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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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32883140 No.32883140 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread >>32467856

>> No.32884460

>tfw only find the brown guy attractive

>> No.32884940

When in doubt, always bet on brown.

>> No.32885430
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>> No.32886255

>Slow Damage in Feb
>Distopia no Ou in March
oh no, /blog/ will finally have content

>> No.32887145

I legit don't find any of those designs attractive and the CGs looks like shit.

>> No.32888870

Yeah, art direction is weird

>> No.32889178
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Who will be the best boy?

>> No.32889641

Rei looks very wide.

>> No.32889825 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.32890099

Honestly I like most of the designs other than the clothes. What were they thinking?

>> No.32890214

I dislike clothes, uguu-huge irises (especially on the nerd), pinku hair with dirty spot on the guy which type I usually like the best.
Also the style is too contrast and saturated, this makes my eyes bleed >>32885430

>> No.32890698

His hands are huge compared to his tiny head.

>> No.32892358


>> No.32895544


>> No.32895871

I hate tuberfags
I hate them so much

>> No.32897023
File: 330 KB, 1450x2048, Ei3D1h8VoAAT6e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe

>> No.32897490

Who is this cute female?

>> No.32897837

Fjjieda. Imagine a guy who looks down on sluts as mcs slowly becoming a guy who can't live a day without fucking one

>> No.32897849

Didn't they just get a separate board?

>> No.32898012
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Pic related (left)'s dogwife

>> No.32898160

oh no

>> No.32898173
File: 116 KB, 1297x232, 1611978059208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but they're not being forced out because the mods are brainless. Gentle suggestion to send feedback that we want them to fuck off.

>> No.32898962

Towa. Honestly, I don't really feel much for the rest of the guys, though I'm sure that will change once I can actually play the game.

>> No.32899271

Not that anon and haven't played their original game but they show up in another kinshiiku game too (the trial version of majo part 2) and the girl is tortured to death in front of the guy while he has to pretend he doesn't know her (she's a wanted fugitive he's been hiding), and he shoots himself afterwards.

>> No.32899422

dude what the fuck

>> No.32899444

What's the point of getting their good ending if they're doomed anyway

>> No.32899456

I thought /blog/ loves their edgy games

>> No.32899514

never said I didn't

>> No.32899555

It's an AU from their own game, I don't know what happens to them there.

>> No.32900223

Delicious brown boys always deliver.

>> No.32900504

Don't worry anon, they live peacefully and happily together in their own game.

>> No.32900609

Not him but nice.

>> No.32902955

I'll trust you this time

>> No.32903730

Madarame's route better have a lot of porn to make up for the boring dead-eyed psychopath shtick.

>> No.32906049

The MC.

>> No.32906085
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>> No.32907018
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>> No.32907098

The one with the most satisfying bad ending.

>> No.32907395
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, 2021012910041300-C742112900287E9897F67D9263ED7814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old men route when

>> No.32907522

How old is too old? 60?

>> No.32907581

when they can't get hard without drugs

>> No.32907746

the longer I look at this, the weirder it gets
>eyes too close together
>sideburn and side of the face in different dimensions
>what are those parallel lines on the back of his head
colorist intern-chan must have been tired

>> No.32907783

The art in general in that whole game just feels weird, also some proportions at times.

>> No.32907892

Artist chan didn't find enough artists to copy

>> No.32907950

I wish I understood art so I can nod along.

>> No.32908032

Speaking of art, why do R18 games always have badly drawn cgs? Why don't the other staff tell the artist to fix bad proportions?

>> No.32908035

To be honest you're better off not understanding if you're into VNs.

>> No.32908090
File: 216 KB, 800x400, o0800040013805053025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was definitely something, in a good way.
The last two routes were particularly great, mostly everything related to Touya was extremely well handled (also doesn't help Ao is like a fucking plank of wood, which is the point but doesn't make it enjoyable) and damn do their endings hit hard, especially Touya's.
I can see where the author recycled some ideas for Taisho Alice but those parts were better executed here.

>> No.32908122

It's gonna be Fujieda, I know it.

>> No.32908256 [DELETED] 

Any "edgy" otomes (like TnC and Slow Damage?)

>> No.32908276

Any "edgy" (like TnC and Slow Damage) otomes?

>> No.32908326

Yeah it's real good. Agree about Ao, I like autists usually but there's no moe there, he's just there to ask philosophical questions and be overly serious.
But it's not especially romance focused anyway so it didn't bother me too much even though he was the poster boy.
Did you read the epilogue?

>> No.32908527

All you need to understand is that otomate is full of copycats and they encourage that

>> No.32908703

It feels like most edgy otome are like telenovela edgy to borrow another anon's comparison, not "violent and gritty" edgy.

>> No.32908761

I liked Ao more than Touya thanks to the autism even if it was plank of wood autism(Nanaki was my favorite though)but I do agree that Touya was much better executed. The only part of the game that had me choked up was Touya's last moments in Ao's route, mostly because of how much it meant in terms of Sayo's resolve, but I did feel for Touya.
Agreed on the Taisho Alice part. The difference in the weight behind both MCs having appearance complexes was the most jarring thing. TaiAli was a fun ride but felt like it kind of gave up at the end.

>> No.32908801

>Nanaki was my favorite though
patrician taste

>> No.32909707

Jooubachi as usual. Other than that I don't know, is Dialovers edgy? It's a child's idea of edgy at least.

>> No.32909796

Reine des Fleurs

>> No.32909963

Black Wolves Saga or Jooubachi

>> No.32911188

After having sex with the best boy Hinase I kind of gave up because I wasn't prepared to see the ghost duo suffer. Do Chiyo and Nanaki routes have proper happy endings?

>> No.32911350

Nanaki yes and unlike Hinase he sticks around in the story after his chapter ends when you continue to the Tooya/Ao routes as for Chiyo not really no.

>> No.32911659

I want to hold hands with Nanaki

>> No.32911769

>best boy Hinase

What was good about him besides Suzuki's performance?

>> No.32911793

Cute slut

>> No.32911805


>> No.32912012

banging MC 0.01 seconds into his route

>> No.32912053

Taku is gonna be my husband but I want to hatefuck rei and be dommed by madarame

>> No.32912259

Towa. Though I'm also craving for that doctor D.

>> No.32912414

He's some kind of underground fighter so maybe that's his excuse.

>> No.32913165

Towa, the rest of the guys range from generic to hideous.

>> No.32913326

The eyes aren't too close together. You're just too used to seeing the right eye trying to escape the side of the face in most anime art.

>> No.32913370
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That's one weird-looking bitch.

>> No.32913586
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Her chin is an arrow pointing to her enormous tits

>> No.32913702
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We need to go wider

>> No.32914064


>> No.32914169
File: 302 KB, 1100x620, 1st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Dairoku Ayakashimori recently. I couldn't decide how I felt about the game for most of it because it's boring as fuck, but in this really generic way where there's nothing offensively bad about it and the characters are likable so I can't say I hated it either.
Guess I'd sum it up as being focused on making a flashy setting and then cramming a large cast in that setting for SoL, but it's not exactly good SoL. The cast is endearing and the highlights are when there's a group of them interacting, but when it comes to long stretches of scenes with only one or two of them it suddenly loses its charm and the SoL scenes just drag and drag. The plot is barely there and sucks and individual route developments would frequently feel rushed or half assed and just not interesting. There is some attempt at an overarching plot through the routes that gets solved in the grand ending but it like the rest is bland and unengaging.
There is maybe 3% romance in it and the romantic scenes are actually cute and it blows my mind that you would choose to fill a game with the most mundane shit instead of just adding more romance if you're not going to bother with plot anyway. Shino had pretty good banter with some of the guys so it sucked that my opinion of her was ultimately lowered by the writing's need to describe every second obvious thought she has amongst the copious amounts of boring stuff happening or nothing happening at all.
The best thing I got from it is the pleasure of main boy being best boy. Semi is an absolute fluid druid, a smug teasing douche but in a way where it's obvious he's just being playful and is really a super nice guy, plus a total bro in all the other routes. Also he had that eyes perpetually closed shut thing going on(糸目?) and instead of him keeping his eyes closed the whole time or opening them when shit goes down he only had them open for like 3 short random instances in his route that came out of nowhere and it made me diamonds for reasons I can't explain.
It also has a criminal amount of no route-kuns(and -chans)and if I'd been happier with the game I'd probably have been more upset with that so maybe it's for the best.
Typing this out I'm starting to think I liked it even less than I thought I did. I was fond enough of the guys and rest of the cast that I'd check out a FD but I couldn't in good conscience recommend it to anyone unless it panders to their specific tastes or they want a sleep aid. I've had more fun with trainwreck kusoge.

>> No.32914367
File: 45 KB, 858x757, worldWIDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wide enough to reach around the world?

>> No.32915632

Amazingly powerful image.

>> No.32915815

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it, anon.
Seeing how Aksys picked it up, I’m not surprised about the lack of romance. Bet they’re going to promote it as a regular SoL VN with a dash of romantic subplots or some shit. A shame that the game is as boring as it sounds, I was initially interested in it because I love Suou’s art but they game play vids on Otomate’s channel were underwhelming enough to (luckily) made me reconsider.
Maybe I’ll pick it up if I can find a used copy for a cheap price.

>> No.32918294

The one who could be as lewd as Towa. I'm hoping it's the doc.


>> No.32918408

Now this is the quality content that I come here for.

>> No.32919620

Giving me the dick

>> No.32919771

I should've known about Chiyo. What the fuck is this discrimination shit, tulpas get to have sex forever, while ghosts get tragic endings again

>> No.32923497
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How did we go from this...

>> No.32923507
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to this?

>> No.32923514


>> No.32925059
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Why did they do this?

>> No.32925062

I really liked the epilogue/afterword part it went full princess tutu except the author isn't that much of a cunt and actually liked his cast.
Also admitting that both Touya and Ao's routes were just different interpretations of the same story thus equally canon
was something I didn't expect and I really liked that bit.
And I agree with >>32908761 Nanaki was best boy and I really enjoyed the fact he was the reader who walked into the story and even then he got a proper happy ending, probably the happiest of the bunch too
For me it was Nanaki>Touya>Mitsuru>Chiyo>Ao, but Touya had by far my favourite ending in it since I didn't expect the title of the game to be twisted into his story with Sayo.

>> No.32925698
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Glad if it's of any reference. I definitely wouldn't recommend it at full price but if you ever spot it for cheap and are still interested, sure.
As for Suou's art, I'm a fan of her too and the sprites and promo art for Dairoku are nice, but the cgs are obviously done by the most budget colorist Otomate has chained in the basement and from the looks of the lineart in some I doubt she did anything past sketches for cgs. So keep that in mind too if it's a dealbreaker. I saw a lot of people complain about it.

Also unrelated but I'm again reminded how much I love the series of characters awkwardly playing their own games on Switch images.

>> No.32925823

>the guy holding one with really long nails
My sides

>> No.32926744
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>They're even making some merch of the NPCs
Secret routes incoming

>> No.32926760

Half of those look like bad end sex scenes (can't call them rape because it's Towa after all).

>> No.32933074

At least one of them probably has "secret" route.

>> No.32933432

Can it be 8?

>> No.32934094

#9 is the secret route

>> No.32934109

No, just replay lamento if you want to see the NTR bug again

>> No.32934427

there HAS to be a 4P scene with the 6-7-8 trio.

>> No.32935150

Voting 8 as a secret route while 10 will be no route-kun.

>> No.32935176

11 is the yandere

>> No.32935241
File: 128 KB, 700x482, 23859682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covered eyes mean nothing

>> No.32935624

11 is definitely the yandere.
Why does 9 look like a MILF

>> No.32936175

Which one of them will be the vanilla route? 9, 10, and 11 look like they're yandere.

>> No.32936322

I just find it funny how there's a row of punk edgelords and a row of normalfags.

>> No.32936331

9 looks like yandere.
11 was just a random slut in the trial.

>> No.32936355

Give me #10, I must have #10.

>> No.32936368

But that's just random seme doctor #1546365

>> No.32936615

I'll be waiting for the reveal that 11 is a pure cherry boy mixed in this madness.

>> No.32936684

It should be 7. There are no blonds in the main cast, which is a serious crime.

>> No.32937270

They give me KiriGunji/ViTri vibes despite being a trio and not a duo, but that makes it more degenerate.
9 if the manga gives me any indication is wrist-cutter-for-fun kun , 11 is probably a nu-rin that has, some baggage going on or the only sane guy in this mess and gets a friendship route, no idea about 10.

>> No.32937287

>nd gets a friendship route
Worst kind of crimes when MCs are that thirsty.

>> No.32937477

which games have the catchiest op/ed songs? I can't get Hakase's ending song out of my head.

>> No.32938897

I'd fuck all of them

>> No.32939026

We know, Towa, we know.
Only one month until the spitroasting orgies.

>> No.32939965

I like all the opening songs for these games. Very memorable. Kichiku Megane's under the darkness, Bad Medicine's Secret Zone, Kurayami no Hate's Danzai no Tsuki, and Kaguya-hen's Daten no Koi.

>> No.32940006

I hope 6 is just a normal dude who has no idea why some slut is propositioning him for art inspiration.

>> No.32940362

6, 7, and 8 are already friends with Towa, apparently they've already fucked too

>> No.32940394

About Shinigami to Shoujo's atogaki, how did you interpret what Fushimachi says about Nanaki having the power to end the world? Nanaki is obviously the reader, but how literally are we supposed to take that? Nanaki is reading StS and once he stops the world will stop? Is Fushimachi himself not real either?

>> No.32940489

Hahawow.jpg Then I'm really looking forward to seeing our wonderful MC in action to create his ultimate art. It makes me wonder if one of the bad ends lead him becoming like the serial killer artist in Psychopass.

>> No.32940502

Well, if you take it as him being the reader, the moment the reader considers the work "finished" then it's over, closes the book and forgets it, but if the reader actively remembers the work then it never ends.
And regarding Fushimachi, he's the author, but in the end authors are powerless in the face of readers, who are the final judges of the works. Same goes to the book shinigami to shoujo itself, since the fact that both the black and blue books exist is because he left it up to the readers' imagination, which means the reader has power over the author since he's the one who interprets the story in the end and decides what's the truth.
The game does say some interesting stuff regarding the relationship between author and reader and kinda wish it had delved a bit more into it beyond just the afterword because it could have been really interesting considering the game in general.

God this game is one giant black bar when discussing it or its themes.

>> No.32940633

You can take the atogaki as a literal author's note and an exchange between the author and reader. Personally I interpreted the whole story as Nanaki's "instance" of reading Shinigami to Shoujo. Ultimately it is real because Nanaki has experienced it, plus is choosing to continue reading Sayo's story and living in the world, so that is his reality and it won't end.
Also with this line of thought Nanaki's amnesia would mark the start of when he started reading the story, so he would also be a similar case to Sayo of someone who chose to find comfort in stories over reality. Since a big point of StS is about escapism and how it's really not that bad if the person can find their own happiness thanks to it it's pretty fitting.
The whole thing is purposely left up to interpretation though. Similar to how Nanaki is the reader of Sayo's story, you are the reader of Nanaki's story. Taking everything at face value and believing in some of the more supernatural elements like Fushimachi's stories having power over the world in StS and Nanaki just being straight up isekai'd and being more of an "observer" role than a literal reader still lets the story and its themes work.

>> No.32940720

I'd say that more than being insistent with reading shinigami to shoujo, he says it himself, he wants to give Sayo a happy end/make sure she reaches it and that's his motivation throughout the whole thing. That's why he's always there in both endings, especially in the black book where Ao literally tells him what's the actual ending to her story.
Of course, that's still making him the reader since the natural reaction to anyone reading the game is her reaching her own happy end so he's still working as the reader's avatar beyond his own, legit character who is also a reader.

Like everything in it, is ambiguous as all fuck but it works well within the context of the work.

>> No.32940730
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 1558494721539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to say to all that but I like it. Thanks. That was a pretty great game.

>> No.32940769

I'd recommend you to read forest if you want something with an even stronger focus on that but that also goes more into explaining it.
Not otome, but a great game about books.

>> No.32940976

I agree that that's his motivation behind wanting to keep reading it, but he also said he's become fond of the world itself outside of just Sayo, and also doesn't know how he got there or how to leave in the first place, so his situation is a bit more complicated and open to interpretation overall.
All the StS talk recently has given me the itch to reread it again. It's the kind of story where you pick up something new on every read.

>> No.32941044

I think that he could actually leave if he wanted to, but leaving but legit mean the ending of the game, since it's said a couple of times and the game actually supports it that a book needs a reader, so if Nanaki leaves any of the worlds within shinigami no shoujo they could potentially end? maybe?
Dealing with metafiction and author/reader avatars is always annoying in that regard.
Hell, their worlds ending isn't bad per se since a good chunk of the game is how you shouldn't fear endings in the first place and they always come sooner or later

It's definitely a deep game for the lack of a better word, there's a lot to take from it if you start thinking about it.

>> No.32941363

I agree he could probably end it if he tried to but yeah, he doesn't have that interest in the first place. Also that would just lead to a whole other story.
I think it was Fushimachi's stance in the atogaki that all stories end and Nanaki's that they'll continue as long as someone keeps reading, and it was pretty endearing that a serious guy like him has that romanticist view at the very end. Best boy.

>> No.32941417

His stance is what happens once a guy meets his literal waifu inside of a novel, he's super into Sayo and I still wonder how he even has an ending, considering Fushimachi isn't probably able to write around him and his story was just up until chiyo disappeared and doesn't really even include him. So it was just hard work I guess? Which is super based on his part.
Best boy I agree.

>> No.32941604

Between Sayo making herself an incest tulpa and Nanaki willing an ending where he wins the sayobowl into existence it's safe to say StS supports waifuism in its purest form. Truly kamige.

>> No.32941643

An incest tulpa she makes super duper real and fucks for the rest of her life because happy ending fuck yeah.
That's important, Sayo's psycho yandere incest was the most endearing part of her character.

>> No.32941718

Indeed, we can only aspire to be half the madwoman Sayo is.

>> No.32941896

Yep, truly a symbol.
Also never checked what the random italian in the op meant and only did after the game.
Based nips putting the whole theme of the game into another language for no reason.

>> No.32942004

>for no reason
Clearly they didn't want to spoil most people but said fuck Italians.

>> No.32942320

I really liked some of KENN's songs for meikoi, especially the ed https://soundcloud.com/user-584027648/hoshi-furu-yoru-boku-no-waltz-kenn-meiji-tokyo-renka
Also I unironically like about half of the dialovers ops. IwaD's stupid lyrics mindbroke me at some point.

>> No.32944103

Haven't played StS yet but this post piques my interest even further.
Forest is really incomparable to anything else I've read/watched and I'd definitely recommend it to people who enjoy piecing together the plot of games.

>> No.32944288
File: 119 KB, 640x800, 20210201_104427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games need more shotas

>> No.32944424

are there any downloadable BL games on the app store

>> No.32944655

This shota looks dangerous.

>> No.32945170

>those designs
This game is just Togainu no Chi 2

>> No.32945418

>gap moe ojiisans will never be real

>> No.32945569

That shota looks like someone's wife.

>> No.32945572

Yeah, mine.

>> No.32945768

But that's my girlfriend, dude.

>> No.32945952

Going to have to ask you to back the fuck off, buddy.

>> No.32946588

nijimen sucks now

>> No.32947342

Otome game with yuri route.

>> No.32947724 [DELETED] 

im sorry but this is so fucking funny

>> No.32947783

isn't that otoboku

>> No.32947831

>she posted it again

>> No.32947881 [DELETED] 

no the fuck it isn't

>> No.32947905 [DELETED] 

yes it is kek

>> No.32947918 [DELETED] 

Post it on reddit next time instead.

>> No.32947956 [DELETED] 

No. I don't think I will.

>> No.32947972 [DELETED] 


End your life

>> No.32947978

Do you guys like Ah! My Goddess

>> No.32947992 [DELETED] 


>> No.32948318
File: 538 KB, 2039x1378, Eqm6XAmUcAEUERc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's red light yoshiwara, modern, middle eastern, taisho and pseudo three kingdom settings, but what about imperial court China? Any notable ones?

>> No.32948346

Chinks have probably done some untranslated stuff about it. I do remember there being at least one.

>> No.32948480 [DELETED] 

Stop advertising your youtube channel here

>> No.32948507

I wish there were, this one has a dude with long hair but I'm not sure about the rest https://store.steampowered.com/app/1146970/My_Vow_to_My_Liege/

>> No.32948842

I will never fuck a china man

>> No.32949462
File: 43 KB, 780x440, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More for me then

>> No.32949744
File: 296 KB, 800x600, sangoku_rensenki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsurprisingly not a lot: https://vndb.org/g1217?o=a&s=rating&m=0&f=80UJ
Untranslated stuff I've seen people recommend is only mobile microtransaction shit.《梦浮灯》 is a complete game,《掌门太忙》is a isekai/ romcom, and《遇见逆水寒》guy's side is time travel/ tragedy.

>> No.32950213

You will never fuck

>> No.32950342

Given the chinese characters I've come across in these games I don't think you tend to get a choice in it.

>> No.32951413

It’s not otome or BL.

>> No.32951457

As in that they are never LIs?

>> No.32951566

As in they are rapists.

>> No.32952173
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>> No.32952238

Yes but they need to include the new generation like Saito Soma, Ono Yuki, Eguchi Takuya, Masuda Toshiki, Furukawa Makoto etc too.

>> No.32953183

>friends who have fucked

>> No.32954241

too true to life

>> No.32954290

Hot, that's what I'm into. Omerta has a lot of those, right?

>> No.32954469

>Given the chinese characters I've come across in these games

So just one?

>> No.32954866

I really like 11, 8 and 9. 11 looks like he would be a sweet normal boy with a bit of a slutty side.

>> No.32955227

rape is cringe and only liked by closet sluts that are ashamed to admit they want to be submissive fucktoys
willing submission is based

>> No.32955494
File: 40 KB, 320x400, ¡ÚŽÏŽ¼ŽÞŽ¶ŽÙŽÊŽ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what went wrong

>> No.32956012

I've seen this expression in doujins

>> No.32956168

I thought /blog/ loves squinty eyed dudes with okappa cuts

>> No.32956257

He somehow grew a (((nose))) during puberty.

>> No.32956539

>A new manga serialization from Nitro+ Chiral! In collaboration with BL artist Hiromasa Okujima, a new manga series will be released in volume 39 of KachiComi on 4/1. More details will be released at a later date, so stay tuned!
>Hiromasa Okujima


>> No.32957188

this is a kuso thread

>> No.32957513

It's for a kuso genre, so it's to be expected. Can't even compete with underground idolshit and a nearly 20-year-old franchise for an ultra-niche game.

>> No.32957883
File: 840 KB, 797x599, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway so I just finished Kinanaki no Mori, I really liked it and it's a relatively easy recommend being 1) free and 2) not having any of the possibly off-putting yandere stuff Kinshiiku games tend to be known for. It is still, of course, full of misery, but even then it's more bittersweet than anything. Maou was cute, and I liked Kabo and a bunch of the side characters too.
The themes hit me pretty hard, I think everyone will probably see themselves in at least one of the characters in some way. It has a lot of really great scenes I think, I feel like it's a game (novel really, since there's no choices) that will stick in my mind a while.
Not that it's important but it hit me when I got to the CG of Kabo's downward spiral where she's lying on her bed staring blankly at her laptop screen that I was playing the game in the exact same position (with pants on, however. sure, they were sweatpants. but it counts.).
The most shocking revelation was that Kabo is 34. I guessed she was probably older than she looked given how Yaneko looks like a tiny loli despite being like 25+ for the majority of Majo but 34? Makes the part where she's talking about her superiors at work being college students even more depressing.
Also I am very curious as to what the movie that Gayoushi was talking about in the afterword was. A movie so shitty it turned Gayoushi off the concept of bad endings...

>> No.32959213

He really got into BL

>> No.32959230

Sorry you have to self insert to enjoy anything

>> No.32959375

Ishida as the 女王 is very very good, but as the other anon says, it needs updating.

>> No.32959865

I'm glad you enjoyed it, anon. Kinanaki's definitely the one game I'd recommend the most to people who aren't into Kinshiiku's yandere older men fetish, it's just a solid game all-around with a theme that most people can relate to. There's a ton of scenes in Kinanaki that'll stay with me but the part where Kabo tries to grab Alex's paintings out of the fire with her bare hands and pretty much everything with Azusa and her mom really stick out to me. Azusa is just great.

Also, I have no clue what the movie mentioned was but Gayoushi has a pretty interesting taste in movies judging from the single experience I had with one of their recommendations. I gave Dogville a watch after reading a review on Gayoushi's blog and it was a worthwhile 3 hours of misery porn with a satisfying ending, it kinda made me think "oh, no wonder this got recommended".

>> No.32959882

Dogville's ending is so goddamn satisfying to watch, the virtues of stoicism and all that.

>> No.32961025

Yeah I loved Azusa. I really wasn't expecting her to have so much focus, thought she'd just be 'tsundere but dependable side character' and it would be left at that, so her ending up one of the more important characters who is also a (kind of) antagonist, and a sympathetic one with an arc rather than a 'this girl you thought was nice is really a bitch, fuck you' type of thing was a pretty wild development.

>> No.32961545

Do self inserters live rent free in your head or something?

>> No.32961790
File: 142 KB, 736x1041, Shinjuku Assassin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love chinamans

>> No.32961868

what are the good /bl/ manga

>> No.32962114

the one where you request good /bl/ manga on >>>/y/

>> No.32962517

I know we've already talked about newfags coming in thinking they can come in with their cocks out ready to talk about whatever the fuck they want with no decorum but aren't they getting especially comfortable these past few tgreads? Is it really so hard lurk a few threads before posting to get an idea on how not to sound like a retard? Fuck's sake

>> No.32962880

/y/ is only for porn. We're not in /vg/ anymore. We can expand our horizons.

>> No.32962906

I'm not sure such a thing exists

>> No.32962911

At least we've gotten better at ignoring them and telling them to fuck off.

Fuck off.

>> No.32962955

Why so mad? Are you that attached to the /blog/ name

>> No.32963383

/y/ literally has a thread for bl manga with suggestions for retards like you
please fuck off

>> No.32965153

Why are you typing like that, self-insertersis?

>> No.32965317

Is the cum jar scene actually that bad?

>> No.32965466

It's okay to self-insert, don't be ashamed of your preferences
It depends on your cum tolerance

>> No.32965558

There's honestly worse scenes in the game but that one is pretty disgusting and also took me by surprise.

>> No.32966171

No. But it added to the atmosphere.

>> No.32966272

We should have split from the bl retards ages ago.

>> No.32966700

You know that this thread was literally conceived because of BL, right? Shitposter-chan

>> No.32966888

Not too bad but I'm not that squeamish about weird sexual content in general.

>> No.32966926

It's the local schizo that loses its mind every time cum is mentioned

>> No.32967002

Did anyone here actually play the Prince of Tennis games as a fan of the series?

>> No.32967107

Yuriko is a slut who has sex before marriage ohoho

>> No.32967541

Take your meds, stupid rapefags.
>rape is shit
What kind of fucking logic is that? If anything, rape is a quite a common """fetish""" among self-insert fags. The """rape""" you like isn't even an actual rape, you literally just want an attractive male to dominate you while you do absolutely nothing and just lay there (using """rape""" and muh """non-con""" as an excuse). This """fetish""" is probably the most common one among women, that's why BL and otome has so much of it.

>> No.32967588

Rape expert-chan...

>> No.32967674

*Rapes you*

>> No.32967839
File: 11 KB, 326x155, my husbands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fellow pure rape scientist, I confirm that this is the gospel of truth. After playing hadaka shitsuji I realized that I secretly want to be creampied by numerous old fat bastards.

As educated people I think it's about time the society moved on and started to enjoy more sophisticated fetishes, like consensual scat

>> No.32968299

Rape can be good if you're self inserting as the rapist.

>> No.32968598

Scat isn't that bad honestly.

>> No.32968699

It's the one thing I find too gross, I don't bat an eye at any other weird fetish stuff, even pee, but scat is just too far.

>> No.32968833

At least it's not NTR. Also piss is great when mixed with humiliation.

>> No.32968855

NTR is still better than scat, since it also adds a whole array of good fetishes like mindbreak, bondage, humiliation and stuff.
Scat is scat, so shit.

>> No.32968893

I respectfully disagree.

>> No.32969207

No, scat >>>> sex with a fat bastard for free> ntr

>> No.32969795

I dont remember butlers having fat bastards. Did I block it out between the vegetable fucking, dog fucking and ryona?

>> No.32970163

>Being this sensitive over cheating plots that you prefer genuine feces over it
I legitimately don't get it, I've seen coomers get even worse when it comes to NTR too. Why this aversion towards NTR? Too close to home?

>> No.32970236

Too 3dpd

>> No.32970744

And shitting isn't?
Especially in BL that's literally the most disgusting you can do, not even hadaka shitsuji had scat, and it had EVERYTHING including legit cuckolding.

>> No.32970782

Your 2d boyfriend doesn't really love you if he'd rather cheat on you that eat your shit desu. This is simple science

>> No.32970794

I'm not the same anon who said they'd prefer scat, I was just talking about the aversion to NTR point.

>> No.32970885

>rape hater-chan got so mindbroken she is literally shitting up the thread
Aren't there better fetishes to talk about than scat

>> No.32971227

Humiliation (male) is the best one.

>> No.32971544

I see we have the same taste in husbands. Too bad there will never be an actual Fate otome.

>> No.32971603

Ichinose's public toilet service.

>> No.32971634

also I guess the bodyguards, though they were just big black and muscular rather than fat.

>> No.32972959

Wouod NTR be an acceptable fetish if you don't self insert, you're just fuelled by the despair and anguish of the cuck?

>> No.32973137

Slow Damage finally coming out means more Itou Kanako soon, hopefully. She's consistently the best thing about all of N+C's VNs.

>> No.32973184

There are no rapist protagonists in any of these games (except one)

>> No.32975831

His orbiters look like shit.

>> No.32976941

Anyone who treats NTR like it's the worst thing that could be in a story probably got ntr'd in real life kek

>> No.32977217

Truthfully, being a cuck is worse than shit

>> No.32977919

t. proud cuckqueen

>> No.32978996

>play a literal romance simulator where the mcs is pursuing guys
>fail at the only thing you are supposed to do and have the guy cheat
It's like playing fighting games for the sake of losing and being humiliated

>> No.32979002

Sex without love is always cringe.

>> No.32979140

Sex without love is always based.

>> No.32979175

Extremely locked post.

>> No.32979469

yeah locked like you in a chastity cage

>> No.32979615

That's you, cuck.

>> No.32979830

Love without sex is the most based of all.

>> No.32982722
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>> No.32982807

>tweet button on the lower right

>> No.32983694

I just want a decent /blog/ sex comedy

>> No.32984253

You're asking for too much. Learn to love kusoge

>> No.32984550
File: 100 KB, 960x544, 1581965893296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cherry boys are pretty great

>> No.32984606

I wish MCs had personalities so they could tease the shit out of the virgin love interests.

>> No.32984673

Their first time was pretty cute desu. Cherry boys >>>>> sluts

>> No.32987496

Why were sluts so popular at some point anyway

>> No.32987834

people are horny in quarantine

>> No.32987985

Making the playboy devoted to (you) is an appealing fantasy for some people.

>> No.32988130

Depends on how broken the person is.

>> No.32989783

Sluts are never popular but keep being added to games

>> No.32990468
File: 122 KB, 960x540, Kranke-S1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey sluts, guess which game came back from the dead?

>> No.32990494
File: 162 KB, 960x540, Kranke-S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>佐々木 空歌/主人公【CV:伊吹島太郎】
>三島 春輝【CV:姫咲遙】
>皆川 学【CV:並木澪遠】
>安田 光雄【CV:床魔乱夢崇矢】
>渋澤 秀司【CV:平井達矢】

>> No.32990511
File: 155 KB, 960x540, Kranke-S3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out in summer 2021

>> No.32990524
File: 136 KB, 960x540, Kranke-S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Togo Mito's mind

>> No.32990714

leftmost is gonna be the ryona bait, huh

>> No.32990784

Depressed sluts are the best

>> No.32991084

Pretty quick for something that supposedly died. Looking forward to it.

>> No.32991357

I want him to destroy the blondie.

>> No.32991405

It's a blessed day.

>> No.32991681

What a perfectly normal wholesome game, I'm sure nothing will go wrong

>> No.32992011

You know he'll destroy them all, and himself.

>> No.32992205

I don't know what to tell you, Tomo was super happy in the endings, in a non mindbroken way.

>> No.32992252

>Tomo was super happy in the endings
I'm pretty sure he gets murdered by Komine in one of them and cums to death in another.

>> No.32992724

I cannot wait to destroy that megane in the black shirt.

>> No.32992975

oh shit
we live in based times

>> No.32993461

Immaculate taste, he looks really fun to fuck around with. I hope there'll be a cumming on glasses option.

>> No.32993590

I hope the ero voice acting isn't so grating this time. That was the one thing that really put me off butlers, I'm basically immune to shitty art at this point but I had to play with the sound off half the time.

>> No.32993992

I can't even really remember the voices in Hadashit other than Tomoaki and Sakuma's. At some point, the fact that Sakuma sounds like he's getting literally gutted by dick kinda grew on me.

>> No.32994230

I liked komine.
And Ichinose's VA nailed the autist you just want to torture to death

>> No.32994244

Anyone else think Tomoaki's acting was pretty good for a literally who VA?

>> No.32994390

The guy was having a blast and it showed.

>> No.32994498

It's gonna be megane > blonde > ossan > doctor for me.

>> No.32994618

I just noticed the megane has a 泣きぼくろ. He's going to be the best boy, I can feel it in my bones

>> No.32994636

my dude that is green

>> No.32994652

The smug grin is the biggest indicator in a hardcore bullying game.

>> No.32995313

>bullying the tired-looking dad and that soft fluffy thing on the left

I wouldn't be able to do it. Smug glasses and sensei look to be a different story though.

>> No.32995343

The soft fluffy thing looks to be Arisato 2.0 his route was one of the funniest things I've ever read, especially the ending.
God I hated the little shit and the focus on asphyxiation was amazing.

>> No.32995697

I hope he surprises us and doesn't turn out to be the second Arisato. Maybe he'll be an unawakened pervert of some kind. I can easily picture him becoming obsessed with the MC or going yandere.

>> No.32995892

Hadaka shitsuji needed someone like that, no one really opposed Tomoaki barring
>if you fuck me it's game over

>> No.32996306

Can't wait for people to freak when MC bottoms in his route.

>> No.32996408

Not that I would mind, but why would that happen?

>> No.32996411

That would be goat but it's unlikely.

>> No.32996412

>MC bottoms
No thank you.

>> No.32996577

I kept waiting for Tomoaki to bottom once, even as a super power bottom, but it never happened.
Once a route as a bad end would have been great, but alas.

>> No.32996899

>MC bottoms
Only based when the other guy is just as hot.

>> No.32997330

Enema is incoming

>> No.32997987

Cum enema, for sure. MC's jizz is the elixir of life, after all.

>> No.32999610

He's probably going to be the Ichinose if we assume Togo is incapable of creativity.

>> No.33001109

Doctor confirmed the worst. I hate this guy's voice.

>> No.33002483

>if we assume Togo is incapable of creativity.
Why would we assume that? Anyway, he doesn't seem to be a literal retard like Ichinose.

>> No.33002609

>価格 4,000円(税別予価)
Damn, thought it was going to be a full length game.

>> No.33003493

if the MC doesn't have a bad end where he gets attached to a milking machine, the entire premise is a failure.

>> No.33003697

Ehhh what's wrong bitch-chan?

>> No.33004322

Based. It's the year of males being milked so it must happen

>> No.33006301

I agree. I was just saying "if you must map them to Hadaka Shitsuji, this kid feels more similar to Ichinose and might get the same treatment."
he seems like the complete opposite of Arisato.

>> No.33006360
File: 3.26 MB, 3508x2056, EtYLMslUcAMqt0v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adelta drew towa

>> No.33007180

her art is pretty cool

>> No.33007954

what's the best R18 VA psuedonym?

>> No.33010476
File: 207 KB, 1080x600, 20210204_232238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33011237

I legit love this man. Need more gentlemen in otome.

>> No.33012173

>make a wrong move and you are suddenly marrying him
Just because I joined his club and wasn't rude to this grandpa, doesn't mean I wanted to fuck him

>> No.33013746
File: 143 KB, 1062x776, Picokun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished slow damage trial.

Guess he resorted to prostitution after all this life drama.

>> No.33014219

for me it's B
I just don't like facial hair
although I'd prefer if B had A's eyebrows

>> No.33014244

Will Hirakawa ever take the dildo out of his mouth?

>> No.33014401

Seriously. If your idea of a "gentleman" is a desperate horny Indian man begging for bobs and vagene online then sure, Amanohashi is a gentleman. Just more proof that autist king Himuro is number one.

>> No.33014540
File: 448 KB, 915x781, 32883907_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my fellow Shikifags at?

>> No.33015200

The only thing Himuro was number one at is making me bored.

>> No.33016554

Hana no kusari fags remind me something. I played the game years ago and I don't remember something. In the normal ending where Yurika becomes a detective and doesn't end up with someone, does she fuck with her brother Majima before he escapes in that ending? I do remember they kissed or something

>> No.33016596

>settles for the first stalker who chases after her
>a literal grandpa with ugly facial hair
I thought you were supposed to have standards

>> No.33016872

I don't care I'd still be his cumrag any day

>> No.33018945

I'm not stealing Mizuki's man

>> No.33021643

Pathetic, all men in tokimemo are for me

>> No.33022920

Has anyone actually played the NTR kinshiiku game yet?

>> No.33022974

it's just a CG set and not an actual game I think

>> No.33022984

It's a CG set, I bought it but I haven't read it yet. There's a furige tangentially related to it that was pretty weird though

>> No.33023116

Oh fug thanks for the info
