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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 431x288, arc-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3306649 No.3306649 [Reply] [Original]

>He goes to Bunbunmaru

>> No.3306657

Tsukihime at his swingset

>> No.3306658
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>> No.3306662

why someone from Bunbunmaru should browse /jp/ ?

>> No.3306663


>> No.3306665

I don't get this "greentext+he-does-something" meme

>> No.3306670


>> No.3306671

I don't understand how that site could inspire rage in anyone.

>> No.3306672

Bunbunmaru is shit.

>> No.3306680

Those faggots basically just copied /jp/ for no apparent reason.

>> No.3306685

memes are stupid

>> No.3306686

Because they are just people from /jp/ tired of the dawson, japanese bird, overrated shit, and daily spam like this thread.

>> No.3306689
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>he goes to /jp/ and complains about other boards

>> No.3306694

Bunbunmaru is just another little /jp/. I'd certainly prefer it over, say, Pooshlmer if zip. gets DDoS'd again.

>> No.3306696
File: 21 KB, 339x425, Vanderbeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned in two minutes for posting Dawson there.

>> No.3306699

I hope you keep posting Dawson here, then. I love Dawson.

>> No.3306708
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>> No.3306710
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Really? They talk about mirrors and UFOs and then they ban you for Dawson? Wow, what a terrible board.

>> No.3306715

what's bunbunmaru

>> No.3306716
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>> No.3306718


>> No.3306721

It's like Gaia Online mixed with Pooshlmer.

>> No.3306722
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>>He goes to Bunbunmaru

>> No.3306735

Typical /jp/ users.

They don't realize their board is as bad as /b/.

>> No.3306736

So it's /jp/?

>> No.3306740


Typical troll.


>> No.3306744

It can't possibly be as bad as /jp/ at the very least.

>> No.3306747

Much less traffic makes this impossible/

>> No.3306748

I thought we had gotten over this, guys.

>> No.3306753
File: 15 KB, 317x367, baww23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BANNED! Alternatively, you have encountered a 403 error for some other weird reason.

>If you think you shouldn't be seeing this, go to #bunbunmaru at irc.rizon.net and ask around. Alternatively, send an email to tewi@bunbunmaru.com

>> No.3306758
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>> No.3306766

too bad you never get banned here

>> No.3306777
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>> No.3306782


Yes, but we're still butthurt over Ignanock.

>> No.3306794

>He goes to Bunbunmaru
Hey /jp/, /b/tard here
So /jp/, are there any eroge on managing comfort women?
Taiko thread
Japanese war crimes
?Awesome images thread?
I'm going to ask the girl at my local B2 out after work.
Greetings, /jp/. Some random /x/ shit?
Why do doujins never show Mokou with the elegance and power of being 1200 years old?

Why does nobody like UFO?
non-Japanese games thread
I turn 20 today and it feels the same as any other day. Only 40 more years until I die.
Why is marketed/mass-produced moe so successful?
Loli or healthy?
Danmaku thread
Draw thread
WOGK and Trapmanga thread.
It's fall! Post some Aki.
JAST USA's localizations of Nitro+ games

>> No.3306798

Who cares, we only lost like 10 NEET users.

>> No.3306806

I thought that place was some Gaia/AnonTalk or something. It sounds like /jp/ a year ago.

>> No.3306814
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Why is Bunbunmaru so shitty?

>> No.3306827

/bun/ is /jp/ with mods.

>> No.3306837

Epic raid XD.

>> No.3306840

I noticed Dawson spam these past few minutes.

Sure are looking like /b/ with your lolraidsxD, /jp/.

>> No.3306847

instead of spamming with new threads, bump all of there old threads for the lulz. it will annoy them a lot more.

>> No.3306850


>> No.3306854

Epic win /jp/! Let's show them who is boss around here.

>> No.3306855

epic win, rite?
You know, when we have posters like you, I can see why they left /jp/.

>> No.3306861

Why we care again?

>> No.3306862

Lame, no VN discussions in the first few pages.

>> No.3306867

they don't like it when you post penises and man ass all over

>> No.3306868


>> No.3306871


>> No.3306888
File: 327 KB, 1000x1000, get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3306896






>> No.3306908


Oi, calm down there buddy...

>> No.3306918

What part of over-the-top condescending irony don't you understand?

>> No.3306920

Since when the fuck does /jp/ raid other sites?

>> No.3306931

The guy who posted this thread and the guy raiding is the same person. Just some jackass trying to start a board war.

>> No.3306934

This is true. I have noticed a relative lack of VN threads on /bun/. I guess many of them got turned off by the overall Touhou theme.
However the board isn't meant to be solely for Touhou, or even just /jp/-related content. We even discuss anime and manga there. If more posters from here could make VN threads there, that would be nice.

>> No.3306943

you guys are literally dumb fucks

>> No.3306944

I don't mind the board war. bunbunmaru is basically a wakaba with 10 mods and no posters, and posting penises and manass on it amuses me

>> No.3306949

So uh, why don't you just bump one of the 5 or so VN threads or start a new one?

>> No.3306951

get out bunbunmaru devs

>> No.3306959

this is one reason i do not like that shitty board, they harrass us on /jp/ with shitty threads tripcodes and beg us to post there its like a anontalk except only for /jp/ and with no childporn

>> No.3306962

I have really lost faith in /jp/ today.

>> No.3306963

I thought only kiddies from /b/ found this amusing anymore- oh, wait...

>> No.3306965

Clearly the internet needs ANOTHER SHITTY BOARD for japanese shit

>> No.3306972

Back to /b/, please.[/i]

>> No.3306976

Incidentally, none of the Bunbunmaru "propaganda" you saw the past days was from Bunbunmaru.

>> No.3306980
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>> No.3306981
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>> No.3306984
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>> No.3306988

Not true. I'm from Bunbunmaru, and I advertise it on /jp/ every day.

>> No.3306990

No, just disappoint.

>> No.3306994

I'm from Bunbunmaru too and you are a faggot.

>> No.3306996

epic win

>> No.3306997

you can use bbcode on that dumb website?

>> No.3307001

How can you be literally a fuck

>> No.3307003

I am from Bunbunmaru, find you both to be offensive to my delicate sensibilities and request you leave post-haste.

>> No.3307005

I wipe my ass with Bunbunmaru.

>> No.3307011

if bunbunmaru is so great,

why are you reading /jp/ or advertising on it instead of posting on that board, its so shitty that they don't even want to read it

>> No.3307019

Some guy posted this thread on /bun/.

>> No.3307023

I visit both.

>> No.3307026

NOT ALLOWED! How dare you. You are breaking the internet rules.

>> No.3307049

I still browse both boards, it's not like they're overflowing with activity.

>> No.3307053

epic raid

>> No.3307057

Don't get so full of yourself /jp/, people who can't take it easy and have those aggressive 4chan manners aren't wanted anywhere.

>> No.3307061

Both boards have their good and bad sides.

Now shut up, and go back to /b/ if you want to raid.

>> No.3307062

Even on 4chan, really.

>> No.3307063

says the butthurt bunbunmaru dev who isn't even saging his own ruined thread

>> No.3307064

>tewi white
Certainly entertaining.

>> No.3307066

Why would someone from /bun/ call for a raid?

>> No.3307069

Look at the op, its clearly an attempt to be cute ruined by the bawson poster which makes this even more lol

>> No.3307077

Grow up guys.

>> No.3307084

Why don't you grow up and stop giving a shit about everyone hating a shitty internet board

Its like the new trend for the underage to say grow up whenever everyone else is intent on shitting up something for laughs

>> No.3307085


>> No.3307086

The OP is clearly a troll, the bawson guy is a troll, and you're a troll since you are posting in a /b/ manner. It wouldn't be that much of a leap to say that you are all the same person.

>> No.3307089

Link to this Bunbunmaru so I can see this place for myself

>> No.3307090

Hmm that board is 40% Touhou, 40% Metathread and 20% stuff that doesn't belong in /jp/.

Like you can get people to discuss VNs with you there.
I don't think for example something like >>3281455 or >>3277033 is possible there.

>> No.3307096

There just aren't enough people.

>stuff that doesn't belong on /jp/
I'd rather have people talking about games and manga than JAPAN THREADS.

>> No.3307099
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>> No.3307101

What do you mean, it's barely slower than /jp/ a year and a half ago over there.

>> No.3307103

/jp/ was 99% Touhou threads a year and a half ago.

>> No.3307106

/jp/ was slow as fuck before too.

>> No.3307108


>> No.3307113
File: 14 KB, 317x367, baww reverse6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like three mods that just refresh the place every 5 seconds.

>> No.3307119

And that's a good thing.

>> No.3307121

But the speed is about the same nonetheless, no?

The point is not there, though. The point is, we don't have to argue because of one idiot. If you find an interesting thread on either one of the boards, you might as well reply.

>> No.3307123
File: 101 KB, 400x300, baww-yami2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still pretty sad that they have nothing better to do than constantly refresh an imageboard in case of spam.

>> No.3307126

Before it turns into a downward spiral of trolling, convincing the gullible and the underage that /bun/fags are advertising here (reminiscient of KS DEV bullshit that's convinced half of you), it's pretty much in the mission statement "Don't post on /jp/ about us, don't advertise anywhere. Stop being such faggots."
A larger userbase is wanted by some, but why advertise to the people they were escaping from?

>> No.3307127

At least the mods are keeping Dawson and reaction images out.

>> No.3307128

Feeling butthurt because you can't spam Dawson there?

>> No.3307130

Get off /jp/. I tolerated you because I thought Bawson was a NEET. You are dead to me, and you broke my heart.

>> No.3307133

It's just one dedicated troll trying to start board wars. Nobody on /bun/ cares to advertise here and what not, since they likely post on both boards. The same guy did this with Pooshlmer a month or two ago.

>> No.3307137
File: 29 KB, 346x345, baww-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a NEET, but I have better things to do than refresh an imageboard for 6 hours straight.

>> No.3307138

But you obviously don't have better things to do than ruining a board for three months straight.

>> No.3307142
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>> No.3307147

yamete bawsonymous onegai

>> No.3307148

I don't know what Bunbunmaru is, but it seems to make Arc happy. If it makes Arc happy, maybe I should go there.

>> No.3307149

I, for one, prefer active moderators, something that /jp/ is lacking.

>> No.3307151

I know, but at the same time there's been an influx of /a/ users here, and we all know how dedicated they are to a hivemind. If they see something posted enough (KS IS SPAMMED BY DEVS AND IS SHIT, "TORADORA IS SHIT" is one from their motherland) they will completely believe it, despite not seeing the source material first hand.

(Also, before there's a Toradora shitstorm by aforementioned fags, whether it was good or not [hurr opinions] they unconditionally hated it due to trollspam)

>> No.3307157
File: 64 KB, 186x210, arc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am actually very apathetic regarding Bunbunmaru, having never actually inspected the site. I saw a picture of the crowslut and immediately was visited by a desire to navigate away.

Let no one stop you from escaping this endless torment of Japanese Bird and Bawson, however.

>> No.3307163

take it easy

>> No.3307165

he meant the op pic

>> No.3307166

>114 posts and 20 image replies omitted.
damn you all

>> No.3307167

There's 3 mods and 2 admins who are all NEETs. They probably tabswitch every hour and spot anything easily. It's a combination of numbers, low userbase/speed and a lack of a life.

>> No.3307169

You're cruel, Arc. ;_;

>> No.3307170

I got banned for telling them to stop posting their site here.

Butthurt mods are butthurt.

>> No.3307174

Create a Dawson VN then.

>> No.3307175

I personally dislike you and don't want you there, but also think that you'd similarly dislike it there from what I've seen. It's best for both of us if you don't go there.

>> No.3307176

You're pretty dense, aren't you?

>> No.3307180

>X Y is X
They banned you for being /b/tard scum.

>> No.3307182

I notice they have forced anon.

That earns them some points in my book.

>> No.3307186

And I bet some of them still lurk /jp/ and probably noticed RAID BUNBUNMARU FOR EPIC JUSTICE ANONIMUZ R LEJUN.

>> No.3307189

I still don't get what's allowed there and what's not. There's a bisexual porn star on the front page but my Cirno thread got deleted.

>> No.3307193

see >>3306981

>> No.3307194

let me guess, you posted a baka thread?

>> No.3307198
File: 70 KB, 400x399, 49fce635e172d6c2bef34e1f8189b8989036343c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bunbunmaru is a shitty website.

On that much, we can agree.

>I personally dislike you and don't want you there

Fear not, I haven't even seen the board yet. Also, if it makes you feel any better, I am eagerly waiting for you to die in the most painful way a mortal possibly can.

>> No.3307206

bunbunmaru is shit

>> No.3307212

So you hate a site you've never seen before?

>> No.3307214

My post came back more offensive than I meant for, sorry bro. Just stating, as a fact, that it's better you didn't go. You trip, and it's forced anon, you dislike the mascot, and your overall personality is different from their crowd.

>> No.3307219

There is a seperate board for imagedumps, so unless you wanted to start a discussion about Cirno, your thread doesn't belong in /general/.

>> No.3307222

That's stupid.
It's an imageboard after all.

>> No.3307230

It's really more of a discussion board, kind of like 4chan.

>> No.3307238

I think it makes perfect sense, this way imagedumps are easy to access and don't mess up the front page.

>> No.3307239

Image dumps break the flow of discussion, seperating the two stops a lot of complaints from both parties, those who want to imagedump/save images, and those who want to discuss.

>> No.3307245

I liked it better when it was called Pooshlmer.

>> No.3307285

This was a joke to so that KSfags stop spamming their KS threads.
How anyone took this seriously is beyond me.

>> No.3307295

Started off as a small joke, idiots made it unfunny, trolls continued and more idiots took it as truth.

Circle of jokes around here.

>> No.3307301

>How anyone took this seriously is beyond me.
The same way people are taking Bunbunmaru spam seriously: by being shitty trolls from /a/ that think shitposting the same bullshit over and over is EPIC LULZ XD.

>> No.3307311

Trying to list pros/cons of bunbunmaru from an objective point of view, which will be regarded as biased and trolling:
+forced anon
+heavy moderation
+no trolling
+no shitposting
+not on 4chan (rather unknown, no visits from our dear neighbors)
+friendly atmosphere is encouraged...

-...but not always present
-small population
-most appeal since it's new (let's create userstyles, let's make a 404 page, etc.), which might be lost once the board is fully established
-threads can get too off-topic since there are no clear rules ("occasional off-topic threads are all okay")

+/-heavy focus on touhou

In conclusion:
Who cares, if you are interested in bunbunmaru you are propably browsing it already, if not then this post won't change your opinion anyway.

>> No.3307323

>+no shitposting
>If you don't like Billy Herrington you're gay.

>> No.3307326

I think i'll stay on /jp/.
it has mostly people from /jp/ anyway.

>> No.3307331

There's nothing wrong with an aniki thread. If you think otherwise, then I'd rather you stayed away from both boards.

>> No.3307343

Looks like a decent site, don't see why there's a shitstorm here.

>> No.3307349

>4chan memes are for underaged /b/tards, but jap memes are so sophisticated and sugoi ^_^

>> No.3307350

What's so good about a gay porn star thread?

>> No.3307352

It's cool because it's ROFL SO RANDOM XD

>> No.3307358

JRPG/MMO and anime threads?

No thank you.

>> No.3307366

No moot. After he went along with some /a/ retards' XD LULZ trolling scheme, I really lost all hope for /jp/.

Eitherway, /bun/ might not be that great now, but it's good to have as a last resort. The way I see it, /jp/ will die late this year/early 2010. We're constantly building up shitty users, and while decent posters can compensate for now, it'll snowball to unbareale levels.

>> No.3307380

/bun/ is good enough for a complete migration I think. It just needs more users.

>> No.3307386

Sigh, I want a VN/eroge imageboard.

>> No.3307392

Why don't you, you know, make more VN threads instead of complaining?

>> No.3307394

Plus, once there's more users, we might see a couple more boards.

>> No.3307404

Once there is more activity you can have your Touhou board and VN board and video game board and anime/manga board and whatever.

Right now that would just kill off all activity though.

>> No.3307410

>the way I see it, /jp/ will die late this year/early 2010
After /bu~n/ dies.

>> No.3307412

/jp/ is already dead.

>> No.3307414

You can only talk so much about VNs. Most people on /jp/ don't know Japanese, so they're stuck with whatever is being translated. There's an amazing amount of VNs being translated now, compared to previous years, so I'm sure there'll be more discussion on both boards in the future.

>> No.3307417

Wrong field there.

>> No.3307420

There will never be more users. Enjoy your nothing but mods playing pretend.

>> No.3307424

I've been toning down on Touhou threads, so make more VN threads if that's what interests you.

>> No.3307428

Most sites start out small too bro.

>> No.3307437

and most sites stay small too

>> No.3307445

Enjoy your users from /a/ /b/ and /v/.

>> No.3307447

I take a small but good userbase over a big and shitty one any day.

>> No.3307453

It's almost like you people like /jp/ having a big userbase.

>> No.3307485

Maybe if you bunbunmaru fags would actually post there instead of whining about /jp/ on /jp/ you could encourage more activity by making it look like a board that's not dead.

>> No.3307500

Lol there's been maybe one post in the last half hour

>> No.3307503
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>> No.3307517

I still don't know if you retards get it, but the userbase of bunbunmaru and the userbase of /jp/ are the very same people.
This whole boardwar is like a schizophrenic hating himself, it just doesn't make any sense.

>> No.3307525

There /is/ no boardwar.
It's one guy doing stuff.
We don't give a fuck about your thing.

>> No.3307545
File: 46 KB, 1024x527, banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banned for posting japanese bird?

>> No.3307558


I guess they want the board to stay dead

>> No.3307562


At least they're keeping some forms of cancer out, it seems.

>> No.3307587

thats the ban message? i was hoping for something flashier

>> No.3307594

I wish Meido-san could permaban you too...

>> No.3307617

What did you expect from socially retarded manchildren?
To stay sane? /jp/ is stupid enough to let one or two people to carry its opinions around.
