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3329513 No.3329513 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, what the fuck is wrong with /a/? Have I been completely blind during the 4 games, and missed the "true" theme behind Umineko, love and romance? I don't know if this theme is just to support Battler and Beatrice, but have I been tricked by 07 or something? Wasn't Umineko supposed to be a mystery sound novel? Is this explained in Episode 5, or am I just missing the entire point completely?

>> No.3329522

Just /a/ being /a/

>> No.3329531

R07 is a Christfag.

>> No.3329541
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I suppose this is probably it, but it still bothers me.

>> No.3329546
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>what the fuck is wrong with /a/?

>> No.3329549

Yeah ep5 is just an oda for beatoxbattler, really, even the vocal song promise is romantic (look for it on youtube)

>> No.3329578
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Yes, I know /a/ is horrible, but it's seriously making me wonder why this theory is so popular. Does it just give a chance to ship people together? (I don't know why you would need to, half of the cast is married or furniture)
But I don't see how one episode can suddenly change the entire genre of the series.

>> No.3329592

Episode 5 is basically a big "FUCK YOU" to anti-fantasy fags.
Prepare for anti-fantasy characters being regarded as the bad guys and for Battler fighting for Beato's sake.

>> No.3329593

I bet we're being trolled again.

Also, can anyone who knows Higurashi well say anything about the whole love thing?

>> No.3329599

Higurashi was a bit better for lolshipping, because it was SORTA structured like a normal VN, what with the five female protagonists who if you felt like you could make a case for any of them wanting to jump K1's bone.

>> No.3329607

Not what I mean. I read the first one and noticed the similarities, so I'm wondering if the theme of Higurashi on the whole had anything to do with love, or perhaps friendship seeing as it's a bunch of friends.

>> No.3329610

That's absolutely ridiculous though. We've gained quite a bit of backstory on the family, and now it's suddenly going to be "no ignore that dey r ALL EVIL, MONEY IS BAD U NEED LOVE!"

>> No.3329628

They've been saying it for forever now.

Without love, it cannot be seen.

>> No.3329637

That was also said by Beatrice, who wasted an entire episode trolling us.

>> No.3329655
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Yes, I understand that god damn phrase that seems to be used instead of an actual argument. If that's the case, how is Meta Battler going to transfer all this information to Piece Battler? I'm assuming, like Ange, he will just disappear or simply stop existing after the mystery is solved.

>> No.3329649

Umineko is both mystery and fantasy.
Ryukishi is just trolling with the whole "anti" thing.
Just enjoy the goddamn novel.

>> No.3329742

There's no need for me to make an argument. If you think it's going to end 100% anti-fantasy more power to you, but if it doesn't please don't come complaining here when the whole love theme has been presented for a while now.

>> No.3329749

Higurashi was about friendship.

Only true Anti-Fantasy people can actually stand that insult. I probably would have been pissed off if I didn't realize what Erika is doing was the exact same thing we did for the past 4 games. i.e. not caring about the people at all and blaming anyone we can for the murders and Natsuhi was always a prominent person. But now I don't think it's Natsuhi as that would be too easy since Ryukishi pointed all of that crap out.

>> No.3329762

In before power of love defeats the culprit just like friendship defeated Takano.

>> No.3329779

>I probably would have been pissed off if I didn't realize what Erika is doing was the exact same thing we did for the past 4 games. i.e. not caring about the people at all and blaming anyone we can for the murders and Natsuhi was always a prominent person

>> No.3329785
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I suppose I'm just frustrated at what I thought the game was supposed to be about. I would have liked an actual murder mystery VN, but if it's just going to be about how "love solves everything, family is important, money is bad" I will be severely disappointed.

I don't understand how I missed out on such a big theme, it still seems to me that it's the most prominent and understandable in 5, from people who have actually read it. (I can see how it ties in with Ange, but I don't understand where it belongs in the first three games)

>> No.3329793

Ryukishi is actually a moralfag.
Don't even try to deny it.

>> No.3329813

>Higurashi was about friendship.

I'll take your word on it for now until I can read it all. If this is the case then Umineko is probably in the same vein, in which case it becomes much simpler. Of course, the key word is probably...

>> No.3329827

Yeah, Ange is really when it became apparent, and a lot of people here didn't like her or her part in the narrative. I want to say those are the people that are going to get upset when the story doesn't end the way they want, but I dunno. I can see how people would be bored during her portions of the game even though I wasn't.

Ryukishi also said it might not be a happy ending so that makes it even more confusing for me.

oh but it should have been fairly apparent that it wasn't going to be a straight up murder mystery when there is literally no burden of proof and red text is treated as truth as the premise of a game.

ask yourself this: why are they playing the game? that's the core mystery, not the murders

>> No.3329833

The theme of "friendship" in Higurashi was much better portrayed that the theme of "love" in Umineko though.
I guess that's why people can't really see that, despite the heavy spoonfeeding, especially in the fourth game.

>> No.3329855

I guess I was too overly excited when I played the first three games, it was genuinely fun to read other people's theories and create your own. I thought it might be like a detective novel, but my assumption was incorrect.
The bottom line for me is that I just don't like where the series is heading. I'm always a bit iffy when it comes to romance and relationships. I have no problem with the family's marriages and George/Jessica's relationships, but when it comes to Battler and Beatrice, I can't force myself to like it. I know Beatrice is apparently so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler, or whatever Japanese catchphrase you want to use, but it feels incredibly forced to me.

>> No.3329862

You can still make theories and it is encouraged.

Remember, Rokkenjima during the games is a place where both reality and fantasy exist at the same time.

>> No.3329870

The idea behind Beatrice and Battler as a couple is good.
But anyone who think it's well developed in the game is obviously retarded.
You shouldn't think too much about it.

Ryuukichi07 shouldn't try to write romances anyways, he sucks at it, as depicted by the horribly bland relationships of every other "couples" in the game.

>> No.3329865


> I know Beatrice is apparently so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler


>> No.3329887
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>I know Beatrice is apparently so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler

>> No.3329890
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>I know Beatrice is apparently so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler

>> No.3329895
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> I know Beatrice is apparently so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler

>> No.3329897

I agree, but I feel that the mystery part of the VN has taken the backseat, so I don't think there's a point to making any new ones. When the sixth game comes out, I have a feeling it'll confirm the direction of the game concretely, but of course I could completely wrong and aliens might pop up somewhere.
Yes, I know that was a horrible sentence and I apologize for it.
However, love has become the main theme in Umineko, so it's hard to avoid or skip over the romances in the game.

>> No.3329898

I've been saying it all along. Umineko isn't a mystery or a fantasy. It's a bit of both, and it's a love story too.

R07: Umineko contains both a reality part and a fantasy part. From the reader's point of view, those who believe only in mystery would treat the fantasy portion as rubbish and vice versa. Thus only those people who do not deny reality and fantasy would comprehend the story's intriguing quality. That's what it means by "you can't see it without love". Umineko is a work that cannot be fully understood if one weren't able to simultaneously comprehend the two opposing world views. If one doesn't realize that point, the information one would get would be reduced by half.

>> No.3329900

Personally I like George x Shannon, but Kanon x Jessica feels too forced.

>> No.3329901
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>>I know Beatrice is apparently so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler

>> No.3329904


Being moe moe yandere tsundere for people is now a meme, apparently.

>> No.3329905

I'm sorry. orz

>> No.3329910

There's a difference between having a theme and developing it well.
Sorry if I have some doubts about how he is bringing it so far, and I do think I have some basis to judge based on 5 fucking games.
Yeah the whole WITHOUT LOVE IT CAN'T BE SEEN has been spoonfeeded a fucking lot, nobody can miss that.

Sorry to say that but if it's a love story, then it's a pretty shitty one.

>> No.3329913
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>>moe moe yandere tsundere

>> No.3329917
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> Beatrice is apparently so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler

>> No.3329923
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>Moe Moe Yandere Tsundere

>> No.3329929
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Guess you could say that post caused a real chain reaction

>> No.3329930
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>Beatrice is "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler

>> No.3329936


>> No.3329945
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> Beatrice is so "moe moe yandere tsundere" for Battler

>> No.3329950

Umineko is obviously Science-Fiction, don't get tricked by the whole "fantasy vs. mystery" thing.
The various game boards are of course alternative dimensions, the witches scientists and the goats, stakes, etc. a special force
equipped with high-tech laser blades and shields, who can travel to other worlds.

The main story is nothing more than a game between one scientist and the grandson of the late head of the project.
Why? Because the future is incredibly boring and they have no other means of entertainment.

>> No.3329951

I already apologized, damn it!! 。・゚(ノД`)゚・。

>> No.3329956

lulz green text reaction image is so epic win u guise roflmao

>> No.3329959

Umineko is actually a roleplaying game played by some nerds.
The game master is actually some slut who dress like a witch to be "closer to her character".
They are basing it based on some old newspaper that talked about the real events and Maria's diary they found for some reason.
The slutty nerd Beatrice tells stories about the events and it's the goal of the other nerds to find the truth or some shit like this.

There I solved Umineko, everyone can go home now.

>> No.3329995

Look, that might be what you do on other boards. But it's really just not what /jp/ does, okay?

Please. Stop.
