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File: 49 KB, 200x250, touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32375962 No.32375962 [Reply] [Original]


how do i git gud at touhou bros?...

>> No.32376070

Just play more and your brain will adapt

>> No.32376317


>> No.32376877

I'm not your ´´bro''.

>> No.32383372


>> No.32383481

Bomb more. If you die with a bomb then you could have saved a life and gotten way further.
Try looking at the bullets and aim to go where there are not many bullets. This is a different mindset from "moving out of the way from the bullets" and it helped me be better at dodging.

Also this >>32376070 your brain slowly rewires itself to make yourself better at dodging bullets the more you play

>> No.32383890

keep playing until the touhou vibrations alter your perception of reality

>> No.32385450

hold shit for focused movement

>> No.32387831

Constipation hurts us all, anon.

>> No.32388848

i learned this while playing the game multiple times, the invisible frame time sure is great but damn i suck when it comes to focusing my attention on multiple moving objects on screen. it really makes me use bombs wastefully.

>> No.32390359
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Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. /v/ is two blocks down.

>> No.32390400

Hold shift to focus
Move very slightly left or right to stream
Learn which spells are aimed and which are random
Bomb more
Choose Marisa you normie shitter
Git gud.

>> No.32393133

>your brain slowly rewires itself to make yourself better at dodging bullets the more you play
It's gotten to a point where I can look away and somehow manage to dodge. Then again, it's probably peripheral vision and knowledge.

>> No.32393183

Play easy mode.

>> No.32394784

We have needed a gameplay thread for a while. I shall try to keep this thread alive to discuss gameplay.
Also fuck you, leathergirl.

>> No.32394850

No one needs a gameplay thread. They're for casuals who don't play and need a break.
Also they will die quick with the crappy board situation so don't bother.

>> No.32394867
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Maybe watch someone who's good at it?

>> No.32395252

Use the damn bombs

Seriously, use them. You'll just be wasting them otherwise.

>> No.32400038

It's not the same to be the one progressing and banging their own head against the keyboard than seeing someone else trying to do it. It's a completely different experience.

>> No.32400224

Unironically this, getting ANY clear helps with the mindset. It took me an ungodly amount of time to get my first clear and that's no good.

>> No.32400252

She's okay, especially for someone doing it in front of hundreds of thousands, but still. I could beat her in PoFV.

>> No.32400268

>need a break.
Has the thread changed? I noticed less elitism. Last I visited.

>> No.32400838

Copied from the other trash thread that got deleted.
I'm planning my SA L1cc, does my plan make sense so far?

Planned bombs:
- Mt. Ooe
- St4 Orin 2
- Streaming section after Orin 2
- DBDB and FIN
- St5 before midboss
- Every wave of Cat's Walk
- Everything after that in the stage
Haven't planned Orin and Okuu, kinda feel like winging it.

>> No.32400905
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You're asking this on /jp/ - Secondary HQ

>> No.32401590

Considering she has hard clears she is better at the games than 99% of this board of secondaries.

>> No.32404461

I haven't done SA Lunatic so I can't help you there.

>> No.32408316

You can bomb way more than that. Bomb yamame even if you want to, you'll get the power back instantly in stage 2.

>> No.32408819

I bomb Yamame if I have to, 1st non obviously. I just mentioned the sections I plan to bomb 100% of the time.

>> No.32409239

As for Orin, you want to bomb everything except her second spellcard and second non. The fight is brutal.
Okuu is actually not too bad, but her first two spellcards are her hardest ones. The rest can be routed reasonably well. Though personally i find her second to last spellcard really difficult but that might just be a me thing
Good luck

>> No.32409659

I've practiced them before, just not routed for 1cc. I even got an Orin LNN at some point (while ago). I have a pretty good idea of when to bomb it. Same for Okuu (without the LNN).
I fear the s6 midspell might fuck me on a run despite being "easy"...
Anyways, thanks.

>> No.32409797

>Orin LNN
Lol you should just LNB the game at this point.

>> No.32409991
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... If only you knew how bad things really are...

>> No.32410147

You get a lot of resources in SA, and Orin is expected to be the biggest dump on them. If you even have a slight chance of lnn-ing the fight you are in a massively good place.
SA is actually not all that horrible of an LNB, the spells become much easier to cap at max power and as I mentioned you get a pretty ridiculous amount of lives without even needing to do routing like in ddc/lolk/ufo

>> No.32410261

>Cat's Walk
>Peta (consistently)
>Yamame 1st non (consistently)

>> No.32410322

That's only 7 misses. Really only 6, I don't know why you wouln't be resetting on Yamame. Which leaves you with a lot of wiggle room to fuck up with.

>> No.32410353

Also you can just skip cat's walk by timing out the midnon

>> No.32410429

That's true but I'm a moralfag, it just wouldn't feel right. And yeah I would reset on Yamame. It's just a lot of work and I'd rather get TD LNB first, the one I'm actually working on. Or fuck, at least get all the lunatic 1ccs...

>> No.32410537

I'm trying TD LNB right now, I'm finding it pure agony desu. kyouko's final -> poison murder -> 3rd non is just horrible in a game with so few lives
Also I just don't fucking like the game desu

>> No.32410781

I LNB TD because I like it desu. Don't make yourself hate the games for no reason.
I only find Kyouko's 2nd non bad. Other things I suck at are st4 super speed section (or the big fairies just after), some Seiga, and Miko's Chaotic Dance.

>> No.32411024

I just find the patterns to be really unfun. They're slow but they're also pretty RNG heavy. Also the backgrounds are kind of gloomy and depressing and the music doesn't hit it for me.
Though, that's part of the reason why I want to LNB it desu. Touhou is my favorite series ever and I don't want to pretend this game doesn't exist. I'd like to learn to love it. Why do you like it anon?

>> No.32411075

>slow but they're also pretty RNG heavy
just the thought of that makes me cum

>> No.32411165

Why do you like dying to literal bullshit?

>> No.32411174

Also, it's what I know. It was my first 1cc ever and it would be cool for it to be my first LNB. I get what ZUN was going for in terms of atmosphere and I dig it. And... I don't know, playing it feels like less of a chore than other games, not sure why. I do love all the games though.

>> No.32411224

Slow RNG patterns are great. You can only blame yourself for getting walled if it really is "slow", since you should be able to see it coming ahead of time.

>> No.32413029
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>> No.32413077
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>> No.32413168
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>> No.32413193

Why in this thread?

>> No.32413222
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>> No.32413273

Dunno, just felt like it

>> No.32414770
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>> No.32414887

Guys I'm being heavily filtered by marisa in IN. How do I fight her without loosing all my bombs and lives? I'm playing on normal btw

>> No.32415144

Marisa is terrifying. Even as a Lunatic player I detest her and she's the main reason I almost never play IN. I've heard more experienced players say she gets easier over time, when it starts "clicking"... so maybe use Spell Practice. Or just be smart about using your bombs (and make sure not to waste any by dying).

>> No.32415365

I'll have to go back and do her stage- the most I can tell you is to keep at it. Practice makes perfect. I haven't touched the game in a while but look for the center of the stars and pay close attention to the paths. Don't be afraid of the danmaku.

>> No.32415579

I'm replaying her stage over and over again. I did this before and it helped me get through the 3rd stage, and for me it is now a walk in the park, but marisa still filters me hard every time.

>> No.32415698

As I told you, it takes a while for her patterns to click. Use Spell Practice or watch a replay.

>> No.32419487

What's your gamepad layout?
I'm just starting so I'm wondering if I should put bomb on right shoulder or immediately next to shoot.

>> No.32419544

What? Just keep default.

>> No.32419567

Always default for me.

>> No.32419569

Oh you mean using a controller... Personally I wouldn't advise not using keyboard but I know a couple pros that do this. Ask them.

>> No.32419635

Huh. I just supposed most people played with gamepads, it seems to be the case in Japan.

>> No.32420010

Ah you might be right, I do remember hearing about how the JP scoring scene was limiting itself by using controllers. Might just be my imagination though~

>> No.32420114

I'm not gonna argue but I don't think using a gamepad would be limiting oneself. If anything it feels to me like it's the other way around...

>> No.32420180

Maybe! I'm no expert, do what feels right.

>> No.32424917

Shoot on A, slow on X and bombs on the left bumper. I don't like having bombs next to the shoot button, it feels a bit slower to me.

>> No.32436493

The stars are smaller than they seem. Don't panic, try to aim for the spaces with less stars, and with a bomb for each spellcard you should be able to beat her.

>> No.32436512

based gameplay thread necromancer!

>> No.32436612

A good thread is like a plant. If there is a drought going on, it just needs a little more care and water.

>> No.32437020
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>> No.32438618

I like they gameplay threads. I feel more like playing when theyre around. I am also a newb and I can learn a thing or two from them.

>> No.32440183

How do I change characters in Touhou 8 spell practice? I'm sure it's simple but I've looked it up and can't find out how.

>> No.32440291

Left/Right, if you've unlocked Spell Practice for them. I don't remember the condition for that, you can find it on the wiki.

>> No.32440421

Thank you. I thought that just unlocking it would let me switch characters but I guess I have to unlock it individually.

>> No.32442868

>gamepad layout
I just use a Macintosh keyboard desu

>> No.32449882

>a Macintosh keyboard
Not him, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, I hate it. Anyone with big hands can't do that comfortably.

>> No.32458986


>> No.32465854

Reminder that greed kills.
Don't rush to the top to collect power and points

>> No.32467384

Fuck you I need my points...

>> No.32472206
File: 557 KB, 1152x648, I did it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys guys I did it! I 1CC'd my first 2hu on EoSD normal.
Made it to Remilia with 6 lives left. And survived with 0 continues and 1 bomb left kek

>> No.32472262

Also there are multiple endings? It said I got ending number 4

>> No.32472495
File: 1.34 MB, 3096x5504, sne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold shift for focused movement
Stop moving around so randomly, memorise stages and prioritize enemies that are pressuring your screen space
Which leads to the next point, consider screen space. Usually it's best to stay about 1/3rd up the screen as this will give you enough time to react to bullets but also weave through patterns more effectively as you can still move down when needed
Use your bombs if you're just playing for survival clears, deathbombing is just something you'll do more consistently the more you play
Tapdodge/stream aimed patterns, cutback to the other side occasionally so you don't get walled
Also just play more and use the practice modes

>> No.32473390

One good ending and one bad ending for Marisa and Reimu respectively

>> No.32473491

That makes sense

>> No.32477037

Isn't it one ending for each shot type (Reimu A, Reimu B, etc.) + 2 bad ends?

>> No.32477069

What do I play after 1cc'ing 6,7,8,10,11,13 and 16?
I heard DDC is kinda shit and I don't wanna jump straight into UFO.

>> No.32477150

People complain about DDC being too easy. It's part of the reason why LoLK is several steps up the ladder.

>> No.32477620

And those people are brainlets. DDC and LoLK are both equally easy to clear since they have absolutely broken shots and resource mechanics.

>> No.32477693

UFO and DDC are both fine. Do you want to go into fangames, PC98, or photogames?

>> No.32481894

God job, anon!
But please do not use crossie buzzwords

>> No.32482450

watching a good player destroy a game is incredibly helpful when it comes to learning new routes and tricks

>> No.32482455

>0 continues left

>> No.32482663
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>> No.32482844
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Go bang your head against the wall in 9 and 12.8.

>> No.32483141

But also, forcing chronological order is dumb.

>> No.32485337

>Made it to Remilia with 6 lives left.
If you lost them all to Remilia, you either had an exceptionally good run for the first five stages, or you hadn't been doing enough stage 6 practice. In my 1ccs I got to Remilia with 2-3 lives left.
Congrats though, planning to do extra or hard next? Both are reasonable steps up from a normal 1cc.

>> No.32485704
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I did no stage 6 practice yeah, and I almost shit myself from anxiousness, had to bomb Cirno once but apart from that the run was amazing.
So both, I guess.

I think I'll jump to Touhou 7 normal next, there are a lot of games I need to play if I wanna get cultured. Extra stage seems above my level from what I've played which was right after Patchouli.

>> No.32485730

>I did no stage 6 practice yeah, and I almost shit myself from anxiousness
As intended :)

>> No.32486832

Doesn't seem that odd to me. Remi is invincible during bombs, which makes it a lot harder to kill her while not dying than it does anyone else in the game since it just drags the fight out. My runs typically go like that, too.

>> No.32487245

I did EoSD extra immediately after my EoSD normal 1cc, which was my first.
In general, extra stages have an excessive quantity of bullets, but the actual difficulty of the patterns is not higher than late-game normal. Spell cards tend to be more gimmicky as well, so they look very difficult at first, but once you figure out the trick, they're easy (this applies even more to the later games than to EoSD since EoSD is less gimmick-heavy overall). For the stage portion itself, routing is very important since many parts are just streaming or become much easier if you get the fairies before they have a chance to shoot. If your ethics permit looking up a video for a route, that will make it much easier.
Regarding Flandre herself, her first four spellcards (up to "Maze of Love") and all of her nonspells are easy.

>> No.32487290

Remilia only has a bomb shield for her last spell card. I'm certain of this because I two-bomb skipped Scarlet Meister for my lunatic 1cc.

>> No.32487445

Sorry, you're right, I forgot. I just have a really strong mental imprint of the invincible fucking bat.

>> No.32488066

You're good enough to 1CC LoLK on Normal

>> No.32488088

To be fair, most people can beat a game that gives them 200~ lives to work with.

>> No.32489046
File: 27 KB, 480x360, CONSUME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Len'en
Force yourself to see what true imbalance is.

>> No.32489118

DDC is great anon. Play and judge it yourselves. Also best final boss theme.

>> No.32489478

>I heard DDC is kinda shit
Leave that Discord immediately.

>> No.32490932

You really should practice stage 6, you'd have had a godly first 1CC if you had allowed yourself to do that.
If that's what god intended, I will fight him!

>> No.32496326

Well, practice makes perfect. Good luck.

>> No.32496794

Does 1cc matter in PoFV? You still get the good ending if you use continues...

>> No.32496875

Do not use Discord kudasai

>> No.32497536
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In EoSD, Reimu and Marisa have two different good endings which I think depend on which spell card you use.

Great work. You're doing better than I am. I just got started playing EoSD and I've only gotten the bad endings for both characters so far. Trying to practice normal mode right now.

>> No.32498062

On DS4 controller, I use D-pad movement, Shoot on square, Bomb on x, Slow on R1. Probably because I grew up on SNES platformers, the idea of holding down square while having the bomb button always under the thumb for quick use when needed feels natural

>> No.32498101

How could playing UFO after 7 other games possibly be "jumping straight into it"?

>> No.32498186

I would've driven myself nuts trying an extra immediately after my first normal 1cc. Feel free to give it some good tries, but don't let yourself get burned out on it when you've got 7 to play

>> No.32498260

There's 6 endings.

Four for clearing 1cc on normal or harder for the four shot types, and two bad ends for using continues or playing on easy.

>> No.32498474
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learn basic stg movement and how to deal with different kinds of attacks: streaming, etc
watch videos to see how better players deal with attacks you are having trouble with
memorize what you're going to be facing
learn to better manage your resources
you CAN do it!

>> No.32506889
File: 67 KB, 128x217, Pachouli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep at it, bomb shit you die on usually. This game gives you so many resources that wasting bombs is not as bad as you might think.

Just practice Remilia and don't go in blind like me.

>> No.32517293

Points based on a noshift run?
Start from easy, work your way up through the stages. 1 Stage is 1 point. When finished, up the difficulty.

>> No.32517315

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.32522159

I mean it in the sense of a challenge.
Play through any game without focused movement. Every 1 stage you clear is 1 point.
Once you complete one difficulty, move onto the next.
The run ends when you either die once, ever hold shift, or make complete all difficulties without ever pressing shift. It's hard, but not completely impossible.

>> No.32522205

>not completely impossible.
until hard or lunatic.

>> No.32524772

It sounds horribly unfun desu

>> No.32525320

Sorry. It was just an idea to pass time.

>> No.32532291

I haven't used my controller in a while but I think I put mine next to shoot. I don't want to let up from firing.

>> No.32532358

You'll never get good at them. You will always suck to some degree. One run you'll be within inches of a 1cc, next run you'll burn all your stock and bombs on the second level. This will always happen.

>> No.32532643

>how do i git gud at touhou bros?...
fuck off /v/ermin

this board is so trash now. filled with pepe and wojak EOY2021 for sure

>> No.32533139
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Basically this. Get used to conserving bombs until stage 3 then actually using them before you die in the later half. Also learning when to zoom to the top of the screen to get as many points as you can for extra lives depending on the game.
It might help to use a gamepad. I found out recently that a lot of people try to use keyboards and imo having a pair of sticks makes life easier.

>> No.32533397

All the elitists moved to discord. The threads were a lot more enjoyable to post in but on the downside pretty much everyone there sucked.

>> No.32540380

Just restart 100 times.
That's what I do.
Restart every time you make a mistake, every time you're off by 1 million.

>> No.32544862

>Play 7 once after switching from windowed to fullscreen
>Game won't open anymore
why this bros

>> No.32545075

Fullscreen is wonky
Try starting it windowed and then make it fullscreen when in the main menu
You should be able to make it windowed again in some config

>> No.32554156

And what's wrong with that? It's not like it's a competitive or multiplayer game, we just like to discuss our experiences playing it all the same.

>> No.32555745


>> No.32556002

It is kind of competitive. Not directly, but the feeling of achievement you get from playing shmups is hard to ignore. And personally, when I see people around me doing difficult runs, it makes me want to work harder and get to that level. I don’t consider this a bad thing, I find shmups much more enjoyable to play when you’re better at them. Who the hell likes dying over and over again? I’ll never understand that. I don’t have anything against people who don’t want to challenge themselves too much but it’s nice when you have people of all levels hanging around.
On the opposite end of this problem you have said elitist discords which are populated basically entirely by upper level lunatic players and higher, which ends up becoming just too much of a dickwaving contest. Balance is good.

>> No.32563926


>> No.32581073

grazing entire moons
