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3237581 No.3237581 [Reply] [Original]

If only Japan had won WW2...

>> No.3237591

I'd be rich.

>> No.3237594

I would be SAMURAI ^_____________________^

>> No.3237595

but then that would mean Nazi Germany would win as well, and I'm not sure how well that would have worked out.

>> No.3237599

watch the movie (or read the book) "Fatherland"

>> No.3237602

My Country would be king of the world now instead of US.

>> No.3237608

I wouldn't be surprised if Germany had eventually stamped out all the Japanese too, or vice versa. Didn't they both have the SUPERIOR RACE complex going on?

>> No.3237610

My country would be part of the greater east asia co-prosperity sphere.

>> No.3237611

It'd be like CG R2

>> No.3237612
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All of Asia would be better off

>> No.3237620

There would be no banning of Rape Games, we would have LIVE ACTION RAPE GAMES.

>> No.3237636

>>I wouldn't be surprised if Germany had eventually stamped out all the Japanese too, or vice versa. Didn't they both have the SUPERIOR RACE complex going on?

Hitler and the Japanese diplomat actually had very good relations. Of course, after Hitler would inevitably die, I can't say whether or not a future Fuhrer would see them as a target.

>> No.3237646

I do believe that the Japanese were considered Oriental Aryans.

Funnily enough, some of Goering's Jewish friends were made honorary Aryans.

>> No.3237657


Now that's some reality TV I'd watch.

>> No.3237663

Japan still got its ass kicked by Communist guerillas

>> No.3237664

we could have legal sex with underage girls.
we would have sex.

>> No.3237658

If Japan had won WWII, anime wouldn't be the same. They wouldn't be nearly as fucked up.

>> No.3237670

Not every JEW got gassed. There were many that still lived like nothing happened.

>> No.3237671
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America would actually be better off, and I don't mean that as an ill-informed weeaboo, but rather as a self-interested patriot. Most of America's current foreign policy issues can be traced back to our nation's victory in WWII, where we donned the mantle of a superpower and accepted a heavy international burden as a result. If we had been knocked out of the war early, or better yet, never entered it in the first place, there is no way that we would be at war with Al Qaeda, stuck in Iraq, and spending a lion's share of our GDP on military-related programs right now. FDR was the worst president in American history and I blame him for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens.

>> No.3237674

Yeah right, I'm sure they'd love to own some gaijin slaves

>> No.3237680

Japan would have probably collapsed on itself by now. Their internal politics and the way they used people would not be fruitful in the long run.

>> No.3237682

We'd be slaves.

>> No.3237683

Isolationist America is best America?

>> No.3237684

Well, I don't know about everyone else here, but I'm German, so I know I'd be fucking a loli right now.

>> No.3237694

I would get me a Russian cute loli, i would love her and buy her nice dresses, make her study and give her whatever she wants.

>> No.3237699
File: 162 KB, 1319x1283, Folder..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by "we" you mean the United States, then you couldn't be more wrong. The aim of the Pearl Harbor attack was to cripple the US Pacific fleet before it could become an obstacle to Japan. They wanted America out of the picture so that they could focus on their actual conquest in Asia, which wasn't exactly a cake-walk.

>> No.3237704

Even if she wanted to give you lashings with a whip?

>> No.3237708

The Americans fought a British war in the Pacific Theater.

>> No.3237713

No. She wouldn't be like that, she would be nice and sweet.

>> No.3237715

Cripple America with one attack? They were incredibly stupid.

>> No.3237718
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Isolationist is a trick word, because it implies staunch ignorance of the world around, like an ostrich with its head in the sand. "Noninterventionist" is a better term, since it allows for a country to be aware and involved, but not meddling and imperialist. And yes, that is a model that best suits this nation.

>> No.3237728

Yeah, I firmly agree with you on all points. Japan would have probably collapsed because of internal problems or been defeated eventually without U.S. intervention. Germany as well. And the Soviets would be weaker since they would probably lose a lot of manpower fighting both of them. The U.S. would have still remained strong having its infrastructure fully intact and not having its military all over the world.

>> No.3237729

They just wanted to take out the nearest harbor to Japan.

>> No.3237724 [DELETED] 

They just wanted to take out the nearst harbor to Japan.

>> No.3237733


They wanted to destroy america's carriers. If that happened it wouldn't destroy their military but it would be enough for america to say "fuck it, they can have the pacific". They only destroyed old shitty battleships which did fuckall in the war anyway.

>> No.3237739
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Cripple the Pacific Fleet with one attack, which almost made sense considering the convenient gathering at Pearl Harbor. The decision was made begrudgingly in the first place, but it was actually more successful than the Japs thought it would be. It still wasn't enough though, lol.

>> No.3237740

Like China in the 1920's, soon after Japan's victory, it would collapse into bumbling warlords

>> No.3237760
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Fuck wars, we should spend all our gold in the creation of space colonies.
After that we would get space wars, space nazis, no more aussiefags, space psychics, space lolis and more importantly we would get Char Aznable.

>> No.3237761

>>but it was actually more successful than the Japs thought it would be.

I'd like to know where you got this information, because if I remember old History Channel specials correctly, they were hoping for more of America's Aircraft carriers to be there, which I believe wound up arriving late and thus not getting bombed.

>> No.3237764

Imagine if Japanese was taught in American schools instead of English :3

>> No.3237766


Actually the japanese though the attack was somewhat of a failure because they wanted to cripple the US fleet so they could conquer Asia quickly. But a lot of US carriers weren't at pearl harbor when the japanese attacked because the carriers were caught in a storm.

In the end the attack was somewhat of a failure because they couldn't cripple the US but they still showed of their might.

>> No.3237767

I always wanted a space loli.

>> No.3237776

I think I'd be alright with that, I find English a lot more confusing than Japanese.

>> No.3237783

It would likely be taught as a secondary language, so you would know just as much Japanese as you do Spanish or whatever.

>> No.3237788
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Some history journal articles and misc books. I'm not on campus, which means that I have no JSTOR access, but I might still have a few .pdfs on my old comp. I can check. There's no doubt that the attack was ultimately ineffective in the grand scheme of things, but some Japs were taken aback by how well it was pulled off, considering the total surprise they achieved and the minimal casualties they walked (er.. flew) away with.

>> No.3237790

I think German would be the second language.

>> No.3237801


I think that's more like how many times they were almost caught, like when the radar returns were thought to be a fleet of returning bombers and the jap mini-subs that got blown up.

>> No.3237805

Alternate history: Germany tells Italy to stop dicking around and to go fight America instead. Italy somehow wins magnifciently. What happens?

>> No.3237809
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>> No.3237806

No one wants to conquer America. America would still be the shitty country it is today, except japan wouldn't put up with your shit.

>> No.3237810

Even in fantasyland Italy never wins. Never.

>> No.3237816

Time to play Hearts of Iron III.

>> No.3237818


Instead of Germany trying to take out the Soviet Union, they take out Britain, so that the Americans don't have a place to consolidate their troops and resources and launch an amphibious assault on Nazi Europe.

>> No.3237819
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But we won't get them because it seems we're too busy fighting and killing each other for whatever instead of reaching the motherfucking stars.
And if we return to killing and fighting each other in space, well at least it's more classy.

>> No.3237822

Alright, Axis wins WW2.

What happens to my beloved Canada?

>> No.3237830

You can obtain a space loli for youself, but only if you can free you soul from the chains of Earth's gravity.

>> No.3237831

philip k dick - the man in the high castle :3

>> No.3237836
File: 193 KB, 440x330, MM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fantasyland Italy wins in my heart.

>> No.3237844

Only Japan should be your beloved.

>> No.3237847

Nips turn it into one giant concentration camp.

>> No.3237852

Japan is more like a comedian who is funny to laugh at and makes interesting shows. Not really a beloved.

>> No.3237859
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 5dea21e7a92de7479509f300b6624555fb142a17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing: Italy is too busy being full of cute girls and beautiful women to get off its ass and do anything right. They did it once 2,000 years ago and never saw a reason to go at it with even half as much vigor the next few times. Not that I blame them. (*´Д`)ハァハァ

>> No.3237878

Not actually. Japan could have brokered a separate peace treaty with the Allies.

Better yet, they could have not gone to war with the US at all. If they didn't go blindly into the war, they could easily just pick apart East Siberia by going to war with the USSR and clean up China. US eventually interferes in Europe, Berlin gets bombed, Nazis lose. Allies move in to secure Poland while the Soviet Union desperately tries to clean up the mess the Germans left. Japan immediately sues for peace with Russia, they agree because they're in a state of chaos, Japan moves in to clean up China.

There, East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere is established and the Nazis still lose.

>> No.3237887

Stay off the drugs.

>> No.3237894

But dude, this shit is fucking great. You should try some.

>> No.3237984

Italians 2000 years ago =/= Italians today. L2history

>> No.3237994
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I dunno, their emperor is still pretty pimp.

>> No.3237999
File: 20 KB, 640x368, hetalia_01_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is why Italy couldn't do anything right.

>> No.3238011

>>Italy is too busy being full of cute girls and beautiful women to get off its ass and do anything right.

I can't blame them.

>> No.3238052

They wouldn't have had enough troops to occupy both the US and their "co-prosperity sphere". Without a constant occupying force the racist/xenophobic tendency of the Japanese government would have led to countless rebellions over the years, so they likely would have been pushed back to their island anyhow.

>> No.3238105

Not to mention their military was terrible about following orders for high up on the command chain. Commanding officers often would just do what they wanted.

>> No.3238931
File: 225 KB, 325x435, freedomforever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. World War II is just written to make her out as the bad guy, when really she're no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better nation than most of them.

What are the main complaints? She raped China and stole Southeast Asia to use in the war?

Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped China. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked China.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE WORLD DIDN'T FUCK CHINA? You can't even name one fucking country who hasn't flooded her loose ports! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while signing multiple treaties. Japan knew this, she's a fucking ladies man. She knows what filthy whores like China want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly stole Southeast Asia and used her in the war for her own greed.

Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious Brother-Asians. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal imperialism so wrong? When America does the same thing to the Phillipines it's like 'oh she's so manly', but when Japan does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect Asia. She probably was going to use her superpower status to tighten her ports back up or cure her malaria or something.

The history was written to make that faggot America look good. Objectively, Japan is a far better nation than America. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like America, and if she wasn't stuck with the weak ass colony Korea and no plothax she probably would have won the war.

>> No.3238946


>> No.3238947

Phillipinos got fucked by japan too actually.

>> No.3238945

Japan selflessly fought against the Western imperialists for the freedom of all Asian peoples, and brought order to a China tormented by the despotism of mafia-like warlords. But the U.S. greedily saw this as a threat to business interests in China, and gave huge sums of aid and military support to said warlords. Japan was forced to make war with the U.S., already a de facto belligerent by proxy.

The Japanese soldiers fought with unparalleled valor, yet always chivalrously, always fairly. The U.S., on the other hand, fought with scornful negligence of the principles of just and legitimate warfare, massacring hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians in a ruthless campaign of terror bombings and, most atrociously, deploying the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a barbaric form of warfare alien to the very spirit of Japanese culture and morality.

Perhaps the sad truth is that the world is too malicious a place for a country like Japan. If she would only have condescended to the same filthy kind of warfare that the Americans and the Chinese waged, it is possible, even likely, that she would have prevailed.

In the light of history, Japan is the greatest victim of WWII.

>> No.3238970

That's kind of the point.

>> No.3238971

I looked at many English Japanese blogs and this really the typical crap they spew. Why can't they be more flexible and open-minded? They're like children trying to push blame away and act innocent whenever their favorite topic WW2 comes up. And don't even mention your ethnicity if your any Asian besides Japanese. They'll start piling crap onto in some way to argue your just as bad and mention something about Korea being a success story under Japanese rule.

>> No.3238978
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Why is this pasta appearing so often all of a sudden?

>> No.3238992

Because >>3238360

>> No.3238993

BREAKING NEWS: Crazy right wingers are crazy!

>> No.3239199
File: 40 KB, 600x440, t30387_advicehotaru1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to /chairforce/? I miss my daily dose.

>> No.3239221


Hotaru maniac is on operatorchan now, I think

>> No.3239235

So what would they say about Hong Kongers?

>> No.3239257


>> No.3239342

>I would be SAMURAI ^_____________________^
You have just failed Japanese Pre-WWII History 101.

>> No.3239371

They never said much about Hong Kong actually.

>> No.3239382

But I assume they'll just lump them with China.

>> No.3239396

There are plenty of rumors that the Japs were very close to completing their atomic bomb - out of a joint research initiative with the Germans. The Japs were planning to drop it in Los Angeles in hoping that the US will be intimidated to surrender.

>> No.3239407

Trading Atomic bombs with big countries. Good idea!

>> No.3239430

I do it all the time.
In Hearts of Iron.

>> No.3239444

I need to play HoI3

>> No.3239451

The bomb looks like a vagina.

>> No.3239498

One of three things would have happened to me if they won:
1) I never exist, because they kill my ancestor on my mothers side, because he was in Philippines.
2) They take over Philippines and I get taught Japanese and can read my own VNs without 2200 hours of learning.
3) Everything goes as it did and my mother meets my Australian father and I grow up in Australia like I did, but with better relations with Japan because we'd be too shit scared to refuse their whaling.

There's a 1/3 chance of me never existing, 1/3 that I know Japanese, and 1/3 where everything's pretty much the same, except Japan doesn't hate baka gaijins and Australia. It's worth the risk, time machine time.

>> No.3240014

Maxwell, is that you?
