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File: 673 KB, 1488x1026, emergency onaholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33149896 No.33149896 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:

here are links to the more informative pastebins that are hosted on controlc, just in case

aural stim:
lube alchemy:

Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links(keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Previous thread: >>33094764

>> No.33151489

Loving that thumbnail

>> No.33151673

>cum inside my onahole
>leave it for an hour
>cum inside again
>then clean it
this should be fine right?

>> No.33151784 [SPOILER] 
File: 504 KB, 698x1200, 1613140663312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answering question from the previous thread:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000630474589.html ("one-size" dresses usually start small but can stretch)
For shoes adult size 5 (36) fits elf loli, for panties S or XS.

>> No.33151796

You have a 2 hour window for food so I don't see why onaholes would be any different. Plus there's degenerates on here that leave it out for a day and then reuse it and they're fine, so I think there's probably something specific that needs to start growing in there before you're at risk for dick rot. The better question is why aren't you rinsing it out, do you enjoy the feel of a hole that's been cummed inside?

>> No.33151842

>do you enjoy the feel of a hole that's been cummed inside?

>> No.33151965

would using coconut oil on (most) onaholes destroy them or should i go ham?

>> No.33151975

No oils, water based lubricants only

>> No.33151986

ah that's a shame, wanted to try something new

>> No.33152351

Anyone try the tenga gyro roller?

>> No.33152517
File: 371 KB, 1265x797, Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 06.54.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does your doll/onahole come with a soul and elaborate backstory?

>> No.33152765

> two years designing an onahole character

>> No.33152879

I'm more interested in the guy uninstalling his 2016 ona

>> No.33153190

You could safely use mineral oil but I don't know how lubricative it would be.

>> No.33153316

>DHL says they need additional information about my address even though it's a few hours away
I can just email them, right? I just want my lube

>> No.33153316,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can u get std from dirty onahole?
pls no bully

>> No.33154834

>supplements: https://controlc.com/c6216c83
checked around a few websites along with other threads and found out that:
-lecithin is the main source of semen increase and can be safely taken in masse, from 1000 to 6000-10000mg daily, but it has been used against neurologic problems and to kill some fat cells in doses of 30-35g per day without adverse effects being recorded, but at that point it can go a bit on the expensive side (120 1200mg pills are 10-20 bucks so 3-5 dollars per day on a 30-35g dosing).

-zinc helps too but its increase is lower, healthily taken at 50mg/day, but can be peaked to a bit over 200mg for short periods of time (less than a week) or it'll fuck up your copper and iron intake.

-pygeum extract's effects varies by the user, some have a noticeable increase in volume / have a fuckload of precum to the point of dripping cowper fluid constantly / have much thicker loads to the point it's hard to piss after jizzing. there's no up limit because nobody really tried more than 250mg/day, but it shouldn't be bad on your health as it's basically african plum tree bark, you can make tea out of it if you don't like pills.

-selenium is often added with zinc to help increase the potency effect but DON'T TAKE IT ALONE OR IT'LL KILL YOU, seriously, it's dosed in micrograms in other pills and anything over 400 micrograms of it can get you a lethal overdose.

-L-arginine is used to increase bloodflow and increases cum output a bit, it's kinda like viagra in some ways and nobody really took more than 1 1000mg pill per day, there can me side effects when you take more than that, the effects varies with age but shouldn't be taken super seriously unless you're over 40, but that isn't to say you should take more than 1g/day

>> No.33154857
File: 122 KB, 900x675, fuwa-fuwa-rori-ero-gakuen-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here got the Fuwa Fuwa Rori Ero Gakuen (pic related). Can't seem to find info about it on the interwebz

>> No.33155306

The real question for you that own fabric dolls, how hard is it to clean semen off the doll? I imagine it's much harder than a TPE doll

>> No.33155333

you're asking the right questions. i assume thick lube is harder to clean from fabric compared to tpe. you cant exactly give a fabric doll a sponge bath.

>> No.33155620

Hard enough to make bukkake not a smart idea.
Fabric needs to be washed.

>> No.33155842

Has anyone compared in mL the amount of increase? What are we talking about here? 1.5 times? Double?

>> No.33155872

>that isn't to say you should take more than 1g/day
I take 8-10 grams per day (for workouts) with no ill effects. Around 9+ grams might cause an upset stomach but that's it.

>> No.33155923
File: 78 KB, 980x980, 07261533_597837c1202db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone recommend me a hip onahole big enough to fit panties?
my biggest hip toy is the niku-man 2200 that while great and big is still too small for girl's brief size 4

>> No.33156017

it depends on the person but it can go from +50-80% more to 3-5x more with some people, a guy was lucky enough to fill a couple shot glasses per day from that

>> No.33156260

>a couple shot glasses per day from that
wtf lmao

>> No.33156531
File: 962 KB, 1080x2473, 1613160951345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this a while ago, found it highly amusing; "people also bought"

>> No.33156772
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, H35c4b1ab29c84a47acdb1be3fa79224dI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go.

>> No.33156845

those toys are ugly, I'm looking for something less roastie-like

>> No.33156882

man, it's crazy how big these hips actually have to be in order to fit some fucking panties

I have to buy childs panties but this shit makes me feel disgusting.
Especially seeing how many childrens underwear actually looks like it belongs on a whore.

>> No.33157101

>hates the size of adult hips
>buys child-size hips instead
>complains about having to buy child-size panties to fit because the word "child" hits too close to home
Just come to terms with it, man.

>> No.33157108
File: 10 KB, 184x184, ea789b9da866da969b5c317c5cec965f80b1a28b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought my first onahole
>put condom on
>dick barely fits
>struggle to fit dick in for ~5min
>nut in 1min
>continue fapping
>something feels weird
>take my dick out
>condom broke

>> No.33157149
File: 14 KB, 250x219, 1610116524557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you mean putting the panties on it and not stuff it in the hole

>> No.33157163

condoms and onaholes are the worst idea ever, it dries up instantly and the two materials don't mix at all

>> No.33157215

>doesn't know how to put dick in
>wearing a condom
>not properly lubricating
what an absolute greenhorn
>stuff it in the hole
why would you even think that?

>> No.33157235

it wouldn't even surprise me with hentai levels of degeneracy

>> No.33157272
File: 65 KB, 197x177, 1610476623795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't wanna clean up. I thought if i just wore a condom I would just need to throw the condom away.

>> No.33157288

rinse it with water from the sink and your finger, roll toilet paper into thin rolls and push them inside, repeat a couple times, done after a few minutes at most

>> No.33157319

even if you don't cum inside it it's still a good idea to clean it. shampoo does a great job at it but I've read some people going by without it, absolutely do not use toilet paper like >>33157288 suggests, it'll break away and disintegrate inside your toy and make it a bitch to clean next time, use a microfiber cloth or a clean polyester shirt instead

>> No.33157366


I already cleaned it with soap and disinfectant spray, now im drying it on my radiator.

>> No.33157372

if you can stuff a cloth or your shirt inside it, how big is the hole?? i can barely fit my fingers inside to clean it with the paper.
i've never had any problems with paper during the 8 or so years i've used them, maybe don't use shitty 1-ply?

>> No.33157393

Paper towel, the kind used in the kitchen, works well without disintegrating so long as you don't buy the dirt cheap stuff.

>> No.33157495

I don't use my finger nor do I buy shitty toilet paper. I wrap a microfiber cloth around the butt of a cleaning stick similar to pic related and just do that over and over until the cloth doesn't come out wet. kitchen towels are better than toilet paper if you really want to stick with disposable paper instead of cloth for whatever reason

>> No.33157522

i dunno about your toilet paper, but mine is pretty much the same as kitchen paper

also the microfiber cloths i've seen are thick and massive, would never work

>> No.33157551
File: 93 KB, 900x675, niku-man2200-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.33157645

I've cleaned my lolinco and bike girl with microfiber cloths. It's easy enough if you use the kind you'd use with glasses (very thin) and wrap it around your finger or a thin rod of some sort.

>> No.33157768

well, if i ever see one of those sticks i could probably buy one, but i've yet to see one, nor a small cleaning cloth that isn't just like silk

>> No.33157889
File: 63 KB, 709x765, 1581960311299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tracking shipment via DHL
>says additional address information needed
>its in a facility a few hours away
Do I actually need to contact DHL or does that actually mean they tried to deliver it to my PO box but the post office was closed? Because it says they tried about an hour past closing time

>> No.33158180

It's not that hard, you can find it in the Programs and Features setting on the Windows Control Panel.

>> No.33158266
File: 16 KB, 567x522, step up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it once and I'll say it again: the lengths and mental gymnastics some of you people go through to avoid taking care of your belongings is mind boggling. Cleaning your ona is not difficult, and you should do it every time you use it within 10-30 mins of finishing. Regardless of whether you nutted in it, outside of it, wore a condom, etc. Clean it. It's not hard.

>> No.33159099

How do you stand the taste?

>> No.33159212

I take pills, not powder. Orange juice covers the taste of powder pretty well iirc.

>> No.33159262

Horny goat weed pills day 5 update:
Hadn’t noticed a change during the day, but went for a second fap session 2 minutes after my first. Usually I stop at one, but when I don’t I usually rest longer than 2 minutes.
Maybe the pills?
Too early to tell

>> No.33159375

Are you feeling ok?

>> No.33159409

Lots of medications, supplements, and vitamins take a week or two of regular usage to really kick in. Keep us updated, though.

>> No.33159682

Would it be okay to swish a little 90% iso alcohol in the hole before the drying process? Both to displace water and dry faster, and also to sanitize. Would that degrade the ona?

>> No.33159802

Using a hip is more annoying than I expected...
Having to find a way to sneak it into the bathroom to wash is difficult.
For sleeve onas I just put them in my bag of toiletries I take to and from the bathroom and I’m good to go. I transport my razor, toothbrush, shampoo, body wash, mouth wash, etc. to and from the bathroom cause of limited space in our bathroom, but I’m trying to find a way to bring my hip upstairs for its initial cleaning and the size and weight is proving problematic. Haven’t used it yet because of that, and wanna wash and powder it before I do.
I think I might have to just use my hip very late at night when everyone else is in bed. Which means I’ll have to make sure I do it before a day off since I won’t be getting as much sleep that night.
Sorry for blogposting, but where I’m going with this is you guys who don’t live alone and use hips, how do you go about washing them?

>> No.33159952

My order arrived today. I got the venus real soft, and I've got the USB warmer plugged in (don't worry, I lubed it first). I have never used a toy before so this will be an adventure. I'll be sure to post my thoughts after I've had a go with it. I have no idea how long I will actually last with it but I'm curious to find out.

>> No.33160038

One thing I will say right now is that I was kinda surprised at the Onatsuyu lotion I ordered. I have a little sample packet of Insomnia that came with the Venus but I figured I should do my test run with the Onatsuyu because I have a lot of it. Only lube I've used for fapping before is hand lotion so I wasn't expecting it to be so much like precum in terms of the viscosity. Not a negative, just a surprise-- also have to be careful to work over a towel so it doesn't get everywhere.

>> No.33160346

Why in the fuck would you use a condom with an onahole? The whole reason they exist is to give pleasure and wearing a condom dulls the sensations. Are you that lazy? Do you consider 5 minutes of washing the thing with hand soap too much of a bother?

>> No.33161279

>order ona on Amazon.jp this morning
>it already shipped
Damn I don't think anyone else can compete with this

>> No.33161398

the power of slave labor

>> No.33161399

what did you buy?

>> No.33161477

Premium Soft Virgo.

>> No.33161880

I wish you luck. I barely last two minutes in my tenga flip zero. Yet to try the hip I bought.

>> No.33161939

Thinking about buying some toy cleaner. Is it better than handsoap?
Or are you supposed to use it in addition to soap?
The ones I see on toy demon come in little spray bottles and I’m kind of wondering if it’s made more for dildos and buttplugs than onas.

>> No.33161988

Planning to start daily doses of lecithin, zinc, and pygeum in a couple of weeks. Is this gonna kill me or is it gonna make my dick super sensitive and increase my cum loads?

>> No.33162022

Unfortunately I got interrupted while I was using it which is all kinds of awkward. I'm gonna try again though. Initial thoughts are that it feels really nice and is much different from whacking it manual.

>> No.33162084

Who caught you?

>> No.33162109

No-one caught me, but my brother dropped by and I couldn't just leave him at the door. Had to hide the stuff real fast and that was that.

>> No.33162150

>TPE gets hard after 30 days
Really? How much of a degradation are we talking?
I usually only get one ona session a week so I don’t want my onas turning to shit after just 4 uses...

>> No.33162155

they only increase volume/consistency
l-arginine is the one that may increase sensitivity
the effects will only really show within half of the first week and will increase further on the second week, third and will react better to dose peaking for a temporary stronger effect

>> No.33162221

I've got 8 year old onas that I still use regularly, you'll be fine lol.

>> No.33162437

As long as I keep the l-arginine at 1000mg per day, there won't be any crazy side effects, right?

>> No.33162657

See >>33155872
Unless you have herpes there's not much to worry about.

>> No.33162864

yeah it's common dosage for maintenance, and as the other annon said, you can up it to 8000-9000 because it's good for workout bloodflow-wise

>> No.33163065

Alright, so I can give my initial impressions now. Obviously, it's a lot of hassle to get used to if you are someone who's just used to cranking it manually, but the experience was very satisfying. I think the biggest thing I need to figure out is where to put my ona if I'm not actively using it since the thing obviously is too wobbly to just leave standing upright, and I don't want anything dribbling out onto my desk.

I think partially due to years of poor masturbation habits I am a bit less sensitive than a lot of folks here, since I was able to last about a good half hour before I decided to just finish things up because I have other things to do tonight. The climax was great though and I haven't felt anything quite like that before, certainly not from manually cranking it.

Next time I think I'll have a better idea what I'm doing. I might even try 3D-printing a cup to hold the thing in. I could easily see myself enjoying this thing for marathon sessions as long as I can figure out something other than awkwardly holding it in my lap. I look forward to trying it again. Also, I cleaned it up properly and am using the drying stick. It was actually mych easier to wash out than I was expecting.

Also, thank you everyone in this thread for your advice and contributions. It's been a long time since I had an orgasm that good without making myself sore afterwards (yes, I am a terrible cutfag, although I am going to print a stretcher at some point), and that is exactly what I wanted this thing for. And it was also a lot less messy.

>> No.33163224

Try it with the insomnia, it's much thinner and gives much better sensations.

>> No.33163289

I will. I wanted to make sure I didn't waste it until I knew what I was doing. Onatsuyu is cheap and an okay standbye I suppose, although I think I would like to feel more sensations than just wet and slippery. It's a pretty good start at least though.

If I do like the Inosmnia lotion better I will order a bottle as soon as it's in stock. I'm guessing it's sold out for a reason.

>> No.33164140

What do you guys look for in a lube?
For me personally the thinner the better. The puni ana dx came with a little bottle of unnamed lube that is almost as thick as hairgel. It’s so unpleasant. I also have a bottle of tenga real and onatsuyu. Onatsuyu is the thinnest of the three so I think that’s gonna be my go to.

>> No.33164181

Ok serious question: where can I get a good non lewd TPE stress toy? Not for fapping, but just for playing with.
The hip I got is so incredibly soft and squishy and honestly I’m spending a ton of time just rubbing and squeezing it. I need something like this I can play with openly and not hide all the time

>> No.33164662

>years of poor masturbation habits
God, don't remind me. I've been fapping for over a decade and I just started using lube last month. World of motherfucking difference.
Speaking of lube, anyone have any tips on how to mix j lube? Everyone on the internet has their own way of doing it and I've tried a few but they always seem to turn out a bit too thick/lumpy/etc.

>> No.33164706

Currently looking for decent online retailers to buy toys from as a European. I've previously used MotsuToys, ToyDemon, and Kanojotoys. MotsuToys were barely even able to ship to my destination so I don't want to use them anymore. ToyDemon is good, but very expensive to me due to shipping costs. My bank thinks Kanojotoys is some sort of hazardous website and has blocked it so I can't buy anything there anymore. Are there any other options?

>> No.33164746
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 1500816080393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done thoroughly washing out a large torso toy I let sit in my closet dirty for a month
Question is am I stupid enough to use it again

>> No.33164960

guys help I accidentally gave my spdx a second butthole
what tpe glue is best?

>> No.33164963

yeah, look inside with a flashlight to make sure it's clean

>> No.33165032
File: 77 KB, 600x986, lube-sample-packet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bros, can anyone identify this brand of lube?
it came with one of my onas and I like it and want to buy more, but I can't read

>> No.33165102

Is the Nezuko ona any good?

>> No.33165167

it says "aieki lotion"
aieki meaning vaginal secretions aka "love juices"
kind of a generic name

>> No.33165810

My mouth of truth perorin just arrived at my border smuggler's (I have to order them to USA and get them crossed over the border due to covid) and I just realized the internal structure looks hard to clean... is it doable without a drying stick?

>> No.33166862

well I did the deed and felt like it usually does
will let you know in a week if it hurts to pee

>> No.33166877

I have the regular old mouth of truth and it's honestly not too bad. I just use a pen/chopstick wrapped in a paper towel. Just make you don't forget under the tongue

>> No.33167351

I'm nocturnal, going to bed around 6am, so it's not even remotely a problem. I just carry it to the bathroom, no worries. The only potential problem is if someone else wakes up to take a piss while I'm washing it, I have to hide it under clothes or put it in the shower behind some curtains.

>> No.33168997
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x800, WholeWheatFlour_Lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i use flour as a powder for ona? Is mouth of truth worth it or quality is shit? Can you stick her tongue out like in this one? https://www.hotpowers.jp/ec/products/detail.php?product_id=3671

>> No.33169429

Should the shipping be 3x times the price of the ona?

>> No.33169515


>> No.33172555

why not just go down to your corner shop and buy cornstarch?

>> No.33173062

I just usually dont use cornstarch and cant make up an alibi. Or i am just a retard, idk

>> No.33173669

タマトイズ (Tamatoys)

>> No.33173909

Onatsuyu thin? You've lost your mind.
If you want thin, the meiki bliss is your best bet. It's honestly my favorite lube.

>> No.33173958

Where's the sales? Where's the recommendations!?!

>> No.33173960

did some independent research and apparently 3M tape primer 94 is the stuff to use. will report back

>> No.33173982

I've used Meiki bliss first, then tried Onatsuyu. I feel like the Onatsuyu is way too thick and dries out too fast. Does anyone know how Insomnia compares to those?

>> No.33174066

So onatsuyu, tenga real mild, and the no name puni ana stuff is all I have experience with and of those three onatsuyu is the thinnest.
I’m fairly new to olympic masturbation

>> No.33174101

Do what I did.
Get some cornstarch baby powder, and don’t be overly secretive about it.
When someone asks why you have baby powder you tell them some of your clothes (in my case my work uniform) chafes and you heard baby powder was a good way to ease chafing.
Baby powder has more than one use so just having it isn’t a redflag.

>> No.33174314

I'm fairly new too. Started last summer. I guess I was blessed to only have had the bliss in stock. I tried the insomnia sample that comes with some onas and it's in between bliss and onatsuyu. It's leaning more towards bliss though. I agree though, the onatsuyu is way too thick and it does dry out if you stop pumping for a minute

>> No.33174431

how do you guys edge with your onas? i can edge for an hour or two with my hand, but using an ona trips some hidden flag in my brain that just immediately makes me wanna blow. it's an overwhelming sensation too, way better than a hand. except for the very end. for whatever reason it still feels better to go fucking crazy with my hand and palm at the end than it does to buss inside my toy.

>> No.33174775
File: 7 KB, 250x239, 1605397011449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahem, I dont know where to ask but here I go, anyone tried the handy ?

>> No.33175047

Yeah, I have one and it's amazing

>> No.33175380

all milled flours have some strain of wild yeast. if there is any moisture in the air or on the toy, you're setting yourself up for a really bad infection. just use starch

>> No.33175489

on the scale 1 out of 10 how good ?

>> No.33175580


>> No.33175657

10/10, it does everything that it advertises. Getting autostroked in synch to Taimanin Asagi OVAs is pure bliss

>> No.33175807
File: 13 KB, 273x315, 1612006281114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33175821

btw how recent is this shit ? I mean how long has this been on the market

>> No.33175852

A couple of years maybe? I got mine a year ago

Just don't take it out of your room? You strap onaholes into it so you don't need to take the whole thing out when you clean it. It's not even that big to begin with

>> No.33176095

Just ordered the Venus Real Soft and Meiki Plush Evo. How fucked did I fucked up?

>> No.33176200

You should be in for a good time. I still have my evo collecting dust since I upgraded to a full on plush doll

>> No.33176367

Any clothing recommendations?
Already ordered a small corset thing but no idea what else to get.

>> No.33176410

Have to get a classic school girl outfit

>> No.33176422

>be one of five winners of ToyDemon's monthly community contest
>salty losers downboat me comments thinking that it'll make any difference in a random draw
lmao they seething. hope I win again to make them extra buttmad.

>> No.33176475

congrats. what did you win?

>> No.33176525

$100 in store credit that have no expiration date.
I'll probably use it towards a hip.

>> No.33176593

i hope you win again. keep those lottery losers salty

>> No.33177138
File: 80 KB, 646x646, 1-646x646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good?

>> No.33177155


Yeah i eat them all the time.

>> No.33177232


>> No.33177530

Whats the best onahole to feel like youre breeding?

>> No.33177550

https://www.otonajp.com/princess-kuchipako-of-the-land-of-wet-dreams is this good?

>> No.33177567 [SPOILER] 
File: 328 KB, 843x783, 1613258914905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meiki zero minami aizawa came through mail today
What am I in for? And why does it look so wrinkley?

>> No.33177579

Buy it and tell us, I like the color

>> No.33177736

A hip since thrusting activates those specific neurons in our monkey brains.
I don't have any hips, but DIY pillow contraptions is something similar, but not as practical.

>> No.33177784

Wow! Looks just like my grandma's.

>> No.33177834

Previous hip owner here. I threw mine away because it was too annoying to clean after every session and a hassle to deal with all that wobble when using it. A real hip has bone structure and shape that hold its form. That hip costed me a whopping over $300 and although I felt bad just throwing it away it should give you an idea just how much I hated it.

>> No.33178143

can confirm, my monkey brain felt super satisfied for two days after pounding my 6kg hip for 20 minutes

>> No.33178225

magic face 2 is considered by some to be the premier blowjob experience, it probably has the same drawback as hips though

>> No.33178371

What was your suggestion? I kinda wanted to join in but I never win these things so it's whatever. Like you, I would've wanted to use it towards a hip. Trying to find the right hip to buy is hard work.

>> No.33178413

Was it the office lady hip?

>> No.33178423

Extreme pleasure hip 3rd gen.

>> No.33178432

I finally got my child hip in on friday but I am holding out till tommorow when I scarf down reeses and fuck it to death.

>> No.33178433
File: 87 KB, 720x540, s-rank-momo-mocchi-3_Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about taking the hip pill. How good is pic related?

>> No.33178530

You will regret buying any hip.

>> No.33178564

I said something along the lines of a request system for "discontinued" items (such as ones not ordered by TD, but still in production/circulation in the motherland). Like if enough people request for it, they'll order another shipment for the item.

>> No.33178577

Hips are pointless without the rest of the body. Full dolls all the way. Not into necrophilia videos or fucking hacksawed body parts.

>> No.33178589

Would you rather have a full doll or full VR gear for the immersive experience?

>> No.33178616

I own it. The ass feels great to squeeze but the whole thing is a bit small. That image on the back showing you can squeeze your dick between the cheeks is straight up false advertising Also the anal hole tore after a month of usage.

>> No.33178618
File: 266 KB, 899x673, fuwa cyun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone still manufacture open ended onaholes?

>> No.33178650

All you cunts swearing off hips are lame. I wanna buy a dam hip to plow because I like hands free. I also want to smash my pelvis into something and onas don't give me that. I do hands free with my onas and that's alright but I wanna move up to a hip. I threw my onas away a month ago so I got two choices.
Use the 40 bucks off on toy demon for a good hip or buy a bunch of random onas. I've tried most of the recommended stuff so far so I'm open to suggestions and opinions.

>> No.33178651

Full doll. I cant sleep and believe a little girl is beside me with vr. I can however prelube a doll in case I wake up and want to fuck her at 3am.

I like vr though, but if something isnt there... its just not there and fucking dismembered things is still traumatic for me.

>> No.33178661

You can have hands free with two towels and a daki.

>> No.33178695

I think that hip might be too small. I had a puni Ana re soft and it sucked for anything except for prone bone. I'm assuming these smaller hips would be similar in that you'll end up wanting to get something bigger afterwards. Mating press and pronebone for sure.

>> No.33178713

It wouldn't be the same. I need that some decent sized cheeks to clap.

>> No.33178756

Its kinda a waste. Just a heavy waste of rubber.

>> No.33178768

It takes everything that makes a onahole good and adds a shitload of extra material and the physical holes themselves almost always tear

>> No.33178800

As I said... a waste. Save the planet. The power is YOURS!

>> No.33178827

Depends what you're looking for. Do you want something with doggystyle and a huge ass in mind? I've heard great things about this

Do you want more of an all rounder? Go for one of the puni ana hips

These are rather expensive but the cheaper ones are usually too small imo. Personally I think hips do have their own appeal. They helped me lessen my reliance on porn. If I'm humping an ona in a pillow I'm gonna need porn. But if I have an ass to smack and look at I can do without it

>> No.33178869

I already keep onaholes out, I don't think my mom would be too receptive to me keeping a whole lady crotch and ass in front of the living room fan.

>> No.33178888
File: 152 KB, 281x184, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read onahodouga review of that swimsuit dressup onahole
>the fabric doesn't stretch and feels like it might tear
holy garbage

>> No.33178903

I bought the Puni Ana Miracle almost a year ago. The big torso with the tits. It was a lot of fun to play with and really is the closest thing to having actual sex you'll get without buying a doll or something. My only issues with it were
The weight. 20 lbs of rubber pussy is amazing when you're actually playing with it. Cleaning it out is another story. I end up only using it maybe once a week just because of how much the cleanup fucking sucks
And the other issue would be the vagina tunnel. It just kind of sucks, It is a really lame, loose, and lazy design that doesn't feel all that great. If I could get this toy with a tunnel designed by Magic Eyes I think it would be perfect

>> No.33178961

>doesnt feel that great

Maybe its designed like a real kid not a crazy ribbed ulrta stimulating monstrosity.

>> No.33179044 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 1200x900, 1613266308946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no real vagina looks anything like this
it's a shitty row of ribs that is loose enough for me to stick my whole fist into. By looks you'd think it would feel good but I don't know, it does nothing for me. The anal hole is actually nice though and it's usually what I go for
also it's not a loli toy it's got big tits on it

>> No.33179062

Fuck off already, glowie. You are never going to catch anyone in this thread

>> No.33179073

>anal hole

But isn't that akin to sodomy?

>> No.33179172

DONT print a stretcher. If youre cut, leave it that way. You wont grow another foreskin, youll just have a loose fitting acorn skirt.

>> No.33179198

friendly reminder to spray holy water on your doll and to never interact with it like a real person.

>> No.33179232

My doll is currently sitting on my lap while I shitpost on 4chan. I've been talking to her all day

>> No.33179237
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1595070205128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33179245

did you watch the conjuring?

>> No.33179251

hand me a rope. i will never be this lucky ;_;

>> No.33179257

Put the rope away, this is an easily obtainable goal

>> No.33179272

Why? It's just a bunch of plastic or whatever modeled to look and feel like a real 11yo girl.

>> No.33179304

I hope you've been slowly edging inside it the whole time. If you're not jerking off while reading /ona/, then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.33179313 [DELETED] 

I never understood the whole aversion to sexual relations with kids anyway. It's just a physical representation of love. Also, it teaches humility I was told.

>> No.33179314

Really? That sounds kind of terrifying. I should probably consult with a doctor before I go doing anything to my junk along those lines I guess.

>> No.33179325

this is a fear long before the conjuring and the internet in fact

>> No.33179329

Her butt has been grinding on me for a minute. Once I get too hot, I pin her to the bed and go wild

>> No.33179342

Being cut is better anyways. Just showed people that your parents cared enough about you and didn't neglect you at the time.

>> No.33179356

/cumg/ from /g/ has a wiki up for all things coom related.

They had a toys page with links to the /ona/ pastebin guides, but they were dead because pastebin took them down. I went in and have been starting to directly input and format all the guides into the pastebin so /ona/ has an actual wiki.

It's not done, the main guide is massive so I'm doing things slowly. I just figured it is worth mentioning and if anyone wants to work on it feel free.

I'm hoping in the future we could adopt this instead of using the pastebins, it's a lot easier to contribute and add new stuff imo. Also the formatting alone makes it worth it.
Hoping to see it linked in the next /ona/ general.

Again, it's not finished. But here's the link to the wiki:

Worth noting I'm not the hoster of the wiki, I'm just a contributor.
Hope all is good with this, I added the original sources to the controlc's onto the wiki so they're sourced. Thanks! :)

>> No.33179374

Invest in Vornado.

>> No.33179450

Chucky was my fear, my grandma got me a doll that looked exactly like the fucker, shit scared the fuck out of me for years.

>> No.33179577

My first doll fuck was actually rubbing myself against a raggedy ann doll when I was a teen.

>> No.33179592

Plush doll owners, how often and how do you clean your dolls?

>> No.33179730 [DELETED] 


>> No.33179733

Cute panties are fun to put on the doll. I want to get it a bra but I don't know what the cup size is. Anyone know?

>> No.33179822

Are there any exotic like catgirl or alien/furry dolls yet? Ive seen the na'vi one from avatar.

>> No.33179977
File: 162 KB, 540x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furries make custom plushes all the time, there is this commercial line but it's pricey as fuck. Google kemono hime sex doll and you'll find it since 4chan won't let me post the kanojotoys link

>> No.33180051

Im in the same boat with being cut but i promise youre fine the way you are. No way a stretcher can mimic a natural foreskin. Do what you want to do but i would definitely at least consult a doctor.

>> No.33180140

Well the main reason I wanted to do the skin stretching was because of the pain that masturbating too much was causing, but I think the onahole might be a much safer and practical solution for that, at least for now.

>> No.33180552

Day 6 of horny goat weed.
Couple involuntary boners throughout the day. Doesn’t sound like much but since being on SSRIs that pretty much stopped happening. So I’ll call that progress.

>> No.33180581

Cared enough to mutilate your genitals?

>> No.33180634

Based anon

>> No.33180730

just a lazy troll, ignore him

>> No.33180794
File: 25 KB, 270x350, D74AFC32-FA67-4ADC-BF2A-EC8A3191FBF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, did you fuck Annabelle?
Do you have a ghost waifu?

>> No.33181031

Have you been having any other notable side effects, sexually related or otherwise?

>> No.33181783

I feel like I’m caffeinated even when I am not.

>> No.33181826

how do I add a suction feeling to my mouth ona hole?

>> No.33181918

Well it's not horrifying, I guess. As long as your innards aren't melting or there are no signs of renal failure.

>> No.33181998

Yeah, I think that same company made a cheetah type of head, it looks stupid as hell, almost no human characteristics. It's on the forum somewhere. Also there are 2 mermaid dolls (but one was only made for a show I'm pretty sure), but you can just buy a mermaid costume so it's kind of a waste.

>> No.33182084

No nothing like that. Just a kinda jittery feeling about two hours after I take the pills.
I have not had a chance to use my new hip yet due to prep time and opportunity not lining up, but I’ve had a few fap sessions which is a big deal for me.

>> No.33182496
File: 272 KB, 1048x1296, SmartSelect_20210214-003157_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal for an item from Amazon.jp to have stops in fucking Hong Kong? I've ordered from them many times but this is the first I'm seeing this.

>> No.33182758

they're coofing on your ona, anon. it's over.

>> No.33182880
File: 1.32 MB, 472x470, 1610405475005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33183118

Put it in a mason jar and use a straw to create a vacuum. Be careful that the vacuum isn't too strong or you might hurt yourself.

>> No.33183127

can you give me a diagram of this?

>> No.33183143

are electronic holes any good? i have no idea what they do but judging from the pictures they spin/vibrate and maybe self warm?

>> No.33183248

>found nice item
>no monies
>be responsible and save up
>got monies
>out of stock
>can't find item anywhere else
Am I being retarded or does https://www.toydemon.com/masturbators/torso/scaled-replicas/real-angel-s-extreme only seem to exist on TD? Yeah I found a listing on OJP but it's OJP so I should probably stay away.

>> No.33183564

Only electronic one I bought was the Droid 2 and it was the biggest waste of money ever

>> No.33183672

Most of them suck. The self pumping ones are generally really loud and it’s more enjoyable to hump an ona with the pillow trick than have the electronic one auto pump you. Also some of them come with lewd voice clips which are underwhelming at best and loud and annoying at worst

>> No.33183830

uhh this might be it

>> No.33184326
File: 498 KB, 1348x1002, IMG_20200131_020857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the miracle dx and SPDX. SPDX has a better vaginal hole but I enjoy the miracle DX for its weight so I can pound it hard without it movin all over the place. Also I can take my time and enjoy it rather than nut in 3 minutes.

>> No.33184345 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 842x389, 1613292095248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone bought this at all?

>> No.33184496

wouldn't it be easier to cut and sew a pocket into a plushie and save hundreds of dollariedoos?

>> No.33188350
File: 895 KB, 900x486, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like me do that too. Some people just want plushes that aren't made commercially like this

>> No.33188601

Which onahole do you use with it? I find I can only use the default sleeve with mine. My other onaholes are all either too heavy or too big to get strapped in. I already bought better velcro straps but it only improved things slightly.

>> No.33188625

I bought smaller ones specifically to use with them. My main go to is A Taciturn Girl but I've also used the Puni Virgin Mini with it.

>> No.33190423

>saw this thread on the front page
After browsing the guide, I'm a bit more curious now.
If I got one of these, I'd probably get one of the hips ones. Anyone have that type? How's it treating you?

>> No.33190581

Anyone have a Dagmar doll? I'm wondering how they are shipped. Are they folded up and put in a surprisingly small box like the Sakura dolls? I'm debating on a Sakura doll or Dagmar right now.

>> No.33190689

you can start with a hip but i dont recommend it. people have different tastes and desires but i would follow this specific progression so you dont make any purchases you will regret.

1. buy a starter ona or pack of onas. this will let you become a degen coomer at a low price and give you experience cleaning and handling holes
2. try some hands free diy or buy a hip. jumping directly here is fine, but you miss out on the majority of the market (which is #1. ton of variety and fun there)
3. buy a torso or a plush doll or a real doll. transcend to astral degenerate status

>> No.33191006

Seconded. I own the Kiwami and I love it but it's not for everyone since it's kind of a hassle to clean and store. There's definitely been times when I've been too lazy to use it so I bust out a handheld onahole instead. I'd recommend the Paipina Long Wave to start with, it's the best cheap one that I've tried so far.

>> No.33191394
File: 443 KB, 400x296, 1451604632839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair. I'll read over the guide again and casually browse.
>Paipina Long Wave
The exterior's kind of turning me away. Some of the related products look good though.
>Student Council President\
>that ring
>how it looks pulling out and pushing in

>> No.33192051

Student council president sucks. The vacuum doesn’t really do anything because the other side doesn’t really have much texture. You’re just paying for a tight cock ring. Shit man, I’ll send you mine with the box- I only used it once.

If you want a good anal experience, try the tong-ggo 2. If you want something super snug, try the lolinco extra virgin.

>> No.33192599

But anon please. Why won't you just let me enjoy nice things?
I was thinking of the kiwami. I kinda wish I got it during the black Friday sale. Anyway, I want something I can doggy style and also prone bone/mount/mating press.
Akaris buttocks is wayyyy too expensive. My problem now is if I make a mistake and get the wrong hip, I'm basically stuck with it until I can buy another. I wanna make sure I get the right one ya know. I wish they had videos of these hips in action.
Back when I still had onas, I discovered a way to do hands free and it changed everything for me. Onas I used to not like as much suddenly became amazing. What other hips do you think would be good?

>> No.33192652

I'm actually interested in your journey. Also what hip did you get?

>> No.33193043

Student council president is an anal virgin. You just gotta keep practicing with her to loosen it up a bit(or maybe I just got used to it). Then you'll be pounding away like a champ.

>> No.33193690

Thanks for the tip, but I think my big issue is that there’s no real stimulation after the ring, even with the vacuum.

There’s a lot of better holes for the same amount of money, in my opinion

>> No.33194017

if you don't mind me asking, how thick is your girth? i noticed SCP is very hit or miss despite its vacuum which makes me think its linked to girth possibly

>> No.33194237

So, I need a mouth onahole with super loud sloppy sounds. And explain to me what's the deal with loli ones, are they just tight? What do they have to do with lolis at all?

>> No.33194411

they just smol, that's pretty much it.
I heard the Kimetsu no Yaiba parody hole Tamatoys is selling is pretty loud and shit.

>> No.33194445

It's just marketing for tight holes for the most part. Personally I think it's at least partially bait for lolifags/pedofags but they seem to get generally good reviews so it's not like it just combines risque box art with a shit product.

>> No.33195999

I guess so.. I usually took a bit of air out and squeezed it while stroking.

>> No.33198238

Horny goat weed pills day 7
I’m noticing I’m not lasting nearly as long in my fap sessions these past few days. I have the energy to go again, but even on the second or third round I’m only lasting a couple minutes.
I try edging, and before I could edge for a while but now when I get to just before the point of orgasm and stop the sensitivity stays and as soon as I resume I cum. Trying to take longer edging breaks just has me end up going flaccid.

>> No.33198383

I own one hip and one ona. The ona I bought is a tenga flip zero white that is usually what I use for convenience. Washing it is super easy and the fact that it’s closed ended so I don’t make a mess out the other side is a plus.
The hip I bought is a puni ana dx regular. I was gonna buy the kiwami but I’m glad I didn’t cause this alone is much bigger than I was anticipating. Still yet to use it. I’ve washed and powedered her and had fun squeezing and spanking it, but to use it I need to have a night free with a day off the following day, cause I’m not just gonna “one and done” a hip like I do to my tenga. I wanna take my time, have everyone asleep in my house for easy washing of the hip, and have nothing going on the next day so I can sleep in late since I’ll spend most of the night awake.

>> No.33198459

I should also mention I’m on welbutrin, prozac, and risperdal for my mental stability, but I’m making an appointment tomorrow to let my psychiatrist know I want off the ride. Gonna do some research to try and find a medication with minimal sexual side effects

>> No.33198580
File: 44 KB, 217x843, tenkaikketsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this thing feel so good that I can cum without stroking it?

>> No.33199482

I haven't used my onahole in forever because no matter how much I clean it I live in constant fear that I'll somehow get an infection.

>> No.33199505

What's a decent hip to get and what size panties would you put on it? I was thinking of getting the Puni Fuwamochi since I have never had a hip and it's fairly inexpensive on amazon.

>> No.33200017

>Decide to throw caution to the wind
>Open the plastic bag and noticed I left the drying stick inserted
>I haven't used this hole in a few months
>Inside is incredibly moist like it's never been dried
>No signs of mold but the drying stick does have a faint black spot
I've ruined it, haven't I? No idea how I forgot to finish cleaning up last time.

>> No.33200048

The drying stick sucked all the oil out

>> No.33200590

>haven't fapped in a while
>blew my load into my minihip after a few pumps
hopefully I'll last longer when I have another go later

>> No.33200976

Pretty thick- haven’t measured it, to be honest, but I have to be careful with my fiancée or she tears if I go too fast too quickly.

>> No.33201400
File: 34 KB, 666x666, monsterbator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha-ha, literally a lamprey.
Is this real?

>> No.33201638

based, where is it from?

>> No.33202185

Looks like the Tenka Ikketsu

>> No.33202234

Confirmed. I really like the design, but does it feel as good as it looks?

>> No.33202346

Does anyone with a TPE doll have recs for a good soap?

I heard antibacterial unscented was good, but I'm having a hard time finding one.

>> No.33202670

I have the Nisouhenge, and it’s great.

>> No.33202796

anons, a few months ago i linked to some korean website that sold dolls and doll accessories. gmarket maybe

in one of the doll images they had a device that you insert into your doll (or ona) and it swivels around. basically making your doll "alive", well, more of a wriggling fish and less like a dead starfish you know.

it looked like a little white box with white anal beads.

anyone seen any device like this anywhere for sale ?

>> No.33202923
File: 61 KB, 540x540, onahole-pressure-pump-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting some other stuff i found while looking.

anyone got this ona pump?

>> No.33202987
File: 401 KB, 860x1444, swing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the image. help me locate the thing for sale , anyone?


>> No.33202999
File: 254 KB, 750x2428, swingwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33203937

I don't get it. How are you supposed to fuck it with this thing inside?

>> No.33205904


>> No.33206569
File: 166 KB, 1029x1029, 1527277726412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-order something from Motsutoys
>shipment gets delayed for another month

>> No.33209001

Any recs on lube? Preferably non-import

>> No.33210112

They made a few toys that have a special cavity to insert the motor
Also Hera One Auto which is kind of like a sculpture
The Korean one seems to be a copy/different one though, the hip is a different shape than the Hera Half Hip

>> No.33211225

Who do y’all fap to when using your onas?

>> No.33211827

I just got my refund from a pre-order in November, it's a shame, I didn't really want to do it and it's not like I blame motsu for it, it just seems like I'd be waiting until April, they haven't kept me up to date about the shipment status since s month ago, and a free bottle of KYO isn't really worth waiting on when I'm a pepee man.

It's kinda dirty that they have onas listed with delivery estimates of next week when they currently are sitting with an empty warehouse, though, that's poor form.

>> No.33212076
File: 141 KB, 849x1200, motivateyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying in bed at night in pitch black
>dreaming up a scenario, like a "Corona is over" party at my office
>work crush admits she's been noticing me on zoom calls
>miring my fat loss and lockdown homegym gains while everybody else got even more tubby
>I carry her into a side office (effortlessly because she doesn't even weigh lmao1pl8)
>we have very nice procreative sex just outta earshot of the party

seriously, buy a hip, ditch porn entirely and embrace your imagination

>> No.33212213

Does anyone have experience of regret after discarding all their toys? I'm in a depressive mood right now, I can't see myself masturbating ever again. Even if I do regret it I know it won't compare to the regret I already feel. I just don't want some poor fucker to have to be around something I put myself in. Can I just toss it in a landfill somewhere?

>> No.33212269

I'm in a depressive mood, I don't see myself masturbating anymore. Any regret I feel from tossing my toys won't be felt over the regret I already feel. I just don't want some poor fucker having to be around something I put myself in. Do I just drop it off in a landfill to decompose?

>> No.33212318

This, too, shall pass. Don't throw them away. It's okay to not want to jerk off for a while. Think of it as saving up for a bigger load when you get back in the mood again.

>> No.33212321

Fuck I thought my first post didn't go through. I really can't do anything right. Didn't even polite sage.

>> No.33212409

I'll give myself a month. I think maybe I'll mill them up into powder and bury the powder and the mill. Then burn the box art with the loli art that society hates so much. I have to admit I feel sorry to have bought some object without the intent to take care of it.

>> No.33212593

Can I use cornstarch + water as lube for onaholes. too poor and impatient to order more onatsuyu so I just want to grab a bag of dollar cornstarch and get going

>> No.33212641

Just buy some lube from the local drug store. They usually have a whole isle dedicated to it

>> No.33212750

I bought the miracle DX a year ago, too, barely gets used because like you say, it's a lot to clean for such lacklustre tunnels.
Taking it into the shower to clean is fun though, holding it upside down and soaping it up and stuff.

>> No.33212860

you don't ever need to polite sage, brother, your contribution is just as valid as anyone elses.
Try to be kind to yourself, especially when you're down like this. It's tempting to believe you'll never get back to being happy when you're in the hole, and it happens to me on occasion too, but like anon said, this will pass.
This isn't who you are, it's how you're feeling right now.

Keep the toys you have, put them away in ceremony by washing and drying them, place them in a pillow case or wrap them in old clothes and store them away.
Rip up and throw away the boxes, in small enough pieces that the artwork is not recoverable, that's enough for now.
If you haven't used them by the end of summer, then throw the toys themselves away.

>> No.33212946 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 480x399, 85qp3Xs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy onahole
>Get a big one
>lube it up
>first time shreds and sheds like nuts, but feels good
>second time is blown out like a career whore

What's the freaking point?

>> No.33213197


>> No.33213242

Don't forget, it has to be water-based lube. Silicon will destroy your hole.

>> No.33213296

No one at rite aid is going to care, people buy more embarrassing things regularly

>> No.33213637

In your opinion, what is the definitive loli hole? Does any one clearly stand above the rest?

>> No.33213771

Yes it's real.
If you've been lurking the last two years then you'd know that already.

>> No.33214453
File: 89 KB, 1500x1500, 61iM9nYdmhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33214472

What did you order Anon? I pre-ordered the Perorin Hard. It's supposed to ship today. But I haven't had an email that it was delayed.

>> No.33214926


Can never get tired of those. But my fiancée thinks my music choices are strange when I use them for our sex music.

>> No.33214958

There’s a lot to unpack there that a weeb messaging board is insufficient to help with.

You may want to consider counseling, and I’m not saying that as an insult or anything.

>> No.33214980

People at the pharmacy will just think you’re having sex. They won’t know it’s for your rubber vagina.

>> No.33214989

I’m a personal fan of the Loli cq roll, but some might find it too soft and not dick-bully enough.

Virgin Age Admission used to get thrown around a lot as a real dick bully, but the consensus was the Virgin Age Graduation was superior.

>> No.33215001

That’s even worse! They might start wondering if he’s having sex with animals or something

>> No.33215037

How much better do onaholes feel than your hand? I've never used one before.

>> No.33215059

That’s not something normal people assume

>> No.33215111

I just jacked off and cancelled my $81 order, I am too poor for this

>> No.33215116

much better, but not as good as a real vagoo.

make your own ona from a greased up trash bag sandwhiched inside some couch cushions you poor person

>> No.33215132

They’re different.
Sometimes I don’t wanna go through the trouble of washing an ona so I’ll fap instead.
Every ona I used has been very stimulating though and I cum much faster than fapping.

>> No.33215146

What's a good starter hole?

>> No.33215156

put the thing in the anal hole while you rail the pussy. or vice versa.

i think its supposed to be for holes or hips that either have a cavity for it, or all-the-way-through onas. or i guess you could rubber band it to regular onas.

still, looks like fun either way.

>> No.33215173

Venus Real in soft or Lilith Uterus in regular. But it depends a lot on whether you want realism for edging or dick bullying for high stimulation and quick orgasms.

>> No.33215185

I want something that feels really good even if it makes me cum faster

>> No.33215196

the cheapest thing you can find on aliexpress or amazon.

that way if you dont like it you dont feel cheated. and if you do like it, then you can do your research. you can put rubber bands around your ona to test out if you light tight onas (dick bully) , or use the mason jar trick to try out suction.

my first ona was one of those disposable ones. those are really bad would not recommend.

second ona was a tenga flip, which was great at sucking me dry, and easy to clean. a lot of onas are fucking hard to clean / dry.

>> No.33215230

dolls are the worst. spend $500 on something you dont want to fuck because it takes you an hour to clean up properly after you spent your loads

doll guilt lol

>> No.33215247

light tight onas > like tight onas

what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.33215267

>bought a few toys off amazon through a third party store
>limited stock so bought them
up asap
>come back today
>the store is fucking gone

Glad I got them before it disappeared.
Looks like it’s toydemon from here on out.

>> No.33215290

SukeSuke DX

they're blaming covid and brexit yada yada

>> No.33215323

The store is gone and so is your money. Kek.

>> No.33215357

No no, I should have specified:
I have the stuff I bought. They arrived last week. I went to buy more and the store is gone.

>> No.33215522

Can we see your gains anon?

>> No.33215536

It was a fantasy

>> No.33215653
File: 31 KB, 265x265, 1375743489093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ditch cars entirely and walk everywhere
>ditch power grid entirely and generate electricity with your bike
>ditch computers entirely and do all data processing in your brain
also, love to be a fly on the wall when your "crush" tell your lard ass to kys irl

>> No.33215799

also called a "swing vibrator" although that is the only information i have about this device that i have not seen for sale anywhere else.

>> No.33215844

we know you want to put it in your ass, anon

it's okay, we won't judge

>> No.33215849

You need to get a plush doll. Easy clean up with no hassle

>> No.33215959
File: 133 KB, 802x795, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 9.53.30 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found some other neat products...

this looks like a mini onahole you can put inside your onahole to give it some uterus bullying

>> No.33215965

I woke up from a dream where I was fucking a anthro crow girl, so I busted out the ona and finished the dream in my imagination

>> No.33215972
File: 346 KB, 1000x1000, peen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this peen ball looks like fun too

>> No.33215999

Those aren't meant to be penetrated. I'm sure it's not pleasurable to try

>> No.33216030

Sorry anon, I have the dysmorphia and feel as small as ever, despite people irl noticing, I end up feeling like they're making fun of me when they're probably just trying to compliment.
maybe I'll try to take a pic one day soon, curling a miracle dx or something for lols

>> No.33216054

its made of tpe. in the other image the girl squeezes it with two fingers. its soft enough to be penetrated.

i think the bigger problem is that its made for asian dick size. probably fit on your finger but not big american penis

>> No.33216106
File: 793 KB, 1000x1000, rotator.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they make swing dildos and stuff for htat.

>> No.33216262
File: 33 KB, 640x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get me a new onahole. Pic is what Ive had for a year, but Im ready for something new. I got a big dick so recommend me something fitting. Im willing to dish out a some money for the better ones.

>> No.33216534

It has tons of variations to suit any preference. It is by far my favorite line of onahole and I'm not even a lolicon. They just feel amazing
Virgin Age Admission sucks. Way too small and the back of the tunnel is tight to a point where cumming in it is uncomfortable

>> No.33216826
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, 2021-02-15 14.58.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, something about the warming guide is off to me.


Particularly lines like:
>You can also use powerbanks or portable chargers. Make sure to look at the output. Most powerbanks output at 5V, but amperage varies. I wouldn't dare go past 1.5A, though.
>Yes, you can use wall chargers and powerbanks for the warmer, the amperage is up to you
>The warmer, when plugged via usb, has a power output of 2.5W. That's 2.5J/s. It is safe to assume that you can use your warmer with a wall charger offering a higher current.
And the most damning line,
>The warmer is rated at 5V 0.5A, USB specifications. I do not know the effects of larger voltages on nichrome, but I do know that an increase in current should increase output. I use the warmer at 5V 1A, but I do not dare go past 1.5A for heating concerns. It is up to you if you want to use a 5V 3A tablet charger for faster heating times. Like with all things, I expect a decreased lifespan with an increase in power output.

In particular, it talks about plugging the usb warmer into varying usb ports as a way to regulate the current going to it, as if a 500 ma port is going to happy act as a constant current source for a device trying to source 3A.

But that's not how usb works, on a computer you'll either perm. blow a fuse if your computer is from the fucking 90s, or for anything remotely modern, trip a polyfuse.

More modern stuff will often pop up a "this port is drawing too much power warning" and disable the port until you re-enable it.
Either way, none of these methods will be happy to act as a constant current source, they'll mostly just shut down if over drawn. It's also not great for the port to keep doing this.

Some switching power supplies might actually act like a constant current supply once you go past their max, and others will just shut down.

And here's the kicker: Most computers built in the past decade will happily source 1-2A without complaining.
I just tested my desktop, and laptop, I got 1A with no complaints from both sources.
I even tried a chain of usb splitters, which actually dropped to .8A, but that's still significantly over .5A, and enough current to fully source the NLS heater I have, which I'm about to get to.

The ancient NLS heater I have has a 7 ohm coil resistance.

5/7 = .71, which this heater is never going to pull more than .7A.
Note that nichrome gains resistance as it heats up, but we can probably ignore that effect here as the current drop will be marginal.

So anyway, the TLDR; is despite what that guide says:
- Plugging into a computer usb port doesn't magically turn it into a constant current source.
- The NLS heater will try to source .7A, and most likely succeed from any computer made within the last 10-20 years. With the big caveat that my heater is like at least 5 years old now.
- There's no point in using a charger rated more than 1A with the nls heater, but it certainly won't hurt.
- If you want more current and more heat, you need to find a power source has a higher voltage, and can source enough current for your heater to sink. You will not find anything easily available with a USB form factor, so soldering something custom, or getting some weird adapter chain is a must here. USB can now output more than 5V thanks to USB-PD, but it will not do that without a USB-PD device negotiating said voltage on the other end, which these warmers certainly aren't doing. A sufficent voltage constant current supply would work well for this, but USB power bricks are not this.

>> No.33216863

Who peed in your cheerios?

>> No.33217019

onas are objects to be used and discarded
only a retard would feel bad about it
do you feel bad after throwing away your old toothbrush? no, because it has one purpose and once it has served its purpose it becomes meaningless to you
ya know what I mean?

>> No.33217030

^ this guy cooms

>> No.33217249

Not him but I used to feel bad for inanimate objects when I was a wee lad. Might be because of the movies toy story and toy soldiers. Had me thinking these items might have had some kind of life force lol.
Maybe that anon is having an existential crisis bowing his time is quite limited in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.33217590
File: 188 KB, 900x675, tokyo-meiki-story-neo-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public service announcement:

Tokyo Neo fits perfectly Sakura elf loli.

>> No.33217596

perhaps this isnt the right thread but how would i go about getting into the anal toys on ToyDemon

>> No.33217623

Interesting. I might have to try it out

>> No.33217638

don't you mean anal toys getting into you?

>> No.33217921

i remember reading as a kid that some tribe somewhere believed that everything was conscious and ever since ive spoken to my belongings like theyre real

>> No.33217956


>> No.33220539

Finally, someone else who understands!
