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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 510 KB, 839x1377, 86842172_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33071006 No.33071006 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:


>> No.33071647

Feel like I've seen this lass before.

>> No.33072436
File: 57 KB, 680x510, EdasLoCUwAA_ICF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some spring cleaning on my bookshelf.

I wish the AG illustration book had more of the actual card art like the BGHS or Bang Dream ones.

>> No.33072610
File: 425 KB, 828x1472, Es32gH8UcAQVBWZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dropped the thread numbering after the one anon accidentally used the title in the name box
Don't give that clumsy anon such power.

When was that released? Seems like some of those expressions never left that page. Animators never bothered adding more.
BGHS did the card art because it ended, though AG has a lot of nice card art too. Like pic related, which RNG is denying me.

>> No.33072716

/mbgg/ - Mobage General #147

>> No.33073045
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Got it from the eStream store. Shipped out around October last year? (Bit of delay with mine cos I was a doofus and forgot EMS didn't ship so I had to arrange a proxy)

Ignoring the key visuals and other promo art, they only selected one card art for each character which is a shame. I've taken a picture of what the other 2 pages look like (out of the 4 that each character had).

>> No.33073096
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Woops I completely forgot
Im sorry

>> No.33073594
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Finally started playing Punishing Gray Raven, after pondering between making annoying bilibili accounts and getting fake Chinese IDs ended up getting the japanese version and playing with a VPN. I couldnt link to twitter without the VPN so just left it on all the time.

Seems pretty nice so far. And Liv a cute, already set her in my home screen.

>> No.33073632

The VPN thing is kinda annoying, and, as unreasonable as it may be, a big deterant from me playing the game despite being such a simple thing. But yeah from what little I played, really fun game. Getting a new device soon so I may give it a second try.

>> No.33079106

That's a long neck

>> No.33079597

The beta for Animae arche ended and I completely forgot about even checking to see if I got in...

>> No.33083118

One time hassle of bilibili better than VPN all the time

>> No.33084852

>Another Honkai clone in making.

>> No.33084894

Granted, at least it's not clone #96043 of 2D sprite autobattler #34852.

>> No.33085313

You only need the VPN to log in then you can turn it off I don't really find it that much of a hassle

>> No.33085385

I fucking WISH people churned out clones of Honkai, I'll gladly cram more gameplay games into my daily schedule

>> No.33085888

Good. I can't play Honkai since the update and Raven despite being a well made game didn't spark that interest in my soul. Looking forward to give this a chance

>> No.33085966

Da fudge kinda free time do you have?

>> No.33086592

The new skill update in shironeko is mostly to power up dated chars right? Are we about to see the rise of tetra again? I think it uses way too many class change orbs though.

>> No.33086711

>mostly to power up dated chars right?
Supposedly yes except they still don't feel as strong as newer chars imo. Most of them are also lacking some kind of damage barrier or have long skill animation so they still won't be able to compete DPS-wise

>> No.33086855

Looks too much like puni gray like what the fuck?

>> No.33089400

>Each LDplayer instance is forty fucking gbs

Yikes, how do I make these shits smaller?

>> No.33090828

Reinstall, other than Netease new(ish) Mumu assistant client everything uses VM software that for the most part only goes up.

>> No.33091204

How do you compare LDP to MUMU?

>> No.33091431

Mumu is lightweight but it lacks a lot of functions like multi instances, and can't run anything that require android 7 or higher,

>> No.33091577

Here's another one, with slower combat akin to soul series.

>> No.33091623

What's with devs liking the edgy tech aesthetic.
That being said, not bad.

>> No.33092258

Shironeko, is there a trick to clearing the tanuki building kill event quest? My strongest (new rekto) can't kill them fast enough. I almost killed them all though

>> No.33093117

I could kill all of them on the mage one with KC Corne. There is no extra reward for killing all of them though. I think they are just quest to test skill buff characters.

>> No.33095437

Anyone played counter side? Was it "fun?

>> No.33095601

I was going to ask when Soboro was coming again but I've lost the will to play after missing her multiple times since release and the winter one too and uninstalled... sorry sword girls... you might not hear from me again anons....

>> No.33095803
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there's pic related, just came out recently actually. Software is called "U-Dictionary: Oxford something something" You drag the ball on the left side of the screen to the JP text and then it translates it. Very cool.

>> No.33096740

There's a lot of other games on that guy's channel but I'm not sure what to think of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7FALDy84DU
The realistic visuals combined with girls turning into paper threw me off

>> No.33098431

Definitely had to sit there for a moment and think "what am I watching."
If there's one thing you can't deny about Chinese games, it's that there's always something out there you probably hadn't thought of yet.

>> No.33100284

The slow combat turns me off a bit. Having it too slow really just makes it feel more clunky and rigid.

>> No.33100513

Doesn't it break context on multiple lines?

>> No.33100523

And people think they aren't creative.

>> No.33101683

Then just play genshin? Don't get why you would want that trash the entire day though

>> No.33101865

Genshin easily has the worst gameplay cycle out of the big gameplay games, I'm not sure why you'd think that is a valid counter.

>> No.33101902

>worst gameplay cycle
Dragalia Won?

>> No.33102191

Finally someone made a kusoge with my flattening fetish

>> No.33102256

Will try it later, should be useful in those games with unvoiced story.

>> No.33102384
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I made it tenka anons the journey is halfway done now I just need to max Chloe

>> No.33103229 [DELETED] 

>don't have enough swords leveled enough to fully clear the test event thing in Tenka

>> No.33105702

Just tried it in PGR, very useful to check the dailies, settings and of course the story. Oxford Dictionary, I kneel.

>> No.33105780 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33107210

Holy shit, she finally got voiced.

>> No.33107275

Why didn't ash arms succeed...

>> No.33109531

or are just copycats

>> No.33109534

Bro I'm going to miss you, I'm sure you'll roll her if you stick around.

>> No.33109544

Giving my two cents as a launch player that stuck around for a few weeks, but it had convoluted mechanics and required the player to have an actual IQ. While that is fun for some people, a lot of people who were just looking to pick up another cute anthropomorphized girls game were probably not expecting having to actually learn how to play the game. The game was also grindy as fuck. I pretty much set up a macro whenever I had to farm stuff because farming in that game is stupidly tedious and I don't recall it had skip tickets or anything of that nature, which have been becoming a more common must-have for new gacha these days.

I also think they fucked up with marketing because barely anyone knew about it when it launched, but that's just sort of how it is with mobage in general that aren't backed by a big name.

>> No.33109814

I feel like the Gloria collab Tenka banner is bait, but for whom?

>> No.33110103

Works like a charm, nice one anon.

>> No.33110271

>but it had convoluted mechanics and required the player to have an actual IQ.
Not really it just came down to
>Move a certain way to make the enemies move a certain way then insta win
It's more of a small puzzle that takes a few minutes to figure out
For the people that still remember that the gloria spin-off still exist

>> No.33111155

Me, because I roll on everything. I didn't win

>> No.33111314
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The devs might favor the China sisters

>> No.33111371

>tenka has illya
holy shit can you still get her?

>> No.33112157


>> No.33112797

Didn't get her, feels bad because I live for her design

>> No.33113620

The only collab I remember they reran was angel beats and Shana there's near zero % chance we'll ever get Illya and Chloe back and if they do I hope they add Miyu

>> No.33114978

I played it. Was pretty nice and little p2w, despite having had some controversy. But then on a certain update they added some P2W character uncap system and made skins be paid-only, so I stopped playing. Dunno how it is now.

>> No.33115172

They reran the Nanoha collab too. Angel Beats/Shana/Nanoha were the only collabs before Illya and they all got reran so maybe it's not that unlikely that it gets a rerun this year.

>> No.33120504

Riding the arknight bandwagon, and maybe cyberpunk.

Sci-fi games we've had in the past were pretty gaudy akin to Final Fantasy, Gundam, or generic mecha musumes. We really didn't get any actual future-street wear until the Cyberpunk buzz.

Honkai didn't have any actual street fashion until Arc-City. Before, we basically just had sci-fi bodysuits, formal uniforms, and bits and pieces of power armor.

>> No.33125166

>Even Namori is shilling blue archieve

>> No.33125292


>> No.33125811

Mobile games are rotting your brain

>> No.33126357

Oh it's an artist of cuties.

>> No.33126648

It's a good game

>> No.33126838

No idea who is that person or care for BA. Yostar is soulless.

>> No.33127376
File: 43 KB, 443x195, Screenshot_20210211-013601574 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this new icon?

>> No.33127395

That's the button for archive mode, shouldn't be visible yet but looks like game will eos earlier than expected

>> No.33130946

oh no....

>> No.33131722


>> No.33136455
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Considering they are the more popular girls. Plus Muka gets a fluffy fluffy oath story. Irene on the other hand gets a drama about her going blind and trying to cuck herself.

>> No.33140893

I always regretted not getting into GCG, the gameplay isn't my sort of thing but the art and character designs are really nice.

>> No.33144668

>Yet another re:zero collab
>Yet another konosuba collab

>> No.33144745

>Paid skins
I will never use money so fuck them. Im saving gems for the summer skins of the two new girls (not the recent batch).

>> No.33146390

They are pretty popular.

>> No.33147937

I think it's fair since you can basically roll whatever you want playing normally.

>> No.33151998

Thought the same
Even UI seems copied

>> No.33152200

how many of you dropped BA ? how many are still enjoying it ?

>> No.33152450

I'm unironically still rerolling because every time I decide I have an account I'm happy with they hand out more free shit and I decide I can do better.

>> No.33153656

I am still playing, really like it so far.
Also seem to get multiple 3* from the raid on monday

>> No.33153855

RIP T7S ;_;7

>> No.33154271

I like it enough that I'm playing a second account on the side, though I might drop it because it looks like it's going to fucking brick. The game is pretty fun as it is though when you're tackling on content while 15+ levels under the recommended level. Almost all of the girls are cute as well. I've never been a fan of 3d model games but I really like them here.

>> No.33155047
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Not actively playing right now aside from some login, I'm waiting for Yuzu

>> No.33156105

Waiting for Global

>> No.33156615


>> No.33156704

he probably doesn't mean any game in particualr
everyone and their granda is having them

>> No.33157948

Really hoping one day some big name in the kusoge market tries making a game that plays with one's phone at a portrait orientation and it takes off, so that the trend of these games shifts to people having to hold their phones that way to play.
Wasn't there some gook game about girls, guns, and asses that did that?

>> No.33158000

>Really hoping one day some big name in the kusoge market tries making a game that plays with one's phone at a portrait orientation
I'm fairly certain this was the standard back in 2012-2014 before more popular games made the shift to landscape.

>> No.33158013

Uma Musume is portrait from what I've seen.
But why would you want that anyway?

>> No.33158150

Kusopl games may be up your ally, Shironeko, AGA all are portrait, there's also uma musume, and others not as popular like iron saga and mahou otome.

>> No.33162742

But it's just one guy leaving donuts?

>> No.33163549

I'm still playing it, but its basically just a log in game already. Waiting for some of the cuter girls from the CBT like Arisu and Koharu to come out before I roll too, despite the game giving out gems left and right. Mashiro as the first banner was a really shit choice.

>> No.33165234

Why would you want portrait mode when landscape exists?

>> No.33167741

>Mashiro as the first banner was a really shit choice.
I didn't really look into the characters before playing and when I saw her I thought she was a top tier cutie and was ready to reroll for her but then I saw she was a special and yeah why the fuck is the first banner for a single character you don't even get to see 98% of the time

>> No.33169802
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better for character's posing

>> No.33169818

I hope you trip over and knock yourself into a coma because portrait games are cancer as fuck

>> No.33171144

So is anyone planning to try out that hockey mobage when it comes out?

>> No.33172486

Pride of Orange? We barely have info on it

>> No.33172569

Yeah, I'll try that bandori character design clone.

>> No.33173812
File: 313 KB, 1624x750, EuGvlwxUYAMonhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many games do SMT collab?

>> No.33173946

too few minus persona

>> No.33173987

Dropped. Just can't get into it without understanding anything. Just going to wait for global.

>> No.33174565


Five years later, nintendo is still seething.

>> No.33174649

Slowly I grew disenchanted.
Kirby still rocks.

>> No.33174686

>Dragalia failed to reach 30k retweets for their latest Persona 5 collab retweet campaign
>Suddenly this news appeared
Is it just a coincidence?

>> No.33174868

The desings are like a mix of bandori and LL.

>> No.33175033
File: 477 KB, 1489x1273, EQ4o83LVUAAzoAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last day of Luluca's ranked season is today - usual maintenance will follow on the 15th from 13:00 ~ 17:00.
There's also a free girls-only hero gacha just for today so be sure to get it.

>> No.33175920

>tfw didn’t get luluca

>> No.33176369

If you got her season costume then that should also unlock her for you

>> No.33178652

Portrait can be more comfortable when actually playing on a phone

>> No.33179632

Makes it less obvious you're playing a game

>> No.33181707

I'm looking at Shironeko, but I don't know if I want to try it out. Is rerolling difficult? Is there heavy p2w elements?

>> No.33181750

Why hello there fellow /drag/alian.

>> No.33181911

Interesting tool.
Keeps rotating emulator screen tho.

>> No.33182068
File: 99 KB, 511x798, N96TFm4nbX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is rerolling difficult?
Nah, you can get some quick gems from first meeting bonuses jumping into low level co-op a few times after the tutorial.
I forget how many, it's been a while. But at least enough for one 10+1.

>Is there heavy p2w elements?
The game's pretty generous with gems, so it's not too bad.
Plus there's a bunch of main story and an archive of old events to mine out for gems. And you can reset the main story and do it again after a while.

>> No.33183417

I got ip banned for rerolling with 4 instances at once last night. Never sold or gave away accounts. Now I can't play without vpn so prob going to wait for global.

>> No.33183446
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inb4 your IP is also banned from global

>> No.33183841
File: 151 KB, 884x1180, 1600947553751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically what this guy said. Game gives roughly a 10roll in gems for most events last I played a year or two ago and starting out now the new characters blow older ones out of the water so you're not missing anything. Your gem limit is really how sick you are of playing or when your wrist breaks from playing starting out and it's pretty fun, but powercreep is very real for the most part with new characters laregly taking a dump on characters released a rotation or two ago.

>> No.33184508

They had an emergency maint due to a supposed DDoS yesterday and said they implemented some measures against it so you probably triggered whatever shit they implemented.

>> No.33185889

hahaha what a dumb girl who would ever put salt in his tea am i right

>> No.33188502

>Nocturne HD
lmao. I imagine they failed to get P5 and got to settle with it instead.

>> No.33189412

I'm surprised she didn't draw Maki (Akari)

>> No.33191321

Persona 5 collab is boring imo since most mobage are doing it nowadays

>> No.33193542

I want to try playing the alchemist code. Would anyone recommend it? Also tell me if a general exists?

>> No.33193724

No general.
Can't form an opinion on it as I haven't played.
Battle system looks interesting.

>> No.33194250

>Would anyone recommend it?
Just remember that its EN and JP version are technically different game like some collabs don't happen in EN for some reason and different QoL+freebies

>> No.33196002

Will give this a shot; who should I go for character-wise?

>> No.33196480

Wait is that a Nintendo collab?

>> No.33196644
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In general, you always want to be going for the current event characters. Currently, that's these three.
The rest of the 4*s in the pool are more or less filler, you'll get plenty of dupes of them as you go along.
Previous event characters are gone until rerun campaigns, which happen from time to time.
5*s are just the event 4*s, except they save you from needing to level them up.

It's not real.

>> No.33196645

Aw man.

>> No.33199602

Spot the portrait player

>> No.33200075

The game only works in portrait.

>> No.33203628
File: 1.76 MB, 6207x1813, mapjsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maintenance has ended for Compass, you'll need to update the game.
Kitsunegasaki's themed cards have been added to the game - they can be obtained with silver tickets until the 3rd March and will be added to the regular card pool at a later date. As for the effects, from left to right:
>Counter that deals medium AoE damage when activated
>Close ranged card that silences the enemy for 13 seconds
>Counter that teleports behind the enemy when activated
>Close range shield break
>Counter that deals damage in front when activated
Good to see counters available at all rarities for balance reasons, bad because now everyone will have a counter card.
Luluca's ranking rewards will be distributed on the 17th.
>tfw no playable loligasaki

>> No.33203737

The new girl in PoE is pretty meme. Doesn't look like she'll be very strong with RNG chance to Confuse, but who knows.

>> No.33203952
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And there will also be some news on the 21st, Game Bazooka Girl this time for sure!

>> No.33209395

I thought waiting until at least they reveal next event in Shironeko is probably better since it's probably will be a collab

>> No.33213826
File: 637 KB, 1280x720, f4164f1ba0c981c6b6eaa6bb9c3df246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually looks pretty fun, though of course it being a PvP shooter with servers in China will probably change that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwz5WOX5utc
Devs still say it's a while from being complete but aiming for 2021.

>> No.33213953

Just move to China.
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.33213998

I don't want to eat chinese food...

>> No.33214065

nothing wrong with a bat or two

>> No.33214748

"Better" depends on how much you like the current valentines girls vs whoever we get next.
But yeah, that also works.

>> No.33218042

Did any of your Valentine set rolls work out?
Mine did not...

>> No.33219007

Mixed results like like having to whale for a guaranteed one / at least got a rate-up one from doing just 10-roll/ failed but I don't intend to ever spend money on that game

>> No.33219533

Not a lot I actually wanted to roll for this time around.
Which works out fine, I guess. More to save for various upcoming anniversaries, and then summer stuff later on.

>> No.33220491

Wait is Blazblue Alternative Dark War out already or is it a pre-load/beta?

>> No.33221264

Based compass update anon

>> No.33221296

might be a dumb question, but how much does it cost to develop a mobage?

>> No.33221341

Anywhere from 1 dollar to billions of yen.

>> No.33221344

$0 to $infinity not including fees

>> No.33221373

I referenced this article a thread or 7 ago, but it claims that major titles can run anywhere from 500 million to 40 billion in development costs. Obviously smaller names would be less.

>> No.33221381

Correction. Currency is in yen, and I meant 4 billion, not 40.

>> No.33222195

Any big releases on the horizon? I missed the blue archive train.

>> No.33222298

Uma musume next week.

>> No.33222443

Nier Reincarnation in two days I believe.

>> No.33224988

This gameplay looks fun

>> No.33229126
File: 2.90 MB, 480x930, Mind the gap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this card so much, hope we get a non-collab version soon.

Luluca's ranking rewards have been released. There will also be some card balancing (mostly buffs) after maintenance on the 22nd.

>> No.33230178
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Slowpoke since I've been busy but cute victory card

>> No.33230748
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Nice job anon I too finished it up with my wife

>> No.33232052
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People were talking about making a wiki on the Blue Archive general so if anyone is interested on contributing or offering to admin the wiki then should go over to their thread

>> No.33234856

I think some anons here know a thing or two about mediawiki but not sure if they would be willing to help

>> No.33237511

Why bother making a new wiki when you know some discord group already has a wiki up for the game?

>> No.33237938

Unfortunately 99% of those turn out vastly incomplete, abandoned, and have the bare minimum amount of information that no one has any use for.

>> No.33238160

Which is why people are trying to make their own wiki and lots of people offered to contribute but no one knows how to handle mediawiki so someone that is willing to admin the wiki and deal with all mediawiki related things is needed

There's two but one site is mostly outdated or filled with info from CBT while the other one takes forever to update and has mistranslations while missing important info like skill costs

>> No.33240722

Can't you just wing it? You'd also have to hope that the desire to make and maintain one keeps up over time otherwise you'll end up with a third outdated wiki

>> No.33241780

Someone playing ikki tousen extra burst here?

>> No.33251103

It's been a while since I've played any mobage, what's good to start with atm?

>> No.33252275

fotm is blue archive but you should give an idea of what you're looking for

>> No.33254562

>play match
>me and megumin doing most of the work
>luciano third team mate is fucking around and not helping
>about to win the match by capping 4th point, 2nd pt of rivals
>we both die
>Luciano round around in circles for the 3rd point
>pulls up command prompts of laughing and clapping
>turns out he’s friends with the rival team members
I’ve experienced my first top 10 anime betrayal.

>> No.33254602

what a little shit
if i were matched against my friends i would beat the shit out of them , because that's what friends do

>> No.33256881

There's a 95% chance of a Luciano backstabbing you, intentional or not. Nothing quite as crushing as losing a match where your Luciano still has his hero skill ready

>> No.33260003

Blue Archive quickly turned into a login and just do the dailies game. There's literally nothing to do in that game right now.

>> No.33260213

Show me your Hard 12-3 3*

>> No.33260456

Nier servers are up

>> No.33261338

Good. That's the point.

>> No.33261475

I had no idea this was going to have normal RPG combat

>> No.33261541

wont even let me play the tutorial on my midend phone, what are your devices? any emu working?

>> No.33261564

Realme 5 Pro
I didn't try the higher options yet but mid works fine

>> No.33261707

I'm on nox and it's just spamming me "device incompatible" no matter which phone I emulate, so they probably know.

>> No.33261760

the first 3d scene wont render on my redmi note 9 no matter what, guess ill just give up
im getting the same message on nox and on my tablet, hope nox guys do something about it

>> No.33261793

bluestacks device incompatible

>> No.33262088

I found that Beatless kusoge anon mentioned a few threads ago, another of those "Chinese company takes Japanese label and makes something out of it" kinda games. Title is 空匣人型

>> No.33262549

holy shit this game sucks, i mean i like that most of the main characters moves are from the arcade game, but the special moves that should be flashier are just lame
ill keep playing it for now but will quit if i dont get my wife if they ever release her

>> No.33264236

Pride of Eden anon whose name starts with a L, are you still playing? Just checking up here since the guild event is starting in a few days and you haven't logged on for awhile.

>> No.33264306

Still playing, just was busy with exams past week so I slacked on all of my mobages

>> No.33264337

Thanks for letting me know, glad to know you are still playing bro, and good luck.

>> No.33264895

Using a phone with a SD 855 and game runs at like 20 FPS.

>> No.33269872

What game is this?

>> No.33270997

Tenka hyakken

>> No.33271030
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Tenka Hyakken Zan. It's a fairly casual side-scrolling action game based around sword girls.

>> No.33271687

Rerolling in Nier is awful

>> No.33271719
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>> No.33271765

Is she a banner unit I can roll for right now?

>> No.33271774

>tfw got A2 and 9S in my first roll

>> No.33271787

You have to spend like 10 minutes slowly walking to the first area before they let you open the gacha menu.

Lucky, I'm aiming for 2B and A2

>> No.33271795

>You have to spend like 10 minutes slowly
that's torture

>> No.33271813

It was even worse in the CBT, you couldn't even access the menu until you beat the first chapter which takes like 20-30 minutes

>> No.33271943

Nah, lim from late last year so she probably won't be back for many months.

>> No.33271982

Just trying out now that you mentioned
>Main girl is a loli
Why rerolling?

>> No.33271985

I got 2B twice and 9S. My nip isn't good though and the game doesn't really seem worth playing if you're not in it for the story so I'm probably not gonna touch it again until global comes out.

>> No.33272016


>> No.33272046

I like ass

>> No.33272060

I want to play this


>> No.33272092
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Here are the rates

>> No.33272116

Yeah, I've been waiting for it, it seems it'll be released soon.

>> No.33272117

Was just thinking about this yesterday but couldn't remember the name of it. An anon posted about it a few weeks/months ago.

>> No.33272137

Christ those are awful

>> No.33272201

>weapon system

>> No.33273436

yeah not for me

>> No.33276799

>Weapons and characters at the same gacha.
Damn that sucks.

>> No.33278327

Nekomiya is cute

>> No.33279408

Game is hot garbage even ignoring the gacha.
It's an autobattler so you can't really expect much but it's also just so incredibly boring visually. You don't even get to fully see the characters you rolled for since in battle is the only time you get to see them and the camera is always behind them. All the other times you're just running around as the loli for the main missions or the little sperm shit in the hub.
Would not recommend playing unless you're heavily interested in the story and nothing else.

>> No.33279438

I'm surprised there aren't victory poses, the best thing I've seen so far is Gacha A2 fixing her stocking.

>> No.33279504
File: 2.81 MB, 4093x2894, 87309348_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are there any other pride of eden players left that still need a guild? Just kicked some players who were confirmed to have quit, and need to fill 4 spaces. I'll probably have to resort to recruiting random JPs but wanted to make sure here first.

>> No.33279657 [SPOILER] 
File: 959 KB, 598x554, 1613724244345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably there won't be any cute girl on the collab

>> No.33281853

What's your rank last guild battle anon?

>> No.33281906

Cucked out of top 400 at rank 402. We had a few inactives and very new players though. The guild is mostly casual with a few players at 3m+.

>> No.33282044

>can clear very hard on practice run
>went pretty decent, he used a couple of rocket barrages so feeling good
>go into the real thing
>get rocket barraged x4 immediately
Fucking retards never listening to any of you reroll20refreshautists ever again

>> No.33282093

what game

>> No.33282117

Blue Archive, raid is RNG reliant(you might crash and just lose your attempt) and the boss might just go into giga fuck you mode and spam his missile attack(hits all of your team members)

>> No.33283352

Sorry anon. I would love to join but my guild is currently within rank 200 and I need all the bonus gems I can get.

>> No.33283383

To be honest I like a random raid boss more than one with a set pattern. It makes it more fun to play instead of doing the same shit over and over because you know what's next.

>> No.33283492

>Tried to do VH raid boss because why not
>First team was doing fine till boss started spamming missiles and raped everyone
>Second team crashed while loading the raid
Fuck this, back to hard.

>> No.33284335
File: 1.73 MB, 2300x1080, Screenshot_20210219-055940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted 2B, I always want 2B and I never get her

>> No.33284547

I uninstalled when I saw 9S on my screen.

>> No.33284589

This is why you reroll. Only takes like 10 minutes. I got dogshit on my first run, rerolled, and got 2B straight away.

>> No.33287787

No problem if you're already in a more decent guild. I am mainly looking for anons that still need a guild or are floating by on a random inactive guild since I know my current one isn't too attractive to more longtime players.

>> No.33289208

Is anyone actually playing that higurashi gacha?

>> No.33289226

didnt know its existence

>> No.33289372

Wasn't it found out to be like a really cheap priconne knockoff during its release?

>> No.33289437

Yeah it's basically just a Priconne clone. If you ever played Priconne or one of the many other clones and thought "I wish I was playing this with Higurashi characters in fanservice outfits" then I guess you might enjoy it but apart from that there's nothing really standout about it compared to any other Priconne clone.

>> No.33289781

What about the story?

>> No.33289811

I have ADHD so I've unironically never sat through a mobage story

>> No.33292611

Umineko would have honestly been the better play with that sort of game

>> No.33292749

Higurash got a new anime TV series so it came with an obligatory mobage spin off.
I guess Umineko will have one whenever they decided to drag it out of the grave for some more milking.

>> No.33297479 [SPOILER] 
File: 515 KB, 1280x720, 1613810276938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any of you guys recommend me a game like this that isn't actually ded of course

>> No.33297503

This tower defense?

>> No.33298829

Nier automata had like 1 hour long tutorial chapter with a super hard boss to boot , i think you couldn't save and had to start all over if you failed when the game released.
it's a yoko taro thing

>> No.33298862

Imagine being this terrible at games.

>> No.33298877

i remember the threads on /v/[/spoler]
the tears were delicious

>> No.33299362

Seems like a game that's fun for the first two weeks but becomes tedious when you just grind dailies.

>> No.33302329

How the fuck do I emulate Nier my phone is too trash

>> No.33304465
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Closed beta test on the 22nd.

>> No.33304543

Has a kusoge ever announced a server closing for their April Fools joke?

>> No.33304585

All those dekinai idiots in the comments who can't figure out how to apply when it hasn't even started yet.

>> No.33304684

I can't say for sure it hasn't, but that seems unwise.
If you aren't shutting down yet, you don't really wanna joke about that. And you don't want people to get fooled by it and ditch their account and quit, or stuff like that.
As an "April fools! Just kidding, the joke was that it's actually real" announcement, I could maybe see it. But then you'd get people thinking everything's still fine and it was just a prank.
I think shutdowns are a thing you want to be pretty transparent about.

>> No.33309768

>I think shutdowns are a thing you want to be pretty transparent about.
Wrong, you should announce that the game will continue for 4 more years, and then shutdown the next day with no warning.

>> No.33311809
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>> No.33313170

Garfs wife is very cute

>> No.33313191
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Self heal upon incoming damage works wonders.
Looking forward to some more characters from Season 2 to be added.
Interested what sort of kit they'll give Echidna.

>> No.33313425
File: 1.14 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2021-02-20-23-46-25-962_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.nierspjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game finally works on my phone after this latest update
>loli automata
uooh now i feel like giving it a try will reroll for her

>> No.33317264
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, zme192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of the Compass news stream, it was basically just info on Game Bazooka Girl.

GBG herself is, unsurprisingly, a gunner with 1.30 attack, 0.65 defence and 0.80 health modifiers.
Hero hero action releases a charged shot that has a fixed ranged but increasing width depending on how long you hold it for. It deals decent damage and sends enemies flying back when hit.
Hero hero ability increases the knockback effect of all offensive cards.
Her hero skill fires a beam in front and behind her over a long range which deals damage, knocks enemies back and also breaks shields. Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPWC4CMlboM

She will be released tomorrow after maintenance - 1000BM will be given as a stream reward and there will be the usual hero tickets login campaign + rate up hero gacha.

Finally, Gustav will be the theme for the March ranked season. That's all!

>> No.33323725 [DELETED] 

Pity bump

>> No.33325854 [DELETED] 

Pity bump

>> No.33329320

I just realized I spent some 270 rolls in a game with a 3% rate and none of the highest rarity. Probability is funny like that

>> No.33329377

how much yen did you spend

>> No.33329396

a la rig

>> No.33330357

Other than the 500 yen/month pass, nothing.

>> No.33330418


Alchemy Stars gameplay. Closed beta applications for Japanese players only is also out.

>> No.33330502

Guess they really don't want Chinks. Let's just hope they don't impose a region lock on the full release.

>> No.33330531

>like the artwork
>actual gameplay looks like shit

>> No.33330587

Eh. Game doesn't want me. I don't want the game. We will call it even.

>> No.33331401 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2328x3212, 1613968482158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing basically happened to me. Not really a game that belongs here but fuck I did a spark a few days ago with 2 SSRs total on 3% rates.

>> No.33332244

Uma Musume is open for pre-download

>> No.33335418

I have no idea what I am looking at so I will check it out
Looks like some dance battlefield with how your units seem to glide over everything

>> No.33335830
File: 555 KB, 1922x776, Eu0PYdrVgAADMyY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and Game Bazooka Girl is now available. Available until the 10th March:
• A 5x rate up hero gacha will be available until the 10th.
• A login campaign rewarding up to three hero tickets and 300BM
• A double UR rate gacha with a hero ticket dropping every 33 rolls.
A community mission to capture 10 million portal keys will be available until the 7th with rewards including up to two 128GB data chips.

As for hero balancing, a lot today with a mixture of buffs and nerfs.
>Sped up the activation speed of cards with activation times of none, short and long by 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 seconds respectively.
>Attack modifier for normal attacks increased by 3%
>Hero action + ability damage increased by 7%
>Hero action + ability radius increased by 4%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.35 to 1.40
>Hero skill travel range increased by 20m
>Defence modifier reduced from 0.95 to 0.90
>Close range cards now cast 15% slower
>Reduced hero action healing for allies by 20%
>Defence modifier reduced from 0.80 to 0.75
>Health modifier increased from 0.90 to 0.95
>Reduced hitstop of normal attacks by 17%
>Attack modifier for normal attacks increased by 3%
>Hero action healing effect increased by 40%
>Hero skill requires 6% less to charge
>Close range cards cast 4% faster
>Barrage cards cast 21% faster
>AoE cards cast 20% faster
>Defence modifier reduced from 1.10 to 1.00
>Movement speed reduced by 2%
>Hero action is now 0.3% faster
>Hero skill requires 12% less to fully charge
>Attack modifier increased from 1.25 to 1.30
>Attack modifier for normal attacks increased by 2%
>Defence modifier reduced from 1.20 to 1.15
>Hero skill requires 7% more to charge
>Attack modifier reduced from 1.25 to 1.20
>Defence modifier reduced from 0.75 to 0.70
>Long range cards cast 5% faster
>Health modifier reduced from 0.95 to 0.90
>Attack modifier for normal attacks reduced by 2%
>Movement speed reduced by 1%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.20 to 1.25
>Hero skill requires 13% less to charge
>Transformation time when starting to dash reduced by 21%
>Dash attack enemy hero skill gauge drain increased from 5% to 7%

Cards adjustments can be viewed through the in-game notices. The most common change is to cooldown durations.
The old rhythm loading game can also be accessed from the notices.

I managed to get GBG in two tickets so I'm happy, don't have to spend almost everything for a change.

>> No.33335871

How is this game? Do you have to reroll?

>> No.33335880

Fun if you like PvP
Not unless you're aiming for a specific hero right off the bat

>> No.33336111
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>> No.33337203
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>> No.33341587

At least it isn't sao

>> No.33342485

>chain chronicle is still going on
I wish i could get into the gameplay because i'm pretty curious about the story.
I remember watching the anime/movies and liked it.

>> No.33342832

The tactical part is incredibly boring. What's up with so many new mobage about gungirls...

>> No.33342945

GFL flopped so it opened a new market for everyone else to jumped in.

>> No.33342992

What happened to GFL? I don't follow chink games.

>> No.33346201

Any news about the global konosuba gacha?

>> No.33347159

>A 5x rate up hero gacha will be available until the 10th.
I’m stupid, what does this mean

>> No.33347183

GBG (only her) is 5 times more likely to appear

>> No.33347238

lol rip to me then, I used up like 5 tickets and didn’t get her for that specific roll lol

>> No.33347489

I just got lucky this time, I've spent over 30 hero tickets before and still failed to get the new hero. April Fool's is too soon but maybe she'll get a Halloween costume at least

>> No.33348884

So can I expect uma musume to get its own general when the game launches? I'm surprised one hasn't already been made.

>> No.33348983

It's already got a vmg thread going, dunno if there's any plans on a vg general.

>> No.33349027

It's Cygames, it's going to get one

>> No.33349058

I honestly keep forgetting that board even exists.

>> No.33349211

wow didnt know that place

>> No.33349633

Absolutely. Every mobage general spare maybe one has some shitposters shilling the game there.

>> No.33350869

>some shitposters
It feels like it's all coming from the same guy.

>> No.33353468

You shouldn't. It's nice.

>> No.33356327


Looks like we're getting another duo rateup? This game doesn't want to let me save gems.

>> No.33357590

Nevermind, I forgot event SRs existed after we went through one month without one.

>> No.33358816
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Yuki Yuna is a Hero collab in Tenka

>> No.33359027

I am already playing so many mobages.. I can't add another one..

>> No.33359521

Yuushas are like the collab slut of the cute girls genre.

>> No.33360992

Were there any mentions of this month’s SwordFes on the stream?

>> No.33361770

Reruns.of the lim versions of Doujigiri, Oodenta, and Onimaru.
Also reruns of Shadow Kanesada and Kane.

>> No.33364032

>dual sords
Finally a 2nd unit that uses 2 sords
not a sord but pretty cool!
>a fucking gun
The strongest type of sord

>> No.33364685

I'm safe.
I think.

>> No.33368439 [DELETED] 

Pity bump

>> No.33371959

I wonder what the average life span is of those games that were once dead but brought back to life for a last-ditch effort at making a quick profit.

>> No.33373619
File: 92 KB, 554x986, 0RStdCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uma mususme has anti-emulator code.

>> No.33373667

Curses. Every day the ROG looks more appealing.

>> No.33374416

Oh no! Anyway

>> No.33376277

reddit is on the tab to your right

>> No.33376337

This is on the tab to the right https://vndb.org/p1008 as a reminder that I want to read that shit eventually
But glad to see literal shit lives rent free in horsefags heads

>> No.33380700
File: 2.97 MB, 480x920, Poor Len.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bullying?

>> No.33384026

His fault for trying to 2v1.

>> No.33388113

>That protagonist change in Nier Reincarnation
Should have seen that one coming

>> No.33388232

But you play as the same character throughout.

>> No.33388296

Maybe I need to finish these last two story chapters

>> No.33388348

Sounds more like you just didn't understand chapter 6. You do realise 7 and 8 are set 4 months before the rest, right?

>> No.33391538

is the horse game any good? dont really care about idols but still...

>> No.33391591

All syle no substance.

>> No.33391715

It's more or less a Shinymas clone, so take it as you will.

>> No.33392283

Just take the 8gb download and form your own opinion

>> No.33392644

It's a slightly better SC.

>> No.33393001

Holy shit it's a strategy game?

>> No.33393041

Shiny Colors, not Starcraft

>> No.33397635

I dont understand the last guild battle boss in PoE
Is she just there to fuck over your team or is there any way to counter her shit? Because everything seems to be aoe

>> No.33399621

Backline just needs HP to survive the aoes ougis. For your frontline you can try bringing Gloria and/or Tsubaki to help mitigate the damage.
Your tankiest character needs to be center front. Evante is good for this.

>> No.33400112

Is Another Eden good? Kinda want to try it now that it's coming to steam

>> No.33400342

You can probably have fun with it for a while

>> No.33400590

Fuck this shit Blue Archive has the the worst and fake rates that's like shit. I did 250 rolls for the cat for the new event and I only got 1 3* dupe and only got the 2* pickup once. Now all the gems I saved since starting are gone and I didn't even get anything.

>> No.33406038

As much as it may be chink botnet, I have to commend QooApp for always having its shit together and having updates pretty much the moment they hit the play store.

>> No.33406544

Why not just make a JP Google account? All you need to do then is clear data in Google Play, Google Play Services, turn on vpn and then swap to the JP account in Google Play. Once you add a game to your library by hitting the install button you never have to use the vpn again until you want to install something new, so it's not really that much work.

>> No.33406712

I used to have one but every force in the universe decided I wasn't allowed to any more, even after factory reseting my device, making a completely unrelated account, and different IP I still can't get in there any more.

>> No.33406853


>> No.33406902

That happened to me on my old phone but I didn't bother trying to fix it. Once Qoo added those ads though I fired up that JP account on my, relatively, new phone. A friend of mine did fix it though, he just rebooted and cleared data on both things multiple times and it worked after several restarts. I haven't the faintest clue why but it worked for him.

>> No.33407203

Really easy to reroll since you don't have to redownload data if you do it correctly, but it looks like it would murder weak phone because it looks really good. The main gameplay is more like a tokimeki memorial sort of game, where you're training stats and have a bunch of random story encounters and have a number of milestone goals to reach. When you're done with that the girl keeps those stats to use elsewhere and restart that process with someone else. I guess that's like some other idolshit games but I've never played those.

There's a lot of reading to be had if you want to bother. It's kinda highlighting how slow I can read Japanese accurately.

Easiest way for me was to set language to Japanese and make the google account while setting up a new phone. First thing I downloaded was a vpn app and, after clearing google play store cache, turned it on to Japan to add JP games. I always skip any requests to add a payment option, because once they can pinpoint your actual location, you're stuck in that. Obviously that means you can't IAP unless you're never going to pick up new games.

Mostly abandoned my old google account aside from data transfers. It's possible to have multiple accounts and switch users on one phone but I don't know how that dynamic works with regards to game save data and IAP.

>> No.33407788

