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3328528 No.3328528 [Reply] [Original]

Cirno sucks, discuss why.

>> No.3328532

Cirno sucks heat out of her surroundings. That is why she is the warmest touhou.

>> No.3328533

H-hello, Anonymous...!

>> No.3328535

shitty design
shitty canon personality
shitty fanon personality
annoying fanboys
shitty ability
shitty gimmicks
shitty patterns

>> No.3328538

Look at dat baka

>> No.3328548


>> No.3328553

idol of secondary fans

>> No.3328563

hey hey guess what tomorrow is!

>> No.3328565

You mean today.

>> No.3328566

awful fanon personality
annoying fans

>> No.3328567

suika sucks better.

>> No.3328582


An enDURRRgonic chemical reaction.

>> No.3328594


You've described the entire series.

>> No.3328610

because her mouth is on my dick

>> No.3328681

Obviously because she's popular.

>> No.3328792

>shitty canon personality
Never played Touhou. What's her canon personality like?
>shitty fanon personality
How is it different from canon?
>annoying fanboys

>> No.3328796

Her canon personality is basically a less extreme version of her fanon personality. She gets confused if you ask her a riddler, even if it's a ridiculously easy one, and she's pretty confident in her own abilities. She's not outright retarded like in fanon, though.

>> No.3328799

and by riddler I mean riddle.

>> No.3328801

She is a girl. Sucking is all she's good for.

>> No.3328815


>Never played Touhou. What's her canon personality like?

Didn't your parents ever read you fairytales? She's a mischievous, overconfident little sprite who isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Tends not to think things through.

Pretty much a fairy like any other. Just stronger.

>> No.3328833

So all that's really defined in her canon personality is that she's dumb and thinks she's the strongest? (That's all I had gathered about her personality to begin with) She has no more personality?

>Didn't your parents ever read you fairytales?
None with fairies in it.

>> No.3328843

She's a minor character. If you want personality, look at the incredibly small amount of fanon that breaks from the norm.

>> No.3328845

She's a pretty minor character. She's basically the game's version of Dan from street fighter.

also >Touhou
>Expecting amazingly deep personalities

>> No.3328862


Well, what did you expect? A novel and a Oscar-winning adaptation on the silver screen? It's a shitty curtain fire shmup with moeblob elements. I don't think Japanese ZUN even cares half as much as the fans do about all this bullshit.
When he gets drunk he mashes the keyboard and code comes out.

>> No.3328867

>>Expecting amazingly deep personalities
I wasn't expecting anything amazing, but stupid and overconfident is VERY basic.

Do you have any titles I could check out?

>> No.3328876

But Reimu and Marisa have got some more personality, I hope?

>> No.3328879

The only characters with any depth to their personalities at all are Reimu, Marisa, the immortals, and maybe Alice if you wanna stretch it. The rest are varying degrees of one off characters, from "Could fit comfortably into a comedy show" to "Ten lines of dialogue."

>> No.3328882

Way to not ever read the cannon. Enjoy your ignorance and failures at life.

>> No.3328886

Reimu and Marisa probably have more than Cirno, but that isn't really saying much.

>> No.3328891

Well they aren't amazingly deep, but they're comparable to most anime/video game characters.

>> No.3328894

Read? I thought they were games. And I'll watch playthroughs of the games someday (I watched one for one route of Touhou 1 already) to see what the characters are really like. I'm not a Touhou fan or anything anyway, I only like some of the fanart.

>> No.3328900


Then the fans go off and construct these grand elements to make up for them basically having nothing behind their reason for being there and shooting boolits. The results cause rage in some and butthurt in others.

The fandom more or less trolls itself, and no one can ever get a good idea as to how they should act, and then you end up with Maikaze being the new Tsukihime Anime - it didn't exist, because it's shit, right?

>> No.3328911

Really, even the Fanon doesn't get them beyond "Could fit comfortably into a comedy show" tier. I mean I fucking love touhou and I admit this.

>> No.3328919

>The results cause rage in some and butthurt in others.
That's probably just because the personality someone came up with for a character clashes with what someone else thinks the personality should be like. Kind of like shipping nonsense.

>> No.3328949

>minor character

I'm guessing you assume everyone except Reimu/Marisa is a minor character, then.

>> No.3328958

Yeah basically everyone except them, Remi and half of her fag brigade, Yukari, Sanae recently, and the immortals and the rabbits if we count the official mangos. Maybe Suika and Alice.

>> No.3328961


>I'm guessing you assume everyone except Reimu/Marisa is a minor character, then.

Actually, going by the icon of most TP games, Marisa is the main character.

>> No.3328962

This pretty much sums it up. If a character is popular, they automatically suck.

>> No.3328972

>Remi and half of her fag brigade, Yukari, Sanae recently, and the immortals and the rabbits if we count the official mangos. Maybe Suika and Alice.

And in which way would those be more major than Cirno?

>> No.3328977

There's nothing wrong with this. Just enjoy your danmaku and simple yet amusing characterizations of the enemies you fight.

>> No.3328980

Because they actually tribute to what little plot there is? Because they appear as more than stage 1 boss, stage 1 mid boss, playable character in a game no one liked, and joke character with a joke plot in a game some people liked?

>> No.3328985

and by tribute I mean contribute

>> No.3328991

Oh come on. I love Cirno and probably half-inspired this thread, but in canon, she is a MINOR CHARACTER. Just accept it.

>> No.3329001

Cool trolling bro.

A minor character isn't in 4 games, 2 of which she's playable in.

>> No.3329006

She might as well of not been in PCB, PoFV was basically the stage 1/2 boss carnival, and she was just filler in EoSD.

>> No.3329014
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isn't it sad, daiyousei ;_;

>> No.3329016

No, Anon, you are the troll.

>> No.3329018

Bah, so you seriously believe, say, Remillia's dicking around is somehow heavier on the plot than Cirno's? Seriously?

Oh, and you forgot that one game everyone was in. Five in total. So, who of those you mentioned has more?

>> No.3329022

Remi was important in silent sinner. Important in two things > Important in zero things.

>> No.3329045

>BAWWW you're right, I can't come up with anything to support my claim so I'll call you a troll!

>> No.3329047

>stage 1/2 boss carnival

If so, why did only Cirno and Mystia made it in, while the entire 5th stage cast was included?

>> No.3329052

I'm exaggerating for effect. Though if you wanna get technical, the prismrivers and Tewi are about as important as stage 1/2 bosses.

>> No.3329053

You can't just pick and choose what classifies as 'important'. That's just your opinion.

Get out.

>> No.3329054

You called him a troll first.

>> No.3329057

Why do you think being a minor character is an insult? She's of far higher status than Yamame and such.

Cirno is just a pretty powerful for her kind ice fairy who likes playing pranks. Deal. With. It.

>> No.3329058

Alright then. Tell me. Name one thing Cirno did that was more important than being the final boss of EoSD or when the vampire's reaching out moon in sinner.

>> No.3329065

I don't. I'm just correcting your silly misconceptions.

>> No.3329066

But YOU just made a stupid statement with no evidence. There's a difference.

>> No.3329073

That wasn't me.

>> No.3329075
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>> No.3329081
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Reimu and Marisa (along with whoever my favorite character might be) are the only non-minor characters in the series. Arguing with me is pointless, because I'm right.

>> No.3329083

In turn, you sound like a faggot who can't stand little fairies battling it out with their favourite SERIOUS characters.

Which is ridiculous in itself, but even more so considering the fact that it's Touhou we're talking about.

>> No.3329085

The point stands regardless of whether or not I believe you.

>> No.3329086
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obviously the solution here is to post more cirno pictures


>> No.3329098

Where'd I say that? Lunasa's my favorite touhou, and I loved Lyrica's story in PoFV. This doesn't change the fact that someone who could be removed without affecting the plot is a minor character.

>> No.3329100

Bro, you pulled the "troll" card first. It's you who lost the argument. Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.3329119
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Because you automatically lose the argument when the other guy says you do. 4chan arguments sure are serious business.

>> No.3329124


>Because you automatically lose the argument when the other guy says you do. 4chan arguments sure are serious business.

corollary: if your opponent is butthurt or shows signs of butthurt, they automatically lose. bonus points if you cause butthurt with one reply.

>> No.3329125
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>> No.3329126

I didn't have to make clear you lost the argument. You did it yourself.

>> No.3329127
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image postan

>> No.3329134

By those standards, I won.


>> No.3329136
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>> No.3329138
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ITT: delicious, supple, arguing high schoolers

>> No.3329152
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>> No.3329159

speaking of dicks, this is pretty hot

>> No.3329166

>someone who could be removed

I'm pretty sure Cirno is more indispensable to the franchise than anyone except the main characters at the moment.

You're just sticking to the "plot" despite nothing of consequence or importance ever happening making basically everyone disposable, Reimu included.

>> No.3329200

I'm going to go take a shit now. It's going to be more fun than this thread.

>> No.3329223


>I'm going to go take a shit now.

On the floor?

>> No.3329246


One time I was cleaning the bathroom and had to take a dump, so I went to my bedroom.

>> No.3329247

all over the cat

>> No.3329313
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Cirno doesn't suck. I like her but the people I see going shouting LOL (9),BAKA BAKA, EYE'M DA STRONGEST XD but don't play the games are faggots.

I hate secondary fans. With that said I like Cirno alot but my favorite touhou is either Reimu or Hina.

>> No.3329325

They'd be fags even if they played the games.

>> No.3329328

You have a point there.

>> No.3329333

Yo, you're late. This thread is now about shitting all over Cirno.

>> No.3329336

>people I see going shouting LOL (9),BAKA BAKA, EYE'M DA STRONGEST XD

Yeah, those are pathetic.

I mean the whiners, those self-appointed "primary fags", because they're the only people who ever do that. See the example above.

>> No.3329347


I'm not a primary fag. I just hate people fucking up my fanbase. Even ZUN hates the fanbase to some extent.

>> No.3329368

>I hate secondary fans.

>> No.3329369
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>another fag implying ZUN's opinion on the matter is relevant.

That said: Cirno and SDM fans are dirt tier, above only Aya fans

>> No.3329374
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>> No.3329395

Popular touhous all suck. Wriggle and Yamame is the only pairing worth a damn.

>> No.3329405


This is why:

>Random1a2b3c4d5e6f7g (1 day ago)

>Me: Don't listen to them Sakuya, I KNOW they're natural.

>Sakuya: *blushes*

>Me: *sly smile* So to prove it, show me them....*knifed*

>Me: What?!?! I can't help it that you're sexy! T-T


>> No.3329432

Why are you reading youtube comments. Go read nico comments instead, they're far more insightful.

>> No.3329445


>> No.3329474

That has nothing to do with someone being a "secondary" fan or a "primary" one. Those people are just idiots, and it doesn't matter how they discovered Touhou, they'd be idiots either way.

And you're an idiot for thinking it matters.

>> No.3329489
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>ITT: One butthurt secondaryfan justifies being secondary

>> No.3329500

here ill justify it


>> No.3329537
File: 95 KB, 400x400, 1220641740389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even like Touhou, then.

>> No.3329561






>> No.3329577

yeah prettymuch this

also official not danmaku works

>> No.3329591
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>> No.3329596

Same gay person.

>> No.3329604
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>> No.3329619

This is why.


dfgl1029 (2 months ago) +4 Reply | Spam
eye can;t believe eye watched 9 times already !!!

crazyanimevideo (1 month ago) 0 Reply | Spam
its a game...tohou is a independent fighting game.

dojomojomofo (1 month ago) +2 Reply | Spam
Haha... now whenever I fight Cirno in Touhou 6 I think of this song. It's so true - she just shoots ice off to the sides and you sit right in front of her going "dummy dummy!" XD

MGassailant (1 month ago) +3 Reply | Spam

And so on.

>> No.3329644

That's Cirno's retarded fanbase, not Cirno.
Cirno sucks because retards are not moe.

>> No.3330710

>Haha... now whenever I fight Cirno in Touhou 6
We're talking about secondaryfans, not people who actually PLAYED the games. Fucking retard.

>> No.3330721

Oh, so you think none of these "retard fans" have played the games? The Touhou community is a lot less 'elite' than you'd like to think.

>> No.3330742

You fucking idiot, then you just admitted that it doesn't matter shit if someone has played the game or not, all that matters is if they act like an idiot.

Get a brain, moran.

>> No.3330748

Cirno's fanbase is the same as the entirety of Touhou's fanbase. I don't see why a distinction has to be made, as all of them are equally retarded. I'm surprised people still care about fanbases, everything that gets even mildly popular, no matter how good or bad, gets infested with idiots and trolls.
