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3275104 No.3275104 [Reply] [Original]

>And so our heroine was reduced to eating grass, there were no donations this month either.

>> No.3275112

>Reimu >heroine
Just no. She's the antagonist every time.

>> No.3275114

Feels good man.

>> No.3275125

in before laser feet raymoo grazing

>> No.3275129
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>> No.3275138

Not from her perspective.

>> No.3275143

she doesn't need to eat. everyone knows she died in the transition from PC-98 to windows.

>> No.3275148

Well, it's not like villains often view themself as "evil".

>> No.3275158

But you can play as the other characters as well.
So either you're saying the protagonist is the antagonist every time, or you just really hate Reimu.

>> No.3275167


Playable character. Protagonist. By goddamn definition.

I've seen people mix up hero and protagonist, but this is the first time I've seen the reverse. Is this what they call hypercorrection?

>> No.3275168

Well what do you think of Sanae as a heroine?

>In the most recent translation of both Reimu and Marisa's scenarios Sanae is called a "wind priestess" not "wind charmer" (although her profile here still calls her that). She herself says she's "like a shrine maiden" and her relationship with the shrine's god is similar to one, but I suppose her (now translated) profile does say Wind Something for the occupation rather than shrine maiden. Maybe we should decide whether to go with "Charmer" or "Priestess" before someone makes a page for either one.

Not a miko anymore, still a slut.

>> No.3275172

Right, the others are antagonists too.

Especially Marisa. She steals anything that isn't nailed down.

>> No.3275174

Mima and Utsuho, that's about it.

>Maybe it's nice sometimes to have a story where you just keep going to beat worse and worse villains ... but all of the humans or youkai in Touhou have some bad habits.

>> No.3275177

Sanae acts like a fucking lunatic in UFO.

>> No.3275193

Why doesn't she start selling protection to nearby youkai? That should get her a few "donations".

>> No.3275197

Sanae is already the leader of a protection racket.

>> No.3275200

That's what we call racketeering.

>> No.3275204
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That's what they get for being god-hating heretics. Not even Bishamonten girl gets excluded.

>> No.3275214

Technically you are playing as the antagonist.

-Attacking a dead ghost that just wanted to survive
-Forcing Yukari to do her request by attacking her

-Attacking a harmless NEET

-Attacking another shrine to maintain Gensokyo shrine monopoly.

>> No.3275215

She cant, plot armor dosent work outside games.

>> No.3275223

Youkai generally have no money or other material goods. How many of them have you seen actually working?

>> No.3275243

Meiling, Prismrivers, Mystia, Keine...

>> No.3275259

Reimu can just bug Yukari if she's ever starving. Infinite food supply.

>> No.3275265

You cannot play as the antagonist.

It seems you don't know what this word means anyway, so here:

>antagonist (plural antagonists)
>1. An opponent or enemy.

Goddamn idiot.

>> No.3275269

The last time she went to her home, she attacked her servant and ransacked the place while she was sleeping.

>> No.3275274

Time to post this again:

Touhou 1: Reimu goes on a genocidal rampage.
Touhou 2: Reimu seeks revenge for Mima's revenge for Reimu's previous rampage.
Touhou3: Reimu interferes with academia and scientific progress.
Touhou4: Reimu kills a youkai who tried to help her.
Touhou5: Reimu orphans Alice and destroys an entire world for its creator's belief in free enterprise.
Touhou 6: Reimu places a little girl under house arrest.
Touhou 7: Reimu prevents an innocent girl from being revived.
Touhou 7.5: Reimu breaks up parties.
Touhou 8: Reimu strips away Gensokyo's defenses against a Lunar invasion.
Touhou 9: Reimu attacks people for no good reason.
Touhou 10: Reimu oppresses other religions.
Touhou 10.5: Reimu endorses slave labor.
Touhou 11: Reimu cuts back funding for alternative energy sources.
Touhou 12: Reimu persecutes Youkai Jesus.

>> No.3275275


>> No.3275278

Haha, no.

>> No.3275279
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Some of them dont need money.

>> No.3275280


>> No.3275283

Reimu shows up and fucks up other people's stories. She's never a main character in them except in the sense that she's SCREWING EVERYTHING UP.

>> No.3275289


Sorry, but an antagonist is, by definition, the opposition to the protagonist (who is by definition the PC). Someone pointing out your own ignorance does not a troll make.

>> No.3275298

Yumeko, Alice(?), Patchouli(?), Lyrica, Merlin, Lunasa, Youmu (1/2), Wriggle, Mystia, Keine, Reisen U (youkai?), Tewi(?), Reisen (youkai?), Komachi (youkai? working?), Medicine(?), Aya, Nitori(?), Rin, Okuu, Iku(?)

>> No.3275302

PCB Main Character - Yuyuko
IN Main Character - NEET Princess
MOF Main Character - Kanako

Goddamm idiot.

>> No.3275306

She's a playable character (along with Marisa and Sanae, in UFO), so therefore she's the protagonist, along with the two others.

The story is also told from her point of view, at least in her scenario, so she's definitely (one of )the protagonist(s). Even if she only wants to fuck shit up.

>> No.3275307


For one, your point could more or less be used to state that pretty much every single main character who isn't a CHOSEN ONE is not actually the main character.

For two, who the story is about is irrelevant, the protagonist is simply the character whose viewpoint we see it through.

>> No.3275311

You're following her (assuming you're playing as her, not Marisa or current disposable human character X) throughout the course of the story. That's the definition of a main character.

Seriously, are you people retarded, or something?

>> No.3275313

lol wikipedia

>> No.3275314

Isn't Komachi more like a god?

>> No.3275318


And by identical logic...
LotR main character - Sauron
HHGttG main character - Hactar
BGII main character - Irenicus

>> No.3275323

A 死神 should be a 神.

>Death is impure~
>Shinigami are not Gods.

>> No.3275325

If Wikipedia is not a credible source, then
>2. The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero of a narrative or drama.

>Definition: The antagonist in a work of fiction is the character who opposes the hero, or protagonist.
Is that enough?

>> No.3275328

This man's got the right idea.

Not my fault if the games are always framed from ZUN's disgusting pro-miko perspective.

>> No.3275330

Yamaxandu, all the seasons, Tenshi (celestials probably dont just DO NOTHING)
Gods work. The point of this here is who works for their daily bread.

>> No.3275331

Shinigami are kami, much like Mishaguji tatarigami are kami. Maybe god was the wrong word, but youkai they are not.

>> No.3275335


Momizu, as well.

>> No.3275341


But they are, and that by definition makes the miko the main character of them.

>> No.3275342

>Definition of antagonist
>1. One who opposes and contends against another; an adversary.

Lets see.
Opposes a poor dead ghost.
Opposes a harmless NEET.
Opposes another shrine for he own gain.

It sure fit the definition.

>> No.3275344

Reimu can float above hunger.

>> No.3275347

Wikipedia's reputation for factual "unreliability" is grossly GROSSLY overstated.

Just because your college professor doesn't trust it as a matter of college policy doesn't make it true.

That is all

>> No.3275353


Get out, Wikipedia dev.

>> No.3275357


And all of them oppose Reimu. Hurp durp.

The antagonist of an individual: someone who opposes that individual.

The antagonist of a story: someone who opposes the protagonist of that story.

>> No.3275359


If you want a connection to traditional shintou, you could say Komachi is an aspect of Izanami. But that wouldn't be entirely correct - Komachi only gathers the already dead, while Izanami literally strangles people personally.

>> No.3275365
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Donating a shiny coin towards the old warfund.

>> No.3275366

You can meet with this:
The main character of SWR is Tenshi. (you can even play as her)

Didn't list them because I know they aren't youkai.

>> No.3275368

This thread is so full of bad trolling, it makes me sick.

>> No.3275371

You are wrong. They were just hanging out and taking it easy at their own pace minding their own business until some poor miko that got too bored decided their havoc.

Self defense != opposing/attacking another person.

>> No.3275374

Poor Reimu
I'd donate if I could actually find her

>> No.3275380

Of course, I'm not saying shinigami are on the same level as higher kami.

>> No.3275384

If you have Gensokyo in your heart, perhaps you'll cross over someday.

Pity you'll be eaten by a no-name youkai shortly afterwards.

>> No.3275387


Someone who defends themself is not in opposition to the person attacking them? Please, combined with the LOL RAYMOO IS EVIL non-canonicity, you're seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

>> No.3275394

>Self defense != opposing/attacking another person.

If you're defending yourself, you're opposing the people who attack you. Hell, if you're running, you're still opposing people who attack you because you act against their goal to brutally dismember you and piss on your corpse.

>> No.3275400

I'm not saying she's evil, I'm just saying she's a fucking bitch.

>> No.3275405
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Then we're on the same frequency.

Anyways, for the purpose of the thread Komachi's filthy rich enough to literally throw her fortune away.

>> No.3275406

1. Bring monies to Gensokyo.
2. Get eaten by unnamed youkai.
3. Youkai now has your belongings.
4. Reimu attacks the youkai.
5. PROFIT! (For Reimu)

>> No.3275408


Which is again non-canonical, and regardless, hardly disbars her from being the protagonist of the games.

>> No.3275414

/jp/ trolls sure are shitty if "LOL RAYMOO IS BAD GUY" is the best they can come up with.

>> No.3275417

ITT: An argument over two very subjective terms.

>> No.3275421
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>Komachi's filthy rich enough to literally throw her fortune away.
Well she threw away so much of that currency it's worthless now.

>> No.3275423

Are you kidding? Bitch Reimu not canon? What games have you been playing?

See >>3275274

>> No.3275434

Haven't you read CoLA?

>> No.3275439

Actually, Reimu being a bitch is canon ever since Orange. (Tokiko, if you want to stick with the current continuity.)

Still doesn't make the other guy any less of an idiot.

>> No.3275440

Everyone is a bitch to Rinnosuke though. It hardly counts.

>> No.3275442


I take it you can't tell the difference between trolling and a retart's honest opinion.

>> No.3275445
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>> No.3275447
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>> No.3275451

Yeah, but the games' story is centered on Reimu, Marisa and whoeever else in their journeys to beat the crap out of them.
Therefore, they are the protagonists.

>> No.3275453

>"On the way back, a youkai was just sitting there minding its own business. And it was enjoying a book, too!"
>"I tried to exterminate it with a surprise attack, but it retaliated! It was pretty cocky and strong. I didn't expect shots to come from behind, because I let my guard down..."
>"Hm? Interested in this book? It's Reimu, so she probably thought, 'It looked pretty important to the youkai so I took it,' or something."
>"This book, you know, looked pretty important to the youkai I exterminated. It's definitely worth something."

>> No.3275456
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>> No.3275460

Then they should start working, if they know what's good for them.

>> No.3275466
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>> No.3275469
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>> No.3275471
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>> No.3275476

/v/ is that way <--

>> No.3275479
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>> No.3275481

Look at that face. Sanae can never hope to match anyone bearing that face, no matter how hard she tries.

>> No.3275488

Guess I will stop arguing with you for now.

This is guy is right and it is a subjective terms.

>> No.3275494
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>> No.3275498

Reimu is a bitch, since her strategy for resolving incidents is to beat up anyone she encounters until she happens to beat up the person responsible for whatever is going on. But then again that's the strategy of all the playable characters in touhou games.

>> No.3275512
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>Look at that face. Sanae can never hope to match

You think so?

>> No.3275520


>> No.3275521

I don't really see how it's subjective though, since the games have only one story - and it tells us how a miko and other people tried to solve some things by killing countless fairies, kicking the ass of little girls, and drinking tea.

However, the thread has died already now that Arc started spamming reaction images, so I'll stop too. It's not like knowing what is a protagonist or antagonist is going to help anyone on /jp/ with their lives, anyway.

>> No.3275523

No, they're pretty clearly not subjective. But if it helps you console yourself, keep believing that.

>> No.3275534

Sanae has a fanatic emotionless face saying "I'll kill you all non belivers", Reimu is more like "I'll kill you for the TROLL and then i'll rape your family and steal your stuff"

>> No.3275538

Ergo, everyone in Gensokyo is a bitch, apparently.

Or, by the retarded Anon's definition, everyone in Gensokyo is an antagonist.

>> No.3275547

Well there you go

>> No.3275549

Reimu is more like "I am so much above you you're like a bug for me to squash."

>> No.3275551


I already quoted him in
>>3275174, but here again
>Maybe it's nice sometimes to have a story where you just keep going to beat worse and worse villains ... but all of the humans or youkai in Touhou have some bad habits.

>> No.3275557


and if that were true, then everybody would end up hating/fighting each other for whatever reason, and there'd be no peace ever in Gensokyo -- oh wait

>> No.3275558

Right, the games only have one story and we're presented only one perspective.

It's not hard at all to think of it from another perspective and flip the protagonist and antagonist though.

>> No.3275567

you know technically all of the "heroines" have been bitches in some way or another

Sanae is pretty smug in her bitchy-ness too

>> No.3275572


Then they're the protagonist of your little fantasy land inside your head.

What they are not, however, is the protagonist of the Touhou games.

>> No.3275578

It isn't. So go ahead and code your own game with, say, PCB story, with Youmu defending Hakugyokurou from attacks of evil mikos, thieving witches and killer maids. She'll be the protagonist then. Otherwise - tough luck, ZUN is the only one who has any say on the matter.

>> No.3275580
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but lady kanako said so!

>> No.3275583

It would be nice to have a "final boss" mode in which you can beat Reimu using your favorite final boss to beat Reimu, but sadly, that doesn't exist.

I guess that's why all those infinite doujin games exist.

>> No.3275586

I never got the middle panel.
Why especially Rumia and Mystia?

>> No.3275588

Just play one of the fighting games.

>> No.3275607

(At least) Two of her spellcards use black "darkness" bullets without hitbox. Rumia and Mystia both use darkness in their danmaku (Rumia actually doesn't)

>> No.3275610
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>> No.3275626

Yeah, that works too.

