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327148 No.327148 [Reply] [Original]

Kohaku makes me so sad.

>> No.327209

There are parts in every girls story to make you so sad. Except Akiha, she is just a bitch.

>> No.327215

I thought what I'd do is become one of those deaf mute dolls

>> No.327214
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>> No.327216



>> No.327221


Akiha's is probably the saddest since it lacks a good ending to make you feel better.

>> No.327228

Fuck I lol'd

>> No.327229

The true ending is fine if you combine it with the fun disk stories.

>> No.327239

The original just as keikaku'd.

>> No.327249
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>> No.327273


She also watched Shiki die in front of her, gave up half her life force for him, dealt with him being taken away from the mansion for 8 years, grew up alone in the strict soul-sucking ways of the Tohno mansion, never got responses from her letters she wrote to Shiki and had to deal with the mess of a family her father had fostered.

>> No.327289

Oh also her demon blood acting up on her is pretty shitty too.

>> No.327308

Not to mention in all routes(especially in Kohaku;s where he spends much time in the mansion and isn't bedridden), he pretty much ignores her.

>> No.327313

No, Akiha's is the saddest since you have to put up with that bitch so damn much. In Akiha true Shiki kills himself to get away from the bitch.

>> No.327327

Not to mention if he never had try and save that bitch he'd never had have died in the first place. In fact half her life is nothing compared to all his, the bitch got off easy.

>> No.327331

Akiha "normal" ending.

So painful.

>> No.327323

Then Shiki died for her and she lost the best man she ever knew. She'll be depressed for the rest of her life and then goes on a mass killing before offing herself.

>> No.327342

Should have just killed the bitch and had a happy life.

>> No.327353
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If he hadn't tried to save her then he wouldn't be Shiki and he wouldn't have the eyes of death

>> No.327360

I tried.

>> No.327372

>Akiha is moe


Who's been letting Akiha trolls in here?

>> No.327387

Couldn't really say that, half the reason he had it was because he is psychic so he could have developed it some other way or had another ability. Hell, his father's ability was something like reading emotions, yet he was fucking awesome.

>> No.327392

Kohaku fills me with sexual rage. Whenever I see her I want to rape her hard enough to make her cry.

>> No.327418

Akiha haters have always been here, just most have been suppressed since the split.

There is that good end "bad end", where he kills Akiha because she's a monster right before her true and normal end.

>> No.327423

Akiha's route was so lame and contrived. The only upside was the lack of a good ending: she didn't deserve one.

Kohaku'S route, on the other hand, had a very fitting conclusion.

>> No.327427

Akiha has a delicious flat chest and is tsundere, also her hair style is fucking nice.

I like Kohaku because she needs to be tenderly loved.

>> No.327436

Hisui True was the best, all the hindrances to their relationship were GONE, leaving them only room for happiness.

>> No.327442
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>> No.327443

How the fuck do you get the bad "good end."

The flowchart is so confusing.

>> No.327448

Except for the fact that Shiki dies shortly thereafter from his AIDS.

>> No.327453

Funnest thing to do is to sick the Arc fags on the Akiha fags. Ciel fags seem to have almost died off so you can't use them anymore.

>> No.327454

Trolls aside, I find there is a certain type that just can't help but hate Akiha.

>> No.327466


I prefer Hisui but I don't really get all the akiha hate

>> No.327478

Akiha is dead, from what I can tell the life is shared so if one dies the other gets all of it. Also Hisui can supplement his life.

>> No.327563

I don't like Akiha at all. She is like golum and the ring from lord of the rings with her relationship with Shiki, it is utter need of a possession which she even admits on Kohaku's route. Even if she was under inversion, it will only make her not think through what she's doing and act without moral limits, not make her think differently. She is also a control freak that thinks everything needs to go her way. The hate spawns from Akiha fags trying to say she's cute when she isn't(their only proof is from cruddy doujins) and the over hype a bitch.

>> No.327566

Solution, Shiki should have been banging all of them. None of them wouldn't have his Tohno gland producing penis.

>> No.327619

Well, said, Anon.
in b4 Akihafags BAAAWWW about 'same person'

>> No.327663

Kohaku route is just generally messed up, particularly with Akiha due to the whole absorption thing.

>> No.327685


Yeah, I don't get that. I understand that she came off as a needy, neurotic girl because well, her life kind of sucked. Maybe not to the extent of Kohaku's life but I'd imagine if I had lived in similar conditions and experienced similar things, I'd be needy and neurotic and a mess emotionally too.

>Even if she was under inversion, it will only make her not think through what she's doing and act without moral limits, not make her think differently.

I think you're missing the point here on this one. Everyone has thoughts in life that are harmful and selfish and bad that we don't act upon because we know they're wrong. If a person suddenly started to act out whatever thought or emotive need they had, you'd probably see a huge major change in personality. This Psychology 101 type stuff. Akiha lost her ability to not act upon those thoughts.

A lot of people see Akiha as this selfish little bitch who is controlling and needy and completely unredeemable but all I ever saw in to her character is that she was a sad little girl trying to deal with living with and having adult responsibilities.

tl;dr: lay off asshole

>> No.327691
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>> No.327712

Doesn't work that way. Someone that's died like Shiki and connected to Akasha can never lead a normal life. Read Eclipse. No matter the outcome, Shiki's life is going to be a short one.

Add to that that Akiha genuinely cares about Kohaku (when she isn't completely insane) and tried to help her. Plus, Akiha considers Shiki to be the only one that actually cared about her. He's her "brother" always. A crush that began at a very early age and had nothing to do but develop.

>> No.327728

Give me a break, I'm talking about nothing more than the fact she admitted that she thinks of Shiki as a possession. While acting upon it may be the inversion's fault, what she was thinking is not. Sorry, but thinking of people as possessions is in no way correct in the first place.

>> No.327771

Being connected to Akasha makes it so he may randomly die just from being connected is what I got out of it, but doesn't actually shorten his life. Which if so still doesn't stop him from living a long life, just makes it more difficult to obtain.

>> No.327799


That's stupid. Despite whatever sentence of text you're referring to in the game says, its obvious that she cares a lot for Shiki. She tends to him when hes hurt in the Near Side routes and is eventually willing to tolerate his nighttime wanderings to a point with a "Don't ask, don't tell" sort of policy. She's intruding and nosy because she cares about him.

>> No.327840

Or she is just nosy and controlling. Also, she wont talk about him going out so much since that would require her to admit she is trying to control him utterly.

>> No.327941
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Except its hideously obvious in the way Nasu writes her character that she really does care about him to the point where shes willing to kill her biological brother to help him. I can understand you not liking her character or whatever, but what activates my beardo rage is that you're trying to write her off as a control freak and nothing else when its obviously not true at all. Thats the role she was wrote to fulfill and your reasoning of "well she does this to make it look it she cares but she really doesnt because shes a jerk" doesn't change it since its all speculative.

Tired of arguing this, post some Hisui.

>> No.327978

Would you car about a sibling that tried and almost did kill you, no. Ya, she isn't just a control freak, she's an obsessed control freak. She doesn't love Shiki, she is just obsessed with him.

>> No.327991
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Its specified in Kohaku's route that even though he tried to kill her, it still bothers her to kill her real brother.

But whatever.

>> No.328049

Wouldn't you try to be controlling if you had a retarded brother who kept disappearing for days, sneaking out and coming home covered in blood when a serial killer is terrorizing you home town?

>> No.328436

Especially when he's constantly sick?

>> No.328539

I'm a horrible failure...

>> No.328964


>Especially when he has a psychopathic superhuman killer out for his blood?


>> No.328975


>Especially when said psychopathic superhuman killer is out for his blood?


>> No.328985
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>> No.329095

Having been moved to tears by Akiha's True Ending, I can safely say you guys are full of shit.

>> No.329109



Learn to read the goddamn thread before talking about everyone in it, dipshit.

There's only one person in this thread that's bashing Akiha.

>> No.329143

And his name is Anonymous.

>> No.329153


That's who I meant.

>> No.329196

Because we all know only one person in the whole world hates Akiha.

>> No.329484


Yeah, I know at least one person that dislikes Akiha (he hasn't played through an entire route yet, though, so his opinion on Akiha is pretty much invalid), but my samefag sensors are going berserk with this thread.
