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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 251 KB, 734x1031, 1234298987186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3257347 No.3257347 [Reply] [Original]

Continued From

>> No.3257349
File: 134 KB, 500x708, hell63136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little bit of everything thread

>> No.3257362
File: 370 KB, 1481x2101, aika1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need time to read what happened in the end of that last thread...

>> No.3257399
File: 15 KB, 269x202, 981e3d21cd22e0_main.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3257445
File: 691 KB, 3026x4599, hell62473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat trying to find a good Mikitty OP
but alas I couldn't find one. Wonder how her first show went.

>> No.3257454

I always ignored these threads. But hell.
Why are you interested in this stuff? Seriously guys.

>> No.3257481
File: 309 KB, 1276x1500, toro41658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best hobby in the world, I dunno I can't speak for everyone but Musume captures all the best things I like about Japan.

>> No.3257489

But they're too 3D.

>> No.3257498
File: 88 KB, 217x2106, maki4064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extreme 2D worship is perfectly normal and understandable but j-pop Idol music, the cute japanese girls and the entire world of fandom that come with it isn't?

>> No.3257569


I don't think Taka gives two shits about Morning Musume anymore. In fact, I'd bet he even considers himself lucky to have to deal so rarely with them in his own program.
None of them have any personality or pull to speak of, nor are they good looking (i.e. Aika and the Ching Chongs). In other words, they are all awful talk show material.

>> No.3257570
File: 59 KB, 600x800, hell62588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea and when you squeeze them they make a sound.

>> No.3257577

Cool troll rehash

>> No.3257590
File: 149 KB, 638x1436, 1247282077551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truth hurts.

>> No.3257599
File: 30 KB, 427x600, offgaki3077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maki-fag were you here last night?! Seems you miss these wild thread moments to much nowadays.

Cool troll rehash followup

>> No.3257638


Musume on another 24 hour T.V. marathon this time. Man they love doing these things.

>> No.3257675
File: 41 KB, 640x480, www_dotup_org84927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3257714


Are they going to sing Love Machine again? It's a little too late to keep flogging Nanchatte Renai, after all, and Japan at large didn't appreciate it either so performing it of all songs would be a waster effort.

>> No.3257736 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 1920x1088, 00115362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would guess dekkai uchuu ni ai ga aru

looks like music fighter is recycling

>> No.3257758

>Japan at large didn't appreciate it either so performing it of all songs

Glad you spoilered that, look at them in the back row jesus, they look like its the first time being on camera.

>> No.3257808
File: 24 KB, 427x600, aewen1235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3257837


You know, considering how in spite of all the expensive stunts (Former Musume parternship, multiple versions each different from the other, wotas' very own inflate-a-thon, etc.) they pulled off in the hopes to maximize the profits they still eked out the same sales numbers they get when adopting their usual underwhelming marketing tactics I can only reason out that nobody cared.
And let me say that I don't even want to get started with the comparisons again. I figured out that discussing in realistic terms with you is a lost cause, so just deal with it.

>> No.3257892
File: 40 KB, 640x480, www_dotup_org84922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3257950
File: 214 KB, 1440x810, 1251517588175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3258320
File: 222 KB, 624x464, 070407_1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3258331
File: 34 KB, 640x360, aewen6196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A saged Aika, I do not like that.
I never understood why Saturday is a slow MM day...ah well back to photobook hunting

>> No.3258389
File: 72 KB, 300x449, 02287867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news out of Thailand, Miki--fags?

>> No.3258453

Radio show:
Young Town Saturday 8.29.2009 (Takahashi Ai, Michishige Sayumi)

>> No.3258489

was this an haromoni episode? which one?

>> No.3258530

>back to photobook hunting

As in physical photobooks?

>> No.3258718
File: 152 KB, 1280x960, 1232757559862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well found my Photobook,
island fag you figure out what concerts you getting?

>> No.3258735
File: 300 KB, 1280x1440, 1232254292836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, went with Reina's 2007 Alo-Hello
when she still had some meat on her bones.

Seconded, I'd like to find that episode.

>> No.3258814
File: 201 KB, 1140x1000, aielegies_ (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy hour time

>> No.3258848
File: 60 KB, 720x393, 1250813111335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3259330

I laughed pretty hard. Good show.

>> No.3259338

ces pieds!

>> No.3259513
File: 164 KB, 1024x1435, 17T_0132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Konkon?

>> No.3259625
File: 193 KB, 934x677, naruup5025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems the Sayu-Jun feud has heated up more than I expected.

>> No.3259715
File: 2.53 MB, 2896x1944, DSC_0710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full picture

>> No.3259750 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 638x961, maki4277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short Maki A-Nation Clip, up to her old stage antics?


>> No.3259754
File: 100 KB, 638x961, maki4277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short Maki A-Nation Clip, up to her old stage antics?


>> No.3259890
File: 210 KB, 1440x810, 481391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3259944

piggy needs to leave my junjun alone

>> No.3259953


Wow, they really manage to turn every last of their programs into a borefest.

>> No.3259987

mm is on 24hr right now btw

>> No.3259997

Will they sing Love fucking Machine yet again?

>> No.3260026
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, long1251589574219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3260031

anything else to watch it on besides that shipile known as keyhole tv?

>> No.3260033

every year they sing the b side to the peace

>> No.3260062
File: 174 KB, 1440x810, 481430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol JunJun is copying Shige..

>> No.3260065

tvants bro

>> No.3260135 [DELETED] 


LOL, haven't they ever gotten tired of beating that dead horse yet? They are so fucking hopeless they have to appeal to 10 years old stuff every time they are called in some big show in order to feed their delusions of popularity. How sad.

Speaking of which, haven't the Ching Chongs ever expressed their aggravation about being forced to sing the "The future of Japan makes the world jealous" line? Taiwanese Chinese are pretty laid back about national identity, but I know for a fact Continental ones are quite rabid about that. Aren't Ching Ching and Chung Chung Continental?

>> No.3260149

do I have to add a new server or something?

the only NTV channels I can connect to are the news one and some other one that says it is 7:04, not 9:25

>> No.3260153
File: 175 KB, 1142x1600, pasta_typhoon3767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the bitrate on that? I'm watching YTV@430k right now, but they're not running the exact same thing as NTV, even though they're an affiliate.

Great OP image BTW.

>> No.3260238

can you share the location of the ytv stream, please?

>> No.3260262

Looks like Nihon TV isn't on the current server list, not sure about any other servers that you could connect to.
Its rotating hosts so its really just luck of draw, guess keyhole is the only way to go for this.
Glad you like the OP

>> No.3260266

MM feet pictures, please!

>> No.3260316


>> No.3260361

ah well, for the kamei wotas, her anime is on atm on tvtants -> tbs

>> No.3260367
File: 133 KB, 1094x1600, pasta_typhoon3778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOP>SUN TV, and it's IE only.

For a reason I've never bothered to investigate, the stream doesn't work outside of the browser anymore. Enjoy watchable Japanese TV!

>> No.3260392
File: 90 KB, 971x54, feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3260397
File: 340 KB, 500x719, i saved it on mm-bbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meet Aika. Her face looks like a foot.

>> No.3260401
File: 105 KB, 1200x845, aya23626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, thanks resident ayaya-wota.

Your contributions are much appreciated.

>> No.3260472

Soles are preferable, thanks!

>> No.3260502

Thanks, should come handy once in a while.

>i saved it on mm-bbs.jpg
subtle approach Geoff

>> No.3260504
File: 294 KB, 720x2400, yossymiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3260529

I love this song on right now, too bad they couldn't get SAS on to sing it...


>> No.3260639
File: 473 KB, 713x480, vlcsnap-1811917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3260835

What H!F video is that from?

>> No.3260897

H!P should be on NTV again in a few mins

>> No.3260965
File: 615 KB, 1024x576, Abesan Drinks.divx - 00002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THanks for the heads up, that ipobar crashed my browser, perhaps I shouldn't of gotten ie8...

Good moment to cheer the night, I'm pretty sure what happened last night wont happen again.

>> No.3260976

dis fukken song

>> No.3260992

Don't they have another song for cheering than this one?

>> No.3261069
File: 196 KB, 1440x810, 481651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good Musume

>> No.3261083
File: 175 KB, 1440x810, 481654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3261117


Will ever come a day when Morning Musume will no longer need to use their former, more popular members as a prop?

>> No.3261125
File: 289 KB, 1440x810, 481648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3261169 [DELETED] 

Mad that Musume has a historic past and figures while your idol group is fighting for attention

>> No.3261240


I'm just pitying how your current idols have no merit of their own and have to constantly piggyback their infinitely more popular predecessors.
If their selling point is still their 10 years old songs and 10 years old lineup, why do they keep the current lineup in their payroll? Bunch of bottom feeders.

Idoling!! don't need any of this shit, they can acquit themselves pretty damn good without the track record of dwindling popularity and scandals you call "historic past".

>> No.3261314
File: 174 KB, 1440x810, 090827-0307160694-1440x810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it classy lone idoling troll, please leave.

Fake Sayu? Does fake-AV fag still float around here?

>> No.3261353


I think I'll loiter around here for a little longer instead. MM-BBS has no interesting thread at the moment.

>> No.3261404
File: 22 KB, 357x646, 17T_0434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what will become of KonKon.

>> No.3261434



>> No.3261488

Konno in a thousands years wouldn't do AV's, there are other ex Musumes who are much higher on that list.

>> No.3261510
File: 44 KB, 500x333, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing that she's getting attention for this. I mean there's a fuckton of bigger names on this and waifu is only in the "Shooting Act" category, yet still got mentioned right after Ayumi, Koda and whatever boyband that was. Weird shit.

>> No.3261539
File: 357 KB, 1280x720, maki4267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wonderin when you were going to pop in Maki fag, you are not on your A-game.

>> No.3261582 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 477x729, 481686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me...
still cute despite the blocks

>> No.3261603
File: 268 KB, 1040x1520, goddamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got stuck playing Left 4 Dead. Finally beat a fucking campaign on Expert tonight, and I've had that game since release. I come back here and I've missed some livestream goodness and Maki news. I need to step my game up indeed.

Also: this pic never fails to make me laugh. Fucking Koha, man.

>> No.3261638

Ahh if only she stayed in H!P....

>> No.3261644
File: 50 KB, 317x239, kohalinlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/5, I raged seeing those pics

>> No.3261739
File: 230 KB, 1440x810, 481652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I raged seeing those pics
Why's that?

>> No.3261755

probably because it's yaguchi feat. morning musume all over again

>> No.3261862
File: 82 KB, 619x900, 1238180252740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening /jp/
No drinking bros? Also, kinda went to sleep before the trolling last night, didn't want to be a part of it.
Following with OP.

>> No.3261870
File: 97 KB, 480x800, o0480080010243410178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggotry corrected

>> No.3261903
File: 930 KB, 1161x1612, aewen1772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I would give for a list of affiliations last night...
>No drinking bros
What do you want us to do, take pictures of ourselves dousing ourselves in alcohol?!

You figure out your concert DVD's yet?

>> No.3261911
File: 34 KB, 600x450, 10gy9vl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you guys watched the Nanchatte Renai Event V DVD?

>> No.3261915


I'm drinking, but I usually ignore these threads because I don't know what the hell they're about.

>> No.3262009

>take pictures of ourselves dousing ourselves in alcohol?!
eh? You'd do that?
Unless you're actually interested in this place/trolls, it's best you stay away from here.

>> No.3262029
File: 82 KB, 800x1067, o0800106710243356035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watched the Nanchatte Renai Event V DVD?
You mean the Singles 5 release? Why?
They are about Morning Musume, a J-Pop dynasty of sorts. Think idolmaster but in real life, wiki for any basic questions.

Love me sum Ichii

>> No.3262068

This thing -- http://www.hello-online.org/index.php?act=tracker&CODE=details&torrent=22443

I don't know, looked interesting - just wanted to know if any bros saw it/thought it was any good...

>> No.3262122
File: 35 KB, 704x480, Tsnaps00519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. event DVD, this must of been handouts at the handshakes. I don't know, if it contains solo PV's of the White Version it is definitely worth looking at.

>> No.3262190
File: 127 KB, 815x705, aaaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3262335
File: 432 KB, 887x1280, ReinaT_5702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3262518
File: 278 KB, 1028x1480, 1238193493585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty empty tonight.

>> No.3262538
File: 52 KB, 720x480, ne0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you put on a show for us?

>> No.3262554
File: 25 KB, 240x400, A33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it is...

>> No.3262564
File: 422 KB, 1024x768, 63251120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe to post Koha again?
How many of you pre-ordered Sugar Doll?

To be honest I'm not a Koha fan but I am slightly intrigued by its potential

>> No.3262573

>Safe to post Koha again?

>> No.3262591
File: 30 KB, 364x462, 1239250216742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away.

>> No.3262679
File: 249 KB, 1000x1470, opa00298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Can we not even broach the subject anymore?

>> No.3262693

Hmmm... I haven't drunk enough to make a fool of myself, so I'll talk about a few moments from various videos.
There's a video, where aibon cups Mikitty in one of the Hello!Morning skits, I think it's in veoh somewhere, it only last for a little more than a second. Rather.. great, let me go look for it.
My theory is that Mikkity was taught/influenced by aibon in groping various members, but that's just me, I have to look in the history of groping from Mikkity before I make a semi-concrete theory.

>> No.3262767

Musume's 24hr performance

>> No.3262768
File: 23 KB, 240x448, 1239480060620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when this thread goes into full troll mode,

>> No.3262839
File: 28 KB, 600x424, yumihari2nd-img600x424-12510894985quoup1505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, I am in fact not the bridge for that raid
I'd like to reclaim Koharu however

>> No.3262936
File: 372 KB, 971x1414, aewen3634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

  ( *’ー’) <火星人やよー

>> No.3262957
File: 410 KB, 1414x971, aewen3637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3262970

Ah fuck, too many H!M skits, it's a part from the Ekimae Koban Monogatari skits, and since veoh and youtube went through a lot of shit, I can't remember if the skit got delete or not. You can partly see the skit from is H!M episode 193, it's a NG episode, the particular skit starts around 19:00.
I don't feel like looking for the actual skit, would take too long, I'll probably find it tomorrow though.

>> No.3262997

I'm with EmEl and Petit Melon on this one. I don't see this as any kind of tongue-in-cheek or self satire book at all, just a poorly made attempt at sexy. No thanks on 30 different shots of your ass crack, Kago. The best picture in the whole book (aside from the one Melon mentioned, which is the sexiest) is of her in the bookstore tearing up magazines or whatever and looking like she's having fun. If the whole book was along those lines, I could definitely see it as telling Friday to shove it. Come on Kago, you're grown up, you're pretty, and you're no longer anorexic looking. If you must continue to prove to us that you're an adult through sex, you can do it so much better.

>> No.3263006

Yeah -she is train wreck, which is fun to watch. The key phrase is "self-respecting." The rock band might garner some fun publicity but it would only amount to being a "failed child-idol-turned-paparazzi-whore" vehicle and laughable curio. I'm sure many would-be rockers are desperate for any start but no one would take it seriously.

And, c'mon, let's just usher Kago into porn and get it over with. What else will she do? More (terrible) karaoke cover appearances on game shows?

>> No.3263010

What kind of faget pose is she doing wwwww

"Even if 4 years have passed, the whole reason she's out of H!P is that her immediate actions.." It didn't take 4 years for the change, that seemed to be Trike's point as well.

>> No.3263020

It wasn't that she became a negative person, it's just that the FRIDAY thing of 2006 shattered her image/ "the illusion" and once it happened, things just didn't get much better for her or her decisions.

I'm not speaking about how I feel about her, I'm just stating the timeline which fans experienced. You mentioned something about her being a different person after 4 years and I was pointing out that she was viewed as that different person since 2006.

>> No.3263035
File: 138 KB, 339x319, 1243031630160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3263039

Koharu... ahhh

these girls have sex and yes some of them probably smoke/drink/whatever. Instead of saying "Hey, I made some bad choices but I learned my lesson and now I'm going to try and move on with my life," Kago went out and about airing out her dirty laundry to the public. As soon as she started showing up on TV again all she talked about was "secrets of the entertainment world" and her family sob story. At first it was kind of interesting to hear, but then it just went on and on.

>> No.3263072

I know what's it like to have bald problems ;_;

She shares things on national TV that most people only share with close friends. Things started with the scandals, but they've added up over the years. She wasn't gone off the face of the entertainment earth as long as she's been back on it, gabbing away.

>> No.3263074
File: 1.11 MB, 1499x2242, 1238788370872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3263088

sup, drinking bro
next ones on me : )

>> No.3263095

I'm so happy for this project existing because it has brought the original Ai no Katsu PV into my life. It brings me such joy. Why NOT overlay a spinning slinky!

I originally thought the subgroup rivals were a reeeeeeeeally cheap way to make sales that would have VERY little chance of working. With the tracklist announcement out and ridiculous things like "Zoku Viyuuden", I really think this is just a one time thing for the fans, thus making that "very little chance" into "we're not actually trying to make sales, silly gooses!" Ah well.

>> No.3263096
File: 216 KB, 976x1416, ufa00359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Aika
less troll

>> No.3263098

What's wrong with his face?

>> No.3263112

>chicken strip costume

>> No.3263122

Donald duck style smirk, it's ... smirkfodolicious.


Oh definitely and I agree with that. Viyuuden wasn't a one shot group or a MM subgroup that went through line-up changes and was a side project, it was a very specific and beloved group. Reviving it is almost insulting the original three girls who worked really hard at that group, like "Whatever y'all got too old, trying again!" But I've seen a lot of crying about the vocals of Zoku Viyuuden and it's THAT I don't understand since Viyuuden was just not about the singing.

>> No.3263126

I loled hard. I love the original Tanpop and am all for the new one.... But not with Aika (or as I typically good-naturedly like to call her Gremlin.)

I'd like if they put Mano Erina in New Tanpopo, if only because to me she'd seem like she could fit in with the early, original 1st and 2nd gen Tanpopo really nicely.

>> No.3263138


>> No.3263143
File: 388 KB, 1477x2097, aika1140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3263147

No kfc for me today ;_;

>> No.3263155

Prego costume? Do not want. I've always thought of Pucchi moni as the tomboyish, sassy counterpart to the ultra-feminine and elegant Tanpopo. However, in this lineup you have two "girly" girls, Erina and Saki N. It would have made a lot more sense to put the other Saki in this. And while Hagiwara does fit the mold, she still seems a bit too "little sister" cute for me.

The new minimoni seems pretty decently constructed. Minimoni is all about whackiness, craziness, and cute kids, with a foriegner thrown in to boot. Linlin is just crowded out in MM, and given that group's likely continued mature image and song selection, minimoni is an ideal contrast, and a perfect fit for her humorous character.

>> No.3263173


I do not remember this. Did it really happen that way? I know Minimoni was on O-ha a lot (right?) and they had their own show, but I really don't believe Minimoni was Mari's doing. I know she really took the leader role by the horns, but I'm still unsure. Either way, I highly doubt Tsunku would need to go to Mari for approval.

>> No.3263181

I don't get it either. Ha ha ha. They showed the creation on old episodes of Hello!Morning. Mari, Tsuji and Kago were the ones who came up with the idea for a group emphasizing their shortness and assaulted Tsunku in the studio about it. That was before the name was created or Tsunku added Mika in. We can't know if she came up with the idea for exactly what Mini Moni was song-wise, but atleast as far as it appeared the three of them came up with the idea for forming a group based on their heights.

>> No.3263189
File: 239 KB, 1036x1484, img20090410132347546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3263191

Smile, you're on candid camera!

>> No.3263211

dat... fake smile.

I think her enthousiasm and wackyness are a great addition. Her over-the-top personality seems to fit well into something aimed at kids.

Tsunku also said he would pick the rest of the members out of the less experienced eggs. I don't like most of the eggs. I hope he'll make good choices.

>> No.3263216


Here's hoping for Sekine Azusa (on j-ongaku it says she's 152.5cm! But would be on a closer level of singing than most eggs would be to Linlin/Kanon). I don't know who else I'd want from the eggs since the other girls are mad young... Okai Asuna is my next choice. It'd get her some experience too, and we'd still have an Okai in the group :) But Linlin and Kanon in this group is awesome...

>> No.3263230

Easter eggs? Good one, lol.

I like that he's going for the less typical approach, but I'm concerned that he would put 3 fresh faces in something as legendary as Mini Moni. I mean, we had Mari & the tiny half of 4th gen carry it before, now it's a very unfamiliar bunch. Also because Lin Lin is the only MM girl in it, it's Minimally Moni.

>> No.3263247

I like how this is creating angry responses on the net and blogosphere. I really don't get it. Did people love minimoni that much? To me, it was just a launching vehicle for the TsujiKago boom (which ultimately led to W.... and then the great demise thereof). What I think goes unmentioned, at least in the Western fandom is the sheer impact it had (either positive or negative, that's up to you) to lower the age bracket of the audience. Besides Goto's "Te wo Nigitte..." there was never anything blatantly targeted at kids before minimoni, and it obviously worked. (By way of referrence, look at the HPK auditions and how many of them did minimoni songs!) Basically, without no minimoni, there would be no HPK, and by extension HPE. Making the new minimoni an all HPE unit (Linlin was and HPE at one time, too) is like the whole cycle coming full circle. I say, embrace the change.

>> No.3263251
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>next ones ones on me :)
ok... transfer me $9 for my beer than call it even I'll pay that fee Lolol....
>she still seems a bit too "little sister"
I'm no kids fag, but you seem to be delusional.

>> No.3263272
File: 421 KB, 746x1104, aika1637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I am seriously impressed with the copy pasta
what is your source?!?!

>> No.3263273

Yay lololol. I'm not reading spoilers. ; )


guess Tsunku has been dreaming of a Chinese Mini Moni for while now...
Just listen to Rai Rai Shinfuu. It has counting in Mandarin and it's about food.

>> No.3263288

I think here forehead's between her and that AV career. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I discovered the Hello! Project just before "Telephone Ring, Ring, Ring" came out, and they were my favorite sub-group until they became Bling Moni. Yeah, they were definitely targeted to the kids, but the songs were great, with some of them even bodering on the avant garde. Even though it was pretty much a Tsuji/Kago vehicle, there was a sense of genuine chemistry between everyone in the group.

>> No.3263296

Are you a furry? ;_;
I do believe that Miyamoto Karin will be in the new Minimoni, but who knows about the other girl people are guessing! Takeuchi Akari if anyone wanted to know... Both girls were recently in a stage play with Takahashi, Kamei, Shige, and Tanaka.

>> No.3263312

Some cool moments from there

I giggled at Koharu's antics.

>> No.3263316

She's cute as a button. And guess what? She's 10, and she can sing well too. She reminded me of Kago infused with Kanon's force in this clip here from one of the egg concerts (singing Minimoni too!). She's the cute one singing,btw :)

>> No.3263336
File: 297 KB, 1386x1971, img20080927181436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite amazing

>> No.3263339

Reminds me of that horror film. Bee movie.

>> No.3263347

I know. Flattery gets you no where. Though. I'd love to see some more of Aika, but I think she still has to develop her singing more. I don't really know the HPK or HKE enough to want any of them specifically.

I guess my dream team would be: Yaguchi (I mean, Tsunku did contact her), a well-recorded and trained Mitsui, and probably JunLin for the KagoTsuji type thing (though I guess height is an issue

>> No.3263352

Seen on minimoni blog:






>> No.3263371
File: 390 KB, 1072x1600, 1234413551170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to even say

>> No.3263417

Do you think Takahashi will be in this group still? Or will they put Reina in as the leader instead? She's closer to 150 than Takahashi is/was. The only HPK who was 150 or shorter are Chisato, Captain, and Momoko. And I don't think they'll put Momoko in yet another group. She already seems busy enough! There's quick a few HPE that are tiny, though. The baby ones...

>> No.3263516
File: 358 KB, 1549x2093, aika1148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /jp/
sweet delicous Aika dreams

>> No.3263931


Why are you constantly copy-pasting other people's opinions from mm-bbs about old topics? If you love their opinions so much, go join it or something.

>> No.3263972

he wants us to think they're trolling us so we'd invade their little forum

>> No.3264840
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>> No.3264849
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>> No.3264949
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>> No.3264963

Why do you keep implying that you want group sex videos of them?

>> No.3264964

NIghtmarety night. Silly wota. :P

I seriously laughed really hard at that.

Also, this makes no sense if it actually ends up being true that only half of the group shows up. Why the hell would only one of them show up? Its not like Rika has anything else to do.

>> No.3264967


Not shown: Morning Musume getting gangbanged in the backstage.

>> No.3264979

Good recap

>> No.3264983

pedorocker ?

>> No.3264985

Really tired of Aika, how would you call it "her own career" - when does she do any H&A stuff on her own? So far H&A has seemed more like a side project directly created to promote a brand rather than either Yossi or Rika's main group. When Yossi and Rika make appearances on variety shows dressed in their regular clothes, do they actually get a name subtitle that says "Yoshizawa Hitomi (HANGRY&ANGRY)"? Besides, news articles refer to MM graduates as "So and So (former MM)" all the time, so I don't see how it's professionally insulting. If she's appearing at an event with MM, it's not insulting to reference that she was once part of that group.

>> No.3264994

They're all of legal age. Stop whining, 2Dfag.

>> No.3265000

Goddamn kawaii, ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Good video. It is weird that they don't bill it as "Yossi of Hangry & Angry" instead of just saying "H&A." I guess it is because Yossi is performing under the stage name of Hangry and it might be stupid to bill "Hangry of Hangry&Angry" or "former MM-member Yossi as Hangry of Hangry & Angry" etc. Also, it wouldn't carry any weight to the general audience at AX who are likely not fans of mm and thus do not care if they bring along a retired member. But saying one of the lead singers for another group is coming = more grandeur and thus most attention/money/etc.>>3263316

>> No.3265188


H!P = Hello!Pedo

Even if they're older than 18, most of those birds are so mentally immature it would be basically like shagging a 13 years old.

>> No.3265350
File: 1.37 MB, 2479x3479, 83013055451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blah blah

>> No.3265366
File: 684 KB, 1106x412, Yoshizawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yossi's milkshake brings all the girls to the yard.

>> No.3265424

And they are doing it right this time, Naichau Kamo was a good try, but came off generic "lets cry" song that just reminded me of a boring version of AFOD. I didn't like Mikan or Pepper Keibu. The latest MM songs I loved were Shouganai and Resonant Blue (which also did angst and emo well). Anyways, I feel most of MM's discography is HAPPY HAPPY anyways. Look for the kid groups for happy songs.

>> No.3265433

>wedding to a pedo
That very concept is so off-the-wall that I would probably end up buying several copies of the single in support of the pure jokes in having MM sing and dance to a song about suicide. If it's popular, maybe the kids can even sing a happy version about the same topic.

>> No.3265440

The arrangement almost makes this song amazing, but the verse is so fucking boring and generic that it brings the whole song down. Interesting enough to listen, but not something for many repeat listens. Much better than Shoganai, anyway. The arrangement really is gorgeous, but the verse is just like 15-20 seconds of complete boredom that would normally make you skip to the next song if you didn't have the patience to wait for the rest. I could see someone who's not a fan of MM skipping past it during the verse.

>> No.3265475

Kago Ai's music video revisit (nostalgia)

Yeah, so as you can hear, they have the same basic elements.

It's like they took Shouganai Yume Oibito and threw in Maki's Daite Yo! Please Go On rap at random moments. . .or SEXY 8?

This would have been less suspicious if you just gave this song to C-ute, it sort of sounds like something they would have. Especially the "Ah nande nandarou watashi" part.

>> No.3265481

It's got violins and rap. I don't stand a chance, I am horribly in love with this. I'm not going to bullshit any musical terms as to WHY because VIOLINS and RAP people.

I went from ignoring H!P to putting every other release on my MP3 player, damn man! I love you, new H!P!

>> No.3265489
File: 283 KB, 1280x720, maki4266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copypasting bullfuck again?
Also: Maki's Mach 3 arm.

>> No.3265500

I loved it too! I was going to post something about the preview earlier today, but the internet went out for a while for some reason. Anyways, I like this better than Shouganai Yume Oibito. I like the part between the verse and rap, but I especially love the chorus. The rap definitely suprised me, but it seems a bit out of place, but I like it enough. Overall, I'm liking this enough to buy it.

>> No.3265554

I really like their outfits. It's probably the hat, I'm a sucker for small top hats.

Two outfits in a PV is enough to surprise me now, jeez. That said, Ai's white cut looked nice. She looked like a "real" pop star compared to the other girls. The setting is a bit grimy, makes me think they're gonna get raped or something. The rest is standard momusu pv stuffs: weird dance, weird cuts, weird camera angles. :|

I still can't decide if I like the song or not.

>> No.3265572

Nice, pleasant PV. Not much else to say. I was really struck at how gorgeous she is. During her solo it was like a little 2 year old had dubbed over some model's voice. I also think someone should make a reel of all the times Takahashi does that under the chin hand move at :38. I swear it's like every song ever she's doing that . . .

>> No.3265889


>> No.3266341
File: 20 KB, 333x359, DAAAAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266731

Holy shit this picture is fucking awesome, what band is that? And what appearance is that from?!

These copy and paste faggots are getting annoying...offtopic posts will be reported

>> No.3266758


>> No.3266864
File: 30 KB, 443x341, vl2_179777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankyou very much, anon!

Seriously who does this faggot think he is?!?!
Good thing he was touchy all over Koharu and none of my actual waifus.

>> No.3266881

Takahashi Ai & Niigaki Risa Premium Summer Dinner Show 09/08/30 Osaka 1st Stage

>> No.3266893
File: 401 KB, 1050x1483, sapphire_963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture

>> No.3266976
File: 92 KB, 800x1067, o0800106710243785641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat Ichii

>> No.3267005

Oh my god, who is this golden musume. ;_;

>> No.3267013

more importantly why dat sour look

>> No.3267019

Ichii Sayaka Blog:
Brief Background:

>> No.3267021

Wow. I saw the talk and i gotta say those Steel Panthers besides being rude to Koharu and a freaking pedophile. They are so dumb with their answers. On top of that the guy with the purple pants is a total Idiot, he thinks hes funny.

>> No.3267023

what a cute reaction from Aichan :3 i also would've hugged Koharu afterwards..
like Matchin' Color Gurl i don't want to see any of the girls being disrespect.

>> No.3267032

They were really a rowdy bunch. So what if the guy touched her, i bet the majority of people here if in that guys position would try to touch her in some form. I don't understand why people get so worked up over it.

>> No.3267037

Helluva tough guy that is, lol. No matter how much wota like to baby their favourite idols, it's really doubtful you'd be able to tell what they're thinking. Plus shows like these are usually heavily influenced. He was probably told to do it.

>> No.3267049
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>> No.3267050

Wow, can't wait for it on DVD. I wanted to watch it, too. I was there so it's a very special concert for me. I also would like to know if many people were to watch it when it airs. btw, Is TV Tokyo a big tv station? Only in Tokyo or national wide?
There was many stuff I wanted to buy @ AX but it was sold out, I only got a P9D poster and a photo set from JpopHouse.com. And a P9D and H@A CD from JapanFiles.com.

btw, back to NR, YesAsia.com said Oricon would start counting sales from YesAsia.com, when will they started or that they already did?
I think that since most fans that bought it on YesAsia.com bought it pre-order and they announced like a week after... so in any case, all that sales didn't make onto the charts...

>> No.3267053





>> No.3267070

What's that snack in the picture on her blog?
Looks like some salty peanuts or something?

>> No.3267086

Enough of that gaijin >:(
By the way, just now I tried to match SYO with dance ver. of that song in the video and surprisingly (or not), they're match perfectly! Not that perfect though, because of different line arrangement and the rap part, but the melody and beat pattern was almost identical... So, for people who call NR SYO 2.0, I agree...

>> No.3267091


Those hair metal guys were a riot. What's the name of their group, again? I want to support them from today if it means more of this stuff.


Why are you even defending them? Look at them, Jesus Christ. You root them out of their element for some minutes and they all start acting startled and panicky as if it were their first time in television.
Low tier idols, they can't even adapt to new situations. If anything you should thank the long haired dude, hadn't it been for him nobody would have noticed Morning Musume was there.

>> No.3267104

No idea... but she provided some cooking tips here :3



>> No.3267140

I hated them too. Usually for MM there's 3, sometimes 4, songs performed and a long MC with games or something. It lasts for around 30 minutes, then you line up for a rushed handshake with the girls. I'll guess someone of us will come with a report from the events when we've been there. I by the way only won tickets for two of the events. Lolli and zorrander are lucky bastards!

>> No.3267148

1:36 : If you jizz on the couch, clean it up.

Mind blown

>> No.3267149
File: 101 KB, 260x252, eririn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol eri having some fun

>> No.3267165

Anyways, I can't be more happier right now about the sales of this single (ok, maybe even more if they hit 100k)
I hope UFA learns the lesson and give their artists and products proper promotions and investments. See? money calls money

>> No.3267180

Sadly indeed. My biggest concern right now is that UFA will just drop all this promotion for their next single or album. If they want better sales, they can't just do this for one single. It might take a few singles of this kind of promotion before MM starts selling really consistently better.

>> No.3267192

Now I only hope that UFA promoters get the message that "With persisent promotion will likely results in consisent sales." even if not, but we shoould still seem it gradually climbing.



of what I understood from melodix is that they each had to write what people on the street answers are and if those were in the best5 of the people's answers they would get a point. I think the second question was about what was the most important part of the body while dancing?! And smile and head were in the best5 so riisas team got 2 points.
But maybe I understood all wrong, the moderator somewhat slurred and I have only been learning Japanese for one term

>> No.3267201

dat dirty look x(

>pressure from others
I don't think this have nothing to do with Morning Musume's promotion. That will be unfair to other artist in Japan. Think about if this effect a few week ago before the release on this single. I bet this single would have break the 60K mark by the 1st week and contiues sell good on the 2nd week around 65K or more. Not only it going to help Morning Musume but with C-ute and Berryz Koubou.

>> No.3267209

People have brought up jealousy from the girls who were polled as the reason why the results were the exact opposite of what they were expected to be. Reina has a reputation as the most fashion-conscious member in H!P and I remember seeing Ai ranking ahead of other girls in polls asking people what Japanese singer they most wanted to be their girlfriend/wife. It almost seems like the polled girls intentionally gave the opposite answer to cover up the fact they didn't want to admit that Reina really is fashionable and that Ai is wifey material. I wonder if there's some sort of psychological term for this, when the trait you attack someone for is really something you wish you had more of yourself and that deep down, you do know that this person is smarter/prettier/cooler.

I think I'm over analyzing

>> No.3267218

Hmm copied from what I was translating to Yuuyami over IM when she begged me for it...
Not sure if I mention absolutely everything said - that'll be covered by subs out soon I'm sure - but the main conversation:

The segment is: "What does everyone think of us?" Then they explain it, about how they're going to ask questions to people on the street about what they think of MoMusu members based on their pictures (and/or any previous knowledge). The host then asks what the members think of themselves. He picks Sayu after many raise their hands.

Sayu: I'm definitely the cutest!

Now the switch to the real thing! First question is gonna be asked to "obaa-san", and will be "Which girl would you not want to have as a daughter-in-law?"

First lady chooses Aichan, and explains that she thinks she's too serious and intense/austere. (my note: they probably want a fun and happy daughter in law and she thinks Aichan doesn't look it)

Second lady chooses Aichan as well, thinking she's cute... but wonders if she'd actually do housework!

>> No.3267232

This West Wind appearance was awesome, I hope it gets translated. Jesus Tsunku, putting the girls in such dangerous territory like that.
And those fucking oldfag glam rockers are sick, fucking 52 year old drummer dressed like that.


>> No.3267258
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>> No.3267293


>> No.3267299


>> No.3267305

I think they need to be picked on from time to time. NOT like in Utaban though. But not typical stuff either, they gotta stand out in some way or another and it doesn't always have to be for them being ortodox idols, "pure angels" or whatsoever.
One of the women in the street said she's seen Sayu at TV. That's great ^^

>> No.3267309

A few questions, who is that older woman that is singing? her voice is strong!

And I forgot when exactly but earlier they cut to a few girls clapping with a smaller girl? Does anyone know who they were?

>> No.3267324

>fucking oldfag rockers

>> No.3267332


>> No.3267344

What's the story behind her newest blog post?
Can't moonrune ;_;

>> No.3267502
File: 580 KB, 1491x2092, sapphire_979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is that older woman that is singing? her voice is strong!
I'm not sure what part you are refering to in the video unless you have the full show, but if a strong voice my guess would be Takahashi Ai (see pic)
Today, I received many messages and Sandejapon観Mashita.
Thus,even five years later, and I have to cheer you下Saru ...
Their feelings, to give back to you,
Can give something back to you,
When you think you have to tell you to express and shape the future.
I may like this, thank you in the future. f ^ _ ^;

Yea because men in their 50's should be dressed like that and have the ego of a real band from that era.

And fuck, I'm done with ie8 before I even started..

>> No.3267517

That sounds like google translation, fuck you

>> No.3267525

Sorry for overreacting but I love Erika, she is next to Junjun for favorite Hello! Project member currently. I am sad that she wouldn't be in Hello! Project anymore but I am glad she is being a model, she has the look. But I am curious, does she wanna sing anymore or Hello! Project doesn't have a modeling career along with a singing career? I am going to miss Erika so much :(

I was pondering this other day (and since we are talking about Erika), is Erika fully Japanese or some amount then 100% Japanese? Because she looks like she had European ancestors.

>> No.3267536

Please tell me it isn't so...
otoh, I may like to see her in av production soon. heh heh

>> No.3267538


Erika has Slav ancestors, which puts her below Koreans and Chinese in the racial hierarchy.

>> No.3267546

Oh you.

All seriousness though, I'm glad she's pursuing her dreams. I just hope they start repopulating C-ute or making some new groups out of the Eggs like s/mileage before it's too late. I hope Erika has the best of luck in whatever she wants to do with her future, she really was a favorite of mine.

>> No.3267555

her and Kanna must really have had a hard time being pushed to the back all the time. I never minded Erika, but she did stick out like a sore thumb in c-ute. Her becoming a model makes way more sense, she has that tall, mature look to her.

So who're the replacements? is that Korean chick going to be added? or are they going to finally throw some eggs into the group?

>> No.3267560

I've always wondered this myself. She hardly looks Japanese at all. I think I asked the same question here once, but nobody really knew.

>> No.3267690

090830 Morning Musume Nanchatte Renai モーニング娘。 なんちゃって恋愛

Ahh, didn't catch the second part with the performance.

>> No.3267704

Thanks for another link. I was feeling it until Ai's super cheesy "I hump this wall . . . with sadness" shot. But hey, that's the great part about current UFA. I'm sure they'll be 3 different scenes and they'll release each scene separate PV so I'll have a dance version to enjoy! I do enjoy the area and the general look of the thing.

>> No.3267705


Isn't it a little too late to peddle their single?

>> No.3267714

Have faith in Tsunkun! I would have liked a story PV, or at least a more interesting setting. After the creativity shown in the 3, 2, 1, BREAKIN' OUT PVs, I hoped that would inspire H!P to put more creativity in their own videos.

>> No.3267718

I definitely like the violins...for some reason it reminds me of Lu Lu Lu.

>> No.3267726


Sayumi's getting better? I still don't -like- her voice, per se, but it's improved the point where I can listen to her sing without cringing because she has lines.


>> No.3267731

I dunno...when I think about this song and PV I keep comparing it to Shouganai Yume Oibito. It's like SYO has a little sister. This little sister wants to be just like her big sister (#1), but doesn't know how, so she copies everything that the big sis does, but tries to show some originality and some rebellion (add a rap). But in the end, the dance and the sound just comes off real....stale? The whole circle dancing thing again, and the fluid arm movements thMaybe if this was released a few singles after SYO it wouldn't seem so rehashed. I loved SYO so much that this song just doesn't live up to it.

>> No.3267738

also, cute outfits, nice solo shots, and Risa's looking really thin lately. Maybe it's the new hair, but her face is looking crazy skinny.

>> No.3267770
File: 395 KB, 1600x773, 7272fa06bb62b86e030881ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some pretty good points, are you guys flooding us in real time now?

>> No.3267776

I'm starting a protest to give the Pandas more lines, and I might as well throw Aika in there too, although oddly enough she did get a decent bit of face time.

>> No.3267801


I definately see what people are saying about this being really similar to Shouganai, but for whatever reason I like it. The rap verses set it apart enough for me, maybe? I'm not sure.

>> No.3267807

I think the shots in front of the black and white background had potential - the silhoutte ones are pretty, but the background screams "CHEAP SCREEN." They could have put the girls in front of the windows in that warehouse and done the same thing and it would have looked much better.

>> No.3267820


Subete wa Ai no Chikara better be good.
I feel like it'll be jazzy or something similar to Iroppoi Jirettai. It would be funny if it's a rock song since AKIRA teased us with a rock intro. Come on Daichi.

>> No.3267825

I really like the soft sexy voices they use in the verses, except Reina (and Koharu?) who didn't get the memo. Even Sayumi sounds good.

>> No.3267827

>I'm starting a protest to give the Pandas more lines
Be prepared to fall on deaf ears.
>being really similar to Shouganai, but for whatever reason I like it.
I felt the same way but once you get in the heart of the song and its message, its definitely different.

What do you flood fags think of Tsunku's method of having all the girls sing the entire song and then selecting the lines afterword without the girls knowledge?

>> No.3267838

Here I was thinking that I was the only one who thought so. She gives me the creeps in this video. I do however love the video and the song. Junjun had almost no screen time, BUT she was looking amazingly beautiful. I really think they should give all Koharu lines to Junjun. Sure it's biased as all hell, but come on... seriously? Koharu? Kohawho? what?

>> No.3267843

It's so old school sounding, like something from the era of Summer Night Town or the darker songs from their first and second albums. The only song I can think of that comes stylistically close is Purple Wind, and that's only with a lot of squinting and extending my imagination. It's so old school that it's actually become a novelty. No one sounds bad, and the lack of Koharu solos is a big bonus. With 2/3 of the group finally reaching the age of majority (20) come November, it's only appropriate that Tsunku gives them a more mature style. and this ain't bad.

>> No.3267864

Nanchatte Ren'ai's rap finally wormed itself into my head, and now I'm convinced that this song is better than its twin sister Shouganai Yume Oibito.

>> No.3267868

>old school sounding

>> No.3267872
File: 150 KB, 1440x810, 20mai00030265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to picture this flood as a pack of roaming Musume fags traveling the internets

>> No.3267875

Get out of here golden fag.

>> No.3267879

This song is so damn good, especially with the good quality now that the CD is out, they just had to make the verse so damn boring! After listening to it a few more times and watching it with the PV, I want to love this song SO MUCH but every time it gets to the verse it just feels like a let-down. Still an amazing song, but the more I listen to it, the more the verse sticks out like a sore thumb.

>> No.3267892

never mind that... I wasn't sober when writing that.

>> No.3267894
File: 210 KB, 1440x810, 20mai00030264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so tsundere?

>> No.3267899

Is there a [bar]less pic of this?


I'm still trying to figure out Subete wa Ai no Chikara, this version's b-side. The first ten seconds promise something completely different than what it becomes. And then it becomes something different again. I do really like the isolated voices though.

>> No.3267905

After a few more listens I've decided that I really like the verse of this song, except for the gratuitous use of Koharu. The rap is crazy bad (as in not good), though, and the chorus just does not impress at all.

>> No.3267912

stop drinking so much

>> No.3267916
File: 273 KB, 1440x810, 20mai00030263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's wearing a towel, seems she's in a series where she gets to go to luxurious spas

>> No.3267987

Jeez surprise the flood stops once we autosageru

>> No.3268042

Next thread here
return to normalcy
