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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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32429244 No.32429244 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:

Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links(keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a (embed)
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF (embed)

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>32223893

>> No.32429608


>> No.32430347

>stashed my onaholes in my drawers
>drawers now have what i assume is water damage

>> No.32430983
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Are there any products like pic related? Heated cup basically.

>> No.32431189

Why is it that diluting lube with semen (i.e. after cumming once) makes the hole feel way better whereas diluting it with water makes it feel like shit? I don't think it's placebo since I can clearly feel textures that were invisible with lube or lube+water, and they're definitely there when I inspect the ona. This only applies to thick lubes.

>> No.32431240

TPE oil so oil damage, unless you put them back without drying you animal.

>> No.32431401
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I dry and powder them though.

>> No.32431595

Then those are oil stains since small amounts of oil are slowly seeping/evaporating from the ona which over time makes it harder. TPE doll manufacturers recommend bathing the material in mineral oil periodically for this reason. This is probably overkill for a small handheld blob of TPE but it's good to be aware of it nonetheless.
In any case now you know to wrap them in something or put them in a bag so this doesn't happen again.

>> No.32431863

oh fuck finally there's one
i hope it would be bigger tho
looks like you can preorder from amazon jp https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B08QSSR77N

>> No.32431882

What's your opinion on otona-sekai? Is buying from there worth it?

>> No.32432083
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>> No.32435477
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So, when you guys say to use microfiber cloth do you mean like the glasses cleaning cloth or the kind that looks similar to your normal washcloths? Or better yet, do you mean A or B, or something else?

>> No.32435644

I have bought and tried both in the past month.

A: allows for a deeper dry but less absorbent - I need to use two cloths and insert several times
B: super absorbent but near impossible to reach end of the tunnel

I prefer A. It only takes an extra minute and cleaning all the way to the back is important.

>> No.32436284

Why does it have to be one or the other? I use B for drying the outside and getting out most of the moisture from outer and middle parts of the tunnel, then dry the inner part with A. It's not like they're expensive, and if you own glasses you already have A to begin with.

>> No.32436384

>Why does it have to be one or the other?
It doesn't, but I was meaning for the tunnel. My fault for not making that clear.

>> No.32436875
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Never thought about using those glasses cleaning cloth to reach the end of the tunnel without risking tearing the early part of the hole. It might even be very useful for hip cleaning. Thanks.

>> No.32437257

I use just B since A got a shitton of lint inside the tunnel. That being said, I might've bought a type of cloth unsuited for the job.

>> No.32437361

which hole should an unfortunate anon with a micropenis get? is there something that's tight and has an awesome texture right next to the entrance, or should I spend the money on a piece of rope and a stepping stool instead?

>> No.32437414

What is a good hole or hip for prone boning? I'm like average Asian micropenis. Preferably something within the $100 - $200 range.

>> No.32437664
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>tfw loli onahole just split in half

>> No.32438071

My "solution" to this is a 5$ plastic ikea tray and a towel, which I put inside my tray and then place the onaholes inside their bags.
Just clean the towel every week or two, I don't do that though because I'm a lazy fuck.

>> No.32438168

If you have a small dick you don't want something tight. Your dick can't fight back and you'll experience resistance when cumming and that will be an unsatisfactory ejaculation. It will feel like the hole is doing everything it can to stop you from cumming.

Small dicks want a soft hole. Or if you are really fat and don't have a lot of exposed dick you want a soft hole. You also want a hole with no padding. Beautiful Girl JK Idol Kasumi was a great hole for small dicks, but I don't think you can get that one anymore. At least not from an American retailer.

I have had a positive experience with the Kunoichi Inho Chaotic Vagina Bero. It is really really soft. It honestly feels the closest to fucking a slime girl if you are into that. But it also feels a bit meaty, like it could be the hole of a fat chick. It does have a tiny bit of padding, but you can really squish it down with how soft it is.

A Taciturn Girl is another great hole for small dicks. It was what I got as a replacement for Beautiful Girl JK Idol Kasumi. I almost want to call it a mini-onahole. It is by far the lightest and smallest hole I have owned. The total length isn't even 5 inches and the tunnel is even shorter.

However, if you have a true micro. Like two inches or less, you are just fucked when it comes to onaholes. You need at least 3 inches of exposed dick even for the smallest of holes.

>> No.32439534

Best doll for cheap? I don’t want a small one, I want one that’s around 5’2” and taller and I don’t care if it’s realistic or not

I’m just broke as fuck and need something to cuddle honestly, I know they make like plush sex dolls but even those cost about the same as TPE ones

Just looking for like $500-900 range

>> No.32439650

Just ordered a 3D printer. Any Onahole accessories I can print? I've seen a couple sculptures of anime chicks, but not much else I've seen to incite me.

>> No.32440234

If I want to buy a prostate massager, what do I need to know before buying one?

>> No.32440328

Your approximate level of gayness.

>> No.32440374

Masturbation has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation, no matter how much you seethe about it

>> No.32441418

Learn your place and get a big, fat dildo

>> No.32441585

It takes skill to use it, and it takes time and practice to get that skill.
It won't make you cum on its own, you have to use your muscles.
It will make your prostate tingle, but your butt won't feel full or stretched. You need a dildo for that.
Ask /trash/ftg/

>> No.32442256 [SPOILER] 
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Ask /lgbt/ about butt stuff.

>> No.32442709

Don't buy cheap/chink shit and stick to silicone.

Nexus makes quality stuff https://www.nexusrange.com/

>> No.32443720

You can get A in extra wide sizes to reach even deeper with a chopstick for your doll.

>> No.32446271
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Has anyone from Mexico bought from Amazonjp? I am curious to know if they ship using DHL or regular mail. I would like the avoid the local postal service as much as possible. Looking to buy a hip.

>> No.32448529
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I am once again asking /ona/ about the Real Body 3D Kanon torso (pic related), I know at least one anon has one and was offering pics of it a few threads back.

If anyone has it, thoughts on it's holes? Is the quality good? Is the internal skeleton flimsy?

>> No.32448700

Normal men don't like putting things up their asses.

>> No.32449258

guess i'm a woman with no tits and a six inch dick then
oh well thanks anon

>> No.32449437

No, just a faggot.

>> No.32449796

Normal men also:
don't visit 4chan
don't masturbate with a fake rubber/plastic vagina
don't buy dolls for self-pleasure and play a Barbie dress up game on them

Also, if a gf tries to finger your ass during a bj, are you required to stop everything and get away from her as far as possible? Because clearly you've been converted to big gay now and she's not welcome there anymore

Why do you automatically make a connection that trying something out is equal to enjoying it?
Why do you automatically make a connection that a different type of masturbation isn't the same as starting to love someone from the same gender as you?

How are you this fucking dense?

>> No.32450425

>Also, if a gf tries to finger your ass during a bj
I'd kick her so hard she'd be dead before hitting the floor.

>> No.32450560

Reporting that sleeping with the clean daki was great. I went and cleaned the sheets too in fresh water and was a awesome experience. The fabrics breathed and it was even itchy in a good refreshing way. I am really happy how the whole experience ended because I feared the daki would look duller.

>> No.32450663

Thats why advanced onanists leave the semen in the hole for at most a day or two. It makes a great lube and less wasteful.

>> No.32450719

That is like my dream to do to one someday with the help of power tools

>> No.32450816

Tell me more. Where can I buy the one in your pic?

>> No.32451502

A few years back I bought a puni virgin fuwatoro and had over all a pretty mediocre experience with it. I couldn’t get hard when trying to use it for a while like I had performance anxiety with a plastic fucking pussy. And when I finally got used to it it felt like... nothing. Like cold mush without any texture. I dunno if I bought one that was just too soft for me or what. It did get me off a couple times but using my hand felt better and I tossed it after a while.
Fast forward four years and I just bought a Tenga Flip Zero that will arrive on Thursday.
Hoping to get some enjoyment from it but the only time I can use it is between 2 and 4 am due to weird family dynamics and schedule.
Hopefully I didn’t waste $75

>> No.32452304

>Keep Onaholes in their original boxes
>Thoroughly cleaned, powdered
>Running out of space since a hip has a big box and 2 other holes have smaller ones.

Recommendations for discreet onahole storage? Is there such a thing as ona bags so I can ditch the boxes and store them all in an amazon box or something?

>> No.32452800

look up zipper pouches on amazon

>> No.32452909

anyone here ever disassemble a puni ana roid? got five screws off but can't get the transparent plastic/glass thing to budge

>> No.32453781

any anons got any ideas how to fix it? got the shell off with elbow grease and pliers but nothing is burnt or unplugged.

>> No.32453914

I barely come here and I don't use onas.
Not trolling, but why the fuck are tengas so noticeable?

>> No.32454037

Tenga is the Fleshlight of Japan. They spend a lot on marketing and cater more towards the normie consumer.

>> No.32454232

Ok, thanks.
They come in larger sizes if I recall correctly. I'm not sure if that's just meme driven or what.

>> No.32456984


>> No.32457025

oh, its a shoop

>> No.32457942

I think there's those heated automatic ones around if you dare to get one from aliexpress.

>> No.32460773

Hadn't used my tenga in over a week. Opened it up and it was still damp at the top and had a sour smell.

How fucked is it?

>> No.32461789

Imagine being this afraid of you're own sexuality.

>> No.32461919


>> No.32461951

>assaulting a woman over a finger in the ass

>> No.32463076

I'm sorry I went and licked your tenga while you were out.

>> No.32463661

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.32464520
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Can't wait for this to arrive.

>> No.32464763

I'm considering getting a life-size torso (those 20kg, 200€ ones, not the slightly bigger onaholes), but I have zero experience with any of this. Would you mind giving me some advice?

Are they comfortable to cuddle? Do they get cold? Are they easy to clean? Do they last long? Do I want it to have an internal structure? Anything I should beware of?

I have been looking at these, but I don't really know any brands, so please recommend me some models.



>> No.32467035

Honestly it's pretty mediocre, but it'll be the first step down the slippery slope to doll ownership.

>Are they comfortable to cuddle?
It's nice groping the breasts and butt but it's a torso so there's nothing to wrap your legs around unlike a daiki, maybe the one with amputated legs would work but it looks like it would tear after some time.

>Do they get cold?
Yes when you just get into bed, you'll have to warm it up with body heat.

>Are they easy to clean?
IMO no, cause they're like oversized onaholes. Onaholes you just wash them in the sink, dolls you can hang them up over the tub either from a screw in the ceiling, a doll stand or a clothing rack with wheels and just shower it down with a hose. You'll gonna be carrying a 15kg floppy slab of rubber into the bathroom, you can't hang it and you can't use the sink. You could do what other doll owners do which is just use a few wet soapy sponges and wash out the inside. I never liked that method.

>Do they last long?
Mine lasted about a couple of months before tears started developing, I slept with it every night. I threw it out after a year.

>Do I want it to have an internal structure?
Mine had foam core it didn't help with rigidity though was still flopping around all the time.

>Anything I should beware of?
Doll slippery slope.

>> No.32467517

Probably got some bacterial growth going on there. I'd just get a new one if I were you, aren't they supposed to be disposable anyway?

>> No.32467809
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are fake titts worth 70 euros?

>> No.32467855

is this shit even buyable yet? it gets instantly sold out on amazon jp

>> No.32467865

yes please buy me a pair too

>> No.32467949

is this even a japanese brand or a chinese shit?
rating is good on nip amazon

>> No.32468209

i believe it's a japanese product outsourced to china. it's made by eve dolls. they have 3 other breast toys that came out last year

>> No.32468455

I bought a pair of Chichifueta Rockets and they're still my favorite toy purchase. I say go for it as long as they're big enough to smother your dick, otherwise I can't imagine having much fun with them personally.

>> No.32468822

Chichifueta is too fucking expensive
i bought 4 onas and dont like any of them
so i am troubled if titts are even worth it
does rubbing to ruber even feel good?

>> No.32468896

If you have to question it, then it's not for you.

>> No.32468965

I'm planning to buy lolinco as my first onahole. Anyone knows where it is recommended to buy from (I'm a flip)? I've read the guide and it says that otonajp takes years to deliver.

>> No.32469413


i actually want to have a full doll but i dont live alone
and i got one of these blow up dolls with legs for half dakis
and it doesnt really turn me on so i am frighted to spent a huge sum on shit i wont use

>> No.32472633
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I mean ain't that normal? I've owned only like 3 so far, but they tend to last like 3-10 uses before splitting/breaking

>> No.32472711


>> No.32473603
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I just had this idea.
Should I start a company a become rich selling furry breasts to furries? Does such a product already exist?

>> No.32473648

>hairy breasts

>> No.32473656

So, is the only way of getting one of those electric onahole things you can put on your dick for edging off of places like Amazon, Ebay, Wish and Aliexpress?

>> No.32473671

what’s the best starter onahole? thinking of getting the dumpling one on infernalmonkeys website

>> No.32473686

i used to jack off with my fluffy slippers when I was a dumb kid. I'd fuck those.

>> No.32473725

Lilith Uterus

>> No.32473815

You underestimate furry wallets. Embrace monke

This anon gets it
Honestly, if would be just adding a soft fur layer to a regular silicone toy. It could be hard to blend the fur areas with the hole areas, though

>> No.32474577

speaking of titties, is there any breast toy that has a built in lactation system?
or a way to create a milking titty out of a regular set?

>> No.32474710
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If I order using Amazonjp to another country, and if it says "AmazonGlobal International Shipping (Priority)" Does that mean it is going to be delivered by DHL or by the local postal service? Anyone has any experience with this?

>> No.32474782

For the record, I bought the Rockets because I didn't want to spend the money on a full blown doll and figured I'd be satisfed with the boobies. They were great but having them just made me want the doll more so I ended getting one too. Loving the doll but I should've bought it first and skipped the rockets because those are just sitting in storage now.

>> No.32474804


>Are they comfortable to cuddle?
They are somewhat comfortable to cuddle, but a body pillow is larger. I have a torso and I can get one arm around it. With a body pillow I can get both arms and both legs. But the torso obviously has texture and weight.

>Do they get cold?
Yes they get cold. I have a heated blanket that I turn on a half hour before bed. It heats the doll, and a warm bed is always nice in the winter.

>Are they easy to clean?
They are harder to clean than normal onas, but with some creativity you can get it done quickly and with little hassle. I have a setup of tupperware for dousing, turkey basters for cleaning and microfiber for drying. I can be in and out of the tub in less than five minutes with a clean torso and then another five minute to finish powdering and dressing up.

Powdering is super important, I recommend a womens makeup brush / foundation brush and a large container of corn starch. Just dip in the starch like a paint brush and go to town. It's satisfyingly and therapeutic imo.

>Do they last long?
With constant maintenance, yes. But that is the overhead of a large piece of TPE. You have to accept that you will be powdering and maintaining it on days that you dont use it.

>Do I want it to have an internal structure?
Yes you want an internal structure

>Anything I should beware of?
Always keep your fingernails short. One small scratch can snowball into a large tear if you are not careful and ruin your toy. Also be familiar with womens clothing. You can buy all the lingerie you want, but you ultimately need full coverage so that oils and starch dont get all over your sheets. Crop tops and soft crew necks are my recommendation

>> No.32475129

gimme gimme

>> No.32476119

Ok I wanna buy one. What's the single best Onahole out there.

>> No.32476133

Oh and I'm in US

>> No.32477129
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You haven't lived until you've fucked the Pineapple Hole.

>> No.32477531

not the 4 pile of shit i wasted my money on

>> No.32477634

you're asking for an objective answer to a subjective topic

>> No.32477643

I would suggest lolinco virgo

>> No.32477771
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>> No.32477832


>> No.32477917
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>> No.32477950
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>> No.32478152


lol no.
and for the second question, of course it's possible if you;re handy. But if you're asking if guides exist, no.

>> No.32478205

I'm thinking about ordering my first doll
> http://us.dollstudio.org/products/doll/doll-house-168/dh19-155f
Is the Doll House 168 any good and am I going to encounter any legal issues in Indiana, USA?

>> No.32478241

A doll like that would have no trouble

>> No.32478314

Thank god, thanks for the info!

>> No.32478368

Alright, thank you very much for the useful information, I'll keep this in mind

The only reason I'm asking here is because someone brought it up in the last thread

>> No.32479230

is hlj a good vendor?

>> No.32481404

Uh based? Ignore the pussywhipped comments.

>> No.32483673

What's a better choice, buying two separate holes for anal/vag or one mini hip? I already have one vag ona and was thinking of getting something a little different. It seems mini hips with both holes are more or less the same as two good onas anyways.

>> No.32483713

Separate holes if you want less cleaning.

>> No.32483901

Is there a good heavy mini hip someone can recommend?
I can’t get a full sized hip cause it complicates hiding it, but I want something as heavy as possible

>> No.32484013

Fair enough, but I don't mind cleaning at all. I guess I'm getting the mini-hip.

>> No.32484177

i want to BREEED

>> No.32484295

Same. When I was a dumb kid I had this stuffed bear I would hump the shit out of. Never got off from it, but it felt nice before I knew exactly what masturbation was. You'd have to watch out for shit like rug burn but it'd probably feel super nice.

>> No.32484329

Coco's Dragon-sized Cocock...

>> No.32484347

My best friend used to hump his blanket for years before he first jacked off and it's apparently his favourite way to jack off

>> No.32484437

You know, I don't think I could own a torso doll. I have Ryona fantasies and never met a girl I was willing to bring it up with so I'd probably use it as punching bag while fucking it, lol.

>> No.32484470

I sometimes wake up to find myself lightly humping my weighted blanket. Masturbation is so second nature to me I do it in my sleep

>> No.32484495

Hey if you can satisfy your fetish without actually hurting anyone, go for it

>> No.32484578

Sorry fellow beaner, I ship my holes to USA so I can’t help you. Everything I’ve got from local Amazon has been shipped by DHL, though.

>> No.32484702


>> No.32486128

no worries amigo, I guess I'll have to take the risk and see what happens.

>> No.32486139
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This is real fun, but I already threw out my back twice.

>> No.32486210
File: 82 KB, 972x867, 6516511126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to buy a hip, anyone can give me an opinion on this one? The reviews seem like it is good but I am still wondering if this is the one. Feeling really tempted to get it tho...


>> No.32486352

how heavy is it?

>> No.32486454

30kg but only 150cm, I'd have no chance against a full size one.

>> No.32486513
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How the fuck do you dry this bitch without damaging her?

I tried using the ol’ finger & microfiber cloth but the cloth was a bit too thick, so then I tried rolling/twisting the cloth into the hole. That worked right up until it reached the bend in the tunnel. Then I tried it with the chopstick but it was still too thick and it felt like the stick was going to rip through the cloth or puncture the rubber. Then I thought fuck it, I'll just make a paper towel ball and stick it up in there. It worked, but the paper towel ball was rock hard and stiff and didn't want to come back out easily. It felt like I was going to tear the tunnel apart praying at the ball, trying to fetch it back out. This bitch is crazy tight.

TL;DR: For anyone who owns this hole, how do you dry it? Do I need to buy eye-glass cleaning cloth or some shit?

>> No.32486536

Only state I'm aware of that has any law about sex dolls is Florida.

>> No.32487104

>want a fuckable nipple doll
>tits are either too big (nohomo)
>face is hideous
>standing height too short
cant there be a nice 5'5" tall asian/elf/anime looking doll with fuckable g-p cup tits?

>> No.32487141

>I already threw out my back twice
Time to start lifting

>> No.32487569 [DELETED] 

Flroida, Indiana,and Tennessee as well.
For Tennessee its Code § 39-17-910 - Unlawful possession, sale, distribution, or transportation of child-like sex doll.

>> No.32487705

Flroida, Indiana,and Tennessee as well.
For Tennessee its Code § 39-17-910 - Unlawful possession, sale, distribution, or transportation of child-like sex doll.

>> No.32488580

Wait wasn't it suppose to be KY,Tenn,Florida

>> No.32489331

I believe you’re right. Thank you for correcting me. It looks like Kentucky did pass Senate Bill 102, but I haven’t seen the new code yet.

>> No.32489656 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.98 MB, 1000x1000, 1611196405248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone has fixed a double layer hole before?
i've had this Tenka Ikketsu Henge for a month now, it's very good so far but the some of the pink inside layer has separated from the shell
what adhesive is best for TPE?
about this much (drawn on pic) has separated
when i insert, i try to make sure i'm not folding the inside layer to itself
it doesn't hurt the feeling much, but i'm worried that more of the inside layer will separate if i don't glue it

>> No.32490251

Is there a vendor that sells small lingerie/sexy clothes for dolls? I don't want to be put on a list for trying to find things for my doll

>> No.32490354

Try alibaba they got stuff made for dolls. You just gotta take a chance on whats shifty and whats legit

>> No.32490368

I ordered a sakura elf doll and just moved to KY, am I fucked?

>> No.32490423

You better have it delivered to another state and drive it home or you will be going to jail

>> No.32490437

>sakura elf doll

>> No.32490542

I've tried ali, but I can ever find clothes made specifically for smaller sex dolls. Any time I try to search for it, I always get actual sex dolls in the results

>> No.32490765

ehh you might be fine. It's not a human doll

>> No.32490831

>old like got nuked
>this paste is potentially harmful
Fuck that. At least someone kept some form of backup.

>> No.32490983

Because your question and even your searching method doesn't even make sense. How is anyone supposed to magically know what size "smaller" is, you know clothes actually have sizes and measurements.

>> No.32491099

hey dollfags I have a question thats very important. can dolls be put into the Cowgirl position without harm to the joints?
knees or on feet, either or

>> No.32491429

If you don't get what he means, you might be dense

>> No.32492079

Unless it gets stopped by customs (not that likely imho) you're probably fine. I'm not even sure they care about random bullshit state laws.

>> No.32492214

You're a fucking idiot too, do do you know how big the range of "smaller" is? Could be anything between 80cm to 140cm tall it literally tells you nothing.

>> No.32492257
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You mean doggy? Cowgirl would have her sitting on you, wouldn't put any stress on joints.

>> No.32492331

Yeah, you're dense

>> No.32492334

How would you even do a doll cowgirl, you going to lift her up and down for every thrust?

>> No.32492830

close but i want the doll on top, can the knees extend outwards from that position?

in my mind i can either use the dolls arms to rest on my chest or hug it and thrust myself while its on top of me

>> No.32492925

I own a plush doll and do cowgirl all the time, with rigid joints it stays up a ways and you thrust into it from below
shit is so cash you get less tired this way

>> No.32493038

Where do you dollfags store your dolls? Can you just leave it in your bed or is it going to stain or damage when you move around.

>> No.32493165

Oh well then yeah cowgirl is easy, it's great just holding her on my lap and smothering my face with her titties.

>> No.32494038

Is Tenga the only company that sells disposable one and done holes? I like the eggs but they're a bit too thin for me. I tried to order the regular cup twice but it was the Japanese version and I'm not sure if my dick was too big or not hard enough to fit. Should I try again with the US version or is it the same story?

>> No.32494135

retard here, what does TPE refer to?

>> No.32494306

ThermoPlastic Elastomere.

>> No.32494499

>came so hard with my onahole I gave myself existential dread

>> No.32494890

What onahole feels like you are breeding a real pussy? are there gay onaholes?

>> No.32498075

Oil will leak and fuck up your bed.

>> No.32499089

god searching for a hole for my 7.5 incher is annoying
anybody got recommendations?

>> No.32499313

Fuck. Is that long term or will it happen even if its a few nights? How bad is it can I just put a blanket underneath?

>> No.32499643

Venus clone in soft from Tomax. Really anything from tomax. They feel great, and they're surprisingly durable.

>> No.32499980

Having hair is nice, but the faces always look uncanny to me
Post front, btw

>> No.32500062

probably one from TOMAX. you won't be able to go balls deep though.

>> No.32500146

Visual/physical stimulation you can get from a toy, but what about audio?
Is there a site where you can easily listen to categorized moaning, or something like that?
Maybe with tags to indicate intensity (penetration, slow, fast, climax...), emotion (horny, scared, pain, orgasm...), etc

>> No.32500195

I think plebbit has a gonewild audio sub or something like that

>> No.32500617

Off the top of my head, it sounds like you want to get into audio roleplays, of which I'd recommend Dudetoolewd, BethyVA, and Varyana. I don't think there's anything that categorizes them that way outside of like, the female audio threads on soc here, >>29734192. There might be a sub for it on reddit like >>32500195 said, but I wouldn't know since I haven't looked.

>> No.32500689

I'm retarded and don't know how to cross thread. Don't know if this is allows, but here. >>>/soc/29734192

>> No.32501029

/t/ is running an audio collection from around the internet, some of is free stuff from rebbit, some of it is paid content, go take a look

>> No.32501221
File: 168 KB, 419x430, 1599759469339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live for 30 years thinking I have a 4 inch penis
>be insecure and feel inferior for some time
>make peace with it eventually, find fulfillment through hobbies and friends
>date a couple of girls without any penis size-related issues
>randomly decide to measure dick again
>mfw it's actually 5 inches

>> No.32501353

link to their site?

>> No.32501414

they don't have a website but you can buy them from here if you're in the US.

>> No.32501548

thanks bruva

>> No.32501628

I just use a micro fiber cloth, but it's not the super fuzzy kind. Somewhere between eye glasses and car washing. That only gets me half way though.for the rest I just let it air dry, periodically giving it centrifugal shakes to coax any water out.

>> No.32505703

Do you have plans to do anything with them?
Would love to put them to use.

>> No.32511441
File: 74 KB, 800x800, toysheart-gekiretsu-female-curling-player-super-hard-male-masturbators-japan-hentai-onahole-toysheart-111107_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this recenty, kind of a letdown after the first one, maybe my dick stretched it out too much, but it's been feeling real loose afterwards

Any onaholes that are super tight but also durable while maintaining their tightness?

>> No.32512473

>$200+Shipping for 50 onaholes
Worth it?

>> No.32512738

well how heavy are the 50 onas?

>> No.32513064

Apparently 70g (2.5 oz) each

>> No.32513201

>3,5KG worth of onas

>> No.32513386

Sounds like a good deal

>> No.32514079
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Anyone knows when Motsutous will have the Puni ana hips back in stock? Want to buy the spdx one.

>> No.32514604

Those orgasm guaranteed creams and tenga drinks on kanojotoys
do those actually work?

>> No.32514607

Are there any methods to get rid of bag marks and indentations?

>> No.32516091

Ah, perfect steal hole. No one will suspect a thing. Stash next to your real grenades for best results.

>> No.32516172

*stealth hole

>> No.32517279
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I realized after the fact my doll came with an extra loli head. Pretty cute, but the screw hole isn't deep enough to screw on all the way so she ends up looking like a giraffe. Might post her if I can find a shorter screw.

Any competent brand will be fine. Put a blanket/towel under her for a few nights and she'll be good.

>> No.32519639

Fuck it I'll buy it and let you know how it is. Wish me luck.

>> No.32520206

Impossible to say for anyone who went and bought it.
You would have to use it on someone else without telling them, and observe the results.
Let us know, anon.

>> No.32521504

As someone living in Germany, is there another online Shop besides motsutoys where I can be somewhat Sure my shit arrives within a week?

>> No.32521718

Just used my first onahole and have to admit this shit is fucking awesome.

>> No.32521831

Then you will start buying more onas for the hell of it
then buying onas for the boxart
then buying hips
then torsos
then before you know it you will have your own sexdoll baseball team

dont worry this process normally takes 5-10 years

>> No.32522285


Are their products good? I've been eyeing at buying onahole and I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to be buying so their products look enticing since they're so basic.

>> No.32523714
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Alright thanks, I guess I'll order some thinner cloths. I'm always wary of air drying and avoid it if possible. I'd hate for one of my onaholes to get moldy because it wasn't thoroughly dried.

>> No.32524053

Probably a stupid question but I wanted to make sure.

If the length of the ona is, say, 4.7in, but I'm 5.5/6in, it's too small right? Or do onas stretch a little bit, or something else I'm unaware of?

>> No.32524577

Any onaholes similar to the Lilith Uterus ? Looking for vacuum and the same level of softness as Tomax's Soft or softer

>> No.32524582

Is there a site I can check that sells used onaholes? There is this Tamatoys themed one that I didn't even know existed but everywhere is sold out.

>> No.32524609

if the length of the tunnel is listed as 4.7inches and you are larger 4.7inches there could be problems.

onas are soft and stretchy by nature, consider onas stretching radially due to girth. the only difference between girth and length stretching is that if you bottom out too hard - you run the risk of puncturing the back. thus, ruining your toy

>> No.32524652

Girl in the box hard

>> No.32524664

>randomly remember the cute Tamatoys OL I was chatting up while waiting in line for something
We really hit it off and even follow each other on Twitter but I never kept in touch with her, fuck. At the very least I should have tried getting a discount

>> No.32524684

That’s really light for an onahole

>> No.32525326

The single/limited use toys like eggs and cups are a waste of money. Haven't tried anything else.

>> No.32525605


Single use sex toys sound like massive waste from recycling perspective

>> No.32525665

Should I wash my Ona before using it for the first time or are they fairly clean straight from the box?

>> No.32525728

Don’t be disgusting. You wouldn’t buy a used toothbrush, would you?

>> No.32526024

Better safe than sorry, wash it.

>> No.32526241

It's a China hip that probably sells in your country. Fondlove is the brand. They pay for reviews.

>> No.32526631

Anyone know any good big butt onaholes that are fairly reasonable

(the bigger the better bros)

>> No.32526762

They're helpful if you live in a place where you can't exactly keep one discreetly. I don't really have a place to keep an ona long term and no real way to clean and dry them without everyone in my house finding it, which I'd like to avoid.

>> No.32526872

So should I cancel and get something else instead?

>> No.32527437

I am not being disgusting there is literally no other choice. I would buy a used toothbrush if it was themed the way I want it.

Fuck, I would rinse it out first of course and make sure its clean before using it.

>> No.32527465

Any discreet onaholes I can take to field training (boot camp) with me?

>> No.32527922

>I would buy a used toothbrush if it was themed the way I want it.
Unironically >>32477129, shouldn't seem too out of place if someone finds it on you (can just tell them it's a grenade themed stress release balls) and absolutely no one will suspect you're fucking it. That said I think Infernal did a review on it and as an ona it's pretty shit. But it'll be better than nothing.

>> No.32528098

Anyways as was discussed earlier in another thread I am looking for Senko Sans hole. I don't care if second hand used or new. There has to be a site other than yahoo auctions that might have it.

>> No.32528112
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Oops forgot pic. The insides look pretty good too.

>> No.32529151

What's the closest thing to one of those Fantasia 25 inch full hip toys? that doesn't cost $1000+

>> No.32529399

>Fantasia 25 inch full hip toys? that doesn't cost $1000+
If you want something that big you're gonna have to pay a premium.

>> No.32529520

Why would someone just fuck a detatched hip? Just get a full size doll. I got some snuff of people just plowing the hip and exposed spine of a girl and it aint pretty.

>> No.32530841
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>> No.32530846

You can probably buy it on your local Amazon and not pay shipping. Or scroll their Twitters for discounts or just ask to be a paid reviewer.

>> No.32530860

Im around 6.5 in, whats the best toy for me?

>> No.32530940

There is something hot about selling your used up ona to someone at an even higher price, just because they're so desperate to get it.
I wonder what they would be willing to do for it...

>> No.32530957

whichever you like the most
next question

>> No.32531119

is it better to use something that fits my full penis or not?

>> No.32531277

Please read the guide or open any store page at all and just try reading a little.

>> No.32531417

How are you gonna rub cream on someone's dick without them knowing?

>> No.32531645

I want like a warming or burning feeling in my onahole but I don't want to damage it with HCl or something. Is there any lube or chemicals I can use with lube?

>> No.32531746

...deep heat or any other kind of heating gel for back injuries.

>> No.32531812

Mix bengay?

>> No.32531868

Many people masturbate with icyhot

>> No.32531872

yeah you should do that

>> No.32532229


>there is literally no other choice


>> No.32532294

Because it is discontinued. I doubt it will just pop up new somewhere.

>> No.32532324

Chili juice and lube for a spicy time.

>> No.32532464

You can buy Capsaicin to get a flaming lube sensation.

>> No.32532581

Oh yeah, I bought a small bottle of that from a lab supply store online. Clear liquid. Its super hot.

>> No.32533077

What the fuck? First sand now this?

>> No.32533233

Quest for sensation.

>> No.32533299

I try to dull the sensation so I can edge for longer.

>> No.32533418

Edging is asinine imho.

>> No.32534527

this is the reason why i'm scared to own a torso, because this my fantasy is basically to ground and pound / rape

>> No.32534756

Kids mostly.

>> No.32535715

placed an order on CMST 4 days ago, got order confirmation email but nothing since, do i need to contact or is that normal?

>> No.32535751

If you are like me and sleep with a fan on you even in the winter, just put the hole near you or the fan and rotate it every few hours or whenever. It'll dry.

>> No.32536088

Either scour ebay, amazon, etc and hope you get lucky or just give up.

>> No.32536428
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>> No.32536766

How do you do that

>> No.32537514

Big D

>> No.32537949

>Why would someone just fuck a detatched hip? Just get a full size doll.
Hip costs 200$ and fits in box under bed
Doll costs 2000$ and is much more difficult to hide from guests
Gee, I wonder why.

>I don't really have a place to keep an ona long term and no real way to clean and dry them without everyone in my house finding it, which I'd like to avoid.
Are people really snooping through your room that much dude? Also just use it in the shower and clean it there. Then let it dry overnight.

>> No.32538527

No one snoops in my room at all, I'm pretty much the only one who goes in it, but I live with family and my door doesn't have a lock so I can't really leave it out in the open to dry. Hell, I usually can't get comfortable and enjoy a prolonged jerk off session until like 4 am when I'm the only one awake, let alone bust out a toy without having to try to barricade my door.

I don't really like jerkin it in the shower, but that's not a bad idea.

>> No.32538768

>hard to hide from guests
you either live in a studio apartment or your friends and family love to get into your shit.

>> No.32538998

If someone can actually afford to own a $2,000 doll, they probably have a place to hide it.

>> No.32539174

Got my depression pills to help with lasting longer, lets see how this goes.

>> No.32539683

>use it in the shower
Not that guy, but I sure miss being able to get erections without porn. I would love to use my ona in the shower for privacy and easy cleanup, but alas, prozac continues to give me ED.
Is it unreasonable to take viagra for masturbating or is that kinda risky/pathetic?

>> No.32540146

It's easy to get, cheap, and it's recommended to start with masturbation to see how your body reacts to the medication.

>> No.32540768

Is it "incorrect" to get one that isn't listed as "non-realistic"?

>> No.32545604

still waiting for the carnivorous mermaid to come back in stock

>> No.32545674

What do you do with an old vintage dildo bros?

>> No.32548744

I don't hide my dolls. They are by two of my windows with timer lights and radio to make it look like people are around.

>> No.32549748

>Why would someone just fuck a detatched hip?
Because I have a VR headset on?

>> No.32551213

I guess that makes some sense until you take the headset off.

>> No.32554480

If you're in the uk/europe


>> No.32556011
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>it's beed 53 days and my package is still at sea

>> No.32558120

yup, tell me about it. Fuck my life.

>> No.32558126

What's an ona in your collection that's pretty good but you don't see it recommended?
For me it's the Virgin Matchless Kurogane, it has a lot of these rib things that bully my dick just the way I like and its nice to look at because of the transparency. Definitely not for anyone particularly big though, I would say 6" at most with 5" being ideal.

>> No.32558860

fucking bastard
you caught me at a bad time
I'm still waiting for my new onahole but I went and bought the 2.4kg ass so I can pronebone it
I can't prone-bone any of my onaholes, you ever tried to fuck a Lilith Uterus prone? Impossible.

Hopefully this ass will be my solution.
...Where am I gonna put it? I don't have a sack for it? Why have I done this?

Fuck it. I'm blaming you, Anon.

>> No.32559056

Anyone use Hoppylink japan? I’ve found a few real old replies about them being reliable for gunpla but it’s like 7-2 year old reviews. I’m in the US and not willing to go through all the trouble of ordinary from a Japanese shop hut I need a new chimera Plus!

>> No.32559326

There's a fucker going around on amazon and labelling onaholes as "child girl sex toy under age porn sexual abuse"? It's not just one, there are a lot of non-rated onaholes being labelled as such.

>> No.32559371

Has anyone tried Cow Girl yet? I've been seeing a lot of good reviews for it

>> No.32559966

>first doll
>worried as fuck
>nested my home
>made sure i had everything ready for dollcare
>second doll
>"oh its already here"
>quick sponge bath
>quick powder

>> No.32560859

Try leaving them in an open area for a bit so it can go back to normal.

>> No.32562979

This was inevitable.

>> No.32564557

I had the same experience with my first and second kidnappings

>> No.32565139

I leave it in it's dedicated plastic blister (covered) and some of the marks are still there after like 2 weeks now

>> No.32565373

Bought a lolinco and it's coming today
What should I expect

>> No.32565941

Tightness and a very nice external mold. Also my virgo gets really sticky after washing so have some powder for it ready.

>> No.32566269

You make the kids shower first? Also I assume last as well. I never make them shower first.

>> No.32566271


>> No.32566302

See if it helps with grandma’s Alzheimer’s

>> No.32566571

Ok so i wanna ask because i had my first experience with a toy today. I applied some lube on the entrance of the toy and on my dick and it was kind of hard to penetrate it so i just applied a little more and managed to get all the way inside. After moving for a while i didnt really feel anything special, the textures inside were nice and all but was thinking my hand would be better...
Maybe toys arent for me, or i was nervous because of my first toy, or even i didnt really feel like it.

Thoughts please?

>> No.32566850

Not an expert, but same here.
Using your hand/humping the bed feels better imo.
I think there's a psychological aspect to enjoying a toy, though. So if you use your mind instead of expecting the toy to do all the work, you can still have fun with it.

On the other hand, I've never tried an ona, just a different penetrable toy. I believe onas are softer, and so, I'm still curious and considering getting one.

>> No.32567157

The entrance will rip early on but the tunnel will last you a while.
Hmm with it being your first toy it's entirely possible that you bought something that's too hard or soft for you to properly enjoy, or it doesn't have quite the right size texture. But honestly though I still use my hand sometimes despite owning several toys, because they are not necessarily better, just different. I think I own maybe one onahole that I would say is a straight upgrade to my hand, but even then it's still more convenient to use hand most of the time.
Before going out and buying another toy or deciding to give up on onaholes altogether, I would give it a few more tries though. Try adding more lube or watering down the lube. Also look at the hands free section of the guide and rig yourself up an ona pillow. The experience you get from moving your hips is way different than moving your hands trust me. You could also look into the mason jar method to give your ona a ton of artificial suction (just be careful to not overdo it).

>> No.32567286
File: 28 KB, 266x597, TVI021S_3~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it make the semen taste chocolately and creamy?

>> No.32567313

I heard cleaning is a bitch, any tips?

>> No.32567456

I just spread my onas with my thumbs and blast water from the tap inside, finger it with soapy hand and rinse the same way.
then I jam folded in half and rolled paper towel inside.
I usually take it out the same day and check with my finger if there's any moisture left inside.

>> No.32567980

I do that for my other holes but they dont have inside ridges and is usually a straight tunnel, the paper towel thing still works for this one?

>> No.32568950

anyone know what shipping provider toydemon uses for 2 day? surely not usps with how inconsistent they are right?

>> No.32569504

anyone have a copy of the supplements pastebin?
pastebin is guarding the secrets beind a #403...

here are links to the more informative pastebins that are still accessible, hosted on controlc, just in case
aural stim
lube alchemy

>> No.32570465

Is the puni ana SPDX worth it over the normal puni ana?
Seems to be a bit of difference in longevity between the two. As the SPDX have 2 layers and a bone structure.
The SPDX is larger and heavier thou. Wich might make it better for hands free cooming.

>> No.32570900

How is Kanojo Toys? I'm looking at their store but very thing feels... too cheap...? Is there something going on with this retailer?

>> No.32572321

get to the shipping cost

>> No.32572408

I’ll ask again since I didn’t get a reply;
Can someone recommend me a good small but heavy hole? My goal is hands free fapping but most hips would be difficult for me to hide discreetly. Especially not those colossal ass ones that you practically need a table to use.
The smaller the better, the heavier the better.

>> No.32572779

Can't you use tape a small hole to a table?

>> No.32573198

I... I guess? I have various ideas how to use a heavy hole in a lot of different positions that wouldn’t work with a smaller one. I’m looking at the puni ana dx right now and it looks small for a hip. Is it good?

>> No.32574464

Meiki Saki Ootsuka. Meiki toys have the best material on the market, only TOMAX rich soft can compare, and those still inferior.

>> No.32574581

OP here. I'll add these to the OP when I make the next thread.

>> No.32575158

This is the most recent version I have
I have used their "2-5 day" shipping before and it was usps. I'm not sure if the 2 day is any different or if they just changed the name.

>> No.32578555

>Kanojo toys
The fuck am I reading, they upmark everything.

>> No.32578825

Which shop do aussies use?

>> No.32582586

No seriously check some of their selections, goku hida octo is 28 vs 35 on toy and a bunch of others. It might be what other anon said with shipping though

>> No.32583004
File: 755 KB, 800x747, dohnadohna_30_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eroge onaholes

>> No.32583342

Are they just different colors or is the internals different as well?

>> No.32583434

Just finished fugging my lolinco
I don't understand why people hype this so much, it couldn't feel anything and I'm not oversized either

>> No.32583579

Look closer

>> No.32584833

You might have a broken dick

>> No.32586060

pretty sure I dont have dgs since I have 2 other holes that I can actually feel things on

>> No.32587144

I've bought several onas from Amazon JP, they do ship via DHL, but make sure you're buying directly from Amazon and not a third party. Then it depends on customs whether your package gets to you unviolated or at all. It doesn't help that, at least in my experience, Amazon JP uses kinda flimsy packaging for these international orders, they use better stuff for manga and BDs. So far I've dealt with some crushed boxes and a damaged hip toy (probably by customs, damage was internal and box was tampered with, not to mention it was held for about a week).

>> No.32587401

Is there any reason not to buy onas from Amazon US?
I do like the fact that customs aren’t something I have to worry about if I buy from there.
They have a Puni Ana DX for a little more than a hundred dollars fulfilled by Amazon.
Any experiences with Amazon US?

>> No.32588694

>order doll
>been a week of waiting
>try to fap
>not working
>use onahole
>been 15 minutes
what is this feeling

>> No.32588887

I just got my first ona yesterday and am completely unable to use it. When I get it out I just feel anxious and can’t get hard at all

>> No.32589519

what's the best tomax rich soft/very soft hole?
love my venus real soft but it's been repaired one too many times to keep as my main for much longer.

>> No.32589988
File: 155 KB, 566x550, 1522431632664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, doe this smell like chloroform?

>> No.32590174

Get some help, you are mental because of some plastic pussy.

>> No.32590535

You're not alone anon. When I got my first ona, my heart was racing and I was really nervous when I first went to use it for some reason. You'll get used to it after a couple uses.

>> No.32590716
File: 517 KB, 1500x968, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What toys other than onaholes do you guys use?
I love my doxy die cast, I've had it about 4 years

>> No.32591566

stick with your hands lad.

>> No.32593712

I guess heavy toys are good for hands-free, since they stay where they are.

But what are some good toys for handfree PRONE use?

I guess lying face-down on top of the hips would be unconfortable.
And an ona would feel uncomfortable between your dick and your belly.
A doll would be ok, since you could rest your entire body on top of it, not just your hips. But I'm unsure about getting one.

Any ideas?

>> No.32595331

They make floorpad onas for prone bone.

>> No.32596204

Oh, I didn't know that.
Can you recommend any specific models?

>> No.32597339
File: 59 KB, 534x363, (C90) [Idenshi no Fune (Nanjou Asuka)] Tabitha-chan ga Yoyaku o Kaishi shimashita! _ Tabatha-chan Starts Reserving! (Dragon Quest V) [English] [Mongolfier] - Chapter - 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you help advise me on next choice, anons?
Tried so far:
R20 puni- great, a little short. lasted almost 2 years
Innocent younger sister- great.
Virgin loop 8- wore my glans raw
Lolinco virgo- a bastard to dry properly and a bit too heavy
G19 secret uterus- like sexing a tire. far too tight and hard

Want something for long sessions, soft and single layer
Gproject nikuman raw- looks fun
Tomax romanesco- looks like it'll last

any other suggestions?
I'm 16cm

>> No.32598429

Anyone here tried the Tenga Spinners? They any good?
