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File: 63 KB, 864x623, 3647768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3256931 No.3256931 [Reply] [Original]

Thread hits auto-sage. Previous active thread: >>3254891

Final poll is out.

Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory"
Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-
Swan Song
Gore Screaming Show
Saihate no IMA
Hoshizora no Memoria
Never7 -the end of infinity-

Previous discussion archive threads:

>> No.3256941
File: 479 KB, 800x594, 244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote Gore or that bitch will get raped!

>> No.3256947

I hate her mother so much.

>> No.3256948
File: 157 KB, 476x670, 2377940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 hours until estimated closing time.

>> No.3256950

What? I thought he was going to keep it going longer than the last vote?

>> No.3256951

[x] RAEP

>> No.3256952

Let's see, I voted for Himawari, even though I think it's hopeless.

I'll be happy with Baldr Sky or Swan Song as well.

I'll be moderately happy with RuiTomo, Never7, SnI, HnM or Inganock.

I'll be sad if GSS or Extravaganza makes it.

>> No.3256956

Saihate needs more love

>> No.3256957

I'll be happy if anything other than Furrynock wins.

>> No.3256961

Choke and die in your sleep.

>> No.3256963
File: 192 KB, 800x600, Extravaganza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3256964

Stop thinking it's hopeless. The last voting ended like it did because the results were open and people _thought_ it was hopeless. And people were allowed 2nd/3rd choices as well, so there's no telling what to final voting result will end up.

>> No.3256966

u mad, furfag?

>> No.3256968

post sample images. In want good art in my translated game.

>> No.3256970
File: 75 KB, 600x450, orig_8_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why there is so much goddamn trolling ?
Let people vote whatever they like.
Also, as >>3256919 said there is more than one H-Scene in Inganock, gullible fools.

>> No.3256973
File: 1.44 MB, 1600x1200, baldrsky_spwall02_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably pretty close match between baldr sky, furrynoc- I mean Inganock and Swan Song. So those who haven't voted yet, vote for baldr sky.
Also have some Sora

>> No.3256989

Did you actually played the game or are you talking out of your ass?

>> No.3256992

Voted Baldr just in the hope that one of the two people interested in it will translate it. Wouldn't mind Swan Song or Ignacock winning though.

>> No.3256993
File: 288 KB, 635x1019, GIGA-081230_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3256995
File: 188 KB, 800x600, 3856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekien no Inganock's minigames are about communication flow. You decide who'll speak next and that decision come with who will be able to speak next and who doesn't. This minigame is Liarsoft's unique way in presenting exposition and letting you see the bigger picture layer by layer.

If you failed to reach your objectives, your choice at specific vital decision point at that chapter will be limited, and can even lead to game over.

>> No.3256998
File: 227 KB, 1024x772, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by any chance would someone have better version of this pic?

>> No.3257005
File: 135 KB, 800x600, saihate3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Saihate no Ima is just the usual XUSE art style. It's okay; there's certainly worse stuff in 2005.

The game with the best art out of all of that list is undoubtedly Inganock, but vote for this instead.

>> No.3257007

That sounds annoying. Are there multiple routes?
That would be false interactivity otherwise.

>> No.3257010

Question (from old thread) for people who have played Saihate:

>She's flat-chested and part of your brain

So how big of a spoiler is this anyways? I've seen this mentioned pretty much every time someone talks about this game. I'd really like to play this game, much more so than any other game on the list. If/when it doesn't win, I might have to give it a spin without translation, so I'm kind of borderline whether or not I mind spoilers as they might actually help me understand some...

>> No.3257013
File: 72 KB, 800x600, 87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some CG. and hype for Saihate no Ima.
The game focus on a group of childhood friends, you get to see how they met and became friends and of course the story goes much deeper and in a direction that is, let's say, hard to imagine.

The cast:
Azusa, the youngest of the group, pretty much considered as a pet by the others, awesome voice work from her VA.

>> No.3257014
File: 103 KB, 800x600, saihate4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3257015

I think it only has one route, just like sharnoth has. someone can correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.3257020

This will be fucking long to translate. Anther reason not to go for Inganock.

>> No.3257021

Tell me that leads to a gangbang and I'm sold.

>> No.3257023
File: 108 KB, 800x600, saihate5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3257031 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3257026

Ignarock's art is too weird and amateur-looking. You might find it better, but I wouldn't say "undoubtedly".

>> No.3257029
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big spoiler but don't worry, the game isn't excempt of twists and turn.

Also to follow, Sayaka, the prime and proper oujo-sama type.
Fucking awesome character, let's say she can be very surprising.

>> No.3257038

Cool spoilers.

>> No.3257041

>Big spoiler

Well, damn. Why do you guys have to post about it so frequently ;_;

>> No.3257044

Reminded me of Kara no Kyoukai 3 for some reason.
She got raped right?

>> No.3257045

Don't post spoiler like this, faggot.
That's not how you are going to get real attention for the game, have some respect for those who still didn't play it.

>> No.3257051

I'm not sure about that; granted, it's been a while since I've played it, but I found many of the Inganock CGs simply wonderful especially in terms of colouring.

In terms of sheer art quality obviously it doesn't match KusuKusu and CARNELIAN but holy shit it looks very nice.
After that, Baldr Sky has very high quality art and Hoshizora no Memoria's art looks wonderful, with stuff from the Wiz Anniversary artist.

>> No.3257054

So far I cant chose between Gore and Baldr Sky.
I don`t even know what Swan Song and Never 17 are about.

>> No.3257055

I'm >>3257029 and >>3257013
I'm not going to post spoiler unlike the other fag.

>> No.3257060

Swan Song seems to be described as "Lord of the Flies: The Eroge"

>> No.3257061


>> No.3257063
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1200, 1250431431614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go with baldr, it's better and has higher chance of winning

>> No.3257065
File: 116 KB, 800x600, 92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to resume, Youko.
She seems to be the silent oujo-sama type too at first, but she is actually a big pervert and one of the funniest character in the game.

>> No.3257067

Goddamnit, this sounds pretty cool.
I already voted for swan song though.

>> No.3257069

Any game of that list that is not pedo?

>> No.3257072 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1250189378322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest spoiler ever. Click at your own risk.

>> No.3257073

Most of these are good.
I just hope for Baldr Sky to not win.

>> No.3257075

You bastard

>> No.3257077
File: 76 KB, 996x995, spoilers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a bigger spoiler.

>> No.3257080

Inganock has loli but no hscene, you get to see her flat chest though.
Also furry.

>> No.3257081 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 486x700, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and here's some major Spoiler.

>> No.3257082
File: 217 KB, 800x600, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3257085

Fuck you man, you ruined the game dammit.

>> No.3257088
File: 97 KB, 800x600, 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fueko, the obligatory straight-man.
Her story arc is pretty great but let's say that the opinions about her are often on the low side.

>> No.3257090

OK I will not vote for this.

Any game without pedo content?

>> No.3257094


>> No.3257097
File: 342 KB, 1200x900, asuho_e01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I voted for Hoshizora no Memoria, I wouldn't mind seeing Himawari, Ruitomo, or Inganock translated instead.

What I wouldn't like to see win this poll would be Extravaganza. I am not a fan of guro elements in VNs. I prefer them sweet and romantic.

>> No.3257098

Share more Ruitomo images please. It's hard to find any of those.

>> No.3257099


>> No.3257100

Oh U

>> No.3257105

Hey, all means are good to get some votes for Himawari.

>> No.3257106

So far never7 has 2000 votes.

>> No.3257107

I think that every game has some loli characters in them, but most of them are not their focus

>> No.3257109


>> No.3257110

Good to hear since im disgusted by loli porn.

>> No.3257111

>Any game of that list that is not pedo?

>> No.3257114

another question for people who played Saihate (assuming there's more than one of you?):
How many of you guys actually understood most/everything that goes on in the game? I'm prepared for some hardcore dictionary consultation with this game, but given all the shit about its language that gets talked about in /jp/, I'm not even sure that would be enough.

>> No.3257115

Hey Himawari doesn't really have any pedo content, Aries is 14 and Aqua 15 after all, they aren't really loli.

>> No.3257116

>What I wouldn't like to see win this poll would be Extravaganza. I am not a fan of guro elements in VNs. I prefer them sweet and romantic.
Hah, then you shouldn't have wasted your down vote on Gore Screaming Show since it was impossible to eliminate with the amounts of up votes it got.

On the other hand, Extravaganza was on the verge of being kicked out from the top.

>> No.3257117
File: 35 KB, 655x429, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not on EGS, though.

>> No.3257123


Any particular reason why?

>> No.3257128

Not really, just personal preferences.
Also for being gameplay-centric.

>> No.3257131

Guro-fans will divide their votes between 2 titles while Baldr Sky, Saihata or Swan song takes away the no.1 spot.
Or so I hope

>> No.3257133
File: 22 KB, 400x300, orig_11_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, look, Aries wear panties. Lolis don't wear panties usually.

>> No.3257137
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 10032034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, okay. I'll copy that other guy and start describing the characters.

Rui, she's kind of the loud boisterous rough type. Kind of foolish and rash, quick to jump into trouble and help others, also homeless.

>> No.3257140

>Saihate (...) takes away the no.1 spot.
Keep dreaming. I know I will.

>> No.3257143

I'd say the gameplay is secondary to story in baldr, and it nicely complements the story, but not going argue more as it's your preference

>> No.3257153 [DELETED] 


>> No.3257155

Thanks. Try to minimize the spoiler.

>> No.3257162
File: 57 KB, 806x632, 97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small breasts, not a loli.

>> No.3257164

>also homeless

>> No.3257165

It's not a gameplay-centric VN like Rance. Or Utawarerumono. Baldr is a VN. The gameplay represents less than 20% of your play time. And it's really refreshing.


>> No.3257169

Possible, but only 7 people voted for both titles in the preliminary. GSS just seemed to be more popular in general.

>> No.3257172

I guess I'm going to repeat my question on the other thread.
Are there other (good) cyberpunk eroges beside Baldr Sky?

>> No.3257174

I agree, but to be fair, a couple of story branches ARE effected by your performance in the gameplay portions. Of course, different difficulty settings and rather generous room for error make this negligible.

>> No.3257176

Not among the finalists.

>> No.3257180


>> No.3257193
File: 183 KB, 800x600, 2210363247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atori, rich Russian ojou-sama. Independent, prideful, but not overly stuck up or anything. She's quite playful at times, a little too playful. She prefers the company of pretty girls.

>> No.3257194

No, but "What a Beautiful" series is kinda steampunk.

...Yeah, that's not similar at all.

>> No.3257195
File: 355 KB, 997x1419, 0adfea167096bd4feb1ee0684c1e1291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, only one I can think of is baldr force which was predecessor of baldr sky. other than that I can't think of any. have some delicious Ren, now that I mentioned force

>> No.3257207
File: 120 KB, 600x450, ing_event03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Copy Pasta:

Shikkoku no Sharnoth Original Soundtrack

Sekien no Inganock Original Soundtrack

If I could describe how the soundtrack is: classy, elegant, graceful. Plus RITA.

>> No.3257220
File: 142 KB, 429x376, 2185666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used my vote on a game I've already played three times, just so the rest of you can finally play it. You'd better appreciate this, /jp/.

>> No.3257223

I could have Always on loop forever. Actually...

>> No.3257238

also im sold.

>> No.3257244
File: 81 KB, 600x450, ing_event12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Hopelessness was better.

>> No.3257253
File: 185 KB, 800x600, 1210785913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori, youngest of the group, the kind you tease and dote on. She wears roller blades nearly constantly which probably fit her flighty skittish behavior. She's very sociable once she gets to know people, can't stand being alone. Loli-knight.

>> No.3257256

I have no idea what im looking at but it is awesome.

>> No.3257272

That looks disconcerting. Is the whole game like that?

>> No.3257278
File: 75 KB, 600x450, 69641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3257285

I do, can't wait to play it.

>> No.3257297


>> No.3257299
File: 143 KB, 800x600, 3854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole game looks like this.

>> No.3257316
File: 144 KB, 800x600, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iyo, no-nonsense straight-man type, harsh on herself, the kind that isn't very flexible with rules. One to grow exasperated with the behavior of more loose free-spirited people.

>> No.3257324

Hmm, it's better but you can't listen to it as easily as Always.

>> No.3257327

I was about to vote for gore
But then i saw "Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-" made it to the finals.
I have the ISO for the game sitting in my hardrive hopping for a translation since it came out.

>> No.3257340 [DELETED] 

Akaneko, cold distant and seemingly emotionless, one quickly learns that isn't really the case. She's prone to making cruel snide remarks and deadpan jokes. She likes cats and they like her.

>> No.3257351
File: 125 KB, 1086x768, 898ddcf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyorin reminds me of Tama. She has the same Seiyuu as Sumika, though.

>> No.3257367
File: 158 KB, 800x600, 1810960657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akaneko, cold, distant and seemingly emotionless. She's prone to making cruel snide remarks and deadpan jokes. She prefers the company of cats.

>> No.3257389

So if we were to guess, what would the odds look like?

>> No.3257395

100% chance of massive shitstorm before the end of the weekend

>> No.3257398

Either Never7 or Gore Screaming Show is going to win, I'm sure of it.
Can't wait for the shitstorms.

>> No.3257402


who says he's gonna post the numbers as soon as the poll closes?

>> No.3257403
File: 150 KB, 800x600, m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megumu, bit of a slick smooth-talker, kind of guy that likes to teasingly flirt and make fun of others while wearing a charming smile.

>> No.3257415

I don't really mind which one wins. They all seem pretty cool.

>> No.3257419

The truth is these are all very quality games. Every single one is about a billion times better than those crappy jerk-off games JAST has been pumping out for the last decade. Ixrec is a good translator and I respect whatever project he decides on.
That said, I hate to see so many people pumping baldr JUST because "lol chainsaw arm priest and mecha fights!!1" I feel a little meh about giving an open vote to 4CHAN of all places, whose audience is well-known to have zero taste.
But whatever, if none of the games I like wins, I'll take that as an incentive to be more serious about my study of japanese so I don't have to squabble in these translation debacles anymore.

>> No.3257420
File: 138 KB, 800x1000, polls_closed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3257421

I'd say it's probably something along the lines:
20% baldr sky
20% Inganock
20% Swan song
15% GSS
10% Ruitomo
15% rest, divided how you like

>> No.3257425

>Either Never7 or Gore Screaming Show is going to win, I'm sure of it.
Even if they did, why would it matter? I haven't read Never7, but GSS isn't really an "excellent" game by anyone's standards so Ixrec isn't going to translate it.

>> No.3257426

Uh oh. Does he know you're a trap? Give me Tomo, the goth girl, and detective next please.

>> No.3257428

Worst case scenario:

Baldr Sky gets translated.
Time goes.
Translation status 90%.
Jast acquires Giga title and makes amaterasu withdraw their project.
Fans can look forward to waiting 5-10 years before Giga allows Jast to sell Baldr Sky.

>> No.3257432

You're in for a big surprise with Himawari.

>> No.3257437

Please tell me this is true.

>> No.3257442
File: 130 KB, 800x600, 145655409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ixenfei, bit of a weird scary bitch, has a strange atmosphere about her, she controls some of the small city-gangs and has a fearful reputation.

>> No.3257443

>Worst case scenario: Baldr Sky gets translated.

>> No.3257444

An unofficial patch get leaked. Accidentally.

>> No.3257452

>Jast acquires Giga title and makes amaterasu withdraw their project.
Remember what happened with Nitro+? Fan translators started working for JAST.

>> No.3257453


>> No.3257458

yeah yeah, enough with this shit already

>> No.3257460

I don't know if Himawari is going to win, but it's going to take a good 15% of the votes. At least I hope so. I'm just making this assumption based on the previous vote.

>> No.3257470

Keep going.

>> No.3257473

Well, there's a huge flaw with assumptions from the previous poll, shared multi votes VS single vote.

>> No.3257474

Also, start reseeding the torrents, people.

>> No.3257487

Baldr Sky gets translated.
DIVE2 turns out to be shit.

>> No.3257488

Well, these were the results and sadly I think they will reflect the truth.

Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory" == 40
Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People- == 36
Swan Song == 32
Gore Screaming Show == 28
Himawari == 25
RuiTomo == 22
Saihate no IMA == 18
Hoshizora no Memoria == 17
Never7 -the end of infinity- == 15
Extravaganza == 14

I voted for Himawari nonetheless.

>> No.3257495

>Remember what happened with Nitro+? Fan translators started working for JAST.
I actually liked the fact that they started some kind of partnership and the TLWiki guys themselves seem to be happy about it.
But it sure would be nice to see some kind of progress though since I am far more intrested in Sumaga and Gekkou no Carnavale than I am in Demonbane and Jingai Makyou, and Jast hasn't said anything about those titles yet.
It is quite sad because the Sumaga fan-translation was most likely to have been finished this year, but as long as no information is given I can't help but to feel as if this will delay the release for a very long time and perhaps even years.

>> No.3257500 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 600x600, 1251547752149s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruitomo Fandisk announced キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!

>> No.3257506

And get censored.

>> No.3257508
File: 108 KB, 600x600, 1251547752149s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruitomo Fandisk announced

>> No.3257542

Picture missing, spent a while trying to find a screenshot with him in it, was certain I took one, couldn't find one. He's the guy in the top-right corner in >>3257082

Miyaki, he's a journalist, he doesn't seem to have had much success with his career and doesn't seem too reliable either, appearances might be deceiving though. Decent guy, middle-aged, has had a lot of experience with seedy investigation and seems interested in helping.

>> No.3257545

>I think they will reflect the truth
Is your reflection taking into account that Gore Screaming Show no longer has +20 down votes going against it?

And the opposite: Is your reflection taking into account that Gore Screaming Show might not get more than 10 votes this time around because it was mostly peoples "2nd wish" in the preliminary?

>> No.3257548

Describe Tomo!

>> No.3257557

>Gekkou no Carnavale
Fuck you for reminding me. I used to check the translation page daily, hoping to find progress.

>> No.3257566

This thread is supposed to be about god-tier VNs.

>> No.3257574

Screw you, Nitro+ is awesome.

>> No.3257799

So if anyone hangs out in #ammy, care to post what they've been talking about the progress of the poll?

>> No.3257801

like family project and cross channel, right?

>> No.3257918

> 23% don't browse 4chan, 40% browse /jp/ and 19% chose not to view

Aside from that reply in RE the statistics portion, things are pretty tight lipped. Most of the questions are shut down.

>> No.3258125
File: 52 KB, 250x250, trollface colored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extravaganza won.

>> No.3258133
File: 403 KB, 1024x768, wall01_1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3258149
File: 373 KB, 1024x768, TG_2009_04『BALDR SKY Dive1“LostMemory”』05S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 3 are the ones that have a route on Dive2 right?

>> No.3258173
File: 123 KB, 600x450, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct. argh, come already dive2, I want to play Sora route so badly

>> No.3258211

When is the release date?

>> No.3258217
File: 131 KB, 600x450, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3258262

Wait, dark skinned chick doesn't get a route? Fuck BS.

>> No.3258274

Fuck it, I'll be drowning in finals around that date....

>> No.3258284

I fucking love the look of this girl so much.
Please vote RuiTomo guys ;_;

>> No.3258296

Sorry bro. I'd like to play it, but I'd love to play GSS, Baldr, or Inganock more.

>> No.3258301

Sorry. RuiTomo never had a chance of winning.

>> No.3258315

But I really, really want to play her route guys, I almost feel like I am in love with her just from the pictures ;_;

>> No.3258322

<Embok> What are total votes at now?
<Ixrec|____> 381 total votes

>> No.3258327

That sounds great. Now I want Inganock to win even more.

>> No.3258332

I'll be happy with whatever gets translated. The more English VNs, the better as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.3258342
File: 135 KB, 800x594, 1249336380691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all those voting GSS, let me just say one thing. IT IS NOT WHAT YOUR EXPECTING.

I had the same expectations when I saw the cg's and screens awhile ago, then I played it. And it was absolutely nothing like what I thought it was going to be.

Picture related, scene looks like it'd be awesome yes? Well it's not....not even close.

I only hope it wins for one reason, so all of your hopes are crushed and I get to say "I told you so".

>> No.3258352

To all those voting Baldr Sky, let me just say one thing. IT IS NOT WHAT YOUR EXPECTING.

I had the same expectations when I saw the cg's and screens awhile ago, then I played it. And it was absolutely nothing like what I thought it was going to be.

Picture related, scene looks like it'd be awesome yes? Well it's not....not even close.

I only hope it wins for one reason, so all of your hopes are crushed and I get to say "I told you so".

>> No.3258353

It's a bit like Chaos;Head, where people claimed it to be more brickshitting than Ever17.

>> No.3258356

To all those voting Saihate no Ima, let me just say one thing. IT IS NOT WHAT YOUR EXPECTING.

I had the same expectations when I saw the cg's and screens awhile ago, then I played it. And it was absolutely nothing like what I thought it was going to be.

Picture related, scene looks like it'd be awesome yes? Well it's not....not even close.

I only hope it wins for one reason, so all of your hopes are crushed and I get to say "I told you so".

>> No.3258360

Very much this. GSS is a good game, but in a completely different way from what the OP and various CGs/screenshots make people believe. Overall, it's nowhere near as god-tier as other games on the list.

If you want gore, don't go for GSS. There's relatively little gore, and all of it is censored. Go for Ex instead.

>> No.3258363

To all those voting Swan Song, let me just say one thing. IT IS NOT WHAT YOUR EXPECTING.

I had the same expectations when I saw the cg's and screens awhile ago, then I played it. And it was absolutely nothing like what I thought it was going to be.

Picture related, scene looks like it'd be awesome yes? Well it's not....not even close.

I only hope it wins for one reason, so all of your hopes are crushed and I get to say "I told you so".

>> No.3258371

I don't care about your lolopinions, I want to love that loli tenderly.

>> No.3258372

You all failed to post a picture. Nice one guys.

>> No.3258373


spoiler your pictures next time morons oh wait...

>> No.3258378


Pretty lazy trolling. Next time put pictures in to make it seem like an attempt at making a point instead of butthurt copy-pasting.

>> No.3258579

Wow, database security sucks. Swan Song is currently leading with 9 votes.

>> No.3258587
File: 21 KB, 319x329, joo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3258589

damn. I wanted GSS or Baldr to win ;_;

>> No.3258597

BALD is losing ?
Fuck yeah.

>> No.3258616

why not just post the entire state of voting? How about Saihate?

>> No.3258617
File: 4 KB, 210x168, grinning honest man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3258627

My Saihate is losing ;_;

>> No.3258666

[22:36] <Ixrec|____> if SS is winning, he got hte number wrong
[22:36] <Ixrec|____> so its a troll
Sorry, but no.

>> No.3258679

Saihata and Gore are losing. Baldr is close, but not at top.

Amount of votes changed since I last checked, is now 10

>> No.3258692

ask him how long till he feels the voting situation is "stable"

>> No.3258697

Bullshit. Ixrec said it's 9.

>> No.3258713

Fuck. More people need to vote for Swan Song.

>> No.3258715

No it isnt? It's 10.

>> No.3258725

Oh great, now for mindgames huh?

>> No.3258736

More like unreliable narrator.

>> No.3258743

So what's the deal with Swan Song? Is it only for the sickness moe?

>> No.3258758

Apart from perhaps Saihate, SS is the only contender that isn't getting trolled 24/7. And Saihate isn't real deal enough for most /jp/ers.

>> No.3258764

Don't give up hope, Baldr/GSS must win ;_;

>> No.3258783

B-but I voted for Saihate.

>> No.3258785

Sickness moe? There's no sickness moe. I think you mean autism moe.

>> No.3258797

It is Lord of the Flies: the eroge.

>> No.3258806

Who cares what's getting trolled? I just want a game I like translated, I don't care if it fills /jp/ up with troll threads.

>> No.3258835


Well no matter what wins is gonna get trolled in /jp/ anyways by all the people who didn't vote for it.

>> No.3258849

>Which 4chan board do you come from?
Why is my first reaction to say I'm from some board like /an/ or /p/?

>> No.3258865
File: 179 KB, 1600x1200, penne rigate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese bird cooking spaghetti

>> No.3258866


I forgot those boards even existed.

>> No.3258898
File: 13 KB, 209x168, Trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/n/, voted Baldr Sky

>> No.3258915

We should link this to /tg/ if we want some votes for BALDr, what with them obsessed with moe and tabletop mechas.

>> No.3258936


Then do it

>> No.3258955

Please do. I'm doing my part promoting the poll to the GSS crowd.

>> No.3258981

[23:21] <~M-Nagato> someone did indeed try to access the admin panel
[23:21] <~M-Nagato> not that i made it difficult to find

>> No.3258990

No. /tg/ would want steampunk fantasy city with magical doctor, nekomimi rouge and monstergirls.

>> No.3258991

>admin panel
Well why the fuck would you make an admin panel for a single use poll?

>> No.3259012

then tell them to vote for that.

also: http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/poll/login.php
right click > view source
have fun CS III grads

>> No.3259014


>> No.3259021

Why get votes from people who won't play the finished product? This is supposed to be about what the VN community wants.

>> No.3259027

/tg/ is one the few smart boards here, they will check all the options and vote what they want anyway.

>> No.3259037

We aren't smart? Shokku.


>> No.3259096

Well, they might use the same thing for future translations.

>> No.3259931

Ignarock is the one to go for, it warms my heart to finally see Liar-Soft games actually being noticed. Such godly Visual Novels deserve a translation ASAP for everyone to enjoy.

>> No.3259986

Aren't you guys overrating Ignanock.
The japanese seem to think that even Kira Kira is better than it.
And we seem to be underrating Rui wa tomo wo yobu, the japanese rank it the #3 title of 2008.

Top Eroge as voted by 2channelers
1) Sekai de ichiban NG na koi
2) Kira☆kira
3) Katahane
4) Sekien no Inganock -What a beautiful people-
5) R.U.R.U.R
6) Koitore -REN-AI TRAINING-
7) Soshite ashita no sekai yori–
8) Sugar+Spice!
9) Gekkou no Carnevale
10) Ashita no kimi to au tame ni
11) Yuugeki keikan Patvessel -kochira shutokenjoukuu aozorasho-
12) Himawari no Chapel de kimi to
13) Musumeshimai
14) Koisuru otome to shugo no tate
15) Clover Point
16) Zoku. Satsuriku no Django -Jigoku no shoukinkubi-
17) Natsumero
18) Itsuka, todoku, ano sora ni.
19) Bullet Butlers
20) Ohzoku
21) Seinarukana - The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2 -
22) Himekishi Angelica ~Anatatte, hontouni saitei no kuzu da wa~
23) Shakkin shimai
24) Koibitodoushi de suru koto zenbu
25) Draculius
26) Osananajimi to ama~ku ecchi ni sugosu houhou

1) Sumaga
2) The Devil on G-string
3) Rui wa tomo wo yobu
4) Concerto Note
5) Little Busters! Ecstasy
6) Beat Blades Haruka
7) Wizard’s Cliimber
8) Sakura Strasse
9) Shikkoku no Sharnoth
11) Kagerou Note
12) Princess Frontier
13) Prima Stella
14) Maple Colors 2
15) Battle Goddess Episode-0
16) Shin koihime musou
17) Toushintoshi III
18) 11eyes
19) Toppara ~ zashikiwarashi no hanashi ~
20) Chrono Belt
21) Twinkle Crusaders
22) Amatsukaze
23) Akatsuki no goei
24) ef - the latter tale.
25) Shakkin Shimai 2

>> No.3259995

>even Kira Kira

No, not 'even Kira Kira' at all. Kira Kira is a great game. Don't mistake /jp/ trolling for genuine criticism.

>> No.3259999

>Aren't you guys overrating Ignanock
It's like one or two furries hyping it here.

>> No.3260017

No, it's not. Look, the whole 'inganock is furry game LOL' thing didn't even start until the people who really wanted their Swan Song needed to dig up something to complain about, and given that they don't know a thing about the story itself decided that focusing on superficial aspects nobody cares about was the way to go.

Seriously, search the archive, find me one reference to people calling Sekien no Inganock a game for furries before this round of translation polls.

anyway brb voting Saihate no IMA

>> No.3260018

Inganock is pretty good.
Yeah it's certainly not godlike but it's still a very good eroge (can you even consider it as one though? Fucking Liar-soft did the same shit with Sharnoth) with a great atmosphere and setting.

Yeah the final part isn't as good as the build-up made it seem it would be and it's certainly not the the best in that list but I wouldn't be sad if it was chosen.
It's not like it's that long too.

>> No.3260020

I fucking love Liar Soft , I hope for a translation so more people could enjoy their work.
If there is anything that is overrated here is Baldr.
But I dont really care, most of the options are good or solid.

>> No.3260021

>>It's like one or two furries hyping it here.

What Baldrfags actually think.

>> No.3260112

Polls close in under half an hour

>> No.3260158

>10 minutes left.
Get your last minute votes in.

>> No.3260168

Never say Kira Kira is a bad game. But I dont regard it as a MUST play game like Ever17, Planetarian, Tsukihime, Saya and etc.

>> No.3260182

Please let it be Baldr Sky or Gore Screaming Show... ;_;

>> No.3260191

I have yet to see /jp/ troll Kira Kira. And don't claim that everyone who doesn't like a game you like is trolling. I personally thought Kira Kira was average at best, certainly nothing great.

>> No.3260196

><M-Nagato> Extravaganza actually won
><M-Nagato> we're translating fucked up shit!

>> No.3260198

In b4 Baldr wins and people realize that it is shit.

>> No.3260206

Ahahahaha YES

I voted for Saihate no IMA, but this is a perfectly acceptable outcome for me.

>> No.3260207

It might be shit but I will still be looking forward to the fap material.

>> No.3260209

On the topic of Kira Kira, Kirari's normal route was one of the most memorable thing I've seen in a VN and the rest of the game was constantly entertaining.
Taste, etc... but I can understand why it's liked in Japan.

>> No.3260216

You read eroges for fap material ?

>> No.3260217

Sekien no Inganock won.

>> No.3260218

I was hoping for that, GSS or Swan Song. Inganock never caught my attention.

>> No.3260227

>I have yet to see /jp/ troll Kira Kira.
oh wow

>> No.3260229

I grew up playing games where the objective of the games is to get the girls to undress.

The fap material are like the trophies or achievements as you guys call it.

>> No.3260234


>> No.3260245

Never7 won.

>> No.3260282

No, the other SnI won.

>> No.3260290

This would be so awesome.
However, Swan Song won.

>> No.3260301

Ageha~Extravaganza~ doesn't have nearly as many votes as GSS but the scores were much lower for it than I expected for a final contestant. It wasn't a title I was really paying attention to.


>> No.3260309

Are you fucking trolling me, son?

>> No.3260315

Wrong eroge.
That's Extravaganza

>> No.3260317

Poll results where???

>> No.3260326

In before Ixrec announces the polling was just for his entertainment and that he's going to translate something not on the list.

>> No.3260329

How on earth do we possibly salvage Baldr Sky now?

>> No.3260330

That would be awesome.

>> No.3260331


>> No.3260332


>> No.3260338

I know, I'm interested too.

>> No.3260348

Man, you'll be almost thankful for it after the scenes of tentacles entering orifices and then making brand new holes as exits.

>> No.3260351

Extravaganza is a beautiful and heartwarming love story between a girl and her cute tentacle monster she gave birth to.

>> No.3260356


>> No.3260364

They needed to have more of that one scene, given that it's, what, the ONLY non-rape scene in the entire eroge?

>> No.3260395
File: 91 KB, 800x600, 000480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have GSS please? Yuka is so moe...

But a Baldr Sky is fine too.

>> No.3260417

>Nagato's putting the stats together now.
Are you excited, /jp/?

>> No.3260425

Thread will not peacefully end.

>> No.3260426

No matter what is chosen. We win.

>> No.3260430

Ready to play this to cheer me up if Baldr wins.

>> No.3260435

>Nagato's putting the stats together now.
How long should this take?

>> No.3260437


>> No.3260446


Nah pretty sure there's some lezzing out. Probably futa.

>> No.3260453

Should we create a new thread for the shitstorm?

>> No.3260459

When Ixrec/Nagato announces the winner.

>> No.3260463

Kind of need to, this thread has already past the limit.

>> No.3260553

New thread shall be official announcement by Ixrec's minion, or overenthusiastic Ixrec's cocksucker.

>> No.3260560


>> No.3260561

Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory": 82 votes
Gore Screaming Show: 49 votes
Swan Song: 48 votes
Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a shooting star-: 36 votes
Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu: 38 votes
Never7 -the end of infinity-: 32 votes
Himawari: 20 votes
Saihate no Ima: 17 votes
Extravaganza: 4 votes

>> No.3260570

>Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-: 85 votes

>> No.3260574

>Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory": 82 votes
>Gore Screaming Show: 49 votes
My 2 favourites, FUUUUCK YEAH!!!

>> No.3260582

noo.....Don't you dare...

>> No.3260598
File: 95 KB, 864x1205, tfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yeah! Rejoice, my fellow furfriends!

>> No.3260603

New thread: >>3260592

>> No.3260605

