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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3278207 No.3278207 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3278223


>> No.3278226

Typical /jp/ thread.

Note how it puts all the text in the image.

>> No.3278227

and that's sad frog worthy because?

>> No.3278247

we don't give a shit, bro.
move on.

>> No.3278250

The industrial capabilities of Japan were too limited to match those of the US. They were incapable of replacing the losses they suffered fast enough to stand a chance.

>> No.3278259

>>technological impairments


>> No.3278261

Debatable, depending on your definition of "winning" World War II. A war is the use of armed force by a state to realize a goal. While Japan would never have been able to control the United States or even hold most of the territory it seized from the United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands, it might have been able to hold onto much of it's gains in China dependent on the situation in Europe.

>> No.3278265

Old Japan was full of ruthless nationalistic monsters.

New Japan is full of materialistic overworked idiots.

The world sucks, your glorious Nihon isn't any better.

>> No.3278286


What? That should be a "Fuck yeah!" image. Japan losing WWII helped return Shinto to its roots from the bastarised Kokka Shinto that was enforced.

>> No.3278316

Japan could not have. However, the Axis could have, and should have, in my opinion.

>> No.3278327

instead of frowning frog it should have been a guy with thumbs up

>> No.3278331
File: 18 KB, 379x214, 1249538810466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, as much as I like little girls and silly hats, and seagulls crying, fuck Japan.

>> No.3278336

You think the Nazis should have won? You're one hardcore dude!

>> No.3278349

You do realize that with eugenics, neckbeards like you would be gassed right?

>> No.3278363
File: 67 KB, 491x349, fuckinggooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed your image, OP.

>> No.3278391


I'm German, I have a feeling that I wouldn't have been gassed. Post-war Germany was terrible place, my grandparents endured a lot of hardships because of the aftermath of the war.
It probably is very selfish to think that, but my family (and most likely myself) would have been better off if the war had ended differently.

>> No.3278415

If the First World War had ended with the Triple Alliance winning, things would be different around here!

>> No.3278432

They might've had a chance before Midway.

>> No.3279093

Funny thing, I was playing an Alternate History mod for HoI2 in which that happened.

Let's just say that it doesn't end well for Germany.

>> No.3279113

Japan was too ambitious anyway. They should've just supported the Axis from the sidelines and donated supplies, assisted in research and technology, and provided a base. Instead, they wanted to get all up in everything. They're just one tiny little country, it's kinda LOL to think they could really fuck with China or the US very much, but if they'd have been a good right-hand man for Germany things might've been really different.

>> No.3279121

I'm guessing ... Kaiserreich? You dirty Syndicalist, you.

>> No.3279124

Germany would've won if they had left the soviet union the hell alone.

>> No.3279138

Yeah, I lol'd hard when this old guy was saying Japan could have taken over the US. They had like no resources and were barely modernized if you want to call it that.

>> No.3279149

They're one tiny little country, but going against China back at that time was a total joke, and most of the reason why they were able get so much territory on them. If they didn't attack Pearl Harbor and didn't have to fight the front against the US, China might as well be called "Area 10" today.

>> No.3279151

This. Invading the USSR was a dumb move.

>> No.3279154

>They're just one tiny little country
The UK is smaller, and used to be the world's biggest superpower back in their empire days.

>> No.3279155

The thing is, in Germany things were turning to shit towards the end of the war. Even if they had won, they wouldn't be too well off at all.
It would be a Pyrrhic victory at best.
Read up on some history.

>> No.3279175

The problem with Pearl Harbor was that they won the battle, striking a blow that knocked the US down, but they didn't finish it. They "sunk" all of the US battleships. But only two of those ships were sunk permanently. The other ships were all raised again and refitted and came back more modern and more powerful than they were originally within a couple of years.

Now look at how big the fleet was that attacked Pearl Harbor. It wasn't just aircraft carriers, they had many battleships too. The Japanese battleships of the that year were more modern, stronger and better armored than their American counterparts. They should have simply waited outside of Pearl Harbor, hitting them nonstop, reloading their planes and hitting again, focusing on airplanes and land targets. This would have forced the US ships to sortie to either escape or fight back. And they all would have been sunk out at sea, where they couldn't be raised again.

>> No.3279184

You know this is a stupid statement yet you said it anyway.

>> No.3279211


"But what about the American aircraft carriers?" You might be saying. They won the war for the Americans right?

This is another blunder on the part of the Japanese. At the battle of Midway, they only sent four carriers, assuming that by only matching us, they could beat us. They didn't account for the fact that Lady Luck was on the American side that day, and they lost.

But what if this had happened instead? What if the Japanese had withdrawn their other four carriers from the Solomons and sent all eight of them to Midway to destroy the American carriers? Then our getting lucky and sinking the first three would not have made any difference, because then it would have been five carriers attack craft attacking ours. Even with only the planes from the Hiryu, they were able to sink one of our carriers. if they had had the other four, they would have sunk the whole American carrier force. They could have finished off anything that remained with their battleships, which never got to see action during the battle. Also, after attacking the Japanese carriers and sinking the first three, there were barely any American strike aircraft still remaining as most had already been shot down. Once again, if they had had all of their Carriers there to meet all of ours, they would have won.

If they had won Midway, it would have been the end of American resistance in the Pacific, with the complete destruction of the American Pacific fleet (if they had completely sunk the battleships at Pearl Harbor, as suggested above, instead of just temporarily sinking most of them in the shallow harbor).

>> No.3279219

Japan did a pretty good job of conquering most of Southeast Asia. At land battles, they routinely were able to rout defending garrisons two and three times the size of their armies. If they had found a way to keep the U.S. and the Soviets out of the war, they could have probably been able to occupy China by appointing local warlords loyal to themselves, similar to how the British kept India under their control.

>> No.3279280

To debate alternate histories of Germany, consider this: If World War I had not ended with an allied victory, and instead a stalemate or some sort of negotiated truce instead of that oppressive bastardized Treaty of Versailles, then Hitler never would have had an opportunity to gain power, and the Kaiser would have reigned. The Nazis would only be a brief footnote in your history books.

Also, the Germans came extremely close to winning World War II. On every front. They were within a hairs breadth every time. But against countries that are able to zerg rush you with limitless numbers (the US and the Soviet Union), there is nothing you can do. They defeated France and Britain early on even though those two superpowers had more planes, more and better tanks, and many more soldiers. They came very close to winning the battle of britain.

They almost won in the East as well. Even after they failed to capture Moscow during the winter of 1942, they might have been able to win had Hitler not vetoed the original plan to focus all attention on capturing and cutting off the Caucasus Oil Fields instead of attacking Stalingrad. Had they hit the Oil Fields with all of their strength first, and then taken Stalingrad, they would have had more than enough soldiers in the region to repulse the Soviet offensive that encircled Stalingrad.

Also, had the Kursk Offensive in 1943, Operation Citadelle, not been delayed so many dozens of times, they might have been able to catch the Soviets by surprise. Even so, they came so close to their objectives that they could see it.

>> No.3279302

The Japanese Empire could never have defeated the United States in a prolonged war. To be fair, the Japanese strategists all knew this, and were hoping to crush the United States' short term capacity to fight in the Pacific quickly, capture the Hawaiian Islands, and use them to force the United States to sue for peace. The objective was really just to destroy the U.S. Pacific fleet to prevent the U.S. from interfering in Japanese expansion in mainland Asia. Conquering the United States was unrealistic and unfeasible. There's an apocryphal story that Admiral Yamamoto said that if Japan would run wild for six months, and if they couldn't force the U.S. to the bargaining table in that time, they would lose. Had the Japanese won the Battle of Midway, the United States wouldn't necessarily look very different, but most of Asia would.

>> No.3279501
File: 466 KB, 1128x944, 1206233326176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. World War II is just written to make her out as the bad guy, when really she're no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better country than most of them.

What are the main complaints? She raped China and stole Southeast Asia to use in the war?

Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped China. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked China.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE WORLD DIDN'T FUCK CHINA? You can't even name one fucking nation who hasn't flooded her loose ports! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while signing multiple treaties. Japan knew this, she's a fucking ladies man. She knows what filthy whores like China want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly stole Southeast Asia and used her in the war for her own greed.

Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious Brother-Asians. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal imperialism so wrong? When America does the same thing to the Phillipines it's like 'oh she's so manly', but when Japan does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect Asia. She probably was going to use her superpower status to tighten her ports back up or cure her malaria or something.

The history was written to make that faggot America look good. Objectively, Japan is a far better country than America. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like America, and if she wasn't stuck with the weak ass colony Korea and no plothax she probably would have won the war.

>> No.3279510

I'm getting a little aroused here...keep going

>> No.3279515

I'm sure there's enough Japan-rapes-the-Allies-and-Asia porn if you look around for it.

>> No.3279530

>This is another blunder on the part of the Japanese. At the battle of Midway, they only sent four carriers, assuming that by only matching us, they could beat us. They didn't account for the fact that the British broke their codes and the only hard part of the fight was intentionally making our troops die to make it seem convincing that day, and they lost.

Fixed. Turing and his bros were real heroes.

>> No.3279542

Oh fuck, this is the best shinji edit ever.

>> No.3279546

Thanks, it went through lots of revisions.

>> No.3279553

Oh wow, I didn't even notice that this was copypasta. What's the original?

>> No.3279566


Shinji...I don't get why he gets all the hate on /a/. FSN is just written to make him out as the bad guy, when really he's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? He raped Sakura and stole Rider to use in the war?

Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking raped Sakura. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He fucked Sakura.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T FUCK SAKURA? You can't even name one fucking character who hasn't plugged her loose cunt! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Shinji knew this, he's a fucking ladies man. He knows what filthy whores like Sakura want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with him. He supposedly stole Rider and used her in the war for his own greed.

Objection! He was worried about his one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal war so wrong? When Shirou does the same thing to Saber it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Shinji does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Sakura. He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Shirou look good. Objectively, Shinji is a far better character than Shirou. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Shirou, and if he weren't stuck with the weak ass servant Rider and no plothax he probably would have won the war.

>> No.3279747

It sounds like Japan is gender confuzzled

>> No.3279783


>> No.3279786

>>They defeated France and Britain early on
>>defeated by the nazis

England hasn't been successfully invaded in nearly one thousand years but the Nazis some how managed to defeat them during WW2. Experts are still trying to figure out how they did it.

Theories abound that when Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland and negotiate peace with Britain that he unleashed an army of ten thousand spirit warriors that would conquer the country invisibly.

>> No.3279801

>England hasn't been successfully invaded in nearly one thousand years
Two hundred fifty.

>> No.3279813

Last successful invasion, point stands.

>> No.3280494

Little known fact Yamamoto knew they could not win and actually wanted to convince the US that asia should be controlled by asians not western imperial powers rather than trying to go to war with them.

>> No.3280515

You can't beat the US back in WW2, they had a shit load of carriers AND nukes.

Didn't you play the last Protoss level? Carrier + nukes = hax

>> No.3280531

Germany would've never been able to hold that land for any sustained period, in the East or West. They were stretched far too thing as was, and if they tried to hold any more territory they still would've eventually been crushed by Soviet/American advances.

>> No.3280533

*too thin

>> No.3280552

No. Japan needed imports of oil and scrap metal from the US. Unless they seized the territory containing oil fields and other resources, which would have brought them into conflict with the US anyway, their economy would have collapsed an they would have been forced into a humiliating withdrawal from the territories they had conquered. They couldn't have held what they had without expanding.

>> No.3280581
File: 196 KB, 740x594, USS_Washington_(BB-56)_in_Puget_Sound,_10_September_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now look at how big the fleet was that attacked Pearl Harbor. It wasn't just aircraft carriers, they had many battleships too. The Japanese battleships of the that year were more modern, stronger and better armored than their American counterparts.

>> No.3280584

So don't combine the War against China with WWII by attacking the European Colonial Powers.

>> No.3280589

/jp/ actually talking about Japan? Well, I never.

>> No.3280601

Too bad Japan lost the war in China fighting the ROC and CCP. America just "finessed" the victory. Much like in Europe. But thanks to the finesse millions of Chinese and Russian lives were saved.

>> No.3280667

>Chinese and Russian
>Lives saved.


>> No.3280677


Which we later took back in Korea, Vietnam, and the Cold War. The Cold War counts, right?

>> No.3280682
File: 84 KB, 974x577, Japanese_Flag_Old_Style_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And yet every time an American finds fault in a Japanese product it always comes down to it being revenge for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In the end who really won the war in the long run.

>> No.3280692
File: 203 KB, 1024x768, 1237257245849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3280705

The chinese and russians got themselves killed by eachother during the cold war. Not our credit. Vietnam and North Korea were both small in scale in terms of casualties compared to what happened in WW2, so I guess it's like claiming the dessert but not the main course.
If by "win" you mean "performed horrendously and suffered massive damages to economic and industrial capabilities as well as losing a significant number of civilian population", then sure.

>> No.3280710

>shit load of carriers


>two in Atlantic Fleet
>attacked Pearl Harbor with six carriers

>outnumbered 2-1
>Syntax Error: Buffer overflow

>> No.3280716

Stupid Commie Cordell Hull.

>> No.3280726

Wouldn't they have been driven out of Manchuria by the Russians?

>> No.3280728
File: 267 KB, 1280x1020, 1944_12_08_Murderers_Row_Ulithi_Atoll_1280x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Essex was a class of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy, which constituted the 20th century's most numerous class of heavy warships, with 24 ships built in both "short-hull" and "long-hull" versions.

>> No.3280731

Japan selflessly fought against the Western imperialists for the freedom of all Asian peoples, and brought order to a China tormented by the despotism of mafia-like warlords. But the U.S. greedily saw this as a threat to business interests in China, and gave huge sums of aid and military support to said warlords. Japan was forced to make war with the U.S., already a de facto belligerent by proxy.

The Japanese soldiers fought with unparalleled valor, yet always chivalrously, always fairly. The U.S., on the other hand, fought with scornful negligence of the principles of just and legitimate warfare, massacring hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians in a ruthless campaign of terror bombings and, most atrociously, deploying the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a barbaric form of warfare alien to the very spirit of Japanese culture and morality.

Perhaps the sad truth is that the world is too malicious a place for a country like Japan. If she would only have condescended to the same filthy kind of warfare that the Americans and the Chinese waged, it is possible, even likely, that she would have prevailed.

In the light of history, Japan is the greatest victim of WWII.

>> No.3280750

>USS Essex (CV-9)

>Commisioned December 1942

>> No.3280756
File: 136 KB, 650x384, loljaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3280758

Go die in hell; filthy nip

>> No.3280764

Did any part of my post suggest that Essex was a Pearl?

Unless you're suggesting IJN had some kind of super weapon in reserve that could hit New York Naval Yard all the way from Hawaii?

>> No.3280770

That is some grade A trolling right there, I bet you'll catch a number of people with that.

>>The Japanese soldiers fought with unparalleled valor, yet always chivalrously, always fairly.

This is the bit that makes it weak, trying to play the suicide bombers off as the good guys is hard however at the same time it's the crux of the trolling argument. You did a good job on this one.

>> No.3280776

Are you insinuating that U.S. shipyards built carriers so quickly that during the process they actually traveled back in time to fight in the Pacific?

>> No.3280778

Is that real?

>> No.3280788

That's a terrible troll as it's too obviously fake.

>> No.3280798

They also raped this girl so hard that it makes school girl look like a re-telling of a real story.

>> No.3280810

Best trollan copypasta evar.

>> No.3280813

actually yes all there guns were prone to jamming there tanks were to light to be effective and zeros sucked plus there ships were outdated by even the standards of the Russo-Japanese war

>> No.3280814

I'm not sure what you're arguing here, you're trying to say Essex class didn't participate in the pacific war?

>> No.3280820

I wish some gook would do that to Princess Maiko, dohoho.
Oh wait, she's grown up already. Fuck.

>> No.3280822

You're trying to say they would have any effect at all on the first year of the war when the first one wasn't commisioned until a year later and the second one six months after that?

>> No.3280830

Perfect example would be the nanbu pistols.
Zeros are a pretty bad example of this though, they were apparently pretty formidable when they were first introduced against the U.S. airforce. They were grossly outmatched by the later stages of the war though.

>> No.3280833


No I said America had nukes and carriers in WW2

I said nothing about Pearl, Midway or Essex at that point

>> No.3280848
File: 141 KB, 600x800, 4312311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and theres nothing they could do about it for all of 1942 and most of 1943

fuck the us had ONE carrier in the pacific at the end of 1942

>> No.3280860

Zero was good at the start of the war because it was very agile compared to other planes

At the end of the war it's still very agile compared to American planes, but by then your average American fighters had motherfucking intercooled turbosupercharged engines running on very high octane fuel that could put out so much more housepower than a zero that you could just dive in, fire a burst and run out and the zero will have no chance of staying on your tail, rinse and repeat for the win.

>> No.3280870

Doesn't matter though, Japan could sink the entire pacific fleet at Pearl including the carriers and still get raped by the new ships in 1942.

Unless you know, they actually attack New York and Norfolk, but that was never going to happen anyway.

>> No.3280877

Nanbus are still the joke pistols of the century though.
I mean damn. People were using better sidearms in the wild west.

>> No.3280896

Even then, it just extends the war to 1947, where the US Submarines and Chinese ROC and CCP push back the industrial, agricultural and logistic capacity of the Japanese state.

In Japan clears the Pacific of CVs in 1942, it means a very large proportion of the Japanese population starve in 1947.

>> No.3280904

Lol Nanbu, even CCP irregulars couldn't be fucked picking up those.

Oh but then again CCP and ROC had a ton of C96, which was pretty much the best pistol of WW2.

>> No.3280911

Even ITALY had a better chance of success in WW2 than Japan

>> No.3280916

Oh I donno, Italy was beating by Ethiopians with pointy sticks

>> No.3280928

I'm not sure if you honestly believe this and whether I should respond seriously or with sarcasm.

(And hey, they did sink both new carriers in 1942 even after Midway and no one ever talks about that.)

>> No.3280930

M1911 said hi.
I find it funny how the entire mainland theater was so poorly armed that it was basically "Semi-automatic rifles? what's that?"
It was even more funny during the korean war.

>> No.3280933

M1911 is not convertable to a machine carbine

>> No.3280957 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 550x650, p0704a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was almost like some sexual awakening. Like...I can't explain it. I mean...remember at one point in your life you were ambivalent to females and then one day...it's like "I wanna go fuck every girl I see!(within reason)"? Yeah that gets old after a while. But it's a feeling that is seldom re-created as time ravages one's blackened and fetid soul.

But...I just got from three days of some pretty specialized training.

Flavor of the day?

A Colt 1911. A factory Colt 1911 Series 70. Nothing fancy. Not some super modded, super tuned, tight fitted custom job.


Factory barrel, spur hammer, and the only thing really done to it was it had an aluminum three hole trigger put it. That was IT. It had a staked front night sight(over sized) and a normal blacked out rear sight.

I love my Glocks...especially my Glock 21.

EVERYTHING was run through these well worn guns. But it was mostly ball(for which the handgun was intended). It became almost intuitive and the pervasive magazines were Chip McCormick's and Wilsons with even some standard GI mags in use.

No full length guide rods. 16 pound springs.

No bullshit. Just some serious fucking shooting. Killhouses, drills, and the range. It became almost reflexive and point and click.
It wasn't like the Glock. While I love my Glock...I love it for it's simplicity and reliability. This gun got rained on...got dirt on it and ...kept going. The gun seemed very loose. The Glock Trigger, even with light connectors, is still just a bit "spongy". Anyone who has or has owned or has used a factory Steyr AUG knows of what I speak.

8 hours a day. Of nothing but shooting. Oh...I'm fucking good. No bullshit. But ...it was like seeing Heaven or something or catching a glimpse. I mean....the 1911ing...it made me slightly god-sighted.

>> No.3280962
File: 425 KB, 1529x1250, 3894522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND I USE ONE! But then after we totally stripped the 1911s to their lowest common denominators....I found that it's not like the Kimber I get to use. I mean...for it's finer qualities...it was an absolute PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT in comparison to this simple handgun.

I mean we took out every fucking spring, piece I mean...the gun was bare. Ane we rebuilt it. And again and again and again. And now...it's like....I can't even look at a Kimber, nor a Springfield.

I mean...it's like. One of the rarer things I've experienced in my callow life that gave me glee. The only thing was the first time I rode a silver cane or the first time I came inside a girl at age 19. I mean...yeah. That's pretty bad to compare it too. But for once...I felt like I was learning something and....I was awakened. Forever 1911s were just ...meh. In fact I saw more flaws and faults(real and perceived) in comparison to other handguns.

And now? I just want that simple, non-railed Colt Series 70. Didn't even have front cocking serrations.

In fact...that's my next project. And now I know what to look for.

Colt forever.

>> No.3280975

Is this delicious pasta or is it love?

>> No.3281012

Well, what would have been the effects of that?
