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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 349 KB, 287x550, the fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3310948 No.3310948 [Reply] [Original]

⑨ – The Fool
I – The Magician
II – The High Priestess
III – The Empress
IV – The Emperor
V – The Hierophant
VI – The Lovers
VII – The Chariot
VIII – Justice
IX – The Hermit
X – Wheel of Fortune
XI – Strength
XII – The Hanged Man
XIII – Death
XIV – Temperance
XV – The Devil
XVI – The Tower
XVII – The Star
XVIII – The Moon
XIX – The Sun
XX – Judgement
XXI – The World

It’s been a long time since we did a tarot set, the last one was still from pre-split /a/. We need a new /jp/ set.

Some rules:
Text are size 24 Times New Roman
No blank background
Must be relevant to /jp/
Maximum 3 cards per piece of work (Kanon, Clannad, Air, One – adoptions count together)
Maximum 5 cards per developer/studio/creator (typemoon, ZUN, 07th expansion, etc)

>> No.3310951
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>> No.3310975
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The set from last time

>> No.3310995

You just weren't here, OP.


>> No.3310990

Death. But not for you, gunslinger, not for you.

>> No.3311002

Oh I know the touhou set, there's also a typemoon set out there somewhere. But there's no overall /jp/ set

>> No.3311004

Well this set certainly is fucking retarded.

>> No.3311021

Who put this together? if you're going to ignore card context, at least try for images that match the card's symbology.

>> No.3311026

im too lazy so I will just list them
⑨ – The Fool - Ellen
I – The Magician - Marisa
II – The High Priestess - Reimu
III – The Empress - Shinki
IV – The Emperor - Mima
V – The Hierophant - Yumeko
VI – The Lovers - Yuki and Mai
VII – The Chariot - Rika
VIII – Justice - Kotohime
IX – The Hermit - Yuka
X – Wheel of Fortune - Luize
XI – Strength - Sara
XII – The Hanged Man - Orange
XIII – Death - Alice
XIV – Temperance - Meira
XV – The Devil - Kurumi
XVI – The Tower - Elly
XVII – The Star - Chiyuri
XVIII – The Moon - Sariel
XIX – The Sun - Konngara
XX – Judgement - Yumemi
XXI – The World - Evil Eye Sigma

>> No.3311036


>> No.3311040

Fool: Faceless eroge protagonist
Magician: Marisa
High Priestess: Reimu
Empress: Beatrice
Emperor: Battler
Hierophant: Kotomine
Lovers: Saya and Fuminori
Chariot: Bersercar
Justice: Phoenix Wright
Hermit: Anonymous
Strength: Saber
Devil: Uboa
Tower: Gore
World: /jp/

>> No.3311041

>Who put this together?
Pre-split /a/, hence the touhou among the animu

>> No.3311048

I never bothered to learn the tarot meanings until the /jp/ tarot topics for some reason. I just went with the silly shit like in >>3310975 before.

>> No.3311052

XIX – The Sun
/r/ that picture of Kohaku in front of a field of sunflowers with her arms open

>> No.3311062
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>> No.3311073

Only a few

⑨ – The Fool-Cirno
I – The Magician-Caster (Medea)
IV – The Emperor -Gilgamesh
VI – The Lovers -Nanaya and W-Len
VIII – Justice -Battler
IX – The Hermit -Kouma
X – Wheel of Fortune -Bernkastel and Lambdadelta
XXI – The World -Sakuya

>> No.3311095


>> No.3311088



>> No.3311100

Is there any picture of Sakuya doing the WRYYYY pose?

>> No.3311107

Why do you care about Tarot meanings? Don't tell me you actually use them for their intended purpose?

>> No.3311114
File: 923 KB, 3269x966, arcana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low quality, go to Danbourou for the high-quality

>> No.3311116

Even if you don't really use tarot cards, it's retarded to just disregard the original meaning entirely. Because then the associated picture has absolutely no context at all with the idea of tarot cards, other than the name.

>> No.3311118

Who gives a fuck about using them. But if you're going to make a Tarot set, make a fucking Tarot set and not slap random shit together like a dumb faggot.

>> No.3311124



>> No.3311152
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>> No.3311170

Glancing at wikipedia, I think Bern would make a good The World.

>> No.3311195

The world is a card for time stopping characters. Period.

>> No.3311201

Those equations behind her look pretty complex, OP. I think you may have misjudged her.

>> No.3311213
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>> No.3311233
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>> No.3311285

>I – The Magician

Fuck we have so many of those on /jp/

>> No.3311336
File: 1.41 MB, 740x1353, 4291828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears!

>> No.3311342

This is based off what the cards actually represent, not shitty puns. I'll just do the cards I have a definitive idea for.

The Fool: Shirou
The Magician: Marisa
The Chariot: Rance

>> No.3311358

Shirou is not the best example of a 'Fool'.

>> No.3311359

>The Chariot: Rance


>> No.3311364

I still support Shirou for Death

>> No.3311366

When I consider it, Battler/Beatrice fit Magician and High Priestess better than Emperor and Empress, given Battler represented worldly wisdom and science while Beatrice represented spirituality in their game.

>> No.3311379

I can't figure out if the Chariot in this is Ilya or Berserker.

>> No.3311429

Battler is a fucking idiot though, he isn't wise at all.

>> No.3311439

21. Can I (and should I) design my own Tarot deck?

Can you? Sure. While you at it, go design (or doodle) a starship, or a nuclear reactor, or paint the 21st-century Mona Lisa, or write a great novel or just do something really useful with yourself and cure cancer. Because, if you're just starting out with Tarot, or if you've only been at it using the blind-alley affirmation method, you don't have a clue about what you're doing or what Tarot is about. Isn't that correct? So, why do you figure you'd be any good at designing an example of something you know little or nothing about? But, lots of people do figure just that, aiming to reach the heights by expressing the depths of arrogance and absurdity. And they inevitably end up with muck that only vaguely makes sense even to them. The greatest Tarot deck ever designed, the Thoth deck of Aleister Crowley, was the culmination of a long and interesting life spent absorbing and processing huge amounts of symbolic data. Now, that's what we all do of course, process symbolic data. It's just that some of us are artists at it, and those people not only can but SHOULD make Tarot decks (and that doesn't require a pack of cards), and some of us can't process our way out of a wet paper bag, and those people should spectate (not speculate).

>> No.3311467

>design my own Tarot deck
>design a starship
>design a nuclear reactor
>paint the Mona Lisa
>write a great novel
>cure cancer

One of them is not like the other

>> No.3311468
File: 19 KB, 929x629, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my doodle of a nuclear reactor

>> No.3311483

You may now design your own tarot cards.

>> No.3311505

I can't remember what the nurse told me in Persona 3 that well anymore.

Anyone want to recommend a beginner's book for tarot?

>> No.3311506

That sure was a long and interesting life full of whatever the fuck.

>> No.3311565

Shouldn't Shirou or Archer be justice anyhow? I don't get why Shirou would be death. Hanged man, possibly, but not death.

>> No.3311577

More of a Joke, really.

>> No.3311582

I thought that might be it, but hoped it wasn't.

Fuck's sake.

>> No.3311646

0 – The Fool - Uzumaki Naruto
I – The Magician - Suzumiya Haruhi
IV – The Emperor - Lelouch Lamperouge
V – The Hierophant - Maebara Keiichi
VI – The Lovers - Himeko and Chikan
VII – The Chariot - Little Slugger
VIII – Justice - Vash the Stampede
XI – Strength - Emiya Shirou
XII – The Hanged Man - Edward Elric
XIII – Death - Tenjou Utena
XV – The Devil - Yagami Light
XVI – The Tower - Nandaba Naota (Medical Mechanica iron in background)
XIX – The Sun - Simon (Gurren Lagann)
XX – Judgement - Eureka
XXI – The World - Ikari Shinji

I can't think of any others and was conflicted about Utena being either Death or the Wheel of Fortune for the longest time.

>> No.3311651

Apart from missing a few, half are not the best choices ever.

>> No.3311657

Single some out and we'll debate character analyses.

>> No.3311673

Yeah, no.
The only ones that are an easy fit are Justice, Sun, Hanged Man, Hierophant, somewhat Devil, Chariot and World.
Then there is the issue of whether you choose the state they are most of the series or the end result.

>> No.3311712

every time i see this i think of persona

The Fool = Protag

>> No.3311728

If none of the others, keep Strength and Death. I gave a bit more thought to them while pondering over a Tarot book of mine.

>> No.3311766

VIII - Strength
XI - Justice

>> No.3311855

⑨ – The Fool - Endless.... I really can't think of such a character that fits perfectly I know characters that fit Endless Probabilities but not the perfect definition. So I'll just say Taichi, Daikuji, Keichii, and Battler
I – The Magician - Ganon
II – The High Priestess - Rika
III – The Empress - Shinki
IV – The Emperor - Femto, Or Master Therion either one is fine.
V – The Hierophant - Char Aznable
VI – The Lovers - ALICE and Ryu Roots (Gundam Sentinel)
VII – The Chariot - Joseph Joestar
VIII – Justice - Zain (SMTII)
IX – The Hermit - Kishima Kouma
X – Wheel of Fortune - Fuminori
XI – Strength - Roland Deschain (Dark Tower; not /jp/ I know but couldn't think of a better one though I'm not sure if this guy should be Hierophant, Strength, Hanged Man, or The Tower)
XII – The Hanged Man - Ishizue Arika
XIII – Death - Shiki
XIV – Temperance - Caren
XV – The Devil - Gore
XVI – The Tower - Emiya Kiritsugu
XVII – The Star - Aleph
XVIII – The Moon - Kaguya
XIX – The Sun - Tatsuya
XX – Judgement - Nineball
XXI - The World - Amuro Ray (You know why)
XXI – The Universe (Thoth) - Daikuji Kuro and Al Alzif

I didn't realize what that meant until I reread it. FUCK YEAH, IT'S ROLAND.

>> No.3311862

Tatsuya and Naoya say hi.

>> No.3311878

>XXI – The Universe (Thoth) - Daikuji Kuro and Al Alzif
Oh god... Infinity times two is here. Or is it Infinity plus one? Either way this takes the cake.

>> No.3311911
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>> No.3311925
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>> No.3311934

I still can't get over that coincidence
