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33157523 No.33157523 [Reply] [Original]

Your Touhou theories.
Give them to me.

>> No.33158579

Renko is not sumireko granddaughter but daughter, and maribel isn't yukari

>> No.33158774
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The Hakurei god is the 4th deva as well as the 4th sage

>> No.33158980

The entire gensoukyou universe exists only in the mind of a single 6 year old.

>> No.33158987

Miyoi is the 4th deva, under the dumb whale hat there's oni horns.

>> No.33158993

don't bring up CTC you goddamn shitter

>> No.33159015

Never played it, is it good?

>> No.33159032

it's good and it has a godly ost, but it's gainax plot #1846109465104750923852867102845
Reimu is sleeping and gensokyo is her dream, so when she starts waking up everything starts to disappear, so as Marisa you have to stop her from waking up

>> No.33159079
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Shiki is only nine years old.

>> No.33159090
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considering she was a statue before, it's believable

>> No.33159108
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Patchy is a Lunarian

>> No.33159121

>highly intelligent
>incredible aptitude in various forms of magic
>at least 100 years old
>is somewhat knowledgeable of the moon as demonstrated when Remi wanted to build a rocket
>her sickly nature could be due to the impurities of earth if she's really a lunarian
you kno what? i buy it

>> No.33159122

Genji is secretly the Hakurei God in disguise.

>> No.33159207
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>> No.33159274
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Tojiko killed Mokou's grandfather

>> No.33159313

Seiga's husband eventually became one of the monks that inspired Myouren and Byakuren

>> No.33159453

Reisen isn't that old though
She's probably half Patchy's age, and she came with Remi.

>> No.33159478 [DELETED] 

Here's my "theory": Touhou sucks complete ass. Fuck you.

>> No.33159504

i was talking about patchy you neanderthal

>> No.33159562

Is that 6 year old a girl named Sanae Kochiya?

>> No.33159570

Found the salty holoshitter

>> No.33159794
File: 182 KB, 1400x1055, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_soga_no_tojiko_touhou_drawn_by_nicetack__d89d9c4c4c41f2f243eaaa75d99b9345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they legit are a recreation of sol vs ky, just think about it: lightning vs fire, noble vs lone wanderer and everything

>> No.33160163

It was all a dream. Everything.

>> No.33160177

man, Maribel's dreams are fucking unreal

>> No.33160277

In the fairies manga, Alice talks to her dolls like they're alive. In SA, she fills them up with gunpowder, transforming them into explosives.
Either her dolls are not sentient and Alice is a loony who talks to her toys, or the dolls are sentient and she is a cold and heartless monster who kills what are effectively her daughters without remorse.

>> No.33160514

Reimu is a reincarnation of Renko

>> No.33160579


>> No.33162384

None of the touhous really are my girlfriends

>> No.33162489

Yukari is the dream self of Maribel. Yukari is sleeping so often because that's when Maribel is awake in the real world.

>> No.33163310
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Yukari adopted her current name in direct response to Yuyuko's death

>> No.33163450

This is a good one

>> No.33164390

So there's more people who believes Reimu is some kind of manifestation of Renko, using that as reason to why Reimu became Yukari's friend so easily

>> No.33164534

Renko and Maribel are drawn together by Suikas ability to gather things as part of a deal by Yukari with Sumireko and Suika to help groom and protect a successor for her. Of course, Yukari fed them a different reason because thats what she does, but this is the actual reason.

>> No.33164608
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The Hakurei god is ZUN's self-insert.

>> No.33167687

Shut Up, Moonnigger! My lovely Patchy is not some syphilis-ridden moonie!

>> No.33168033
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>> No.33168166

Okina is cooperating with Hecatia to plot against the moon now because Okina was sealed by the Lunarians as Okuninushi when they got scared she would BTFO them so now she can't leave the earth.

>> No.33168207

Is that CZ BREN 805?

>> No.33168348
File: 63 KB, 535x647, Der Ewige Lunarier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, more and more characters are allied against Moonies.

>> No.33168398

Most likely the latter since youkais have no heart

>> No.33168729

Alice is a former human though.

>> No.33168956

Can I please have the list of translated characters in eratoho tw? Or where can I find anything?

>> No.33169887
File: 663 KB, 1000x800, Date night with Patchouli!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo isn't the only magic preserve in the world, far from it. A lot of the supposedly dying out species of yokai have stable breeding populations elsewhere.
The ability to conjure clothes is almost as common as flight and danmaku. Notice how even bog-standard fairies have nice dresses? They made those themselves.
High ambient magic makes animals smarter and longer-lived, making the age requirement more reasonable.

>> No.33170395

Mima got bored of toying with Reimu. Her final trick was disappearing suddenly so that she would be always on-edge.She simply moved somewhere else in Gensokyo.

>> No.33172287
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>20 fucking years
>Mima has not appeared by the grace of ZUN
Take your pills SCHIZO, nothing is going to happen

>> No.33175869

There is no timeline and a bunch of fags in denail LARP as characters from this "Touhou project"

>> No.33176038
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Sumireko is under the protection of Yukari

>> No.33176353


>> No.33176758
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Piss off.

>> No.33176841

Who are you quoting?

>> No.33176865
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.33177625

Is she?

>> No.33179011
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Marisa is a filthy half-fairy

>> No.33182085
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Marisa is a filthy half-ghost

>> No.33187709

