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File: 435 KB, 1200x945, 3330973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3298644 No.3298644 [Reply] [Original]

Previous one is at autosage limit.

Taking any North American hosts, as I am on an internet connection that can no longer host unyuu~

>> No.3298991

still want source

>> No.3298995 [DELETED] 

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=PUT PIXIV FILENAME NUMBERS HERE

>> No.3298999 [DELETED] 

US Central
Daily sandbag tier

>> No.3299013


>> No.3299026
US Midwest

>> No.3299050 [DELETED] 

oh who links to a picture in a different thread as the second post in a thread
that's silly

deleting my dumb post

>> No.3299133
File: 440 KB, 640x480, Bittenfeld; complete asshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walks-right-into-traps tier

>> No.3299205
File: 20 KB, 256x256, 1251224636798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3299215 [DELETED] 

I laughed out loudly.
> Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE

>> No.3299238
File: 217 KB, 862x912, 2ryt2rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3299276

Ggs Guy

>> No.3299280

That's enough; clearly I won't stop falling for the same shit over and over again. Sorry, for the relatively lame matches; if it's at all possible, it'd be nice to play again when I'm not making stupid mistakes left and right.

Good games.

>> No.3299300

I'd be happy to play you anytime. I look forward to the next time we play.

>> No.3299431

God damn it's 3am already.
Ah well, good games. It was worth it to stay up a few extra hours.

>> No.3299448


You sure? Because most of the time you were beating me lol. GGs nonetheless.

>> No.3300607 EC

If I'm not there right away it's because I'm getting a bowl of cereal.

>> No.3300631

hosting, EC

>> No.3300756

Bamp for some IP's, since I can't host on my own at the moment. ( ノ´Д`)ノ

>> No.3300766


>> No.3300872

Will try hosting again, tell me if this doesn't work.

>> No.3300881

Connection failed.

>> No.3300882
US west
irc is slow tier

>> No.3300888


Did you install 1.03?

>> No.3300894

Was just spectating, worked fine. Did you install the 1.03 weather text patch?

>> No.3301133
zzzzz tier

>> No.3301659

Good games per usual, Lurk. It's hard to be aggressive against your Yukari with Marisa until I get Bosky Sweeper. (  ̄~ ̄)┌

Also, rescuing from page 5

>> No.3301711

i was looking for this.

here ya go.

>> No.3301736

When you do get Bosky Sweeper, though, it really trips me up since I keep falling for the j.2a afterwards.

Anyways, ggs. I especially enjoyed the Alice matches despite having bad experiences with Alice before

>> No.3301922

bored, rehosting

>> No.3301925

GGs, brah.
Gotta go now.

>> No.3301934

gg, yo, u gotten serious all of a sudden. i have to up it up myself.

>> No.3301936

US East, have pulse will win tier.

>> No.3301951

it doesnt work?

>> No.3301952
File: 115 KB, 372x1000, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting from EU.
Low/Mid tier.

Playing for 45 minutes.

>> No.3301956


Had to re-forward ports, hosting again.

>> No.3301957

make sure its updated to 1.03 patch

>> No.3301960

Forgot the patch, will re-host in 3 minutes.

>> No.3301979

Okay, Hosting again.

>> No.3301986


>> No.3301992
File: 103 KB, 372x1000, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was pretty laggy.
Re-hosting (again)

>> No.3302021

Bump to front.

>> No.3302050


>> No.3302051


Good games, thank god I can at least win a mirror match with my main.

>> No.3302053

god damn, do i suck at meiling or what. ;_; gg.

>> No.3302058

you should play Guy or Magister, their meiling is insane.

>> No.3302126


Good games

>> No.3302129
File: 117 KB, 372x1000, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes, i suck balls with Suwako. ;__;

>> No.3302259
Not very good tier

>> No.3302271
File: 244 KB, 744x1000, 77-78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting (again) from EU.
Low/Mid tier.

>> No.3302272 west average

>> No.3302409

GGs. I give up.

>> No.3302415
File: 135 KB, 372x1000, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Thrillo.
Better than me as always.
I must learn how to get out of corners.


>> No.3302470

US Central
.500 tier

>> No.3302487

Where can I find all of these 4-komas?

>> No.3302492

GGs Lim.

>> No.3302494

gg, MV.

>> No.3302520


>> No.3302548


>> No.3302553

a. fly up and shoot down.
b. need to be fast. if opponent fires an projectile up close, you can 66a/b/c
c. border escape.
d. fall down and ground tech away.

>> No.3302631


>> No.3302706

GGs, E-MAN. TIme for class

>> No.3302711


>> No.3302719


ggs, I'm done for now

>> No.3302725

gg, Seacats. heh. theres still alot to add in those combos of yours.

>> No.3302728


>> No.3302730

Yeah combos and getting out of combos are what I suck at the most.

>> No.3302733

1st time network, good sir, and you gave me a proper beating.
i don't think it would be very entertaining for you to keep going, not to mention the lag.

>> No.3302757 (EAST COAST) * MooN RabbiT -tier- *

>> No.3302762
West Cast US

>> No.3302770

*Coast, I mean.

>> No.3302859

thats crazy shit! yo! ....gg bleh.

>> No.3302861

That was fun. lawl

Hosting more games! (EAST COAST) * MooN RabbiT -tier- *

>> No.3302962


Now with more v1.03 goodness

>> No.3303006
File: 52 KB, 566x476, 2c2b23e79875d62d0d2e359bb6268e73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU hostan:

Don't be afraid to test it out NA-bros.

>> No.3303036


Tried it from NA. Heavy delay and bearable, but I can't tolerate it. GG nonetheless.

>> No.3303077

Pretty laggy, but was fun.

>> No.3303080

GGs Glarthir
some day I will beat you.. but not today

>> No.3303097
File: 142 KB, 372x1000, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-hosting for 3 more matches.

Search danbooru for "A Maids Day" or "Life of Maid"

>> No.3303124

bump for hosts

>> No.3303134


I like that glacier SC combo, pretty cool one. Didn't know you could follow it up like that.

>> No.3303139

GGs a.a.

Hate to cut it short, but this chick won't stop bugging me at the moment, and it'll only get worse if I let it go on.

I'm reviewing the replays later. You've got a handle of a blockstring that I've only been able to do in practice mode. Don't know, when I get into real matches, my whole thought process shuts down, and I get stupid ass mistakes as a result. Sorta makes me not want to play anymore...

>> No.3303152
File: 223 KB, 744x1000, 104-105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants a go?
I'll call it a night then.
See you all tomorrow i think!

>> No.3303165

Where are you getting this 4komas from? They're awesome!

>> No.3303190

GGs, is that Dax?

>> No.3303193

I hope you had fun. lol
Dinner taimu~

>> No.3303205


>> No.3303212

Someone host!

>> No.3303248

>>3303212 west average

>> No.3303268

I part I often forget about is the j.2A after 5C in the corner. Not to mention part of the time j.5A comes out instead.

Sometimes it's easier just to forego it and try to chase the opponent down instead.

>> No.3303339

god do i suck

>> No.3303356
Eu shit tier

>> No.3303394

I see.

Well, someone else joined pretty quick.

I wouldn't say "suck" exactly. I'd love to see you work further on your Iku. I play a little Iku too, and if I were you I would change the default 214b/c with Dragon God's Lightning Flash or Dragon's Eye. Personally I prefer the latter one, as it's a good defensive move to keep-away, as well as with zoning and setting off traps. Also, I wouldn't bother with the alt.skill for 22B/C, the default one or the new one is way better. You're good in the corner and in air, what I would work on is middle play. And instead of throwing in random 6C so much, it would be better to focus on oki play.

I hope you don't mind me throwing off advices.

>> No.3303466
File: 485 KB, 620x876, 25c88f7b2e7c445fb104d00ac1aea9fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting again~! (EAST COAST) * MooN RabbiT -tier- *

>> No.3303502 /jp/ tier

>> No.3303563


No, not at all, thanks for the advice.

Just started playing 3 days ago so i got a long way to go.
To be honest, i don't really know how to bring Iku's bullets to full potential.
I find them either too slow and feeble or too slow and straight. 6C may be completely monotonous as well, but at least it's quite fast ; i was wishing i could poke you to death this way...

>> No.3303589
File: 384 KB, 900x1096, 1a05417146e367e64c52953c7e6136e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting yet again~! XD (EAST COAST) * MooN RabbiT! -tier- *

>> No.3303659

GG Su. Didn't expect to find another match.

>> No.3303678

Well, IRL it somehow made me die a little... I'm no Iku expert, but I find her bullets usefull in buckets, thousands of them. My goal while spamming away is usually to just fill the screen, and do some A's when the opponent graze towards your way. Surely there's more to it than that, but I think you'll figure out a good way to use them soon enough.

>> No.3303694

Was keeping it up just for fun, to see what weirdos peek through old IPs.

How should I say this? Too bad I couldn't see your Inaba, Tenko or Komachi. Say, are you on mizuumi?

>> No.3303726

Broek Marisa tier

>> No.3303743 west coast

>> No.3303745

Sorry for not playing through the whole cast but myself is tired.
I just took a look for hosts before going to sleep and you call me a weirdo.

And yes I am on mizuumi.

>> No.3303778

You bunch of faggots.. I can't play this until I get home 5 hours from now. ;~~; THIS THREAD WILL BE GONE BY THEN

>> No.3303798

>95 posts and 13 image replies omitted.
>thread not even at half reply limit, started at 09/04/09(Fri)00:01
yeah, it will be here in 5 hours

>> No.3303807

anymore hosts? I keep missing it ;_;

>> No.3303808

Oh gee, don't get butthurt on me now, it was just a joke.

Tell us your real nic so that we can flame you. Don't worry, we'll just tell you to get the fuck out, tourneyfag.

>> No.3303825


>> No.3303832


>> No.3303869

Good games "Profile1P".
I hope you had fun! =D

>> No.3303902
US Midwest
Hardo modo.

>> No.3303908 ec

>> No.3303936

Oh damn, there be an updates

>> No.3303954


>> No.3304048

East Coast host

>> No.3304218

Ggs Saje

>> No.3304226

GGs as always JetM. Any more buttrape and I'm afraid you may do permanent damage though, so I'm'a take a break there for now, heh. Surprised I managed to take a round with my Tenshi though...

>> No.3304232

She is my bane. Mostly because I always run right into 2C over and over gain.

>> No.3304272

GGs Duckator, gotta head now.

>> No.3304307
File: 154 KB, 486x640, 1231712353465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US mid west
mid tier.

>> No.3304336

Good games.
That Reimu v. Suika match when I almost got you with Fantasy Heaven was awesome. Also, sorry about that Youmu v. Meiling match; Firefox crashed.

>> No.3304425

East Coast
Hardatic mode

>> No.3304430

Back, what a waste of time bleh. I was actually waiting for you to try and spam everything you had to activate Fantasy Heaven and then activate my trap card etc. That Meiling vs Youmu match had such a sad ending for such a hard fought battle ...for me anyways, but it's all good. I'll be here if you're still up for more.

>> No.3304497
West Coast US

>> No.3304498

ggs, seems my usual bullshit doesn't work anymore. I guess I'll have to stop by irc if I ever want to improve.

>> No.3304503

Haha, GGs dude. You should come by. Heard you played Dim.

>> No.3304505

And had some rather embarrassing loses as well.

>> No.3304516

Eh, he used to sweep me with the entire cast personally.

>> No.3304551

ggs shotgun, the yuyuko mirrors were fun as well as good practice since I haven't been playing as her that much lately

>> No.3304571

ggs as well.

I just wish I could routinely do 623C's without doing a 66C.

gets on my nerves, esp. when you do it perfectly against me.

>> No.3304596

GGS, man

>> No.3304598

Sorry I suck so much. GGs

>> No.3304620
File: 165 KB, 300x400, ba3ad53f7c6f459b8bfcf7d4036830d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting 1.03
Mountain West
Drunk as an oni-tier

>> No.3304716

I got a few hits in right?
GGs Jetm, but no match for a "casual" like me.

>> No.3304729

Bah, I dont care how good the person is that I play! As long as we play the game, all is good. Ggs.

>> No.3304730

You should rehost. I promise I'm not as good as Jetm.

>> No.3304769


>> No.3304801


Larfreeze, I had no idea people could be so awesome with Hong. Also I lost a bunch, they were really enjoyable games. GGs!

>> No.3304804


GGs Chibi. Your Youmo has some pretty good pressures. Keep it up. Also, like me, we have to guard more often.

>> No.3304836

West Coast USA

Only-able-to-play-decently-with-Komachi Tier

>> No.3304841


Actually I just noticed that I had default youmu cards the entire time....
I fixed my deck; if you're up for a couple of youmu rounds, I'll rehost if you're not busy

>> No.3304847

Can't connect.

>> No.3304848
File: 289 KB, 650x650, 752d7f1cd93f705be9b22fa0cf410af8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heh, thanks Chibi, but I'm still not that good. Against fishers I usually fail. Sorry for not mixing up my characters, I just wanted to practice hard with Hong. And actually, I just learned a new combo because of you! Indeed, they were enjoyable fights. I look forward to fighting you again, and I'm sure you'll improve greatly. For now, let us take a break.
Btw, it's Larfleeze. If anybody gets the reference... yeah.

>> No.3304859



>> No.3304876

Restart the listener, if that doesn't work restart the instance.

>> No.3304898

Don't MAKE me post beatingadeadhorse.jpg.

>> No.3304907

Hostan North America

>> No.3304917

Doesn't work.

>> No.3304925

Odd, I've always been able to host before. Shit don't tell me a new patch is out...

>> No.3304928

Yeah. 1.03

>> No.3304931
File: 64 KB, 512x384, 54dc517426624f8cdc278f5c63d349b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a tier? How about no tourneyfags tier?

>> No.3304938

Or a does not work tier.

>> No.3304945

Sorry, forgot to to push the last buttan in host menu.

EU btw, everything but WC works.

>> No.3304951

Well shoot. I'm WC.

>> No.3304966

Now hostan 1.03

>> No.3304978

It was worth a shot lol GG.

>> No.3304989

Of course! Thanks for checking it out.

The host is still up.

>> No.3305100

Maybe the tourneyfags are onto something regarding Youmu...

>> No.3305109

Haha. Youmu is definitely top tier. I'm one of the tourney faggiest and play one of the best characters, so... yeah. I'm definitely the best Youmu (At least US), and I'm still developing her. It's not easy to escape her pressure.

Suika is also top tier (she's my third char though)

Reimu is more mid tier.

>> No.3305112

GGs by the way! You have a lot of endurance heh.

>> No.3305116

You make me sick.

>> No.3305121

What'd I do? D:

>> No.3305124

>so... yeah. I'm definitely the best Youmu (At least US)
Sure sounds great when one says it like that, until you realize there's like 50 people who play this game at all (aside from japan).
>out of like 4 others

>> No.3305126

wow Icekin, you're so pro.

>> No.3305127

shutup icekin this is my glory ;_;

>> No.3305128

Well it was a lot easier to endure when I could at least take a few rounds. With Youmu I just sit in pressure the entire game, since you pretty much have to guess where in her 10 second long airtight blockstring she's gonna reset the pressure, and if you try to jump out at any other time, you eat 2,000+ damage.
Oh, and what the fuck is up with Sakuya in 12.3? Is 2B j.2B not airtight on block anymore? I can't do it right most of the time anyway, but I've yet to see it work, and I figure you'd know.

>> No.3305130

Anyone, host already!

>> No.3305134

It's not. Her airtight strings aren't good anymore. But she still has pretty solid loose pressure. (The kind of pressure my youmu uses - it's not technically airtight, but it's mostly jump proof)

>> No.3305166

US West, Cali

Sorry if there's lag

>> No.3305254


Thanks for the games

>> No.3305262

Those were some good games aperson. There was a noticable change in the way you played by the second set of China matches and I couldn't win with her anymore.

>> No.3305412


I'm bored, someone join~

>> No.3305506

There's only WC up now, huh? Boring.

>> No.3305631

GGs, thanks for the games

>> No.3305637


gg's, mez.

You should've let me use Reimu's Fantasy Heaven on that last round...would've been cool.

Anyways, sorry about the lag.

>> No.3306115

Whoah fuck, just realized I haven't Toohoo'd all day and need a break from not Toohoo.
Let's Toohoo, /jp/.

>> No.3306172

Did the game freeze?

>> No.3306177

Looks like it. I'll rehost in a second if you're still up.
Also, up for a Reisen mirror? We both use the same colors apparently so I guess I'll just, uh, use the black one or something. Feels weird though.

All this typing is just something to do while the client reopens.

>> No.3306407

GGs Jetm; gotta rush so I'll give you the paragraph when I get back.

Thanks for the games though.

>> No.3306408

Ggs Tree. I was curious how many times you would block my life switcharoo spell before the realization hit you. Oh man, I live for Komachi RoND 2a-

>> No.3306832

>I was curious how many times you would block my life switcharoo spell before the realization hit you.
Hurr, to a non-Komachi player all her SCs look the same. I knew if I started reacting that way you'd sneakily pull off that other scythe-swing one that does a shitton of damage instead when I was expecting lifeswitch. NO SIR, TREE IS TOO CAUTIOUS FOR THAT TRICK TO WORK.

>Oh man, I live for Komachi RoND 2a-
Durr. I heard you talking about 2A in another thread and assumed you were just playing Meiling or something. NOPE. Too bad it doesn't do any chip or orb damage when I block it the right way, otherwise it'd hurt a lot more.

Anyway I decided I like the blue/white costume better since NOBODY uses it, red one's yours. God knows I haven't earned it. ;_;
Either way, now that I'm engrossed in eating my rare steak I forgot half of the shit I was going to put in my usual paragraph, but there was something in there about how your blatant weakness to her makes me want to play Suwako more; really, if you're an IRC player and I get a chance to snake you even once that pretty much proves it, though I did burst into my typical "BULLSHIT" screams when you fucking GRAZED through it. Goddamnit that shouldn't be possible, I should really just spend an hour complaining about tasofro because of it. But that's work.
Also you used Yukari a few times so obligatory broken, easy to use, etc.
Well, I'd better go get shit done and maybe host later tonight, but since I just got back I can play a few more if you want. I swear someday I'll force it through my thick skull that Komachi's melee does NOT work the same as everybody else's.

>> No.3306849

I just want to say that the image in the OP is horrible and makes me cringe every time.

>> No.3306878

I'm up for more if you are.

>> No.3306900

Well there's nobody else playing and I guess I wouldn't say that if I didn't plan on following it through, so go for it if you're not busy.
Honestly, I want to see how many SNAAAAKES I can get off on you.
I'll be keeping count.


>> No.3307027
File: 82 KB, 877x620, SuwakoDash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suwako's dash: A, B, C or D?

>> No.3307044


>> No.3307094


>> No.3307129

Ggs Again

>> No.3307153

It's clearly B you faggots.


GGs again Jetm but I was only planning on going for about 30 minutes, much less an HOUR. Goddamn, you definitely have advanced a lot further than I have since SWR. Then again, my whole doing a system restart and being too lazy to redownload it probably had a bunch to do with it too. I'm sure I could've been SUPER IRC TOURNEYFAG MASTER BLOCKSTRING GOD CRUSH EVERYBODY'S MAINS IN FIVE SECONDS too if I'd just put forth the effort to keep playing but as you can see it didn't happen; hell, the only reason my Suika seems to be able to stand up to you at all was because I've been playing her since SWR.
Still I'm not afraid of you for whatever reason, even though I shit myself whenever I play Magister or ZomB, so I still have a lot of fun even when I'm mostly getting crushed. I ate some toast during those matches -- it wasn't the worst toast I'd ever had, but I couldn't taste it very much because all I could taste was rape. You're a bro.

Also no fucking WONDER I couldn't pull off that Reisen string, it goes into j.5A instead of j.2A when she gets too low. Thanks for helping me realize that.
Aaaand Tree out.

>> No.3307172

>I've been playing her since SWR
Whoops, meant to say IaMP there.

>artist drawing Suwako without thigh-highs
what is this bullshit

>> No.3307227
beginner, Reisen

>> No.3307248

That's nice to know. I'd much rather be seen as just another guy to play rather than some big doomy player that'll beat the shit out of you.

I don't really play all that seriously though. One of those Meiling matches was mostly just me trying to wakeup 22C you over and over until I finally decided to graze, THEN 22C.

It's always a treat to play you.

>> No.3307672

You're silly. There are no blockstrings in soku.

>> No.3307694

Doesn't make it any less of a catchphrase. I was thinking of adding something in there about stands and kara-throws.

>> No.3307768

Come to irc. Jetm thinks it's cool. Therefore, it must be cool. And we have cake. And sanae cosplay. And you can listen to knowledgeable people like myself try and guess someone's ethnicity by the characters they play.

Also, you don't have to be mad serious about the game to enjoy IRC. You just have to be willing to take a beating for a while. Sometimes you have to listen to bell rant about how stupid everyone is, but you sorta get used to that.

>> No.3307791

Oh no, I love all you people. I, unlike a chunk of /jp/, actually like Mizuumi and the community there. I just hate IRC. Half of the time I don't even remember why I hate it so much, but the interface just makes me want to puke.

I do think I'll swing by sometime soon though. But don't expect Giant Tree; if I do, you'll still know when you see me.

>> No.3307798

GGs, I thought you'd get bored after 10 games against Reisen.

Remilia is hard to fight. Because of so many dashes, I face in the wrong direction more than I'd like to. I was standing in the corner once with the back to the corner, just blocking, and you hit me from behind?
And I have no idea how to punish Remilia's 22BC upon block.

>> No.3307828

Low tier China looking for EU host.

>> No.3307869 west coast
half asleep tier

>> No.3307889

>I have no idea how to punish Remilia's 22BC upon block.

3. ???

Really though, that move is one of the most punishable in the game since poor Remi takes so long to recover; if you're using Reisen like I assume you are, a quick 66A should normally do the trick, which you can follow up with a j.5A + j.2A chain across the entire screen and all kinds of crazy shit. All her bullets come out slow though so if you were trying to use those to punish you ARE, in fact, doing it wrong.
You could use 66C too but you can't combo from it quite as well and it gives Remi a chance to airtech; if you're some sort of TIMING GOD you MIGHT be able to pull off her Lunatic Beam SC, but only if you're on the ground. And if the Remi is stupid enough to 22B/C while you're neutral and on the ground she deserves it.

>> No.3307927 [DELETED] 

I saw him block my 66A in that situation, though.

>> No.3307988

Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
still beginner

>> No.3307993

hey, i won once, wooo! gg. i guess im learning abit more now.

>> No.3307995

ggs Lim, but I swear, the random 5 card at the EXACT SAME MOMENT I teleport was possibly the gayest thing that's ever happened to me in this game. Ah well. At least I got a perfect on the third round. (Or was there heavy fog? I forget.)

>> No.3308001

that didnt happen.....bleh. (yea it did)

>> No.3308027


>> No.3308152

bit confused what happened there in the last match (did we desync or something?) but ggs

>> No.3308180 EC

>> No.3308231

lag as hell but carry on?

>> No.3308293

So I just built a deck around Yuyuko's fanspin. Should I feel dirty?
Someone host.

>> No.3308365

Good to play with you outside of tenhou, Akagi.

This was my first time using Meiling ever. Either she's very weak or too hard to use.
You should tech on wake-up, standing up in the corner and being beaten down 3 times in a row isn't a very good idea. Also, nearly every second move you used with Meiling was easily punishable, (what was it 214BC?) and that kneekick in the air. I could just stand there and wait for you to use one of them.

>> No.3308370 west

average /jp/

>> No.3308377

Meiling's kinda hard to use. She does have crazy damage and pressure, though, and she eats chicken blockers alive.

>> No.3308392


Yeah, great games, had tons of fun. It's the first time I play against someone who mains Reisen. God she's freaking strong.

I kept running into the X shaped attack over and over again. I'm too reckless, but I can't help it. And I rely too much on my spellcards. But yeah, I guess I'll train on my wake-up.

Also, what does Reisen's spellcard where she drinks a green potion do?

>> No.3308409

US West

Sorry if there's lag

>> No.3308417

>X shaped attack over and over again
Disorder Eye, my favourite of her skills, because she lacks good other attacks than can hit below her.
You know? I used this attack very often with the promise that you will just run into it, if you didn't move at all, it'd miss (and leave me defenseless).

Life Elixir "Grand Patriot's Elixir": Costs 3 cards
Increases ATK and DEF by 15%, next one by another 5, 5 % to the 100% basis, so a good card for long battles (used it together with the dolls).

>> No.3308442

>But yeah, I guess I'll train on my wake-up.

No, you should train on THEIR wakeup.
And if what I just said makes any sense to whoever's reading this, you should stop playing broken and easy to use characters.

>> No.3308597


>> No.3308599

gg, wav. i have to go. sorry for the cut off. yuyuko is still hard to beat.

>> No.3308628

Whoa, I feel sleepy as fuck. Better take a nap.
... But not before playing hours of more Toohoos.
Get in here you faggots.

>> No.3308701


gg's, 66c Lurker. Sorry for disconnecting, I have to eat lunch.

If you want to continue to play after I finish eating, that's fine with me.

>> No.3308715

ggs Holeymeister.

Is that your actual handle? I seem to recall fighting you before or something and I don't remember you being this good. Maybe you were just sandbagging me or something that time though idk

>> No.3308722

Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do really.

>> No.3308733


If you mean my Yukari, I really picked up on her thanks to a friend of mine.

And I remember fighting you quite a few times before. I never sandbag though.

>> No.3308758


>> No.3308786

EU host:

Whatever tier.

>> No.3308941 [DELETED] 

ggs tree

>> No.3308944

ggs tree, my alice yoyo tactics don't work on you anymore

>> No.3308966

Durr, if only I was thinking enough to use it during the LAST round it would've been slightly cooler.
Still pretty cool though.

Hurr, good games and good night. I really WAS 75% asleep during that, goddamn. The last match when I fired a random laser was supposed to be a potion but somehow I forgot to switch cards first resulting in that bullshit, what a faggot I am.
Also what I was saying aloud so that second-to-last makes more sense: "THIS IS WHY THEY CALL ME GIANT TREE," ad infinitum

'Kay. Less Touhou, more sleep.
And enjoy your cold cheese.

>> No.3308986

GGs, I can't stand lag, sorry.

>> No.3308996

Hang on, my p2p program was running, since it took so long since anybody joined. I forgot. You could try again if you want to, anyway the host is still up for anybody to join. EC and Canada is usually fine.

>> No.3308998

>The last match when I fired a random laser
>Also what I was saying aloud so that second-to-last makes more sense: "THIS IS WHY THEY CALL ME GIANT TREE," ad infinitum

lowercase letters to end a caps post

>> No.3309072



>> No.3309077

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>> No.3309080

The easy way to get YOUR inv.ite to the new cool site everyone is talking about, L0ck.erz

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>> No.3309138
File: 20 KB, 227x420, cirno129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG's. The screen wasn't flashing back... it was kinda laggy to begin with, but it kept getting worse.

I'm a terrible player

>> No.3309147


GG's, and the lag didn't bother me actually. I suppose I'm just really used to lag. It didn't lag for me, at least I don't think it did.

Your characters are a bit too offensive, and you might want to get on the defensive side a little bit more.

>> No.3309153


Rehosting again.

>> No.3309193

Something came up, GGs.
Never played a Suwako or Patch before, would like to play against you again.

>> No.3309198
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa, remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12.3 v1.03
US East
Low-mid/Mid level, perhaps.

Would also be willing to play IaMP if anyone is interested.

>> No.3309204


>> No.3309205

It's a pleasure, I'm glad to hear it. Suwako has been in training for some time, while I use Patche to ease out.

>> No.3309434

I spent the whole last match just trying to get my blocks right. That lag is pretty bad.

>> No.3309439

GGs. You're not bad, you just need to work on a few terribly bad habits. You use certain attacks with Remilia which are terribly, terribly unsafe. Namely her 236B/C, 22B/C, and j.6A. You gotta be really careful with those attacks otherwise you're just asking to be countered as you saw when you fought my Utsuho. I'm afraid I don't really play Remilia, so I can't give much better advice than that. You also have to watch for melee attacks more. You're moving around so much that you're really vulnerable to them.

>> No.3309443


It sucked when the lag just kicked in in that last match.

The other matches were pretty much lagless though.

>> No.3309479

Where praytell can one 'acquire' 12.3? I am at wit's end, all leads turn up dead.

>> No.3309487

Go play 3rd strike on 2DF or something instead. This game sucks.

>> No.3309492

l2google (note I have not checked the following for legitimacy):

>> No.3309495

Not a bad idea, but that's not answering my question either

>> No.3309508

Failtube eh? Well, whatever works, thank you good sir.

>> No.3309526

Good games a.a! Your Komachi is definately better than mine

>> No.3309527

GGs Rabbit-Box.

>> No.3309533

I love Marisa's ass-bashing attack.
It's so bad.

>> No.3309547

Well, you did win the Komachi mirror. Very solid Youmu you have. Not as frightening pressure as ZomB's, but I can only guess how you'd start to mix up your Youmu pressure once people stop falling for the charged 3A 623C (?) gimmick.

>> No.3309580

Thank you, my Youmu actually employs a very limited set of tricks and techniques. Once the opponent learns all of them then I can't win any more since my pressure has very punishable holes in them. Once that happens my game turns into a matter of punishing their mistakes and high tier players don't make very many.

>> No.3309747

Hosting once more before this autosages.

EU hostan:

EC and Canadian bros are welcome to join.

>> No.3309760

I give this thread a rating of 15 out of 100.

>> No.3309761
File: 144 KB, 756x531, f53cebad45e2104d1504bed28c3bac10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic. I've actually been focusing more on Suwako lately, I thought I gave up on her first time I checked her out. I was originally going for the good girl of the new cast. Well, it's better to HNNNNNNNGH than anything else.

>> No.3309842

So, this dude joins my game, it was asp something, and then leaves 4 seconds later. What gives?

>> No.3309864
File: 8 KB, 248x281, nonchalantguywithapsp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3309947

Why the hate ;_;

>> No.3310019

US West

Sorry if there's lag

>> No.3310658 west

>> No.3310843

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3310847

Thread already hit the bump limit.

>> No.3310863


>> No.3310942


>> No.3310943

gg. aperson, I SO WANNA hit you with that 5-card SC. failed miserably

>> No.3311780

Anyone still playing?
