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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 10 KB, 168x251, HatsukoiJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3310174 No.3310174 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread hit auto-sage.
More translators are needed and appreciated.
First post is made to inform of the need for more translators and to concatenate the important info from the last one.

Translation website for now

Old threads

Official site


Lite Version
Hacked exe for Lite Version

>> No.3310200

Incest guy here, I'm gonna quit translating. I don't think you guys need my help any longer and I agree that it'll suffer from too many cooks in the pot.

I'm going to go play "Clover Point" and let you all know how it is.


>> No.3310264

Torrent link from HongFire

Thanks for sticking around.

>> No.3310299


To reiterate and continue from last tread (talking about Wanko to Kurasou):

Well, It's what I've gathered by reading some discussion about it here and there. I've read Mikan dies and a bunch of stuff regarding the girls having a very short lifespan . Anyway, I don't like that sort of stuff, especially regarding cute young girls.

But thank anyway you for the game suggestions! And I<m sad that you wont be helping us translate this.

But can you at least tell me if Hatsukoi has a happy ending? Is it a sad story?

>> No.3310313

There's a good and bad ending in Hatsukoi with all the girls.

Sorry for the spoiler but nothing bad happens to Mikan that I'm aware of. Yes, the dogs all have short lifespans but she's very much alive at the end.

>> No.3310406
File: 316 KB, 1208x1754, 公式設定資料集100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if somebody has already posted this. I'm surprised I still have it, downloaded it like over a year ago.

It's a book with stuff like original designs, various materials, walkthrough, etc.

>> No.3310620


>> No.3310802
File: 108 KB, 1036x725, anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3310953


Oh no! Please don't stop! I'm sure we can all work nice together like we did from the start of this beautiful project!

>> No.3310977

At this point all that's really needed are a couple of translation guidelines and translators.

>> No.3310980

It's difficult to get consensus on what to do with terms and words and I'm less of a literal translator and more of a feel of the text translator. That's already causing issues with differences in opinion on how a line should be read. Like Happy Wedding Day and Kampai. I'm just gonna leave it alone. The project will run fine without me.

>> No.3310986

The game does sort of give you a shot to the balls out of nowhere at the very end, milking an otherwise very happy and uplifting route for a few bitch tears. Risa route is still god tier though, and nobody dies or anything. Just less satisfying than if they had left well enough alone.

>> No.3311098

>And this is my little sister Anzu。She's pretty damn cheeky. I sometimes have a feeling she doesn't consider her older brother her older brother. Maybe it can't be helped since we're the same age and all.

So this isn't just incest it's TWINCEST? Oh hell yeah. I missed that before.

>> No.3311160

Sorry take your fun, but looks like they are half brothers. Or you could just fantasize about the MC having failed a year at school, as the game never mentioned anything about this.

>> No.3311191

that's what I was wondering. They're certainly not half siblings though.

I was under the impression she was 1 year younger and that fits through how they're portrayed the whole game. Maybe the 'same age' thing is him saying she's close to his age.

>> No.3311202

They're brother and sister, full siblings, I don't remember anything ever being mentioned about them being half but I did play the game quite a while ago.

>> No.3311231

Same age for a couple months each year?

>> No.3311484


There is no question or problem that couldn't be solved by a calm disscussion, as long as we all try to stay mature and open minded.
But, well, if you just don't feel like it, then I wont force you. One has to feel good about it after all.

Hey, what if you just translated the parts you like? The parts you find easy and have no conflict with?

Anyway, its your call. I hope you have a good session at school either way :)

>> No.3311667
File: 11 KB, 512x96, retrans-logo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project Manager here, I've started work on fixing the bug that was found last night. Please keep the fields to 1 line for now.

As for the issue of translation style, if you want a Manager's opinion on the matter, I prefer leaving in terms like onii-chan and other things that would keep the feeling more closer to the original. (Yes, I'm aware the slogan is "leading-edge *localization* technologies" --- but that was Cudder's decision.)

>> No.3311695

Also, the URL should be


since OP's only points to one of the several files in this project.

>> No.3311779

Sorry about that...

>> No.3312126

hold on, don't try to submit anything, something's broken...

>> No.3312240

Multi-line fields and quotes should work properly now. Have fun.

>> No.3312267

...and the record editor seems to be running out of memory, of all things... I'll need to get this fixed too.

>> No.3312372

Memory issues in record editor fixed.

Added a better front page for the site, although the description is still somewhat generic:

Post in this thread if you have any other problems. Comments/suggestions are also welcome.

>> No.3312461

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3312936

Wow, good to see a pretty large amount of progress with this. I'll be proofreading and doing the editing.

>> No.3313292

Oh wow. Inspired by this thread, I decided to try writing an unpacker for kirakira's Ethornell. Half-expected to give up halfway, but what do you know, it's done and actually works! It's like I'm a COMPRESSION EXPERT.

>> No.3313344

Ethornell script extraction has already been done before:

You're encouraged to write some good documentation on it, we at the REchan would like to have a complete collection of docs. Does KiraKira need translating? REtrans can host the project.

>> No.3313401

Kirakira is officially translated, and I know there are some tools already, just wanted to know what hacking VNs is all about. And decompressed files are mostly binary code for the interpreter anyway.
Compression uses scrambling with pseudorandom sequence and Huffman+LZ, nothing special, but it took me almost a week ;_;

>> No.3313589

do we need more translators or would that just cause too much trouble in deciding what to do?

>> No.3313887

I want this game translated faster...

>> No.3314150
File: 27 KB, 217x250, r11_pcke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




We all want this game translated faster.
No doubt there will be some inconsistencies between the sections each translators do, but I'm sure it will be much easier to later fix and equalize it all.

In the meantime, we could try to work out some consensus together, to help the translators who already don't know what to do.

Here is my opinion: I think the text should be translated to keep as much as possible the same "feel", the same "meaning", the same "intent" as the original. Not necessarily a literal translation in which the meaning, or intent, could be lost. Hence the keeping of Onii-chan (ok not the greatest example, but the only one that came up until now. In this case it's just to keep the "feel")

Our project manager has already stated his opinion on the subject here >>3311667
We seem to agree.

I encourage all those following this project to give us their opinion on this, and we will take it as a "vote", hopefully resulting as a happy consensus for everyone.

Also, translators, feel free to give us some examples, so we can discuss them together, and eventually you will get a feel of what we are all looking for and the next questions will be easier to decide by yourselves.

>> No.3315499


>> No.3315977


>> No.3317407

I agree completely.

Would setting up a discussion board for REtrans be purposeful? That was one of the ideas I had for this project going forward.

>> No.3317964

Is this project still going?

>> No.3317996
File: 285 KB, 1280x1024, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're supposed to be translating these because that's the first choice.

>> No.3318294

I'm not sure what to do with commas there. They look like they separate parameters.

>> No.3318775

Let's hope noone will have to put a comma in a translated choice.

>> No.3318867

BYU eh?

>> No.3319035

oh god we have a christfag translator

>> No.3319227

Layoff. As long as he's not screwing up the translation, it's pointless to argue.

>> No.3319595

I don't think there's anything wrong, it's just a little strange and awesome at the same time.

>> No.3319603

Spoilers: Guess who started these threads? Guess who incestguy is?

>> No.3319632


>> No.3320150

bump for progress

>> No.3320218

Two translation projects at once? /jp/ sure is on the ball.

>> No.3320228

Two? This and what other?

>> No.3320234

3 if you count Sumaga.

>> No.3320235


Love Plus

>> No.3320243

Holy shit, awesome. I thought those threads were just people talking about the game.
Isn't Sumaga being translated for JAST?

>> No.3320271

Sumaga got taken down by those TLwiki faggots. That's one of the reasons why this one is run independently of them.

>> No.3320287

Sure is /jp/ talking out of its ass again. There is no new, independent project, and development is ongoing behind the scenes. You can even see gckc updating the progress sometimes.

gckc and I browse /jp/ regularly, if that's what he means.

>> No.3320302

And if you want to attach a name to the project, that would be Anonymous. REtrans is just a framework.

Also, since noone expressed interest in a board for this project, I'll leave it as is. No point in setting up something you guys won't use.

>> No.3320305

Back to /TLwiki/, please. THIS project is the one that's independent.

>> No.3320343

How dare he correct a misconception.

>> No.3320436

Is nobody else really translating this?
Other than the guy that did 100 lines of Anzu, I see no change anywhere else.
I've done 600 lines of common and no one else seems to touch it. I'm trying to keep my quota of at least 100 lines a day here.

>> No.3320450

I might help in the future but at the moment I'm busy translating something else.

>> No.3320514

Oh yeah guys I've been trying to keep as much of the text as I can, and I hope the translation doesn't end up being to literal (I feel it is). Feel free to loosen it up or edit to whatever you see fit.

>> No.3321842


>> No.3323420


>> No.3323566

Should we try to recruit more translators?

>> No.3323734

Well yeah I'm definitely going to meet my 100 line quota, but not much more. School's started for me and I don't exactly have time to translate. If I have free time, I may go ahead and do about 200-400 lines, but those are far and in between.

>> No.3323766

Would you be able to translate more if it required less effort and/or you were able to do so anywhere, anytime?

>> No.3323787 [DELETED] 

Mikan does not die, however the "dogs" do have lifespans of about 15-20 years, so it's simply implied they will eventually die long before the protagonist

>> No.3323801

I'd say this system works just fine.
I usually always have my laptop with me and there's a wireless internet connection everywhere on my campus so the interface isn't the issue.
I just have to make sure to keep my grades high, and can't dedicate too much time to this. I'm more of like a part-time translator, though it seems I'm the only translator right now.
But yeah if no one's going to join in I may up my quota another 50 or 100 lines. I want to finish this as much as anyone else on the board.

>> No.3323802

I want to kiss you like a man kisses his woman.

>> No.3323838

The ultimate system would be a direct neural link that enables you to translate without even consciously thinking. It would hook into your brain and use idle neurons to do the processing, and communicate with the central server using an embedded wireless card. Effectively, a human babelfish.

>> No.3323852

Fuckwin, you should consider being a scenario writer.

>> No.3323857

Well shit, I might as well help with this. How many lines does this game have? Between work and school and my other stuff I don't have a hell of a lot of time, but I'll help when I can. Is there a way to contact the other people involved in this or is it mostly anarchy?

>> No.3323897

It's around 32K lines. You can "contact" everyone else by posting in this thread, although our project manager offered to make a board for this noone seemed to want it.

>> No.3323955

Oh, this is still going.

Good luck on getting something half decent out of a free project man.

>> No.3323982

called language class u lazy weeaboo faggot

>> No.3324077

Can we have the tool for extracting and compress directly the script files? Or is it not 100% ready yet? Does this engine work with unicode or is it shift-jis only?

>> No.3324113

Look at the old threads in the archive. There's a tool to manipulate the archives, and Cudder extracted all the scripts and converted them to CSV which the engine can directly use. I haven't looked into it too much but I believe it's Shift-JIS.

>> No.3324123

There's two ways we should do this.
1) We all work on common and one route at a time and release partial patches route by route (e.g. Common + Anzu then Comon + Anzu + Coco,etc.). All of /jp/ are editors and are responsible for continuity of the script.

2)We all dedicate ourselves to an individual route and release a full patch when it's done. Those who finish early help out on another route.
All of /jp/ are editors and are responsible for continuity of the script.

I don't think editing is an issue considering the translation is open to changes. So long as the community (/jp/. Community. Lawl...) here is actively fixing the text while reading, we could get editing and translating done simultaneously. And since translation will be done daily (I'll try, though it might be impossible during the weekends) it'll be a "daily dose" of sorts.

>> No.3324131

That sounds like an awful idea and would take months to complete. Are you just trying to copy other translation groups because... you don't have a translator to begin with.

You have.... bottom of bucket /jp/ retards that only are trying to get it out for e-penis.

>> No.3324225

3) Everyone who feels like translating translates whatever hasn't been translated. I know a few are doing it sequentially right now, so it'd be best if any new translators just pick a random page/line and start there to minimize conflicts.

With this system, there's really no need to do specific "releases", since you can always download the latest set of scripts, put them in your scenario.xp directory and enjoy what's been translated so far (don't do this too often though, our bandwidth isn't unlimited --- we'll move to bigger hosting if absolutely necessary, but we don't want to move for now while the project is in progress.)

>> No.3324544

Gak, I stopped translating because I thought there were like half a dozen of us. Guess I'll go back to working on Anzu's file.

>> No.3324546

After looking at the old threads, I found the source code for the extractor, but i can't compile it at dev c++ (type conversion errors). What should i use to do it?
(A compiled garc and mkgarc would help.)

>> No.3324565

It's ANSI C, and compiled fine with gcc here.

>> No.3324669


Looks like my gcc install is fucked up. I'll fix it and try again. Thanks.

>> No.3324721

protip: gcc is pronounced 'gucci'

>> No.3324743

No it isn't you fag.

It's pronounced GNU/Linuxcci

>> No.3324815

We can always just post here what lines are being called.
So say I wanted to translate Common lines 600-700 I'll just say so so there are no conflicts. And go in units of 50 or 100.

>> No.3324833

One more question: do I have to write everything in FULL-WIDTH CHARACTERS?

>> No.3324913

Don't know about you
I just type in English typesetting

>> No.3324929


Also, /r/equesting BCS2CVS / BCS2XLS program.

>> No.3325015

I'll ask Cudder about that.

>> No.3325324


Don't expect this link to be around for any long duration of time (hence the 'tmp')

>> No.3325479

Thank you.

>> No.3325521

So now there are... 3 translators?

That gives us around 300 lines per day, which means translating the whole thing in a little over 3 months. If we increase our speed slightly, we might just be able to finish it before 2010!

>> No.3326919


>> No.3328324

Bumping from the depths of page 8.

>> No.3329602


>> No.3329640

Since he doesn't want to pay $300 for a translation, could have had it done in about two or three weeks.

>> No.3330450

For $300 I'd rather take a course in Japanese.

>> No.3331112


>> No.3331723

You mean bampu pantsu.

>> No.3332422

bump to ride out get faggotry
