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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33175789 No.33175789 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33118059

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33175876

What leads japanese devs to pick shit fonts for their VNs?

>> No.33178267

As long as it's readable..

>> No.33179536

how is koiyori? I liked himawari to koi no kiyoku and golden hour.

>> No.33179987

Any decent game lets you change the font.

>> No.33180291

Has this been uploaded anywhere https://vndb.org/v27452

>> No.33182257
File: 45 KB, 1920x1080, 天ノ少女 (81).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished up KNS3, whilst I had some issues with it, I really really ended up enjoying it. Might have come out at the tail end of 2020, but it definitely takes the cake for VN of 2020. True ending was cliched but actually managed to make me tear up a bit probably my favourite part of the vn next to the eden section

>> No.33182557

Never thought a single choice in a game would demotivate me so much that I couldn't read for 4 days. Game with 7+ heroines, all unlocked. Want to see who my choices lead me to. Love the game. Then suddenly: "Hey MC-kun, which of these 7 heroines do you like best?" and BAM drive to continue killed. Why? Because I know that I've already set flags for several heroines and this 1 choice will clearly decide who my lucky girl is. I didn't want to pick, I wanted fate to do it. FUCK.

So what should I do, pick the one I like best even if I may not have enough flags set to get on her route? Pick one I know I've got several flags for to avoid a lesser heroine I might end up with?

I hate this shit. Every time it's either games having locked routes, 'pick your heroine' system, extremely convoluted flag systems, dumb stat raising, kinetic story, or some other crap. I just want a normal experience.

>> No.33183162

Footjobs + showing the crotch on purpose is so hot
It should be the norm in eroge

>> No.33183247

How many eroge have special splash screens or other gags when you run them on valentine's day?
First time I've seen it and it took me by surprise

>> No.33183699

This is what happens when you're fucking autist taking choices crap too seriously instead of not giving a fuck and just using walkthrough. You're fucking autist, you don't belong here, go play fucking life is strange. We read eroge for story/fluffs, not for autistic crap with choices.

>> No.33183823

I think all recent Saga Planets have it.
And this Candy Soft games:
And a bunch of other shit, it's not rare.

>> No.33185010

Usually seiya saiga mentions it in their walkthroughs, when there are special dates. (usually birthdays of heroines, christmas, valentines day and such)

>> No.33185581

Have you ever considered that the blood during virgin sex is actually just menstruation blood? Judging by the normal quantity, this is the much more likely explanation.

>> No.33185603


I wish more companies included this kind of detailed info in their specs to avoid disappointments in advance.

>> No.33185622

It's probably more the MC being so bad, that they essentially violate the girl with their BIG DIG.

There are some games where you may as well call it gore with the amount of blood spilling. The artist from Izumo 4 I think sometimes goes way too far.

>> No.33188258

That reminds me that in Rance 10, Kouhime was bleeding. To this day I don't know if shota dick in SR didn't reach far enough to break her hymen, or if Rance went so hard at it to make her bleed.

>> No.33188353

Hymen isn't something that's compulsorily supposed to be broken. It becomes flexible and stretchy in girls who are into sports. It only breaks when your dick is huge and fat, and when you aren't being gentle rummaging in her pussy like a fucking retard.

>> No.33188617

Bleeding and tearing can get worse if they girl isn't wet and relaxed enough. I like h-scenes where the MC makes the girl cum first without penetration and then makes love to her. That's how you ensure a virgin's first time is way less painful since she's already relaxed from orgasm and more receptive to penetration.

>> No.33188742

I like foreplay->tear->kiss and tease until she gets used to it. There's not enough kissing during initial penetration.

>> No.33188776

I hate that shit. Apparently the MC and heroine and so in love but he can't even kiss her during her first time? Like he's fucking a prostitute instead of his future wife.

>> No.33191381
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Is there a way to run VN with machine translation on linux yet?

>> No.33191588

Make a VFIO-enabled virtual machine already.
That's the latest trend in linux gaming.

>> No.33191609

I'd if there was something like MicroXP for Windows 10

>> No.33191649

translations belong on >>>/vg/

>> No.33191713

This is not a thread for MTL and you know it.

>> No.33191825
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I had no idea this was a thing, but I found 1 change in around 50 titles.

>> No.33192851
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>> No.33192898

LTSC edition?
It's not that much smaller though.

>> No.33193154

>she will never voice an eroge heroine again

>> No.33193456


>> No.33193912

Okay, I read an article about it. It says she might still do yuzusoft. That's important. Still a big loss, though. But I suppose that's the cycle of life. Hags replaced by new meat.

>> No.33193981

Who said that? She hasn't had any new roles in eroge since 2018, other than the upcoming inre but her character won't have porn, and there was a Yuzusoft without her during that time.
And she's still plenty young, just switched to all ages.

>> No.33195323

What should we expect from the 9-nine New Episode?

>> No.33195330
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All ages SOL.

>> No.33195841

I'd honestly be fine with that. The H-scenes in the main story are sufficient.

>> No.33196708

How about you fuck off?

>> No.33197135
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Feel so lonely.

Any Minato/Mirai VNs

>> No.33197329
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, 宿星のガールフレンド_2021-02-02_21-56-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the first part recently. The pacing was all over the place, the plot was dumb but I had fun

>> No.33201308
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, ドーナドーナ いっしょにわるいことをしよう_20201230_224152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone actually found/played any modern eroge that only run on Windows 8/10? In my experience they tend to run on W7 just fine but I'm asking just in case because the laptop I'm using came with W10 and I'm strongly considering upgrading to W7.

>> No.33201336

Does anyone have the hex edit for liar-soft games to make the music play when their window is not focused? I remember there being one a long time ago but I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.33201375

>future wife
Cringe. Dude they are high school kids most of the time.

>> No.33201583

âge just dreleased a new dogshit engine and and it has 0 support for anything that isn't win 10

>> No.33201611

How recent are we talking here? I've been playing their 20th anniversary boxset stuff just fine on windows 7.

>> No.33202005

Claims by the developers are usually about what they actually test and support the game on.
I doubt any of the eroge developers would actually use APIs exclusive to the Win10. Those are quite obscure.

>> No.33202117
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the 20th anniversary boset is all the original releases edited by their techguy to run on modern operating systems. The newest technical thing in there is the muv-luv build because it's based on the kickstarter build with patches installed
They released TDA on steam last week and it runs on a new engine that was seemingly done by the company that ported F/SN to mobile devices. It's absolute trash with performance issues and an insane lack of features, text display looks like shit too. Even steam users are giving the games negative reviews for all the technical shit. pic related is the ENTIRE options menu, day one you had to change OS language to change the game language because they didn't code an option. Now you can do it through steam
This isn't some onetime fuckup engine they used to scam EOPs because some screenshots they showed of their new in-development mobile game had the same type of text display, so this will be their new engine going forward and all games they're working on are being coded for it.

>> No.33202169

There was a game like that that people complained about here that had a fix posted to emulate the old APIs.
Of course eroge are usually full of old technology (shit still ships with MPEG1 video + mp2 audio), but if you're not careful you can kill compatibility with win7 just by accident without really utilizing anything useful about the new APIs. There are changes in API behavior too, so you can create an incompatibility even without using something new.

>> No.33202223


>> No.33202418 [SPOILER] 
File: 383 KB, 640x480, 1613370138358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protagonist had a little "accident" when he slept

>> No.33202436

>haha we aren't able to create even a half decent moege these days so let's just "remake" our cashco.. I mean classics

>> No.33202505
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All the nostalgiafagging oldcucks in the comments

>> No.33202531

Imagine having a loving wife and kids. I can't and will probably forever be a manchild jerking off to garbage in this medium.

>> No.33202642

I was severely burned as a child so I avoid human contact because I can see the disgust in people's eyes, the worst ones are the people that pretend to be friendly

>> No.33203240

Now that the initial hype has died, how would you evaluate Dohna Dohna?

>> No.33203328

You can always step up to the plate and write your own, anon.

>> No.33203379

Pretty good.

>> No.33203403

> i'm salty cringe boomer and i can't be silent anymore about remake of CLASSHICKS i'm not gonna play

>> No.33203445

Why is Kanae such a shit heroine, and why is her route so shit? Ichijou's justicefaggotry was a bit annoying but it became endearing after a while and the final fight gave both her and Kageaki decent conclusions as regards their ideologies and characters. Fuck Kanae though, glad that's over with.

>> No.33203808

Looool, didn't even know about this shit. So they're dropping rUGP? Ver 7-0 that shipped with Schwarzesmarken works pretty damn good though.

I guess this is another retarded decision by an eroge company trying to pander to subhuman EOPs.

>> No.33203817

rUGP was never good, but what they're switching over is somehow even worse.

>> No.33203846

The Schwarzesmarken ver was.

>> No.33203882

Good for porn and moe

>> No.33204325
File: 215 KB, 1026x647, 4ipU79Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're dropping rUGP because it was very complicated and something new is easier to develop for, and it makes translation work easier.
But If you are a consumer that reads in japanese, literally their main audience, you get a massive fucking downgrade that doesn't let you do shit you could 20 years ago with no benefit.

>> No.33204527

If they'd do it right, you'd get the benefit of being able to play the game on the next OS, instead of having to rebuy it all the damn time if you want to play it again.
But alas.

>> No.33205895

One relationship per life.

>> No.33206559

Had fun, loved the cast, fapped a lot. Just a bit disappointed at the amount of unresolved or poorly resolved plot points.

>> No.33208340

It's a decent game with top notch sound and art assets. The gameplay isn't anything spectacular and the story/characters fail to create any kind of catharsis because of a lack off satisfying setup/payoff but it's still a fun ride.

solid 7/10, Gyokai is a god.

>> No.33208396

that's only a benefit until microsoft starts to be full retard again and make a new OS that fucks everything in the ass with no rescue

>> No.33208428

B-But Win10 is the last ever windows OS. They said so!

>> No.33210524

your shit is too pretentious. fuck off

>> No.33211148

God damn, this sounds completely fucking retarded.

>> No.33211226

When is an eroge developer going to release a fully HDR game? That would only work in win10.

>> No.33211641

kys schizotard

>> No.33214427

More seething, sweetie.

>> No.33215174
File: 337 KB, 1024x1160, sdsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the new text UI looks like it was made for a gacha game

>> No.33215315

This wouldn't look too bad with a smaller font and a less obnoxious name tag

>> No.33216213

Textbox reminds me of Ren'Py shit.

>> No.33216241

Is Nijima /ourguy/?

>> No.33216283

Never was, never will be. He only wrote for one decent game the rest are kusoge.

>> No.33216347

Of course, he wrote the upcoming kamige Clarias.

>> No.33216465

You'll eat your words once Clarias comes out next week.

>> No.33216501

Why are you shilling so hard for a game with mediocre battle system, boring characters, generic moe fantasy plot storytelling, written by a hack who only had success with Hatsusaku while everything else sucked ass? I bet you didn't even play the trial because you don't want to spoiler yourself. The game will flop, somewhere between 63 and 73 on EGS.

>> No.33216569

Ichijou is the only good route. Muramasa is nice enough, but her route become kinda ridiculous towards the end.

>> No.33216793

Because I'm not a jaded fuck like you.

>> No.33216868

Why do you still come here? This place is for jaded fucks with no taste, the post just above you proves it

>> No.33216881

>written by a hack who only had success with Hatsusaku while everything else sucked ass?
Einstein was actually good and I wasn't expecting it to be.

>> No.33217668
File: 204 KB, 960x540, event_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clarias and Wagahime will flop, but I have a good feeling about this. A very good feeling.

>> No.33217717

It's Rinze Morino!

>> No.33217761

I don't.

>> No.33217836

I'm not jaded. I enjoy my games that are not written by hackjima.
No it wasn't good.

>> No.33217869

Einstein was fucking terrible.

>> No.33218112

Bros are there any secret gems left in the VNDB charts? I always have a feeling the top rated games are full of bullshit since it's full of translated games and some which I would rate as garbage have very high ratings. The japanese have all shit taste, all the forums I visited only talk about the top rated games for that season which is all moege shit of the highest caliber every time.

My question is basically if it's worth it to look at 7 and below in ratings on vndb to find gems. I'm surprised that high quality VNs are extremely rare even compared to Light Novels. I just want a good story, I'm tired of sex and girls.

>> No.33218131

Buddy you should use EGS instead. Click on the tags you like and there'll be secret gems hidden there.

>> No.33218195

If you don't feel like using EGS, most of the good games on vndb are always between the 6~7 mark.

>> No.33218211

VNDB is top comfy though. The japanese can't get into web design, let alone into organizational matters. EGS is one ugly as fuck son of a bitch.
That's what I wanted to know. I really have to take your word for it and just try it out.

>> No.33218220

Copes, copes, copes. EGS will always be a better source of info.

>> No.33218250

Westerners will always be more autistic about technology. Look at what a piece of shit the 4chan originals are in comparison to this site. If 4chan wasn't so comfy, especially with 4chanx, we all wouldn't be here. It's exactly because this place is top comfy that we can hang out here. If it didn't matter we could talk about untranslated visual novels on ugly as fuck japanese sites.

It's important and that's a fact. And it's a fact that despite VNDB not even being an impressive site it is still miles ahead of anything japanese created.

>> No.33218277

I don't care about page layout for simple searches like this. All you have to do is open a VN you like on EGS, scroll down to its tags, click a tag you want to see more of, have a list open and scroll down enough for the results to be not the obvious one.

I'm just saying this so others don't get swayed into thinking EGS is hard to use.

>> No.33218317

Admit it.. admit that a site being comfy matters.

>> No.33218750

>VNDB charts
Ignore those
>top rated games aka plotge are garbage
>Japanese only like moege = garbage
So what DO you consider good?
>high quality VNs are extremely rare even compared to Light Novels
LNs are shit
>I'm tired of sex and girls
No such thing unless you're a literal faggot
>I just want a good story
Make the best of Anon's Life then. Bye

>> No.33218876

I think Wagahime will be decent but nothing special

>> No.33218923

LNs are literally hundreds of times better than VNs, I don't know why this fact makes you mad. First of all anyone out there can write a LN so there are hundreds of times more creators. Alone by that sheer fact there is just no way VN could ever reach LNs. Adding to that is that book creators obviously don't have to work with restrictions like needing to build assets which is huge, so literally the same principles as why books will never be topped in the story department compared to any other medium. Second, LN authors actually have to work with restrictions like page numbers, and while this number can vary a lot and can be haggled with the editor and publisher, it exists and it makes LNs have a million times better pacing than VNs.

Now, I'm not going into absolutes. VN authors having very loose restrictions on how much they can write can be an advantage. But in 99% of cases it causes pacing problems, and not minor ones. The biggest ones you will ever find from all mediums. You can read 1000 pager books that take 40 hours to finish and will makes 4 times more story, character and world developments than 60 hour Visual Novels are going to do and this is by no means an overstatement.

Now VNs still offer greatness and uniqueness and have tons of potential and I just love them but when we look at sheer story and writing quality and variance LNs are lightyears ahead.

>> No.33218927
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Bottom left is even bigger than Yuzusoft 5heads

>> No.33219004

Bad romance. Milked for years and years. Can't pick heroine.
How about NO I don't think so.

>> No.33219098

The very fact LNs are serialised completely destroys the idea they don't have pacing issues. LNs are books in the literal sense but they operate more like seralised manga which means they have huge pacing and padding issues, and they very, very rarely have good or even satisfying endings. VNs are, at the very least, usually self contained and complete products.

>> No.33219101

Because VNs have such great romance, right? Despite the medium being 90% just romance, despite it being the only medium with a huge focus on sex, despite having explored any kind of female being as a heroine, despite all that there is fuck all with good romance. 90% are just the same archetypes copied every single time.

There is good romance, romance that is better than LN romance for sure, but for the fucking amount and focus VNs have put into romance there is fuck all. And it has sacrificed so much quality for romance and heroine routes and has gained so little in return. And let's not forget the huge quality differences that exists even inside a single game because the author had a lot of energy and creativity for one or two heroines and the rest is some garbage to fulfill expectations since a game with 5 heroines sells better than one with 2.

>> No.33219107

Makes sense. Nine voice acting was her magnum opus. No eroge role can top that.

>> No.33219116

>since a game with 5 heroines sells better than one with 2.
What is this, 2015? Single heroine games are the future.

>> No.33219127

Read more LNs. Serialization is not a god given rule. It's not abnormal for a series to finish in 2-3. It's just that the longer series get all the adaptions to boost sales that they are well present.

>> No.33219129

Literally every complaint about VN romance applies to LNs to an even greater extent. There are way more LNs with 20+ heroines who all have no depth, character or focus because they need scantily clad heroines on the covers than there are VNs, where even 6 or 7 heroines is above average.

>> No.33219134

I'm not mad. Over the years I've read popular series, high-rated ones, unknown "gems", mainstream trash, generic ones. Maybe 3 of them were any good at all and still turned to shit at some point. I just learned from it that I don't like LNs.

If you think LNs are sooo much better than VNs then fuck off and read LNs? You don't seem to like this medium and if you look for some gems in a pile of "trash" then you're wrong here. That's like me going to a place for LNs and saying that all LNs are trash and asking for recs from actual LN fans. They'd be pissed at me and tell me to fuck off to read VNs. Rightly so.
>First of all anyone out there can write a LN so there are hundreds of times more creators
Anyone can WRITE a VN as well lol. It just takes more people to create the other assets and bring it all together whereas a LN just needs 1-2 people, a writer and an artist which can be the same person even. And your claim doesn't matter when most writers are trash. Your medium is also stock full of "girls" and romance stuff. You're just blind to it because you likely only read isekai fantasy "plot" shit and think that's all there is. No different from some anitard who only watches shounen shit.
>LNs have restrictions
Yeah great. Like every volume has to be 130/160/200/230 whatever pages every time. Like "add and focus on 1 new heroine every volume while completely shafting everyone else, but always return to the first heroine as the canon heroine, then at the end either reject everyone else, make it a harem, forget romance and keep it open-ended". Like "add new heroines and continue the paperthin plot forever because more volumes = more anime seasons = more goods = more money, until no one cares anymore and the series gets axed, or the author disappears, or he gets depressed and writes an abysmal last volume that destroys the entire xx volume series".
LNs SUCK. VNs also have restrictions even if you might think they don't. Some games are certainly bloated or rushed or just porn dumps, and they could be done better but that applies to every medium. They don't have to be perfect though.
>Now VNs still offer greatness and uniqueness and have tons of potential and I just love them but
Doesn't sound like that to me. I think you hate 99% of all games and only want that "special" game to sate your hunger for a "good" story that you can't find. Stick to LNs. Also fuck off to /vn/, EOP. I remember you posting the same shit there about your obsession and superiority of LNs.

>> No.33219136

>It's not abnormal for a series to finish in 2-3
Only if they get cancelled.

>> No.33219138

LNfags, go back to /lit/. I'm sure they love you there.

>> No.33219173

What LNs? Write down some example if you want to make a case

>> No.33219225

>reads only harem trash
>complains about many girls
Damn, just read more LNs, like I said the selection is hundreds of times bigger. If you only read the trash then don't complain.
>If you think LNs are sooo much better than VNs then fuck off and read LNs? You don't seem to like this medium
Stopped reading there. I like both, if you want to start like that then you're not worth my time.
No they are planned and released like that. It's not uncommon.

>> No.33219333

I will never bring up works for argument's sake. I will only ever name works as recommendations for people that are interested in light novels. I fucking hate this stupid 4chan shit of people starting to attack works they have never even read to win a silly internet argument.

I'm not here to convince anyone. I legitimately think both LNs and VNs have amazingly good works but for the sheer quantity of variance and good story there is more to find in LNs. Though my absolute favorite work is still in VN. I realize it's dumb to bring this entire argument into pure VN territory and this was my last post for that matter.

>> No.33219363

>it exists and it makes LNs have a million times better pacing than VNs.
I really wish it was true. It just means more volumes full of filler because LNs make their money by printing out an absurd amount of issues with as minimal of a plot progression as humanly possible, and since their target audience tends to be teens most LN stories are hilariously juvenile in ways even the sweetest, dumbest of moege manages to avoid.
I'd give you half a point if you were talking about real literature, but come on. At least eroge don't cuck you out of a complete story only so the publisher can rake in the money for a 10 year long period.

>> No.33219387

>and this was my last post for that matter.
I hope it was your last post ever.

>> No.33219404
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Yeah, instead they rake in money for 5 years and then expect you to buy the same games again as a full pack to get the complete story.

>> No.33219423

Cool exception to the rule. Thankfully they are giving the people that just want a normal package that option while simultaneously fucking over their paypiggies, what's not to love?

>> No.33219910

What Purple Software game is the best?

>> No.33220112
File: 415 KB, 1280x2880, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can I pick another heroine when she exist? It's so adorable

>> No.33220147

Thoughts on Katawa Shoujo?

>> No.33220391

>this was my last post for that matter
you could've at least said what VN you consider your absolute favorite work. now it looks like you're running away from us shitting on it

>> No.33220410

>Stopped reading there
Childish attitude. If you can't even read my block of text or debate then you surely can't get through 1000 pages of LN or VN script. Never come back.

>> No.33220439

Cute. That hair+uniform combo is great. I love 野球 girls (not the NTR or nukige gangbang type though)

>> No.33220745

Girls like this need anal sex.

Or rather, all girls do, but especially the ones with short hair, tomboy ones and ones engaging in stereotypically boyish activities.

>> No.33220955

>VNDB is top comfy though. The japanese can't get into web design, let alone into organizational matters. EGS is one ugly as fuck son of a bitch.
VNDB looks like it's never left the 00's. Does that site even use HTML5?

>> No.33220965

Admit you want bloated webpages first.

>> No.33221280

>looks like it's never left the 00's
Not that anon but that's what makes it comfy. Modern web design has been bad for 10+ years.

>> No.33221813

How do you guys open EGS? Any proxy I try is blocked

>> No.33221866

just install tor browser, it just works

>> No.33221867

Without proxy. It used to be blocked so I used google translate to bypass it. Since 1.5 years ago it just works. Try the google method or Tor Browser?

>> No.33221877

except they also gonna sell new episode separately
so your point is invalid
just like you

>> No.33221889

Fuck google translate. I'll give tor a try

>> No.33221904

separate on PC, bundled on console. they'll release a "complete (for now)" edition for PC at some point to milk it more.

>> No.33222012

so what? no one forcing you to buy it, just pirate it and fuck off desu

>> No.33222118

the fuck are you even talking about schizo? I don't want that game. only pointing out that they're milking it like the previous discussion said

>> No.33222131

> I don't want that game.
then just fuck off lmao

>> No.33222141

I'm staying here and read good games unlike you, EOP

>> No.33222169

just like i do, only good games getting translated and not fake kamige

>> No.33222377

Stop replying to yourself you schizo

>> No.33222478

>LNs make their money by printing out an absurd amount of issues with as minimal of a plot progression as humanly possible
Jesus Christ anon have you ever read an LN series that isn't super popular harem romcom shit that goes on for eternity? Your view of the medium is pretty cartoony as fuck.

>> No.33222490

Lol. why not just read real books at that point

>> No.33222497

>Jesus Christ anon have you ever read an LN series that isn't super popular harem romcom shit that goes on for eternity?
There's that, battle harem romcoms that go on for eternity, and isekaishit. And that's the entirety of LNs.

>> No.33222508

For a second I thought I was on the EOP thread as anons here are just regurgitating same old EOP talking points to shit on LNs.

>> No.33222521

LNs are fucking shit, discussion over.

>> No.33222526

>inb4. bbbb...bbbut not all isekai is shit!

>> No.33222557

Nearly all of the LNs end before they even reach 15 volumes. They have more plot progression occurring in them than your average VN because of their serialization format. There are a lot of cool LNs with unique settings and you don't even have to dig deeper for that. Isekai isn't a single monolithic thing. It has a lot of sub genres in it. Not all LNs are aimed at early teens. There are a lot of creative writers who write LNs with one standalone volume if your attention span is shit.

>> No.33222574

Romeo's only good work was an LN

>> No.33222587

>Isekai isn't a single monolithic thing
Stopped reading here.

>> No.33222598

Gagaga gave him creative freedom to think outside of bishoujo format

>> No.33222618

>my LN is totally different and original guys I swear, it's not the same thing that's been done a million times before
>read it
>it's not original
every time, at least moebuta can admit their games are all just the same thing over and over with a different skin. LNfags are worse than moebuta because they pretend their medium has any creativity or artistic merit instead of just admitting it's a self-insert harem power fantasy.

>> No.33222637

But the MC got with (insert girl from harem) as opposed to (stereotypical choice from harem)! What do you mean there's no variation?

>> No.33222640

If there's a good LN I'll read it
If there’s a good VN I'll play it
Simple as
All mediums have their own flaws and strengths

>> No.33222651

shut the FUCK up fencesitter centrist faggot

>> No.33222654

Strawman LNs more. All you're doing is putting your ignorance on display. I'll continue reading LNs and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.33222672

>self-insert harem power fantasy.
This goes for all VNs too

>> No.33222683

until LNs can give me a sayooshi experience i'm not touching that garbage

>> No.33222686

But in VNs you can choose, and don't get railroaded into the author's waifu or a shitty, unfulfilling harem over the span of way too many volumes that just keep introducing new girls.

>> No.33222688

Ok. LNs are shit. VNs are shit. Fuck off from this kuso thread.
Not everybody is going to be entertained at narou.

>> No.33222721

I remember being recommended KonoSuba once as the "peak of the medium". Suffice to say I haven't touched a single LN since then.

>> No.33222732

I remember being recommended majikoi once as the "peak of the medium". Suffice to say I haven't touched a single LN since then.

>> No.33222744

I liked konosuba anime. Watching it was more fun than playing modern moege.

>> No.33222745 [DELETED] 

I remember being recommended hamlet once as the "peak of the medium". Suffice to say I haven't touched a single play since then.

>> No.33222759

>I liked konosuba anime
That was shit too.

>> No.33222779

oh no fucking hipster just set his ass on fire lmao kys

>> No.33222781

Okay, elite bro.

>> No.33222784

I hate retards who shit on other mediums to reinforce on what they like. Such self-centered people don't bring anything good, not even to themselves. Anyway, the display of ignorance is pure tragic comedy.

>> No.33222981

man you're really losing it over having it pointed out than LNs are universally terrible huh
it's not ignorance if it's true

>> No.33222990

Sure thing, fag.

>> No.33223009

Light novels and web novels are shit

>> No.33223038

It really is telling how Masada went from Senshinkan tier to whatever Avesta is.

>> No.33223065

bet you guys are fucking purefags as well

>> No.33223330

lns and vns are both shit. no one dreams of being a ln or vn writer, they just end up doing it in order to make ends meet. most are probably failed novelists or were aspiring mangaka that couldnt draw.

>> No.33223363

I really want to read looseboy's 3 volumes LN for years now but they were never uploaded

>> No.33223418

i love how some fags thinks they know shit about industry and writers

>> No.33223424

STOP posting off-topic shit.

>> No.33223428 [DELETED] 

>wake up
>I derailed the entire thread with my LN posting
LMAO, get fucked niggers.

>> No.33223524

looseboy is so underrated

>> No.33223550

I did. I read Mishima and Kawabata. Not much better than Subahibi or Tsukihime

>> No.33223589

are there e-books? apparently his estate didn't want his stuff digitized
been looking around

>> No.33223718

Kanae works really well as a side character IMO. I like the main premise and theme of her route but it's definitly the weakest in terms off epic battles and character drama. While Ichijou's route works better standalone, Ootori's route gets better when you re-examine it after clearing the entire game and 贖罪編.

>> No.33223720

how literally ANYTHING can be better than subahibi
subahibi changed my life

>> No.33223732

I wonder what you fags would say about radio dramas next.

>> No.33223750

i cant mtl them so fuck them

>> No.33223784

??? His VNs are top rated and his LNs are doing well too.

>> No.33223830

Yeah, but the elite hates him. They hate him for daring to amuse the reader

>> No.33223907

g-senjou was fucking garbage

>> No.33223953

By "elite" you mean angry otakus who don't interact with any human beings aside from their parents right?

>> No.33223961

the only "people" who complain about "elitism" were the ones that were meant to be kept out by it

>> No.33224003

I would not join any club that would accept me as a member

>> No.33224012

Umm, what VN you guys are reading?

>> No.33224062

Im reading Utatemeguri, still early into Chapter 1 but seems kinda interesting. Judging by the OP Flat went full chuunige with this one but I like chuunige so no issues there.

Also best girl = true route and you have to clear them in sequential order, goddammit Flat.

>> No.33224137

It's good if you can understand its philosophy and if your dream is to be like Maou, a charismatic, cold-hearted, criminal young-adult with a trench coat

>> No.33224221
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>> No.33224443

>muh twists

>> No.33224455
File: 266 KB, 640x480, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chuunige that got shilled a couple threads ago. It's good.

>> No.33224487

Tsui no Sora remake, just started Kotomi's chapter. So far I'm liking how Ayana gets so much more screentime compared to SubaHibi.

>> No.33224497 [SPOILER] 
File: 669 KB, 640x480, 1613475495474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Ayakashi and I haven't decided what to read next.
The story was super generic but the presentation was extremely good. Also very good pacing and balance of SoL and action scenes. They went all out in Eimu's route which should definitely be read last, it's pretty dumb that it isn't locked and you can accidentally read it first
You should also be careful with the route order in case you didn't know

>> No.33224530

Robotic Notes Elite: So fucking boring compared to what I remember of the Anime. It say a lot when the anime needs 3 episodes for what the game needs like 5+ hours, and it's not the anime feeling rushed. And as far as I know they already cut down especially the first chapter for elite, which is insane. Like how BAD was the original in terms of pacing? I also remember liking the female lead in the anime, but it doesn't work in the VN. Every one in a while I play this, but I'm doing this for over 2 months now and haven't even finished chapter 4.

Utawarerumono Prelude: the story sucks, as expected, but in preparation for the sequels that are hopefully a bit better. Good music though, and the srpg is very simple, but fun enough. Once in a while this is fine. However, fuck whoever decided to add 3 training missions at once, which you each have to do 4 times for full rewards. And why are there 3 patterns of enemies per map, yet you need to play it 4 times? What happened?

Koikari: I already posted about this, and haven't really gotten much further. Best Asa Pro game for me so far.

>> No.33224579

Yeah, I know. I'm going the EGS recommended 織江,陽愛,パム,エイム.
You can generally tell more or less without looking it up of course. It's been obvious that エイム should go last since the very start. 陽愛 before パム is also clear.
Not sure why 織江 is before 陽愛 but I'm not far enough into chapter 3 to really have a good idea.

>> No.33224670

There are a few games out there I wouldn't really want spoiled, but in general I like knowing the main twist of anything beforehand, so that I can properly evaluate how the game arrives at that point and foreshadows it in the parts leading up to it. I don't like letting a base, mostly emotional response to an "omg epic twist" control my opinion, basically, so for games that have some huge twist I'd actually prefer to know about it beforehand, I suppose.

Well anyway my approach to eroge is probably quite different from most people's since for most games I'm actively analyzing their approach to everything and how well they accomplish what they're trying to do, so knowing details of the plot ahead of time is beneficial on the whole for me, I guess.

>> No.33224698

>Not sure why 織江 is before 陽愛
Because the game has a ladder structure and her route branches first. It's a spoiler about the general structure of the game, nothing plot relevant.

>> No.33224820

glass hime, its an alright charage.

>> No.33225324

Slowly rereading F/SN after getting bored by most other stuff. I'm genuinely impressed with how good the writing is, scene by scene, right from the start. It gets an incredible amount of things right. Like how the city is described with its different locations in a way that makes sense and feels real.

>> No.33225554

Why not read Dies Irae instead of that overrated pile of dung?

>> No.33225581

Fate is better than Dies irae

>> No.33225663

except it's not

>> No.33225750

It's generally much worse. Heroines, protagonist, lore, route structure, pacing, romance, choice system, it's all better in Fate. Dies irae wins a few points in presentation, music, antagonists, but fails otherwise. That's also reflected in the ratings.

>> No.33225955

You have to be some weak minded sheep to put your faith in ratings.

>> No.33225978

it really is though. DI is so trash it needed several re-releases to fix itself.

>> No.33226026

di is fixed, while fns is still trash with trash protag and enormous amount of bad sol

>> No.33226183

Yeah, and it would be equally foolish to completely disregard them. There is such a thing as common sense, and it's reflected in the fact that one is consistently rated higher than the other.

>> No.33226185

Shirou is a better protag than ren to be honest.

>> No.33226276

Preference hardly correlates to common sense.

>> No.33226358


>> No.33226392


>> No.33226418

Don't forget Dengeki Stryker

>> No.33226670

Assuming your not some elitist offended by Nasu's prose, he's actually a very good writer. I find all of his real work (i.e. not gatcha or extra shit) very enjoyable to read.

>> No.33226856

>fate stay in the kitchen

>> No.33226990

> schoolboys in school uniform fighting with magick
> protag is the biggest cuck protecting his own servant and risking his life in the process
> good

>> No.33227047

Are you talking about Fate or Dies irae?

>> No.33227073
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, 1613425962188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otome Domain is a better chuunige than either of those

>> No.33227084

i never got why people say fsn and di are extremely similar
is it because of reinhard/gilgamesh and the fact that ren has marie?

>> No.33227102

>look up vndb/egs
>4 to 5 girls on cover
I have instantly dropped your kusoge, thank you.

>> No.33227223

He really is a very good writer, but in a way that makes it hard to accept for some people.

>> No.33227353

I tend to like him, but his mundane scenes are just godawful.
After a while mahoyo was such a drag and every sol scene was a fucking bore to go through.

>> No.33227367

That's just a meme. The SoL in F/SN is actually good. I was never bored reading it, because it was just a natural part of the story. People cook and talk while eating. You spend time with the characters you like. In comparison, Yusa or Erii seemed kinda shallow, as characters they never felt particularly real to me, not to mention the protagonist.

>> No.33227420

But Mahoyo's SoL scenes are among the best I've ever read.

>> No.33227447

obviously about fucking fate, in dies you have most of people fighting in actual military uniform and using swords

>> No.33227459

>The SoL in F/SN is actually good. I was never bored reading it, because it was just a natural part of the story
maybe you're just fucking autist then

>> No.33227473

So you're telling me DI does chuuni better than Fate then. Noted.

>> No.33227484

If you don't like SoL, this might be the wrong medium for you.

>> No.33227540

Fate is good precisely because of the SoL. DI just spams fight after fight and you pretty much get sick of them in the first route

>> No.33227642

What do you mean, I love reading a fight for 20 minutes only for nobody to win so the fight can be repeated 10 hours later.

>> No.33227761

i'm cool with sol, but fsn sol is shit desu
why even read fucking chuunige then?

>> No.33227870

This. Cooking is more interesting than fighting. Like what nutrients are really essential? What can I cook that satisfies both Saber and Rin? Does my fridge have a sufficient cooling system? Punching someone is more repetitive than cutting a carrot or an onion.

>> No.33228064

>why even read fucking chuunige then?
A chuunige doesn't have to be a monotonous slog

>> No.33229468

chuunige means epic
meaningless fights for the sake of fights
that's how masada is

>> No.33229720

Haven't read DI yet but I have to agree. Nine Lives Blade Works is great, but I wouldn't give a fuck if I didn't read Shirou and Sakura's constant flirting while cooking and just living their lives.

>> No.33229817
File: 1.47 MB, 1282x747, KnS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this font fucking suck? It's not even fullscreen.

>> No.33229835

>hates Japanese cursive font
You just have no taste.

>> No.33230318
File: 879 KB, 1920x1080, 相州戦神館學園_万仙陣 (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fate is good precisely because of the SoL
If that's your measurement, Senshinkan blows both out of the water.

>> No.33230396

it looks fine, buy a better monitor.

>> No.33230444

Looks fine to me.

>> No.33231001

Started Yomeimo and the beginning was weird.
>oh no wife and I can't go on vacation together and she gets angry when I propose using my sick days
>5 min into game let's take my colleagues offer to go to a suspicious shop with backdoor options but don't fuck unlike the days when I visited whores every day before I married my virgin wife I knew for 9 years
>wow my wife's never shown unmentioned younger sister works here but she doesn't do sexual stuff because she's still a virgin, she only wants the good pay because she needs 200k yen that I conveniently got from colleague to pay for the service
>promise to not tell wife about her sister but apparently can't hide things from her intuition
>imouto proposes to fuck me so we're both guilty of something and need to absolutely hide it
>get raging boner from merest touch, imouto is a natural blowjob queen
>decide it's not enough and start pounding virgin imouto

>> No.33231054

Looks fine what's the problem?

>> No.33231156

Please say sike

>> No.33231512

best taimanin game?

>> No.33231626

3 > Zero > Kurenai > 1 > 2 > Yukikaze > Murasaki > Yukikaze 2
Haven't read Mama wa Taimanin.

>> No.33232070

It's too small on my monitor.
I guess I'll just drop the game, my eyes can't handle it, they fucking hurt.

>> No.33232393
File: 1.31 MB, 1282x747, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solved it, I guess.

>> No.33232649

Actual decent use of text hooking.
I also hate when they design games from a big monitor without minding people with micropenisesscreens. I use to play with remote desktop through my mobile, so imagine...

>> No.33233066
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There's worse.

>> No.33233178
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>> No.33233289
File: 362 KB, 1280x804, mono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that too small? I hate small or unreadable fonts myself and that one's just fine. What do you think about this pic? The tiny furigana are useless and the font is more stylized. There was also that one game last year that had furigana all over the screen which made reading a pain. If you have issues with KnS then you need a bigger screen or glasses. Or use the textractor window and set a readable font and make it as huge as you need.

>> No.33233549

Play on a monitor with a lower DPI or change the screen resolution.

>> No.33233915

My monitor is just too small, someday I'll buy a bigger one. The font in the pic is also too small.
Anyway, I already solved it with textractor >>33232393

>> No.33233952

can someone share ayakashe here? the itazuraneko link for it is down

>> No.33234491

Does that game really not let you change the font?

>> No.33234521

There should be working links on as or nyaa.

>> No.33234827
File: 339 KB, 900x1273, __alice_and_dorothy_bishoujo_mangekyou_drawn_by_happoubi_jin__7e2fd6b256247b40d2afa21b73d118e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual novels that you would want to live in

>> No.33234928

Monobeno allows you to choose out of million available fonts. It even allows you to use your own.

>> No.33234984

I always use default settings as intended

>> No.33235125
File: 44 KB, 1280x83, mono2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does allow that, but some custom fonts are completely broken. One even made all text invisible, first time seeing that. Some of the alternative fonts are bigger and more readable. Well too late now.

>> No.33235529

Trifa = Kotomine
Marie = Saber
Kei = Rin
Himuro = Sakura
Rusalka = Ilyia

>> No.33235594
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>> No.33235678

I assume you mean the tower specifically but still find it amusing you'd choose a post-apocalyptic hellhole.

>> No.33235782

If you have the futuristic tower that can literally print food out of thin air and create whatever android waifu you please, you'd have little reason to ever leave. There are massive stores of media from all across the decades and it wouldn't be strange if there were AI to automagically generate new anime if you wanted it to. Bishoujo Mangekyou 3 is the post-scarcity transhumanist dream. Alice and Dorothy are cute and I would spend every night with them.

>> No.33235909

Imagine the smell under that kotatsu.

>visual novels that you would want to live in
Higurashi maybe. I just have a thing for rural villages. I'd fit in there and have fun until the day I die. Plus it's back to the 80s.

>> No.33235916

>Kei = Rin
stopped reading there. don't even like rin but that's an insult to her. kei is retard
>Rusalka = Ilyia

>> No.33236004

How did you read the last line if you stopped reading after Kei = Rin

>> No.33236120
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>> No.33236515

>Kei = Rin
Both start out as enemies of the protagonist, then get closer with time to the point of romance. Both are tsundere. So the overall dynamic is quite similair.

>> No.33236614

and both of them are in garbage games that no one in the right mind would waste their time on

>> No.33237104
File: 2.97 MB, 1464x2159, Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~ HD -Animation Anniversary- .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trifa = Kotomine
literally nothing alike, unless you mean they're both priests

>> No.33237165

my eyes glanced over it before I hit post

rin is enemy only briefly, wouldn't even call her one. rin is smart likable tsundere, kei is dumb unlikable tsundere with brother complex

>> No.33237225


>> No.33237245

Is Damekoi a "read every route" type game or a "just read true route" type game?

>> No.33237271

that font is so ugly compared to the original

>> No.33237400

yes she is smartest heroine in game. but I like sakura better

>> No.33237418

Being the smartest heroine out of the F/SN ones doesn't make a character smart. Everyone in that VN has room temperature IQ.

>> No.33237456

Depends? Some people love Mitoko others hate her. The ex wife is important to read for backstory and to develop Mitoko and Osamu. Himeo is a favorite for many and her route has some heartwarming moments involving Mitoko. Kaya is easily the worst heroine/route but no point skipping that when you read everything else.
TLDR: if you like Mitoko read everything. Else only read the one's you like but beware that Mitoko is always present and hogging focus.

>> No.33237519

she's not perfect and not 150 IQ genius but she's good student, knowledgable and can use it. if that's not smart then I don't know what you consider it. if rin is room temperature IQ then kei is frozen yogurt temp IQ

>> No.33237546

>if rin is room temperature IQ then kei is frozen yogurt temp IQ
And you'd be right, Kei is an absolute moron and I say this as someone who actually likes her.

>> No.33237558

>she's good student, knowledgable and can use it
Literally the start of the VN is Rin fucking up because she thinks she knows what shes doing but doesn't, and that reoccurs frequently. She's definitely the luckiest character but shes not smart.
>if rin is room temperature IQ then kei is frozen yogurt temp IQ
Yeah thats fairly accurate

>> No.33238037

Are you sure you don't need to visit an eye doctor?

>> No.33238299
File: 522 KB, 1280x720, Clipboard378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that was fun, also forgot how hot Jinkou Bato's scenes were

>> No.33238315

If haven't completed every hag route you won't unlock half of mitoko's route

>> No.33238369

I think the epilogue only required Asami's route.

>> No.33238729

What's that kamige you refuse to read because you think it won't appeal to you?

>> No.33238763


>> No.33238787

Anything with serious superpowered/magic flights.

>> No.33238797

everything when they cry because umineki just sounds utterly retarded

>> No.33238804

what is this

>> No.33238806


>> No.33238816

Masada's garbage. I dropped dies irae.

>> No.33238849

R07 trash, Sakura no Uta, Rance

>> No.33238863

I only played rance 03 and refuse to touch other rancege cause they all are unvoiced. One of the main reasons I play eroge is for cute sweet moe voices ffs

>> No.33238866


I watched the original anime, it got boring fast after the 2nd timeline perspective

>> No.33238892

But you would die young to the big brap.

>> No.33238899

sakuuta and subahibi, i'm retarded and can''t stand even small amounts of yuri let alone entire routes.

>> No.33238925

In regards to Higurashi, I mean, not the kotatsu.

>> No.33239043

I've not read """kamige""" because I think they'll turn out to be overrated mediocre trash not because I think they won't appeal to me. So Majikoi, Subahibi, Muvluv, Dies Irae, Nekopara, DDLC and most other high-rated or popular stuff. I only read what looks interesting to me and I feel like reading. Don't give a shit if it's said to be the best thing in the world. If I ever feel like reading it I will when the time's right. My backlog is too big to give a damn about "kamige" = popular shit. I've already made the mistake of watching/reading all the "kami" anime, mango and LNs, not to mention vidya. Waste of time 95% of the time. If something has a lot of votes it's likely shit. If it's mostly top ratings it's likely overrated. If it's got mostly good but not excessively great ratings it's more likely to be enjoyable.

>> No.33239137

Either way's fine lol. I feel too old already so dying young after having fun with village friends sounds like a nice way to go.

So about that kotatsu.. if one of the sisters were to brap, who? Sumi looks so comfy and Kohaku is a piss queen, but I think it'd be one of the other 2. Akane maybe?

>> No.33239201


>> No.33239264 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.84 MB, 3024x4032, 1613544830989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What don't you like about Avesta? It's been really good so far especially been digging characters like Sirius, Ferdows and Varhran

>> No.33239399

Kara no Shoujo. It doesn't strike me as interesting.

>> No.33239587


Sorry, not playing a game with a depressed old dude.

>> No.33239605

He's younger than me...

>> No.33239652

Maybe you'll enjoy it then.

>> No.33239886

can't self-insert as someone younger than me

>> No.33240019

Try harder

>> No.33240093

Need an expert opinion here. Does this sound like Wagahigh's Kaoruko? Because it sure as hell does to me but vndb lists a different seiyuu.


>> No.33240257

A lot. Too many games, too little time. I basically came from normal games and rpgs, and while I had a big VN time, that's over. I still like to read something here and there, but I know I enjoy some fun Rpg more, especially the more core oriented games with less story, and more interesting gameplay. (yes, that usually goes hand in hand, but not always)

When it comes down to what to read, I usually just let random org decide things for me. The list is too big, and I usually don't care too much, other than "something with a story" or "something lighthearted". Popularity doesn't really say too much. Otherwise I'd be big into shit like SAO as well. I liked Log Horizon a lot more though. And that usually happens. My taste isn't mainstream, I suppose.

>> No.33241259

Same pitch, different voice.

>> No.33245154
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>> No.33246276

I'm the complete opposite of you. I like Yuzusoft games and think SAO is more interesting than Bore Horizon. And with that, I've put up several targets of bullying to myself now.

>> No.33246404

I agree on all points.

>> No.33246619

shit taste desu

>> No.33247051

I think both SAO and log horizon are boring trash.

>> No.33248954


>> No.33249021

Are the 9-nine- drama CDs on AB?

>> No.33249227

They got posted in the discord

>> No.33249516

I will hold back on calling you out and politely ask for a link.

>> No.33249571

Just give me fucking link, faggot.

>> No.33250641

when it comes to eroge, is there a significant difference between stories written by males vs females?

>> No.33250745

Females write the rape ones.

>> No.33250788

female protagonist should be written by female

>> No.33250808

what's next
trap protags written by traps
rapists written by rapists
schoolboys written by schoolboys?
artists written by artists? fuck off sjw

>> No.33250820

I notice the ones that have really angry or autistic protags are written by males.

>> No.33251417

>trap protags written by traps
ideally yea, how would anyone else know how it feels to crossdress?
>female protagonist should be written by female
the only way to make female protagonist feel real is if when she;s been written by female author

>> No.33251862

Any notable lolige I should play besides Natsukumo and lose's games?

>> No.33251883

Lolita series from Yoru no Hitsuji

>> No.33251919

Are they good if what I'm looking for is something a notch or two above just nukige? I did consider downloading the latest one, but I want more than cheap faps.

>> No.33251977

Females are more into fucked up shit

>> No.33251995

Read https://vndb.org/t13705.. Faster than writing similar shit that he wrote.

>> No.33252071

That guy is terrible at expressing his thoughts, but I guess I can keep them around my hard drive as side reading for when I feel like reading a book instead.

>> No.33252096

>when I feel like reading a book instead
I mean it's still filled with tons of loli porn. I guess the whole point is that it's iyashi-kei instead of "just porn"

>> No.33252132

>it's iyashi-kei
I should rather say iyashi-kei with philosophy sprinkles on top.

>> No.33252255

Yeah, that's what I meant. I'll just keep them around as fap material and let myself be pleasantly surprised when I'm busier with other things in life.

>> No.33252294

Only confirms that you're a normalfag who doesn't need healing.

>> No.33252359

Good, because nobody is into fantasy literature to read an accurate description of the menstrual pains. Which, btw, varies greatly from women to women.

>> No.33252392

I'm a hikki artist that makes a living working in a field that completely murdered the passion I had for something I used to love, you fucking retard. I wish you were right.
It's just that for healing I'd rather play something with more of an structure instead of a 5 hour long nukige. Which is what brought the question in the first place: any worthwhile lolige besides lose's works, Natsukumo and (arguably) the Yoru no Hitsuji's lolita series?

>> No.33252589

Not a nukige. There's no sex in the first half. Get depressed harder and hang yourself if you don't want a good game.

>> No.33252624

>worthwhile lolige besides lose's works
Losege aren't worthwhile tho. They just have lolis but don't do anything good with them.

>> No.33252796
File: 888 KB, 1920x1080, 9-nine-はるいろはるこいはるのかぜ_2021-02-17_19-04-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed her pretty drastically from the previous routes. I guess it would be awkward to have a heroine who's terribly コミュ障, but this is inconsistent as fuck. In Sora's route, first conversation with Haruka let to her not even being able to reply to a simple question. Now, the first conversation face-to-face, she talks with a light stutter.

>> No.33252831


>> No.33252839

>different voice
I don't know. I'm a huge fan of Kaoruko's voice and saved hundreds of voice lines to listen to. She has this unique intonation I love and this Ami character does the same. I'll do more research.

>> No.33252875

>rapists written by rapists
Wouldn't this give the best reader experience? Cuckge should also be written by cucks or do you want a half-assed cuckperience that doesn't feel like real cucking?

>> No.33252946

>I'm a huge fan of Kaoruko's voice and saved hundreds of voice lines to listen to.
How do you find the file when you hear a line you like?

>> No.33252966

I agree with the other two. You really don't know much about lolige to think those are the only ones worth anything. Fake lolicon and normalfag.

>> No.33252969

In kirikiri, it's very easy to find the voice line thanks to ctrl-F. But in the first place, WagaHigh has a function to save voice lines.

>> No.33252995

That's why I'm asking.

>> No.33253067

I do want to hear the inner thoughts of a serial killer if he or she is to write a morally bankrupt protagonist.

>> No.33253091

The best rapist literature is at various medical and court shelves. That is, people who have studied and dealt with it, just like a doctor deals with illnesses.

>> No.33253195

Unless the writer has done it themselves they're just writing about their power fantasy. It's not the same. It's like the difference between a gorey FPS with excessive blood and gore vs watching real snuff. You can tell when the game dev has never seen the real thing.

So writing about rape as a bystander, "expert" or someone with fantasies can never be as real as what a rapist could write. Implying the rapist is good at writing of course. A non-rapist can write good rape fantasies but it's still different.

>> No.33253228

I refuse. My picture was the worst I ever put myself into and swore "never again" afterwards. Luckily the game was short, but it's exhausting, even on my 1080p screen.

>> No.33253398
File: 867 KB, 801x601, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any VN's with a gravure element? Every VN under model heroine on vndb just has some side character who happens to be a model.

>> No.33253583

Musicus has sausage sucking child gravure heroine.

>> No.33253698

What would be the point in making a game around a fetish and not make it a nukige? It's not like lolis would offer anything special in terms of narrative.
Those games you mentioned aren't even real lolige, the girls act just like any other VN heroine but happen to be short and without tits. If you consider those "worthwhile lolige" then I guess you could play shit like Sanarara or Favorite's stuff.

>> No.33253844

>What would be the point in making a game around a fetish and not make it a nukige? It's not like lolis would offer anything special in terms of narrative.
Not him but not everyone only wants to nonstop fap. Wanting a normal eroge to date a loli and have cute moments with her before fucking her can be more fulfilling. Most eroge only have a token loli so having a moege full of lolis is nice.
Disgusting. Sanarara is a better rec.

>> No.33254371

Sanarara isn't even a lolige. The art style just uses huge heads and cartoony proportions.

>> No.33254587

What should I expect from Tokyo Necro? Just stupid fun?

>> No.33254611

cool setting, cool fights, cool music and a literal autist for a protagonist, granted i'm only on the mitsumi route at the moment

>> No.33254631

>Literal autist
Yay I'll be able to self-insert!

>> No.33254662

What's with this one retard always shilling Tokyo Necro in every thread?

>> No.33254664


>> No.33254732

I mean it wasn't entirely what I was looking for but Sanarara does look like fun.
