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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3250084 No.3250084 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only the who long grew tired of /jp/ material (haven't played Touhou, read a VN or bought something related in over a year) but used to come here for the community?

Now, it's just pointless to come here, and it sad since I have nothing else to do from being a NEET for a few years.

>> No.3250089

Fuck off this board then.

>> No.3250092

I mostly just come here for Touhou and NEET threads and what not. No decent VNs have been translated for a while now, so yeah.

>> No.3250084,1 [INTERNAL] 

This applies to ghost side as well.

>> No.3250100

You still can force yourself to do /jp/ things and aren't sickened by this place yet.

>> No.3250096

I come here for the occasional doll thread and Type-Moon thread. Overnight /jp/ is completely worthless due to over-posting of that motherfucking Dawson picture. If I see that goddamn picture (or some variant thereof) one more time.....

>> No.3250106

I don't even know why I still come here.

>> No.3250109

>pointless to come here

Pointless topic.

>> No.3250110

I used to really like kig threads, but they lost their charm.

>> No.3250113

Sometimes it's not that shitty, I think.

>> No.3250119

It is.

I can't even bullshit myself into thinking otherwise anymore.

>> No.3250124

>No decent VNs have been translated for a while now, so yeah.

Now you're just being a stupid troll.

>> No.3250129

You used to like to play Touhou and that's all that's important.

>> No.3250135

That's pretty sad.
Luckily for most of us there are plenty of things to keep us interested here.
You know, I would have never expected /jp/ to have such diverse interests back when it was created.
I raged so hard when the boards were split... sometimes I wonder how things would have went if it had never happened.

>> No.3250138

I miss those days.

I still remember picking up EoSD back in 2004.

>> No.3250153


/jp/ material = things only the smelliest of floor-pissing Japanese otaku actually care about.

That said, I still have a grand time on /jp/ every day. I got my 2D threads, doujin threads, VN threads, JRPG and STG threads, etc.

>> No.3250155
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>> No.3250166

shit needs to fuck off back to /v/

>> No.3250169

You spamming that generic tripe doesn't make your views anymore correct.

I hate what you've become.

>> No.3250187


Only game otaku care about that JPRG stuff bro. It belongs here. Same with STGs.

Note that I am thinking on the Japanese gamer side of things (since this is /jp/ afterall). But I doubt most Western game players/normalfriends care about the latest JRPG with moe 2D characters.

>> No.3250187,1 [INTERNAL] 

> I raged so hard when the boards were split
Back to /a/ fagget.

>> No.3250195

Those games are very popular and discussed in many places outside of /jp/ (including /v/).

>> No.3250214


So is Touhou, Type-Moon, and Umineko, but that doesn't stop us.

Let me know when the latest moe moe JRPG gets as popular as Team Fortress or World of Warcraft. Then we can both boot them out of /jp/.

>> No.3250222

I wish we could boot you out of /jp/. Since athens left you're the worst tripfag we have.

>> No.3250223

Sadly, true.

>> No.3250230

A lot play JRPGs, it's just a lot of people also get all butthurt over people playing a genre they don't and troll JRPG discussions.

>> No.3250231

Is there anyway NEET Anon can cure his absolute apathy?

>> No.3250234

More people play jRPGs than sports games.

>> No.3250236

What about 2D ADV games?

>> No.3250237

A lot of people here watch anime too, but that doesn't mean threads about the latest Haruhi episode belong here instead of /a/.

>> No.3250238

Its terminal

>> No.3250246

/jp/ - Doujin

>> No.3250244

Too bad OP is the only actual NEET/hikikomori still on /jp/.

>> No.3250252

Eh. I used to frequent /tg/ for over a year(I left when it became too shitty) even though I haven't ever played a P&P/Wargame/anything /tg/ related at all.
Talking over the internet is a nice way to rest and waste your time, don't be sad about doing it.

>> No.3250254


You seem slightly frustrated. I'm glad I enjoy all aspects of /jp/ though. I have a great time here.

If you aren't able to then that really isn't /jp/'s fault. If can't take it easy because of one person (Dawson_smile_close.jpg Guy , Athens, etc) then I'd suggest just stepping away from the computer and settling down with a nice 50 hour long JRPG or something.

>> No.3250256

I'm one for about two more weeks, actually.
Sigh, I'm going to miss these last two years.

>> No.3250267

First, OP isn't the person referring too.

More importantly, I don't give a shit about "trolls" or what one person does, it's when the community as a WHOLE (as in every aspect of it - "troll" or otherwise) declines and becomes intolerable overtime.

>> No.3250274

"Real" NEETs are able to get on disability and get money from the government and avoid needing to work/school.

>> No.3250283

They generally send you through (useless) training programs, though, so you stop being a NEET from time to time.

>> No.3250291


You should be disliking the Umineko anime and its effects on /jp/ then.

Trust me, that thing has had a bigger impact on /jp/ and the type of people who come here more than any JRPG ever will. I hear even /v/ has daily Umineko threads now due to the anime airing.

>> No.3250292


>> No.3250295
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Good question.

/jp/ used to be one of the Civilized Boards, much like /h/, /d/, /s/, /k/ before politics utterly destroyed it, /o/ a while ago, and /g/ to an extent before LINUCKS took over.

In my naivete, I thought that /jp/ would remain untouched, but of course Moot could not handle the idea of people actually ENJOYING THEMSELVES in a civil manner.

I made the fatal mistake of believing that /jp/ was still the same even after the mass bans following the outlawing of CYOA and roleplay.
Little did I know that it had quickly become /JB/ - RANDOM instead, with finely honed trolls from /b/, /v/, and all the other boards that are essentially /b/ with a theme. I was foolish enough to actually hear most of the Anons out and reply to their crude, blatantly obvious trolling. In fact, it got to the point where there was a tripfriend called '/b/tard of /jp/' who became so popular he was quoted by the anons here.

>> No.3250301

You don't think the government wants people to leech of off them, do you? They try to get you a job.

>> No.3250306

>You should be disliking the Umineko anime and its effects on /jp/ then.
Oh, I do.

>> No.3250307
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One or two threads of that quickly taught me that my beloved /jp/ had rapidly swung in a different direction. So I remedied that right away, and re-evaluated my style of posting.

No longer do I spend time making quality, well-thought-out posts, or trying to be friendly with Anon. A lot of anons got butthurt over this and started saying that my new posting style was infuriating and that they were frustrated with my /b/-like behavior, but on the upside? They no longer tangle teeth with me or spend entire threads trolling me into the fucking stratosphere that I've become properly aggressive.

I just come to /jp/ to sharpen up my trolling ability now, and also to be trolled by other people - that way I can efficiently troll other portions of 4chan. I used to go to /v/ for troll practice, but /jp/ serves just as well, so I come here instead.

/jp/ - /b/ with seacats and touhous. That's about it. I'm sorry if you were blind to it, OP.

>> No.3250319

You get on disability due to being deemed that you will not be able to get any gainful employment.

>> No.3250328

Seems that you know jack shit about 4chan, shitty tripfag.

>> No.3250327

Just a FYI, your trolling is abysmal.

>> No.3250326

I hate Umineko and have so every since ep1.

>> No.3250335

Well, it's natural a /b/ quality user would want the board to be /b/ quality.

>> No.3250330

go to /a/wesome

>> No.3250333



If you included a rant about how shitty my posting is as well I might bump that up to a 3.

>> No.3250342

They still try to get you a job anyway, even if you are disabled to the point nobody would hire you. Social workers are strangely optimistic.

>> No.3250355

Therapists moreso.

>> No.3250359

/b/ and quality should never be mentioned in the same sentence.

I'm just here for the pictures, and the occasional announcements for stuff.

>> No.3250366


Kind of sad that I have to agree on you.

I hate umineko release day and I report those fucking sugoi anime screencap #12456 everytime I see them.

Why cant we go back to end of 2008 where we have actual and thoughtful umineko thread instead of the current shit like which stakes you want to fuck, which mom you fuck and stuff like that huh.

>> No.3250366,1 [INTERNAL] 

Damn, I was actually enjoying this thread.

>> No.3250366,2 [INTERNAL] 

What about it? I've only skimmed it, but it just looks like regular whining. Of course, haven't been on /jp/ for a while, I don't know its status, but yeah!

>> No.3250366,3 [INTERNAL] 

It kept my attention, which is what few threads can do nowadays.

Also, I didn't get pissed off while reading it.

>> No.3250366,4 [INTERNAL] 

So, so true. Most of the threads are hidden on my screen for this reason.
I do agree that /jp/ is turning in to '/b/ with a theme' but that could be said of the whole of 4chan.

I'll reserve my judgements until mid-October. You know, when newfag summer ends...

I'm hoping it ends...


>> No.3250366,5 [INTERNAL] 

It didn't even end last summer, or the summer before that, nor the summer before that.

>> No.3250366,6 [INTERNAL] 

Support Arcueid Brunestud ban, put this in u are sig.

>> No.3250366,7 [INTERNAL] 

nice sig lulz

>> No.3250366,8 [INTERNAL] 

~Support Aeris Suzumiya for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Arcueid Bumstud ban~
Member of /jp/'s Aya fanclub!

Touhou fan
Firefox user
FSN fan

"You wish to venture beyond this gate? How ludicrous...I, Hong Meiling, shall be your opponent...and the Angel of Death who shall ferry your poor soul to hell"

-Hong Mei Ling

