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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 537x594, 1579819088371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32560494 No.32560494 [Reply] [Original]

>useful links

Last thread: >>32541243

>> No.32560755
File: 139 KB, 600x426, 10599483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls do not bully the loli

>> No.32561837


>> No.32561976


>> No.32562298

if you're gonna make the thread an hour early at least number it correctly dumbass

>> No.32562305
File: 77 KB, 800x1440, Er_x9hrW4AkNgbP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32562349

Sincerely it's last thread fault i didnt know whether to follow the last retard or the thread before...
Also it wasnt on purpose 4chan X baited me into thinking the thread was dead.

>> No.32562662

this is why uppercasers shouldnt make threads

>> No.32562721

so when is reading actually considered reading? when u understand 95% of sentences?

>> No.32562757

you should always try to understand your sentences the fuck are you doing bro
i mean sure dont get hung up on it but write down shit you dont understand and go ask on a forum or search on google.
Do you think you are just going to learn by osmosis or something?

>> No.32562786

answer his question

>> No.32562805

no I’m asking when do u consider it reading rather than studying see ppl say they “””””READ””””” LNs at 1k vocab but I wouldn’t consider that reading it’s more like translating and studying

>> No.32562901

Probably when you dont look up words every 5 seconds on anime, when you can read without stopping all the time.
As a language learner in the beggining that was my experience, but even after you've been learning for some time you will always find idioms or words you have to look up that is normal.
Also you can just watch/read a first time for learning and then go watch again to actually enjoy the anime/manga, pausing all the time to look up shit does detract from the experience, if i feel i paused too much i always watch a second time.

>> No.32563020

>ln at 1k
that's kinda not really a good idea if you want to consume instead of studying, LNs have much more word density so you will expend even more time looking shit up, i would recommend reading then only after feeling confident in your japanese and even then it probably will feel more like translating than consuming. But you do you, as long as you are doing what you enjoy you are on the right track.
Also, even when you have lots of words you might feel stuck on "translating" instead of reading the language, i believe cure dolly has a video on that.

>> No.32563142

doesnt matter

>> No.32563157
File: 787 KB, 1920x1080, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.32563189

I’m not asking for advice I just want ur input on when u consider it reading

>> No.32563225

why do you care about stupid shit like this

>> No.32563238

do i fit in yet お姉さま
And i answered that

>> No.32563261

are u one of the ppl who pretend they can read when they’re looking up every other word lmao?

>> No.32563798

kys newfag holodditors

>> No.32563844

i look up like one word an hour

>> No.32563875

daily reminder that Corpse Party is the perfect first VN

>> No.32563946

you'll naturally go from """translating""" to reading if you just keep doing it
there's no need to define some arbitrary boundary between the two you're just wasting time theorizing that could be spent trying to read instead

>> No.32563950
File: 22 KB, 298x306, 213424535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not expect to get a title drop, well played

>> No.32564012

someone already made that joke

>> No.32564019

you posted this yesterday

>> No.32564059

nah that aint vegan bro

>> No.32564085

Different person, and I didn't see that post

>> No.32564100

considering how producers are publishing cg sets and motion versions based on their best selling nukige now i think it's safe to say the gacha dopamine addicted mobile fags have finally gained full control of the vinnie market

>> No.32564151

never played a gacha
never read a vn

feels pretty great

>> No.32564204

what is our honest opinion on drip

>> No.32564229

you mean jamals drip?

>> No.32564241


>> No.32564261

i dont know anyone else here whose drippy

>> No.32564264

read a few vns and i feel terrible
maybe ur on to something

>> No.32564313

read that as きおく

>> No.32564314

lol this thread starting off worse than the last one
theres no hope for this place anymore

>> No.32564318

>phenomimes and psychomimes
wtf does this even mean

>> No.32564322
File: 1.64 MB, 640x1136, ンソツシ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i did not know about this

>> No.32564328

who is this jamal supposed to be

>> No.32564361


>> No.32564379

lmao i wasn't the only one

>> No.32564388

It's annoying when my personal issues get in the way of me studying. Like I've always had this mindset that it was impossible to learn, but yesterday I actually read UWAAAA on one of aquas video titles. Sure it was just some basic ass stuff but it really shocked me

>> No.32564397

people post this shit in here all the time newfag

>> No.32564430

no we dont newfag because this isnt int

>> No.32564433

we got hit with a big wave of newfags the past couple of weeks or so looks like the beginning of a new arc

>> No.32564444

good post

>> No.32564461

Things are looking good, I hope all the undercasers, namefags, and eceleb worshippers leave.

>> No.32564466

ive seen someone post the image w/ that explanation it on it at least 3 times in the past couple of months

>> No.32564482

It really has started huh?

>> No.32564496

jamal is so bitter lol look at him reacting to a young guy in a blossoming love with a girl he really likes, full of passion and emotion and all he can do is say “yep breakup is going to be bad and you are going to cringe” i mean jesus i’m sure you lived a shitty life but stop projecting and let people be happy

>> No.32564529

lmao ur going to get aids from fucking a fat bitch

>> No.32564535
File: 5 KB, 507x286, カタカナ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip: filter all uppercase letters

>> No.32564558

when did i say anything about a breakup and im not wrong u will look back and cringe at this shit ur doing rn and at the rate ur going that will prolly happen in like a month lol

>> No.32564559

nothing you currently do with your girl is cringe i hope you both get along during these trying times but, and i say this as a tomogaki here, refrain from overreporting on stuff that isn't japanese related

>> No.32564580

i wanna beat the shit out of ciaran so bad. i feel like one clean right cross to his midget face would release more dopamine than 1000 episodes of anime.

>> No.32564609

definitely not more than 1k episodes of one piece

>> No.32564610

yes I was just on the way out

>> No.32564611

i want ciaran in me

>> No.32564632

100% of his posts have nothing to do with japanese hes never once answered a japanese question in these threads or attempted to help someone with japanese

hell talk about cards or whatever shit but never about the japanese language which is only natural bc hes fuckin dogshit at it thats why hes off in a exploring 3d arc atm or at least writing as if he is lol

>> No.32564667

protip: half the "ciaran" posts are me

>> No.32564684

every time there's only like 100g left of ヌテラ in the jar i just eat the rest with a saji
it feels so good in the beginning but i feel really terrible afterwards
wtf is wrong with me i do this once every month or so

>> No.32564685

im surprised theres more than 1 person

>> No.32564693

why do you want him to be inside you

>> No.32564751

eating a lot of nutella gives me napalm diarrhea cause of all the palm oil

>> No.32564767
File: 1.14 MB, 720x480, stealth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes never once answered a japanese question in these threads or attempted to help someone with japanese
true i cant remember a single post

>> No.32564783


>> No.32564787

my dopamine

>> No.32564789

true true

>> No.32564804

pot meet kettle

>> No.32564829

all i want is to know the name of that 時代劇

>> No.32564850


>> No.32564855

is reading manga a good way to learn

>> No.32564862

monga isnt reading

>> No.32564877

*eats manga 一枚ずつ*

>> No.32564878

r u the guy who posts about beheading me every day
that would be amusing

>> No.32564897

>jamal is so bitter lol look at him reacting to a young guy in a blossoming love with a girl he really likes, full of passion and emotion and all he can do is say “yep breakup is going to be bad and you are going to cringe” i mean jesus i’m sure you lived a shitty life but stop projecting and let people be happy
what kind of idiot are you to just blurt out such little spurts of widom

>> No.32564902

is there a myjidaigekilist

>> No.32564903

you can't "learn" japanese

>> No.32564917

I was ciaran once. At first it made me feel weird that someone would mistake me for another person, but then I tried pretending I was the real ciaran and it made me feel nice a fuzzy inside for being acknowledged.

>> No.32564942

thats like saying you can't have a pure albanian 2hu gf

>> No.32564965

no those streamables just enlightened me to ドラマ

>> No.32564968


>> No.32564972

you sound like a perfect candidate to be a tripfag bro follow your dreams

>> No.32564993


>> No.32565008


>> No.32565025
File: 111 KB, 795x527, o0795052712157067790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its crazy to think theres so much exposed underwear walking around out there right now just waiting to be found

>> No.32565060

stinky neets

>> No.32565078

happened to me at least three times, but i was mistaken for og
just ignored it though

>> No.32565161


>> No.32565191

mined 首長竜

>> No.32565198

psp vinnies are pretty dope because you can go forward and backward without having to reload a previous safe by using the arrow buttons
wish pc vinnies were this powerful i know some are but the vast majority don't let you do this

>> No.32565200

woow anonymous user ... youre so cool :D

>> No.32565214

how many threats does ciaran receive usually

>> No.32565244

not enough

>> No.32565257

i wouldn't lay a finger on him personally

>> No.32565258

I'm refoooollllldddinggggg!!!!

>> No.32565278

>6 mentions of ciaran

>> No.32565284

What is the best place to watch Japanese television online? Everywhere I go, I see retarded paywalls.

>> No.32565304

*refolds back into an embryo*

>> No.32565305

the tv

>> No.32565306

albanians are scum

>> No.32565310
File: 305 KB, 1451x2048, 5e9f9a737f2d5b35b9043302dde8932d-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post images wtf

>> No.32565317


>> No.32565326

Nice reading comprehension.

>> No.32565327

you're led on to believe that?

>> No.32565346

people who regularly post images are always the worst posters, especially anime reaction ones

>> No.32565347

ciaran having a good time

>> No.32565351

unless you're an albanian urself i have more exposure to them than u do and they are scum. theres a reason nobody in europe likes them lol

>> No.32565368


>> No.32565377

Косово је српско

>> No.32565382

most tv these days where i live is iptv as cancerous as that is

>> No.32565385

so you speak on behalf of europe u dog?

>> No.32565391

yea im just vibing as always

>> No.32565395
File: 27 KB, 158x132, 1489849175462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32565401

Косово је српско

>> No.32565408

whatever i say is right so yes

>> No.32565423


>> No.32565428

all along with the always albanians

>> No.32565442

kosovo je srbija, kosovo je deo srbije or kosovo je srpska zemlja all sound more natural but the first one is what everyone says

>> No.32565452 [DELETED] 

they're supposed to be good blue collar worker which i doubt but people usually dislike them

>> No.32565462

great meme personally, i tell this one to my Instagram friends

>> No.32565470
File: 235 KB, 720x540, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got the joke

>> No.32565485


>> No.32565490


>> No.32565494

srbija je kosmos

>> No.32565504

not everythings a joke bro

>> No.32565519

reminder we have KFOR snipers in north mitrovica, and alex vucic is literally a fried chinese dog because of me

>> No.32565521

daily slavic thread

>> No.32565531

also vucic is a closet homu faggot

>> No.32565538
File: 202 KB, 720x540, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, but this time im sure

>> No.32565545

it probably does seem retarded to foreigners but people here care about kosovo a lot and we probably wont ever get into the eu cause recognizing it is a requirement and it's political suicide for any government to do that
kinda amusing but serbs being called "nebeski narod" is in a lot of the old historical texts
crkni siptarsko govno

>> No.32565546


>> No.32565565

mitrovica is ours, and ours to be always

>> No.32565566
File: 174 KB, 1092x612, 1541869691447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32565579

what's the best eroge with bakunyuu characters?

>> No.32565585

glad my glorious nation knocked those disgusting serbs out of the euros

>> No.32565599

harem game

>> No.32565605

pa bog je ipak srbin, naravno da su nebeski narod

>> No.32565607

reminder of the sharp natality decline in serbia

>> No.32565621
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x720, HOLYSH1T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32565628

dont want to be in the eu anyway
it ruined my beautiful hrvatska

>> No.32565678

>In sentences like example 3 where the question being considered has a yes/no answer, it is common (but not necessary) to attach 「どうか」. This is roughly equivalent to saying, "whether or not" in English. You can also include the alternative as well to mean the same thing.
>1. 先生が学校に行ったかどうか知らない。 / Don't know whether or not teacher went to school.
>2. 先生が学校に行ったか行かなかったか知らない。/ Don't know whether teacher went to school or didn't.
did they mean "opposite verb" by saying "alternative"

>> No.32565681

nije ni cudo sto su ovako uzasni tredovi kad ima vise balkanaca u njima plus ova siptarcina

>> No.32565690

wtf ciaran talking about albanians, strange thread this one

>> No.32565707

big thanks

forgot this artist exists, thank you very much!!

>> No.32565721

isn't it weird that they were all wearing white underwear?

>> No.32565724

never said anything about albanians never met or spoke to an albanian in my life

>> No.32565743

said no one ever

>> No.32565763

we dont all live in serbia

>> No.32565770

mined a new kanji fuck yea!

>> No.32565789

we're doing our best tbg

>> No.32565803

its part of the uniform

>> No.32565820


>> No.32565850


>> No.32565857


>> No.32565907

mined アバンチュール

>> No.32565927

what's the correct reading of 正命題?
正命 is read しょうみょう
but 命題 is read めいだい
so is it しょうみょうだい or しょうめいだい or maybe even せいめいだい
i can't find an actual source for this

>> No.32565956

why the fuck do oblivious mcs exist i hate them so much

>> No.32565964
File: 392 KB, 1848x1224, __blind_girl_original_drawn_by_popopoka__2e323ca8504102bfc30b4776a45f13fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32565983

this picture reminds me of a particular gif

>> No.32565984

just acquired this meaning of 株 from コロナ変異株

>> No.32566011

it's せいめいだい せい is the prefix めいだい is the word

>> No.32566049

せいめいだい is on forvo too

>> No.32566051
File: 498 KB, 1484x766, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how jamal is so fucking based?

>> No.32566067

never know when to read this as daku or idaku

>> No.32566074

jamal made a nazi anki deck?

>> No.32566116
File: 219 KB, 488x376, ES IST ZEIT FUR KRIEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32566133
File: 282 KB, 700x900, 1554568180642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32566154

so u could hate them

>> No.32566179

Previous thread
>>32560494 #2660
>>32541243 #2659
>>32520879 #2658
>>32498804 #2657
>>32483224 #2656

>> No.32566201


>> No.32566217


>> No.32566224

go back to /a/

>> No.32566240

if you post pics in here with english in them i can tell you suck at japanese

>> No.32566243

why do you lie like this

>> No.32566267
File: 44 KB, 657x657, thes is bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anki auto-sync a old back up from my account
now i have to do 643 reviews

>> No.32566287

i definitely dont like seeing big dicks in my porn

>> No.32566289

anki moment

>> No.32566307
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, axanael_katakana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started reading axanael

why are kanji sometimes written in katakana?
is it purely a stylistic choice? I don't get it

>> No.32566308

no you cant
im only turning on the english subs for screenshots

im not waiting for japanese subs to release before i watch something

>> No.32566312


>> No.32566349

hey guys can you read this

it would be a shame if you cant

>> No.32566355

Few months ago my Anki got bugged and I've lost progress on ~2400 cards. Feel your pain, Anon.

>> No.32566370

you guys realize there are are backup files for anki moments like these in your appdata folder?

>> No.32566376

disable sync
load a local backup

>> No.32566397

>is it purely a stylistic choice
it can be but it also imparts a feeling on to it which is usually contextual
ほんと doesnt have a kanji anyway. ほんとう does

>> No.32566401


>> No.32566415

oh shit i thought it was 変異殊

>> No.32566417

desu japanese isnt that hard, it took me only 2 months to become fluent, but i admit that i kinda cheated a little by previously knowing some 15000 kanji from being fluent in cantonese and mandarin

>> No.32566425

having said that kanji is just made up bullshit so theres nothing stopping you writing 本当 for ほんと

>> No.32566448

now write that again in chinese

>> No.32566453
File: 168 KB, 720x480, waiting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been waiting for this post
how many days in a row has it been now?

>> No.32566460

bruh just read 豹変 with rendaku

>> No.32566464

i remember the time when i played VN without changing the region of the system and i start beliving japs speak with this kind of shit with numbers

>> No.32566470

yea pretty sure i read it like that a few times myself the past few days before i noticed lol

>> No.32566485
File: 155 KB, 388x379, 1610320215943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32566518

a girl in my class used to sometimes dress like this
fortunately my seat was just opposite of her desk and i would stare at her pants during the whole class
don't know how i didn't got called a pervert for this because nobody even noticed it

>> No.32566527

holy fuck cancelled by 10 oclock heart surgery for this

>> No.32566548

crazy how bad my farts are smelling right now holy fuck

>> No.32566554

>tries to be informal
>includes を

>> No.32566591

looks there are a few japanese people who didn't know the meaning either, but it's well known for the most part

>> No.32566645

that reminds me of a girl who sat 1 row next to mine a few seats back in one of my classes where id look back to talk to my friend who sat directly behind me and shed give me the チラッ intentionally

>> No.32566651
File: 119 KB, 575x872, gallon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32566691

whys that bitch hatin on hydration lol

>> No.32566699

>"white people be hydratin'!

>> No.32566728


>> No.32566743

forgot the end quotation mark. すまん

>> No.32566758

just imagined matt having a seperate backpack with his bottle in it with a bunch of velcro straps and him getting looks every time he wanted to use it

>> No.32566764

i got approached like 3 times in hs but always said no to the girls
not sure what made them like me that much but i guess there was something about me

>> No.32566771

haha bro describe them for us haha

>> No.32566772
File: 907 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2021-01-22 15-07-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does maru at the end of this verb mean?

>> No.32566777

had a similar experience, we watched a movie and the teacher went to the back of the class.
whenever he paused the movie to interject i turned around to look back and saw this one girl in full spread.

>> No.32566787

had a girl sitting behind me in class touch my ass with her toes multiple times

>> No.32566788

it was probably because you were at eye level with it rather than her giving it intentionally

>> No.32566807

くって たまる か

>> No.32566812

you've been learning for 5 years bro

>> No.32566816

beginner desu didnt know

>> No.32566819

she looked me in the eye while doing it dude

>> No.32566839


so tamaru means collect.

it's two verbs combined?

>> No.32566841
File: 369 KB, 883x628, Hunter_Vs_Prey_Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too
in my case I'm pretty sure it was because of my eyes
I have blue hunter eyes, girls love that shit

>> No.32566846

*nuke voice* its not a race so lets enjoy the journey

>> No.32566856

you know you have backup files right?

>> No.32566858

my nigga have you heard of te-form

>> No.32566861

now that i think about it he probably went to the back of the class because she was doing that and he got uncomfortable

>> No.32566870


yeah so what. i am a lazy learner

>> No.32566894

imagine not having green eyes

>> No.32566896

堪る my nigga

>> No.32566919


>> No.32566920


te form still makes it a verb

>> No.32566961

no worries homie. now you know

>> No.32566974

probably looking for coins or something

>> No.32566996


>> No.32566998

read that as たえる

>> No.32567013

if i was a teacher and one of my students was being harenti af id direct everyones attention to it and watch the invisible hand correct the behavior

>> No.32567052

my female teacher did that to one girl

>> No.32567066

>18 hours

>> No.32567088

i just learned ato also means also

i knew that it meant later and after

>> No.32567112

nice teacher

>> No.32567144

i wish i did at least something back then because at the end i wasted my seishunki playing hide and seek with the boys instead of doing things with girls

>> No.32567174

speaking of teachers

>> No.32567243

my school skirts where banned because all the fucking day people were having sex in the bathroom

>> No.32567250

hard to believe anime was still good in the early 2000s

that show goes further in episode 1 than shit animes now will ever dare in a billion episodes and then even have sex in the end

onegai teacher is a show for healthy boys str8 up

>> No.32567278

ur bathrooms werent gross enough if u had a ppl having sex in them problem

>> No.32567289

>onegai teacher is a show for healthy boys str8 up
first anime i downloaded and watched with eng subs back when i was a little boy

>> No.32567308

i watched it a couple of years ago and expected some generic crap, but i was pleasantly surprised that it turned out to be very good

>> No.32567311

nice really invisible at that point
the people were even more gross, why would you have sex at school you're there to learn

>> No.32567321

did the girls prostitute themselves?

>> No.32567354

ofc they did

>> No.32567355


>> No.32567397

is this bait

>> No.32567399

>he people were even more gross, why would you have sex at school you're there to learn
we had a exchange student from spain for a whole year
she had tits that were almost as big as the ones on our fat music teacher
i used to fantasize about doing it with her in the toilet all day long

>> No.32567477

you cant acquire japanese without emersing in epic hikakin content

>> No.32567495
File: 515 KB, 720x480, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32567539

oh no not a gallon of water what will the africans do

>> No.32567544

lol she sohuld by all rights break her fuckin neck gettin dumped on the other side

>> No.32567546

blue eyes = 空
brown eyes = ?

>> No.32567586


>> No.32567589

hey guys this just crossed my mind "how can i become fluent in japanese if im not even fluent in english"? now im starting core 400k english

>> No.32567599

nop only the couples were doing that aparently everyone there could get sex while i was doing the homework of my best female friend for attention, i fcuking hate my young self

>> No.32567626


>> No.32567645

lol doing homework for girls w.o making them work for it

yah thats on u

u coulda easily got blowies and handys for that if u just stood up and said u want me to do ur homework what r u gonna do for me while thrusting ur pelvis at her

>> No.32567660

is there a a more リア充 Japanese YouTuber than Hikakin? dude's content is 超痛い

>> No.32567666

always love to see it lmao

>> No.32567667

i dont even wanted to learn this lenguage, burgers have too much influence

>> No.32567708

mined 半年ROMれ and 来た産業

>> No.32567719

me on the top left never been approached

>> No.32567745

Hello DJT I'm new and I will be posing the dumbest questions ever. Be prepared.

>> No.32567773
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try me

>> No.32567804

nah i had a very bad reputation for grooming a autist girl

>> No.32567815


>> No.32567825


>> No.32567843
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>> No.32567844

Okay. Why does Japanese not have spaces?

>> No.32567883

it does

next question

>> No.32567891

the chinks are to blame for that one

>> No.32567909


>> No.32567981

hello world is actually a decent movie. didn't expect that

a whisker away is absolute dogshit tho

>> No.32567985

I'm genuinely horny

>> No.32568024

think im better than the read that as guy

>> No.32568036

宇宙 is space in japanese

>> No.32568064

r u a girl

>> No.32568089

spaces like parks?

>> No.32568094

wow jamal is such as thirsty beta

>> No.32568208

lol as if we didn't know that the minute og appeared and he started slobbering all over her like a starving dog

>> No.32568231
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they are often redundant because kanji make it clear how to read the sentence
however in stuff intended for children they often do have them, like a pokemon game for example, because in hiragana only its sometimes not as easy to see where the words end if you're mid sentence.

>> No.32568295

i agree but don't speak about yourself in 3rd person

>> No.32568338

god why can't learning japanese be as easy as learning english

>> No.32568373

He's right: http://hukumusume.com/douwa/English/jap/01/01_j.html

>> No.32568408


>> No.32568439

wtf i asked that completely uninterested either way lol

>> No.32568474

lol i remember a girl with a nice ass used to sit right in front of me and id touch it with my knee, sometimes making pressure it made me horny as shit

>> No.32568567

サラリーマン is fun to say
the way it's pronounced makes it sound like he's wearing a superhero outfit

>> No.32568642


>> No.32569247
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>> No.32569261

I forgot to mine new words today

I'm away from home and don't have access to my anki

Quick, give me 15 high quality word cards
Thank you alot /jp/

>> No.32569313


>> No.32569330

fuck off

>> No.32569362

Do you have a phone? There are apps for anki. Last time I checked (which was a while ago) it's free for android, but not for iphone. anyways, here are a couple: 猿芝居, 自己完結

>> No.32569383

the second thing is the lil n sound

>> No.32569409
File: 7 KB, 53x91, Screenshot from 2021-01-22 19-25-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still new to moonrunes. Can somebody tell me what this means?

>> No.32569434

i mined がりがり earlier

>> No.32569469

すぎむら かおる

>> No.32569499


>> No.32569540

>すぎむら かおる

>> No.32569598


story learning > refolding

>> No.32569605

suckadick domyreps fugabitch sleeprepeat

>> No.32569640

took an N1 practice test today and got new respect for the people who get 95% on the real tests lol, i got 46%

>> No.32569675

yeaa got no respect for any of those weeb whales

>> No.32569717

can u link it

>> No.32569806
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, 632350_20210122194258_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to what thing are you inmerssing into?

>> No.32569834

i took the one their website and got everything right aside from the 労る question because i didn't know that kanji and had to guess

>> No.32569889

my foot up your ass *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.32569966

2d to sexusu suru no wa yappa muri kana sabisisugin darou

>> No.32569989


>> No.32570055

wanna cum faster than i ever did before
give me the best damn vinnie recommendation you can

>> No.32570059

you got it backwards. it's the hiragana that lets you know how to read the sentence. it's just when it's only hiragana that that too becomes confusing. just kanji by itself or when it's chinese it's confusing where it starts and stops if you're unfamiliar with the topic or language.

>> No.32570069

just recognized 速度 in some game settings despite not seeing the word for months if not a year and despite not knowing japanese

>> No.32570123

wtf are u even doing

>> No.32570139

extreme coasting if you can even call it that

>> No.32570159

>no sora amamiya gf

>> No.32570253
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well what i wanted to say is kana+kanji make it redundant, as opposed to kana alone

>> No.32570272

yeah i know that feel bro though some tard earlier itt called her ugly lol

>> No.32570340


>> No.32570450

how do i say let me eat ass in japanese?

>> No.32570548

listened to her konosuba audiobook last week comfy stuff

>> No.32570573


>> No.32570666
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1590059861830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go bros.. greed island was still really fun. man i love this show. prolly gonna clock in at 15 eps again today

>> No.32570714


>> No.32570766

oh fuck im excited for you bro

>> No.32570812

i've already rewatched hxh 3 times
don't really wanna watch it again

>> No.32570860


>> No.32570930


>> No.32570998

thanks its gonna be pretty epic
i blew through it in like 5 days when i watched it 4 years ago and i was high the entire time so i barely remember anything except the most general story beats. sucks that im gonna have to wait like 10 years for the next rewatch cause i'll remember it a lot better this time.

>> No.32571249

>It's 2658 instead of 2660
Godfuckingdamnit you SEA retards

>> No.32571319

shes fucking qt
got a link for this poor 80 iq guy?

>> No.32571526


>> No.32571850

I wanna know japanese

>> No.32571959

not in the cards for you unfortunately

>> No.32572152

it's ok bro i speak 4 languages

if i stick with it i will make it

>> No.32572195


>> No.32572264
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>> No.32572406

How do you decide on the reading for the names?

>> No.32572441

that's like n6 vocabulary

>> No.32572566

damn volume 4 is read by goddess horie yui anyone have that shit

>> No.32572659

perfect for you then

>> No.32572805


>> No.32573108

i already know all those words retard

>> No.32573219

i just guess

>> No.32573345

悪阻 復唱
i didn't know what these words meant

>> No.32573469
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fuck it

>> No.32573500

m sure lol know ur place scrub

>> No.32573653

meet jamelia

>> No.32573751

just read ningen shikkaku
this has to be THE most overrated novel idea ever read

here's the novel tldr



>> No.32573806
File: 61 KB, 680x680, debu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and of course i forget the damn pic

>> No.32573917

this is where you fucked up

>> No.32574211

the true novel is the journey you made along the way

>> No.32574410

you can't learn japanese by watching anime
fuck off

>> No.32574571

you can't learn japanese period

>> No.32574650

too bad u dont know japanse so both u and ur opinion go in the fuckin trash where they belong

>> No.32574814

why not

>> No.32575122

i've been reading, listening, watching for 3 years and still don't know japanese
i must ascend to the next stage of speaking

>> No.32575201

you will only learn a little bit of grammar and a bunch of weeb words that are never used in real life
reading IS the best way to learn a language, whatever it is you read

>> No.32575202

wtf was og right?

>> No.32575242

x years means nothing
how many hours did you consoom in those years

>> No.32575271


>> No.32575392

i get most of my speaking practice while dreaming

>> No.32575391

you're joking right?

>> No.32575486

this plus before i fall asleep i simulate japanese conversations in my head

>> No.32575488

prove me wrong

>> No.32575496

you just invalidated your own argument according to you reading light novels is beneficial but light novels use often identical vocab to anime

>> No.32575666

i can comfortably understand raw videos of irl japanese people talking and shit on youtube and up until a few months ago literally all i consumed was anime

>> No.32575782

theres nothing to prove ur already wrong typical case of a dunning kruger thinking he knows what hes talking about

>> No.32575804

i was in school so i took long breaks
i generally try to study for an hour a day though

>> No.32575891

try watching an anime and then read the light novel
you may understand the anime but you won't be able to read shit since the vocab and grammar used in light novels are way more advanced

>> No.32575907

so probably less than 1000 hours of total input. no wonder u suck lol

>> No.32576018

in terms of dialogue they are identical

>> No.32576063

yep he's trolling

why do people insist on making this thread so terrible

>> No.32576156

yeah sure

>> No.32576262

dialogue is what, 30% of a novel?

>> No.32576306


>> No.32576318

yeah but i've easily seen over 10000 hours of eng subbed anime

>> No.32576327

vinnies are the true way to learn japanese

>> No.32576364

hate this condescending bitch

>> No.32576427

lol kys

>> No.32576435

in a light novel probably a lot more than that
>but you won't be able to read shit
therfore invalidated

>> No.32576605

aka nothing

>> No.32576620

Feels good being the only one in this thread that actually know Japanese, lmfao.

>> No.32576641

a single vinnie is worth over 10k hours of anime

>> No.32576679

the people that say that u cant learn from anime or that anime is soooo different to "real" japanese never know any japanese at all. it's that simple.

>> No.32576721

kys og

>> No.32576756

reading and anki are what you do when you dont know japanese

>> No.32576799

youre a beginner what you think about learning japanese doesnt matter

>> No.32576804

Fuck off read nerds natives get fluent watching sin tyan not reading lns

>> No.32576940

now say that in japanese

>> No.32576949

you don't even know english

>> No.32576984

good post

>> No.32577011

>that actually know Japanese
you dont even know english lmao

>> No.32577035

dunno maybe one of the ln reader homos can help us out

>> No.32577106

donat care

>> No.32577110

i've been learning for 2 years

>> No.32577165

hes right

>> No.32577175

can og make a single fucking post without an error? it's actually nuts

>> No.32577333

theyre already fluent by the time theyre watching that
i think the secret to language learning is in the breast milk

>> No.32577344

yeah unbelievable

>> No.32577378

havent hated anyone as bad as this bitch before

>> No.32577426

this but ciaran and mini rapist

>> No.32577432

see >>32575242

>> No.32577624

it really sucks that u cant just force urself to find stuff compelling. so few shows give me that itch to instantly wanna watch the next episode when i finish one nowadays.

>> No.32577804

no one in this thread knows japanese yet everybody claims to know the correct way to learn japanese

>> No.32577810

wotd 指の腹

>> No.32577843
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>> No.32577962

native level mistake

>> No.32578081

oof big l for fatshitbag john

>> No.32578119


>> No.32578145

as if john could write that

>> No.32578205

can とか be used to connect sentences?

>> No.32578278

didn't john surrender already

>> No.32578311

wrong kanji dude
like i said, you can't learn by watching anime

>> No.32578365

didnt read

>> No.32578397

ime conversion error
happens to natives all the time

>> No.32578413

holy shit guys cobra kai has a new season?
gonna have to pause my immersion for the whole day

>> No.32578439

john joined the 100 a day club and then flunked out lmao

>> No.32578482

so this is the power of doritos and morphs...

>> No.32578505

whats wrong with it

>> No.32578565

are they still making karate kid movies?

>> No.32578620

he's right it should have been 観る ideally but it's not a big deal as you can see if you just google アニメを見る

>> No.32578726

so hes not right just another dunning kroger smartass who just learned a new thing

>> No.32578738


>> No.32578896

not him but probably less than 100-200 hours per year

>> No.32578899

never thought i'd see someone low iq enough to kodawaru over which kanji to use for a verb

>> No.32578911

"アニメを見る" 80 million results
"アニメを観る" 3 million results
pretty obvious that 見る is perfectly appropriate

>> No.32578989


>> No.32579000

"learning japanese with a big smile"
quitting japanese with ?

>> No.32579039

it can be important depending on what the verb is in this case the retard who complained is just off the mark

>> No.32579186


>> No.32579247

*walks into the thread、grimacing*

>> No.32579279

john prolly about to beat tkyosam rn

>> No.32579280

just like most americans don't know how to use they're and their, but it doesn't make they correct

>> No.32579311

jamal rate this post >>32577843
i need to know what to think about it

>> No.32579326

read this as agaru

>> No.32579564

wrong particle
wrong verb

>> No.32579628

entirely different concept kys

>> No.32579702

i say this with sadness but there's no "studying" a language
there is only consuming

>> No.32579711

*sotira no kata no kata ni muketa*

>> No.32579770

gay as shit but still reasonably true

>> No.32579807

any update on og's perfect vagina?

>> No.32579850

there is no way you guys arent complete scum irl

>> No.32579910

i'm a piece of shit irl but i keep to myself and don't harm anyone except my family through leeching off them but i don't feel bad about that

>> No.32579937

wotd: 鬱蒼

>> No.32579957

is immersing in anime really useless? i ask this because i don't know better

after immersing and mining from anime for months now i can understand a lot of sentences, but when i read a blog or a writing i don't understand much, but i still feel watching anime is useful

>> No.32579970

*isidan ni tumazuku*

>> No.32580016

wrong post

>> No.32580040

it aint perfect anymore

>> No.32580120

ciaran rate this post i need to know what to think about it

>> No.32580122

*kagami o toridasu*

>> No.32580127


>> No.32580132
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>> No.32580191

wow i guess the resolutionfags finally arrived wtf are these questions read more

>> No.32580243

she outed herself with the loose vagina cope

>> No.32580247

finna read

>> No.32580258

dont give a shit

>> No.32580265


>> No.32580346

*pulls shirt collar 2 the side exposing kata*

>> No.32580371

don't waste time like i did, just read more

>> No.32580394


>> No.32580428

hey jmal can we have another stream need fresh lol material

>> No.32580446

its useless if you watch it with subs and mine from it

>> No.32580449

in doujin they use a different word to describe thick penises i forget what it was something like kokubuto or some shit you guys know what i'm talkin about

>> No.32580456

if u wanna lol try turning off ur monitor

>> No.32580484

that's a really good advice thanks

>> No.32580503


>> No.32580530

just makes me feel sad

>> No.32580595


rate me i was in a funny mood

>> No.32580617

he had a whole week to pre read and set up the texthook and still fucked up lmao

>> No.32580658

i don't know japanese so no idea

>> No.32580679

hey jamal 2 points regaading pwonunciation

>> No.32580728


>> No.32580739


>> No.32580755

paging quizler to the thread to read アニメをご覧になる間 out loud

>> No.32580773


>> No.32580783


>> No.32580830

nanbyou ka no mA

>> No.32580893


>> No.32580902

is he talking about his dick before it stopped working

>> No.32580906

watasi no kata ni

>> No.32580943

not a laughing matter

>> No.32580986

good advice

>> No.32581023

boomer struggling with tech, whats new

>> No.32581180

crazy how mary wont hang out with the boys anymore

>> No.32581198

good for him

>> No.32581214


>> No.32581218

crazy how much i dont give a fuck

>> No.32581259

glad that jamal understands the importance of his team

>> No.32581263

why is moe such a pos

>> No.32581301

what do you mean

>> No.32581352

never heard of him

>> No.32581380

too lazy to go to sleep

anyone else know this feel

>> No.32581405

finna write a blog on how to pig out

>> No.32581411


>> No.32581417


>> No.32581441

its a different kind of prose
anime is mostly dialog with some bits of narration here and there
writing is mostly narration and statements

>> No.32581508

gonna go to sleep until the refold video drops
dont wanna wait any longer

time travel bitches

>> No.32581621

we are all gonna make it refold bros

>> No.32581632

moe do u think u know more japanese than jamal now

>> No.32581746

sick of not being able to read
fuck this shit
im gonna grind tae kim over the weekend and then read yotsuba. learnt from lurking that chiichan/flying witch tagaki-san are also good beginner manga, and ill probably play hanahira, but what are some good beginner light novels?

>> No.32581785

>stage 3

>> No.32581797

dunno man

>> No.32581850

all those are trash
play Axnael for a decent story

>> No.32581864

i like how you consider manga lns and vns but not jp subbed anime which is by far the best material for beginners

>> No.32581940

watch any yuri bait sol
they're easy af

>> No.32581949

no it isnt

>> No.32582024

lmao ur not gonna be able to read shit even if you grind Tae Kim 10 times
reading is shit in the beginning, there's no shortcut
also read shit u actually find compelling, all those works you cited are garbage for kodomos
there's no such thing as "works too difficult" for beginner
as long as it interest you and it's fully.voiced with little narration you should be able to read stuff

just been urself bro, go read stuff you like

>> No.32582117

>there's no such thing as "works too difficult" for beginner
-300 iq post

>> No.32582149

dno bros

>> No.32582174

ya reading is shit in the beginning thats why i want to read easy garbage for kodomos because easy garbage for kodomos is easy, reading easy stuff will make reading in the beginning easier on myself

>> No.32582179

he might be onto something

>> No.32582180

you've held the title for worst djt poster for a while now

>> No.32582267

watch how you talk about yotubato

>> No.32582269

hope you get run over by a bus

>> No.32582361

best poster in djt after me

>> No.32582413

I'm gonna say this the last time because I'm tired of beginners saying shit like
"I'm gonna read hanahira!"
"Gonna read yotsubato!"
"Gonna play pokemon"
"Gonna watch Peppa piggu"

just don't

if ur first immersion materials is hot garbage made for kodomos ur gonna drop japanese learning faster than that guy that tried to read that boring ass magic school visual novel like a year ago and never came back
u gotta read/play/watch stuff that interests you
it's that fucking simple

>> No.32582447

>there's no such thing as "works too difficult" for beginner
you were on the right track until you said this

>> No.32582556

am i allowed to admit that i like hot garbage made for kodomos

>> No.32582598

you talkin shit about magical charming bro

>> No.32582714

name 10 visual novels that are fully voiced with little narration that are "LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to comprehend even 30% of what's written in each sentence" levels of difficult for beginners
Ive literally read over 100 VNs in the last 5 years and I can think only of maybe 3 or 4 that are literally incomprehensible for beginners

>> No.32582807

not magical charming

I'm talking about Ley Line series

>> No.32582825

u can't learn japanese here

just open that content and consume. it's the only way

>> No.32582846

didnt ask

>> No.32582873

guys i got it what if i read garbage for kodomos except there's a cute monster girl


>> No.32582943

no one is going to find something they have to look literally all the words up interesting, u drooling retard

they are going to fucking burn out. what's interesting about seeing a wall of moonrunes you don't understand and having to look up every single word?

>> No.32582953

thats the worst way to even describe ika musume which btw is a 10/10 manga and 10/10 anime

>> No.32582957

thats the good shit

>> No.32582988
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>> No.32583028

geyline guy was ftw emphasis on was rip

>> No.32583074

man im tripping on those shrooms but they give no hallucinations at all haha i had a higher dose so its just how they are i guess but its more like im stoned

>> No.32583095

i thought you hated people who read stuff/watch they don't like and are doomed to not learn japanese

>> No.32583112

>name 10 visual novels that are fully voiced with little narration
you name those first so we can actually know what you mean when you say "little narration"

>> No.32583235

i only hate esls lets get that out of the way

geyline guy was ftw bc i tried to tell him and he insisted on learning the hard way instead which he ultimately did and now hes gone forever destined to like get a regular job a regular wife and and have a regular family and never enjoy epic japanese visual novels

>> No.32583432

Is there any place that lets me know if words are used in modern japanese or if they constitute "samurai speak"?
Example, 世迷言.
It sounds like samuraispeak but i am not sure and i cant get any results on that.

>> No.32583532


>> No.32583640


>> No.32583645
File: 127 KB, 708x718, 1602283423833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong to feel disgusted when anime shows widows marrying again?
Dunno why but it irks me, i am not even religious but it feels like betrayal for me.

>> No.32583691

pretty sure i read a manga or some shit about a guy who as a dead ghost had to watch his widow wife go and fuck other dudes lol

>> No.32583798
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>> No.32583909


>> No.32583932
File: 35 KB, 378x506, 1611000426694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cant understand how some people can go and think
>yep i dont mind my wife getting a new husband sucking his dick and having children she should be happy :)
I mean sure, it makes sense, you are dead.
But dunno it just instinctively makes me go nope. In fact i've broken up with a ex-gf once since we got into the subject of relations after death and she got pissed off when i got pissed off when she said she'd remarry, bitch not fit to be the mother of my children thats for sure.
also spawn is a cuck too but since it's a western work he accepts and wants her happy like the good cuck he is.

>> No.32584000
File: 69 KB, 226x256, 1610655641869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i'm so glad he scheduled this. i usually eat dinner at the time this airs so i'll be able to move that up a bit so i can watch this video instead.

>> No.32584012
File: 103 KB, 640x800, Syoko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get into idolmaster and this girl's name is 輝子 or Syoko/Shouko
how the fuck do you get しょう from 輝? is this a kirakira name?

>> No.32584060

Have you never seen when a new student joins in anime he always goes
>its written like this
>read like this
kanji are a meme dont get too hung up on this

>> No.32584077

i hope in response to her being willing to say shed remarry u said well ud have a threesome with some sluts on her grave

but if were bein real its ur fault for even wanting to go there

like the only good answer is if 1 of us died the other should be sad for a while and find it hard to go on and who knows how that would go so lets not talk about it haha..

>> No.32584118

i feel you bro i would push her down some stairs if that happened to me

>> No.32584145

Anyone has the original Recognition RTK Anki deck from Matt’s site with all the Koohii stories? Seems like he deleted them from the newer version
Alternatively, got a link for an RTK deck other than what’s on itazuraneko?

>> No.32584170

Yeah i was young and stupid and thought you should just talk about what you want to talk with your gf, i've learned that the "i want you to be open with me!" is bullshit since.

>> No.32584336

guys help me
I just got my first girlfriend and we love each other very much... we had so much sex the last few weeks at first it was amazing but the last few days it just feels awful
her pussy feels loose and I just can't fucking get into it anymore
masturbating with my onahole feels so much better because I can just imagine any fantasy and go at my own pace
with her it's just boring vanilla sex with some dirty talk here and there and a shitty loose pussy

what do?

>> No.32584349

time to draw hentai, any suggestions?

>> No.32584364


>> No.32584373

on the other hand maybe it was a good thing

but people say really stupid shit and have misunderstandings

and theres some ppl that cant survive without being with someone which is equally true for men and women so maybe she was just seeing that far ahead

either way its a good lesson never go down a route where theres only 1 good answer lol

>> No.32584399

draw some futa never enough of that

>> No.32584413

let's be honest
no one has ever learned japanese
everyone is faking it

>> No.32584422

nvm found it
Can confirm it’s a different file
I’ll upload it if somebody sends me a link to a decent file sharing site

>> No.32584428

you still belive in democracy? hahaha

>> No.32584464

>ppl that cant survive without being with someone which is equally true for men and women so maybe she was just seeing that far ahead
That's probably my issue with that, i am not one of those so i cant understand the whole "I NEED A NEW HOLE TO FUCK/DICK TO SUCK"

>> No.32584490

if her pussy is that loose you need to stop fucking so much

t. woman

>> No.32584572

if her pussy's loose you need to start doing pussy training bro

>> No.32584610

its not really about holes and dick sucking its more like not being able to handle the crushing loneliness

a lot of ppl have a hard time doing for themselves but an easy time doing for others

>> No.32584678

shut up bitch

>> No.32584708

>a lot of ppl have a hard time doing for themselves but an easy time doing for others
I believe that is an issue and that using other people to fill that hole is unhealthy, if someone is literally unable to mentally survive by yourself there is some lingering issue on their psyche, they cant sustain themselves thus they use other people, as unsustainable and sick as the USA financial system.

>> No.32584744

nah i don't really get this mindset and i consider myself a very petty and jealous person

>> No.32584763

take responsibility for your loose pussy

>> No.32584797

you need to give up porn so that her loose pussy still does it for you

t. virgin

>> No.32584816

idk things are more fun with others than they are alone

but its always stupid the way we are like we want to be with others so then were with others and then we get sick of it and want to be alone and then the cycle repeats

>> No.32584884

would a game like dragon quest or final fantasy make good reading material?

>> No.32584899

big fat true

>> No.32584922

i want smash that smug jew face with a steel club

>> No.32584950

i want to kiss him

>> No.32584951

>idk things are more fun with others than they are alone
My point is not that, but people that absolutely need people around them otherwise they break under their own weight, by what i hear it's pretty common.
>but its always stupid the way we are like we want to be with others so then were with others and then we get sick of it and want to be alone and then the cycle repeats
That's very true, human nature i supose.

>> No.32584960

i want to overcome this but i don't know how

>> No.32585117

get some real interesting hobbies and live the fast life inside them

>> No.32585167
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>> No.32585173

what's the advantage of using it?

>> No.32585369

See if you can get her to do pelvic floor exercises and if that makes it tighter, I've always wondered about that. And don't post your problems here, we already have quiz we don't need any more like him

>> No.32585499

i dont get it im feeling a lot different but i cant tell what it is. i feel very light too im fat and i feel no weight. but what surprises me is that im normal and if i tried to talk to anyone no one would notice i did them. so i dont understafd. why am i not hallucinating or whatever if i took a high dose. and ok iam not hallucinating but i feel so fucking weird and all those body sensations. but i dont understand it why im kinda functioning.

>> No.32585566

this is daily japanese thread not daily schizo thread

>> No.32585596

>get some real interesting hobbies

>> No.32585753
File: 111 KB, 692x384, 246326236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would bend this ハーフ over

>> No.32585773


>> No.32585848




>> No.32585895

i can't do it
i can't fucking do it anymore

right after posting about my gfs loose pussy I started taking a shower and she entered the bathroom and joined me in the shower and said "hey babe feel like doing it?"
and I couldn't say no so she just started sucking me and it didn't really feel that good because she sucks at doing bj's but I sucked it up and took it like a man and was about to cum when she said "don't cum yet, I want it in my pussy"

oh God oh fuck oh no please not the loose pussy
but I had no choice so i started hanging her loose pussy and even though I was about to cum from the blowjob I just couldn't cum from her loose ass pussy
her pussy is just the worst
it's garbage
it feels like a raw chicken
fucking disgusting
so i just couldn't take it anymore and I said "babe I'm sorry in not feeling well let's just finish this later ok"
and she just had to fucking ask "whats wrong babe?" ( I want to murder this bitch)
"I don't know babe I think I have diarrhea or something"
and she had the guts to say "just poop on the floor babe, were in the shower I don't mind her"(YOU FUCKING DISGUSTING BITCH)
so i just couldn't take it anymore and I left without saying a single word and now I'm locked into the laundry's bathroom posting from my phone and she's knocking on the door asking "babe what's wrong? do you wanna talk?" NO I DONT WANNA TALK

I wish this was copypasta
I wish I was joking
I'm not

i just want to fucking die

>> No.32585981

this isn't funny and you're a retard go post your dumb shit somewhere else

>> No.32586026


>> No.32586043

It has all the koohii stories as opposed to not having them I guess

>> No.32586056

yea not buying it man

>> No.32586072

Tell that bitch she is fucking disgusting and dump her
sup quizlet

>> No.32586091


>> No.32586130

is quiz's girlfriend pussy really loose or is his dick crippled from fucking his onahole too much? I can't tell

>> No.32586147

turns out wanking is just better

>> No.32586166

remember not to get too used to anime porn and onaholes
you're gonna cripple your dick harder than J>E dictionary hovering ankidrones

>> No.32586207

sup quiz. stop posting anonymously so i can filter you

>> No.32586335


>> No.32586398

>it feels like a raw chicken

>> No.32586404

i'm a horny dude though so won't my libido readjust to 3d after like a week or two of no fapping

>> No.32586455

no because your brain is gonna get hard-rewired into liking 2d and onaholes much more than 3d

>> No.32586463


>> No.32586477
File: 105 KB, 700x437, 1600799903532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt rn

>> No.32586493


>> No.32586533

>he never fucked a raw chicken

>> No.32586571

your libido won't readjust to 3d...

>> No.32586594


>> No.32586607

that shit is sooooo "2012 /jp/"
get some new material

>> No.32586642

dont care

>> No.32586674


>> No.32586731

What does the non koohii stories having one have instead?

>> No.32586736

no old djt is way better than new djt

>> No.32586792
File: 352 KB, 1416x1080, 1584523925271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just updated the Paste Images As WebP anki addon
added support for macOS

>> No.32587025

what do you mean by live fast
could you provide an example of how a hobby could help one overcome social compulsion

>> No.32587031

dont care

>> No.32587129

>old /djt/ was better
how old are we talking?
if you mean 2018 /djt/ then I'm sorry but you should've graduated from this place long ago...
I only come to /djt/ like once a month to give some advice to noobs, i legitimately believe this place is actually detrimental to japanese learning if you browse it daily after you acquire a few kanji and get used to immersing

>> No.32587150


>> No.32587218

schizo. why dont you quote who you're talking to?

>> No.32587322


>> No.32587418

woah this sucks dick

>> No.32587458

Oops you accidentally looked at a pic of ur mom

>> No.32587464

whats wrong with this guy

>> No.32587471


>> No.32587474

yosh lets get this thread on track

>> No.32587505


>> No.32587524


>> No.32587539

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.32587541

any djt before 2020 and djt isn't meaningfully detrimental it's a time sink for people who don't wanna spend much free time on japanese in the first place and they'd play a game or post somewhere else if djt didn't exist instead of getting input. dumb post

>> No.32587625
File: 1.11 MB, 1900x1397, op_1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one piece is so much better than HiatusxHiatus, I actually mined some cool words while reading the manga
latest chapter was fun as fuck

>> No.32587648

false dichotomy

>> No.32587682

>people who don't wanna spend much free time on japanese in the first place
you mean ngmis?
ok, it's your choice I guess

>> No.32587691
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>> No.32587695


>> No.32587711

>you mean ngmis?
yea no shit?
>ok, it's your choice I guess
of course?

>> No.32587717


>> No.32587803
File: 588 KB, 300x170, kyrie_eleison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kyrie Eleison
if the first thing that came to your mind was this your childhood was awesome

>> No.32587875

why did djt moved from discord?

>> No.32587926

We all went to the matrix server

>> No.32588230

how do you find up to date chapters in japanese?

>> No.32588325

qm faggotry got too annoying

>> No.32588364

i wrote a post about it

>> No.32588412

Discord DJT is the best. Some guy called Hata is now posting there (`・ω・´)ゞ

>> No.32588458

everyone make fun of this dude

>> No.32588491

more like fataa

>> No.32588515

btw the article has been updated.
i added a bunch of extra instances so you could choose where to make your account.
though this one is probably the best https://chat.catgirl.biz/#/register

>> No.32588535

woah hol up naruto is really fucking philosophical and deep bro
shit slaps

>> No.32588603

my city recently banned this anime
glad i watched it before the ban

>> No.32588634
File: 41 KB, 636x404, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couple tremors happening in japan rn, they could be foreshocks to a larger event

>> No.32588680

ahh actually on a second read it seems the earlier two tweets are estimated data of the same event while the latest tweet is the confirmed details for said event

>> No.32588705

this is what hxh retards worship??

>> No.32588741
File: 2.08 MB, 2841x1665, 1609171983534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh shounen bros?

>> No.32588777

god im so fucking glad hunterchads have invaded djt
everyone must kneel to this masterpiece

>> No.32588795

i don't even know what that is.

>> No.32588817

"""Pro""" Monster Hunter players that have decided they're even more of a man by playing the Japanese version of the game.

>> No.32588842

jamal didnt like it so i dont either

>> No.32588910

proof jamal has room temperature iq

>> No.32589022
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>> No.32589288

again, naruto is much deeper than youd guess
try it out sometime and youll see, shit fucking slaps yo

>> No.32589341


>> No.32589553




