Makai; I don't think she particularly cares about how monster states govern themselves as long as they don't start trying to overthrow her for some reason or start doing things that would endanger the global supply of men.

Lescatie is a monarchy de jure ruled by the Roper Queen and de facto ruled by Druella, Polove is ruled by a bunch of incubus wizards, Dragonia is also a monarchy ruled by a Dragon Empress, and Court Alf is a group of allied islands each ruled by their most skilled unmarried monstergirl musicians.

In general, though, monster kingdoms seem to tend towards some degree of anarchy since most monstergirls don't really care abou

>> No.33344996
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, 1612280728107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon Wurmbait has perfected his defenses
>All sorts of tricks and traps to stop a wurm burrowing into his home
>There is everything from quadruple strength reinforced floors and walls to tremor sensors that would warn anon to an approaching wurm
>No sir, no Wurm would be dragging him off anytime soon
>Wurm smashes through roof
>Just another day in the life of Anon Wurmbait

>> No.33345007

someone needs to tell wormy that her pillow is in the case backwards!

>> No.33345038

Dare I say, based. H*atch is actually okay in my books.

>> No.33345089 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 826x754, kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not spider! Not a spider!

>> No.33345113

>Wurm tries to play it off cool like she didn't just bust through the ceiling
>"H-hey Anon, funny running into you here"
>loose plank from the massive ceiling hole falls to the ground next to her
>"Ha-Haha WOW hahaha, w-wonder who put that there huh?? Someone could have gotten hurt!"
>"W-well anyways Anon, I have to get going. I, uhhhh, have to go... uhh... on my date with Anon... yeah... wait you are Anon... uhhh..."
>runs away busting through the reinforced walls with the power of 20 spaghettis

>> No.33345114

She doesn’t happen to have antlers does she? Those Jane Deer models are really nice.

>> No.33345120
File: 154 KB, 826x754, kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not spider! Not a spider! Though web would be pretty useful for housekeeping...

>> No.33345146

What new monsters from K Cross would you lads be interested in seeing? Personally I like to see his take on a Kelpie or Kirin/Qilin for more horses. Or even a Cerberus girl would be cool, though could just be a Chimera repeat in design

>> No.33345158

Sure that’s fine too. I just like reading Monstergirl stories.

>> No.33345170


Well here it is anon, enjoy

>> No.33345186

hydra, dragon turtle, real salamanders, bulette

>> No.33345191
File: 501 KB, 631x359, SMT4 Alraune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see their reaction to the SMT series.

>> No.33345204

Sweet thanks man. The stories really good too!

>> No.33345219

Something like a deep one or a chaos girl actually from the abyss for more information about it.

>> No.33345248

>Get portaled to the mge world on Halloween
>Monsters think they summoned a pre-dl vampire and freak out
>You get mana bombed and incubize while passed out for a week

>> No.33345249

Let’s not talk about what new MGs KC can create but let’s talk more about what he already has made! What’s your favorite species of Kobolds? I like the Caucasian Mountain Kobolds desu, they’re so big and fluffy!

>> No.33345280

>real salamander
It's one of those giant Japanese salamanders, she's fucking gigantic in every way

>> No.33345289

Tomboy Duck Harpy!

>> No.33345303


>> No.33345313

Crocs that wear Crocs?

>> No.33345341

>talk about what he's already made
Ok, I'm wishing to get more art of some of the more recent ones, especially to know their features better. What does the banshee's veil look like from the other side? What does a side profile of Papillon/Titania wings look like? What the fuck is that thing around the Greenworm neck? How long is Bogey hair? There are plenty of things I can think of like that.

>> No.33345343

oh and i forgot dragonflys
>bullies everyone
>mosquitos especially

>> No.33345379

>bug version of dragons
>they build up how great they are
>their confidence is fake
>they're actually insecure and need comfort

>> No.33345423

Skeleton wheels, or some sort of super form after you bone the skeleton for long enough.

>> No.33345459

>and none of the millions of viewers know how to pronounce "Tpyge"
>We don't even think the pharaoh knows

>> No.33345485


>No answer at the door.
>A voice as sweet as the massive garden all around rings out from the side
>You turn to find your face unintentionally smothered in something soft, a heavenly aroma flooding your nostrils as if to keep you planted in place
>"Easy, big guy. There will be time for that later."
>A sweet giggle accompanies a motion to lightly push you back, showing that you unintentionally had your face buried in the ample bosom of your new companion
>A tall girl, covered in a loving assortment of flowers, wearing a loose and easy flowing dress that
>Tanned skin made darker by a layer of dirt most likely from the surrounding garden
>As your eyes begin to drift towards her...unusually large hands, she quickly ushers you inside. A warm smile hiding a twinge of awkwardness.
>Inside, she offers you a meal of more leaves and greens than you've had in a lifetime as introductions are finally made
>Over the next few days you get more familiar with her trade as an herbalist/florist
>Through each success and error, that warm smile never fails to leave her face
>Occasionally cracks whenever attention seems to be heading towards her hands
>The elephant in the room is finally tackled late one night
>A loud crash causes you to instinctively rush to her room
>Obligatory 'walking in on her naked' moment
>With a girlish shriek, she quickly tries to cover her hands, not caring that the rest of her rather developed body is on full display
>Knowing what needs to be done, you move in to take her by the hand
>You feel her twitch to the touch as you see tears begin to form in her eyes
>You guide her hand to caress your cheek, causing her to visibly shake for a moment
>Your eyes meet in prolonged gaze, the moment broken when you shift to place a tender kiss to her palm
>The flood gates have burst
>Her hand slips behind your head to pull you in towards the warmth of her ample body
>The rest of the night is a fragrant blur of plowing and planting of a different sort
>The dawn of the morning sheds light on your new garden, the scant traces of the occasional spilled seed glistening amidst soft mounds like a fine dew.
>Your arms remain curled around one another, her pulling you close to tighten their embrace as she savors being your big little spoon

>> No.33345500
File: 1.05 MB, 3129x2020, 1608581202854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be wary around strange mofu. It might be cursed.

>> No.33345508

Hey thank you man, good to see I'm remembered and stuff. Tell me if you like the Satyros one.

>> No.33345552

Seal it, quick!

>> No.33345573
File: 494 KB, 1162x771, 1596471751640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What always made me anal not literally about salamanders is that they demand their mate be stronger than them then expect him to fuck them when they're weaker than he is. Bit hypocritical of them if you ask me

>> No.33345581

Not him, but its nice to see an old writefag being sucessful and doing well for himself. All the former writers I know on the discord are either permanently in a rut or very depressed these days.

>> No.33345583

Is there even anything to like about them?

>> No.33345606

The wine goat story was great! I am a bit biased to them but it was still really well done!

>> No.33345628

>Anon trains harder than One Punch Man to defeat Salamanders
>Purely to reject them to make a point about their hypocrisy.
You'd be in the right, but boy are there going to be some pissed Cupids.

>> No.33345629
File: 513 KB, 2048x1754, 1570951009882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay Anon she's reformed. No trying to take over the world this time, for real.

>> No.33345655

Punch the Cupids too!

>> No.33345683
File: 255 KB, 1969x1681, Cute Horse Maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry the horse anon, they have the most charming personalities of all the MGs.

>> No.33345697

Sweet, can she kill me?

>> No.33345705

I acknowledge how lucky I am to have an artfag wife who also loves monster girls. Makes it easier to keep going, but thanks brother.
Hey I like Satyros too, glad you liked it man.

>> No.33345719

I'm going to reject this smelly, skunk hag.

>> No.33345721

Speaking of OPM, do we know the power of the setting? Dragons can rend steel with their claws, assuming this isn't hyperbole high tier monsters are pretty fucking powerful

>> No.33345735

>This snowballs until you're up against the Demon Lord herself
>"Why do you stand before me, worthy opponent? Was a world of love and happiness so terrible to you? What awful events have twisted your heart so?"
>You just stand there awkwardly
>"Ah, actually I was just trying to show up Salamanders for being giant hypocrites and it got a bit out of control from there... uh... sorry."

>> No.33345770
File: 80 KB, 600x731, 1595799849599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually mind that much, every monster has their niche and sallys like to foight. There are plenty of ways around it too, like if a specific salamander really likes a guy that's weaker than her she'll train him until they can fight on even grounds. It wouldn't be fair to condemn them for their natural instincts but more like expecting them to train to beat you after you beat them

>> No.33345787


>> No.33345796
File: 520 KB, 1890x1188, 1598544114666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not spider!

>> No.33345853
File: 3.67 MB, 2894x4093, __night_gaunt_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_bell_orgel__43c4c64b7c1f0facc22c0ac6f67e4ec0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb rubber slut needs to be pinned down and taught a lesson for putting her obscene body on display like that
I'll fuckin show her what happens

>> No.33345861

you go anon

>> No.33345871

Heh, sounds like it'd be hilarious as an anime.

>> No.33345881

When it comes to spider monster girls, do they get hungry after sex like real spiders? Should I leave a snack tray by the bed just in case?

>> No.33345901

I'm a KikimorA, not a KikimorE!

>> No.33345924

Let’s be real here, if someone is in these threads there’s no way they are going to be training even 1/10th as hard as that, much less just to make a spiteful point.

>> No.33345938

Warcraft with MGE rules


>> No.33345963

>Geographic Index

T-thanks Druella

>> No.33345971

>Hehe sorry yeah I just got a bit excited there

>> No.33345982

It is not necessary to live an antagonistic life

>> No.33345987

Very nice greentext anon

>> No.33345993

You're kikienough for me

>> No.33346013
File: 226 KB, 809x367, qI4NAHAV_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33346028

I believe that was part of my point yes.

>> No.33346041

>Witcher Kikis get monsterized with mamono mana
>now Kikis have to deal with people confusing them being arachne-types and asking them for spider-related stuff
>some poor guys get stuck with a useless mean spider who they accidentally hired as a maid

>> No.33346050
File: 356 KB, 1000x797, Z2RUYAME_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya anon! Funny running into you at your place! Never would have expected to see you here! A-anyways want a Dr. Kiki? Just pulled this one out of the fridge!

>> No.33346052

Cute book?

>> No.33346060

I want to torment a Kikimora by using a black light to reveal all the stains and dirt she fails to clean!

>> No.33346072

I was almost afraid that you froze a poor maid doctor. Apologize right now!

>> No.33346082

>that they demand their mate be stronger than them then expect him to fuck them when they're weaker than he is
If you read the profiles carefully, that's actually the Lizardman's gimmic, not Salamander's. Although the same method of "charming" probably works on the latter just as well, too.

>> No.33346084

>turn a black light on a Kikimora
>the whole house is spotless
>and then she lights up like Jackson Pollock painting

>> No.33346086

Be careful of revealing ghosts. You don't want any big trouble for you or your Kiki.

>> No.33346091

Wouldn't that be Dr. Pampillon?

What kinda monster is a Pharmacist/Physician anyway?

>> No.33346109

>farm girl
How the hell does that work?

>> No.33346122

Farming the ocean floor?

>> No.33346127

Like to think it starts out as a horror movie being stalked by a beautiful woman until something triggers the true form to show up and it becomes a happy ending. Never really had a women I loved so I wonder what form the doppelganger would take

>> No.33346133

Ah well it's called Dr. Kiki because of the marketing scheme, you see the slogan is "Always sweet and ALWAYS there for you!". Also a cute Kiki on the can is a good way to sell the product. Those smug soda Danukis.

>> No.33346139

I don't drink soda.
I want to molest those ears and that tail so badly.

>> No.33346169

I was thinking about it, since the origin of Dr. Pepper is 'the drink that tastes like an apothecary smells'.

Although now that I think of it, Kiki's would make great pharmacists. They're orderly, quick-witted, attentive, and sweet-tempered and like all pharmacists, used to cleaning up other people's messes

If Dr. Haku sends over one more prescription for Fukitol without her NPI#, Dr. Kiki might...just...lose it. Fortunately, she has her helpful assistant Pharmacy Technician Anon to pay her bottom and tell her it's going to be alright.

>> No.33346174

>succ wanted to make it seem natural that she was just casually in your apartment
>puts some Dr. Kiki in the fridge, expecting that if you showed up she can just say she was getting some
>I don't know how she rationalized that in her head but spaghetti succ is spaghetti succ
>tells anon she got a soda from his fridge
>he quickly says he doesn't drink soda
>opens can and it sprays all over her face
>vaults out the window crying like a true pasta chef

>> No.33346197

>Pharmacist Kiki accidentally calling her assistant master

>> No.33346229

>There's stuff in here though that way predates coming here though
Very cute anon . Love the trope of a monster deciding she wants you and keeping track of your life before ever actually getting into a relationship with you or meeting you personally

>> No.33346252

>tfw growing up I thought Dr. Pepper actually had pepper in it
I am not a clever man.

>> No.33346270

How long ago did you find out?

>> No.33346282

Monsters don't give a shit about media portrayals pre-dl monsters, especially if it's not meant to be 'their' universe and is an alternate fantasy world. Would you get mad at a videogame about a mammoth killing neanderthals in not!earth?

>> No.33346283

She farms top quality seafood from her “farm” behind her mansion that she sells to restaurants at her favorite beach town.

>> No.33346287

So did I, anon.
I am also convinced it tasted different back in the 90s. I liked it better, but maybe its just me getting older.

>> No.33346290

You mean it doesn’t?

>> No.33346293

She could've used my shower to clean off the soda instead of running back home.
I would've also gotten the chance to bully her by offering some her of my clothes after she got out of the shower.

>> No.33346298

I was about 15 and I was so embarrassed I asked my mom to come pick me up from the party I was at. So... almost 20 years ago.

>> No.33346299

hydroponics, like cranberries

>> No.33346302

Ok but it is supposed to be spiced cherry or something right? There COULD be pepper in it, right? Say it isn't so friend

>> No.33346330
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x2829, 7634d1f6042bc171107aac2f4065130c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no 7' tall amazonian elf gf

>> No.33346332

>spaghetti succ comes out of the shower
>to see anon hasn’t done his laundry yet and has some old clothes out for her to wear
>they all smell like him too
>she takes his clothes and jumps out of the window to go masturbate while smelling your shirt and sweatpants

>> No.33346337

>the better question is
>do YOU want to be conscious during this experiment

>> No.33346347

This is starting to sound like an old /v/ greentext. Its just missing the spaghetti shooting from your pockets and a penis inspection on the way out of the house.

>> No.33346358

Gonna go on paladin adventures around the world.
Keeping folks in line, healing those in need, helping the week, leaving a series of bastards of pretty much every faction, and general good doing.

>> No.33346361

If you move fast enough you might be able to catch her at her house in the shower! Even if you're just slightly late:
>she gets out of the shower
>you're standing in her hallway
>"Heya succ, funny running into you at your place! Never would have expected to see you here! Anyways, got any molestable ears or a tail around?"

>> No.33346362

No. It’s 100% true. I was a freshman in high school at a party with my brother and his friends. I told them about Dr. Pepper and they joked me for the entirety of the night and into the next few weeks at school too.

>> No.33346370

Alluded to exist already
>More kinds of dragons
>More cultures like Norse, Chinese, Aztec/Mesoamerica
More godlike/ruler type monsters would be cool and loyal guardian types because I have a female knight/warrior fetish. I'm also curious how KC is going to handle the four evils when their description from myth is so vague and abstract

>> No.33346372


>> No.33346390

>Cerberus girl
>when Hellhounds exist
Anon. Just date the damn Hellhound triplets that live next door already.

>> No.33346395

>I hear a sudden crash
>Look and see my window broken
>succ is gone
>my laundry is gone
>"weird, guess she needed some extra clothes. Oh well"

>> No.33346398

>leaving a series of bastards of pretty much every faction
what is wrong with you

>> No.33346409

>a snack tray by the bed
She's not gonna eat you anyway, but still, this is always a nice touch.

>> No.33346421

KC did mention a 'yowie' that was going to be a hybrid between a dragon and insect. Which isn't what a yowie is but he may be basing his design on a Final Fantasy enemy

>> No.33346429
File: 95 KB, 726x1058, a906ac19b1bfdf2155999cbeb490f338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you imagine the fallen god looks like?

>> No.33346434

yeah I've had that stuff before. love the commercial where the kiki holds up the can and says its the cutest cure all in the world or something. still like Ms. Shog better though, everyone says they taste the same but true patricians know otherwise

>> No.33346451

A fucking BALROG? which profile/supplemental material mentions this?

>> No.33346462

I remember that one, it was great. Always get a fuzzy feeling when I see someone come back to something after a long absence

>> No.33346463

It's KC don't expect her to be very big or have any muscles.

>> No.33346471

Seems I used the wrong term.
Basically, I'm going to have a wife from each faction and I need to figure out how to get them in one place

>> No.33346473


>> No.33346483
File: 285 KB, 826x630, 1592176760786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He mentioned in one of the world guides that the Demon Lord occasionally sends balrogs to keep erupting volcanoes under control >>33346473

>> No.33346487

Maybe you can look up if the recipe ever changed.

>> No.33346497

>No wings
Begone imposter

>> No.33346498

I hope she's BEEG and full of delicious muscles.

>> No.33346513

don't get your hopes up

>> No.33346514

>>"Easy, big guy. There will be time for that later."
>Don't say it, don't say it, don-

>> No.33346543

That’s not even the quote

>> No.33346550

Only from the playable factions? If we make WoW with MGE rules a shit ton of npc factions and enemies will be waifuable

>tfw no naga waifu

>> No.33346565

Oh boy

>> No.33346568

>Loud *TCH*
>'succ' shapeshifts into a slime and casually sucks herself down the kitchen sink
>see real succ, wings and all, outside with a professional BoyToy Rape Kit fresh from the store sneaking towards your place
>now that's more like it

>> No.33346580


>> No.33346582

>Ms. Shog
Look at this man and laugh. He drinks soda that wasn’t made by a licensed doctor!

>> No.33346599

If thats the case then, yes, quite a few more girls are on the table.

>Question of Ashenvale now becomes if the elves, tree girls, or bear girls get you first.

>> No.33346601

How would a pharaoh feel about anon regreening her desert?

>> No.33346604

Holy shit how much power does the city leader have to force a pharaoh to get married? I smell Druella's spindly hands all over this one. What in the world could this pharaoh have done to spite her?

>> No.33346606

but thats a fish thing

>> No.33346628
File: 655 KB, 624x724, final fantasy yowie vs yugioh yowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks more like it's based on the Yugioh Yowie to me.

>> No.33346650

What, yowie is Australian bigfoot. Besides I was repeating what KC said in a tweet it's not like we decide how he designs his critters
Link the image next time

>> No.33346660

pls no eject

>> No.33346688

Wouldn't it be Shoga Shola or Shogsi?

>> No.33346733

>Dr. Kiki and Ms. Shog
>not Kiki-Cola and Pepshog
truly a wasted opportunity, although I can see why it had to be the first since it was started with Dr. Kiki

>> No.33346735

Guess we gotta do it ourselves

>> No.33346744

It's not like we ever hit the image limit anymore, and annoyingly, a lot of people don't care enough to click links, so posting images just gets people's attention more easily.

>> No.33346789

>shit still gets me every time

>> No.33346818

How badly would you have to fuck up to get a maid monster to call you by your first name instead of master?

>> No.33346840

what if I just tell her to?

>> No.33346854

We are starting to back to above 600 posts a thread though so it's better to set a precedent fo the future

>> No.33346868

Leaving a kiki on read when she texts you asking why a shogslime spoon is in the dirty dish pile would probably work.

>> No.33346948

not same anon but: ah is that's what it's about? I thought people were just being weirdly anal about off-topic pictures.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

>> No.33346983
File: 526 KB, 757x997, mjVgIINB_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather have a lich or a kuudere dark mage?

>> No.33346994
File: 3.22 MB, 1003x1418, pixel succ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere is safe from the succs, not even the internet

>> No.33347016

Hololive threads used to bump us out at 400~600 something posts instead of the usual 900~1300 like before, but it seems it's a little slower again right now.

>> No.33347018

Image post limit is about 250 so once we pass that the thread can get slightly dull. It's also nice to avoid off-topic niche subjects or bait pictures meant to derail the thread

>> No.33347029

>succ was pretty smug when she figured out she could go into the digital world to sneak up on anon who'd been ignoring her to shitpost online
>she was significantly less smug when she ran into anon's VPN and adblock

>> No.33347031

Lich, dark mages are a bit too mundane so they need some extra zest to their personality to make them pop

>> No.33347037

I love that image so much. I wish the artist drew her again, its criminal to see such an awesome design used once and never touched again.

>> No.33347059

Dark Mage for me, I understnd they're a bit too human for some anons but I fucking love them.
Liches are close though, too bad Gremlins have overtaken them in my personal top five.

>> No.33347075

>Alright, following the flow of data, anon should be.... four countries over..... in the middle of..... a lake?

>> No.33347085

>going to enter anon's pc through the web
>his VPN sends her to the big VPN server
>a bunch of other digitized succs are there
>you too huh?

>> No.33347091
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x839, 1602702534830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon starts getting nude selfies sent to him from Indian, Chinese, and Russian monsters
>Looks like they got past the cybersecurity again
>That's the third time this month
>He doesn't even know how they do it

>> No.33347110

I need a kuudere Lich who's always been a rival, having started as apprentices at the same time. Even before she became a Lich one day.

>> No.33347114
File: 870 KB, 1154x1200, 15413077067530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting random unsolicited nudes from literal models

>> No.33347116

Megalomaniac dark slime is my favorite magic user.

>> No.33347146

>all the while some Cupid sitting in front of a huge fifteen monitor battle station flooding anons emails with pics of naked MGs to see what kind he gravitates to

>> No.33347160
File: 3.44 MB, 2579x3157, 732d9ebda944b5f1b6ffe0cf4955ec73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC can't into muscle

>> No.33347178

>big guy
>4 (You)s

>> No.33347180

Rape is very beautiful, no wonder hellhounds, manticores, and 90% of all the other species do it!

>> No.33347208

>no wonder hellhounds
A damn shame I tells ya

>> No.33347211

>Rape is very beautiful,
In MGE fantasy world it might be. But I know for a fact it isn’t.

>> No.33347215

>Not just eating the evidence once you're done eating your Whitehorn Tracks™ Ice Cream with your Shogspoon

>> No.33347220

>Cheshire sending emails to guys with hot girls in the thumbnails only to be surprised by rick roll___ when they open it up

>> No.33347230

Dark Mages is pretty much a monsterized human without literally monsterizing her. Which I think is good for vanilla anons. Also makes 'human female extinction' not really an issue when Dark Mages are just humans

>> No.33347235

DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM ANON. I once accidentally swallowed my ShogSpoon. It went down like swallowing gelatin but for the next few days shoggy was in a literal constant state of orgasm. If you plan on doing the chores for a few days, be my guest.

>> No.33347241

I like lolis. I would rather have a kuudere Witch.

>> No.33347243

>Indian Holst sends a nude selfie with the caption “care to worship at my alter?”

>> No.33347246

Monster girls don't rape! It was just a bad translation.

>> No.33347252

They don't? Lame

>> No.33347255

Make the Kiki do them.

>> No.33347256

>allright, that plan didn't work, I'll just attach myself to that new game he wants, just gotta find it and hook myself onto it and wait for him to download it
>It actually works
>Succ is estatic, she found a way through to anon, soon he will be-
>she notices the download time
>374.32 years remaining at 157 Mb/s
>Turns out downloading a consciousness takes a large amount of time and effort
>anon wakes up the next day to see the game he started downloading overnight finally dropped that stupid estimate and show the actual time remaining

>> No.33347257

>Cheshire’s everywhere fall in love with Rick Astley
>if you have a Cheshire daughteru chances are she has a poster of him on her wall

>> No.33347268

What if you want a warrior-type human?

>> No.33347270

After all these years I finally realized why I got into MGs. I like evil, villainess women.

>> No.33347275

It's just really aggressive consensual sex!

>> No.33347278


>> No.33347286

Wizards only fools
Just pretend amazons don't have those extra bits

>> No.33347292

What kind of evil?

>> No.33347293
File: 258 KB, 850x1202, sandworm05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super evil

>> No.33347302

>9)When a monster girl finds a man (unmarried), will she try to be a mate to him by showing him that she is sexually attractive, or will she attack him as soon as she becomes interested or will she like that man?
>It depends on race, personality and environment. As the books describes, some monster girls will immediately try to knock the man to the ground to show how good they are, while other mamono will slowly develop deep feelings out of simple friendship. The race and personality of the monster girls are also very important: more wild monsters or those living in the wild are more prone to the first option However, there is a tendency that the second option, with the gradual development of relations, is more often manifested among those mamono who live in the city. However, I think that there are practically no monster girls who do not attack men at all (including those who will unknowingly try to get a man on their way and seduce him).
Also people act like everything is a Hellhound or Manticore. A lot of monsters use seduction or romance. There are even monsters that try to get men to attack them.

>> No.33347312

>Cheshire costume party
>They're just wearing the character's outfits from the MV even the bartender

>> No.33347327

Not really "just human girls"!

>> No.33347334

The one who likes to hug, and conquering. Also a little bit of crazy.

>> No.33347345

Kind of strange how Sandworms are the only ones that keep their Pre-DL bodies (not counting Dragons who can shift at will) I guess KC just wanted to try something weird, but I love em!

>> No.33347369

>Computer infected by succ virus
>Select the succ when she shows up on screen
>Move her to the trash bin

>> No.33347376

>"If you're a goddess why don't you have six arms haha"
Anon better hope she finds awkward facetiousness cute

>> No.33347394

Thought I was the bamboozler but turned out to be the bamboozled

>> No.33347401

>HaHA! I got through all your defenses and now- WAIT NONONONONONONONONONONO

>> No.33347405

>Waaaah! Please...I don't want to be permanently...de...le...

>> No.33347406

Don't know what to draw, what do you want to see everyone's favorite hungry hungryhorny caterpillar doing/wearing?

>> No.33347409

I realized that when I didn’t know why Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers always seem to make my heart race as a kid watching tv.

>> No.33347417

>implying she doesn't

>> No.33347427

draw greenworm in a huge sweater, like 4 layers worth of sweaters. She calls it her cocoon

>> No.33347430

Trash bin doesn't actually delete things outright, nor does it permanently delete things either.

>> No.33347432

>select succ in trash and move out of tras
>right click and select copy
>paste paste paste paste paste paste paste

>> No.33347441

What are some lifestyle changes that are gonna happen if an Apophis takes over your Pharaoh wife's kingdom?

>> No.33347443

Draw a Greenworm doing a normal job like working a cash register!

>> No.33347453

her tummy looks soft

>> No.33347454

So many sweaters she is in a ball

>> No.33347461

Alright both of those are pretty funny will do

>> No.33347470

>The description of WG2 is not false. In Pharao`s case, please consider it like "regime change" from Pharao to Apopis. As always, "nothing other than sex" is hyperbolic expression. They get into their home and take much more time for sex, but they will not sever the relationship with others. The families and friends can meet her. They will give the throne to Apopis, but still they may assist the governance. (note:In English, there are expressions like "give all one's time to reading", and they should not be understood literally.) Also, the venom of Apopis is strong, and it is one of the reasons that Pharao cannot be rescued, but the Pharaoh is a kind of MGs, so she will not want to abandon the life with "nothing other than sex" once she received.

>> No.33347471

I actually like how forceful monstergirls are but wouldn't want to be proactively dated myself. Mostly because I don't like all the walls and personas people are expected to set up when they want a relationship. Better to just be up front and honest about it

>> No.33347488

Well yeah, but it's kinda hard to seduce someone when they are moving you into the "not wanted" area of the computer

>> No.33347509

>Carrying on a sordid affair with your Shog wife while your first wife, Kiki, pretends not to notice
>Shoggy is slowly conditioning you to be sexually aroused by ruffling Kiki's plumage

>> No.33347515
File: 70 KB, 517x480, sandworm15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think it's because how the fuck do you turn a colossal worm into a cute waifu, and mamono mana tried, and that's what you got. It didn't know quite what to do, and more or less just morphed the tongue into a girl.

Though the real reason is because it's an appeal to vorefags. KC has included nearly every fetish under the sun into MGE, minus the forbidden three-letter-word and general suffering. Soft vore is a comfy albeit extremely weird fetish, so sandworms fill that role

>> No.33347527

Armor that makes ant girls spoil her.

>> No.33347540

>delete her over and over again while her other copies watch terrified till she finally begs you for mercy and will do whatever you want

>> No.33347541

-Apophis will be the one to drain you of your cum to ensure she gets pregnant with your first child and not the Pharaoh
-Apophis has a bunch of 7 to 8-foot tall very dark-skinned muscular anubi warriors to gangbang you
-Apophis has a private stage where you will be fucked by her army of exotic species monster girl pets in front of world leaders
-Apophis will make you sleep with her in a large bed, while telling you that resistance is futile because she can tell you have those kinds of fetishes

>> No.33347545

Nothing like having a BEEG girl look at you with hungry eyes and whispering seductively "Mmm, I'm just going to Eat. You. All. Up!"

>> No.33347548

It's a trap to lure you closer into hugging range
You should totally spring the trap

>> No.33347550
File: 85 KB, 735x567, 1584391804910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have an image from when the site went down? It was this image but repeated over the entire screen

>> No.33347583

>Pharaoh is dressed as a slave girl and is forced dance provacatively for you and a crowd of jeering Monstergirl warriors. You will be allowed to carry on your love affair in secret in the Slave Pits, but only if you ask Apophis-san for permission

>> No.33347617
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>> No.33347646

They are the best, that is an indisputable fact.

>> No.33347658
File: 200 KB, 848x1200, aa5fbb412171318cef420419cc341e64 Safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it better when they make her an old hag

I just wish they'd stop giving her long hair when they do it.

>> No.33347660

What monsters would you describe as 3.5 metric tons of raw sexual agression?

>> No.33347662
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, CharaStudio-2021-02-22-21-31-31-Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tired of the Order putting chemicals in the water and turning the friggin' Mucus Toads gay!

>> No.33347678
File: 584 KB, 3543x2480, 1613297693870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now I'm gonna go prep myself for having 3.5 metric tons of raw sexual aggression slam into me and my pelvis for referring to her as 3.5 metric tons

>> No.33347680

perhaps Zombie Dragon?

>> No.33347690

Big steel slime?

>> No.33347699
File: 179 KB, 800x1200, 1613290851823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brahmin taur moves in with you
>Get to worship her by plowing her heavenly fields and motorboating her massive brown titties every night
>She still doesn't get why you tell her to "do the needful" when you want something

>> No.33347705

Honestly, if KC didn't make Dark Mage I'd still be a Lichfag. The way I see it DMs are just if Lich lived in a comfier house and gave no fucks about research. Yeah theres the drop in power, but I don't need my wife to be a demi god.

>> No.33347707

thats giantess territory

>> No.33347719

What about a Wurm?

>> No.33347726
File: 1.49 MB, 1800x1824, 1586469972361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not usurping both and making them dance for your amusement
It's good to be king

>> No.33347784

I'll see what I can do, but I kind of have no clue how to draw that lol, got any other pics or a name I can google for reference?

>> No.33347825

>What do I do, Lord? *Evil voice* aDoPt ThE cHiLd

>> No.33347833
File: 176 KB, 700x600, 08f68c4afcfdbdd4bc1528270377a709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33347835

maybe they're just dense

>> No.33347849

No, not really

>> No.33347859

Sssh, that comes later. First you spend 6 months letting Mistress Apophis get cocky, then you listen in to her careless talk while you polish her tail each night. Eventually, you lead an Anubis coup which installs you as Pharaoh, so long as you provide them with plenty of MS Project documents to complete.

>> No.33347887

>I like to eat!
>I like to f***
>I like to have children

>> No.33347899

>Keep the anubi busy with simulator games and lego while you run the show
Devious, that's why anon is in charge and gets to kiss the previous monarchs whenever he wants

>> No.33347918

I took a few liberties for this one but it turned out cute as a result.
>A large, muscular Jiangshi shyly answered the door, paralyzed after witnessing me. A male that's still single.
>After the officer comes in to write my full name on her talisman, the girl couldn't help but take me right then and there. Apologizing all the while as the officer leaves.
>After a moment of silence and them healing the damage, I find out more about her, along with discovering that the place is a rather large rice farm.
>As she's a Jiangshi, taking care of a entire farm solo is a arduous task. Thankfully she has developed her magic far enough to make it not as much of a issue as it normally would, and in a statement of confidence claims she could rival a Lich in skill before returning to her usual but abnormally shy demeanor.
>As for her bulk however, those developed due to having to pull all of the produce onto a cart in order to even sell it all, doing so at a brisk pace yet still going such a difference meant that even their enhanced body had to adapt to the circumstances.
>When I couldn't help but ask why she was so diminutive in disposition compared to what Jiangshi usually are like, they hesitated before relenting perhaps due to the Talisman making them trust me as their owner.
>They admitted that after a few sales she started getting self-conscious due to her body bulking up, she had thought that they wouldn't be able to attract a man due to their unbecoming musculature, compared to the more lithe bodies other monsters with husbands had.
>She even tearfully mentioned at one point overhearing backtalk from a Danuki buyer, wondering out loud if she'll ever find a find a husband like that.
>Before she could continue I couldn't help but hug her as she wailed. Her now warmed-up body hugging me back as she fully realized they were just given a husband now.
>She can't help but ask if I'm okay with someone like her, but I simply responded that she was a beauty beyond my expectations, and that I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.
>Fast-forward a few years, we're happily married and the farm's running smoothly. The only duty I actually have is being her private Masseur and keeping her in tip-top shape, this is due to them being a traditionalist monster that is expected to do all the work. She appreciates all the help I do give her though. Especially in the Kitchen.
>Her confidence is a bit better nowadays too, still a shirking violet. But at least they're appreciate their body a bit more now. When I responded positively to the question of me seeing her work out she had the sweetest smile.
>Some mention that Fortune smiles on Monster in general, and while I'm not exactly confident myself she has assured me that I'm definitely the best person to come into her life, turning my confession back onto me.

>> No.33347936

Recursive demons

>> No.33347949

That's when you write in cursive backwards so that they can't read your handwriting. Ancient technique for escaping from needy demons

>> No.33347972
File: 1.94 MB, 2100x2800, 80029066_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33347971

Nah, it's a reference to that pic getting glitched one day when 4chan took a shit a couple years agi

>> No.33347980

How to boost birth rates in demon realms?
Ban clothing, legalize having sex in public and monsters breaking into homes.

>> No.33347982

>She even tearfully mentioned at one point overhearing backtalk from a Danuki buyer, wondering out loud if she'll ever find a find a husband like that.
Sounds like that tanuki was telling her to keep her chin up and she misinterpreted due to her own assumptions about herself

>> No.33347998

Real alpha manamo can rape their husband with a mere glance

>> No.33347999

Yeah I know that's the image I was looking for

>> No.33348128

Wonder what happened to that anon who made fake text conversations with monstergirl, I miss him

>> No.33348135

Good interpretation, from a writing perspective I kind of needed a catalyst to show why the poor girl's confidence had been shot-down from what would usually be a aggressive kuudere. Isolation probably hadn't done them many favors either as a result.
Still let's not start overthinking what was basically a fetishistic feelswank of a write-up, that's not what it's here for.

>> No.33348143
File: 1.89 MB, 3000x3000, 13298574454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33348166

More proof that Pharaohs are superior to Lilims

>> No.33348201

>Playing a GY Dependent deck VS Necrovalley

>> No.33348218
File: 374 KB, 1380x1480, %22come%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anon is possessed by the ghost of an ancient god-queen who helps him win at children's card games
>Somewhere deep within a pyramid buried beneath the sands a ruler of a lost kingdom is schlicking herself to sleep every night as she grooms her future husband to rule at her side

>> No.33348272

I know this isn't a drawthread or anything but does anyone have any good 3D perspective and shading tutorials? I'm trying to branch out a bit more in my Greenworm art but I have no clue where to start on those

>> No.33348274

>Apophis grapes pharaoh
>Makes her into a dancer
Just imagine how embarrassed she must be. Forced to wear practically nothing. Everything is visible except her nipples, her pussy's slit, and butthole. Apophis teaching her how to use her body's appeal to entice a man to be her husband.

>> No.33348323

I wamt to bend this pharoah over and take her roughly from Behind. Im sure the apophis would let me right?

>> No.33348346

my two beautiful wives :)

>> No.33348357

Oh no! My wife and daughter caught heart pupil flu it seems they need some bed rest and soup.

>> No.33348406
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x1285, EksH0M2U8AACfj5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you free her from the tentacles?
Would you take her right then and there?
Or would you do a 360 and nope right outta there?

>> No.33348443

If soup is a codename for your dick, yes.

>> No.33348487

>Master Pharaoh.
>”Now that I'm a lone female, I'll take this opportunity to become a dancer.
>”Well, I don't know anything about dancing to seduce gentlemen, but as a former king, if I touch my waist, everyone will fall in love with me, and I'm sure you'll find at least one mate.
>This casual comment ignited the current king and dancer, Coach Apophis.
Looks like the apophis isn’t the first to be a perv this time
Does the king really need to be 'let' to do anything? Maybe it's the spirit of it that counts

>> No.33348540

If she wants to be freed, I'd be happy to help, but I want a deep kiss from her in return.

>> No.33348595

>Forced to wear practically nothing
She does that normally, I’m starting to think the pharaoh vs Apophis rivalry is all just a show

>> No.33348596

>ghoul gets caught in tentacles
>gets passed by many adventurers who see her stuck
>anon stumbles upon her
>she thinks that anon is just going to pass her by like the rest
>offers to help out
>says he'll do it for a sloppy kiss
>asks if she'll marry him afterward he lets her go
>she's waiting for Ashlynn Cheshire to jump out and say she's Punk'd at this point

>> No.33348600

Bully succuviruses by taping paper over your webcam

>> No.33348611

Install Gentoo

>> No.33348646

I can just imagine the exchanges
>Wow Pharaoh, you must have had a bunch of guys after you, with you being so good at Duel Mamono and being so beautiful
>I'm glad that I get to spend so much time with you Pharaoh, you're my closest and most treasured companion!
>Dark Mage Girl-chan is pretty hot, but I bet you would look way better than her if you wore that outfit!
Meanwhile, in the Pharaoh's mind

>> No.33348697
File: 681 KB, 600x518, 12350934594375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33348710

>be one of those hipsters that want to get a tattoo of words in another language
>get a forearm tattoo of some Demonese words that you believe translates to "Made with Love"
>it actually translates to "Built for Hellhounds Only"
>monsters that see your tattoo in public try to hold their laughter in as best as they can

>> No.33348718

>pay her bottom
can I just swipe a card, or...?
