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3226038 No.3226038 [Reply] [Original]


Forget that K-ON doujin I want this translated

>> No.3226064

Wasn't Medaka Box getting cancelled along with TLR?

>> No.3226119


They were both pretty shit. Hopefully something good will replace them.

>> No.3226143
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>> No.3226214


I thought that was just a mod trolling on /a/?

>> No.3226334

I don't know, it's just hearsay to me. Never really read MB.

>> No.3226349

Medaka Box is really directionless, and while it should at least drive the comedy angle a bit, it doesn't.
TLR offered us Mikan, went over 100 chapters, it should have no regrets.

>> No.3226380

I fapped.

I read it too but I don't like how slutty Medaka is in this one. She's a good girl and would never talk like that.

>> No.3226410

Don't forget shit like Lilith-IZM03 and Princess Elis of Hell is an erotic, pregnant wife.

Yeah fuck DarkTranslations.

>> No.3226415

Did you miss the parts where she doesn't give a crap about walking around naked and does anything as long as someone submits a piece of paper into her box?

>> No.3226430

I'd submit my paper in her box if you catch my drift.

>> No.3226627

This made my day.

>> No.3227011


Madeka is stupid like a fox. She isn't a whore.


This wouldn't surprise me; this type of thing never does well in Weekly Shonen Jump. Unless Medaka starts shooting fireballs then consider this series canceled.

>> No.3227030

More like sneaky like a fish.

>> No.3227041

mary sue box?

>> No.3227053

Explain why Mx0 got cut when it had more than enough of that and was actually good, too.

>> No.3227071

I was so angry and sad when they axed mx0.
Stupid Japanese children have no taste.

>> No.3227090

because it was going nowhere fast?

>> No.3227094

Stop agreeing with me so much, Jones. It's creeping me out, you faggot.

>> No.3227100
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>> No.3227101


>> No.3227103

Mx0 was the shit, maybe if it had some orange ninja's, it would have lasted longer.

>> No.3227109

Go eat a dick, Sion.

Stop making accurate statements for a change, then.

>> No.3227120

Mx0 was good. It was one of the most refreshing manga I've read in a long time. It never got stuck in an endless series of events. Things happened, they happened for a reason, and they got over with. People, especially the MC, actually grew from what happened.

Motherfucking Lucy. Best pseudo-mascot character ever.

>> No.3227122

Because Mx0 wasn't very good?

>> No.3227137

It ran on the wrong magazine. Shonen jump reader are too dumb too appreciate anything that isn't sword/fist fighting powerlevel bullshit.

>> No.3227135
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Lucy wasn't the mascot character, she was the main character's waifu.

Lucy end would have been the best end. ;_;

>> No.3227149

Notice I said "pseudo-mascot." She was actually useful, so she couldn't be the actual mascot character. But because she was so good, she was pretty much adorable all the time.

>> No.3227155

>something good
>Shonen Jump
Wouldn't count on it.

>> No.3227156

mx0 started great but after the initial M0 powerup the main character was going nowhere fast.

He would have had to throw away his only powerup to learn magic and all the M0 powerups were retarded.

It ended like it should have ended. HOGWART'S END.

>> No.3227159
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The only slight light in the pitfall of shit that was the sudden ending is that Taiga is still with Lucy.

>> No.3227160
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>She was actually useful

Understatement of the manga. Also, oddly enough, despite the fact that I normally hate the lead girl, I actually liked the one in Mx0 quite a bit. It must've been because of the really bad jokes; I'm a sucker for stuff like that.

>> No.3227174


This series reminds me of Mx0 in the way that both main characters use their heads to solve their conflicts instead of super magical powers.

So yeah, canceled unless the main character starts blowing stuff up or starts using his/her Unlimited Bleach Works.

>> No.3227187

Considering F/SN has one or two small scenes per 10 hours of content, and the anime has 12 fights in 8 hours, you need a better example of senseless fighting pace that serves no purpose and plot development takes years.

>> No.3227190

I liked all the characters in the series, something I don't find very often happening. All of them were well written, even the tsundere herself.

Hiiragi wasn't completely the "clueless female lead", since she actually did useful things, recognized that Taiga cared about her somewhat, and had her own goals. A main female lead that's not one-dimensional! Imagine!

Papa Hiiragi still ranks as one of my favorites from it, though. The poor bastard can't win at anything, but he's still awesome.

>> No.3227195

The initially M0 powerups were just to explain the potential abilities and the concept of M0 itself. He was about to get another ability which was the absorb and copy spell from the black card, which I'm assuming was the author's original intention until they went batshit and canceled the series.

The thing that I liked about M0 was that there was actually planning and thinking, especially since the main character wasn't broken as fuck in terms of power level. Hell, you can say this was more "ninja" (planning wise) than Naruto which is just jitsu spam.

>> No.3227203

medaka box suffers from most one shot turned into a series's problems.


>> No.3227206

Hahaha, Papa Hiiragi made me laugh my ass off. The thing is, I really wanted Mx0 to get an anime, because I could definitely see Neuro's voice actor doing the voice for Papa Hiiragi. We're in agreement concerning the way the characters were written, though; he even made the tsundere seem interesting.

>> No.3227213
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Just because someone disagrees with you they're automatically Sion?

i also havent been here for past 2 hours

>> No.3227217

We have /a/ for a reason.

>> No.3227218

medaka box does have potential in the humor department but the romance is just too awkward

>> No.3227222
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She was adorable.
I also had a fondness for Ise.
And there were in general many lively and identifiable secondary characters.

>> No.3227228

You just have idiots adoring perfection cause it's perfection.

>> No.3227229
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There is one thing Medaka Box DOES have, though: Nekomi.

>> No.3227232


You're pushing it, both the female lead and tsundere weren't anything special

>> No.3227234

Yeah, and all the "training" shit that takes place, which it always must, consists of him actually DOING things and trying them out. One or two chapters, he learns something useful and gets raped in the process, and then he gets told to go the fuck back to school.

I wish I had lots of money, so I could see this series brought back to life. Someone needs to pick it back up.

>> No.3227237

Oh, look, a cynical slant eyed bitch that is pretty much just that.

>> No.3227249

>Yeah, yeah!! That's why I'll sacrifice myself in order to restrain him!!

Noble tsundere is noble. Goddamn she's fucking adorable.

>> No.3227259

Nice /a/ thread discussing an awful manga. It was cancelled for a reason.

>> No.3227258

I disagree. They weren't masterpieces of character development, but they had lots of moments, and they were good.

Certainly better than most female characters I see in any other equivalent work.

>> No.3227254

But she's not cynical, nor is she a bitch. She just likes winning.

>> No.3227262

Cynical is about the attitude, and she wants to win because..Nothing really.
Just fight dirty while no, not really.
All the characters are a one-dimensional mess.

>> No.3227268

Nice /a/-level trolling.

>> No.3227274

/a/ doesn't exist to talk about good things. And it was apparently canceled because the nips forgot to send in their "feedback" letters about it.

Proof that Japan doesn't believe in justice.

>> No.3227286

There is honestly nothing redeeming about the manga. The setting was interesting sure, but the characters were rather one dimensional, and the plot wasn't going anywhere. I honestly don't understand what you see in this.

>> No.3227405
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The point isn't the amount of fighting present. It's the role it plays in the series. Just see >>3227195

Type-Moon is no different than Bleach/Naruto when it comes to broken power levels being the main course of the day. Remove the porn in Fate and it's the same as your average Shonen Jump series.

The only thing worse is when people think Fate/stay night is better than Bleach/Naruto just because it has "mature" content like Shirou jackhammering Rin. Well, it isn't.

>> No.3227421

All I can say is that you're wrong.

>The only thing worse is when people think Fate/stay night is better than Bleach/Naruto

Hurr. The rest of the post wasn't much better.

>> No.3227436

Focus on fighting, focus on storylines and pace are nothing alike.
And the structure of the fighting system is almost the exact fucking opposite of what you see in action shonen (if the creator bothers to create one at all).
As whether they are broken or whether they are instantly bad, another story for another time.

If anyone reads Realta Nua and thinks 'Hey, that's like most action Shonen series I've read', he has cheese for brains.

Even if Fate is total shit, it's nothing alike what you suggest.

>> No.3227439

Mx0 was canceled because the festival arc was fucking horrible, and it didn't manage to redeem itself after that.
I liked it as much as the next guy and I love Lucy but it being canceled didn't shock me.
Yeah others shonen also have a lot of horrible arc but unlike them Mx0 didn't manage to build a real fanbase, therefore lots of people lost interest during that arc.

>> No.3227456

A shitty nonsensical post, as typical of ZUN !bar

>> No.3227460

Translates to:

>Fate/Stay Night is exactly like Bleach and Naruto because it has superhuman fighting!

>> No.3227463

It wasn't horrible. Not spectacular, but it was still readable. One "meh" arc is hardly bad when you stack it up against the previous ones, which were really good.

>> No.3227476

Really good to who though? Good and bad are entirely subjective, and it clearly wasn't good enough to enough people to garner a large enough fanbase.

>> No.3227479

I like Type-Moon. It's not perfect, sure, and it has it's moments of stupidity, but I like it anyway.

>> No.3227477
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>Orochimarou forcing politician to do his bidding.png

>> No.3227485

I'm actually surprised Neuro lasted as much as it did with pretty good rankings.

>> No.3227489

Strictly speaking, your opinion and what you considered stupid have nothing to do with the point he drives.

>> No.3227493

FSN isn't that bad of a VN, the "powerlevel" in it is fairly consistent and the overall plot while very straightforward and despite the horrible pacing isn't bad.
Does it deserve as much attention as it get?
Probably not, it's full of small flaws and is overall quite bland but it doesn't deserve to be hated as well.

The problem you probably have with it probably come from the fanbase who basically act like retarded underage faggots who love to discuss the same fucking shit every fucking days again and again and again.
They are the ones who manage to turn it into a powerlevel shitffest.
Though you don't see it that much in the japanese fandom anymore, /jp/ is full of these faggots though.

>> No.3227501

Strictly speaking, you're a dumb.

>> No.3227512
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Does it really matter? Shitty manga either become canceled or can't leave their respective magazine.

>> No.3227533

Lost potential bothers people.

>> No.3227541

If they really cannot pull out of a slump/problem, then perhaps there was never any potential there.

>> No.3227536

I loved the series. I thought the festival arc was fairly on the good end. I think what happened was that the festival arc pretty much just revealed to the general audience that there really isn't a "main bad guy". Despite every other formula working out (characters, the system, the fighting to plot development ratio). In the end, it was all about the hero getting the gold card, granting the heroine's main wish, and then what?

Yeah sure, he could have introduced something afterward, but it probably came too late. Though, Hitman Reborn lasted about just as long and then turned completely shounen, but that's another story.

>> No.3227539

>>Realta Nua

You do understand that the reason Type-Moon primarliy produces all-ages content now is because they've tapped into that same Bleach/Naruto fanbase, right?

Then again, I know I'm not preaching to the Type-Moon fanboy choir here in /jp/. And Jonesy and White Ren are the biggest TM fanboys we got in /jp/.


She actually isn't a loli! Would be better if she was though.

>> No.3227544

Why are so many people replying seriously to one of ZUN's "Bleach/Stay Night" posts?

>> No.3227559

Because they have nothing better to do than to argue with a faggot like him.

>> No.3227567

It is the way shounen jump is run. Anything that isn't using the Dragonball template (fightan->training->powerup->more power foe->repeat) wont last long.

The only manga in SJ that isn't using this template and surviving is Gintama. No idea how Gintama can last so long in. I am not implying Gintama sux since I enjoy it but you have to wonder about how the majority of SJ readers think.

>> No.3227570
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Note to self: find out who this glasses girl is

>> No.3227571

Except the content of what they release is nothing alike.
Superficial similarities stretched out with the basis of 'certain techniques and structures are ridiculous in my book' do not fly much in the long run.
When action shonen series differ like fuck in-between them and appeal differently , assuming works with entirely different focus target the same thing is like claiming all JJBA's fans also like Ane doki.

>> No.3227575

The issue is most of them can, but the magazines don't bother to actually review prior success. Something is either SO HOT CAN'T WAIT MAKE MORE SHIT EVEN IF IT'S RETARDED ASS FILLER or YOU ARE GETTING AXED.

No inbetween.

>> No.3227614

It got axed for a reason, the reason being it didn't manage to hook enough readers.
That's all, Mx0 really never was succesful and it got a slump it never managed to recover from.
It probably would have done better in Sunday but it's just isn't the type that would be popular in WJ.
And don't forget that WJ target young boys, not young adult like most of /a/ or /jp/, what we may like is different compared to what a young boy would like.

>> No.3227632

Does this only happen with Shonen Jump? I usually only hear of manga being dropped from SJ, I never hear of any seinen series being dropped.

>> No.3227671

SJ is also the only stupid magazine that make something run longer than it should be.
Death Note is one manga that should have end when L dies.

>> No.3227757


That's their new member, but she has already faded into the background.

>> No.3227772

At least the student council isn't a sausage fest anymore

>> No.3227828

Out of anything said throughout this whole thread, I agree with this wholeheartedly.

>> No.3227833

I saw this earlier today on here...

>> No.3227837

Out of Medaka Box I'd have to say that the most interesting character is the protagonist's loli friend.

>> No.3228029
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But she's not a good girl

>> No.3228513
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>> No.3230695
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>> No.3231203
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So ToLove Ru WAS actually canceled, that can't mean...

>> No.3231244
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>>Sion post
>>proper capitalization and punctuation

I'm frustrated.

>> No.3231258

I'm telling you, it's definitely not him. It's just a really bad imposter.

>> No.3231333
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Are you frustrated?

>> No.3231411
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I'm extremely mad, Sion. I haven't felt this way in years.

If Anonymous2007 stops drinking antifreeze and starts typing normal as well then I'm going to vomit all over my keyboard in a fiery, frustrated rage.

>> No.3231417 [DELETED] 
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