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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 254 KB, 1280x720, hatsujo_crack (733).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32798478 No.32798478 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>32552369

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.32799258

Nice spats.

>> No.32801320

nanno ge-mu?

>> No.32801561


>> No.32801597

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet.

>> No.32802838
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Please tell this indecisive loser what to read next while waiting for wagahime.

>> No.32803135

Ritterorden, you promised! and so did I lol
Otherwise even for Aikotoba or odd Kakenuke

>> No.32803199

Play something older.

>> No.32803214
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Doesn't pop up any results, what was the Japanese name?

>> No.32803253

But it was so good that it's getting a FD.

>> No.32803292

It's a pre-planned FD so basically cut content.

>> No.32803364

It also won the top spot for the monthly game at 萌えゲーアワード.

>> No.32803376

Paid awards.

>> No.32803717

腐った肉のハッグ by Kuso Soft. No one's added it to vndb yet :(

>> No.32805155

Are there any good sites for finding cracks? I'm trying to get cracks for some of Anim.teamMM's novels but I can't find any cracks for the DRM

>> No.32805505

either amakano or senshinkan

>> No.32805834

google, warosu, a-s, 2djgame, that one chink site

>> No.32805999
File: 114 KB, 1315x1129, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and is there any way to tell if virus alerts are false positives or not? this is the Kabetsuma2 crack for example

>> No.32806161

All those "generic" and "crypt" detections suggest it could be fa false positive of an exe that's merely obfuscated. But really there's no automated way to tell if an exe is malicious. Even a clean anti-virus scan just gives you a false sense of security.

>> No.32806186

One of the benefits of running everything in a VM is that you don't have to care about chink botnets in your eroge cracks.

>> No.32806279

i should look into using VM's, does it not affect reading or anything?

>> No.32806636

Well to be honest, I only use them because my actual OS is GNU/Linux. Wine mostly works, but I've found that many games fuck up completely on fullscreen. It's easier to just roll some VMs at that point. If you ever want to play a game that flat out won't work on an 64-bit OS, you'll need one anyway.

>does it not affect reading or anything
Works fine for me.

>> No.32808283

I might be blind. How do you save during the dialogs in Dohna Dohna?

>> No.32808553

the button with the 3 lines would be my guess. just saw there's been an interface TL patch for a month lol

>> No.32808622

You don't, you can only save in the hideout phase. Also autosaves everyday and every new chapter. Yes, it's stupid, I know.

>> No.32810410
File: 585 KB, 1573x641, booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the text comes incomplete?

>> No.32810594

Need h-code
If already have h-code can't update or h-code won't work.

>> No.32810873

>bothering with mtl when this is gonna get fan tld soon with the new tools

>> No.32811003

im here since 2019 and idk what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.32811163

>can't update or h-code won't work.
can you explain with more detail anon?

>> No.32811285

>hook niggers
Can you guys take it to /djt/? That's what it's for. It's not a hard ask.

>> No.32811659


>> No.32812341

The game has an update, if you update the h-code won't work anymore.

>> No.32812675

Even if there were some new tools, no one's gonna tl it just like no one tld any of the Kaeru/Tanuki/Galette/Marble Candy/etc. Soft games. And if someone picked this up it'd take years if they don't drop it. Lolis may be eternal but people are not, so better read with crappy MTL than not at all. Or in this case without anyone fixin the hcode not reading either haha

>> No.32817996

Use ITH to find a hook that works, copy and paste the code in Textractor.

>> No.32818361

H-code for 現実が見えてきたので少女を愛するのを辞めました。Versiom 1.02:

>> No.32818422

Do you really pay a hooker to read eroge for you? Why? Most of them are fully voiced nowadays.

>> No.32818532

you can do the positions in hscenes while reading them for added immersion, turn up the volume so the hookers moans dont get in the way.

>> No.32818549

It works! You saved my life, cunnybro!

>> No.32819067

new tools, you say?

>> No.32819127

hookers are at least making an effort unlike the absolute filth that is MTL maggots

>> No.32819172

hookers get paid for their "effort"
I don't get paid for the effort of learning moonrunes

>> No.32819187

yeah, the tanuki soft/kaeru soft engines were hacked

>> No.32819246

Hookers are MTLers

>> No.32819766

Oh right, somehow I didn't realize MTL also implies hooking. I meant those who hook for a quick mouse-over dictionary. Kinda hard to distinguish them I guess.

>> No.32820402 [DELETED] 


Just reminder that you subhumans don't belong there. No matter how many times you post, no matter how many other will tolerate you, you need to fuck off, you ugly pieces of nigger shit.

>> No.32820440


Just reminder that you subhumans don't belong here. No matter how many times you post, no matter how many other will tolerate you, you need to fuck off, you ugly pieces of nigger shit.

>> No.32821400

rofl just chill ankitard and fuck off back to djt along with ur seething

>> No.32821694

Just extracting text to make search easier makes you an MTLcuck?

>> No.32821830

damn, this entire time I've been an MTLer?

>> No.32822649

yeah you guys supposed to just know everything 4head
if you look for kanji via radical lookup then you're filthy mtl and should fuck off from this thread too

>> No.32822687

I'm looking forward to 壁の向こうの妻の嬌声3

>> No.32824261

>taking the bait

>> No.32824277
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Me too. Those preview images are looking good. Hopefully the chinese release the crack in less than six months this time.

>> No.32825258

Hello guys,
I'd like to get better at reading Japanese so I was thinking of reading untranslated VNs. Any untranslated good stuff you'd recommend?
I'm around N2 level and I like comedy, romance, SF and punished protags.


>> No.32825286

Sounds like moege is right up your alley. Any moege, really. Just pick one that you like the art or girls of. Maybe galaxy angel?

>> No.32826458


>> No.32827258

An FD can't save it. It's faulty from the start because of the 元カノ setting. The only thing an FD can give me is a longer Yuna route.

>> No.32827284

Imagine being so assblasted about the MC having an ex.

>> No.32827377

More VNs need an ex. Golden Hour had one, and while the game definitely had some issues, I actually quite enjoyed the ex.

>> No.32827447

1 relationship for life. That's moege.

>> No.32827669

I think the obsession to call everything a moege and expect it to behave exactly like everything else one calls a moege isn't great. Just because it's cute, and has comedy, it doesn't need to be a moege.

>> No.32827875

I just said that it's not a moege in the last thread.

>> No.32827878

>I'm around N2 level

Self-assessment is famously flawed. As someone who observed various Japanese learning communities online, I can tell you that "around N2 level" is exactly what everyone who considers themselves "somewhat good" calls themselves. But are you really? Perhaps simplly calling yourself "not a beginner" would ring less hollow.

>> No.32830036


>> No.32830586

Sounds great. I love slut protagonists. Amatsutsumi gave me the biggest boners with how the MC was willing to fuck the shit out of every girl without necessarily committing to them romantically.

>> No.32839580

>no lewd tokuten for the loli
FUCK, don't tell they really won't let you fuck her.

>> No.32840058

Is Kazoku Keikaku still enjoyable if one doesn't like Romeo's comedy?

>> No.32840303

You'd need to be illiterate and/or retarded not to like Romeo's comedy, so I'd guess no.

>> No.32840627

Okay, quote a good joke from Romeo.

>> No.32840675

>getting boners because of the MC
You might want to check out /blog/

>> No.32841800
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More low price single heroine stuff from Azarashi.

>> No.32843127

I like their games but...
Left looks extremely LOW PRICE. Right also looks cheap, wtf are those tiny gloves and huge tits proportions, and ugly face. Middle is okayish but still not digging it.

>> No.32843357

... nothing?
This is peak chimp psychology. You better free yourself from this childish reflex

>> No.32843425

Dude you cannot insult Tanaka FUCKING Romeo. Give it a rest.

>> No.32844733

Are there any VNs that touch on the subject of race mixing?

>> No.32845289
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>> No.32846519

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.32846534

Any game with 熟女 heroines that isn't a nukige?

>> No.32847493


>> No.32847623

how old we talking? Christmas cakes or 40 year old hags?

>> No.32847748

>comments and voting turned off

>> No.32847772

Considering most games feature 14-18 year olds I'd say 25+ is already MILF territory.

>> No.32847963
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25 is already cake territory, in which case tons of non-nukige have token cake chars, pic related

>> No.32848257

>18* is already cake territory

>> No.32849099

I guess christmas is on the 18th of december now, you retard

>> No.32849168

The true church celebrates Christmas on the 7th next month.

>> No.32852500

The cake comes out of the oven on the 18th and by the 25th it's rotten.

>> No.32852603

>comes out of the oven on the 18th
If we're going with this euphemism, then it comes out on like the 12th.

>> No.32853091

12 is still mixing the batter HARD

>> No.32854882

>Fucks up on fullscreen

Chinks also use some obscure DRMs like Soft Denchi and this is fucked up. I am thinking myself of running VM because of that shit.

>> No.32862291

Finally decided to play Baldr Sky and it won't detect my 360 controller. It worked last year when I tried the game for a bit. Back to moege then.

>> No.32862373

Give some thought to becoming a person and trying to solve issues yourself.

For example, it's likely Baldr Sky needs a DirectInput controller. Xbox 360 controllers use newer XInput. Now if only there was some way to wrap XInput to DirectInput, eh....

>> No.32862505

Just use the keyboard like a real man.

>> No.32862870

I wasn't asking for help. Thread needed bumping and I needed to vent. Anyway I solved it by unplugging my second controller. Shit programming can't even deal with 2 controllers plugged in.

I'm handicapped so controller or nothing.

>> No.32863218

did you buy or piratefag?

>> No.32863348

Just stop being broken. Easy.

>> No.32864013

>I'm handicapped so controller or nothing.
Wait how does a controller help you? You still need two hands.

>> No.32864081

You can use special controller and/or rebind buttons and play with one hand.

>> No.32864269

I dunno man. Baldr games require you to do advanced combos and shit (well assuming you play on the hardest difficulty of course).

>> No.32864770

Read the second trial for wagahime which was pretty short
and i thought mc and crone looked almost the exact same, turns out they're siblings. well 義理 siblings.

>> No.32865834

Why do you care?

Yeah it's tough so far. I heard Very Hard in Dive1 is near impossible so I wanted to try. Out of the first 4 or 5 fights I beat all but 1 on V.Hard after many tries. 1 battle was impossible with how many waves there were and stupid Rain died whenever I almost won. Turned it to Hard and it's doable now but I suck at combos or rather the starter melee moves just suck. Orb+grenade and pistol are a lot better. When I wake up I'll have to look up Rain's seiyuu. I've heard her just recently but don't remember.

>> No.32867436

>Is Kazoku Keikaku still enjoyable if one doesn't like Romeo's comedy?
I'm not a huge fan of his comedy but I liked it. It depends if the unrelated broken people form a makeshift family sort of thing is something you like.

>> No.32867584

I already thought the first trial was short. Is it even shorter this time?

>> No.32870184

any good VN that's fully voiced and isn't porn

i tried Clannad but was disappointed to find that most of it isn't voiced

>> No.32870289

>most of it isn't voiced
Everything but the MC is voiced.

>> No.32870320

gunjou no sora, 9 nine.

>> No.32870969


>> No.32871074

What copy of Clannad were you playing where most of it was unvoiced?

>> No.32872562

>isn't porn

>> No.32872715 [SPOILER] 
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Here are my thoughts after finishing Sakura Moyu

>> No.32872772

I love this ending so much, you see that CG at the very start in the OP and it feels like you've gone through such a massive journey when you see it again here

>> No.32872779

I haven't played the game, but after seeing the writer's posts on various online platforms, I think it's fair to say he's sexually interested in children.

>> No.32872970
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>> No.32873024
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>> No.32873040

Well, the game itself seems to confirm my suspicion.

>> No.32873061
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>> No.32873090

He's got a point

>> No.32873208

Nothing wrong with this.
Any route order suggestion? Or should i just go with heroine i like the most first?

>> No.32873371

Nvm, looks like i need to finish Chiwa and Hiori first to unlock Haru.

>> No.32873379

>Any route order suggestion?
You have to complete Hiori and Chiwa to unlock Haru. It doesn't really matter which one of the two you read first. Chiwa has the weakest route in my opinion

>> No.32873401
File: 62 KB, 256x362, himawari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after 2048 the story just restarts in 2050? Why is it called Aqua route?

>> No.32873412

Because it is Aqua's route.

>> No.32873548

Well, so far everything is identical to the common route/Aries. I find this a pretty annoying way to tell a story

>> No.32873976

Lol, Aqua just kills you if you grab Aries' hands

>> No.32874322

I really would have preferred it if the writer at least had retold the common route from Aqua's perspective. Also, auto skip doesn't doesn't work for me. F7/F3 does nothing

>> No.32874430

Shouldn't have read all-ages kusoge with NTR.

>> No.32875289

Yeah, what they did for the second trial was take segments from the heroine's routes, cut a bunch of stuff out in between and present it just to show off the heroines which they couldn't do in the first trial.

>> No.32875433

Marco to ginga ryuu

>> No.32875655

C'mon, 2048 at least wasn't kusoge. And NTR is pretty much unavoidable if you want plot

>> No.32876778

Another kamige!

>> No.32877194

Welcome back the slow エロゲスレ.

>> No.32877257

SeaBed is a mind-altering experience that sent me into a trance-like state that few other works of media have ever induced in me. Finishing it was like waking up from a dream. A reviewer on DLSite described the game as "無味無臭の毒薬" and that's really the best description of it that I've come across; you just need to play it for yourself and see, because the appeal can't really be summed up in a paragraph or two. For something concrete, though, I will say that I find its take on psychology as a practice pretty legit.

>> No.32877293

So he's normal?

>> No.32877338

Again with the kemonoshit

>> No.32877347

Is it intentional that some of their recent games look a lot like Tayutama?

>> No.32877414

Moogy or kastel?

>> No.32877512
File: 85 KB, 500x707, IMG_20210129_084349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokuten for the new Cube look really nice, shame the actual game will just be a boring moege with no exhibitionism.

>> No.32877655

maybe not exhibitionism but there'll be NTR

>> No.32877780
File: 57 KB, 500x707, IMG_20210129_085657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this artist way more than the shit Kantoku put out last time.
But it says
>ジャンル 恋愛アドベンチャー

>> No.32878182

>>ジャンル 恋愛アドベンチャー
those go hand in hand.

>> No.32878260

>1 battle was impossible with how many waves there were and stupid Rain died whenever I almost won
Oh fuck I know exactly which battle you're talking about. Yeah, that one sucks because Rain just dies and your weapons are way too shit to actually protect her well at that stage. It's possible but basically just luck winning that one on very hard.

>I suck at combos or rather the starter melee moves just suck
One of the the things that sucks about Sky is that you have to unlock weapons and level them up. It's quite a time sink, so it'll take you a while before you actually get good weapons that are helpful in combat. I'd recommend checking out the wiki for advice on getting a good combo to carry you through the game.

I personally just did a slightly modified version of the first one (I think I added a shotgun to it somewhere or something; it's been a while). The only downside I can recall is that it's very 1v1 oriented so some of the tougher mob battles later in the game will probably be harder than most of the actual boss fights. My personal recommendation is to unlock and max out tackle as soon as you can. That move is very strong, gives you a ton of mobility. and basically sky combo will incorporate it somewhere. It helps a lot..

>> No.32879253
File: 3.42 MB, 1431x1078, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what the fuck. This is all ages? This mixed with the shitty common route makes it hard to believe this is August.

I was thinking that maybe we just couldn't bed the Princess until we're married, then I was sent off to the title screen.

>> No.32879431

>Brighter than dawning blue
That's the all-ages release

>> No.32879542

You're dumb and downloaded the all-ages version.

>> No.32879574

Have the complete pack. Started this one because it had more routes.

>> No.32879631

You mean smart. August H-scenes are awful.

>> No.32879821

It might just do but not like that. Nah it'll be standard hidden sex "in public" that doesn't go beyond "oh what if someone will come" and "t-that reaction?? Did that just turn you on?" bullshit. Nothing ever happens.

>> No.32880000

Tried not being trans and looking up stuff before playing?

>> No.32880114


>> No.32880345

Idiot. That's the all-ages console port. If you want porn play the normal one. I played both so I recommend playing the all-ages version and then just skip through the normal one until you hit an H-scene. Better read the scenes when they happen or you'll have to sit through 3 long H-scenes in a row after finishing a route.
You could also just use a 100% save and read the scenes from the menu. The before/after parts will still play so you get the context. Aside from H-scenes there's barely anything unique to the 18+ version. Midori has short hair and there's like 2 short scenes that have some sex talk. And 1 scene towards the end of the true route is different because Estel is not in it. Oh and both versions have different omake scenes, so read them all.
>shitty common route
If you disliked that don't bother with the rest of the game. You have incurable shit taste.

>> No.32882664


>> No.32882704

I lied, okay. Meido is acting retarded, it's not my fault.

>> No.32883306

i did nothing this time

>> No.32886747

wtf giga

>> No.32889026

What's so bad about this?

>> No.32889152
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Based on her sprite I thought she'd be a smaller titted dwarf. Didn't know ALL heroines were huge.

>> No.32889188

Alright yeah that's quite a dramatic bust reveal.

>> No.32889365

She had to hide her breasts because she's pretending to be her missing brother.

>> No.32889481

Crossdressing is one thing, hiding those huge milkers is another. Never liked her proportions or those hair flaps but I was willing to put up with it for some small breasts. Now I'm only interested in the girls by the Kinkoi artist.

>> No.32890542

Eroge songs have the best matome.

>> No.32891224

>Master up
>No trial
Ah fuck.

>> No.32891352

Trial for https://vndb.org/v29472 was only a week before release, despite also being Master Up since announcement, they're either lying or just trying to keep the hype until release, or just hiding the technical problems because of the change to Unity.

>> No.32892077

Mizuno is pretty fun to watch playing Doukyuusei.

>> No.32892414

Go back to >>>/vt/

>> No.32892976
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>> No.32893462

Recoil my man.

>> No.32893482

I know but you'd have to be a stickman in order to feel that from a BB gun.

>> No.32893563

She's talking about deagles in general. Not a toy gun she found during inspection.

>> No.32893613

I'm aware but that doesn't make the scene any less comedic, which is a good thing obviously.

>> No.32893810


>> No.32893839

Japan is a no guns country. They don't understand.

>> No.32893840

Yeah, she's an enjoyable character, and her banter with the MC is a good part of the game, but hide your menu.
You've never fired a gun in your life.

>> No.32894025

>You've never fired a gun in your life.
Please explain to me how firing a pistol would dislocate a woman or child's shoulder. Shoulder injuries related to shooting are usually bruising from improperly shouldering a rifle.
If someone weak fired a high caliber pistol wouldn't the gun go flying or damage their wrist rather than dislocating their shoulder?

>> No.32894089

You're holding a gun with both of your hands in front of you. The recoil moves your whole arms backwards, if it moves them too much due to bad grip or insufficient strength, it dislocates your arm.

>> No.32894147

> if it moves them too much due to bad grip or insufficient strength, it dislocates your arm
But when you have a proper grip, more of the energy goes into your arms.
If you have a poor grip less energy pushes your arms straight back, and more energy goes into moving the gun, e.g. muzzle flip.

>> No.32894154

Oh come on, you'd have to fire an extremely powerful gun, hold it in a comically bad position, and be like a 3 year old child to have it actually dislocate your arm. Self injury is one thing, but dislocation is absurd.

>> No.32894252

>In Case 3 of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, the victim is shot with a huge, 45-caliber revolver. The gun is described as being able to not only knock the target off their feet if hit with a shot from it, but capable of dislocating the shoulder of the shooter if they aren't used to firing such a powerful weapon

>> No.32894362

Reading 9-nine-そらいろそらうたそらのおと

>> No.32894392

That is a good example of someone having no clue how guns work.

>> No.32894486

Best game and heroine

>> No.32894516
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>rural Japan
>spooky forest with supernatural shit
>lost memories
>cute main girl with twintails
Damn, I like this already. That's my kind of stuff. Glad I randomly picked this game up.

>> No.32894811
File: 763 KB, 640x480, pcsx2_2018-06-19_18-41-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were more games like it. The only thing I remember not liking was how long it took to skip through stuff to get all the endings.

>> No.32895682

Exposed shoulder is so good.

>> No.32896274

> ace attorney as example
Neck yourself, rainspectre.

>> No.32896356

Reiji not being voiced by suwabe in kara no shoujo 3 is bothering me way more than I thought it would.

>> No.32896554
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>> No.32896964

Maybe it's me, but charging full price for the Doukyuusei Remake seems kind of gutsy since the game is rather light on content compared to modern games.
Hopefully it manages to do well anyway since I'd love to see Doukyuusei 2 get remade in the same style.

>> No.32897305


>> No.32897408

Anyone have recommendations for VNs with epic fights and battles?

>> No.32897481
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>> No.32898186


>> No.32898528

The only thing preventing me from playing it is because of it's a yuri-ge
I'm fine with non-ero but yuri doesn't attractive to me at all
There's Aoishiro too as well

>> No.32900073

That was so fucking shit, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.32900174

Not really, unless you can't stomach this kind of humor.

>> No.32900309

It's not the humor. There was so much nonsensical development pulled right out of the ass, I eventually dropped it.
The writer is better when he doesn't try to tell much of a story. Kotonatsu was okay.

But keep in mind that I don't really like chuuni style stories, which doesn't help here. It's not the only issue, as it doesn't excuse the rather convenient writing to move along the plot the way the writer wants, but it's part of it. That's why I wasn't much of a fan of Nukitashi's story either, as another example.

>> No.32900722
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New month new shit. But which one do I read first?

>> No.32900767

im reading the azarashisoft one while i wait for glass hime to get uploaded.

>> No.32900800

Is it too lighthearted?

>> No.32900892

for an azarashi soft game not really.

Its just a low price charage with unvoiced side charas so far, in a setting with youkai. Youkai part hasnt really been relevent yet but since im doing the succubus 1st so im expecting it to be more relevant as i get closer to hscenes

>> No.32901270

Dunno, i read sukisuki by the same writer and hate it, but apeiria is much more pleasant ride. I like chuuni, one hour long random chuuni fights aside, but it's been a while since i read any chuunige. I understand why some people hate apeiria tho.

>> No.32903565

Is oretsuba worth it in 2021?
It seems like I downloaded 2011 standard version of it ages ago.

>> No.32903798

I don't understand why it'd be more relevant in her route than in ojou-sama route. She's a youkai too.

>> No.32904087

No. It's boring.

>> No.32905114

I'm fucking maso and i love text in sakura moyu. Except repetitiveness.

>> No.32905261

>with unvoiced side charas
I'm surprised even the father doesn't have a voice.

>> No.32905330

Yes. It's good.

>> No.32906088


>> No.32908738
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, ねこツク、さくら。Nekotsuku (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks just like their last game but with bunnies instead of cats.

>> No.32908875


>> No.32909164

Anyone have a link for Kurai Heya? The link in the archive is dead and so is the nyaa torrent. It'd be appreciated.

>> No.32910002

anonfiles com/VcgfgcEdp6

>> No.32910067

virus don't download

>> No.32910829

Yeah it’s weird. I guess they’re banking on the boomer audience buying it for nostalgia purposes

>> No.32911919

Thank you.

>> No.32912592

Is 月光のカルネヴァーレ any good?

>> No.32912919


>> No.32913419


>> No.32913454


>> No.32913961

I've heard a guy say it's decent

>> No.32914267

I'm looking for a site the Japanese use to rate their favorite visual novels. I can't remember its name, so I'm hoping someone here can help.
The website was in Japanese, it had rankings for each month, and it had images for the (I think) top 15.

>> No.32914325


>> No.32914359

no, I can't even see its content because I don't have a VPN

>> No.32914389
File: 2.87 MB, 3840x2160, Clipboard344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotori Yuuka should just do sweet voices from now on

>> No.32914459

don't post kusoge thank you

works for me without vpn

>> No.32915367

I meant in the short common, i havent done the ojousama yet

>> No.32915391

Idk since it keeps crashing at the op

>> No.32915393

>don't post kusoge thank you

>> No.32915697

Just use Tor.

>> No.32915726

>short common
That's an understatement. It was like 30 minutes long with no opening.

>> No.32915807
File: 195 KB, 1280x960, suz_n_03_b03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't read eroge because of ADHD or depression? Hah! Try severe tooth pain. Shit's so bad I can barely read 5 lines before giving up. Physical pain is stronger than any cute girl or interesting plot or engaging gameplay or the cunniest cunny. Fucking kill me.

>> No.32915954

Should have brushed your teeth.
Just got to the succubus confession scene. Goddamn it was good.

>> No.32916555

Real faggot hours. Half a year ago I lost half of a molar and had a hardcore inflammation afterwards. Just throw Ibuprofen and stop being a baby.

>> No.32916831

have you tried numbing it with clove oil? it helped me manage when my wisdom teeth were kicking in as a younger lad and completely numbed me out

>> No.32918571
File: 146 KB, 640x480, halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god they explained this obscure term. I would have never known otherwise.

>> No.32918785
File: 309 KB, 1920x1080, 絆きらめく恋いろは.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with some flavor text explaining something you already understand.

>> No.32918819

I know they have to do this for copyright reasons, but shit like this is still funny to me.

>> No.32918940
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>> No.32919082

I've played too many games with her as a delinquent that a sweet voice just sounds fake and forced.

>> No.32919923
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>> No.32920213
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>> No.32921338

I really wish that game had a less terrible writer. I really like Favorite's art style and presentation, but I couldn't force myself to play through any of the games that guy did.

>> No.32921495 [DELETED] 
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>> No.32921608
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>> No.32921775

Not my screenshot, i'm on common route still, but i don't really get problem people having with that writer, desu. Maybe i'm not just there yet. I noticed repetitive prose, sure, but there is no SoL even, just tons of world building, i don't mind.
>とんでもなく読みづらいテキストを頭痛に耐えながら読み進めていったらなんかしょうもない終わり方したんでGive upです。
> 最高の睡眠薬です!
> 苦痛の極み、此処にあり
Legit can't see any of this. Am i supposed to suddenly get bored in actual heroine route?

>> No.32921946

It blocked all burgers.

>> No.32921960

I just checked, works for me. Block was lifted a while ago.

>> No.32922214

Some people have really short attention spans so if there isn't some exciting action every 5 lines they get bored, I wouldn't pay attention to their comments

>> No.32922225

>Some people have really
This post was boring so I stopped reading there

>> No.32922427

afternoon yall i tried looking this up online, how do you play old japanese pc games with midi? it doesnt seem to work on normal computers today.

i want to play a game but theres no music

>> No.32922465

at least say the fucking game name

>> No.32922578

>Just got to the succubus confession scene. Goddamn it was good.

cant believe this faggot of an mc declines non sexual 添い寝

>> No.32922721

hi its called Only You it seems to be made in the late 90s

>> No.32922772

i forgot to say its been a year since ive done this but i d/led the discs from a torrent site and use windows portable cd to mount them. so the game works but no music plays or sound outside of menus.
its not a huge deal but i am curious how it should be

>> No.32923090

This ancient thing on windows 98? I don't know what OS you're using but I'm amazed this apparently runs at all. Most likely you'll be best off using a VM for this.

>> No.32923111

From what I read in iroseka and the trial for this, I don't really understand what retards like that mean by it being hard to read. My issue was more that it felt like the writer just didn't give a shit about how the text sounds or flows and just wanted to pump shit out to do whatever the higher ups wanted and pad enough to satisfy the people who want their 100k jpy's worth.
The bizarre thing is that nakahiro's scripts never bothered me nearly as much in his games.

>> No.32923203

if you are saying an early windows vm download that is a bit difficult, i guess there is no workaround is there
ok thats cool thanks

>> No.32923255

There's a windows 2000 Japanese image on archive.org somewhere. I've ran into it before.

>> No.32923423

is the game exe system39

>> No.32923606

Considering the timing of your question, it's likely you want to read the new translation by your lord and savior George Henry Shaft.

In that case it's of course a masterpiece.

>> No.32923630

Chums, ever heard of VirtualMIDISynth?

>> No.32923633

im not very familiar with searching on that site its ok though thanks a lot again for the help

the d/l folder basically has 2 cds, and the 2nd cd has a setup run file. i dont think there is a normal way to run this though.
good night gentlemen!

>> No.32923877

wtf im fucking confused
could u screen ur game menu

>> No.32924836
File: 389 KB, 647x1755, CHR_クロ_基_パジャマL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some scenes in the routes where the writer just rambles on and on without getting anywhere, especially in the true route. The story was still interesting enough that it didn't bother me that much though and in the end it was definitely worth it.
Also I think they never used this sprite in the game. Why?

>> No.32924949
File: 657 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I think they never used this sprite in the game. Why?
Sounds like a fucking crime to me, looks really cute.
> There are some scenes in the routes where the writer just rambles on and on without getting anywhere, especially in the true route
I'll see when i get here, not gonna rush it. Also pic related makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason.

>> No.32925322
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, rebirth_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not read much by that writer, but writing is sometimes also taste. I know that for example the writer from Hapymaher, Fake Azure Arcology and so on also has some people who can't deal with his writing style. Largely because he uses quite a bit of narration, and while it's not repetitive, it can take a while.

I never saw what people didn't like, but I can definitely agree that it doesn't read as "fluid" as a moege would. But then again, does it have to? It's much worse that at some point this writer is just recycling plot ideas over and over again. (i.e. Keiko's route in Hapymaher, where you go through the same drama as in common again. In the FD you even one more encore. It frankly sucks. Fake Azure Arcology has the character routes with the exact same story as well, just a switched girl)
Also how he wrote pic the route of pic related was just downright criminal. Strong girl, entire relationship wanted to be "standing together, fighting together", yet the entire route makes her into a fucking damsel in distress, several times even, and the fighting together never even fucking happens, nor does she have much room to shine. A fucking joke. [/rant]

>> No.32925356

>It's much worse that at some point this writer is just recycling plot ideas over and over again
Oh god, so much this. Worse when it's same idea between different titles.

>> No.32926548


>> No.32926686
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x720, Sakura_2021-01-20_09-15-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32926735

Wow, didn't expect a followup.

>> No.32930300
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, うちの主は妖怪の常識を知らない_2021-01-31_12-47-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dame meido
Dame virgin succubus

>> No.32930425

>Dame virgin succubus
Worst meme ever conceived.

>> No.32931673

Every succubus was a virgin once, my dudester.

>> No.32931682

I fucking hate purityfags

>> No.32931715

There's plenty of NTR eroge for you out there.

>> No.32931829

I don't want NTR nukige. I want a moecuckge that plays out exactly like a moege for the most part and then it turns into NTRshit by the end, and you are like you should've seen that coming considering how these moege bitches are acting like cockhungry sluts.

>> No.32931857

I miss when girls could have previous sexual experience and it wasn't a real issue.

>> No.32931880

Go get yourself 3DPD, that's exactly what you want.

>> No.32931968

You will never be a real man

>> No.32932022

Purityfags don't even deserve pure girls. You just know they jerk off to degenerate shit all day. An actual pure girl would turn them the fuck down.

>> No.32932063

>An actual pure girl
see >>32931880, normalfag.

>> No.32932240

You're mentally ill if you care this much about purity

>> No.32932297

guess you are as well since you care so much but from the other side

>> No.32934721
File: 768 KB, 1004x778, 1612107413765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why game's font looks like that? I'm on JP locale and all

>> No.32935069

How is it an issue? They're just selling the game their audience wants and guarantees the most sales, plenty of other brands have non-virgins for the people that want them, you expect used goods from fucking Azarashi Soft?

>> No.32935776

I fucking hate slutfags and cucks

>> No.32935862

google ever17 フォント

>> No.32935879

my 2 favorite sites are virgindb.g.ribbon.to and ntrblog.com fite me IRL faggots

>> No.32936015

Isn't virgindb long dead?

>> No.32936170

they stopped updating it and put some sort of egs type of ip ban but it still works

>> No.32936330

Now I feel dumb. As I should, probably.

>> No.32937992

i really dont like blogs like these that dont have any numerical ranking or like some kind of review
it just feels like shilling for the stuff

>> No.32938097

If you check all VNs which fall under the genre then it can hardly be shilling for any particular game or brand.

>> No.32938210

sure hes not shilling for anyone in particular but im pretty certain that he has partnerships with dmm and dlsite
of course he needs to make his money to keep it running and the japs seemingly like the blog so there isnt really any problem
its just not useful for me since i dont think ive seen the blog say any critical opinions which is what i look for when i read a site like this

>> No.32938249

That's the red box.

>> No.32938393
File: 18 KB, 570x303, 4BwEA1mF1j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.32938528

I searched a few games on NTRblog and the articles were useless, can just read vndb, EGS and store/site for general info. The only thing worth it seems to be user comments.

>> No.32938537

Looks like his opinion to me.

>> No.32938629

well sure but this was probably one of the more written boxes ive seen and it still kind of looks like a content introduction rather than his likes/dislikes of it
and many of the articles ive checked dont even have one of these

>> No.32938943

yeah the comments actually look pretty useful

>> No.32940273

the comments are in essence the reviews, the site itself is just letting you know it exists and is coming out

>> No.32944234

does the camera panning look really jittery for anyone else in glass hime? Also it somehow uses 20% of my 3070.

>> No.32945504

Don't rely on the gpu percentages in task manager without looking at your gpu clockspeeds. Often it can remain downclocked and the percentage looks higher as a result.

>> No.32945887

All the games I play are hoes before bros. Can't seem to find one where (me) and my bro just bro it up and seduce bitches along the way, then ride into the sunset without them.

>> No.32946536

I finished Subahibi and now feel a sense of emptiness. That was really good eroge, it makes other stuff feel kind of boring now.

>> No.32947293

Read Tsui no Sora remake now.

>> No.32947439
File: 509 KB, 1080x1554, Kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do next

>> No.32947478

What I observed is that mentally ill loners consider subahibi to be a kamige, decent normalfagish people consider it to be meh, proud moebutas consider it to be a kusoge.

>> No.32947489

I'm a proud moebuta and I love SubaHibi.

>> No.32947496

>decent normalfagish people consider it to be meh,
Here is me.

>> No.32947510

He killed himself cause of subahibi?

>> No.32947521

He killed himself years after he wrote that review. It's almost certainly not related.

>> No.32947536

Subahibi planted seeds of suicidal tendencies in him that took 2 years to grow up and take him down.

>> No.32947578

Nigga that review was published on August 2017 and exactly, I mean literally exactly, after two years he offed himself

>> No.32947591

It's still probably not related. I mean, obviously nobody can say for certain except him but it seems a stretch.

>> No.32947609

>mentally ill loners consider subahibi to be a kamige
Guess I should read it then.

>> No.32947663

Subahibi must have stimulated his latent suicidal tendencies. He hesitated to act on them initially but after a year he resolved to off himself. He then went on a tour with his ONLY buddies desperate for some life-affirming experience but quof couldn't curb his cynicism and the next thing you know he came home and killed himself.

>> No.32947828

I would kill myself too if I met quof.

>> No.32948041
File: 46 KB, 592x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spergs as well.

>> No.32948790

You are a mentally ill shit-eater. No one in their right mind would prefer a defective product over the perfect one, and since all girls are fictional, they can be as perfect as their writer decides to make them. Therefore specifically going for anything less than perfection when perfection is easily obtainable means you're fucking trash yourself.

t. proud moebuta who doesn't give a single fuck about Subahibi

>> No.32949025


>> No.32949041

>defective product over the perfect one
Sorry bro I use different metaphors, like quality tested product or non-vanilla flavor or strong independent women

>> No.32949053

Holy based

>> No.32949166

You want my quality tested onaholes? I think +50% to retail price is fair, with the proof of testing inside even.

Fucking sub-human cucks.

>> No.32949212

>bro non-virgin heroines who had their virginity taken by other men are better
Why not just make the heroine a non-virgin yourself? She will still be a non-virgin after you fuck her.

>> No.32949240

I don't want quality testing to be done by a moebuta who doesn't understand the appeal of sluts

>> No.32949264

Virgin heroines are boooring and overrated when they are overused this much.

>> No.32949279

Then fuck her so she isnt a non-virgin any more? I don't see the issue here

>> No.32949442
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x768, 1610213612251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32949481 [DELETED] 

А бля, это же ебанутое шизло с сосача дрищет.
Off yourself, cuck.

>> No.32949581

>Published on August 31, 2017
>DistantValhalla·Aug 10, 2019

>> No.32949625

> russian
> purityfag
Neck yourself, subhuman.

>> No.32950073
File: 104 KB, 739x314, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32950151

How do you retards manage to have this exact same shit flinging contest every time?

>> No.32950907

Fucking incels.

>> No.32950955

I mean exactly in terms of months. Don't increase resolution.

>> No.32951423

He was a trannyslator, it's what they do.

>> No.32952356

>you'd have to fire an extremely powerful gun, hold it in a comically bad position, and be like a 3 year old child to have it actually dislocate your arm.
Which women and children are likely to do.

>> No.32952651
File: 844 KB, 1038x563, BGI_vN0RXqt93t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing SubaHibi but I am not understanding shit. I am at Takuji Route.
Will It be good at some point?

>> No.32953090

Read ray monk's the duty of genius 'chapter 7: at the front' to get more context

>> No.32953179

He asked will it be good at some point?

>> No.32953194

Iunno about his taste I thought subahibi was interesting in terms of what it did but still meh and heavily flawed.

>> No.32953208


>> No.32953222

>people I don't even know didn't like the thing I've liked. I'm in the wrong?
Nah. This kind of mentality is wrong though.

>> No.32954018

Pic related is literally me.

>> No.32955307

never gets old

no he killed himself over Kinkoi and Senren Banka
