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3251690 No.3251690 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3251691

Studio Deen thread?

>> No.3251696

Too bad we won't get a DVD version till the end of 2010

>> No.3251705

In before Studio Deen as Buzz Killington.

>> No.3251706

Saber not in bondage pic? this is not UBW! you make me sick Studio Deen!

>> No.3251709


>> No.3251719

Why is Studio Deen so shitty?

>> No.3251742

I just imagined someone switching rin's and saber's faces around using photoshop.

>> No.3251755

Why is Rin using a phone? Nobody in the Nasuverse owns a phone, especially not Rin's technologically illiterate ass.

>> No.3251768

what's wrong with their faces

>> No.3251780


>> No.3251788

Saber sure does have a nice smile.

>> No.3251791

it could have been extremely awesome if it was done by ufotable. but no had to let deen do it. its gonna be a pile of poorly animated and colored shit.

>> No.3251795 [DELETED] 

Have you tried Google?

>> No.3251802
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At least anime Rin has sexy legs.

>> No.3251824
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>> No.3251840


>> No.3251841

well, its an animated movie, so Im sure a major budget is crammed into this 2.5 hr film. I at least expected it to be well made....the only question is the content and the directions its going to go.

KnK was boring in books, but good directions makes it better.

>> No.3251844


Saber's smile looks weird. Doesn't the game take place in 1992 or something? I don't think they had clamshell phones yet then.

>> No.3251849

>2.5 hr
>90 Minutes.
F/SN takes place in 2004, bro.

>> No.3251854

It takes place "now". As in, whenever you play the game.

>> No.3251859

No it would still be bad because they're trying to fit the entire route into 90 minutes.

>> No.3251869

It's too bad Shirou won't get to spend any time between those legs, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3251913
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Tohsaka is perfectly capable of putting on her own underwear.

>> No.3251920
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>> No.3251937
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>> No.3252030


>> No.3252043

animation and character designs would look better at least. DEEN's shit always looks like some one turned the brightness up to high.

>> No.3252060

The worst thing about the Fate anime wasn't the shitty animation, the slow pace or even the butchering of the plot. It was the fucking color pallet. I swear the faggots at DEEN must be colorblind. The whole series looked like it was painted over with mud.

>> No.3252066
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>> No.3252074

Saber is a fucking secondary character in UBW. Replace her with Archer striking a pose or something.

>> No.3252080

>Megami Magazine

>> No.3252081

even though she is a secondary character she is still a fan favorite. and you absolutely know they are going to do the good ending for that reason.

>> No.3252089



>> No.3252091


But Saber IS popular, that is why they keep releasing merchandise based on her.

I bet the movie ending will be the normal ending instead of the good ending.

>> No.3252103
File: 40 KB, 800x600, monogamous rin end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucking better not. That will make me RAGE.

>> No.3252138

You realize the Rin/Saber harem end is the "good" ending, right?

>> No.3252216


Yes, "Sunny Days" is the Good End as "Brilliant Years" is the True End.

>> No.3252291

I greatly prefer the true end. It feels more complete and more like a real ending. The good end was clearly just thrown together to give Saberfags a happy ending.

>> No.3252337

Why are they keep releasing shit based upon shitty route?

>> No.3252374

I actually preferred the color pallet over the bright colors of today's anime. Felt classic and a refreshing change of pace at the same time.

>> No.3252389
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>> No.3252397


ah pedorin.gif. Haven't seen you since I left /a/.

>> No.3252427
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This movie better have some moments with Rin being the sweet girl we all know she is on the inside.

>> No.3252436
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>> No.3252468

This makes me sad we won't get to see her get the jackhammer.

>> No.3252498

I prefer Rin's tsuntsun side over her deredere side.
I like getting beaten, insulted, and bossed around.

>> No.3252506

so you enjoy shit looking white washed?

>> No.3252523

I will rage so fucking hard if they go for the Good Ending. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that Rin and Shirou making plans to go to London provides much better closure.

>> No.3252525

Basically, you want to be Rin's bitch, you masochist.

>> No.3252535
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London WITH Saber

>> No.3252549

Good end basically just says "Saber will be staying here, so you gotta fuck me to keep her." and then they run off to have breakfast or some shit. It's a joke of an ending.

>> No.3252552

My money is on an original ending.
Like this one.

>> No.3252554

Rin must barely satisfy you, then.

>> No.3252562

I don't know how they'll be able to handle that without it feeling really forced.

Shirou and Rin is the way the end is meant to be. Saberfags just need to get over it.

>> No.3252564

Would anyone else sort of prefer the movie if it was handled as a one or Archer's CG pseudo-memories?
As in the opening scene is Archer flipping through "books" in the ToH?

>> No.3252576

The thing is, ufotable wouldn't even try to fit UBW into 90 minutes.

They gave Paradox Spiral and Murder Speculation Part 2 about 120 minutes each just to properly portray the story to film, and those chapters were nowhere close to UBW's length combined. They know better than to do what's DEEN's doing.

>> No.3252602

Well assuming Archer gets his good end, I mean.

>> No.3252622

Archer never gets a good end.

>> No.3252640

As a tsuntsun lover, I hate you for associating my interests with your petty masochism.

>> No.3252646
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This wasn't a good end for Archer?

>> No.3252650
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>> No.3252652

It's so great to be degraded by a pretty girl.

On the contrary, a little insult goes a long way with me. Rin simply calling me an idiot (Note: Not "Y-You i-idiot! It's not like I l-like you or anything!" but "You stupid idiot. Why do I bother with you?") is enough to satisfy me through 15kb of deretext.

>> No.3252674 [DELETED] 

Needs glasses.

>> No.3252671

Considering that he will lose his memories of the event, there is no good end.

>> No.3252685
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>> No.3252689

I hate them all, they suck compared to Sakura and should just die.

>> No.3252700

He doesn't lose the memories. The original gets them in the form of reading material.

>> No.3252703

I agree, they should make a HF movie, and give it part old maid ending, part Last Episode, just to troll all the Sakurafags.

>> No.3252704

I love this bot.
Just sayin.

>> No.3252711

He must be happy that his younger alternate timeline self doesn't become a fuckup and gets a pretty girl to love him as well.

But as for Archer himself, he goes back to his miserable job and will never have a true good end.

>> No.3252727

Being a Counter Guardian, Archer's different. He's not a "copy" like the Heroic Spirits. His memories go into a "library"; it'll be fuzzy for him to remember, but he will nonetheless, especially an important thing like this.

>> No.3252734

like sakurafags don't get trolled enough.

>> No.3252738

Yup, they don't.

>> No.3252742

Most Sakurafags (like me!) actually think that's the best ending in all of Fate/stay Night.

>> No.3252756



With the exception of Saber they are simply copies of the heroic spirit, when they get destroyed they get destroyed along with their memories.

The heroic spirit may know the events IF someone recorded then but such records will be subject to the same problems as any historical record, there will be falsehoods.

>> No.3252764


As in not you stupid idiot, only Saber is.

Everyone else is like Archer, only Saber retains the memories for the OBVIOUS reason.

>> No.3252767

Counter Guardians such as EMIYA are completely different from the standard Heroic Spirit.

>> No.3252787


>> No.3252792

When I mean memories, I actually mean memories. I already know that whatever he did goes into the record books, but reading what he did and actually experiencing it are two completely different things.

Besides, I doubt that something so insignificant to the World would be added to the records anyhow. If Archer even knew he had his answer, he would never be going so far to erase his existence in the first place.

>He's not a "copy" like the Heroic Spirits.
>His memories go into a "library"
Same for any other Heroic Spirit.
>it'll be fuzzy for him to remember,
He doesn't have memories, he has records. He doesn't remember them, because the main body never experienced it.
>especially an important thing like this.
Considering that the Throne of Heroes is completely separate from the Time-space continuum, if Archer could remember such a thing it would be present in all routes. Since he's out for Shirou in the first place, the ToH probably didn't record it since it was a relatively insignificant detail, not to mention it would cause a paradox to occur.

>> No.3252795


What kind of moron you are?

(True) Assassin is also not a Heroic Spirit either, same with Caster ... the system is creating COPIES, Saber is the exception since she actually IS summoned because of her contract with The World.

>> No.3252798

So does this mean Archer will have memories of all three routes?

>> No.3252806

calm down

>> No.3252821

lol instead of the world why dont we just call it gaia XD

>> No.3252834

Get out

>> No.3252837

Well, it said in-game that it recorded everytime he was summoned, and there's an infinite number and worlds in the kaliedoscope, ergo an infinite number of possible books. It possible he hasn't yet read it, or he read it "long ago" and has forgotten.

>> No.3252848



>> No.3252850


It does not work that way.

>> No.3252853

>Same for any other Heroic Spirit.

No, they have no memories of previous summonings. Archer does.

Time is a relative thing. Being outside of the normal time continuum doesn't mean that heroic spirit EMIYA is at the pinnacle of all knowledge, with the main body having access to all possible summonings simultaneously. We simply don't know how his extra-temporal continuity works.

Also, the main body never carries out the massacres that Archer recounts, as it never leaves the throne, yet it has VIVID knowledge of everything it did. Even jumbled up, Archer knows the horrible things he's been summoned to stop, almost endlessly. So the true soul of EMIYA grows more despaired with every event it learns about. More than just a timeline gets sent back. Archer remembers the shit he does vividly.

Archer is a guardian, meaning he has a different relationship with his originating point. He's not merely a copy, as his existence returns its knowledge to the true hero.

>> No.3252856

Uh, yeah... that's exactly how it was described.

>> No.3252860

>hates contradictions

Then why didn't it send Primate Murder to kill Schrodinger?

>> No.3252862

The Throne of Heroes contains no concept of time.

If I summoned a Heroic Spirit today, and if I summoned the same Heroic Spirit fifty thousand years from now, there will be absolutely no difference between the two.

>> No.3252878

I see what you did there.
Schrodinger didn't actually make a literal Akasha affecting contradiction.

>> No.3252887

That's a contradiction. If the Throne possesses no continuity of its own, then the hero summoned will have all knowledge of every point in the entire continuum that it's summoned, thus having an infinite sum of experiences.

And there would be no "learning" of experiences. Since an infinite time exists for the Throne, the hero would know the sum of everything when summoned, unless there's a limit to what can be learned/retained, in which case it's not the same heroic spirit summoned every time, unless there's a static existence which is reached at the end of an infinite time...

Which is simply mind-boggling. But still a contradiction.

>> No.3252890

It is not possible that the heroic spirit "EMIYA" does not change between summonings because of the way that his story is set up.

Rin's knowledge of his past dictates that the Shirou who became "EMIYA" was happy with his life, right up to the time that he was killed by the people he saved through his contract.

Unless Counter Guardians (or at least EMIYA) can change after entering the Throne of Heroes, it is not possible for the persona that Archer demonstrated - or his infinitesimally small hope of being summoned into his own timeline to kill himself - during the course of Fate/Stay Night to exist, because he did not resent his borrowed ideal or his continued existence as a part of the Counter Force until long after dying.

>> No.3252893

No one is arguing about Heroic Spirits, like say Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn, Lancelot, Hassan I Sabbah, or Alexander the Great.
Afterall, how would Archer begin to hate his existence when he himself said when he died, he had no problems with his ideal, it was what came after that broke him.

>> No.3252909

Akasha does not work that way. It already contains all of the events that would be done in the past, present and future.

If he actually did anything, he would already know about it if it was relevant to what the World wanted him to do.

>> No.3252920

The Throne(or CG's) atleast is part of Alaya, not Akasha directly.

>> No.3252926

But the memories he can access aren't limited to what the World needs of him. The main body can access whatever it wants to that he's experienced.

Basically this. And since Archer displays no signs of existing at the end of eternity itself, a final state of existence which is unchanging, I must conclude that the Throne of Heroes has its own sense of temporal continuity which influences the disparate time periods that it sends a copy of Archer to.

The presence of change dictates the existence of temporal continuity, even if it's distorted.

>> No.3252927

I thought Alaya was a hip-hop artist.

>> No.3252938

>>No, they have no memories of previous summonings. Archer does.


In fact the only one that we know was repeated in it was Saber, none of the others were (Gil and lingered from the previous war and True Assassin is a collective Identity).

>> No.3252946

Alaya is a wish by humanity to avoid destruction. It is the reason why Heroic Spirits exist.
Akasha is the knowledge of all things. It is where the Throne of Heroes reside.

Two completely different concepts.

>> No.3252953

However, we know for a fact that Archer has been summoned into other circumstances and continuities because he is a Counter Guardian, and he told us so.

This is why he resents his existence. He doesn't even have a frame of reference for how many times he's been summoned. He's basically had his willpower whittled away over potential eons.

He does not need to have been summoned into the Holy Grail Wars to have been summoned into the world itself.

Rin also explicitly states that she doesn't know how many times he'll be summoned after the Fifth Holy Grail War. The number is effectively "infinite".

>> No.3252970

That matters... how? The heroic spirit EMIYA, whom Archer is, has been summoned to lots of other things.

>> No.3252982


Including court, for a traffic violation.

>> No.3252996

More like for violating intellectual copyright, am I right?

>> No.3253000

What happens when the sun explodes and the earth is destroyed? Do all the dudes in the throne just say "well shit" and kick back for the rest of eternity? Or will it disappear along with the earth?

>> No.3253008

Depends if humanity exists still or not.

>> No.3253014

Herakles rapes the Sun to force it to keep straight.

>> No.3253043



The counter-guardian Emiya was send, Archer (Emiya) was never summoned before.

They are different concepts, Archer is simply a copy of the counter-guardian based on a impossibility, we never really know WHEN the copy takes place on a temporal axis so what kind of information does the copy have since the throne is out of the temporal axis any guess would nothing but a guess.

However Archer acts based on how HIS 5th Grail War turned out and not HOW does the scenario takes place will turn out.

In short, Archer does not know the future in any of the routes and operates based on the assumption on how his 5th Grail War events taken place.

>> No.3253074

All of them sent are copies. EMIYA never leaves the Throne. Archer is just EMIYA fitted to a template that matches his powers. There's no real change for him.

Doesn't change anything I've said.

>> No.3253076

The Throne is in the Akasha. It has no concept of time.

>> No.3253101


I'm not a fan of today's overbright, glossy color pallets but the colors in the Fate anime looked less "dark" than they did "shit".

>> No.3253121

The Archer we see in FSN is merely a copy of the actual Heroic Spirit Emiya who exists beyond time and space. When Archer dies, he fades into oblivion, along with him memories. The actual Heroic Spirit Emiya never gets to see them.

>> No.3253124

How loosely does Archer define "sword"? If he were summoned in the future, could he use Unlimited Bat'leth Works?

>> No.3253135

Oh shit.
Data vs. Archer.

>> No.3253141

Impossible, unless the Holy Grail War itself explicitly modifies the functionality of Counter Guardians. I don't see why it would.

Otherwise, Archer could not exist. Regardless of what is STATED about the Counter Guardians, Alaya, etc, etc, Archer could not exist unless he remembered and was fully aware of each of his previous summonings.

He can technically use anything that is "equipment meant for battle". Swords and sword-like objects are simply more efficient because they are his specialty.

>> No.3253176

>He can technically use anything that is "equipment meant for battle".
That includes fishing gear.

>> No.3253201

Archer himself says that a record of each summoning if recorded in the throne like "books".
Unless my memory has degenerated so much that I'm making stuff up again.

>> No.3253242

That's the experience in the way he likens it to. But he has some pretty realistic emotions for things that he "reads" about.

>> No.3253263

>Includes Fishing Gear
Archer can beat Twilight Princess Ganondorf. Discuss.

>> No.3253277

Archer projects BOTH the Master Sword and that Sage Sword shit Ganondorf was wielding.

>> No.3253278

Link would be an awesome heroic spirit. Reflectan attacks, using all sorts of crazy shit, and empowered by the gods.

>> No.3253285

Well, if you found out that your own actions ended up trampling everything you lived for, you'd be pretty pissed at yourself too.

It's even worse when it's already recorded in a book, since you know it has already happened and you couldn't do a damn thing about it.

>> No.3253286

Which one? Or would it be some sort of reverse Hassan I Sabbah?

>> No.3253290

He can be like Assassin in F/Z and split into all his reincarnations. Hohoho, Link would be a hax servant.

>> No.3253318

Even so, as I said what is STATED concerning his "memories" is irrelevant.

It wouldn't be possible for Archer to have the persona he does unless he experienced it on a level sufficient to change him from the idealistic "Emiya Shirou" that was *HAPPY* to die for people...

To a miserable loon desperately chasing after a 1/1,000,000,000,000 chance to erase himself from existence.

>> No.3253327

>DVD version
>implying people still look forward to dvd releases

>> No.3253328

More like 1/∞

>> No.3253343

for the uniformed, when is the movie coming out?

and also the nanoha one if anybody knows that.

>> No.3253364

January-ish for UBW
Nanoha is this winter I believe.

>> No.3253372

iliya will die and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.3253378

thanks anon.

>> No.3253392 [SPOILER] 
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I know, I'm actually looking foward to seeing her heart get ripped out by Gilgamesh.

>> No.3253397

Hey, fuck you.

>> No.3253406

It's very possible that the moment he died, he found himself in a room of books he already read and stored in his mind, as if his existence there was already prepared for him.

It's very much like how Servants already have all the knowledge of the current world the moment they're summoned.

>> No.3253409

>January-ish for UBW

Way too rushed. It's going to be terrible.

>> No.3253411

Best part of UBW? I think so.

>> No.3253418

Who knows about it being rushed? This could have been in the works for a while now.
Being terrible I agree, it'll be a nice 90 minute or so distraction at least.

>> No.3253429

Doesn't make any sense. And servants have tacked on knowledge, but it doesn't change their essential personalities or history. They're essentially the same person they were when they died. Archer is different.

You're attributing some form of giga-intellectual mind gaming to the Throne of Heroes, when nothing of the sort is implied. The Throne of Heroes exists outside of the flow of time of the world, but does not necessarily lack a temporal continuity of its own.

>> No.3253432

This is why I love /jp/, they think up retorts for me so I don't have to.

>> No.3253456

Any time bro.

>> No.3253485

>it doesn't change their essential personalities or history.
Well, obviously. They're natural heroic spirits, used in time of calamity where the power of big damn heroes comes in to save the day. They don't experience anything that could change their personalities.

Archer, on the other hand, cleans up after the mess. His entire afterlife goes against everything he fought for. Of course he would change.

>> No.3253491

What's the Nanoha one?

>> No.3253493


>Impossible, unless the Holy Grail War itself explicitly modifies the functionality of Counter Guardians.

The Holy Grail War doesn't actually summon any heroic spirits, counter guardians or otherwise. It creates copies of them. Heroic Spirit Emiya wasn't actually summon to participate in the Holy Grail War. A copy was made of him. Like a clone. If someone makes a clone of you, and it goes off and dies, do you get all its memories? Counter Guardians only get the memories of their summonings. Which never happened in FSN.

>> No.3253499

Re-imagining of the first series I believe.

>> No.3253504

EMIYA wasn't summoned as guardian, but still retains his memories when his time ends. He'll remember everything. Eventually.

Rider and the others, when they die, will not. Which is sad, because Lancer should be able to remember how fucking awesome he was.

>> No.3253509

Cu Chulainn: The VN where?

>> No.3253560


He tells his life story in HA, in case you haven't read it.

>> No.3253572

I already know essentially the whole Cu Chulain legend.
I mean a real eroge about him. It would probably end up being a sex romp though due to how essentially every women he meets throws herself at him.

>> No.3253592

Have you heard it from Cu Chulainn's mouth?

>> No.3253600

No, of course not. If I had, perhaps I wouldn't have turned out this way.

>> No.3253605

Only reason I care about getting UBW is because it means we'll probably be getting KOTOMINE VERSUS ASSASSIN FUCK YEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR animated eventually too.

>> No.3253623

That Movie short be just that scene, Dark Berserker, and MANLY FIST FIGHT for the whole duration and nothing else. Just 90 minutes of pure unadultered FUCK YEAR.

>> No.3253637

Goddamn that would be so fucking awesome if they did that. Add Rider fights too. And cooking joke at start of the movie.

>> No.3253644

No delicious Rin rape, don't care.

>> No.3253652

Should have Sparks Liner High too, even though that breaks HF.

>> No.3253667

They could have a Sakura nightmare scene where she dreams of it.

>> No.3253675

No. Any presence of Sakura would ruin this 4 scene movie.

>> No.3253700


>EMIYA wasn't summoned as guardian, but still retains his memories when his time ends.

Was this said somewhere in FSN? Because I honestly don't remember it.

>> No.3253736

Well its either that or no Sparks Liner High, because Rider is not getting shafted so Shirou can die without turning his body to SWORDS.

>> No.3253757

Well, those scenes could be run one after another, or SLH as an after credit "bonus".

>> No.3253887
File: 125 KB, 1209x768, bestest end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Sparks Liner High + Cherry Blossoms' Dream would be cool to see as a dream before the true end, just to throw people off a bit. For even more hilarity, they could go for an original good end. (Pic rellated, of course)

>> No.3254481
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A version of Archer needs to be saved goddamn it.

I know, he became Genji, Kenzo's loyal butler!

>> No.3254488

So it's like Kinzo, but his treasure is swords instead of gold.
I'll leave now.

>> No.3254501
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>> No.3254528
File: 412 KB, 1266x1200, archerdarksakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, they need to animate this.

That would be awesome, Rin keeps Archer as her pool boy/sex slave and Shirou runs off with Sakura.


>> No.3254534

Archer's not Kinzo, he's Genji, the butler. Look at the two of them, he looks like an older version of Archer and they have a lot of the same expressions.

>> No.3254539

>runs off with Sakura.
You seem to be confused, unless you mean Shinji in place of Shirou.

>> No.3254547

Okay, Shirou runs off with Ayako and Sakura's raped by worms for all eternity until Archer kills her to put her out of her misery.

>> No.3254555

It's a very bad pun, as gold can be said as kin and sword can be said as ken in japanese.

>> No.3254569

>Rin keeps Archer as her pool boy/sex slave
that sounds okay
>and Shirou runs off with Sakura.
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.3254573


>> No.3254592

>Kill everyone in this thread.jpg

>> No.3254595

Are you frustrated?

>> No.3254603

gb2/work, workfag

>> No.3255367

Doesn't the memory thing work something more like this?
If you look at it in terms of computers and say that the records that are recorded in each summon is a hard drive with unlimited space, and what he actually remembers when he is summoned could be something like the RAM.
Now, Heroic Spirits and Counter Guardians are summoned multiple times at the same time at any time at all times in each and every world for ever. Because eternity is a pretty funny thing that would mean that the hard drive would already have an infinite amount of data stored in it because he would have already been summoned an unlimited number of times.
So while the records are infinite and the "hard drive" has an infinite amount of data, all of it cannot fit into Archer's "RAM", therefore he only has a very limited amount of knowledge compared to his records that is infinite.
So if he were to remember a specific thing, that would be one thing in a pile of an infinite amount of data. You would have to search quite a bit in order to find something in a pile of infinity, therefore it wouldn't be likely.
But by being summoned infinitely lots of thing got/get repeated over and over thus making it easier to find because pretty much the same thing would be stored at multiple places of the "hard drive".
Archer being summoned as a counter guardian must have happened very frequently compared to any other thing happening to him, thus it's not strange that most of his memories concern his work as a counter guardian. Him finding an answer at the end of UBW was a chance close to nothing though, so it should be nearly impossible for him to find his "answer" since it would be stored at so very few places compared to everything else that would have been stored a lot more frequently.

Archer is the most screwed character in all of Type-Moon. He is screwed for eternity.

>> No.3255687

>Doesn't the memory thing work something more like this?
I at least thought it was something like that as well.
>Archer is the most screwed character in all of Type-Moon. He is screwed for eternity.

>> No.3255864

So why can't people just be happy with the UBW true end?
And UBW good end wasn't that much of a good end if you ask me.
