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3285892 No.3285892 [Reply] [Original]

Would you drink that juice?

>> No.3285900

I would bathe in it.

>> No.3285920

She probably pissed in it.

>> No.3285928

That's why we're drinking it in the first place.

>> No.3285957
File: 223 KB, 724x1024, c199f466cceee3bad7d26062a346221c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather drink Minoriko's pee

>> No.3285959

Delicious NEET wine.

>> No.3285972

I bat Kaguya doesn't bathe for months after making that wine.

>> No.3286005

I bet Kaguya hadn't bathed for months before making that wine.

>> No.3286026

I'd eat or drink anything that came into contact with Kaguya's feet.

>> No.3286028

Both of these statements excite me terribly. Alas, they're not true. NEET isn't canon. Agreeable, somewhat-airheaded bubbly princess with a knack for conversation and histories is.

>> No.3286030

I want my drink NEET, I don't like it on the rocks...

>> No.3286040

Kaguya working?!? WTF?

>> No.3286058


I can't believe you even need to ask that question.

>> No.3286074


>> No.3286081

Kaguya would never do this.

>> No.3286087


oh /jp/....still the pinnacle of witticism

>> No.3286089
File: 38 KB, 704x400, pun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3286097



>> No.3286101


Them's fighting words here...

>> No.3286104


Just imagine, after all that sedimentary lifestyle and the amount of work required to crush them, her feet will be sweating the entire way.

>> No.3286105

No job. Not enrolled in any school. Not taking training for any kind of work.
Kaguya is a canon NEET. You do know what NEET means, right?

>> No.3286126

You meant sedentary, I'm sure, but somehow I giggled like a schoolgirl.

>> No.3286129

In the same sense that a wealthy heiress is a NEET, sure if you want to be technical about it. It's not like anyone in Gensokyo besides Keine has a proper job. Mystia and her lamprey stand? Aya and her 'successful' newspaper? Please.

>> No.3286133


Shitting on the floor/out the window?

>> No.3286151


I was actually going for a shitting pun, but upon checking, apparently they only use sediment with compost, not the cowshit.

>> No.3286882

Drink the wine of the crushed hearts of her lunarian enemies? No. As a Communist I'd have to ensure her eternal execution for war crimes.

>> No.3286888


I would masturbate with it.

>> No.3286896

Isn't Mystia's stand surprisingly successful?

>> No.3286900

No, I would shoot her in the head. Then stand above her and shoot her every time she wakes back up.

>> No.3286904


You'll run out of bullets eventually.

Even if the entire universe (except for you and Kaguya) were turned into bullets.

>> No.3286911

I would run out of life, before i ran out of bullets. I will get old and die as I continue to put holes in her.

>> No.3286913


Marisa is a freelance youkai exterminator, apparently own a magic shop, and Mokou is a mercenary of sorts. You can hire her to bodyguard your shit when you're out in the middle of nowhere with tons of hungry youkai.

>> No.3286926

Automatic Guillotine powered by chemical decomposition of the head and oiled by an oil fairy.

>> No.3286932

More like she guides people past the bamboo forest because that faggot rabbit got some poor bastards lost again.

Gensokyo's youkai pretty much cannot eat the humans within.

>> No.3286934

How about a fire fueled by her previous corpses.

>> No.3286935


You forgot a Repair Fairy to keep your fancy machine from merely breaking down from use.

>> No.3286941


Ah, is that why in-game they always threaten to eat the player?

>> No.3286945


Eventually the particles that comprise it will break down into lesser elements and radiation.


>> No.3286949


I love how he failed to consider what would happen when the blade could no longer cut.

>> No.3286952

Jettison her in space, its the only way to be sure.

>> No.3286951


Why is it that in-game they only mess with the Shrine Maiden/Ordinary Black Magic Girl and play danmaku games with them?

I mean, Utsuho wanted to melt Gensokyo. Why play a game?


>> No.3286959

I want to see who lives longer. Her or Jack Harkness (from Torchwood and Dr Who).

>> No.3286960


That's like handing the Queen piece back to your opponent in a game of chess...

>> No.3286969

blade bluntness is a feature not a bug. I take it you haven't read many accounts of failed guillotineings? Repair is my business, and the business of my inheritors. Fairies are too stupid to repair.

>> No.3286977

Even Marisa does that. Post-EoSD people return safely even on bad ends, and it's stated the insiders aren't really eaten, cook teams are sent outside to bring in a few bums whenever they feel like eating human.

Wild animals and fairies are another concern though.

>> No.3286978

i would lick it off her feet in a goddamn heartbeat

>> No.3286981

How so. She will die forever, until the stars go cold and go out. Who knows what happens after that.

>> No.3286997

Kaguya is no buddha in hell. With all eternity and a Party Spirit we will break her, we will turn her, and we will remake her as a New Soviet Woman.

>> No.3287003

After eating the whole universe, Azathoth will have a mean stomach ache and eventually vomit Kaguya out. Then they can keep each other company, with the mindless flutists eternally playing Lunatic Princess.

>> No.3287021

When the universe is gone, there will be nowhere to vomit to. She will die eternally in digestive juices.
