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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3271043 No.3271043 [Reply] [Original]


After that rigged vote yesterday, have you guys voted for Baldr Sky yet? If not, VOTE.

>> No.3271070

It won't do any difference, he made it pretty clear that he's going to translate whatever he feels like. He's the type whimsical enough, so that if 70% voted Bladr Sky, then might just translate something else that is similar to it...

>> No.3271083

>a vote
>on the internet
>implying you won't just get another rigged vote

how naive

>> No.3271087

He won't translate Baldr Sky before Dive2 is released and he's played that.

>> No.3271098

>>Why won’t you consider Baldr Sky before Dive 2 comes out?
>Because I don’t know if the whole story is really good or not before reading everything. It could be the case that Dive 2 flops. In this case, it’ll kill my motivation to keep translating Dive 1. And if I translate Dive1 and not Dive2, I’m sure it would piss a lot of people off.
Yeah, his next project isn't going to be baldr sky.

>> No.3271100

Vote Tapestry

>> No.3271106

>implying you won't just get another rigged poll
>he made it pretty clear that he's going to translate whatever he feels like

>> No.3271108

>then might just translate something else that is similar to it...
I'd say something inspirational about something, but I've grown far too bitter and cynical.

>> No.3271110

The butthurt over a poll there is no substantial proof of it being rigged is quite strong.

>> No.3271117

I hope NOT because of people not translating things you could not really read and properly judge in the first place.

>> No.3271118

>After that rigged vote yesterday


>Baldr Sky


>> No.3271143

>(Dying student drama)

No, we`ve already got enough of those

>> No.3271149

ITT asspain.

>> No.3271150

>takajun is doing a poll now
okay, fuck this. I'm learning japanese.

>> No.3271154

Good luck

>> No.3271159

Will you translate Baldr Sky when you're done?

>> No.3271166

What do you think about the previous games I translated?

* I actually knew about the games beforehand

What does he mean we didnt know about the games? We're not animusuky or something... I know EVERYSINGLEVN that has animals ears in it.

>> No.3271168

Knowing nothing about any of those and judging only by the 3 words descriptions on the site I voted Rakuen.

If it is half as interesting and awesome as Bakuman, is enough to warrant my vote.

>> No.3271172

get bent

>> No.3271176

Takajun never said his poll would reflect what he was going to translate next.
Probably trying to get a feel for the audience more I imagine.

>> No.3271178

It's hilarious. Two years ago people were happy if any game was translated. Now you whine if some other game is translated over other.

>> No.3271183

People got GREEDY.
But thank god those are a minority.

>> No.3271184

Well, not everyone is a walking copy of VNDB, bro.

>> No.3271195

Well you should be you're on /jp/.
And if you're not a walking copy bookmark it and learn the basics.

>> No.3271208

Personally I'm just pissed off that they were disguising this whole deal as a "poll" to give it a feel of democracy.

There wouldn't have been any drama if they were just honest about it like Yandere translations.

>> No.3271219

all those translations spoiled us. Show a Ghetto kid a good life and he doesn't want to go back to the shithole anymore and just wants MORE AND MORE.

>> No.3271225

Except you have just your shitty deduction to exclaim 'POLL IS FAKE'

>> No.3271229

yea and i remember 7 years ago when the english community went batshit for releases that came 2 or 3 per year. we're on 4chan, part of the joke is that we just bitch about everything.
everyone I'm sure is very thankful for all the translators. I am, even though I bitch on /jp/. It's not really that I have anything to say against them it's more just the fact that polling for a tl candidate inevitably leads to tons of internet butthurt. It's hard to be given the potential of having a game you like translated, and then have that taken away. Of course people are going to be a little jaded.

>> No.3271235

And this GREED is going to make him monye one day, just look at mangagamer

>> No.3271248

>Make money by begging for translations
I don't quite follow, I'm sorry.

>> No.3271252

Ixrec said from the beginning that he wouldn't necessarily translate whatever won the poll.

>> No.3271270

Easy, you see you're all now kids, in 10 years you're still gonna be a weeaboo but on welfare, so you'll spend your money on buying VNs like a real japanese otaku!

>> No.3271281 [DELETED] 

Good enough. I guess I don't have anything to be pissed at then.

>> No.3271305

Sounds like a plan

>> No.3271302

Nah, Ammy didn't rig the poll. It was just a fuckton of rallying on every side. Really all it came down to was the Inganock supporters being better at sucking cocks for votes.

>> No.3271337

>There's certainly a following for the game within the staff, which I guess is partly because I chose to play it, but I honestly never thought it had a chance up until the polls started. Before that I was hoping for Swan Song.
Just look at his posts man. So fucking pretentious about his "poll" when it was actually rigged.

>> No.3271346

One of the Inganock supporters went to various furry boards posting to vote for it.

>> No.3271372


show me your powers anikis

>> No.3271392

inb4 takajun flat out refuses to translates the Baldr series.

>> No.3271511

Proof? More than two examples please.

>> No.3271515 [DELETED] 

I can confirm this. Basically I told lots of people who are interested in visual novels, but would never vote without somebody telling them to. I managed to gather at least five people.
Only one visitor came to Ammy from that site.

>> No.3271519

Sup sup amaterasu. Kindly gtfo.

>> No.3271523

I can confirm this. Basically I told lots of people who are interested in visual novels, but would never vote without somebody telling them to. I managed to gather at least five people.
True, somebody did post about the poll on some furry board, but only one visitor came to Ammy from that site. Confirmed by staff, so you might as well claim that they're hiding the real numbers.

>> No.3271529

>but the staff said only one visitor came to Ammy from that site. Confirmed by staff,

>> No.3271556

I actually hired a skywriter to do a message that said "vote for Inganock!" and what do you know, it worked!

>> No.3271590

Because there's any way to confirm this amirite? And now don't give me refs, that sounds pretty much stupid.
It's pretty much clear that the polls were rigged. Period. No matter if with bots or the help from outside.

>> No.3271616

I hacked one of the stock tickers in New York to say "Vote For Inganock And The DOW Will Go Up"

>> No.3271627

>>It's pretty much clear that the polls were rigged. Period. No matter if with bots or the help from outside.

People actually believe this.

>> No.3271629

Crap. I read nigacock, and went through all the trouble of going to a gay bar to vote for the "prettyest transvestite"

>> No.3271637

Yeah they rigged the poll. And now they're trying to pass it off as if Inganock was always popular, even when it's so fucking obvious that the only people who ever made posts about this game on /jp/ was their own staff.

>> No.3271640

>Smart people actually believe this.

Fixed it for you.

>> No.3271643

More believable than something that literally no one gave a shit about before this past week is suddenly the most popular thing out there.

>> No.3271654

One voter came from 4chan's /f/, not that furry board. No one knows how many people came from the furry board because the survey only asked about 4chan boards.

>> No.3271661


Whenever threads about translations popped up, Sharnoth and other liar-soft games were always mentioned. Go back to /m/, butthurt.

>> No.3271671

Yeah, just like Swan Song, Hoshizora no Memoria, Baldr, GSS.

>> No.3271677

Wow what an elaborate argument.
So if I start mentioning a game nobody else cares about of it will automatically and magically win the next poll, no matter how big the other fanbases are?

>> No.3271702


Pretty much. Maybe if you spammed your game more often, it would have won. Just deal with it and stop crying, your making the rest of us look butthurt.

>> No.3271713

Seriously, someone email liarsoft and get them to C&D these faggots.

>> No.3271704

Christ, just stop. Inganock is a good visual novel, and Ixrec will translate others from the finalist list after he's done.

>> No.3271714

To be honest there wouldn't be a shitstorm if other games won like SWAN SONG. That's somewhat believable.

Inganock? No way, give us the links to the forums it was rallied on. You expect me to believe there are 80+ people on /jp/ that likes it but does not discuss it? Compare that to numerous Baldr Sky threads we have. It's the only untranslated VN that routinely have threads since it was released last year.

>> No.3271717

I asked people on #THP to vote for it. Also few guys on Steam.

>> No.3271718

Doesn't seem that unbelievable. Fans of one are just more talkative than that of the other.

>> No.3271723

>>Compare that to numerous Baldr Sky threads we have.

You're forgetting those threads just have the same handful of people resposting over and over.

>> No.3271729

>To be honest there wouldn't be a shitstorm if other games won like SWAN SONG.
There would've. /jp/ would've trolled whatever won. That's how some people here are.

>> No.3271735

No different from any thread about Type Moon o 07th Expansion stuff

>> No.3271740

I suspect it was moefaggots etc. who suspected their top picks had no chance but didn't want a game with mecha/action/gameplay/rape to win rallying behind the 2nd place game in preliminaries. This was my own rationale, in any case.

>> No.3271761

With every additional posting like this you make the rigging of the polls more obvious moeron

>> No.3271803

It's not like we need anymore clues than we already have.
From their forums, the translator himself:
>Sekien just happens to be the one I was most interested in right now (largely because I chose to read it first for entirely unrelated reasons) so this was just too perfect.
Definitely too perfect to be any coincidence.

>> No.3271839

Except for the fact that it's untranslated and there's no GIGA fanboys here.

How about you look the archive and see if it's the same people posting over and over.

>> No.3271853

So someone posted an Inganock MF link but it's missing part14. Can the anon that posted that upload it? Thanks.

>> No.3271861

It's pretty obvious that the poll was in favor of Ingarock, but I don't really care.

In the end it was going to win anyway, might as well sit back and enjoy another TL'd novel.

>> No.3271871

How do you report files on MF?

>> No.3271943

I made convinced 9 people (which were indifferent to the outcome) to vote for it. So what? should I call a whaaawbulance?

>> No.3271949

You said you only convinced 5 other people in your previous posts.

>> No.3271999

But I already voted for Ayakashibito.

>> No.3272026

Why don't you kids like the Swan Song?

>> No.3272390
File: 73 KB, 600x750, crawling in my skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SWAN SONG (End of the world drama)

>> No.3272412

Wang Song

>> No.3272440

I voted for it. I expected it to do better because it seemed to have a lot of support here.

>> No.3272461

/jp/ doesn't have much traffic, something popular here doesn't mean much.

>> No.3273116


Better question is why did so little people vote for Saihate no Ima.

If nothing else, that eroge seemed like the most logical choice since most translators probably wouldn't bother with it and most of us can't even use our Japanese skills or atlas to read it.

>> No.3273144

We did make up the majority of voters though.

>> No.3274096


As for me for example, I abandoned my vote for Saihate because it was fairly obvious it wouldn't win anyway.

So I voted for Swan Song.


>> No.3274104

>I didn't vote for what I wanted because it would have probably lost anyway
This is why democracy fails.

>> No.3274269


>> No.3274357


>give us the links to the forums it was rallied on

There were a rally thread on not4chan. Not that I care about these eroges, most of it are just a bunch of texts which the translators feel would help improve their japanese skills rather than the good fapping material.
