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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 908 KB, 1920x1080, 冥契のルペルカリア_―_体験版_―_2020-11-19_09-49-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33034123 No.33034123 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>32957908

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33034603
File: 392 KB, 700x500, c877596package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played this? Will I cry a lot again? because if it is the same as Nanairo (all endings leaving a bad taste) I really dont want to play it

>> No.33034629

how the fuck did that artist get hired?

>> No.33034685

It's very similar to Nanarin. Just look at that tranny face and the chick with the melting eyes. The twins are peak cute though.

Twice in a row the OP is just one of the posted pics from the previous thread. LAZY

>> No.33034763
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 75625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like it

So no "real" Happy ending I suppose, fuck man

>> No.33034789

I loved Nanarin but Akeiro didn't really click with me. I played two routes, they were both boring and I kinda lost the motivation to continue

>> No.33034863

Fuck off EOP.

>> No.33034881

Fuck off schizo.

>> No.33035266

Is Saihate no Ima really that hard to read?

>> No.33035287

No. The stuff people lose their shit about are basically simplified wikipedia articles. It's only hard if you don't know the language or have the attention span of a 12 year old.

>> No.33035369

It's all Japanese. Frankly, if you can read one eroge you can most likely read them all.

>> No.33035391

France Shoujo here I come!

>> No.33035447

Just be grateful I made a new thread, since everybody else was too LAZY to make a new one.

>> No.33035556

Some of the previous ones took hours to be made. The old one just died and you made it immediately. At least use a pic that wasn't posted.

>> No.33035603

no one cares

>> No.33035701

ur free to make one

>> No.33035703

I care

>> No.33035714

if you did you would make the thread yourself

>> No.33037512

Should I read Deep One?

>> No.33037528


all of the endings were basically happy endings with nanarin what else what you were asking for

>> No.33038412


>> No.33038426

No, it's a shallow one.

>> No.33038893

Just finished it last week. The story was incredibly uninteresting with all the character routes being basically the same. Not even the true end added a whole lot. I don't think there were any emotional scenes that would make you cry if you wanted to. That said, go read it for the twin loli route, they were fun.

>> No.33038927

Did you like Nanairo?

>> No.33038964

To be honest, not a whole lot. I only read the cop and ex-girlfriend routes because I found the main girl to be really annoying and I think that might've ruined the "big twist". After finishing akeiro I did consider going back for the other routes, but I probably won't.

>> No.33039074

At least read Iyo's route.

>> No.33039517

What's up with this girl in Lupercalia? Have not played the trial but is she really dead? I noticed she has no lewd event CG or lewd voice samples in the website (she does have ero tokuten) but I hope she gets a route because her design is really good.

>> No.33039539
File: 31 KB, 576x330, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope she gets a route
Given the writer, you probably shouldn't.

>> No.33039579 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1280x720, 1612597768096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not even realize you were playing a parody of smt?

>> No.33039702

Lucle won't let us down and let us sex her just like how he let us sex Chrysoberyl in Kamimaho.

>> No.33039790
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, talentless friendless lesbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad the childhood friend isn't a heroine. There was a decent focus put on her in the first chapter and I really came to like her.

>> No.33039850

The big twist is complete nonsense anyway. While I didn't go through the text to comb for examples, I'm 99% sure the writer fucked up and what they were going for isn't consistent and as such it's nothing more than an asspull.

>> No.33039863

>isn't consistent
It was completely consistent though.
There are no examples of the game going against it.

>> No.33039866

Weren't people ALWAYS complaining that the best girls don't have a route in this writer's games? I have only finished Kamimaho, as the later works were way too shitty for me to really get into, so I can't say myself. Kamimaho didn't really have any good supporting girls.

He's probably doing it on purpose by now. Not a good thing to do though.

>> No.33039878

You can say what you want, as I will never go through the entire fucking text to prove my point, but so can I say what I want. The fact that I was really not convinced is already enough of a sign, that it wasn't well handled. That should never be your first thought of a twist.

>> No.33039907

Going to check the guides when it gets released, if I don't see a 氷狐END = instant skip.

>> No.33039959
File: 547 KB, 800x600, FranceSyojo_2020-02-16_07-17-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on! It's way easier than its reputation says. Extreme use of scene repetition with bit by bit variation. Seriously taken to the limit (over my limit, at least). Plus, furigana abuse. Not Nasu style, but seriously as reading help so you can speedread it on rails (or off yourself while trying).

>> No.33040192

Not that I know of since I usually avoid reading reviews or thoughts on games I plan to read, I've read Kamimaho though. I was around when Suisou Ginka and Parallelo released but passed on reading them since I wasn't in the mood to read something with suffering at the time. I'm not sure if Parallelo has much suffering like his previous works, but I've read the Suisou Ginka trial and it was the Lucle I've come to expect.

For Kamimaho I really liked Yoruko and Kisaki, with none of the side girls catching my eye. Suisou Ginka and Parallelo have way more side girls and I can definitely imagine anons finding one that he fancys. From the Suisou Ginka trial my favorite girl was Kukuri but I did find myself interested in Kureha.

>> No.33040260

why do you write like some 13 year old from gamefaqs, and how did a kazuki fumi scenario go over your head?

>> No.33040269

Probably another mtler-hookcuck.

>> No.33040340

better an mtler-hookcuck that writes about the game than an eternal shitposter

>> No.33040349

You again, schizo-poster? Fuck off.

>> No.33040352

The game is translated.

>> No.33040396
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty fun way to end a route.

>> No.33040464

I tried reading the beginning of Muramasa with DeepL. How good/bad is this?


There were four acts on this day.


The first act was a duel.


A field in front of a small village.


Dozens of soldiers in full military regalia, armed with guns and swords, form a line.


The red light of the setting sun made the scene all the more frightening.


At the head of the line stands a group of warriors in thick armour with a grim look on their faces.


Their thick armour, their long swords, and the intimidation they exude are a testament to the fact that even a single warrior can be more powerful than all those behind him.


It was one of the first of the armourers to make an audible noise into the village.


The arrogance of his speech suggests that he is the leader of this military unit.


"I know that this village is harboring a bandit who was involved in Kuragake's rebellion.


It would be better if we could turn him in quietly.


If you don't, I'll trample the whole village to the ground!"


It's the crowd that forms a hedge at the entrance to the village that hears it.


It may be the inhabitants.


No one could fail to understand the meaning of the proclamation, and no one could fail to realise that it was not a mere threat.

>> No.33040532

why dont u go ask in djt, see how they like getting their thread spammed by a stupid question like yours

>> No.33040620

So what? I see retards hookcucking already translated games.

>> No.33040658


>> No.33040668

That's definitely a guy

>> No.33040703

Well, even though I have given you an argument, I am not obliged to give you an understanding.

>> No.33040810

It's not a stupid question as much as it is a question most people on /jp/ are unqualified to answer, uninterested to answer, or both.

Part of the reason the DJT is so intentionally retarded is to be unappealing to newbies who have legitimate questions.

>> No.33040841

The MTL is shit. There, (you)r answer.

>> No.33040922

it spams the thread with a wall of text while giving nothing to the thread
it triggers the local schizo and gives him more reasons to think that everyone uses mtl
and with some lurking before asking this stuff im sure he would know the local sentiment towards mtl and that posts like this start shitposting wars over several threads

>> No.33041391


This opening is so much better than the Duca one.

>> No.33041582

Djtfags are like "I'm learning Japanese to read sakura no uta one day" lmao
Fucking cringe

>> No.33041682
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rofl, sakuuta is so fucking bad, just mtl spanish patch to en and forget about that crap, not really worth it.

>> No.33041711

Literally me.

>> No.33041751

Sca-ji should just have sex. His sexual frustration ruined this VN.

>> No.33041821

This is pretty funny not gonna lie

>> No.33041853

I follow his twitter for all the dickgirls he posts. I wonder what that means.

>> No.33041854
File: 29 KB, 960x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33041856

Not when it's said for the millionth time and when character can't say anything other than that.

>> No.33041868
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally meaning of life.

>> No.33041961

One of the few works of fiction that I feel has significantly expanded my worldview and changed my mindset on things. I look at art very differently after Sakura no Uta and it's quickly established itself as a work with a lot of meaning for me by introducing me to a new perspective.

>> No.33042165
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, sakuuta_C2_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh not all SoL scenes in sakuuta were atrocious. The pic related scene was pretty good to the point it felt out of place in the sea of garbage scenes surrounding it.

>> No.33042223
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true. You can't have happiness without knowing unhappiness, just like you can't enjoy good moments in fiction without bad moments. That's why about 80% of sakuuta is intentionally bad. Very bold move from scaji, sakuuta as embodiment of scaji life philosophy. Very deep. Very brave. Imagine risk of creating masterpiece like this. Intentionally flawed. My life has changed. Gonna take some sake, brb. Can't stop my tears anymore ;___;

>> No.33042283
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them. Pool scene wasn't bad at all, just like weird scene with 櫻達の足跡 creation, even if 櫻達の足跡 itself looks like lazy as fuck paint picture. This is kinda sad, desu. In game about art you barely see any good art.

>> No.33043684

>In game about art you barely see any good art.
I thought that was a good decision, all things considered. It's a game about artistic geniuses and visual abstractions coupled with prose to trigger your imagination will be infinitely more effective to that end than actually showing you a mediocrely drawn image.

>> No.33043745

This scene was iffy desu
>The work of art is the object seen sub specie aeternitatis; and the good life is the world seen sub specie aeternitatis. This is the connection between art and ethics.
That pic related is basically sca-ji's liberal watered down interpretation of this quote but I don't think he's quite getting at what wittgenstein is talking about. You need to understand wittgenstein's distinction between showing and saying to properly interpret what he's saying it. You should also keep in mind how he defines eternity view.
>if we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.
He isn't saying "life when you look at it holistically is just a collection of happy and unhappy moments, and both are intrinsic to living".
>The solution to the problem of life is to be seen in the disappearance of the problem. Isn’t this the reason why men to whom the meaning of life had become clear after long doubting could not say what this meaning consisted in?
Looking at art through this view was perfectly portrayed in zypressen where the mystical element in noaya's art exercise shows itself to rina and inspires her to become optimistic. Similarly, if how you are living is in certain harmony with your world, the good life shows itself to you, and the condition of death wouldn't bother you.
>Fear in the face of death is the best sign of a false, i.e. a bad life’
I think sca-ji does here exactly what wittgenstein was cautioning us against. Sca-ji's trying to make a statement about good life, he's trying to express the inexpressible, the mystical aspect that can only show itself to us and whatever you say about it will only turn out to be nonsensical. He's engaging in the futile effort of answering unanswerable nonsensical philosophical questions. I don't know if sca-ji is illustrating here how weird it would sound if someone who regained spark in his life is talking about his experience of the problem of life. Maybe he was trying to engage in language-games that later wittgenstein was so fond of but this isn't quite that.

>> No.33043826

Truly hack writer.

>> No.33044028

He is indeed a hack. He just wants to show off his knowledge and switch on his didactic mode to teach others. He has no interest in storytelling. He and Romeo are the worst kind of pretentious writers in this medium.

>> No.33044158

>He and Romeo are the worst kind of pretentious writers in this medium.
Just curious. Who are your favorite kamige writers?

>> No.33044207

Maruto and jackson are too kami

>> No.33044276

>He has no interest in storytelling.
Subahibi has probably the most complex story of all eroge.

>> No.33044388

Just having a bunch of ideas and thematic exercises in your mind, and constructing a narrative outline for that purpose, and not caring about storytelling further than that is what bothers me about sca-ji. This becomes very clear in sakuuta when his writing can't resort to larger than life setting and sensational happening. Storytelling isn't just about coming up with ideas. It's about how you present those ideas.

>> No.33045039
File: 563 KB, 640x480, ayakashi_2021-02-06_16-21-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this game has crazy production values. The OP has lots of quality animation too

>> No.33045387

It's not hard to read but it's sure as hell boring as fuck.

>> No.33046030

>it triggers the local schizo
Why are you, again, talking about yourself in third person?

>> No.33047249
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, kuruma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft-spoken and shy 車の人 is so good

>> No.33047253

Oh nice OP. I'm adding this to the backlog.

>> No.33047525

Ayakashi is fantastic, I would say even now the production values are unrivaled for chuunige. KKK comes closes but uses a lot of movie files for the fancier stuff, Ayakashi is all engine.

>> No.33048311

can someone explain to me the main reasons why the vn market has been declining recently in japan?

>> No.33048396

gacha and the lack of neets with money

>> No.33048403

Because people don't want to pay 10k yen for poorly written porn games.
They'd rather spend that money on gacha.

>> No.33048426

People quitting VNs >>>>> people getting into VNs
Developers won't stop pandering to boomers
The medium is basically stagnant in terms of trends and innovation for a decade because Developers are afraid of losing their already tiny loyal fanbase
Gacha is snatching away capital from this medium
Hrpg boom

>> No.33048567

It's interesting to think that within our lifetime the whole medium might turn into something that's only fondly remembered by a few grandpas.

>> No.33048636

Most people don't like reading.

>> No.33048641


>> No.33048827

>Developers won't stop pandering to boomers
That's a bit contradictory if they've started to release soshage and episodic content for the new kind of audiences (zoomers with the attention span of a fish and gambling addicts). Many of the works released today even have an android version, since more and more people don't even consider buying a PC anymore.

Some time ago I read a deep analysis (was it by Kagami-sensei?) about how the Key visual novel kamige paved the way for their decade, with many developers being inspired by it, but that format (long length, etc...) was actually a growth limiting factor all along.

>> No.33048966
File: 125 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's picture as a thumbnail looks like a horses ass.

>> No.33048995
File: 761 KB, 1920x1038, cute and funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, just look how cute this little red bear is.

>> No.33049098

There's a pandemic.

>> No.33049129

I don't see it. Not that I'm familiar with horse asses like you, furry.

>> No.33049133

You mean the china flu last april/may?

>> No.33049144

I know a horses ass when I see one. That's a pretty white horses ass.

>> No.33049176

>Developers won't stop pandering to boomers
What about all the games with vtubers?

>> No.33049186

Yeah, I hear it's pretty bad. No wonder the eroge industry is dead. Everyone got converted to v*tubers.

>> No.33049217

Maybe where you are but everythingbis back to normal here. Old people still wear masks but buffets and bars have been open for almost half a year now. I am in usa.

>> No.33049227

Well japan is in a state of emergency.

>> No.33049257

>What about all the games with vtubers?
Maybe I should consider myself blessed for not having seen those.

>> No.33049259

State of the eroge industry = Japan.
No one cares about the USA and how it's there, EOP-kun.

>> No.33049287

Come on, you've seen Hamidashi at least.

>> No.33049345

Games you've seen could be involved with vtubers in ways you don't know, like Seishun Fragile with sponsored streams for the trial, the OPs and EDs singers for recent Giga games or the vtuber cover album for Maitetsu LR.

>> No.33049453
File: 715 KB, 640x480, peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you've read the game, is there a recommended route order?

>> No.33049479

State of Emergency because what?

>> No.33049506

Because people are getting sick and their government cares about them.

>> No.33049547

Oh, from the flu? Seems a bit excessive. I thought it was something more serious.

>> No.33049558

Brother, how are you forgetting about Mahoyo and Tokyo Necro in regards to production values for chuunige? Whilst I'd say KKK beats the other two hands down in the art department, they definitely beat it in regards to animations.

>> No.33049564
File: 17 KB, 308x269, DONbLrcVwAEQ6Qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the government cares about them

>> No.33049636

>Tokyo Necro
That cheap 3D animation is extremely soulless

>> No.33049715

Gonna have to disagree with you there king, but you do you.

>> No.33050414

Route order? Mmm, something like

1. Hime
2. Orie
3. Pam
4. Eimu

>> No.33050629

EGS is always a good place to go for this info.

>> No.33050711

Oh, I didn't see that because it was hidden, but ctrl+f found it

>> No.33051332

Sell me on 白昼夢の青写真 as someone who didn't like the other Laplacian games

>> No.33051607

I liked laplacian's other games but I lost motivation to continue this one.

>> No.33051639

The stories are all really nice and case 0 makes them even better.

>> No.33051731

Kadowaki Mai sounded pretty bad in Renai Royale but she's still great here:
Apparently it has no script and the sex audio is just moans and lines she comes up with herself, maybe eroge should try something like that.

>> No.33052241

>Kadowaki Mai sounded pretty bad
>maybe eroge should try something like that
Don't change what ain't broken.

>> No.33052888

Since when talking about sakuuta brings so much spergers into this thread? It wasn't like that before.

>> No.33053421

Since forever. Lurk more.

>> No.33053497
File: 603 KB, 1280x720, 二人と始める打算的なラブコメ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shooting up the block if this game doesn't deliver later.

>> No.33054056

It used to be even worse. Looks like only haters remain now.

>> No.33054123

I mean in terms of content. Most of the stuff is still in that early 00s zeitgeist.

>> No.33054975

>Suzuya Maya and Akino Hana
>big tits
Kamikusoge. The font is nice tho

>> No.33055077

It's garbage

>> No.33055493

I hope you live near me.

>> No.33056687

It's the 2020 kamige.

>> No.33056726

that's koinoha

>> No.33056803

Haven't read any VNs that got released after 2014
Has any real deal VN come out since then?

>> No.33056827


>> No.33056875


>> No.33056921

No h-scenes

>> No.33056924

WOW! Thanks

>> No.33056979

>No h-scenes
So after 7 years you still didn't grow up enough to value H. Faggot, come back in another 7 years.

>> No.33057094

my computer is in the living room... my monitor is turned towards the kitchen. it's not my choice
I don't want my roommates thinking I'm a creep
being a shameless NEET was fun 10 years ago... But those days are gone... Now I've got a reputation to maintain

>> No.33057112

Just change the position of the computer or play them on your smartphone/laptop.

>> No.33057175

don't have a smaho, don't have a laptop
my monitor is mounted to the wall

>> No.33057188

>don't have a smaho
You must be kidding. This is 2020 and there are people without smartphones?

>> No.33057189

Play dohna dohna, it has a mode to hide the h-cgs but still play the h-scenes.

>> No.33057212

>This is 2020
Anon... Come out of that shitty year already

>> No.33057460

There's so much wrong with everything you wrote. I'd be more understanding if it was your wife and kids, but roommates at your age? Holy shit have this pity (You). May you afford your own room and private computer.

>> No.33057466

I don't have one either. 3X years old.

>> No.33057485

roommate is actually my bf
Didn't want to say it outright because you jealous fuckers would just call me gay

>> No.33057526

But you ARE gay anon. Be proud

>> No.33057530

I'm happy for you, anon. But you shouldn't be cheating on your boyfriend with virtual 2d girls. Quit visual novels forever and embrace your future together as his loving buttwife.

>> No.33057574

So much anger and regret because you choose 3D over 2D. Future generation be aware. Get a laptop and go to your room, poorfag.

>> No.33057625

>Don't change what ain't broken.
The industry is doing this rigorously for years now. See where that's leading?

Pretty save to say, things are broken.

>> No.33057660

I tried that game years ago, but really couldn't stand the insanely cringe story setup in that school. Felt like it's written by a 12 year old, and yeah I know, chuuni. But it doesn't have to be THAT cringe in the story. Maybe it's getting better, but I'm not a fan to gamble on those things.
Maple Colors was fine though and also has mad production values.

>> No.33057689

>Kadowaki Mai
>not a loli
what's the point?

>> No.33058241

What's in 2D stays in 2D, anon.

>> No.33058369

cheating is cheating. making excuses exposes you as 3DPD

>> No.33058380


>> No.33058387

>Sell me on 白昼夢の青写真 as someone who didn't like the other Laplacian games
i didnt like laplacians other games but i loved this.

>> No.33058441

>making excuses exposes you as 3DPD
Unless you're an AI, I'm pretty sure everyone here is a 3DPD.

>> No.33058474

I was trapped in a car compactor and almost crushed as a child so I'm 2d, I'm completely flat.

>> No.33058745
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, renran_spirichu_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33058775

She's 40 years old with a kid, she can't keep playing lolis for ever.

>> No.33058992

So she's letting her kid do it?

Imagine you are growing up with a mom like that.

>> No.33059002 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 447x212, ramon_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dug out some Hata cringe from 2017.

>> No.33059015 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 501x213, ramon_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33059029 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 604x759, ramon_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33059041

It's pretty weird, Haruka Sora also has a kid but she's running her own seiyuu agency and barely shows up on new games.
Yet here's Mai doing doujin ad-lib simulated sex audio sold for 1k yen, shouldn't Fate be enough for her to retire?

>> No.33059044 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 535x536, ramon_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33059151

Do i actually need to read fucking in-game encyclopedia entries in tokyo necro? Game just threw at me about 15 of them in a span of few minutes in very first action scene.

>> No.33059164

Read them at your own pace, they have worldbuilding and stuff.

>> No.33059190

I heard most (if not all) of them explained in-game anyway, just wanted to confirm.

>> No.33059281

Maybe she's just based as fuck unlike other certain seiyuu who drop ero voice work altogether once they go mainstream.

>> No.33059360

Maybe she's just a giant pervert and wants to do more ero voice work just for the fun of it.

>> No.33059653

If you aren't already one when you decide to voice adult games, you probably become one as you work in that kind of industry.
Some people just lose that when they grow older. Others stay perverts till they die of old age.

>> No.33062173

how do i stop having crushes on characters all the time?

>> No.33063413

Fellow moege friends. Did anyone try ごほうしアクマとオシオキてんし?

>> No.33064746

Start reading otome games

>> No.33065951

Play BL games.

>> No.33065997

That just makes me crush harder.

>> No.33066088

I can't believe the new baldrhead is an absolute kamige as agreed to by everyone on the planet.

>> No.33066218

Find a way to cure the gay

>> No.33066309

So how bad is it, really? Seeing the lack of aerial combos and the story being isekai don't really inspire confidence.

>> No.33066456

What a half-assed chest

>> No.33066651

>lack of aerial combos
Wait what? I've only played one baldr game but this seems kind of like heresy.

>> No.33068030

going by EGS you play characters with preset moves, no custimization in the demo. There's probably flying enemies later in the game but either way it's no Baldr

>> No.33069236

Sounds like Baldr Sky Dive 2 Reminiscence.

>> No.33070952

Trying to play Jinki extend revision and alpharom opens the game but I get gibberish instead of Japanese as Im guessing need to open it with locale emulator to get the proper text but it doesnt seem possible, tying to open the new shortcut alpharom creates with locale emulator doesnt open the game.
Its the only way to play to have a JP windows install and use that?

>> No.33071200

I get triggered when people refer to the AlphaROM tool as "AlphaROM" when it's the name of the DRM

>> No.33071232

Sorry about that.

>> No.33071640

>somehow missing two CGs despite getting every ending
Well whatever. I enjoyed akai ito anyways. The twist with Nozomi and Mikage was pretty good and unexpected. That was a nice way to end it.

>> No.33071783

is there an alternative to Alpharom? I'm trying to run Hello, good-bye but it wont run, even after changing Region and Time settings to Japan.

>> No.33071801

Someone please tell me what Im missing Im going insane.
Is it just eh nodvd patch that is not in the torrent but the DDL sites say they have but all teh links are long dead?
I just want to know if its futile and give up because I cant stop going trough pages and pages looking for a solution
Damn I really wanted to play this

>> No.33071930


I got it to run somehow but its asking for a serial code, RIP me I guess. I didnt know older Lump of Sugar games did this.

>> No.33072061

https://s2.vndb.org/sf/59/43559.jpg makes me want to read this too

>> No.33072109

>Role: Damaged Hymen
weird tag. and why is it a 'Role'? shouldn't that be in 'Body'?

>> No.33072155

try https://kuroshu.anime-life.com/%E6%9C%AA%E9%81%B8%E6%8A%9E/jinki%20extend%20re-vision%20nodvd%E5%8C%96%20

>> No.33072346

I found that but I have no idea how to use that program string editor or whatever it, is Ill keep trying though

>> No.33072445

Because it's a subtrait of not a virgin.

>> No.33072567

you will need to learn how to edit hex sooner or later either way

>> No.33072864

Why cant it be as simple as locating the thing to change and write on top. Well now I have an idea of what to do or learn to do at least

>> No.33073109
File: 1.86 MB, 1366x768, YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it
Thanks a lot Anon seriously.

>> No.33073426

Baldr has never seen been focused on aerial combat, there is not even a dedicated jump button like Duel Savior.

>> No.33073481

Every half-decent combo in baldr involves knocking the opponent into the air and then raping them with shit.

>> No.33073496

Baldr battle system wasn't even good to begin with, just lame as fuck, literally set difficulty to very easy and ignored whole thing.

>> No.33073700

That's gay and no fun.

>> No.33073785

still a body thing and yes I know about virginity of the heart thing

>> No.33073892

>That's gay
So am i.

>> No.33075286

Every half decent combo in Baldr involves pulling out your gattling gun.

Seriously, melee was always awful, because it's such a stupid gamble. Enemies don't stagger immediately, so if they ever decide to attack you, you are fucked. That's also making "knocking the opponent into the air" hard, as they don't get knocked. If it works, it's great. IF it works.

So, just pull out the gattling gun. Eventually they will stagger. I know that in THEORY baldr sky dive offers a pretty in depth combat system. But unless you spend way too much time on the game, it's just too badly implemented to actually work. It also sucks how a setup combo gets invalid as you play, because cost goes down, or attacks literally change on upgrade.
So, just gattling gun.

>> No.33077938

I liked her route the most even though Rui is my favorite girl in the series.

>> No.33077976

The nipples in this look absolutely gorgeous. I might read it just for them.

>> No.33078196

Nice anuses too.

>> No.33078267
File: 474 KB, 769x405, musumeka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33079720

Nothing much except a nukige drawn by a remarkable artist.

>> No.33079837
File: 551 KB, 612x850, 1593973721937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she have a cameo in sakutoki?

>> No.33079929

She'll be the main heroine.

>> No.33080324

Disclaimer: I've only played Sky Dive, but almost everything you typed is wrong. Gattling gun is a decent finisher, but it by no means can carry you through the game on very hard. It has way too much cooldown. I actually preferred ending with the knives move (forgot the name). But there's plenty of ways to open up a combo on an enemy. I typically used shotgun + tackle which works wonders. One of the close-range melee moves knocks them up in the air and then you can go crazy after that. Sorry man, but you just sound bad if you think melee is "a stupid gamble". It's the only way to win the game on very hard.

>> No.33083919

What are some good utsuges?

>> No.33084226

Baldr has enough focus on aerial combat that when Heart released and they added that addtional ability button, one of the things you can slot to it is just a jump that does literally nothing else.

>> No.33084431


>> No.33084548
File: 132 KB, 640x480, ayakashi_2021-02-07_22-03-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33084903

What the fuck? Is that some VTuber slut?

I have to say my opinion of Scaji got lower.

>> No.33084986
File: 58 KB, 256x368, 23873 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33085035

You clearly haven't been paying attention to his twitter, all he talks about are vtubers. Literally the only reason he'll ever make a VN again is to get more money to give to vtubers.

>> No.33085101

ANyone giving money to that guy is an enabler and cuck

>> No.33085159

What happened, I thought he was a thinker

>> No.33086064

Yeah, I'm not reading Twitter.

>> No.33086324

Is Happoubi Jin the best VN artist?

>> No.33086406

All great thinkers of the eroge community like Moogy and Kastel are vtuber simps

>> No.33086631

More like Trannygy and Trannystel.

>> No.33086954

>very hard
If you play on that difficulty, you plan on staying with the game way longer than most people would care to, and obviously have a weird liking to the combo system.

Point is, for most people the gattling is all you ever need. You have to be a pretty rare case to ever go beyond that.
That said, gattling usage usually ends without taking damage, so it might work better than you think. At least blind, not knowing whats coming. It's why I lowered the difficulty from hard to normal eventually. It was the same, just took longer, and my personal interest in the game was going down with all the repetition in the story. (heck I literally took a year long break between route 1 and 2, once I hit repetition, and another one after route 2, before finally getting through the rest)
Bruteforcing some of the dumber battles wouldn't work, but in the end even that would just be taking longer. The "plant a mine" strategy works quite well against all kinds of melee idiots that are fast, while against ranged stuff you'd actually need to get somewhat good. Though as long as it's not big laser beams, you have protection, and you'd obviously have a few other ranged weapons for cases where you get swarmed by too many enemies.

It's been a while for sure, but as much as I like my melee combat in a lot of other games, Baldr Sky Dive? Nah. I had a LOT more fun with Material Brave there, enjoying the higher difficulties quite a bit. Unfortunate what happened to the FD though.

>> No.33087248

goodthing i pirate his vns

>> No.33087554


>> No.33087878

>obviously have a weird liking to the combo system
One of the entire points of playing a game like baldr is for the combat. If you're not going to put time into, what's the point?

>I lowered the difficulty from hard to normal eventually.
Opinion discarded. The game is stupidly easy on those difficulties. You can literally beat some bosses by just circle strafing.

>> No.33088193

>baldr sky dive
>sky dive
make it stop

>> No.33088224

how about スカイ ダイブ

>> No.33088848
File: 197 KB, 1067x600, daikuuji is that you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally start playing muv-luv
>already see a physically abusive relationship
I thought extra was supposed to be bad. Did I get lied to again?

>> No.33089133

Extra really isn't worse than any other generic moege from the 2000s because it was intentionally designed to be a generic moege from the 2000s
Some people just can't deal with 20 hours of shitposting.

>> No.33089182

>>already see a physically abusive relationship
Yeah Takeru is bad. Poor Sumika deserves better.

>> No.33089198

try donating to her twitch stream

>> No.33089473

Really? I assumed it was going to be dramashit like Kiminozo was.

>> No.33089574

They take place in the same world but Extra is like 90% wacky shenanigans. Early game a rich girl gets a star chef to prepare a meal in school and the player has to chose between it and a generic bento.

>> No.33089642

>Extra is like 90% wacky shenanigans
That was the best part of Kiminozo, so it sounds like I'm good.

>> No.33089692

>wacky shenanigans
Maybe back in the early 2000's but the events of Extra are pretty bog standard and par for the course at this point.

>> No.33089755

were you alive during the 2000s? If anything that kind of shit was more common back then.

>> No.33089887

Is Nitroplus ever making eroge again or are they going to just make gacha and soshage forever?

>> No.33089958

Gonna agree with the other anon that over the top wacky shit was definitely more of a 2000s thing.

>> No.33090365

Fuck off Takeru

>> No.33091441

When will they オフパコ? They online flirting is reaching annoying levels.

Yeah, he only started giving updates on sakutoki's progress when himari pressured him on her streams.

>> No.33093191

maybe i'm just fucked in the head, but i often feel a bit bad about starting a new vn after reading something that had a significant emotional impact on me
it's like i feel i'm cheating on the previous one

>> No.33093256

Good thing i read 2-3 vns at the same time and don't feel empty whenever i finish one of them.

>> No.33093446

Project Vermillion

>> No.33093653

This, but 10-15 instead of 2-3

>> No.33093828


>> No.33093864

If you are actually allowed to post on 4chan, you might want to start thinking about it. If you aren't, go away and don't worry. It'll stop. Getting super hooked on things is something that's mostly happening because of inexperience and as such young age.

Things won't stop being fun, but it's a bit different. Especially because things that will hook you are pretty unrelated to anything you could call cheating.

>> No.33094011

Is Masada going to make Avesta into a VN? I need more Shinza, preferably not gachashit.

>> No.33094079

It happens to me from time to time too

>> No.33094240

I wouldn't say cheating but after I read something that moved me I do like to enjoy that lingering feeling and not read anything else for a while.

>> No.33094261

Lol fucking underaged sensitive kids

>> No.33094302

You're probably under 26 yourself, anon, judging from your post.
I really do hope you enjoy mindlessly consuming everything in your path without waiting to digest anything.

>> No.33094364

Ok boomer

>> No.33094472

Fuck off, kumiko.

>> No.33094538

Not him but why 26? I'm 26 today. How did you know? Are you an エスパー?
I'm also jaded btw.

>> No.33094553

fuck off hata

>> No.33094583

In a few years when you stopped being an edgy teenager you'll cringe at these posts

>> No.33094586

I've never been insulted this hard in my life.

>> No.33094598

I'm 27 and still edgy teenager at my heart, nothing wrong with this
Better than behave like old jaded boomer

>> No.33094638

Is it so bad to actually be capable of experiencing some human emotion?

>> No.33094648

What's jaded about admitting that VNs have an emotional impact on you?
Nice reading comprehension. Looks like you also have the brains of an edgy teenager

>> No.33094659

>What's jaded about admitting that VNs have an emotional impact on you?
Never said it is

>> No.33094667

Welcome to post-ironic ironic Internet culture.

>> No.33094678

Your posts are so incoherent not even you understand what you're saying

>> No.33094693

"being capable of experiences some human emotion" is different from "oh noe i feel like i'm cheating whenever i start new vn too fast"

>> No.33094703

I'm mentally ill tranny, after all

>> No.33094893
File: 766 KB, 1920x1080, 白詰指輪_~四つ娘の花嫁_俺、全員選びました~_2021-02-09_11-59-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso manga which should have had a harem end.

>> No.33094921

Kuso VN which should've had something other than just endless H spam

>> No.33095161

>finish VN before going to bed
>think about the VN until falling asleep
>wake up refreshed and start new VN
Is this so hard?

>> No.33095442

More importantly, do you start a new route the same day as you finish one? That feels like it doesn't give you enough time to sort out feelings for the heroine.

>> No.33095526

That means the VN was mediocre

>> No.33095630

Sometimes, when I didn't love the heroine. If I did love her I sleep or read another game before starting a new route.

You are mediocre.

>> No.33095672

>More importantly, do you start a new route the same day as you finish one?
Really depends on what am i reading. For example, i finished chiwa route in sakura moyu and took few days to recover, too much feels in epilogue. But usually i start another route on the next day.

>> No.33097496

>do you start a new route the same day as you finish one
It really depends. The more mediocre/unremarkable the route is, the more likely the answer is "yes".

>> No.33097576

>experiencing some human emotion
Retarded autistic obsessed is what is wrong with you nerds.

>> No.33097600


>> No.33097605

I stop reading after I finish fapping to a H-scene.

>> No.33097671

>getting emotional about good stories is autism
it's likelier you're the autistic one because you're unable to feel a thing

>> No.33098211


>> No.33099723

Getting emotional to the point you think bullshit like "it's like i feel i'm cheating on the previous one" is enough to make you limp-wristed twinks to be the target of bullying irl

>> No.33099847

There's literally no one who can bully a hikkiNEET irl. We don't go to high school anymore.

>> No.33099865

Not every game needs to be a non-nukige. Especially one where they're all in love at the start.

>> No.33101074

Do you believe Clarias will be kamige?

>> No.33101175
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x720, clarias2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33101208

I want to believe

>> No.33101446

if you think I'm a pathetic twink I'll sit on you until you say you can't breaf. (You) must be a twink just like you're some underage edgelord. also starting a new route theoretically IS cheating, emotionally. if you really like a heroine feeling bad is normal, you autistic sperg. inb4 "it's just a game you incel. imagine having feelings for a fictional 2D character hurrdurr have sex"

>> No.33101478


>> No.33101818

I know I've read a VN that plays with the whole "starting a new route is cheating" idea

>> No.33102192

Yes, the trial was pretty good.

>> No.33102332


>> No.33102405

Why do you guys keep coming in this thread?
It's so fucking trash

>> No.33102451

Why does it spaz out after a second?

>> No.33102579

cause my only other option is #general2 in discord and they all are fucking faggots

>> No.33102970

The main heroine is voiced by the blowjob queen. How do you feel about that, plotfags?

>> No.33103004

Only chances I'm playing it is that it has as much sexual content as the typical Eushully game.
Shame about that art, though.

>> No.33103032

When people aren't chimping out and actually talking about shit it's pretty good. People just need to learn to ignore bait.

>> No.33103078

What? That looks like a typical action moege. Plotfags read other things. Or rather, they don't read anything right now, other than maybe some older games.

Nobody is a 100% plotfag though.

>> No.33103089
File: 292 KB, 640x480, ayakashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love some classic effects.

>> No.33103127


>> No.33103194

That's not exactly someone writing plotge, and never did. Charage or moege.

>> No.33103244

I stalk the thread to see if someone mentions a vn I've read before so I can start a discussion.

>> No.33103266

That very hot blowjob scenes are confirmed? Im in.

It should have roughly the same sexual content as the other recent Baldrhead games.

>> No.33103663

if baldrhead games don't qualify as plotge then there's 1 plotge released every 5 years

>> No.33104027

>blowjob queen
>Shirotsuki Kaname
She has only 141 roles and the characters I recognize I can't remember how she sounds like at all.

>> No.33104049

lol weak bait

>> No.33104082

It was an exaggeration as I don't read too many nukige, but she can swallow real good.

>> No.33104086

It's not about Baldrhead, but Nijima. He never did plotge. Probably more along the lines of Mekuiro. Mind you I only know the synopsis, and this isn't necessarily bad. I'd not expect a typical Baldr esque game though.

>> No.33104094

i don't know man, an eroge character playing an eroge seems pretty eroge related

>> No.33104211

Anyone recognize the seiyuu? I went to look it up and apparently none of the cast was credited for Musicus.

>> No.33107177

Literally me.

>> No.33108162

Who the fuck even cares about another baldrhead/niijima bullshit unless they have massive shit taste?
I tried four baldrhead games by now(sky, heart, duel savior, material brave) and all of them had shitty characters and garbage story. Don't even get me started on this niijima hack.

>> No.33108193

Sky is kamige so maybe your taste is shit. Well, not maybe.

>> No.33108232

>>>Sky is kamige
Definitely not in terms of writing.

>> No.33108443

People just love be part of hype train

>> No.33108541

Yeah. These fucks remind me of my normalfag friends who get pumped up for every marvel movie. Baldrheadge are Disney marvel films of VN medium.

>> No.33108670

baldr is extremely good
anybody here trying to knock it down a peg is on a weird hipster bump
well deserved place in the top echelon of eroge
visual novel beside the point
and within that achieves some of the strongest harmony between game and story i've seen period
Which makes me kind of sad some people played on autopilot difficulties since some scenes landed so well because of how the gameplay in them grounded them imo but i know people also have their time much more ruined by strugglemode than I do

>> No.33108760

>some of the strongest harmony between game and story
The Story needs to be good for this meme to be really anything meaningful

>> No.33108769

i just copypasted some tranny post from discord, don't worry

>> No.33109330

>she can swallow real good
Of course she can. What game?

>> No.33112098

that guy read the shitty EOP version lol

>> No.33112502
File: 3.45 MB, 2564x1504, 1590968177127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? I just finished shouko's route after finishing rin's route first.
Is makoto's route worth a read? It feels like it's gonna delve into bdsm stuff and I'm not into that shit. Should I skip it and go straight for mitsuru and imouto?

>> No.33112647

Nice cope.

>> No.33112699


>> No.33112896

Hey, nobody told me that Einstein is getting an append.

>> No.33112915

Was mentioned when the news first broke out. I think it was "selling well" append and not a fix-append like Maitetsu was?

>> No.33112940

vndb says "Append route that should finish the Romi's story. Planned to be about 5h long with 2 h-scenes." though I'm skimming through the message on the game page and I can't see these specifics.

>> No.33114907

That's it, I'm going to read Sakuretto.

>> No.33115201

It's not worth it if you don't have enough patience to read it till the end. More of half of it feels pretty irrelevant and boring. There's no proper reason for the existence of heroine routes and they have random romance/H scenes shoehorned in. It's unironically one of those garbage le epik twist VNs which takes 20 hours to get good.

>> No.33115220

>More of half of it
More than half of it

>> No.33115451

Less than Muvluv. Spent 60 hours and it still didn't get good. Dunno if it ever got good, either, as I gave up. Probably not though, because fuck that game's cast.

>> No.33115481

There's just two bad things about it - MC has dark skin and there's no group H. NO GROUP H in a harem game. Shaking my head so hard.

>> No.33115820

The cast was a big problem for me too, because I only found Yuuko to be likeable and just didn't warm up to the rest of them. When the Valkyries were introduced in Alternative I liked all of them right away even though I haven't read any of the games they come from.
