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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 402x562, nij_waha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32443543 No.32443543 [Reply] [Original]

What Japanese sites do you guys like to spend time on? I lurk 2chan/5ch often just to see what people are preoccupied with, it's fun. I'll post some misc. stuff from them ITT, feel free to contribute or talk about these sites/others on the Japanese web

>> No.32443587
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Really old screenshot of futaba, some interesting boards here (including ニュース速報, copy of a 2ch board)

>> No.32443614
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>> No.32443697
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>> No.32443826

It hits like a truck realizing that we're just sorry copies of our japanese counterparts

>> No.32443945
File: 603 KB, 849x1245, 1585445113976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still do not know what the 二次元ネタ board on Futaba is supposed to be used for.

>> No.32443944
File: 177 KB, 500x707, フランスジン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiki mostly dedicated to preserving 2chan OC

>> No.32443981

They have a lot of the same problems we do, but they kick our ass in the OC department no question.

>> No.32444110
File: 24 KB, 274x191, mogeko?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You notice this NOW?

>> No.32444111

Because OC continues to be frowned upon on a lot of boards on this gods awful site

>> No.32444170

5ch constantly reminds me that yes, 4chan could be a lot worse

>> No.32444178
File: 21 KB, 581x429, futaboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also timely thread to say futaboard is kill

>> No.32444200


>> No.32444402

Small spinoff chan modeled after futaba, announced its closure in December. I'm not sure if it was because of copyright or something but they began purging all images from the website up to its closure this month. Most of the refugees are going to futaba now. The site was administered by the futakuro addon guys as far as I understand (http://futakuro.com/).).

>> No.32444445

Oh. That's sad to hear.
Hopefully not too much was lost. I don't think I've heard of it until now, but hopefully they all fit in without an issue. The internet is heading to a weird place

>> No.32444561

And 2chan reminds me it could be a lot less of a headache

>> No.32444565

It's not as bad as in the West. There are lots of anonymous communities in Japan, and even the smaller ones have dedicated userbases. Check some of these for instance

>> No.32445346
File: 469 KB, 1518x900, futamaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New dedicated 2chan browser, supports nijiura boards + cats
The newest version fixes a bug in previous editions where the program wouldn't launch. I asked the dev if he knew what might be wrong, and he figured out your system clock had to be set to the Japanese timezone (UTC -5) for it to execute. With the newest version uploaded a few hours ago, it now appears to work in any timezone. It was cool of him to fix this, so check it out.

>> No.32445433
File: 77 KB, 200x191, piece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always known this, I just live in blissful ignorance because i occasionally forget it.
Kind of like the game

>> No.32445607

The interface looks familiar.

>> No.32445701

I can't be bothered to keep up with Japanese anonymous communities because the only thing that keeps me in Western anonymous communities is the sense of, well, community, and on Japanese boards I just feel like a voyeur rather than a contributor.

>> No.32447427

I can relate. Most of them don't block foreign IPs though so if your Japanese is good enough you can participate. 5ch is so big you probably wouldn't be noticed anyway

>> No.32447818
File: 354 KB, 1000x1410, cnQfanz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a board-tan comic between 5ch's kenmo and nanj. For context these are two of their biggest boards and kind of like /b/. I saw someone phrase it like, nanj is for guys around university age up to around 28, and then kenmo is where you go afterward. VIP is the last major /b/ equivalent and it's filled with kids


>> No.32447849
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>> No.32447879
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>> No.32447888

I wish I could know more about 2/5ch and I can't access it from my home IP.
Did Jim run it into the ground yet?

>> No.32447903
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>> No.32447943
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>> No.32447981
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>> No.32448021
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>> No.32448048
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>> No.32450198

Nah it's doing fine. There are still ads pinned to every board about his son's cryptocurrency but the place is unchanged.
>I can't access it from my home IP
You should check out the softether VPN client, it's official and has servers hosted at a Japanese university. I've been able to post there with it

>> No.32453909

I feel honoured that my Higurashi shoop made its way to futaba, and it even became the source of some fetish art.

>> No.32454119
File: 367 KB, 811x609, 1551124837710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did that on purpose, didn't you?

>> No.32454285

I wanna go to that era

>> No.32455437

5ch unfortunately does block foreign IPs though

>> No.32455668

You can post on the english board, like in these threads
Also as I mentioned above the block is very easy to get around. I've done it several times

>> No.32455741

Futuba still looks like that.

>> No.32458803
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>> No.32460152

I read 5ch aggregators on android. They weed out most of the spam and schizoposts.

>> No.32461118

thats 80% of 5ch though

>> No.32461550

I browse 5ch kyoto board and amesupo

>> No.32462358

what is the best aggregator you've found you can recommend?

>> No.32462971

do people on futaba ever notice that yotsuba is looking at them

>> No.32470163

Like us? They probably know hardly any of us visit the site

>> No.32471012

do people on yotsuba ever notice that futaba is looking at them

>> No.32471369

the only active jap community on 4chan I know is fucking /int/'s thread

>> No.32472824

We noticed when they made up so much of 4chan's traffic moot had to ban Japanese IPs because they were effectively ddosing the site.

>> No.32478780
File: 1 KB, 155x123, chairAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised there's not more interest in this kind of thing

>> No.32480937

it is actually good that there isn't, the less gaijin weebs trashing everything up the better

>> No.32483485

Had to. It's been too long

>> No.32483790

yeah, but I mean, to that era.

See the memes, see what's trending and how the internet was in that time. I was a kid at the time so I just got to experience this era of the internet.

>> No.32488512

any japanese websites that have 2000s japanese vibes? or stuff archived?

>> No.32490855

That's most of the Japanese web honestly
Here's a huge archive of anime SJIS you might like

>> No.32492539


>> No.32496543
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I don't know why I find it funny.

>> No.32498121
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A few kanrininsan posts

>> No.32498151
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>> No.32498161
File: 31 KB, 511x292, SEXDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the deal with this meme, I never got it.

>> No.32506070

I wish we knew exactly what caused the foreign IP ban there. I've been told it's almost definitely due to koreans and chinese trying to screw with them rather than something Westerners did but I've never known the exact events that caused it.

>> No.32516532

they have a board with like 10K posts about bugs

>> No.32516572


>> No.32516623
File: 41 KB, 640x511, 1580541595712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs are cool. Look at this cool bug.

>> No.32516622

ive heard koreans have a bad name in asia

>> No.32518866
File: 130 KB, 436x516, aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's a will there's a way.

>> No.32519097

I've seen enough Futaba threads to know that even boards like /v/ and /a/ sometimes make ventures there to bring stuff back
I don't know if any of them actually go here though

>> No.32519533

I only really ever look at futaba's 2hu shitposting board. I used to look at the livewatch board but it was removed and I stopped watching anime anyway.

>> No.32523794

Isn't the livewatching board /dec/?

>> No.32525196

Nah there was an anime watching board that got deleted

>> No.32527807
File: 2.34 MB, 2048x1459, webpublic-3abb4145-93fa-460c-baa3-911f31632227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly converse with japanese people on the fediverse. That's it I guess. It's just twitter but people talk to each other a lot more.

>> No.32533890 [DELETED] 


>> No.32538993
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>> No.32542765
File: 409 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200815-123137_JaneStyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point

>> No.32554444 [DELETED] 


>> No.32560413


>> No.32567679

Now post svfeencap on some boards isn't allowed because of copyright.

>> No.32581413

Can one of you explain me what exactly is this?

>> No.32585421
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>> No.32589667


>> No.32589923
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>> No.32590038

it's INMU-fag trash

>> No.32590146


>> No.32590187

/jp/ is the inmu board kudasai

>> No.32602544

It feels as if I have seen this exact comment chain before.

>> No.32608164

just like us

>> No.32616765

What he says is true.
Also, link 404.

>> No.32616889

You can use this site to find recently archived 2chan threads
Just click on a random thread, take the URL, and swap it with the thread number of the one you want.
It's good for 2 days. I don't think they have a permanent archival site right now

>> No.32623381

I don't think it ever did outside select few boards.

>> No.32625300

serious deja vu

>> No.32636019

>Now post svfeencap on some boards isn't allowed because of copyright.

>> No.32636060

i wonder if futaba also has "delve in 4chan and bring back something" threads

>> No.32636505

>the game
kill yourself kuso nigger

>> No.32637916

I imagine someone bringing back sneed and being very confused

>> No.32648360

Browse old Livedoor blogs
Wonder where the owners are now

>> No.32658830 [DELETED] 


>> No.32660702
File: 220 KB, 180x135, 8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1995 - A man named Masayuki Shiba creates a home party (Dedicated host website from Internet Service providers that you accessed via phone-line) on provider Nifty-Serve called Ayashii World (Ayashii Warudo - あやしいワールド - Strange World), dedicated to a popular Japanese underground game called Kasumigaseki, a game based on the Tokyo Subway Sarin gas attack. He closes it soon after.
does anyone know what happened to him?
do you think he is still alive after all these years?
is there any record of him talking with other pre-2000 anons on Ayashii Warudo?

>> No.32661692

>and then kenmo is where you go afterward
There are some people joking but as a whole you get the idea. 5ch has a huge contingent of people in their 40s (and up) that 4chan doesn't.

>> No.32667020

It seems lately hiro is telling people to eat dirt and insects on his streams

>> No.32667425


>> No.32667642


>> No.32669439
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>> No.32669779

That is impressively active

>> No.32672289

I think 4chan does too, just that age isn't talked about much, in Japan it is common to ask people their age or tell people your age.

I'm around 60 for example, I'm sure there are many here even older (although the demographics for the vtuber stuff is probably mostly young, 4chan in general though not so much)

>> No.32677659

Whenever there's a poll, the userbase of 4chan seems to skew mid-20's pretty much everywhere. Perhaps older people don't talk about their age as openly though

>> No.32684467
File: 9 KB, 481x289, BPBDYp7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32694098

The last time they did anything similar, one guy said this board scared him.

>> No.32698858

bump lolz

>> No.32704332

After the most recent Higurashi epsidoe people went to 4chan because the uncensored scenes were posted on /a/ as pictures and webms. Then they also brought back some theorycrafting from 4channel users, and talked a bit about that. Within the 1000 post thread I'd guess something like 50-100 posts were directly about the /a/ Higurashi threads.

>> No.32704514

do they know the infamous italian anon too?

>> No.32715194

I hope not

>> No.32721679

>the infamous italian anon

>> No.32729808

fuck this board is so fast now

>> No.32732701

its unfortunate but thats the way it is now. it sucks cause the threads of real niche subjects that i like barely last a day now unless im bumping it every couple of hours

>> No.32734217

yeah im the same way. i love the threads like this but they can barely hold up

>> No.32738017


>> No.32741122

If I made a Nijiura Maid thread 3 months ago, it would survive.
If I made a Nijiura Maid thread now, it would be buried under spam.

>> No.32741315
File: 1.17 MB, 2458x1200, 1611640475683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creepy thing that's been circulating today

>> No.32743381

What's creepy about it

>> No.32744032

The guy is insane

>> No.32755674

3 months ago it still wouldntve lasted as long, holofags have been spamming the board for over a year now

>> No.32760749

Why do they call him insane. What did the papers say?

>> No.32762092
File: 257 KB, 1024x768, 1611642525536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, just read the description on the right

>> No.32765718


>> No.32769158

do you have a link to any of this?

>> No.32769676

金剛グリーンハイツ on google maps
It should be here. I don't see it though

>> No.32777670

I doubt it's still up if it's from around 2017-18

>> No.32780370

I had a Pawoo but it was a ghost town.
Can you elaborate a bit more?

>> No.32791876

Post it

>> No.32793324

Maybe I'll bump a thread today...

>> No.32793356

twitter displaced all other japanese sites for me because of it's high concentration of content and it's low ease of entry

it's really sad

>> No.32796290

>low ease of entry
At a price
It's still a shit site for anything, even if you're there for just art.
Sometimes I wonder how some communities even gain footing, let alone traction from some of the stuff I've seen.

>> No.32796660

It's pretty much a numbers game anon
Any archives?

>> No.32802260
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>> No.32806878
File: 312 KB, 502x858, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remembered I have this bookmarked

>> No.32807276

awesome thread

>> No.32813874


>> No.32817801 [DELETED] 

On a technical level "Toshiaki" and anon are essentially the same, as would be "Bernd" on KC.

In a web culture sense, anons on the "/a/-sphere" of boards and Futaba anons on their "/a/-sphere" are probably the more similar parallel niche groups for each language.
"/b/-sphere" and "/pol/-sphere" probably have more parallels with similar boards on 5ch. Not saying they're good or bad, but they just cater to more spontaneous, visceral crowd.

Anons on slower boards can be similar or heavily divergent, and there are probably more parallels with subreddits and other forums.

>> No.32818079

On a technical level "Toshiaki" and anon are essentially the same, as would be "Bernd" on KC.

In a web culture sense, anons on the "/a/-sphere" of boards and Toshiaki on their "/a/-sphere" are probably the most similar parallel niche groups for each language. Makes sense, given that 4chan was created as an English interpretation of that culture.
"/pol/-sphere" probably have more parallels with similar boards on 5ch. Not saying they're good or bad, but they just cater to a more spontaneous, visceral crowd. "/b/-sphere" and "/v/-sphere" are probably somewhere in between.
Anons on slower boards vary, and there are probably more parallels with subreddits and other forums.

>> No.32818126


>> No.32818382

2chan has the exact same politics problem, and their version of "I came from reddit" is just "I came from nanj" and the like. They also have a really high amount of nutcases

>> No.32822306

they definitely do in japan, but if there's one country that's universally hated by everywhere else on the continent it's china

>> No.32823741

>They also have a really high amount of nutcases
I get what you mean, but do you have an examples or stories?

>> No.32829067

Sometimes I lurk the Towelket threads on 2ch, since there's 109 of them there's quite a lot to read through.

>> No.32829166


>> No.32831657


>> No.32840726
File: 789 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210128-104528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you remember right when the KyoAni fire news broke, some people on 2chan thought one of their resident schizos might be the cause since he was a crazy train otaku, and someone made a thread shortly before it happened with an OP like "I should be making headlines soon". The thread exploded since a lot of people thought he may be the arsonist, and they probably knew that similar things have happened here. Nothing was confirmed though about that thread, and the resident train otaku guy showed up as usual later so he couldn't be the killer.
Besides that there's more minor stuff, like a guy who posted entire episodes of バンドリ in nijiura dec (I think) through screencaps, making new replies each minute for hours even though no one responded. A guy who makes screenshot threads on may also seems to be nuts, and I saw this in a thread about soba. I seem to find these all the time just by clicking on threads here and there, so I assume their density of these guys is even higher than ours, where we at least have to look a little.

>> No.32840983
File: 104 KB, 534x2319, futaba20210128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New site stats
It looks like they added a new hidden board for hololive, and it pushed out jun from the top 5 in number of users

>> No.32841204


>> No.32849311

Some seem insane, so I'm not surprised.
I don't visit that place often but there's something new every few months.

>> No.32856278

Is it true japanese twitter is actually good?

>> No.32857416

That depends on your standards and where you look. There are awful people everywhere, and some of them obsess over politics too, but standard Japanese twitter is like 90% pictures of food, cute animals, and artwork

>> No.32867363

It's the same somewhat.
The only difference is that people are less shitty on their side. The language barrier protects them.

>> No.32874308

Grass greener

>> No.32877105 [DELETED] 


>> No.32877110 [DELETED] 


>> No.32878468
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>> No.32878737

I still don't know how to browse futaba. I mean that's expected since I don't know enough japanese but even with the help of a translator and visiting certain boards every now and then I still get lost. I can't tell what's posted where because every board has similar content on it

>> No.32878850


>> No.32880350

such shitty taste in figure...

>> No.32880978

>Yankee go home !!!

>> No.32881035

Knowing Japanese is half the battle. The other half is knowing the site. It's essentially like 4chan with a few big differences
1) There is no thread pruning based on number of pages, but rather pruning based on speed relative to the rest of the board. For each board an algorithm calculates how quickly it's moving overall and then takes this metric to determine when other threads archive, so the more active your thread is the lower the chance it will archive. The moment when it's currently set to archive is displayed at the bottom of every thread, and updates frequently to reflect the algorithm as the speed of the board and thread changes
2) Moderation is entirely user-driven AFAIK. If you think a thread or post is bad/off-topic, click the del button at the top right corner. If enough people agree, and it hits a quota, it will be 隔離'd (quarantined) where you can link to it but it doesn't show up on the index or catalog. These threads usually die off quickly unless it's a controversial topic like politics, in which case it will probably keep getting replies. If more del requests come in, eventually the thread itself is deleted, but this threshold is pretty high I think. There are no jannies, the only mod is the admin. He's a cool guy. Illegal stuff is forbidden, that's the only true rule.
3) Thread OPs have a lot more freedom. Like on 5ch, they can enable thread IDs to discourage trolling, and enable censored IPs as well. What's more, thread OPs can delete replies to their threads for any reason. It's a very strange system compared to 4chan, but it seems to work for the most part
4) Use a chrome-based browser with the futakuro add-on if you want easy expanding images and a live thread feed like 4chanX. There's also support for ぼうよみちゃん which is fun to try now and then. Streamers actually use this legitimately for threads they host on img I'm pretty sure
5) The best archive now is ftbucket, there's no permanent archival
6) Lurk moar culture is strong, they have no wiki or matome like you get with 4chan and 5ch. Meta threads are super common though so it's easy to learn
Does that help?

>> No.32881655

I need to get it clear futaba is 2chan or 2ch, or is it the same thing?

>> No.32881764

2ch = 2channel = 5ch = 5channel
2chan = futaba =/= 2ch

To make things confusing Japanese often refer to 2ch as 2ちゃん. 2chan usually refers to itself as ふたば though so it's fine.

>> No.32881844
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>> No.32881858

No wonder I always forget.
I'm learning japanese soit might be good to use them.
Whats the best way to browse on phone? I use Kuroba for 4chan

>> No.32881895

Try ふたば on the google play store

>> No.32881980
File: 34 KB, 848x1100, 74F39D27-8277-4BC0-B59C-A429AA905F5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop going to my secret club you faggots

>> No.32881981

There seems to be 2 versions

>> No.32882281

Not my, OUR!
It's the green and white one with the leaf

>> No.32882283
File: 231 KB, 1018x717, 181-2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad that I never got to experience the early Japanese P2P era. There is so much old shit I'm looking for now that was shared back then and didn't survive to this day. Nowadays Japanese domestic piracy is almost completely eradicated, it's only DDL sites and gaijins on nyaa uploading, no more random individuals sharing their rips. You can still find some Japanese users on WinMX but it's a ghost town.

>> No.32882301
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>I'm around 60 for example
You're kidding

>> No.32882350
File: 63 KB, 900x1200, CD0CF005-8A33-4C0A-BB1B-5B0497080856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ed2k nigger stop downloading pedo content

>> No.32882385


>> No.32882561

Cute. Them struggling with english makes me feel less bad about struggling with japanese.

>> No.32882593

Has there ever been an incident where futaba anons actually interacted with anons from 4chan live at any greater scale
like a crossover thread

>> No.32882660

There was world2ch from way back

>> No.32882675

well how about we try again

>> No.32882853

PD is still a thing and has plenty of nip stuff.

>> No.32883012

I wonder if those japanese pedo circles are still out there

>> No.32883218
File: 30 KB, 600x550, 6lwkiw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread

>> No.32883224

PD has like 5000 active users and no real uploaders. Nobody has an archive of the old stuff.

>> No.32883262

One thing that hasn't changed much over the years is how brazen Japanese people are with sharing and downloading child porn. It's still treated like no big deal to own it.

>> No.32883368

Based ojisan

>> No.32883493


What I noticed is that Japan loves to play the perverted guy.

>> No.32883832

I imagine the sentiment of age being important in Japan is probably due to cultural respect for elders and the idea of people staying within their own age group.

That being said, I have a lot of respect for the older posters here, too. Anybody who got into this site when it began or even afterward who's above the age of 40 is a trooper to have to deal with the cesspool of insanity outside of occasional islands of sanity like this one.

>> No.32883865


>> No.32884104
File: 78 KB, 683x800, 00005438_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This website was pretty cool to stumble upon, catalogues figure prototypes from WF. Sadly doesnt seem to be active anymore, anyone know of anything similar?


>> No.32884730


Can this be used with yomichan or some built in dictionary?

>> No.32885110

Why are there many 二次元 boards? Also "back versions" 二次元裏

>> No.32887462


>> No.32888227

what do you mean? we have wojack and pepe

>> No.32888717
File: 38 KB, 331x251, not funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32888744

I don't go there as often, but one is always a serious board and the other is a shitpost board.
I could be wrong since I don't lurk there

>> No.32890945

裏 is usually for more joking around and NSFW-centric stuff.

By the way, of all the slang I've seen I'm still not sure what 粘着 means

>> No.32890999

Obsessed, retard.

>> No.32891398

Really? That would explain a lot

>> No.32895034

Is it better to call it 2ch or 5ch?

>> No.32895106

5ch, though context usually makes it obvious in case someone is unsure when you use 2ch

>> No.32895733

any browser like this for 4chan

>> No.32895765


>> No.32898035

That's pretty nice actually.

>> No.32903803

Dammit you got me.

>> No.32905552


>> No.32906409

There's never been such a browser for 4chan I think. 2ch has had dozens of them though

>> No.32906647

People that were interested in making OC here eventually got ran off.
It still happens rarely, when something can overcome being shouted down by the fun police.

They've quite literally become cancer.

>> No.32906713 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 1110x524, 1612019293146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah about that

>> No.32906863

this can't be...

>> No.32912798
File: 4 KB, 50x70, 1612037040127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32913619

Most older people on 4chan just don't give a shit. Majority of the 35+ people I know that use 4chan barely even post nowadays.

>> No.32913660

>Anybody who got into this site when it began
Nobody from RH still gets on here now. I think last time I saw somebody on there post a screenshot from 4chan it was some Hololive shit, funnily enough.

>> No.32913672
File: 56 KB, 565x768, Sitting Fluffy Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like looking at cats on futaba. I think I'm going to go there for a bit now.

>> No.32913715
File: 77 KB, 675x900, 1582368980882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32914081

Is C_V the pedophile still around?

>> No.32914130

go to onionちゃんねる

>> No.32914275

Yes, he still gets on and actively chats.

>> No.32914731

Do they only lurk?

>> No.32914767

...i-i’m 20

>> No.32914891

I can't speak for all of them, but most of the ones I know yes.

>> No.32917534

Its a fact that eating soil can relieve anxiety

>> No.32918150

>Its a fact that reading soil can relieve anxiety

>> No.32921080

>Yankee go home
Absolutely based. I want 2chan to insult me in broken English for the keks now

>> No.32921328

I want more

>> No.32921639
File: 80 KB, 1080x720, 1583076961154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32922717


>> No.32922871

I will be 34 yo this year and I rarely post here, but lurk at least once a day.

>> No.32922897
File: 127 KB, 900x600, history-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32933124

Any of you closet homosexuals know what the "Certainly heresy" meme is about? It's a 10 year old or so japanese meme, to my knowledge.

>> No.32933403
File: 135 KB, 285x277, Screenshot_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I try to download an image, the browser seems to crash?

>> No.32937649

You get to that point eventually.

>> No.32937767

really grinding through my japanese in order to post there, they have heaps more OC and less cancerous low-effort spam
>the game
newfag doesnt know lol

>> No.32937819
File: 227 KB, 768x1024, 1612119170266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32939560

Yeah that is pretty sad :(
Why do people not torrent in japan? Or do they?

>> No.32939820
File: 105 KB, 638x900, Medoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medoi is too cute

>> No.32939825

>newfag doesnt know lol

>> No.32939890

Piracy is illegal there and is actually punished so I imagine many natives just don't bother lest they want to lose everything over hentai_animatioj.mp4, or maybe some just do what everyone else does and use a VPN + seedbox? I haven't heard of the latter happening though, everyone seems compliant enough to just buy things.

>> No.32939925

I've heard renting is still very common there, probably a lot of people scared to pirate just rent + rip stuff to their PCs

>> No.32943231

...what am I looking at desu

>> No.32945638


>> No.32945673

>newfag doesnt know lol
I know.
I got banned 2 years ago for THE GAME posting.

>> No.32948497

I'm here right now, anon.

>> No.32948604

I had no idea about this, neat

>> No.32948637

>2) Moderation is entirely user-driven AFAIK. If you think a thread or post is bad/off-topic, click the del button at the top right corner. If enough people agree, and it hits a quota, it will be 隔離'd (quarantined) where you can link to it but it doesn't show up on the index or catalog. These threads usually die off quickly unless it's a controversial topic like politics, in which case it will probably keep getting replies. If more del requests come in, eventually the thread itself is deleted, but this threshold is pretty high I think. There are no jannies, the only mod is the admin. He's a cool guy. Illegal stuff is forbidden, that's the only true rule.
wow, that sounds genius.
too bad if we implemented that here people would abuse it.

>> No.32948668

>There's never been such a browser for 4chan
not true people used to use them for catalogs before they were introduced on 4chan but I have forgotten the names of it

>> No.32948686

Does NicoNico any sort of region-based comment system? I noticed a lot of videos have zero comments when the NicoNico I remember had tons of comments all over every video. Even video descriptions have some comments in them, but I can't see any.

>> No.32949920

Yeah I'm pretty sure EN has different comments. Nicovideo is a lot less popular these days though, it feels like people only use paid nicolive.

Btw the nicolive app is violating the app stores' rules, you can buy points without using IAP. Luckily thanks to Japanese design it's so hard to use nobody will ever find it.

>> No.32950719

>Nobody from RH still gets on here now.
Bold of you to assume that everyone in RH somehow became an upstanding member of society just because they stopped linking each other images from the same thread they're all reading.

>> No.32952464

Yes, most of them are functional members of society and outright state they don't like 4chan. Even at that, the thought that you can't use 4chan and be an upstanding member of society at the same time is retarded.

>> No.32952588 [DELETED] 

Still visit?

>> No.32952890

also still here, though it's been off and on over the years, only follow a very small set of threads across a few boards because everything else is fucking garbage, but i guess that also applies to a lot of the rest of the internet at this point
i'm just a grumpy old internet grandpa now

>> No.32952982

Do you still visit RH?

>> No.32953012


>> No.32953087

Why, when nearly everything they talk about is politics now?

>> No.32953181

vtubers and cursed technology are not politics

>> No.32953190

Hence the "nearly". Constantly improving a PC is fun, though.

>> No.32953330

they're friends i've known for many years, there's been plenty of times they talk about stuff i don't give a shit about, i just don't get involved in those convos

>> No.32953341

That's understandable.

>> No.32955254

Is there any P2P service more popular/reliable than PD that Japs use?

>> No.32955259

Yes, you have to switch to 日本語 to see Japanese comments, along with Japanese user-contributed tags.

>> No.32955293

Are those bouillon cubes?

>> No.32955578

The number of people sad about the original nyaa's demise on the nip internet tells a different story.

>> No.32955604

Yeah, I still get quite a few downloads from nips on torrents I upload to nyaa.

>> No.32958692

Pretty large SJIS art "dictionary". Some pages may not work, however most work after automatically redirecting.

>> No.32962192

>Yes, you have to switch to 日本語 to see Japanese comments, along with Japanese user-contributed tags
That makes zero sense.

>> No.32966451

That's a real shame.

>> No.32966525


>> No.32968568

It makes sense from the perspective that most English users would not understand Japanese, and many Japanese would not understand or simply not want English/foreign comments.
Keep in mind, this system was set up more than a decade ago, when Niconico was actively marketing itself in the "West" (English speaking, USA-implied) and Taiwan. They were trying to actively carve out a different niche for each language.

>> No.32969168
File: 700 KB, 2048x1536, 1209823178048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to go back to when OC was the norm and everyone on this site made fun of places like Reddit that just recycle the same rage faces and the like and use copypasted images and shitty vectors as their main source of "OC". Now everyone here is the same except for some small pockets of creativity that are ridiculed as "cringe" by the kids.

>> No.32969199

The way I see it there is still plenty of OC, more than most places on the web, but there's also a lot of content to go around fitting for their purposes so the drive to put out content is less than before.

>> No.32975092
File: 111 KB, 512x512, 1612276200933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32975387

internet archive exists

>> No.32975793

How do I access the eroge board on 5chan?

>> No.32978679

Ask your parents for approval.

>> No.32979291

Winny and Share are supposed to have more users but last time I tried them the file retention was really bad.

>> No.32979414

What if they said no

>> No.32980016

You need a japanese IP for BBSPink

>> No.32980116
File: 85 KB, 655x575, akuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dumb dog

>> No.32980475

can you guy explain every boards on futaba for me?

>> No.32980738

>and everyone on this site made fun of places like Reddit that just recycle the same rage faces and the like and use copypasted images and shitty vectors as their main source of "OC".
The hatred for reddit became almost solely political while 4chan started just copying and recycling memes. Wojak isn't even from here, and everything else is usually a repost from twitter.
>Now everyone here is the same except for some small pockets of creativity that are ridiculed as "cringe" by the kids.
I feel like it was jaded oldfags who hated everything that got big and wasn't theirs anymore, and the newer people adopted the worst aspects of this.

>> No.32984048

>Wojak isn't even from here
I'd consider wojak a part of Western imageboard culture at large though, starting on Polish imageboards and establishing the neutral "that feel when" template on Krautchan.
But that's probably why it took so long to become a mainstay on 4chan. Krautchan was a more mellow, plain imageboard, and wojak typified the quiet desperation of Bernd. It wasn't until wojak was re-interpreted as a foil to pepe and was flanderized as the universal failure (with pepe as the universal victor) that it became inseparable from 4chan.

>> No.32984054
File: 19 KB, 574x720, 10362859_10152433987563972_1155266719136879866_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut im sayin man

>> No.32984369 [DELETED] 

i’m 16??? anon ojisan... please keep good health from now on

>> No.32984537 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 551x630, 1596338943432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot where this image was and went through multiple threads trying to find it again.

>> No.32986133

just copy and it should be put into yomichan's clipboard inserter (turn on clipoard monitor in the word search)

>> No.32986182

Do VPNs work on 2hannel and futaba? Like mullvad japanese servers for example.

>> No.32992090
File: 1.38 MB, 4096x2961, 72288887-84E0-4E09-A591-8ABB65DA8754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32994095

I remember in 2014 or so some futaba posters were looking through a Kiniro Mosaic thread on /a/ and were translating it. I remember someone posted a picture that said "I'll fuk u up m8" and they translated it as "ボコボコしてやるぞ"

>> No.32994456

There's at least one 4chan matome blog

>> No.32996363

I am in the middle of drawing a manga about /jp/ users being turned into fairies but after seeing the state this board is in I don't want it to be about /jp/ anymore, what is the japanese imageboard with the biggest touhou board? I see a bunch, my japanese is below average so once I finish all the chapters I have planned all I'll have to do is translate it to japanese and substitute /jp/ with their board

>> No.32999796

. ((o(・ω・` )(o))
   /    /

    ヽ   ヽ

( ´・ω・) おど〜るはげをみ〜てる〜
( つ旦O

>> No.32999872

I still randomly see /jp/ mentioned when I go on Touhou-Ura so it is not a thing that only happened 7 years ago

>> No.33003316


>> No.33003451

It got mentioned again a few hours ago.
Go see for yourself.

>> No.33003464

yea I know, a few threads were even made on here if you can tell.

>> No.33003519

It'll be one to remember.
They're quite fun to read.

>> No.33005588

I managed to post there once with a nip address from BitDefender.

>> No.33005679

I did once from a mobile IP about a year ago.
I wish I hadn't done so then.

>> No.33005699

Why is that?

>> No.33006386
File: 145 KB, 891x1017, japanese clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these drawings called/where can I find them?

>> No.33012774


>> No.33012896
File: 218 KB, 574x800, happy_schoolgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33017625

I just want to see the sjis
<span class="sjis">
. ((o(・ω・` )(o))
   /    /

    ヽ   ヽ

( ´・ω・) おど〜るはげをみ〜てる〜
( つ旦O

>> No.33020980

You can just go on that pawoo account again. Eventually you'll find some other big japanese instances through that if you want to jump ship, not like you'd need to since it's all federated anyway.

>> No.33021339
File: 423 KB, 800x800, internet_god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty great

>> No.33032597

Some of them are comical. You'll find a few funny ones if you look hard enough.

>> No.33032597,1 [INTERNAL] 

This doesnt seem to work (╥_╥) I read up on everything and I can connect just fine, but no matter which gate I choose 2ch will still say its blocked/restricted when i try to post

>> No.33032597,4 [INTERNAL] 

