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3282103 No.3282103 [Reply] [Original]

So I recently started ep4 (slowpoke etc.); when does this shit finally end and I get my Beato/Battler fights back?

I can't take this shit anymore.

>> No.3282107

Shonen faggot.

>> No.3282111

Typical /jp/ user.

Note its ADHD.

>> No.3282128

Just because you had your times in Ep3 with the anti-mystery that doesn't means the anti-fantasy side can't get some clues from the background, and a viewpoint how to think by the person of Ange

>> No.3282137

Be prepared for more tedious flashbacks (or forward, I don't know anymore), and OH NO BULLIES, TOTALLY NOT TRYING TO FORCE US TO SYMPATHIZE WITH HER WITH AN OVERUSED THEME.

>> No.3282139

As you suffer through Ange, remember: IT'S ALL BERN'S FAULT.

>> No.3282150

God, I fucking hate that faggot... Rosa did th right thing.

>> No.3282155

>So I recently started ep4 (slowpoke etc.); when does this shit finally end and I get my Beato/Battler fights back?

The end of the Episode.

Go take your ADD and kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.3282156

How can you hate a little boy that does nothing but being awesome to Maria and Ange?

Oh. It's because he's a shota, isn't it.

>> No.3282160

EP4 is broign to the point of wanting to put a gun to my head. Ange and Maria messed it up.

>> No.3282174

I think I was on that part too.

Where's my OP4 Opening?

>> No.3282200

Yeah it is kinda long. Don't worry awesomeness ensues afterwards.

The main problem is like this

EP3 teaparty can be summed up like: Ange's life is shit, it's been really bad, Eva has been bad, bad stuff.

"Oh....damn that sucks"

EP4 first half is summed up like: Ange is SAAAAAAAAAD, be sympathetic to her. She's been through alot. You understand? Just in case you don't lets show you 4 more hours of her being sad.


>> No.3282213

Feel sorry for Ange yet? Don't worry! We have lots of scenes left of her being depressed just for you!

>> No.3282230

In during feces tempest.

>> No.3282247


>> No.3282917

God forbid we actually have some plot between all the magic fights and stupid theories.

>> No.3282933 [DELETED] 


>> No.3282940

There is good plot and there is boring shitty excuse of a plot.
Ange part was in the second category.

>> No.3282974 [SPOILER] 
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The real good part of EP4

>> No.3282981

Yeah, except that we probably learned more in Ange's plot about what's really going on than the first 3 games combined.

>> No.3282987

The only good parts of ep4 were the tea parties.
Everything else was either boring shit or absurd facepalming shit.

>> No.3282991

I feel you OP, me too. I'm still at this part and honestly don't care for Ange and the Maria doll bullshit.

>> No.3282998

Doesn't excuse its shittiness.

>> No.3283026

Yeah.. I dropped it for about a month since I couldn't stand the Ange deal, it gets better though.

>> No.3283045

Don't tell me you weren't impressed by Goldsmith slaughtering his family.

>> No.3283050

Ep 4 > Ep 3 >> Ep 2 >>>>> Ep 1

Seriously, fuck you Ange haters. Ep 4 was the most informative ep so far. Not only was Ange the most realistic character so far, she also uncovered more truth than Battler has in all his trollgames with Beato. You just don't like her because she isn't very fappable.

>> No.3283055

And I thought /jp/ was better than this, but then again I forgot it's all 4chan anyway.

>> No.3283072

I'd rather have things being left out, making you feel unconfortable and use your imagination like in the first episodes than information being showed down your throat.

>> No.3283066


I didn't like it because it was boring.

Ange had a bad childhood WAAH for hours isn't very entertaining, even if it did help to explain a few things.

>> No.3283077

Please define a good /jp/ thread then.

>> No.3283088
File: 82 KB, 624x800, Ange and Mammon Switched Clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just don't like her because she isn't very fappable.

Says who?

>> No.3283094

This, her backstory felt forced since she was just introduced, and it doesn't help it was so fucking long.

Yeah it gave us alot of hints, but you have to accept those parts were boring.

>> No.3283104
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>she isn't very fappable


>> No.3283109

Her comments about the outfits were just calling for it.

>> No.3283121

I think he means how fat she looks in the game.

>> No.3283126
File: 206 KB, 627x885, angemammon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just don't like her because she isn't very fappable.


>> No.3283128


>> No.3283137
File: 104 KB, 366x360, angebigmac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks fine, see?

>> No.3283138

same person.

>> No.3283147

Sauce/Author/Moar/OH GOD

>> No.3283151

>This, her backstory felt forced since she was just introduced
Enjoy your Erika.

>> No.3283155

No, actually I'm only

>> No.3283175
File: 97 KB, 640x480, ougonkage1us0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ange actually sided with Lambdadelta in the frozen meta-world scene and faked her death to give Battler a boost.

>> No.3283216

Isn't it logical to present the backstory of a character when you introduce them? It's better than how most of the characters introduced in Episode 1 didn't receive significant development until 2, 3, or even 4.

>> No.3283243

>It's better than how most of the characters introduced in Episode 1 didn't receive significant development until 2, 3, or even 4.
I wouldn't call that development. Beato, Ange, Maria and Rosa are the only characters who I would consider somewhat developed at this point.

>> No.3283248


Not when the characters are more socially retarded then most people on 4chan.

>> No.3283261

Ange made an imaginary friend, which is more than most of us had.

>> No.3283272

Eva has had significant character development.

>> No.3284906

I see it like such

Episode 1 focused on Natsuhi
Episode 2 focused on Rosa, Kanon, Shannon, Jessica, and George
Episode 3 focused on Eva
Episode 4 focused on Ange, and to some extent Kyrie and Krauss.

We have had no real development from the sons of Kinzo.


I didn't mean to say Ange was a bad character. Your are correct, she is realistic. My post earlier was only explaining that the game gave alot of emphasis on her suffering, which is a double-edged sword (some people hate it, other people like it)

>> No.3284938

Not sure why everyone whines about OP taking a shit on the background of every minor character.

We want to see some Battler/Beatrice action, dammit. Fuck your sidestories.

>> No.3284942

>I want to see some Battler/Beatrice action

>> No.3284953

Well, OP is obviously with me, so "we".

>> No.3284974
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That's impossible.

>> No.3284989
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>> No.3284993

That's because Ryu07's not copying And Then There Were None, he's copying Scream. The killers are the boyfriends.

>> No.3285056 [DELETED] 

>>And Then There Were None
...goddamn it took me a while to figure out that it was the same as the Seven Little Niggers.
