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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3291636 No.3291636 [Reply] [Original]

New mahjong thread other hit bump limit, etc


>> No.3291648

alright i'm in

>> No.3291650

who let the kodomo in

>> No.3291708
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Last game for me tonight.

I am due some yakuman and it seem tonight is a good night for yakuman. We got like what, 5yakuman so far?

>> No.3291721

how does I mahjong?

>> No.3291732

I love that picture, bravo anon.

>> No.3291733

I didn't have a yakuman yet... that make me sad

>> No.3291869


>> No.3291886

Discard tiles at random while hoping you don't deal into someone's hand.

>> No.3291898

i went to the lobby and noone else was there

so i went to 0000 and played japs instead

>> No.3291903

Learn from Cirno.

It is a disgrace that you can't mahjong while Cirno can.
Watch Akagi for the basic and go read up the riichii sheet at http://arcturus.su/tenhou/

>> No.3291912

Is there a name for when your starting hand is full of single honors that you have to spend 5 discards on? I hate that.

>> No.3291917

You can press the redeal button if you has that I think.

>> No.3291921

How do I know if a jackass has left the game

>> No.3291932


Depends on what you want to try for.

>> No.3291935


Their name is in red, I think.

>> No.3291937

The player name is red.

>> No.3291943

what if the name was red for a bit then back to white?

>> No.3291950

It means he left and then came back.

>> No.3291966


>> No.3291967

Wow, best game I've ever played.

>> No.3291982


Not my best game ever, but I started to feel sorry for the other players.

>> No.3291987

Only game you won right?

>> No.3292007

No but only game where I got 3 ura-doras twice in a row.

>> No.3292015

How do I get a good hand? I don't really know how to play this.

>> No.3292044
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>> No.3292052


Read this for the rules:

Print this for easy reference (at least until you learn everything):

Note that the EMA is using Chinese/American terminology for Chii (chow), Pon (pung), Kan (kong), and a few other bits.

>> No.3292059


Hell, here's the chart from my quick & dirty compendium to the EMA rulebook.

--- Correction in terms ---
The EMA uses Chinese mahjong terminology instead of the proper Japanese.

EMA | Correct | Typical Slang

Circles | Pinzu | Pin
Bamboo | Souzu | Sou
Characters | Manzu | Man
Winds | Kaze
Dragons | Sangenpai

Chow | Chii
Pung | Pon
Kong | Kan

>> No.3292070

OP, next time you make a Mahjong thread, use this pasta to avoid useless posts:

Let's play!


For beginners
Everything you need to know about tenhou itself can be found here http://arcturus.su/tenhou/

Explanations for the tiles, rules, scoring etc can be found here:


Games to test your Knowledge:

Please read 2-3 sites before playing and even then try the singleplayer games first.
Playing without knowing what you do is not only frustrating for yourself but also for your
opponents, a player that left because he couldn't ron for his no Yaku hand or because
someone ron'd his discard just kills the whole fun for everyone.

Also keep in mind that Mahjong is more a game of "not losing" than straightforward winning.
Furthermore you play with 3 other people and luck plays a big part in it, so dont expect to
win more than 1 out 4 games, especially not as a beginner.

If you read some of the linked sites and still have questions feel free to ask.

Usually, a game with two hanchans lasts around 30 minutes, so please, if you're not going to stay until the end, be respectful towards the other players and don't join a new game.

>> No.3292077 [DELETED] 

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>> No.3292083

Was playing the SLOWEST FUCKING GAME EVER (also east only lol) with the East keep winning on tinyass hands FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

I won in the end though +42

>> No.3292087

What a horrible fucking game; didn't win a single hand.

>> No.3292141

WhenIWas on a roll

>> No.3292231

I know I'm going to pay for that luck. I picked up mahjong two days ago and decided to practice a bit. First I randomly get 2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-6-6 pins on a bizarre seven pair hand, then my next hand ends with rinshan out of double kan.

This game is more fun than expected.

>> No.3292242

That's the second time in a few days I've lost to a rinshan.

>> No.3292250

Fuck year, rin shan kai hou.

>> No.3292264
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>> No.3292308

Also, if you're looking for a set of tiles:


If anybody knows another site to order tiles from please post 'em. The sets offered by Yellow Mountain Imports and the Washizu styled set offered by Mahjongmart have been confirmed as crap.

>> No.3293079

Bump for more players in ari red.

>> No.3293184

I was tempted to purchase from japanese-mahjong.com but I was turned off by the ridiculous $55 S&H they charge. That's more than the set itself, no way I'll pay that much. Google hasn't really turned up any other good source, unfortunately.

Someone find me a good set.

>> No.3293782

Anybody up for a game?

>> No.3294314
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>> No.3294335
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>> No.3294897
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>> No.3294913


The reason shipping is so high is that they ship from Japan, via EMS only. If you're unfamiliar with the service, it's the international version (kind of) of 2 day domestic. It takes 3 to 6 days to get your parcel to you, and it goes by air, not by sea. And with how heavy a mahjong set is, the shipping charges are high.

>> No.3294932

Like I have said in the other thread.

Go to the nearest china town and get a chinese set.
You won't get the red five and the haku come with window.

Also eat more ice cream sticks and use them as your riichi sticks and points.

>> No.3294937


In addition, I don't know what your financial situation is like, but you'll probably have more difficulty finding three additional players (who will play on a semi-regular basis) than coming up with the hundred bucks for a starter set. And if you can find the players, think about the years of enjoyment (it's not like the sets wear out) you'll receive via riichi. Ron.

>> No.3294956

Bump for players for some fast game.

>> No.3294968

merupo merupo~

>> No.3295015
File: 76 KB, 734x628, 123123321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would he discard the 8s, not that I'm complaining.

>> No.3295021

6-9s already thrown.

>> No.3295027 [DELETED] 

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>> No.3295056

Wait that kan gave you 4 dora... that's not bad at all.

>> No.3295060 [DELETED] 

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>> No.3295064

He would be furiten for that wait. Are you playing for the first time or what?

>> No.3295068

The question is:
Why didn't he discard those 3 honors from the start instead of getting into a furiten situation?

>> No.3295076

The other question is:
Why is there a red 5 (and 4 man) as his first discard when he has 3 other 5man in his hand now?

Are you sure this player wasn't just in tsumokiri form the start?

>> No.3295091

Let's play.

>> No.3295123


Still waiting for more people.

>> No.3295141
File: 2.74 MB, 346x194, besttsumoever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3295155

He probably left or went afk.

Such an awesome hand to. 4555m, 678s, 6688p

>> No.3295193


No need to be a douche, I just missed that and asked to learn more.

>> No.3295211

Learn to play, fucking faggot. Or don't play.

>> No.3295237

But I'd take the furiten over dealing in someone hand any days.

>> No.3295242

But you're not as edgy and cool as>>3295211
so you don't get to play

>> No.3295247

I know I never won with a yakuman that make me sad.

>> No.3295284

Rotten luck

>> No.3295367

Cut it out with the elitist shit.

More players in 7447 is good, no matter their skill level. Those newbies will learn as they go, the only real way to learn.

7447 should be a friendly atmosphere where we all can learn the game and have actual fun.

If you want tournament level play go to 0000 or the Dan only channels.

>> No.3295383


Exactly. You're not going to be good (or even passable) until you've played hundreds of rounds anyway. Anyone who tells you else wise is either bullshitting or trying to cheer you up.

>> No.3295390

Enjoy your 4 player games with two leavers after 5 minutes. I, for one, won't, and will chase away the people who just want to have some fun clicking everywhere randomly when there's a shiny button that appears.

>> No.3295403
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What Would You Discard?

>> No.3295408


Not seeing why player A discarded tile B instantly doesn't automatically make you a shit Saki fanboy player who randomly calls pons and chis and then wonders why he can't ron.

>> No.3295417

The three 1p in a row for three safe turns.

Then the wind pair.

>> No.3295422



>> No.3295423

I didn't say that. I was just replying to the "Cut it out with the elitist shit" part of his post.

>> No.3295425

a) discard 5p hope for that 1 bamboo to show up
b) discard the bamboos hope you get 5p one 5pin and ron someone.

That hand pretty much looks like LOSE/LOSE sitaution

>> No.3295441 [SPOILER] 
File: 262 KB, 731x624, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, sorry...

1pin for the remaining 3 turns is the best.

>> No.3295444

If you can't deal with the occasional quitter, then stop playing on tenhou. It happens no matter where you go.

I've had good games even with names in red text.

>> No.3295453

You need to learn to play defensively. Discarding a red 5p in this situation is the worst choice possible. He's got a lot of points and doesn't need to complete his hand at all, on the contrary, he needs to avoid losing points at all cost because there's another player with a high number of points as well.

>> No.3295463

Sorry but that is just you.
Before my first game in tenhou I read up on http://arcturus.su/tenhou/ so I know what all the flashing buttons do/mean. Also I play it with the riichii sheet open so I know all the yaku.

Sure I didnt win the first few games but I didnt rage quit and I stay till the end.
And no you don't need to play 100games to know what you are doing. Frankly speaking I think after 5games I already know most of the basic and I can even play them without the riichi sheet now.

There are tons of new people 7447 which actually bother to learn the rules and they are good players unlike the rest of the leavers.

I agree with this guy, either you learn to play and stay till the end or don't play at all. We don't need another 13tiles dead wall.

>> No.3295473

Well, after all, you're right, it's so much fun to play 1V1 Mahjong with an additionnal dead wall of 26 tiles. I hope there'll be some leavers next time I play.

>> No.3295501

Enjoy having a 1V1 match with the dealer dominating in ren chan and not having the other 2players help you in bumping him off.

>> No.3295509

I will, thank you. Situation changes and creates a new challenge.

>> No.3295567
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>> No.3295613


Last round comeback into first place

>> No.3295747

oops, messed up at the end there

>> No.3295760
File: 99 KB, 800x600, saki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else playing this? If so, any tips on getting some actual words in the dialogue boxes? I'm getting random roman letters and some katakana mixed with weird dots.

>> No.3295812

Change your locale to Japanese?

>> No.3295815


>> No.3295822
File: 63 KB, 774x657, south 4 two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South 4th comebacks, fuck yeah.

Seriously, don't deal 4s a turn before the end if you're in the lead. How stupid can you get?

>> No.3295828

Where do I get this?

>> No.3295831


>> No.3295840

1. He's in riichi, so he didn't really have a choice.

2. Don't be an obnoxious faggot.

>> No.3295850

Wow, your penis must be huge.

>> No.3295857


>> No.3295876

fuck I'm stupid, riichi'd on a single wait that had already been kan'd

>> No.3295880


Wow,a 1300rating guy calling other
 people stupid.
Who would have thought.

>> No.3295895

>Complaining about the discards of someone in riichi.

Haha oh wow.

>> No.3296048

fuck you ;_;, won't let me make a comeback

>> No.3296075

FUCKING LAG! I know I hit ron before that other guy did!

>> No.3296084
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>> No.3296085

There is no head bump in tenhou. Y
ou get double ron unless he tsumo

>> No.3296127

Time for the "Night time Europe daily Mahjong games".

>> No.3296157

Rate means nothing until you've played 400+ games. It's not an accurate measure until then.

>> No.3296170

where are you guys?

>> No.3296177

Today I got double ronned for the first time ever.

My ass feels sore.

>> No.3296182

I don't even bother waiting in 7447, I'm never there "early" enough when the threads just get made and the games are already in session and nobody else is in the lobby

Playing with japs is better than playing trashy anons

>> No.3296203

I'm hurt.

>> No.3296211

Wow, nice work dumbass. He's called 3 times, he has all dots. So what do you deal? Not fucking dots, Jesus Christ.

>> No.3296215

There's three of us waiting on a game right now, hurry!

>> No.3296240

To be honest, I was so happy I could be able to complete a Nagashi Mangan once in my life that I didn't even look at what you guys called/discarded. Also, take it easy, will you?

>> No.3296247

A robbed kan!

>> No.3296262
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Too much mahjong leads to ASSPAIN.

>> No.3296268


There is only a EAST only game going on.

1:0 ari red/ari red fast.

>> No.3296270

I wonder if "irlgirl" is really a girl.

>> No.3296276
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>> No.3296280

Let's go, Ari red fast.

>> No.3296281

and that is how you throw a hissy-fit when you're in last place. way to go, dick

>> No.3296286
File: 349 KB, 728x577, tenhou - robbing a kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have melded that kan, bro.

>> No.3296287

What the fuck are you talking about, my dear sir?

>> No.3296290

Girl you craaaazy

>> No.3296294

I'm not a girl, but I can play pretend if you want. :3

>> No.3296302
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>> No.3296313

Actually, it's quite common to choose a wait on a pon someone called in order to try a direct hit on that player.

>> No.3296315

I'm not sure if Saki is the best or worst thing to ever happen to the English mahjong community.

>> No.3296320

Seems to rely on too many assumptions. Well, I wouldn't do a closed or edge wait like that, but maybe if it was a double-sided or double-pair wait.

>> No.3296321

I don't know about that, but it sure deserves the 25 minutes I spend each week watching the new episode. Also, this week feels empty without episode.

>> No.3296326

Well, well, less talking, more mahjong.

>> No.3296341

3 more people needed to start a third game.

>> No.3296357

Search for "riichi mahjong" on amazon.com

>> No.3296363
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Newbies should try to make closed hands with riichi.

>> No.3296380


How to play like a noob but still make yaku:

1. Have two honors? Wait for a third and go yaku-hai.
2. Don't have two honors? Discard all your honors and go for All Simples/Tanyao.

>> No.3296399

This is almost how I feel... I'm sorry I can't calculate what my hand's worth... And I misunderstood how dora worked before yesterday... I feel worthless

>> No.3296416
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Don discard dangerous tile when you only got 4000points!!!

>> No.3296425

If you want a mnemonic for remembering the Dora Indicator order of Dragons, just imagine it going upwards from the least aggressive to the most aggressive.

White = good natured and lives in the clouds
Green = lives in the forests, a bit more savage
Red = firebreating, evil volcano type.
(and from the highest, it wraps around to the lowest)

Yes, that's actually how I remember it.

>> No.3296444

How's that tile dangerous?

>> No.3296447

No it was worse than that I tought the dora tile applied to terminal (or every other honor of the same type) I'm still bad tough

>> No.3296457


The only riichi set on Amazon is the shitty YMI version.

>> No.3296465 [DELETED] 


riichi, pinfu, dora 1 = 5600
4600 - 5600 = -1000

>> No.3296478


riichi, pinfu, dora 1 = 5800
4600 - 5800 = -1200

>> No.3296515

Oh, you've checked it out yourself? If you give such a review of it's quality, I'll guess I'll look elsewhere for a set.

Though, really, it's not like Red Fives are really all that important to playing Riichi Mahjong. You can easily get by with a traditional Chinese set.

>> No.3296519

How's he supposed to know you need the 6 pin?

>> No.3296524

Just one more player for East Only Ari Red.

>> No.3296527

Learn the basic Mahjong defense: http://www.osamuko.com/2009/02/18/umaikeiki-defense-guide-betaori-and-suji/

>> No.3296538


The traditional chinese set is hueg though. I once had a CHinese set but bought a riichi one while I was in Japan. It is much more comfortable playing with the Japanese one. Seriously, the huge Chinese pieces are annoying. I suggest looking on ebay.
But there also should be some J-goods shop offering them.

>> No.3296552

How do you teach a beginner what Ryuuissou is with the chink set?

>> No.3296554

Actually if you'Ve just got that little points it doesn't really matter. If you fold you're gonna end up last anyways so you might as well go for it and take the risk. Also chances are people are gonna overlook your tile since they don't want the game to end yet, so yeah.

>> No.3296569

beato was east.
I wouldn't mind a 3han hand if I can renchan away after that.

>> No.3296570

I am so bad. I think it's time for a break after that game...

>> No.3296588

Damaten is better when someone has so few points.

>> No.3296594

The worse thing is he kill my dealer with a 1k chanta hand the next turn.

>> No.3296614

if you take a break now, do you believe you can improve?

>> No.3296634

No, but I believe I can eat food.

>> No.3296659

I think breaks are essential, if you just keep playing and playing you're thinking will get narrow and you won't be able to improve. Take a break now and then!

>> No.3296694
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Fap to lolis then play again.

>> No.3296728

There any other english sites about basic strategy like this? I tried googling but all I could find was rules explanations...

>> No.3296778


Man I feel disgusted with the way I play.
Time to takebreak.

>> No.3296785


>> No.3296874

another one bites the dust

>> No.3296946

bump, need 1 more player.

>> No.3296959

koromo! NO!

>> No.3297022


Good thing it was an East only and ended after a few minutes

>> No.3297035

I'll be back. I can't believe how unlucky I was that time. Except for the last discard. I just wanted to end myself.

>> No.3297054
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>> No.3297085
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Oh, I lost with negative points.

>> No.3297100

1919x1199? Really? Where the fuck did my pixels go?

>> No.3297104
File: 95 KB, 752x625, tenhou_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you pass up the win?
Thanks for the win.

>> No.3297137

Need to go toilet, so meh. Might has well end it.

>> No.3297144
File: 249 KB, 728x620, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I hate to see useless kan.
It should be yakuhai, dora 1(2900) hand.

>> No.3297151


Mr Noname pass up the win.
I thought I was fucked already after I threw that.

>> No.3297156

It's even worse when the kan happens to give a random player some dora.

>> No.3297415

/jp/ should play East only more. It's way easier to fit it into your "stuff to get done" schedule.

>> No.3297416 [DELETED] 
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That's scary.

>> No.3297426

That would be honroutou, toitoi, yakuhai 1 (8000).

>> No.3297434 [DELETED] 

Dragons aren't terminal tiles?

>> No.3297447

What? You thought you had a yakuman?

>> No.3297455

Chinroutou(yakuman) = 1 and 9 only
Honroutou(2 han) = 1, 9, winds and dragons only

>> No.3297462
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Not really. But I was too greedy to let it go.

>> No.3297489

>Deleted a post because he failed at yakuman

>> No.3297506
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The guy sitting west gets raped for 18000 on the 3rd go around, and I spent the rest of the game trying to catchup to the faggot that ron off him, got close but still failed by 1000

I think I need to start playing with a yaku list next to me...

>> No.3297574
File: 65 KB, 737x626, tourney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like mahjong is getting pretty popular now.
Would anyone be interested in getting a tournament going?
Been going through the tools and options myself and it doesn't look very complicated.

>> No.3297582

Cool shop bro.
But enjoy raging organizing it when everyone got different timezone and playing time.

>> No.3297590

I prefer 東南.

>> No.3297992

Went down to Japantown and got me a Riichi set, is identical to the "Sango" set displayed on that site. Cost me $90, but still ended up being cheaper than ordering...guess I got lucky.

>> No.3298041
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>> No.3298183
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Let's play, East-Only Ari Red!

>> No.3298197

waiting on one more player

>> No.3298217

You just have to play more often and memorizing the more common yaku comes naturally, and then the rest is easy. I would think the yakumans are the hardest since they almost never come up.

>> No.3298280

1 more for 三麻 東南, anyone?

>> No.3298594

That would be pretty awesome.

>> No.3298740
File: 369 KB, 742x661, epic tenhou win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Yakuman, but still epic. The game ended in one round.

>> No.3298746

This is why I love this place so much...
> Save the English language on the Internet: www.аnоnтаㄥк.com/ICARE

>> No.3298780

13 han = kazoe yakuman

>> No.3298812


Oh, didn't know about that. So I guess I can die peacefully now, knowing I have created a yakuman hand.

>> No.3298863

Try satisfying three yakuman conditions at once. The chances are about one in ten quintillions, good luck.

>> No.3298877


I did own a set of the YMI tiles before I gave them to a friend who wanted to learn. Overall quality is akin to what one would expect if you bought them from the Wal*Mart game department.

>> No.3298921

Sorry, seems I got my permutations wrong, you should have a significantly less chance of about 4 x 10^-26. Still, keep your hopes up.

>> No.3298933

What are the chances of a Tenhou Suuankou-tanki Daisangen Tsuuiisou?

>> No.3298955


So...who are you going to play with

>> No.3298984 [DELETED] 

Forgot Suuankou, it is the same. Roughly one in 3.7 x 10^26, if I didn't forget to account for something.

The chance should be something like

(4, 3) (4, 3) (4, 3) (4, 2) (4, 2) (4, 2) / (136, 14)

>> No.3299005

Oh fuck it, forgot to put in a four in the calculator. Sorry again, the chance is something like

(4, 3) (4, 3) (4, 3) (4, 3) (4, 2) (4, 2) (4, 2) / (136, 14)

which is about 1,5 x 10^-25.

>> No.3299052

Just curious, how are you calculating that? This looks like an extremely difficult problem, considering all possibilities.

>> No.3299094

I can only do it because it's a Tenhou, so I can tell the later game to fuck off and only bother with the initial hands. Give each identical tile a designation, so that say, east wind tiles are E1, E2, E3, E4. Now there are 136! / (136 - 14)! (which I denote by (136, 14) because I have no clue how to do the actual permutation denotation here) combinations you can get with your initial hand.

You need 3 of each wind out of 4 total, so for your east wind you can have (E2, E3, E4) or (E1, E3, E4) or (E1, E2, E4) or (E1, E2, E3) - or 4! / (4 - 3)! = 4 options. Repeat for all four winds.

Any dragon is fine to complete your hand, and you need two of them so 4! / (4-2) ! = 6 possibilities for each dragon. There are three kinds of dragons you can use, so multiply that result by three - fuck me, seems I multiplied them with each other. That's what I get for attempting calculation when I should be sleeping. Still, that's kind of embrassing, I put them on the same scale with the winds.

Anyway, you have a 4 x 4 x 4 x 3 x 6 / (136! / 122!) chance to get that monster of a hand if I didn't do another retarded error, but even if I did, rest assured the odds are pretty astronomical.

>> No.3299095

Can anyone tell me the japanese term for the terminal tiles?
And for a 'suit' in general.

>> No.3299100


Terminals are called "yao chu". Or maybe that's terminals and honors. I'm pretty sure I heard that in Akagi.

>> No.3299105

I don't think you included the single pair wait required for the Suuankou-tanki.

>> No.3299107

Yao chu are terminals and honours.

>> No.3300019

Is there a riichi score calculator?

>> No.3300044

What's a riichi score?

>> No.3300053

I think you mean a han/fu table.

>> No.3300078

No, no, I mean a program where I would input my hand and some other circumstances (searing, active wind, dora, etc.), and it would output how much money other players would have to pay me.

>> No.3300079

did you mean points?

>> No.3300091
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>> No.3300092

While that seems handy, counting the han/fu for a hand and looking it up on the chart is much faster, or just memorize the chart like the pros do.

>> No.3300110

Is there a guide to count the fu somewhere or just the list of fu that was linked in >>3292070 ?

I want to learn the scoring but that's no help.
Probably because the wall of text.

>> No.3300122


Dude. Google. Use it.

>> No.3300126

okay, but mahjongtime just confuses me.
it does not use the terms I'm used to.
something else?

>> No.3300131

that's just yet another wall of text.

>> No.3300134

Fuck you man. GOOGLE. INPUT "mahjong scoring rules".



>> No.3300144

Are you frustrated?

>> No.3300158

(from the list above) is all you need.

Let's say your hand looks like this

1111 (closed kan) 456 789 345 中 (waiting on 中)
Then you have
20 base or if tsumo
+10 (if closed ron)
32 closed kan terminal 1111
2 single tile wait
2 pair of dragon
so in case of Ron (30+32+2+2 = 66 always round up ~70)

>> No.3300187

I am frustrated.
;_;..I only came in second place.

>> No.3300257

1:0 ari red fast / nashi

>> No.3300298


>> No.3300442
File: 73 KB, 746x637, dorawaits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3300644

Fu only matter when the han value 
is less than 5 am i right?

>> No.3300782


So ronery

>> No.3300797

Yes, although some rulesets allow calculation if the value is higher than than the limit hand.

It's also needed for the skyrocketing rules (what's the Japanese name for this?)

>> No.3300807

1:0 on Ari Red. ;_;

>> No.3300811

Give me 6hours. I am at work at th
e moment. Gonna rape you when I g
et back home.

>> No.3300814


Why do you insist on using that font?

>> No.3300816

Holy god, L7447 is so empty at that time of the day. There was 4 simultaneous games yesterday around evening.

>> No.3300828

Forgot to change back to normal font after I posted on the other thread.
Why does it matter? It is still legible right?

>> No.3300830

I’ll be here, waiting.

>> No.3300935

I feel so warm when I play against you irlgirl. I hope you're a trap.

>> No.3301697

I swear to fuck the game registers every tile i discard and then makes me draw it right away, this happens so much lately it makes me so sad.

>> No.3301705

that happens more often than you think
if it happens in a parlour you'll suspect tsumikomi or ganpai

>> No.3301747 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 745x632, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is so demotivating.

>> No.3301760
File: 492 KB, 745x632, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even.

>> No.3301761 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 745x632, 1252089751761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is so demotivating.

>> No.3301768

What happens REALLY often is to discard something during the first 6 turns, and then discarding the exact same tile on the second line of discards just below.

>> No.3301794


Why did you reup you jerk, I wasn't done editing.

>> No.3301826

The wall is fixedly built before using every hand by using mersenne twister alogrithm.

>> No.3301842

Are you frustrated?

>> No.3302044
File: 266 KB, 732x587, shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this too obvious?

>> No.3302061 [DELETED] 


>> No.3302063

In queue now. Hoping to rape some 

>> No.3302065

Yes. No one will play a live dragon unless they are that stupid.
Either way you still get a good hand. If they do play into you with the 5 manzi

>> No.3302142

Bumping for players.

In return 2.5D Hajime.

>> No.3302143
File: 338 KB, 469x700, hajime_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3302314
File: 38 KB, 728x620, tenhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games.

>> No.3302356
File: 67 KB, 728x628, tenhou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3302370

I don't know why it is tanoshii to deal in so willingly, but he will eventually learn that it's more fun to keep the points one earned then just to win.

>> No.3302381

Hmmm. Imagine if he could Kan the white, green, and 7m into a rinshan tsumo of the red. That would break the game.

>> No.3302397

that's still just a "simple" DSG and nothing more

>> No.3302488

What are the highest ranked players that regularly play in 7447 anyway? Anyone 5 dan or above?

>> No.3302515


>> No.3302522

A hell of a lot of the players there don't actually play much, I'm asking who people regularly see.

>> No.3302524

><Alvin> oh way to link http://arcturus.su/tenhou/mlist/
><ramus> say we have tenhoudans
><Alvin> shit is broken

This is horribly written and I've seen it reset itself several times. I might rewrite it one day. Highest ranked player ever to play in 7447 was 7dan, though.

>> No.3302534

Actually, I'm not ranked but I play really often at 7447. I'm stuck at 1500.

>> No.3302536

Highest regulars in 4p are probably Quills and Yttrasil.

>> No.3302546

I'm practicing defensive play now. My goal isn't to get 1st or anything, just to make sure I'm never, ever ronned

>> No.3302590
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, tokyo-magnitude-8-04-yuuki-playing-possum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not like you'll be okay if they just tsumo
a little offense is needed too.

>> No.3302600

Also, stealth tempai is almost undetectable against online players.

>> No.3302612


What are you going to do when they discard a 5man, a Sha and a Hatsu, then Riichi?

>> No.3302621

Flip the table

>> No.3302622

>5man, a Sha and a Hatsu

I dunno, I don't speak weeaboo.

>> No.3302632

You can start doing betaori even after a double riichi, you just happen to need more luck during the first turns if you can't discard anything safe.

>> No.3302633


Whatever, three tiles, then they Riichi, or Five, how are you going to defend against that?

What if you are in Tenpai for a 12000 point hand, are you going to break that apart because you are scared?

if you don't take risks you'll never win.

>> No.3302637

fucking cunts walking around in my house bothering me while I play

>> No.3302642


You would go into defense after a Double Riichi?

>> No.3302655


>> No.3302661

>if you don't take risks you'll never win.

Yes, but that situation will only come up .005% of the time.

Also, if someone riichi's on the third turn, you can at least estimate (emphasis) that they have an easy to get hand, like Pinfu or All Simples. So you can play your discards around that.

Plus, even if they've only dropped three tiles, you can see what else their furiten by what other people discard and doesn't get called. I feel like you can defend pretty reliably even against a 3rd turn riichi.

>> No.3302666

This depends on my points, and at what moment in the game.

If I had the lead and it was the last hand? Of course I'd play defensively against any riichi, double or not.

>> No.3302668

>You would go into defense after a Double Riichi?

If he's one tile away from winning, and you're six tiles away from winning, it's pretty stupid to actually try to win.

>> No.3302669
File: 693 KB, 831x1200, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would shit myself.

>> No.3302684

+1 for Ari Tonnansen
+2 for Nashi and Ari Red Tonnansen

>> No.3302746

Needs a new thread this one hit autosage

>> No.3302777


make one, link it here

>> No.3302787

New thread >>3302785

>> No.3302822

Good job akagi.

default almost kill us.
