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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 506 KB, 2048x1405, EtTvuRXVEAAmvq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33005115 No.33005115 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>32953995

>> No.33005772

I want to fuck Sugita.

>> No.33005806

Shut up

>> No.33005838

Whatever happened to Manaka Iwami? Other than a minor role in Nijigasaki I don't recall seeing her in a main role lately.

>> No.33005877

She's the MC of the Fruits Basket reboot.

>> No.33005903

I mean, she’s just starting out. Give it some time, she’ll get a decent role.

>> No.33007305

Want Nijigasaki last season?

>> No.33007651
File: 426 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-Hanazawa_Kana_from_-Human_Lost-_at_Opening_Ceremony_of_the_Tokyo_International_Film_Festival_2019_(49013612766).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What prompted her massive decline in the recent years? Even casual anime viewers knew about her but today she is whoring herself out for chump change in China.

>> No.33007700
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>> No.33007856

I don’t think she’s any less known. She’s just not new anymore. Most female seiyuu blow up right when they enter the industry & get a fuckton of jobs, but comes at the cost of them having a hard time getting roles after their 20s.

On the flip side, male seiyuu usually take years to really blow up, but comes with the benefit of having a longer career.

>> No.33008041

>but today she is whoring herself out for chump change in China.
They might unironically be paying her more.

>> No.33008384

cute lesbian

>> No.33008409


>> No.33008560

oowada a CUTE!
oozora a CUTE!
akarin a HOT!
autist a SLUT!

>> No.33008577

>akarin a HOT!

>> No.33008588

I like her armpit

>> No.33008623

You should specify that then. You give people the wrong impression.

>> No.33008633


>> No.33008649

No harm done

>> No.33009348

Ya like Yukana?

>> No.33009377

>massive decline
That's what getting older mean in seiyuu industry. Young ones will replace the old. Hanazawa has been a seiyuu for maybe 15 years, she can't hog all the roles forever. Plus seiyuu and idol is merging so they will leave out the married babas.
Even then, she's still having more anime work than most seiyuu if you actually pay attention.

>> No.33010113


>> No.33010288

Which seiyuu has the cutest english?

>> No.33010489

Two for the price of one. Maybe Hanakana is better at Chinese these days.

>> No.33010680

Naobou has some pretty cute eigo

>> No.33010805
File: 777 KB, 1366x911, DAEF02E6-B633-46F3-809A-B085E0CA062A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33010829

Lol holy shit, can’t believe they made her read all that

>> No.33010920

Is this in Singapore or something? Why are they speaking English?

>> No.33011169

Some Tokyo international film festival event. Still trying to figure how best to sell to gaijins.
I like how Nanjo just runs off at the end and the presenter is like oh bye then.

>> No.33011273

ayaneru's welcome come on

>> No.33011307

>how best to sell to gaijins
They’ll try just about anything before actually subbing it & uploading onto an official youtube channel

>> No.33012098


>> No.33012122

>massive decline
I guess since she's HanaKana it is a massive decline but for any other seiyuu it's not a decline at all.

>> No.33012149
File: 124 KB, 900x1200, 1609654166796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else but Inori Minase the cutest of them all!

>> No.33012184


>> No.33012265

pillow seiyu like akarin

>> No.33012334

Eh? What makes you think that?

>> No.33012370

Vedi cuto

>> No.33012572

>massive decline
>chink no.1
>nip no.1

>> No.33012610
File: 727 KB, 1280x720, 1593294960456.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora "10/ten-chan" Amamiya.

>> No.33012611


>> No.33012638

>>nip no.1

>> No.33012654
File: 141 KB, 1125x2000, nagae rika lewd halloween outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need to fuck the slut in the middle

>> No.33012692

Anyone fap to this?

>> No.33012711


>> No.33012797

Why are their nasal bridges so long?

>> No.33012882

>chump change
I'm gonna need a citation on this
I'd assume their rates are higher not to mention it's the biggest potential market in the world

>> No.33013034

I can if you want

>> No.33013037

I don’t know what a nasal bridge is. I just like them a lot.

>> No.33013147

quick, post your seiyuufu's real name

>> No.33013206


>> No.33013220

Lisa Yamasaki

>> No.33013735

Aoi Yabusaki
She also draws pictures

>> No.33013821

Aika Shinozaki

>> No.33014072

Has your seiyuufu ever done train announcements? If so, on what line(s)?

>> No.33014105
File: 70 KB, 629x1036, marina inoue 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this page, "Inoue" is Marina's stage name; she hasn't released her real one.

She also has Christian relatives who insisted that her parents name her Marina instead of Maria.


>> No.33014137

d-don't judge me. https://twitter.com/db_singer_actor/status/1189459108052602880

>> No.33015081

Do jap Christians have some kind of problem with naming kids after saints?

>> No.33015388

you know there's a version of that image without the artifacts, right?

>> No.33015660
File: 18 KB, 300x450, ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What role from this hottie is your favorite? I'm watching Hyouka atm and she's really good in it

>> No.33015704


>> No.33015776

Darkness, if for nothing else just to hear kayano say all that ridiculous shit. And goddamn, always forget how hot she is.

>> No.33015850

Ya guys like Asami Sanada

>> No.33015888

The mom meme must end. But she brought it herself with the shitty haircut

>> No.33015899


>> No.33016327


>> No.33016443

Her Kurumi voice was hot.
Do you watch her workout videos

>> No.33016467

She works for intentionally annoying characters like Dejiko and Miyamae Kanako but otherwise her acting isn't that interesting.

>> No.33016492

I think she pulls off the haircut, but it definitely gives her too much of a mature look. The young babe look was much better.

>> No.33016592

I just like her a lot

>> No.33016712

Evidently one of the reasons she grew her hair long was so she could cut and donate it.

>> No.33016777

>workout videos
h-her what

>> No.33016916

They’re not the sexy kind of workout, rather just actual short follow-along workouts. But they’re charming.

>> No.33017705

I can work with this.

>> No.33018130
File: 474 KB, 2048x1536, EtYT1OYVoAA0ogU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33018211

I think death note is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills criminals and doesn’t afraid of anything

>> No.33018242

>gave that fag mamoru the seiyuu award
HanaKana got an official weibo account before him too.

>> No.33018498

>Ohashi won voice actor artist award
So is Ohashi popular in chinkland as singer?

>> No.33018656

Bang Dream's pretty popular all over Asia nowadays so I'm sure that helps.

>> No.33018673

???? She won for "one-man live in China".

>> No.33018719

She got popular as a singer over there because of her association with bang dream.

>> No.33018729

lol retarded idolfag trying to take credit for their trash just like LLturds for WEP's casting.

>> No.33018766

I never heard she did one man live in china

>> No.33018775

She won on her own merit.

>> No.33018794

Kana Ueda

>> No.33018802

>trying to take credit for their trash just like LLturds for WEP's casting.
That's a thing?

>> No.33018955

Maybe because Ohashi is only almost fulltime idol that has weibo but i don't like they are giving award for such because it seems like that Seiyuu is not such awarding unless you are in Miyano level but being 2.5 idols up their level and make thhem deserve an award? while many actual seiyuu actually has good singing career in their own name

>> No.33019216

what the fuck did I just read

>> No.33019399

Can I have a picture

>> No.33019518

>that Re:zero episode
Tomato confirmed winning the Fattyb Owl

>> No.33019606

The award probably ended up with her because she was the only one they managed to invite to their ceremony.
She most likely wasn't their first choice, just the most available.

>> No.33019635

Is there a better way to rip HD videos from Bilibili nowadays or am I stuck with the janky addon for Chrome?

>> No.33019648


>> No.33019683

Why not just go to the source material?

>> No.33019740


>> No.33019747


>> No.33019772
File: 328 KB, 446x434, 2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd get AIDS from Egu.

>> No.33020157

>Irrelevant character>heroine in shit work>author's favorite

>> No.33020358
File: 199 KB, 640x427, Etb1eI4VIAE1Ydr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33020607


>> No.33020745

Thanks, Anon. That seems to work and is also more stable.

>> No.33020923
File: 52 KB, 532x800, BdNzOq9CAAAkU2I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book is she looking for?

>> No.33020937

Some YAOI manga, duh.

>> No.33020955

>Have to convert to Christianity to get a chance to marry her
Oh no no no...

>> No.33020957

Japanese for Gobbos - Vol.7

>> No.33020970

Mein Kampf
Y.Aoi is a known antisemite and if she was a celeb here in the west we'd disown her, and rightfully so.

>> No.33021059

Just call yourself a Christian and you're good

>> No.33021135
File: 270 KB, 1280x1813, 1598725666577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is Marina raised christian?
it'd be weird considering some of the roles she's had over the years.

>> No.33021205

Sounds like she had some relatives that were.

>> No.33021439

What's ayaneru's twitter?

>> No.33021957
File: 390 KB, 640x358, BdIobNsCAAEG_sm88888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33022478

Any female seiyuu that are Christians?

>> No.33022534


>> No.33022620

I thought she only studied at a Christians school, not that she was a Christian herself.

>> No.33022860


>> No.33022898


>> No.33023398

It was mentioned before in this thread

>> No.33023689
File: 44 KB, 561x800, ggygyiuuiouy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi Yuuki is a freemason Satanist, does that count?

>> No.33024226

Tomato needs more winner roles in general. If it's Hayamin, they'd give her win characters for free all day long. But when it's Tomato's turn, these Japs suddenly cheap out like what the hell. Bunch of haters.

>> No.33024252

Tomato is old and married and those roles are past her now.

>> No.33025005


>> No.33025038

Michie Tomizawa

>> No.33025398

>matsuoka's blog incident
>scandal with irino miyu
being sony's whore is suffering but its all good now she married

>> No.33025558

>matsuoka's blog incident

>> No.33025708

just some SAO fans shit posting about her on fatso's blog.
well he actually able to endured it at first when they attacked him but no longer able to bear it when they starting attacking tomato and other sphere member takagaki ayahi, it was this incident that resulting his ban from sns by IM

>> No.33026052
File: 601 KB, 2048x1544, Etceo60VgAIhL-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33026102

Fuck you Ayaneru!

>> No.33026300

>scandal with irino miyu

>> No.33026670
File: 127 KB, 800x771, IMG_2784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33027760

Pls sir do the needful and delete sir

>> No.33028056
File: 748 KB, 720x887, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33028100

Holy folds!

>> No.33028182


>> No.33029880

Wavy hair always doed the magic bros....ive been horny with miku's sex hair from animax musix for a week now...

>> No.33029900
File: 489 KB, 1079x1350, Screenshot_20210206-014953_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33029910

Did she used to be fat?

>> No.33029911

Do you do the needful?

>> No.33030353

miku or moe feet
yui or kaori feet

>> No.33030555


>> No.33030699
File: 61 KB, 678x960, Inori Minase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33030789
File: 48 KB, 720x902, yup that's her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33031987
File: 33 KB, 500x260, kj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33032568

Y.Aoi's been tweeting up a storm and I'm too lazy to read it all. Is something going on or is she just sperging out?

>> No.33032622


>> No.33032683

Oh, I see. What a waste of hers and everyone else involved's talents.
If they make an anime I'll probably still watch it though.

>> No.33032753


sounds like her old solo music, which was actually quite good and unique

>> No.33032837

>like seiyuu
>find out that /jp/ hates her
>start hating her to avoid getting bullied by /jp/

>> No.33032868

Which seiyuu?

>> No.33032871

Shut up pussy and stop blogging.

>> No.33032885

Sounds whimsicle.

>> No.33032898

shameful behavior

>> No.33032955

hahha no.

>> No.33033236

You have to go back

>> No.33033986

man up you fucking pussy

>> No.33036017

she look sicks

>> No.33036330
File: 594 KB, 840x1060, 11e49677fdb23908048b8dfc6340072c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33036750

She's cool and a great VA but she has to stop gaining weight, she's already barely passable looks wise if you add fat then there is really no way to defend against the uggo tag.

>> No.33036857

it's all the cooking she does
someone's got to eat all that food, probably why she made a salad last time

>> No.33036878 [DELETED] 

>Hasshi chinked

>> No.33036901

I think she looks better with a little weight so she's not some stick anymore.

>> No.33037677


>> No.33037973
File: 207 KB, 1273x1108, EtdqUa2VIAAA21g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute boy

>> No.33038103

I still would

>> No.33038489

Anyone else excited to see this animated? All of those seiyuu working for their friend has got to produce results.
Although I know nothing about Aoi's manga.

>> No.33038510

No furfags translating it

>> No.33038562
File: 331 KB, 1326x2048, 2v95x6owd7c51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect cuteness balance

>> No.33038600
File: 31 KB, 499x720, 75678585575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will post pasta later
all Ao-chan haters can seethe and cry

>> No.33038668
File: 246 KB, 2730x1536, EthWJsjVgAAfZOq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33038680

stop talking like a dumb crossboarder

>> No.33038683

Why not? Is it not furry enough?

>> No.33038728
File: 45 KB, 582x800, BdxkN9uCcAAYWU8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talk how I talk
Yabusaki Aoi:
>television host
>radio host
>radio personality
>child actor
>voice actor
>television personality
>guest on Sugita and Nakmura's video game show
>anime creator
>performance artist
>industry standard

>> No.33038746


>> No.33038758
File: 538 KB, 600x450, 1590242760188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33038807

thanks for being the worst poster itt

>> No.33038808

Cute voice too.

>> No.33038815
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, EtcZRppVgAAj1ST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33038847
File: 42 KB, 487x365, 51708262_529732447515883_989939298293776384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome!
At least I called the crying before hand.

>> No.33038859
File: 155 KB, 736x1308, EsoFk52UUAARjyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33038879
File: 137 KB, 250x331, 9gag_yoko_hikasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33038925
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>> No.33038939

Member when she had a singing career?

>> No.33038943
File: 48 KB, 340x481, 1598418584239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyouka for me was always a good example of Sato's skill as a seiyuu, I know everybody remembers her for Ritsu, but I enjoy hearing her do some different voices.

>> No.33038947


>> No.33038950

Her work in Gochiusa is also good, and for fun her acting in Prisma Illya as well.

>> No.33038997

Yeah but I was not surprised at all by her level she's always been top shelf. Same with Nakamura.
Kayano tho ... has always felt like she's been shilled more than she's actually worth but they were all amazing on this show

>> No.33039015

Kayano is consistently good tho

>> No.33039272
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>> No.33039278
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>> No.33039287
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>> No.33039294
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>> No.33039308
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>> No.33039322
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>> No.33039332
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>> No.33039345

>random dump of old images out of nowhere

>> No.33039346
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>> No.33039353
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>> No.33039364
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>> No.33039373
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>> No.33039380
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>> No.33039389
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>> No.33039438

Should she be drinking? I know it sucks but she needs to take care of her health

>> No.33039468
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, 4a6fd81d0230b2d19e05b51405e9e860bc59a1fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kayano/Satomi alcohol show episode when?

>> No.33039470

even if she got better, will studios still hire her?
I like Goto, but what can she bring to a role that a younger and cheaper seiyuu can't do as well?

>> No.33039474

Satomi strikes me as a molly kinda gal

>> No.33039498

What's with the eggplant on her shirt?

>> No.33039507

She like bully's eggplant.

>> No.33039515

Eggplants are not Japanese

>> No.33039551

Since keions were mentioned ITT


Waki is cute again

>> No.33040377
File: 1.32 MB, 1063x903, 1603428280770.pnghttps:--twitter.com-higurashi_mei-status-1357992431917035521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TakaRie & Nakahara together in a livestream
Oh god

>> No.33040401

sounds based

>> No.33040693

>Y.Aoi will be 30 next year
Jesus Christ, I still remember when she was only 19.

>> No.33040735
File: 42 KB, 580x800, BdY9qOeCMAEEL4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not March yet

>> No.33040898

That's why I said next year.

>> No.33040940

>Mamiko Noto's birthday today
>the thread forgot

>> No.33040957

Kill yourself MKL

>> No.33040965

its my birthday today

>> No.33040978
File: 138 KB, 640x360, Etc-4N3VoAEcBsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33040992
File: 163 KB, 1706x960, EtiOe54VoAAiWbQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33041025

Fair enough. Has Y.Aoi ever been in anything substantial with the tomato?
Would be an interesting combo.

>> No.33041235

They worked together on SAO. Remember Triple Yuuki?

>> No.33041242

TakaRie plays Rena's step-sister so I expect really odd dialogue.

>> No.33041297

>cancerous tripfag acting like he didn't shit up the threads for the entire 2020

>> No.33041712
File: 419 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33042520


>> No.33042985

YUU ASAKAWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.33043023

The keions didn't deserve this trainwreck of a cover...

>> No.33043150
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x1000, EtjEsl9UcAI7c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33043318

Why did she quit anyway?

>> No.33043330
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, βios%0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33043383

Just came to Koga Aoi.

>> No.33043479

To her waki?

>> No.33044573

>no Lynn
Why bother

>> No.33044664
File: 668 KB, 720x896, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33045172

Not enough folds for my taste

>> No.33045408

How many do you need?

>> No.33045651

What title was this for?

>> No.33046750


>> No.33048208


>> No.33049242

>they even made a pv
Holy shit seeing how "serious" they are triples the hilarity.

Early april fools from Sawano.

>> No.33051112
File: 35 KB, 730x474, 29EB9953-9011-4016-838B-90815E47CA0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she so talented?

>> No.33052252

Magical goblin blood

>> No.33053937
File: 545 KB, 2000x1500, Etisi-WVIAIed1o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33054036

Fuck off OrcTaku faggot. She did nothing wrong and I will always defend her.

>> No.33055890

Hmm I don't think she quit as much as the investors have given up

>> No.33056539
File: 357 KB, 464x459, 1604483193460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's prepping a shift to enka

>> No.33056574
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>> No.33056583
File: 125 KB, 533x800, photo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33057748
File: 101 KB, 1034x1293, iku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you do her until she moans iku?

>> No.33057771
File: 201 KB, 1080x1080, my wife and reina ueda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33058137
File: 290 KB, 640x361, 70f5704c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there ever be a better seiyuu friendship?

>> No.33058145
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>> No.33058169

That's a romance not a friendship!

>> No.33058430
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y.aoi is fun to post not sure even why
what happened to these two? they used to be bros

>> No.33058446
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>same age
>same agency
>do various show together
>have their radio show
>called each other their soulmate

>> No.33058453

But they're still bros.

>> No.33058488
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I want to believe.

>> No.33058545
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they even graduated from the same seiyuu training agency as each other.

>> No.33058552

Someone post the link to Rie's reaction to this hair.

>> No.33058608
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>> No.33058942


>> No.33059024

Fake friendships don't count.

>> No.33059067


>> No.33059170
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The onus of proof is on you to prove that Ayaneru and that no-namer are actually friends.

>> No.33059225

>n-no you
so, a baseless accusation, ok I get it.

>> No.33059296
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Sad. Radio promo pics do not count, but you've provided nothing but words.

>> No.33059350

Imagine the shotacon smell

>> No.33059355
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>> No.33059369


>> No.33059471
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>> No.33059955
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>master-slave relationship

>> No.33059973
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>> No.33060121

Anons, the Yuki Aoi poster made me cry. I didn't think it was possible, but they just keep posting pictures of her and I just keep worrying about the fact that my seiyuu might not be able to achieve that level of success.
What should I do?
Not going to post my seiyuu for fear of ridicule.

>> No.33060147
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but who is the master and who is the slave?
same goes for these two, although I think I know

>> No.33060197

hot, I accept this.

>> No.33060218

jesus christ this is sexy

>> No.33060242

Fuck waki, look at those elbows!

>> No.33060263

IM enterprise is slave agency, just give them enough money and they will act as good friend even to a goblin like yaoi or a retard like nobu

>> No.33060367
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>not a retard goblin
missed your shot

>> No.33060481

I'm more a shoulder and upper arm kind of man

>> No.33060596

they all form one arm

>> No.33060691

Hope you're seiyuu tries to suck the right dicks.

>> No.33060757

ok. for me, upper arms are where all the firmness at. I want to feel them with my cheek.

>> No.33060810

Is this a new pasta? if so, saved.
you prefer a thin upper arm then, or one with some softness to it?

>> No.33061012

Hayamin managed to make a mature idol character become so iconic, and so popular, what is her power?

>> No.33061398
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>> No.33061484
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>> No.33061643

Wtf, neru-oonishi are casual friends at best. Everyone knows that neru's bff is rieshon and oonishi's bff is inorin.

>> No.33061659
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>> No.33062526
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She's so fat and ugly here wow what happened?

>> No.33063358

Jesus. Rie looks like a chinese lady in her 50s with that hair.

>> No.33063431
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>> No.33063764

she's always fat and ugly

>> No.33065244

What no, if anything she's too thin right now.

>> No.33065252
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>> No.33065935


>> No.33066608

lol they could only afford the cheap photo editor this time.

>> No.33068366
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>> No.33069941

Is there a group more mentally ill than midget goblin fags?

>> No.33070169

You for not knowing how to use filters

>> No.33070574

neru and kuma more like

>> No.33070914

SK8 is good anime and starting to pick up nips' interest despite not really having your regular favorites seiyu

>> No.33071031
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I might watch it just because Sally is super into it

>> No.33071053

It still seems to be flopping when I checked yesterday.

>> No.33071090
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>> No.33071193

***,379 (=***,379) **,*52pt **,219pt **,274pt 21/03/24[水] SK∞ エスケーエイト Vol.1 [Blu-ray] 09時12分
***,493 (▼***,456) **,*60pt **,234pt **,297pt 21/03/24[水] SK∞ エスケーエイト Vol.1 [DVD]

Pick up recently and was also rank #7 on fujo favorite store Animate

>> No.33071257

i love her

>> No.33071310

>retard finally gets that animefags don't get into a show only because of seiyuu
They can watch a show because of a VA but it doesn't mean they will buy BDs. Voicepigs don't buy anime for seiyuu either. Popular VAs are used to get early interest and for promos work but that ends there.

>> No.33073010

what the fuck

>> No.33073070

The problem is the anime industry is usually predictable so it's nice when there's a surprise.

>> No.33073079

It was in 2019 so everything worked out.

>> No.33073106

Not really, KF wasn't too long ago.

>> No.33073158

Do you think KnY was a huge hit because of the VAs?

>> No.33073313

Has anyone watched that new Wataten event? Haven't seen anyone talk about it even in nip circles

>> No.33073327

Did you look through the twitter tag?

>> No.33073997
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I'll definitely miss Anigera.

>> No.33074062

Is Sugita over radio now that he has youtube?

>> No.33074156

Maybe he will get a new program if there are offers and sponsors.

>> No.33074625

It's a pay per view event.

>> No.33076619

Thought it was quiet here, turns out the Aoi shitposter is stirring shit on /a/ instead.

>> No.33076802
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Do you want me to post?

>> No.33077463
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>> No.33077557
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>> No.33077572
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>> No.33077684
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>tag full of zenitsu because shimono is yelling

>> No.33077789
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>> No.33077870

could it be coming?

>> No.33078214
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>> No.33078215

Celebrity seiyuu
Female: Hanakana, Neesan, Ayaneru
Male: Kaji, Miyano, Shimono next Shimazaki

No matter how much you hate them you will keep seeing them appearing on tv like Kaji, because they chose direction of their career as celebrity seiyuu

>> No.33078225
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>> No.33078235

>next Shimazaki
Aoni pushing him as Kamiya might think he's too old for that shit.

>> No.33078306

This image will haunt my dreams. Fuck you, anon.

>> No.33078375
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>3 from i'm enterprise

>> No.33078521

you can also include Aya Suzaki, she appears often in quiz programs but in her case it seems because she is smart and got free time of course

>> No.33078536

Isn't her husband a writer for programs. It might be that connection too.

>> No.33078600
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>> No.33078626

kaji is from VIMS which is same group with IM,
i think nobu probably was there as sub for fatso

>> No.33078643
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>> No.33078652

Is not he anime writer?

>> No.33078685

No he writes for radio.

>> No.33078705

Why chose sub from different agency they will sub with same agency from what i see Matsuoka don't appear on tv

>got free time of course
Funnily it is true for Uchida and Ayaneru too because they did basically nothing this season

>> No.33078718

Yeah but he is not tv program writer

>> No.33078754

Her husband might have contacts with TV people.

>> No.33078769

he owed fatso an apology due his senseless twit

>> No.33078806

>Ayaneru did nothing this season
>nononbiyori, snk, 5toubun

>> No.33078895

It does not work like that

>> No.33078909
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Those wrinkles are bad, Kaji should ask his father for some beauty advice if he insist on appearing on TV so much. Miyano has some skin issues probably due to mask wear and is older by a few years but he doesn't look like a corpse.

>> No.33078928

he looks like Michael Jackson

>> No.33078941

Not really, he still looks human and youthful.

>> No.33078960

Oh yeah i forgot that sorry

>> No.33078981

Allow this appears on tv but no real ikemen Umehara

>> No.33079054
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>> No.33079066
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>> No.33079077
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>they see your dick

>> No.33079114 [SPOILER] 
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If you're not first . . . .
