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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 71 KB, 800x600, snap004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3278939 No.3278939 [Reply] [Original]

Why do both choices lead to a bad end?

>> No.3278945

what VN is this

>> No.3278951

You fucked up the minigame.

>> No.3278954

Actually IIRC the only way to even get two choices is to win the minigame. I'm sure one of those choices won't lead to a game over.

>> No.3278955

are they awesome bad ends?

>> No.3278956

GTFO furry devs

>> No.3278980

fuck your shitty niggacock furry game

>> No.3278991

where can I torrent this?

>> No.3278999

gtfo amateraniggasu dev

>> No.3279004

Isn't the goal of the minigame to light up all the lights on the bottom left and right side of the screen? I did that.

Well, both of those leads to gameover. If you picked the second the 'guy'(most random mindfuck ever) wont listen to you and you also end up closing your eyes.

B-but I voted for Baldr Sky.

>> No.3279009

reported for furry

>> No.3279012

The game is fully voiced?

>> No.3279015


>> No.3279023

oh /jp/
always turning around and attacking the things you created, the things you loved. i'm glad you're all neets, you'd make terrible parents.

>> No.3279034

shitty game isn't. liarsoft decided to randomly voice shit

also sage for rigged poll

no one loved this piece of shit furfag festival. you rarely saw a thread in months. now gtfo

>> No.3279036


>> No.3279046


reported for shameless samefag self bump faggotry

>> No.3279048

I voted for something else, don't turn your rage on me buddy

>> No.3279065

Direct download for anybody interested.
The point of the minigame is to get as much communications with characters as possible. When you've done with enough for one character, he or she leaves.

>> No.3279069
File: 246 KB, 690x480, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game is fully voiced?
Not full voiced. Only important key characters are voiced. Around half of the cast.

>> No.3279087

I see so I guess you need to select that 'guy' as much as possible?

So what does the icons that lights up on the bottom left and right of the screen mean?

>> No.3279092

>fully voiced

>> No.3279095
File: 65 KB, 800x600, image033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sophisticated enough to drink with a loli?

>> No.3279097


Do those "key characters" include the protagonist?

>> No.3279098

Honestly, I have no idea.

>> No.3279099

>are you furry enough to play a shitty game?

gtfo raide you son of a nigger

>> No.3279112

Obviously not. Most of the voiced characters are female.

>> No.3279119

Where are the people that played this game?
Or did everyone that voted for it voted blindly?

>> No.3279125

thanks, now I could report another instance of inganock download links

>> No.3279128


Well, damn it.

>> No.3279134

>Where are the people that played this game?
It's a handfull of people who would never set a foot on /jp/

>Or did everyone that voted for it voted blindly?
No, the poll was rigged by amaterasu team.

>> No.3279137

What part of us complaining about rigged polls did you not see

>> No.3279147

I dunno about you guys, but I like the catgirl's voice. It's pretty unique.

>> No.3279158


fuck you furfag

>> No.3279163

shameless amaterasu bump poster


>> No.3279173

Its obvius we all voted for it because of the art.

>> No.3279178

didn't I call it? see, huge shitstorm.

>> No.3279180

Seeing that this is a Liar-Soft thread, what other games from them are good? I see Forest and Kusarihime get mentioned a lot, but what about Love&Dead? That's more recent one from them.

>> No.3279189

I know, I'm also one of the people complaining. I voted for Baldr Sky.

Well I decided to give the game a chance, so far it so good - the environment is grim/depressing and the music is good. There's even a random mindfuck thrown in. Too bad I'm stuck with two choices that both leads to a gameover.

I'd still vote for Baldr Sky though.

>> No.3279195

amaterasu looking for new rigged poll material?

>good art
I lol'd, texture over texture is what you call good art?
Go fuck yourself.

sage for amaterasu attempted hype of a shitty game

>> No.3279200

Anyway I wouldn't mind seeing this translated especially since I found ATLAS useless for this game.

>> No.3279206

The first choices in the game? The amount you get depends on how you did on the communication game earlier, basically you have to keep it going for long enough for most of the characters to leave.

>> No.3279216

...What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.3279228
File: 115 KB, 800x600, snap005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's the first minigame. So what does the icon on the bottom left and right side of the screen that lights up means?

>> No.3279243

Are you retarded enough to not notice >>3278951 was trolling? OP pic is from a NON FURRY game called sieken something -what beautiful people-

>> No.3279246

you fags would've bitched about whatever got translated. that's why you are small-time reading /jp/ late at night on a weekday while Ixrec is off having his cock sucked and playing games in their original japanese. also shut up about baldr sky, all the voting for that was just as rigged and it wasn't even on their initial list anyway.

>> No.3279256

>is off having his cock sucked and playing games in their original japanese
You lost me

>> No.3279258
File: 14 KB, 200x150, sekien_no_inganock3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



reported for amaterasu viral marketing

>> No.3279262

sage for obvious amaterasu staff member

>> No.3279266

Why so freaked out? Have they even said for sure 100% this is what they are doing next?

>> No.3279267

Oh that whore? I think none of us care about her. The only reason I'd play that game is for the loli. So fuck you and go yiff in hell if you think everybody is like you. You CLOSET FURRY.

>> No.3279271 [DELETED] 


>> No.3279278

enjoy your no loli h-scene

sage for furry

>> No.3279277 [DELETED] 

Sure the loli is a furry indeed.

>> No.3279282

This thread is the reason why nothing should be translated.

>> No.3279284


It won the poll, so I'm kind of assuming that's the case

>> No.3279285

I had the hcgs, you can fuck the loli. So fuck you.

>> No.3279286

>Baldr Sky
No it isn't, /m/ didn't care - too busy being butthurt about MuvLuv.
You should have played the game to see how awesome it is. Hell it has the highest EGS score out of all the contenders.

>> No.3279287

Are you an idiot?

>> No.3279288

troll somewhere else raide

sage for amaterasu

>> No.3279290

No, you only get to see the breast.

>> No.3279297



lol shattered hopes

>> No.3279373

Yeh right.

>> No.3279394

>implying that kissing is h content

Nigga you gay?

>> No.3279410

There's a short scene afterward of touching and potentially sex. At least that's what it looks like. Pussy is never ever shown for any character to begin with in the h-scenes.

>> No.3279427

Though I must say it was quite a disapointing scene. I just hope it's an actual h-scene if not FFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

>> No.3279431

Keep dreaming, I'll be here laughing at you.

>> No.3279435

Nice job derailing my thread.

So can anyone answer my question? How do you play the minigame properly? What's the significance of the 6 icons on the bottom left and right of the screen?

>> No.3279441

So you're saying the scene where he touches her delicious flat chest is not a h-scene? If so FUCK THAT SHIT.

>> No.3279445

haha /jp/ is full of children

>> No.3279449

I finished the minigame fine without paying any attention to those icons. Just look at the ones on top to see who can speak next and try not to get into situation where nobody has turn anymore.
I think you'll have enough done when two people have left.

>> No.3279470

Come on now, does that look like an hscene? Look at the freakin hand position.

>> No.3279474


With all of the meme spamming and immature post about pooping your pants, you really didn't have to point it out.

>> No.3279642 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 800x600, snap006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I managed to get past it. There's a choice that appeared which resulted in a shounen battle.

I guess the real deal guy would be satisfied with this.

Kinda cliche though, especially the two probably antagonist thats observing far away and laughing manically.

>> No.3279656 [SPOILER] 
File: 373 KB, 720x900, 1245180968211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another "real deal" scene from the game. it gets pretty badass from here out.

>> No.3279689


Leave /jp/ and go get driven over by ten trucks. Sekien no Inganock was a fantastic game before you'd ever heard of it, so don't start bitching about it because some random translation team had some poll and the game you voted for didn't win. It doesn't matter if the poll was rigged or not, the point is that you're a faggot and translation projects don't matter.

Go back to your Nounai Kanojo games or whatever the fuck it is you did before you came here.

>> No.3279698

>the 'guy'
Wait, what, the protagonist is a reversetrap?

>> No.3279712


>> No.3279725
File: 277 KB, 806x625, Image5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand the rage against Inganock. Those who've played it tend to say it's a good fantasy story, and it's never garners any hate on /jp/ before - rather, there was a small handful of people who liked Liar Soft games, whilst the rest largely ignored them due to only being in Japanese.

>> No.3279727

Some fags are bawwing because baldr sky won't be translated for a few votes, Don't sweat it.

>> No.3279735

Trying way too hard

>> No.3279737

Oh, I also forgot to say, that the few votes who gave advantage to inganock were with proxy and xbox live fags

>> No.3279743

Proxy voting sucks, but what's wrong with telling your friends to vote?

>> No.3279748


Everything, because they're clearing voting for something he dissaproves of.

>> No.3279749

The most I can summon is a meh. Proxies and other shenanigans would have occured for all the options, it's just the nature of an internet poll. Hence why I think holding an internet poll for something like this is retarded, because...

Well, you get shit like this thread about it.

>> No.3279757

Rigged poll was rigged, the worst possible choice was the one that won, fucking bullshit.

>> No.3279758

Memoria was nothing more than a moemoe game.

>> No.3279759
File: 25 KB, 575x539, lambdadeltatea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is crying in public over your choice not making it here.

>> No.3279762

At least that has full voice acting. And better art. And a longer story. And more CG, And...

>> No.3279765

In the first place I don't get what's the point in doing a poll. Isn't it better to leave the decision to the translator, since he is going to make the effort and knows a bit better whats good? Gore screaming show got too many votes for my confort (mostly for trolls, i'm sure, black cyc games are not enjoyable)

>> No.3279769

>At least that has full voice acting.
>And better art.
I prefer Inganock's.
>And a longer story.
>And more CG
I prefer Inganock's presentation

It's entirely subjective.

>> No.3279771

I like how 99% of the argument is between people who don't understand the games in the first place, hence they want a translation.

"MY GAME IS BETTER THAN YOURS" lacks punch without, you know, actually knowing what it's like. Polls for translations are fucking retarded.

>> No.3279781

No, people are butthurt over the obviously rigged poll.

>> No.3279789

That too, yeah

>> No.3279791

Which is why people are insulting Inganock instead of the actual poll.

Also it's a poll on the internet. What do you fucking expect?

>> No.3279871

It's because its the one that won.

>> No.3279899

people are butthurt about the poll, because one of the only two kusoges in the list won. WTF /jp/?

>> No.3279900

Everything translated or in the process is shit.

>> No.3279907

There was only one kusoge on the list, and it certainly wasn't Inganock. Everything else on the list was fantastic.

>> No.3279927

Not everything fantastic, rather almost everything was good to great.
I'd say everything except Never7 was a solid 8/10 or higher.
Inganock is solid and pretty short, it's a good introduction to liarsoft too.
It may have not been the best eroge on that list but there's really nothing to complain about, it's still pretty good.

>> No.3279943

sage for furry game

>> No.3279979

Bump to piss off furry haters.
Embrace the furry.

>> No.3280088

age for best VN since Katawa Shoujo

>> No.3280102

Get out.

>> No.3280116

It's amusing to see the board that fucking adored Wanko, a wankfest that was about fucking loli doggirls and catgirls, calling Inganock a furry game.

The butthurt is palpable.

>> No.3280123
File: 38 KB, 214x216, joo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the board that fucking adored Wanko

>> No.3280129

/a/ never adored Wanko, what are you talking about?

>> No.3280138

Oh you.

>> No.3280149

oh me, huh?

You think this is the same /jp/ that adored Wanko?

>> No.3280150
File: 66 KB, 396x594, DPJ+Leader+Yukio+Hatoyama+Holds+Press+Conference+4H1lgcch09dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying /jp/ wasn't filled for weeks with hugely positive talk about Wanko.

>> No.3280156

He is right, Wanko was loved plenty when it was released, lots of threads about it daily.
You may have missed it since you are new or something.

>> No.3280162

If it was just a straight furry game like Wanko, instead of something pretentious looking and closet-furry like, it'd be more acceptable.

>> No.3280182

What's the matter? Not enough furry for you?

>> No.3280233

Hey guys, I haven't played this game but I need some help finding something obvious to attack it with. I'm thinking of using the term "Furry", "Goth", or "Pretentious", but I also think those are overused and terribly cliche. I also don't want anyone to call me out for calling it pretentious when I can't back it up, except for saying something like "Look how SRS BSNESS it is, VNs should just be AWESOME with missiles for appendages and laser duels." Does anyone else have a suggestion? Do you think it would work if I just replied to every thread with a sage and a sarcastic "Oh, this game looks FANTASTIC. I'm SO excited for this to be translated. Those characters are REALLY original there."

>> No.3280387

Shut the fuck up or at least try to reply seriously to my serious question.

>> No.3280549


>> No.3280567


>> No.3280595

How about these?
"Loli in this game isn't moe at all."
"Just the women are voiced, Jesus Christ."
"They're just trying to appeal to dolljoint fetishists."
"Background music gets horribly repetive."

>> No.3280611

>"Loli in this game isn't moe at all."

Why would you even care about if something is moe or not if you want a rape game like Baldr translated?

>> No.3280616

Yes, that's not very well said. Give infos etc.

>> No.3280633

>rape game like Baldr
Typical furfag that never played Baldr Sky

>> No.3280640


Pot telling kettle he didn't read his game.

>> No.3280641

I have played Baldr Sky but I haven't played Inganock however. But if you have played it why would you want it translated so bad?

>> No.3280652


And what's wrong with rape only weak minded people can't appreciate the art of rape

>> No.3280661


I see FHC posts as anonymous also.

>> No.3280662

If you like rape so much why don't you just read something from say Black lilith?

>> No.3280672


Because I enjoy everything from gore to rape to consensual sex

>> No.3280673

I would guess that Baldr is as much of a rape game as Inganock is a furfag game.

>> No.3280674

What the hell, Baldr Sky only has one rape scene per route and it only happens if you're slow enough in killing the enemies.

>> No.3280684

It still has rape, therefor rape game.

>> No.3280687


And what's wrong with that?

>> No.3280696

Just like what is wrong with Inganock having one scene with that furry?

>> No.3280700


Nothing? The game itself is bad compared to Baldr Sky

>> No.3280701

I guess it's a matter of taste, I prefer rape over furry.

>> No.3280707

Isn't that just a matter of taste? I thought Baldr sucked and Inganock isn't really my type of game.

>> No.3281240

Furry bump
