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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3327390 No.3327390 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal between these two?

>> No.3327399

Who? Zun and Jones?

>> No.3327410

Have you heard about ZUN!bar and Pygma-chan? Word on the street is that those two are having problems...

>> No.3327422

And then Luvia realized that Rin was lying.

>> No.3327430

oh mah gawd!!!
gurl tell me more!

>> No.3327442
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Ah, it's Pygmalion's stalker.

Gee, I sure wish I was a popular enough tripfag that I had my very own stalker you guys. That's soooooo cool.

>> No.3327444


>> No.3327446

They had sex once while drunk and now Luvia is mad because she's unconfident in her sexuality and Rin is mad because she was better than Shirou.

>> No.3327450

WELL, ZUN!bar was talking to ponpo-kun and that made Pygma-chan jealous, god she's such a bitch.

>> No.3327458

>oh mah gawd

Suigin wants the chocolate.

>> No.3327462

>>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

>> No.3327466

Who the hell are you talking about? Some new animu characters?
gb2/a/ fags.

>> No.3327474

Atari Dumbledore

>> No.3327480

damn gurl i cant see why zun would leave a fine piece of bootay like pygma

>> No.3327715
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>this thread

>> No.3327722

hey Luvia they have classes for that

>> No.3327771

S-stupid Jones! I'm never having sex with you again.

>> No.3327827
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>> No.3327844


>> No.3327897
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>> No.3327928

Tripfag drama makes my visit to /jp/ worthwhile.

>> No.3327979
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>> No.3328004
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>> No.3328005
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>> No.3328019
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Gee it sure is Sakura and Karin around here.

>> No.3328024
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oh you

>> No.3328032

One has big tits and is a good girl.

The other is a small-breasted whore.

>> No.3328036
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How is she in UC?

>> No.3328044

Mid Tier.

>> No.3328050

No idea, was too busy playing through Sakura's and Archer's routes

>> No.3328055

Worse than Rin.

>> No.3328061

/jp/ - Anonymous Gossip

>> No.3328067

Itou Shizuka's OHOHO tier
read: god

>> No.3328082

Very delicious OHOHOH indeed.

>> No.3328113
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more like, slapping the shit out of you tier

>> No.3328122

While sitting on you.

What a woman.

>> No.3328133
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word dominating,
but i like it

>> No.3328135
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>Tripfag drama makes my visit to /jp/ worthwhile.

Don't you just love it when Anon makes tripfag circlejerk threads? Mmmm.

I heard that the stalker-ish anon who follows Pygmalion around is still buttsore over her rejecting him. Fresh drama is yet to be made, so we've got something to look forward to.

>> No.3328190
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>> No.3328205

Why is Luvia so rich?

>> No.3328259

In arcade/PS2 if you have actual good execution she can do like 180% on her throw loop and almost kill you straight up. But the last FUC tier list is just:

God Tier
Gilgamesh, Lancer

Mortal Tier
Everyone else

In the PSP version, she has no more throw loop so she's stuck doing alot of low damage stuff.

>> No.3328266

I want to make Suigin happy.

>> No.3328289

>Why is she in UC?

>> No.3328309

>>3328044 Mid Tier.
Almost shit tier.

>> No.3328316
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Well why not? Rin copy with couple different moves.

>> No.3328325

I dont want to be happy, leave me alone.

>> No.3328328

She is the Dan Hibiki of the Fate/Verse.

Better than Ryougi Shiki a.k.a Mary Sue OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE.

>> No.3328339

With vastly inferior moves, you mean.

>> No.3328364

O-okay then, if that's what you really want. ;_;

>> No.3328390
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>> No.3328399


>> No.3328416

> Better than Ryougi Shiki a.k.a Mary Sue

Get out. Now.

>> No.3328421

Another fine Luvia thread that turned out to be just the same twenty pictures reposted.

Japan does not draw her. We have to or nobody will.

>> No.3328431

Japan is afraid of her blonde hair and large Finnish breasts.

>> No.3328432

Are Finnish ojousamas /jp/ related?

>> No.3328449
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they are

>> No.3328455
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so moe~

>> No.3328456

Once I figure out how to color shit in SAI without it smearing all over the lineart I'm going to draw Luvia.

>> No.3328500

I refuse to believe she would want to give her virginity to someone as lowly as Shirou. She has higher standards than Rin.

>> No.3328509


Ah, but it is in canon that Luvia loves "simple people", and Shirou is as simple as it gets.

>> No.3328515

Shirou is the best husband.

>> No.3328520

Simple People like people she can boss around.

>> No.3328539

Ah, but he's fucked Rin. Luvia wouldn't want to dirty herself by sleeping with a man who's done that.

>> No.3328561

Depends on the continuity.
Also, for women, the ex's are a considerable factor on choosing a man.

>> No.3328570

She would only meet Shirou if he went with Rin to London.

>> No.3328573

Or if she followed Rin to Japan and enter who knows what scenarios.

>> No.3328583
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>> No.3328589
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Rin makes a beautiful bride.

>> No.3328591


Noblesse Oblige

>> No.3328593
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>> No.3328605

lol reading Kaleid

>> No.3328613
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So she marries noble rich man, but screws around with servants?

>> No.3328647


You would too if you were forced to marry somebody you don't love.

>> No.3328678


Thanks, Juiz.

>> No.3328685

How do you know she won't love him? Just because she prefers common men doesn't mean she won't love a rich man.

>> No.3328778

By that logic, she's gay for Taiga.

>> No.3328786

Don't know if want.

>> No.3328813

Cool filename, bro.

>> No.3328868

Lol at the /b/tard's bawwwww-filled posts.
You know he's jealous of ZUN!bar for getting attention, and the best part is that ZUN!bar admits to having a tiny penis.

>> No.3328974

Don't worry, they're both such minor characters that Japan hasn't drawn porn of it yet.

>> No.3329019
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Perhaps you wish to revise your statement?

>> No.3329069

Not seeing any Luvia in that picture.

>> No.3329077

Only those whose hearts are pure can see Luvia in that picture.

>> No.3329080

Not in that one, but it's happened. Believe me.

>> No.3329112

[citation needed]

>> No.3329176
File: 105 KB, 831x831, rinshiroumat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not turning up any useful results on Google, /rs/ or any doujin sites I know.

Some help?

>> No.3329203

...why are her eyes red?

>> No.3329225

Rider Hijack?

>> No.3329234
File: 65 KB, 480x640, rinwantsshirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure, but it might explain why Shirou is objecting to Rin crawling all over him.

>> No.3329243

Shirou came in them

>> No.3329244

Rin's rival Finn, pretty much sums it up

>> No.3329263

Maybe he's just worn out from all the jackhammerings he gave her the night before.

>> No.3329282

If Shirou was a girl and Rin a man, would Shirou still be the Jackhammerer or would he be the Jackhammeree

>> No.3329430
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Seriously, sauce or more of it.

>> No.3329816
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Rin would be the jackhammer. She loves women enough as it is, just imagine how much she would love them if she had a penis.

>> No.3330008

What a slut

>> No.3330025


>> No.3330044
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bitches dont know bout my kingly darkness

>> No.3330047



>> No.3330065

At least she's being romantic about it, unlike Rin, who just made him jam it in.

>> No.3330077
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That's just how the Fins are.

>> No.3330373

translated ver where? i only have the raw

>> No.3330581
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>> No.3330612

I'd stalk you but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I like you

>> No.3330628

Why does she have a fang?

>> No.3330655

They're both pure virgins and role models for their school.

>> No.3330703



>> No.3330833
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>> No.3330980

Why only like only 10 pics of Luvia exist? ;_;

>> No.3330983

Because Luvia is shit.

>> No.3330996

Get out and die before I track your address and kill your families.

>> No.3331042

Call me when Luvia is more than a pretty hot character model and nothing else, thanks

>> No.3331481
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>> No.3331517

Daughter of the distinguished lineage of magi of the Edelfelt, Luviagelita is their young and talented family head. A student in Clock Tower, the Mage's Association academy, she is one of the candidates for the position of student's president for the current academic term. As long as Rin is not nearby, Luvia's attitude is always graceful, never blaspheming and with a beauty similar to a swan. Of course, that is just a facade and she is actually very competitive and suffer with perfectionist tendencies. Has a fair orangish-blond hair.
A Finnish who is expert in the use of the Gandr shooting curse, she is also trained in the England-original Lancashire-style of martial combat (which is quite similar to pro-wrestling...) and received the nicknames of "Hunting Dog of the Ring" and the "Forklift Lady" for it. She also makes use of the same Jewel Magecraft as Rin. Usually wears a blue dress, the sleeves of said dress are optional attachments that can be easily and quickly removed in times of battle.
Although rich, Luvia does not tolerate wasteful spending. However, she knows that such spreading of money is meaningful because aristocrats are aristocrats. Understand that commoners do not have good views about the aristocrats, but loves them strongly because she understand them. She accepts that her fate is to marry a high-class gentleman of noble birth, but her personal tastes are more towards a simple man.

>> No.3331521

Has in Tohsaka Rin a worthy rival due to their similarities, their encounters always result in fierce clashes. After a year together, a silent agreement was forged within the Department of Mineralogy of Clock Tower that "Tohsaka and Edelfelt must not attend classes together". The facade that she built for herself was withering away after a decade of use and her bad temper was already starting to appear, but after Rin showed up her daily life improved.
On a certain occasion, Luvia tried to reserve the 28th room in the top floor of the Norwich Students Dormitory entirely for herself, but that became impossible when Rin also asked the same room. After a series of events that resulted in the recommendation letter that Rin got from a Lord being tore apart, a big fight broke out and a reception desk was destroyed in the process. Afterwards, both were forbidden from ever entering the dormitory again. So, because boarding houses are too small, she bought a European-style mansion for herself live in.
During the Zelretch box incident in Hollow Ataraxia, a telephone call connected to a Luvia of a parallel timeline three years in the future. A series of events that started with her delivering a important essay that she wrote led to she and Rin falling from the London Tower. They survived the incident thanks to the intervention of Emiya Shirou, and in the aftermath received the nickname of Mary of July (Luvia) and Poppins of July. Eventually, she and Shiro (who she calls Shero (シェロ, Shero)) became partners and started investigating a cruise ship casino called Fem's Casa.

>> No.3331748



>> No.3331790

Pfff, where was the slapping? Why was there no slapping? ;_;

>> No.3331915


fuck! where's my bel air ending!?

>> No.3332193
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