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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 500x334, internews_217891_1[295003].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3258649 No.3258649 [Reply] [Original]

Korea has no culture other than dog eating.
They steal other culture or fabricate history to keep their stupid pride which is based on nothing.
Really creepy and disgusting especially when they pretend to be us.
Die mother fckers, die.


>> No.3258657

corea copy cat and eat dog

>> No.3258836
File: 25 KB, 400x180, 06070504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this for a plagiarism?


LOL Japan, art demands originality. Of course it can't be your strong suit.

>> No.3258853

Sage for this crap. Surprised this kind of troll thread wasn't around that much for newfag summer.

>> No.3258904

Just sit back and enjoy the show.

>> No.3258929

In all honesty, is there really any thing such as korean culture? Besides the kimchi and dogeating of course.

>> No.3258972

Yeah! *grabs popcorn and leans back*

>> No.3258973

just enjoy being in another country than Korea

>> No.3258979

There's Starcraft, and cookie-cutter grinds.

>> No.3258994

Korea has some beautiful women.

>> No.3259070

#1 best cuisine
#1 best women
#1 best writing system
#1 best film culture
weep japanese

>> No.3259106
File: 35 KB, 576x432, ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea? What is this Korea that you speak of? Do you mean Corea?

>> No.3259115

chaebol continue to grow and make profit for the korean people, zaibatsu wither as japanese economy falls

>> No.3259120

Honestly, I think that you should read the comments in that video.

>> No.3259121


The only thing Korea ever succeeded in doing in copying Asian culture to be imported over to america. Why else can Korean Pop music be more popular then Japanese Pop?

>> No.3259130

incorrect, korean wave sweeps over asia too. korean music can be heard in japan and china and se asia.

>> No.3259132

Isn't it ironic how weeaboos are trying so hard to parrot Japan's purported hatred for Korean when Japanese youth is insteady heavy into Korean stuff?
Wake up and realize that Japanese watch Korean dramas more than their own and that Korean groups like Tohoshinki trounce your shitty all-Japanese idol bands on a regular basis.

>> No.3259136

>Korean Pop, Japanese Pop
>Popular in America

>> No.3259144

nationalism is the dumbest shit

>> No.3259146


Compare Hello Project's girl groups which is basically NO EXPORT FOR YOU! to K-Pop at least exporting some of their music to Americans.

>> No.3259148

koreans make anytime, therefore they are okay i guess

>> No.3259155

Guess who has never been to Japan. Yes, it's >>3259132.

>> No.3259160

allowing export ≠ popular
I don't know a single non-Weaboo person that even know sthere's a thing called J or K-pop or whatever in existance.

>> No.3259167
File: 36 KB, 100x75, 52nejag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest assured, korea.

leave japan to me.

>> No.3259170


Protip: if you are going to ape Japanese, at least don't take grumpy geriatrics with their mind stuck in 1940s as your role model.

>> No.3259174


Still, the ability to open its market up to a different audience shows how J-Pop Idol pop is a round peg

>> No.3259180

for some reason i was under the impression that japan and s. korea were bros against chinese economic interests.

>> No.3259198
File: 600 KB, 1484x1844, Hu_Jintao_trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


japan and korea are bros in terms of pop-culture faggotry

but in terms of anti-japan rage china and korea are bros

>> No.3259207

>Compare Hello Project's girl groups which is basically NO EXPORT FOR YOU! to K-Pop at least exporting some of their music to Americans.


morning musume had a concert in america this summer, are opening a new US-based H!P store, buono wanted to have a concert in Stockholm (but the exhibition they were going to was canceled), berryz have performed in korea, MM has performed in china, taiwan and korea, and mikitty is currently in thailand for a concert

I don't see what it has to do with this thread though

>> No.3259211

KOREA (with a K) is a country of trolls


>> No.3259222

It's quite the opposite, the grumpy geriatrics from the 40's likes anything the tv tells them to like (K-drama, K-pop what ever etc) whereas the youth and the younger age group hate the Koreans, Chinese and all other immigrants besides the big tall white man with big penis from Germany, Austria or any other Scandinavian country and places, also Russia.

>> No.3259226

ryukyu is korea

>> No.3259228


Get back to your ghetto, faggot.

>> No.3259238

south korea is the shittiest country on the planet

even north korea is kinder to you when you take a vacation trip there

I SERIOUSLY challenge someone to find a more racist country on the planet

and no "lolz usa" please

>> No.3259247

>I SERIOUSLY challenge someone to find a more racist country on the planet


>> No.3259256

Korea can't be beaten by any other country for how FUCKING PISSED OFF they get for someone dissing their country or their people

even the redneck americans don't come close

>> No.3259258

Death to the lesser races, and old useless ideals.

America is the finest country, Our glory and arms shall pave the way for democracy.

The populace may be infected by ideals of the weaker nations.

But in this time the american military might is still superior.

Our guns fire straight and true. Our men have the will to power. Our armor gleams with the beauty of untouchable might.

One day the earth shall be known as the united nations of america, and we shall have a new era of humanity.

Where america's might shall spread into space for a glorious future.

>> No.3259260

haha, no.

>> No.3259262

only against korea, sometimes China

>> No.3259263

Where is Korea? Is it anything like Corea?

>> No.3259277


>> No.3259279

Asians are the cancer that killing the mankinds dick!

>> No.3259283

Patriotism and execution is the great vaccine to the foreign epidemic.

>> No.3259291

Fuck off british!

>> No.3259293
File: 324 KB, 1196x837, koreabutthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korea is the most butthurt country

>> No.3259295
File: 203 KB, 872x871, koreanbutthurt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3259299

ITT: Non-Japanese weeaboos argue about countries that have noting to do with them.

>> No.3259311
File: 62 KB, 863x592, korealol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3259320


Now, that's the kind of project I wish every school in the world had. I can't understand why butthurt Japanese even take it as an exercise in xenophobia (LOL, look who's stalking). If anything, this looks more like a creative anger management session.
Korean kids can't perform well in class if their pent-up anger is such it prevents them from thinking straight, so what did teachers devise? A creative art project where they can express their emotions as they please before getting back to regular lessons. Brilliant!

>> No.3259375
File: 402 KB, 391x4578, ks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every woman on korean TV has had plastic surgery.

Most fake nation ever.

>> No.3259379
File: 627 KB, 388x4832, ks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3259384
File: 647 KB, 381x4901, ks3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could keep going all day, but I think you get the point.

>> No.3259406

Shocking news! This applies to most women on television, regardless of the country.
Just stop it, neither Korea nor Japan need retards that know shit about the situation in SE-Asia defending their country.

>> No.3259420

The same could be said of Europeans and slavs.

>> No.3259430
File: 287 KB, 730x537, North Korea Best Korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3259436

Why don't you post japanese actresses too?

I am sure if you weren't a blind weeaboo faggot you would post too.

>> No.3259439

I've never seen any other country besides korea get so upset and butthurt over a pile of rocks only a few acres in size


and so on

>> No.3259451

is it in the korean DNA to get so unbelievably upset and angry when anyone disses their country? or is it just in their culture?

>> No.3259457

both. Also, there's no such thing as "korean culture"

>> No.3259466
File: 40 KB, 400x536, schwein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slavs are the koreans of Europe.

>> No.3259475
File: 15 KB, 460x288, Naro_1468792c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea fails at everything.

They copy absolutely everything from Japan and then remarket is as "originally korean"

Why? It's because the shit that they make themselves never works.

Recent Example:
"South Korea's" first orbital rocket, the Naro.

First stage: Made by russia. Result? Success
Second Stage: Made by south korea. Result? Failure


>> No.3259477


It's an Asian thing, but it seems to be affecting only the population residing in Northern Asia. Everyone else has long resigned to the fact that their country counts jack shit in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.3259491

better article:


>> No.3259499

You are so retarded.
>They copy absolutely everything from Japan and then remarket is as "originally korean"

>Recent Example:
>"South Korea's" first orbital rocket, the Naro.
>First stage: Made by russia. Result? Success
Kill yourself.

>> No.3259508


You need to gb2highschool.

"A pile of rocks only a few acres in size" is worth more than your pathetic life because it greatly increases the fishing area of either country.

>> No.3259511

fucking IRAN has managed to get a satellite into orbit, but south korea can't?


>> No.3259517


>1 failure = failing at everything

I can see that you fail at everything too...

>> No.3259522

so the whole reason south korea wants those rocks is because they want the EEZ surrounding it, reguardless of actual history and whose islands they actually are?

selfish a bit?

>> No.3259525
File: 39 KB, 699x567, korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when did we have Korean threads?

>> No.3259527

LOL, why don't you weeaboos don't just come to terms with the fact all of Asians are brazefaced plagiarists?
All of pre-Meiji academic knowledge comes from translated Western treatises. It's no wonder that the whole thing was called Dutch Studies.
Japan's first automobile factory came into being when his owner bought a batch of Model T Fords, disassembled them and made molds for each of its parts.
At some point in XX century the British even loaned one of their battleships to Japanese so that they could study it. They ended up copying every single part of it, and the funny thing is, they even duplicated the metal plates patching up one of the damaged engines, believing it was originally part of it.

>> No.3259532

Korea can't do anything without getting nannied by other nations. First China, then Japan, now even from Russia but they just can't do jack shit by themselves.

>> No.3259548

Like Japan?

>> No.3259556

Disassembling, studying, recreating from scratch, developing their own models from the knowledge gained

having Russia build the whole thing for you, completely failing your own part.

>> No.3259559


You must be stupid. I'll dumb it down for you:

If I came out of nowhere and claimed that your house is mine, and you fought for it, does that mean that you are selfish?

>> No.3259579

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.3259584


You sound as if this is an unprecedented historical event. I'm really curious to hear what your stance on the Falkland War is.

>> No.3259612

Our stance was amazing.
We forced a soccer player to leave the country.

>> No.3259629

The middle east is the corea of the world.

>> No.3259631


The point is that no Asian country in contemporary times can be credited for their originality or creativity, also see this >>3258836

>> No.3259644

Honestly, threads like this lead nowhere.

You can't force people to hate Korea, people have their own conclusions.
If you hate Korea, then the problem is yours.

>> No.3259654

Time to flag all these video for hateful comment~~

>> No.3259650 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 400x300, fuckingusa_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the south korean people absolutely despise the US military, although they are the only thing that prevents the north from invading the south (again)

If obama had any balls, he would pull all US troops out of SK and let them have what they deserve.
Even if both countries reunite peacefully, SK is still completely fucked. Enjoy you mad rush of 20 million immigrants and resulting destroyed economy and poverty.


>> No.3259663
File: 82 KB, 400x300, fuckingusa_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the south korean people absolutely despise the US military, although they are the only thing that prevents the north from invading the south (again)

If obama had any balls, he would pull all US troops out of south korea and let them have what they deserve.
Even if both countries reunite peacefully, south korea is still completely fucked. Enjoy your mad rush of 20 million immigrants and resulting destroyed economy and poverty.


>> No.3259668


You're wrong. Japan is the most creative and advanced nation in the world, all other asians are shit. Even western nations are shitty in comparison, imho. Call me a weeaboo I don't give a fuck.

>> No.3259690
File: 317 KB, 763x508, 1248419850462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't call you one, because you already know you are one.

>> No.3259696


Yeah, because South Korea doesn't have a half a million men strong standing army who constantly takes part in military drills with the US army stationed there so that they wouldn't caught napping by the North Korean army in the offchance it will attack. Not to mention they don't absolutely have a demilitarized zone straddling the whole peninsula where tiny, malnourished NORKs will get shot in the balls by the guys across the border if they think to do something funny.

>> No.3259699
File: 155 KB, 520x1079, 830849581_367ce9bd8e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In May 2007, a group who opposed the a government decision to move a military office to Incheon held a protest in which they ripped apart a live two-month-old piglet. South Korean animal rights groups were understandably outraged by the protest"

>> No.3259704
File: 38 KB, 336x450, 831709154_011e68f09c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3259718

protip: north korea has over 5000 artillery batteries pointing directly at seoul and all south korean military emplacements

the only thing stopping them is their fear of US nuclear retaliation

>> No.3259722

I don't see what the big deal is.

>> No.3259759


Yeah, and most of them are Soviet era jalopies that USSR sold out to them just moments before collapsing. According to accounts from refugees, they don't even have enough fuel to use them in long distance operations. Wo-ooh!

>> No.3259768

I agree with the idea of both koreas uniting, which is also an opinion held by almost all south koreans.

Whether they did it peacefully or violently, I would stop seeing their shitty electronics for sale in my country.

>> No.3259774

wait wut

how does pulling a pig apart make a protest?

>> No.3259776

koreans are the japanese morlocks, they should let the glorious NIPPON to invade them

>> No.3259781

>fuel to use them

you do know you are a fucking retard right?
Artillery only requires shells, not fuel. You would only need trucks with fuel if you needed to move them, which they don't.

Seoul is not far away from the North Korean border, perfectly in range of north korean artillery.

>> No.3259813

It doesn't lol.

In the grocery store of protests, coreans are the crying kid. Annoying, but their parent will smack them, they'll stfu, and you'll get an enjoyable scene.

>> No.3259818 [DELETED] 

Korean Reunification, from wiki (lol)
* The North Korean population is far more culturally distinct and isolated than the East German population was in the late 1980s. Unlike in East Germany, North Koreans generally cannot receive foreign broadcasting or read foreign publications. Germany was divided for 44 years, whereas the Koreas have been divided for over 60, and have been technically at war for most of that period.
* The German economy still suffers[citation needed] (nearly twenty years later) from rapid reunification, with the former West Germany heavily subsidizing the former East. In addition, some analysts[who?] warn that rapid reunification might bring the South Korean economy to the point of collapse. It would also bring a flood of refugees into South Korea, China, and other countries, causing a social and economic crisis.
The consequence of the economic differences is that many South Koreans, while desiring reunification in theory, want to delay the process of reunification until the Northern economy can be developed separately, having seen the results of the sudden reunification of West Germany and East Germany, and knowing the differences between the two Koreas.


>> No.3259828

Korean Reunification, from wiki (lol):

Economic differences between North and South Korea also are a cause of concern. Korean reunification would differ from the German reunification precedent:

* In relative terms, North Korea's economy is currently worse than that of East Germany was in 1990. The income per capita ratio (PPP) was about 3:1 in Germany (US$25,000 for West, about US$8,500 for East).[23][24] The ratio is about 15:1 in Korea (US$27,100 for South, US$1,800 for North),[25] although GDP estimates vary widely (see List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita). This income gap is rapidly increasing as the North Korean economy stagnates and the South Korean economy is characterized by moderate to high economic growth.

* While at the moment of the German reunification the East German population (around 17,000,000) was about a third of the West German (more than 60,000,000), the North Korean population (around 22,700,000) is currently around a half of the South Korean (around. 48,600,000).

>> No.3259834

* The North Korean population is far more culturally distinct and isolated than the East German population was in the late 1980s. Unlike in East Germany, North Koreans generally cannot receive foreign broadcasting or read foreign publications. Germany was divided for 44 years, whereas the Koreas have been divided for over 60, and have been technically at war for most of that period.

* The German economy still suffers[citation needed] (nearly twenty years later) from rapid reunification, with the former West Germany heavily subsidizing the former East. In addition, some analysts[who?] warn that rapid reunification might bring the South Korean economy to the point of collapse. It would also bring a flood of refugees into South Korea, China, and other countries, causing a social and economic crisis.
The consequence of the economic differences is that many South Koreans, while desiring reunification in theory, want to delay the process of reunification until the Northern economy can be developed separately, having seen the results of the sudden reunification of West Germany and East Germany, and knowing the differences between the two Koreas.


>> No.3259856

I fucking love Korea v Japan threads. It's like giving misinformation to the ignorant masses (read: propaganda). Still funny, nonetheless. Go USA.

>> No.3259864 [DELETED] 

Fucking koreans are the worst people on earth.

The world would be better off without the massive shit stain on on known as "korea".

>> No.3259869

Fucking koreans are the worst people on earth.

The world would be better off without the massive shit stain on it known as "korea".

>> No.3259884

i don't give a fuck about korea whereas i hate japanese culture.

>> No.3259898


So their fearsome "invasion" will basically amount to firing a volley of shells across the border and wait for South Korea to sue for peace? Are you dumb or something?

Either way, I'm highly skeptic that this much-anticipated invasion will ever happen in the first place, not when Kim Jong-Il is still at the helm at least. He may have crushed his people under his militaristic jackboot but unlike Stalin or other Communist dictators he is no loonie. He always agreed to take part in bilateral mediations with foreign powers and while his sheeple don't, he knows the size and might of his army all to well to have his grandeur delusions get the best of him.
He and his father have been ruling NK with an iron fist for 60 years, their Juche Idea effectively outlived both Maoism and Stalinism and no reports of civil unrest have ever broke. Theirs is a dictatorial heaven, why would he want to spoil everything just now?
Oh, and nuclear weapons? They are basically just a bargain chip for when shortages occur.

>> No.3259916 [DELETED] 

>So their fearsome "invasion" will basically amount to firing a volley of shells across the border and wait for South Korea to sue for peace? Are you dumb or something?

Haha, no. I never said that was their full "invasion" plan, so don't out words in my mouth faggot. The north has also over a million troops stationed near the border too.

I don't think seoul or south korea can afford to have about 50000 explosive shells fall on it in a minute was what I was implying.

>> No.3259927

>So their fearsome "invasion" will basically amount to firing a volley of shells across the border and wait for South Korea to sue for peace? Are you dumb or something?

Haha, no. I never said that was their full "invasion" plan, so don't put words in my mouth. The north has over a million troops stationed near the border too.

I don't think seoul or south korea can afford to have about 50000 explosive shells fall on it in a minute was what I was implying.

>> No.3259946

I doubt kim jong-il gives a fuck what happens to his country after he dies, he as raped it his entire life. At least his father tried to improve everyday life somewhat in NK.

It would be ultimate LULZ if he ordered an attack just before he died.

>> No.3259951

I recognize some as Japanese. Enjoy your ignorance

>> No.3259954


Take your "hilarious" terminology back to /b/.

>> No.3259965

Holy shit, you guys don't know anything about Korean history and Japanese history and you pull this shit? These ignorant K vs. J threads are terrible.

>> No.3259981

korea was china's bitch for most of its history, then it was japan's bitch

and still korea is butthurt to unbelievable levels for japan making it its bitch

I know enough, all the rest is garbage

>> No.3259985

Corea is renowned throughout world. Everyone praise Corea during prayer over dinner. Corea is model society for America.

>> No.3259991


You may be right, but this has no bearing on the argument.
The crux of the matter is that Kim's regime is fully centered on keeping NORKs in check and get the most out of his role as a dictator, not INVASION!!1, so rest assured that as long as he's still alive NK will never do anything that might directly harm the precarious stability of the nation.

>> No.3260015

Let's listen to silly Korean hating propaganda because that is an accurate description of history.

>> No.3260027

Why is Korea a separate country??? Makes no sense.

Give it back to China.

>> No.3260046

because even though china is a shithole, it can't deal with the massive amount of shit stench that is korea.

>> No.3260060


Because WW2. Also, the policy both countries are upholding today is a "every man for himself" one.
I assume that North and South Koreans want their countries to merge just as much as Slovenians, Croats and all the slav shit want Yugoslavia back.

>> No.3260855

>Korea has no culture other than dog eating.

no, they have starcraft gaming

>> No.3261022

>Because WW2.
I swear, the peacefaggotry after WWII did more damage than WWII itself.

>> No.3261096
File: 17 KB, 231x256, 00f56d3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

