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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 995 KB, 750x900, elondad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32258102 No.32258102 [Reply] [Original]

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:
>Latest Elona+

>Elona+ 1.90 and 1.89 Archive (and mods):

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:
>Go here for Custom download too

>Current Version:
Elona+ 2.02 (2020-12-30)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>OOMSEST Updates

>Elin's Inn

>OO English CUSTOM

>Elona Vanilla CUSTOM

>> No.32258155


Previous Bread.

Shitposting is up .5%. Content down 5.2%. But we survived.

>> No.32258238
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>Not having a entire harem of your favorite pet
shiggy shaggy

>> No.32259150

Can someone explain what this is?

>> No.32259375

Weeb sandbox roguelike.

>> No.32260100
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Nice thumbnail

>> No.32260170
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How does this picture still hold up?

>> No.32260175

Which skill to boost with skill points? Control Magic? Because fuck training that skill.

>> No.32261032

Are hands still the god slot no matter what class you are or does artifact fusion make other slots potentially as good?

>> No.32262317

arguably hands
definitely not hands
it doesn't matter
>dual wield

this isn't necessarily hands being the best, just them being a decent choice
being able to fuse interlocking may have moved hands somewhat down the priority list since garokcrafted claws get proximity assist, which directly conflicts with any interlocking you decide to stack

>> No.32262338

Now that you ask that... I'm realizing I have no idea if having multiple 'shoot' slots is possible, and if it is if you'd really fire them all at once every time you shoot like with duel wielding melee weapons. In fact would that be affected by and train the duel wield skill?

>> No.32262373

isnt the optimal amount of hands with MA 4? sorta becomes useless after that,someone can correct me if wrong

>> No.32262415

I think having multiple shoot slot conflicts or crashes the game

>> No.32262559

Damn, was just imagining if you were a golem gunner and bought a bunch of shoot slots. Then equipped multiple machineguns/laser guns and became the ultimate walking gun fortress...

>> No.32262618

The reason hands are considered optimal in the first place is because claws add to your damage bonus.
If we're talking about a +15 <ether claw> weighing 200s, that's potentially +85 to your damage bonus, and that's just for a single hand slot.
other slots can give damage bonuses but nothing to that extent
there are limitations on this for MA, where crit damage is limited by how heavy your equipment is, with the limit increasing as your MA skill increases, but you can still get a lot of damage bonus out of that, and you don't have to fully weight all your claws.
Barehanded MA is nowhere near as good, but you can make a case that it requires no hands at all.
2H misses out on those damage bonuses but makes up for it with a big multiplier.

whether you need this extra damage is another issue entirely (you don't)

>> No.32262678

Wait,i assumed empty hands was the 'best' option after it was a extremely high level,did the nerfs really did it that badly?

>> No.32262744

I don't know whether empty hands were optimal before but they certainly aren't optimal now

>> No.32262864

is the yaca option a lifetime stock of +1 green teas?

>> No.32264127

Hands are bad for dual wielding now? What?

>> No.32264335

dual wielding is bad

>> No.32264872

which one of these is the one that most people in this thread currently play?
I remember playing elona+ ages ago when that was pretty much the only version aside from the original

>> No.32265493

I beat Enthumesis with a dual wielder in 1.8. What's wrong with it?

>> No.32266407

it's bad

>> No.32270259

Personally i use skill points as potential restore, so anything that below 20%.
I was doing anything before 40%, but they run out.

>> No.32270291

OOMSEST is the version for true gentlemen, for the little sister in it are, mmmmh mmmmh mmh, ex-qui-site.

no pedo

>> No.32271778

I'd say Plus is probably the popular variant? It's hard to say. That's might have to do with the fact you don't need to install the mod yourself.

>> No.32271878

Old saves can be imported to new versions. (New saves cannot be imported to old versions.) Custom does not affect the savefile, you can use Plus saves with Custom and vice-versa.

>> No.32272026

Is Zin-ba still a joke feat?

>> No.32272361


>> No.32278051
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Is collageanon back?

>> No.32285053

>tfw coming back to the game after too long and not remembering where you're supposed to fight at the very start to stop being super weak

>> No.32285235

same, im just cycling through puppy cave and fields for herbs.

>> No.32288600

so,say I nuke a bell pet stats at the oblivion palace,what should it get with ap? barrier? character quality? what after that between speed and life? what's harder to get between those stats?

>> No.32290587

In last thread someone said it came from trannycord. Might be true, it's not as good as the older one, feel forced in ways.

>> No.32291856

2.02? Get quality but not speed.

>> No.32292392
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I picked up the thread after it stopped being replaced some time last year. I noticed whoever made it last hadn't remade it and decided copy pasting an OP wasn't a big deal. The threads tend to take care of themselves. No one, as of yet, has claimed responsibility for the threads before I took over.

>> No.32292775
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lol i hate my life

>> No.32294487

one of the reasons I like omake is that playing naked is a perfectly valid strat,I am too pussy and hate losing unique gear on death

>> No.32296973

Speed is still king.

>> No.32298285

play on loss so you're motivated to not die

>> No.32299435

Custom's source is available, you could just delete the line of code that drops your items on death.

>> No.32299986

now now where is the fun in that?

>> No.32300218
File: 353 KB, 870x384, 1581464782675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how bad is the microtransactions?

>> No.32300423

Crushing your enemies is always fun, even if your enemy is a line of code.

>> No.32303848

By YACA , hamburgers and putitoro are so expensive and I'm making so much money with it. Considering you only need a ranch, this is a broken early game money maker.

>> No.32304730

What do I do when the no good animal stops making children?

>> No.32305389
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>> No.32305966

It's just a fairy tale.
Keep on keeping oning my dude, you're doing great.

>> No.32307532

wait high equipment weight on offhand claws adds damage bonus to mainhand too?
does that work with MA or only twohand?

>> No.32308816

there's no such thing as offhand and mainhand, all hand slots are functionally identical
2h requires you have one weapon in your hand slots and nothing else
the amount of hand slots you have is irrelevant, you can 2h with one hand.
claws aren't weapons, they're basically shields that add damage instead of defence

>> No.32308931

so why just not code them as weapons at this point so living claws can spawn?

>> No.32309117

because they aren't meant to be weapons

>> No.32311838
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>> No.32313521

shit I never knew this, ty anon

what's the equation for claw equip weight to +damage? is it on the jp wiki or something. I'm fucking around w making items heavier rn and having trouble parsing what exactly increases the number, and by how much

>> No.32317547

What kind of degenerate would torture themselves by playing fairy?

>> No.32317943

Masochists,but it still looks less of a hassle than playing a snail

>> No.32318704

how to train up pickpocket?(PC, butr mobile too if anyone knows)

>> No.32318746

28 strength then pickpocket trees of naked from around noyel

>> No.32318953

naked fairies are the BOMB in omake

>> No.32319063

If you're not playing plus the resistance is worth it. Besides, if you picked fairy in the first place then you likely have no plan to build a 2H melee character anyway.

>> No.32328003
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Play Elona OR ELSE.

>> No.32330550
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thank you kind weeb

>> No.32330897

I always considered it one of the funnier things in Elona that a good way to train pickpocketing is to steal trees in the wilderness.

>> No.32332044

Are bones, hearts, and eyes of monsters I kill worth anything or are they just meant to be sold?

>> No.32332390

You get so much natural skill/spell potential regen in the current E+ holy fuck.

>> No.32332397

Elona shooter mobile when?

>> No.32333724

In plus you can use them with necromancy, in oomsest you can use them with human transmutation.

Otherwise, nah, just sell 'em.

>> No.32339223

>lulwy chokes on mochi and dies
you can't make this shit up

>> No.32339248


fight in arena then pickup torches

>> No.32339712

she has ~350k HP and choking does a few hundred damage per turn, and wears off eventually.
unless it works differently for npcs than the player

>> No.32339781

It happened in OOMSEST at least,so no inner lulwy nuking my home after her death

>> No.32339907
File: 550 KB, 1441x809, 1589933689813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the pic from the archive

>> No.32341371

Hello frens!
I am an elona noob
if I wanted to abduct some npc that's not story dependant how would some of you do it?

(by the above I mean for the npc to become an ally/pet of mine or just to be jailed at my cave)

if you want to ask why I want to do that, read below
FUKING BARDS STOLE MONEY FROM ME I am gonna make them regret for taking at least 1k gold before I started realizing it!
Anyway thanks in advance

I am playing on elona+cg 1.90

>> No.32342536

go back

>> No.32342752

With or without your help I am gonna torture every last one of them

>> No.32344103

Would it hurt to read the wiki or lurk more before posting?

>> No.32344209

Thats's true and I am sorry
but the reason I asked here is because I don't know where to start even. There's so much! anyway I will lurk more.

>> No.32345113

It's not even hard. . .

>> No.32348640

Why do I keep getting mines and not caves? I just want a cute kobolina...

>> No.32349569

Wasn't there a free rod of domination somewhere in the game or am I crazy?

>> No.32349578

Dude, nobody likes bards. You can just kill them in broad daylight. The guards won't even blink.

>> No.32350264

Don't think so. Spending medals on one early on to get a pet bell was a classic strategy, though.

>> No.32350982

thank you alot
I didn't knew that at all tried it and yes guards don't care at all thx good to know

and sorry guys for my noob questions

So far this game is really good

>> No.32351799

Every neutral NPC that you displace when walking over them don't give negative karma when attacked/killed. This include bards and children.

>> No.32352334

Excellent I taken care of the bard problem.
Now with that new information you gave me I can sell the entire town to slavery in Derphy

Damn this game is good. If I happen to run into a weird event that happened I will share it here.

for now at least my end game mission is to turn everyone into opposite sex by force feeding them that weird meat that changes their sex.

>> No.32353686
File: 223 KB, 840x525, __cute_fairy_and_shena_the_draw_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__5465892efb4158f917b571d9be631488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a man with the right goals in mind, cheers.

>> No.32354323 [DELETED] 

Tell me about Shena's ass. Why does it weak the panty?

>> No.32354356

Tell me about Shena's ass. Why does it wear the panty?

>> No.32354370

I haven't played Elona+ in about over a year now.
What's new? Is the monster girl modpack still around?
Is it still a chore to make custom characters for the player?

>> No.32354559

>- Her insult knows no boundary whenever you act perverted
How is this a minus?

>> No.32356668

LITERAL PISS MECHANICS. The final act is complete now too.

Beautify has some monster girls and is still updated, but the actual monster girl one is versions old.

Unchanged, I think.

>> No.32359526

Nobody cared about her ass until she wore the panty.

>> No.32359569

If I take it off, would she brap?

>> No.32359609

It would be extremely erotic.

>> No.32359732

You got a big ass.

>> No.32360036

>play updated E+
>talk to bartender once every 4 hours or so for water
>forget the mechanic even exists
This is the outrageous change that people have complained about for actual years?

>> No.32360136

It's just another nerf that can be pretty bad once in a dungeon or in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.32360174

juice maker
crim ales or whatever

>> No.32360313

You can survive in pretty much any dungeon by drinking the trash potions all over the ground too.

>> No.32361058

It's actually a buff. Not a nerf. Stamina should never be a problem again if you keep hydrated. You get a bonus to now compared to before thirst was a thing.



>> No.32361550

Are damage invokes ever good?

>> No.32364165

What's the current status of pierce in E+? Lightsabers still the absolute best for melee?

>> No.32365356

technically lightsabers have been outclasses ever since you were able to fuse max worpal on armour
They're still useful in not needing you to do that, but for a pure melee damage, slash joker or a shuriken are the best.

>> No.32369485

Is there any updated music pack for 2.02?

>> No.32369780

If anyone has the granblue fantasy music pack i would appreciate it,the mega link is dead

>> No.32371493

I hate to be THAT guy but are there Vtuber PCCs or sprites for Elona now? I can't help but feel there would be.

>> No.32372256

I'm spoiled by Elona+'s Martial Artist and can't force myself to accept that playing one in OOMSEST will ultimately be a slightly worse experience than playing any other melee-centric character.

>> No.32374931
File: 28 KB, 1033x535, itemgen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling to understand how does item generation works.
Both in source and docs, there are pairs of values for each quality level, but then in formulas it looks like these are used as a single value. Does it only use the first of two? Or both at random? Or random value in between?

>> No.32377939

Melee skill training is complete cancer jesus christ.

>> No.32381598

P(2) appears to be unused in that label. It is possible that it is an unused leftover from some earlier version. Or it could need to be set there, since its a global variable, and it is entirely possible that something, somewhere is relying on it being set there.

>> No.32384760

how is it different than ranged skills or magic?

>> No.32389040

I think I'll just undo the old nerf to Kumiromi's SPregen and call it a day. Better than having to put up with Ano's disgusting fetish.

>> No.32390413

So with magaqua you basically have infinite SP?

>> No.32391073

Fucking hell, I just got 3 (special) items in a row but I still doesn't have the feat from gwen after 50 kill.

>> No.32391902

what do you mean by special item? did you checked your inventory and used it? did you checked your duff/debuff window?

>> No.32392037

Unique artifacts, I killed 3 enemies in a row and they all drop one.
Twin edge, Crimson plate and the tingling whip.

>> No.32393189

Magaqua should make you "wet" not "wetting" nor "distended". I might be wrong, because being in the rain does remove your thirst but I don't know if that's being wet or the rain itself.
Anyway it's not really infinite stamina, just 5SP per 10 turn.

>> No.32393363

with kumiromi sp regen passive thats more or less really high regen,the only sp acts i spam are continous attacks,golden storm and shadow step anyways

>> No.32395225

It's the most reliant on things that you don't get much of in the early game: skill potential, stats, quality equipment. Ideally you train magic for buffs on top of it because combat buffs are free stats and way too good, making it very slow to get going. Meanwhile magic dart/ice bolt are trivial to get online and will carry you to A3 easily because everything scales off spell level which you get disgusting amounts of potential for.

>> No.32395295

Any reason why ice bolt specifically?

>> No.32395480

Wet and rasen, mostly.

>> No.32398452

>herbs are way better on stat boosts than MANLY MEAT
what is this gay shit?

>> No.32398577

>he doesn't believe in drugs
why do you think they're illegal ?

>> No.32398622

because creates dependency and consuming too much fucks you up? AT least thats what i believe

>> No.32401234

bro just shove some herbs in your roast like the roast of us

>> No.32402945

Because politicians need an excuse to maintain a massive, militarized police force?

>> No.32402993

I play the game maybe once every two years, and I've always had a female defender from worshipping Jure. The first time I had to reload my save manually until I got a female for my harem, because I'm not sharing. The second time I played, I got her on my first try. So it's wrong when it says the defender is always male. I don't know if that was written in error, if the defender has an increased chance to be male (thus tricking people), or if it was changed at some point.

>> No.32405978

The wiki is just wrong. A lot.

>> No.32406399

It's not even updated anymore; noticed that the special action page for E+ is only up to date with E+1.76
I'd do it if I wasn't busy playing Elona+ most of the time.

>> No.32406954

>the little sister in it are, mmmmh mmmmh mmh, ex-qui-site.

what do you mean?

>> No.32407663

Can be of any class, and scale insanely high during days of the sister.

>> No.32408223

The ones that you can catch from high level panic/challenge quests are the best. I still prefer horses though.

>> No.32408907
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>I still prefer horses though

>> No.32408989

I am the kind of person that starts with max charisma (Idol+little sister) and buys 8-10 horses right off the bat to steamroll everything early

>> No.32410872

Any good shuten douji sprites?

>> No.32411793

I wish melee had some decent AoE. Swarm is ridiculously overpriced.

>> No.32412792

can't have everything anon

>> No.32413822
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Is noa still a schizo?

>> No.32416955


>> No.32416964
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the hell is this?

>> No.32417357

Elona mobile, not that poster but I don't know if it's shit.

>> No.32422417

I'm more concerned about whenever it will add ads

>> No.32430491

Blokada dude

>> No.32431739

I haven't played since elona+ 1.49, and now I'm going to jump into custom g.
Tell me about pets and pet raising. Is it better to train low level pets instead of capturing high level ones? Which pets do you recommend? I assume the info about pets on the wiki is outdated.

>> No.32431791

>Blocks random web and 30 seconds unity game ads
>Advertises its premium version instead

>> No.32433286

I think there is a thing where something's starting stats effect it's INI. Meaning it's more expensive/harder to buy certain improvements in a later act. Goes for the player too. So technically it's better to start with a weaker pet? But some are worth it regardless.

Past that, I don't know. I'm a filthy degenerate. I mean a Kouku main.

>> No.32434860

What the fuck I am supposed to do with "ANNINDOFU LIKE A LIGHTSABRE"? Eat it?

>> No.32437985

Cook with it, use it before you make a decent non-ether lightsaber yourself, artifact fusion base.

>> No.32438140

In the short term you'll have an easier time finding better pets, particularly for riding before beating act 2, but in the long term training will be much better because starting stats/speed determine how hard it is to get AP on them and starting level/stats determines how expensive it is for them to raise their potentials in town. A cheap pet will quickly become able to maintain their own potentials on pickpocketing alone.

>> No.32438441

No way that's a decent weapon, it's 2d4(90%) pierce and that chara is a magic main.

>> No.32439056

You want a pet with a useful spact. Harpies can get Super Regen, fire dragon children can get Boost and Megid Flame, Defenders have Lay Hand.

>> No.32439115

>Advertises its premium version
Isn't it open-source? If they're fucking things up, there ought to be something like Waterfox...

>> No.32440031

Doesn't the begining of link related sound like the 18th BGM track Chaos, the one that plays in the quests where you have to kill yithfags?

>> No.32442252

>have farm, ranch, cooking, fishing, anatomy
>think I'm lined up to make large picnic baskets
>30 Tailoring to make the actual fucking basket

>> No.32442434

Start rolling around the puppy dungeon, nerd. Maybe you'll find one at random. or maybe the wilderness.

>> No.32442499

Same thing happened to me, I couldn't even find a sewing kit so I basically just tried to train using travelling with high potential(seem ano boosted the xp from that.)
Ended up getting the kit from an adventurer.

>> No.32445569

I have the sewing kit, I just need to train up tailoring. forgot how many skills picnic baskets rely on

I did search around for 5-6 hrs trying to find carpenter's tools on this char though. never pass up tools at a vendor early on, ehekatl will fuck you

>> No.32446446


>> No.32446459

*pisses on ur post*

>> No.32448640

Can you artifact fusion ammo in OOMSEST ?

I want to do an itemless run but still dump my loot into the thing.
I even replaced the sprite of the energy cell to a dragon dildo, the source of absolute power.

>> No.32452691

You can but the only thing that carries are just a small percentage of special ammo capacity.

>> No.32454013
File: 277 KB, 587x387, Immunity bullet 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can put all armor-viable enchants on ammo in oomsest too. Immunity bullets with resistances, immunities, and damage null, are fairly popular.

>> No.32454067
File: 237 KB, 587x393, Immunity bullet 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, but do be warned you can only have 15 enchants max, including the ammo enchants. You can switch the material to get rid of the innate, raw/iron are empty. Then once you get 15 enchants, you can switch back as the won't overwrite old enchants.

>> No.32454390

Does killing Gwen damage your relationship with her?

>> No.32455058

Wouldn't she be dead if you kill her? Are you planning to resurrect her later?

>> No.32455060
File: 6 KB, 196x223, sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a good, forgiving girl.
Kill her and feed on her still beating heart while she watches, she knows you can't help yourself and will try t refrain herself from begging for a quick death, to make he pain stop.

>> No.32455264
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Not so intrusive that you need it, well, aside from upgrading your riding license. The gacha shit is limited to getting allies that you can have relationship with, and you probably can also impregnate them, at least that's what I thought. If not, what's the purpose of the armor in pic related?
That being said, fuck always online, doing some crafting/gathering shit requires you to talk to the server so if you got shitty connection then you can't play the game smoothly. Why can't the game has offline mode or something?

>> No.32455356

It protects against the chestburster kind of pregnancy.
Can you make a gene in the mobile version ?

>> No.32455415

Why do the other gods let Jure hold a festival to proselytize their followers without retribution?

>> No.32455542

Because it's a chinese game, also why is the game so goddamn slow? where's the dungeon music?

>> No.32455744
File: 3.37 MB, 2400x1080, gene combine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chestburster kind of pregnancy.
Ah of course, it's on google play, so gotta stay family friendly huh
>Can you make a gene
So far I only found that you can combine allies for gene enhancement or something, no mention of making genes

>> No.32455747

Jure was instrumental for defeating the artificial planet-spanning god of Eyth Terre.
In fact, Yakasha, the alter-ego of Jure, is effectively said god, trapped in her holy oversoul.

The gods allow the festival as both a form of respect for her deeds, and to give her power enough to keep sealing Yakasha.
That is the reason behind the unwarranted animosity of Mani towards Jure, as the black sheep of the gods, he also wants to assimilate Yakasha divine body. And probably have lot of Omnissiah-approved sex involving lots of cyberdongs.

>> No.32455781

Actually preventing pregnancy also means preventing the chestburster kind of pregnancy in the original as well.

>> No.32455905

Someone must've monkey pawed Elona mobile, can we rip the art asset and jam it to the pc version? I think it's impossible because the pc version only has static image, but I dunno, maybe someone is wizard enough to pull it off

Must've been your phone, I played it jsut fine. Music in dungeon is fucking wonky, I need to minimize the game first for it to play or pull down the phone top overlay menu first.
I just realized after getting that gene engine screenshot, that whenever you quit the game, stop playing for a bit, then start the game again, your character will be in starving and sleepy state,even though I sleep and eat a lot first before quiting

>> No.32456284

chestbursters are on the original too
>Must've been your phone
nah I meant the general pace of the game, with you being unable to speed up the game and how slow your character walks

>> No.32456482

Yeah, in the mobile version some things happen in real time, like sleep and hunger. Though that does give you the opportunity to hoard stat increasing food before stopping and eat it when you get back.
>How slow your character walks
I'd noticed that actually seems to be based on your speed
>When heavy+ my character visibly walks slower, but his animations speed up after drooping the weight

>> No.32457416
File: 2.11 MB, 2400x1080, cat person is faster than a horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly, I didn't play far when playing elona+ because back then,for some reason I find elona's menu navigating is harder than df adventure mode but I've been playing oomSEST recently because of the mobile game.
Always thought there're some degree of lewdity in the original game because we can pick little girl as pet

Yeah, you can check your speed via riding skill menu. Younger cat sister is the fastest for me with ~250 speed, but you can't ride her because she needs master riding license, and that shit needs mtx currency to upgrade

>in the mobile version some things happen in real time, like sleep and hunger
>Though that does give you the opportunity to hoard stat increasing food before stopping and eat it when you get back.
Yeah, it's also a good way to increase relation by sleeping together. I also just realized you have satiety stats in percentage when you open your inventory. Imma try raising it to a hundred percent and see what happens when I quit and start it again after 10 minutes

>> No.32457567

The one definite downside to the younger cat sister is her pitiful HP growth/life rating of 30. She has a big tendency to run off on her own and die fighting enemies outside your sight radius.

>> No.32458276

Indeed, wish we could set passive, defensive and aggressive mode instead of visible-aggressive mode and invisible mode for allies in mobile version

>> No.32458541

is there no leash yet?

>> No.32458639

Custom or +?

>> No.32459647

What is the green "complete" that appears under enemies when you attack them?

>> No.32460034
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Is this good?

>> No.32460098

Why would you ask us? Make that decision yourself based on what you already have compared to this. However...
Change the material if you plan to use it as a weapon. Otherwise eating it would actually give you some good results too.

>> No.32460415

It has modifiers I'm not used to seeing, namely buff invoke and "massive damage to X", and chainsaw is a relatively new weapon type. I'd definitely have to material kit it if I were to actually use it, but it at least seems more interesting than the average 15 different trash modifier godly item.

>> No.32460593

If I had to make a personal guess I'd say that it's worse than just a regular high-element weapon because buff invokes are redundant with player spellcasting and damage to X is too situational even if they're somewhat rare and look good from the info screen? Adamant chainsaw is probably a pretty strong base weapon at least. I've never been superlate before though.

>> No.32461135

Returning to elona. I'm playing elona plus 2.01. What's the weapon tier ranking for warmage? I have a really good trident, scythe, gun and fleure here. I just wanna know what works and what really doesn't.

>> No.32465044

Fleure seem like a budget/easier to find lightsaber with its high pierce, but the low dice/med dmg might make it not as good in the early game compare to the late game. Both trident and scythe are generally 2H weapons which is better for your casting chance, but I think as a warmage your class feat give you extra casting chance(maybe higher ceiling) so that might not be as important.

>> No.32470004

Is that the enemy scanning thing that was added recently?

>> No.32472158

Are crossbows worth using in the late game? I plan on making one of my pets a crossbow user. Playing custom g 1.90.4 btw

>> No.32474357


>> No.32474686


being at 100% satiety gives you a 20% skill exp boost

>> No.32478042


>> No.32478574

Claws are crafted with tailoring not carpentry right?

>> No.32481074

Honestly having way more fun with 2.02. Skill progression is way better even if some of the stronger things from previous versions aren't as good, there's more than enough new features to fill the difference. The only thing that I miss from Custom is pet AI but that was extremely poorly balanced anyway.

>> No.32485656


>> No.32485702

I've been out of the loop for a while, what's up with 2.02?

>> No.32486987

You deal 5x less dmg to and you take 5x more dmg from unique NPC if you are faster than them.

>> No.32488000

Between sleep and plat cost changes, potential growth is massively buffed. You get 9 vouchers to learn skills for free on your first payday. Every nefia you beat rewards you with a pile of consumable skill boosters in addition to other rewards, which means nefias train more than just your combat/gathing skills, or can also be sold for solid earlygame money. You get free stacks of 3 godly equipment generated periodically in dungeons that you're told about in advance so you can't miss them. You get skill points and spell points on levelup. You can buy vehicles for better a travel boost than Seven Leagues without needing a wish or a foot slot, and presumably work on top of said seven leagues. More content in general, the story doesn't just end at Enthumesis.

Why the hyperbole?

>> No.32488153

That is absolutely not what happens.

>> No.32489435

Wait, can you use non-artifacts with the transfer icon as fodder for blacksmithing in oomsest ?
Normal/good/great quality items.
I've been checking and storing everything for transferable attributes...kinda don't want to have wasted all that time, but kinda don't want to keep doing it...

>> No.32489563

After coming back to Elona+ after 2 years since last time I played, I feel the recent updates are too easy. You're being given so much free shit and the traveling xp is too much. I did a couple of trade routes to get money then bought a truck to see what it was then I just snowballed both goldwise and xp wise. Now I'm barely lvl50, already got a palace and a landship and still stuck in north tyris where I need the 3 magic stones. Money isn't an issue already at barely 12 hours of gameplay.
Ano is so bad at balancing, he make some part of the game redundant and the fun strats/exploit get nerfed. I've never ever touched the adventurer seminar, but I think it's a good thing for new player. However I don't think giving 10 free skills to a new player and making the passive xp from traveling that massive is good, it feel more like bribing them with easy and forgiving gameplay which the game was already doing, but now those free skills is more into the mid-game territory than early baby steps.

I'm not hyperboling anything, that's what everyone talk about in 2.02 and the point people like the less about it.
Your post isn't even about 2.02 precisely but earlier elona+, he could be playing 2.00/2.01 and it has everything you said. The main feature of 2.02 is the speed nerf.

>> No.32490519

I don't think it's fair to say that Ano is a retard that's bad at balancing.
personally, i think he's simply Evil, and trivialise act1 ( you know, the ACTUAL elona ) in favour of pushing people into his fanfiction, act 2+, as quickly as possible.

>> No.32491146

The real problem is that nobody's maintaining Custom. If it was being updated, Custom-G would be updated too (since that's less work compared to the whole decompiling thing with Custom). Then everyone would be free from the tyranny of Ano again.

>> No.32491233
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>> No.32491383

How do the vehicles work specifically, and how do you get them?
>Like are they considered allies you ride, or are they their own separate thing
>Also I'd imagine you'd get them at the cyberdome, but it could be anything really

>> No.32491409

fuck off faggot

>> No.32491446


>> No.32491498

he didn't even try to keep the paper pattern inside the speech bubble. just painted over it. that's roughly as gay as sticking your dick in a guy's butt.

>> No.32491665

Vehicles are a deed you activate on the world map, and now that is just what you are on the world map. They work automatically from there. They speed up travel (on roads) to the point you no longer should worry about getting Seven League Boots. Anything past a Truck can make travel SO FAST it actually interferes with grinding. Though some higher tier ones run over bandit encounters and can plow through snow.

They will show up in shops that can have deeds show up. Anything past a Truck is probably a waste.

>> No.32491785

I actually ended up looking at the wiki even though I doubted there'd be an article there, and the magical train sounds cool.
>I can't help thinking it specifically negates traveling speed penalties over snow because it's basically a non-Christmas polar express
Also I just for whatever reason like the idea going around on a train that's fueled by my magic (good thing it doesn't need train tracks)

>> No.32491861

You buy deeds and they basically make you take .60 the time in turn when moving in the overworld. Really read the wiki and learn to greentext on /jp/.

Not just road, truck only get another bonus on top of the pre-existing one just for road tiles. I will admit that the landship is pretty fun and rushing it early actually might make the game more interesting since you now pay 200k per months( which isn't much if you run some trade good with that +100 cargo weight).

That's not really false, I feel the game change a lot in act2+. Suddently monster get super resistance which make most of the magic shit without using hexes which are also resisted a lot of the time. Compare to this, act1 is piss easy as you get feed so much shit to grow without needing to do almost anything but only by act2 you need to actually learn to play properly.

Been noticing that the more recent english translation is pretty bad or just none existant. I remember stuff in previous E+ that worked(without custom-g) but now are just broken in english. Noah cared about the english and exporting the game, Ano doesn't seem to give a fuck.

>> No.32492137

>enemy is 5 times stronger if you're 5 times faster
>and they need to be unique
It's the most irrelevant "nerf" ever. Short of killing town NPCs after AP farming speed to max you're never going to be 5 times the speed of any unique NPC. If anything it's more relevant as a riding buff because any time you use a unique mount it'll be extremely powerful because of the speed nerf making it slower than enemies.
>Your post isn't even about 2.02 precisely but earlier elona+
If you followed the conversation instead of being a pedantic fag you'd see I was obviously relating 2.02 to custom, which was the original question .
>E+ too easy
That's why every E+CG change makes the game easier, not harder, because reducing grind is baaaaaad, doing cargo runs to noyel 20 times is goooooooood. That's the true Elona experience™ after all.
Can't believe I fell for you fags and your ano bad meme at all. Maybe if your branches weren't all dead I'd still be falling for it. Enjoy playing the same unfinished game over and over again for the current decade as well, I guess.

>> No.32492558

I honestly hate map travel boosts. Less sleep, less shop restocks, less dungeon resets, less quest resets, less salary/store income/museum income, still don't do long escort quests because they're a pain in the ass. Faster movespeed just makes you run out of things to do and end up needing to fetter cheese more often. The only time it's actually good is nefia fever. Was having such a comfy time as my mutant with no foot slot for speed boots, then I bought a truck and immediately regretted it. Especially since you can't seem to turn it off.

>> No.32493136

Maybe it's because I get trapped overgrinding to ALP Gwen, but I've always had the easiest time in act 2.
>Act 1: have to build your entire resource economy/combat build from scratch again, everything in the game is stronger than you
>Act 2: economy is in place, have good equipment, massive power spike from AP bonuses makes the entire act a breeze
>Act 3 to endgame: enemies become dangerous again
Act 1 still feels like the meat of the game while Act 2 to 3 just rapidly accelerate into endgame.

>> No.32493237

Buff doesn't work like that, it only nerf the pc or its allies against them and their attacks.
I'm not a E+CG fag, I just find that Ano is bad at balancing. The new content can be good and even some of the most useless/shit one isn't too bad, but when he tweak the stats nothing good come out in general. I can basically do Kapul to Lumiest 2 time before the traders even reset their inventory. Worse even, I can do all the dungeon my level before they reset which is pretty shit without an Opatos statue. The speed nerf is the best exemple of this bad balancing, it's just useless, what's the point of it? Suddenly every character but the god insides got buffed hard as if they weren't hard enough previously. That change basically kill certain playthrough if you rushed speed and don't have overall good stats to compensate for the now 25x stronger enemies. This actually make it grindier. The worse is the xp boost from overworld travelling, why even bother going into the void if you can get 1000x time by circling around until you run out of food in the overworld which make playing the actual game redundant. I guess instead of playing smart I could just use speedhacks and run around until I get big stats with low speed then just one shot everything else. Play the game like an action game instead of a roguelike/rpg

You can discard your vehicule by speaking to the npc at the embassy.

>> No.32493440

Map travel is actually a very cleverly designed player nerf. Slower time passage directly means less resources for the player, but players will take it themselves because higher numbers = more good. If you get something like seven league boots too early there's "before too late" as a compensation mechanic, and that same quest's existence also later tricks players into getting more map speed even though by then the quest is not a relevant source of income. I've just ruined the game for you by telling you this by the way.

>> No.32493625

I love nerfs that limite the viable and fun playstyle and help me play the game as the dev intended it to be played even if it's not really the real dev.

Seriously, Noah's vision would have been better. It would have been community driven probably custom dungeons that player can share. Maybe "try to loot my dungeon and I raid yours" could have been the endgame if Noah would have carry on. It certainly seem to went that way.

>> No.32494247

>Buff doesn't work like that, it only nerf the pc or its allies against them and their attacks.
So the wiki lies?
>NPCs that are of 'unique' quality now have an additional property:
>NPCs, not "enemies"
>Will also work for pets.
>for pets, not "on pets"
>Suddenly every character but the god insides got buffed hard as if they weren't hard enough previously. That change basically kill certain playthrough if you rushed speed and don't have overall good stats
I guarantee that a bell with a shuriken can still solo the entirety of act 1 for you and that speed is still game-definingly overpowered. Also I'm getting some conflicting messages here, how is E+ simultaneously too easy and also too hard?
>don't have overall good stats to compensate for the now 25x stronger enemies.
That's an overly simplistic way of looking at character stats. Damage and defense are only one small part of what constitutes whether a foe is a threat or not. Elona has never been an unga bunga facetank everything and hope the math works out game, especially not when you have a speed advantage.

>> No.32494275

If Noa's vision was so great he probably wouldn't have abandoned it.

>> No.32495380

a. I think not.
b. I think not.
c. I think not.

c. > huh?

or just every random act 2 NPC having the Nuke quest npc dialogue was great.

>> No.32501330


>> No.32503450

Somebody please beat up the glow-in-the-darks that have been harassing Noa so he could finish the original Elin

>> No.32503456

So far I couldn't find any leash item, only some choker equipment, and a rope, but I think that leads to suicide

On mobile? Good to know

>> No.32505818

Based on his posts around that time I think he mostly just got fed up with HSP.

>> No.32506726

>enemy is 5 times stronger if you're 5 times faster
It actually ends up being 25 times stronger, because of the way the nerf/buff is applied to both incoming and outgoing damage.

>> No.32509182

player damage isn't affected

>> No.32509444

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.32509487

player won't deal less damage, they just take more
it's only non unique npcs that get hit by the damage nerf

>> No.32509739

I repeat, what the fuck are you on about? Where are you getting the idea that the player wouldn't be affected?

>> No.32509760

the changelog?

you don't need to swear so much

>> No.32509886

You fucking retard, it doesn't fucking say anywhere in the fucking changelog that the fucking player is fucking immune to the shitty fucking speed nerf. What goddamned fucking neurons fucking misfired in your fucking brain to make you fucking think that?

>> No.32509899

maybe you haven't read it

do you speak to your mother with that mouth

>> No.32509934

Changelog disprove what you say, this is the 2nd time you keep pushing that fake info. I don't know why you'd spread disinfo like that.

>NPCs that are of 'unique' quality now have an additional property:
>Damage received from an enemy that has a higher Speed attribute is reduced by a multiplier dependent on the difference in speed (at maximum reduction, damage is reduced to 1/5 of normal value.)
>Damage dealt to an enemy with a higher Speed is increased (up to a maximum of x5 damage).
>This balances out difference in speed.
>Will also work for pets.

>> No.32509990

go test it then

>> No.32510096

cant too busy testing ur mums pussy LOL

>> No.32510101

You're the one that said you got the "idea that the player wouldn't be affected" from the changelog, but thank you that post convinced me that you are either a retard or a troll or both. Go back to your holonigger threads.

>> No.32510961

Guys i am a retard newfag, what version of Elona do i download? custom, plus or vanilla?

>> No.32511057


>> No.32511595

Just decompile it and look for the part of #deffunc dmghp that checks the quality level cdata(25,x) of the damage target, then multiplies damage by ratio of the source's speed sdata(18,x) to the target's speed. Then it immediately checks the quality of the damage source, and multiplies the damage by inverse ratio. This is done with integer division in a way that will make the multiplier or divisor always be an integer from 1-5.

A PC or below-miracle NPC with 199 speed against a 100 speed miracle-or-above NPC will do and take normal damage, but once they hit 200, they take double and do half damage, resulting in a 4 times advantage for the unique NPC.

>> No.32512107

Correction to >>32511595. Disregard the second paragraph. I double checked the HSP docs for the order of operations implementation, and the calculation doesn't lose that much accuracy because it multiplies before the final division.

>> No.32514912

Was "the eternal league of nefia" ever expanded upon as a concept? I remember playing elona back in highschool but I couldn't stomach it after I realized how grindy it actually is. Basing myself on the comment it seems I don't have to grind 12 hours to perceive a difference however...

Sorry for the sidetrack! Eternal League of Nefia. Does the League exists? Did someone came up with a cool fanfic about it?

>> No.32515950
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Plz respond

>> No.32516391

ELM is the only acceptable variant here.

>> No.32518625

Ano really doesn't care for the EOP and he doesn't even try, holy shit I miss custom-g now.

>> No.32519130

Based on that logic, how many times stronger are you for being 5 times faster?
>5 times DPT
>Damage taken/turn divided by 5
>5 times regen
>5 times movement, which is actually the strongest out of any of these
>status expires 5 times faster
>any kind of utilities like healing or teleporting can be 5 times as much

>> No.32520085

Fuck gaijin filth.
not me though, since my soul is japanse. I can even sit in seiza.

>> No.32520836


>> No.32521544

Custom-G is the only one with a fully translated extended tutorial for retarded newfags.

>> No.32521643

Why is everyone giving different versions? why is nobody choosing the one in the pastebin?

>> No.32521940

Hey, if you're fine with the adventurer academy being 75% "Sorry, this is untranslated sentence.", go right ahead.

>> No.32521954

Omake is one of the ones in the OP and Pastebin, nerdo supreme.

>> No.32522093

Thank you i am going to get this one

>> No.32523425

Give the little girl a two-handed sword, get your gear (and her gear) up to +2 when you've got the cash, and don't feel shy about asking questions here.

>> No.32523932

I just ate the corpse of a beggar, what the fuck

>> No.32524850

another one falls for the elvs lies
you should have known to never trust an elv anon

>> No.32524881

I wonder if any anime fag is doing a kumo desu ka run right now

>> No.32527316

I'm never starting another character again unless it's a gene, for the sole purpose of being able to heirloom 6 blessed love potions and get gwen out of the way.

>> No.32530741

South Tyris is bullying me send help

>> No.32531774
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>> No.32531808
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>> No.32531920

That's an the original too. Swinging around any weapon with 'it brings an end' around carelessly is a bad idea. At least if you don't like spontaneous etherwinds. Though I remember hearing etherwinds triggered by that don't last as long as standard etherwind events.

>> No.32532129
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>> No.32532193

Huh, well 'it brings an end' was what it was called in the original at least. Though 'put an end to all' seems to be basically the same thing. Like just a different translation.

>> No.32532256

2h, shield or dual?

>> No.32532500


one form short sword was one use thing ragnarok can do it many time

>> No.32533433


>> No.32533860

But here come the hard part. . . Dual shield?

>> No.32534127


>> No.32535009
File: 13 KB, 736x551, 333921be803b7871dee2c0d6b7bdea64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquire AP

>> No.32535346

The 30th level of the void is bullying me

>> No.32536590


>> No.32538536

Was Alsapia always invisible? Because she is in 2.02. Would she keep it as a pet?

>> No.32538589

Yep. Probably. I had one of those invisible cyber-yerles as a pet once, and it disappeared when I removed sees invis gear.

>> No.32538825

Nevermind, not invisible. I mistook the zanan assassins for her.

>> No.32539664
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Bros, what do I do about my potentials?

>> No.32539687

Some years back a buddy of mine did a "The Wall" build, worked pretty well after some grinding.

>> No.32541201

Keep your dogshit mobile game in /vmg/.

>> No.32542843

It creeps up each time you sleep. If you get a pet with cooking you'll get more each time they make breakfast. Other than that you're stuck with shit stats for pretty much all of act 1 until you have enough money to invest a bunch of magic shops for potions of potential.

>> No.32544177
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Off to a good start.

>> No.32544231

>Executed by result of a fair vote
How does this happen?

>> No.32544283

When somebody gets killed by a werewolf you can vote for whoever you think is the werewolf to be executed.

>> No.32544355

Oh, right, I'd completely forgotten werewolves were a thing in it. So I'm guessing he still dropped the stuff he'd normally drop on death like his weapon right?

>> No.32544421
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>> No.32544488

Sweet, go nuts on using it in dungeons. At least I remember being inside dungeons during etherwinds was safe.

>> No.32546507

oh god that anon wasn't kidding

>> No.32546789

I got this to happen, too, and got some nice mid-game armor in the early-game out of it.

>> No.32547657

uh, is it normal for everyone in the fucking town to just die after playing the piano?

>> No.32551608

Depending on the details, yes.

>> No.32553100

You have a talent, hone it and use it in dungeons.

>> No.32553128

I think I won the pianist RNG
no weapon can surpass this

>> No.32557333

Which weapon bonuses actually matter to continuous blows? Just raw stats and crit chance? Doesn't actually seem very strong when you can get invokes, elements, and multihit on normal attacks.

>> No.32558784

any equipment with ragnarok on it is bad
early on ragnarok is lethal, later on it becomes just extremely annoying, then later again when you're in the void or awakened nefia, it goes back to being a serious threat

the etherwind is shorter than normal etherwind but it will still last for several in-game days

>> No.32561849

There's also enhancement, I think. Living weapons can go beyond +15. Dunno how well it stacks up against elemental weapon damage, though.

>> No.32562619

about what?

>> No.32564948

It seems like vorpal works too. Either that or the message log lies. Somewhat makes me regret going long blades for lightsabers instead of axes for chainsaws.

>> No.32565638

just fuse max vopal on your armour

>> No.32569222

Do people actually do that? The sox quest is complete cancer.

>> No.32569343

Just steal soxs from diabolic clowns

>> No.32581307

Only good to raise your home's rank when you have no furnitures at the start.

>> No.32583195

Is DV even good? Seems like the scariest things always ignore it.

>> No.32589973

>be level 66, high fame, almost all my dungeons are level 80+, about to take down meshera
>hunt 5 man eater flowers
Wow fighter's guild is fucking gay.

>> No.32591149

Live! Crawl up!

>> No.32591562

Honestly one of the biggest problems in E+'s extra continents is how irrelevant they are.
>make it an absolute bitch to travel between them
>smaller than north tyris
>less features, no void, no truce ground or prayer festival, no tax embassy, irva doesn't even have guild masters
>progressively fewer quests/shorter main story with each act
I always end up blazing through the story to unlock the AP shop and then promptly end up moving back to north tyris for nefia/void content. The only problem is that fucker Leold.

>> No.32595656

Are the random JP omake forks compatible with oomsest?

>> No.32597630

How the hell do i teach spells to pets? I set use magic dart <= 5 distance, he don't understand. If i change it to ranged attack he use it no problem.

>> No.32598600

Probably engine limitations. It's one thing to had a small bit to the main map(north tyris), but adding a whole new continent might be too much. Also I don't know how you would keep the player from going to the south too soon if it was one big map.
He can always come back and add more feature.
The main thing that bother me with the thing Ano did are those weird "3d" perspective buildings. In North Tyris everything is in a top down view, but you get some weird towers and hangars in Irva and the south.

>> No.32599568

You will always be a little green bitch to them.
Deal with it, little green bitch.

>> No.32601045

Actually the South Tyris version of Yowyn does have a festival. Also, you can Return to the transfer points, I'm not sure why you'd say it's hard to travel between them.

>> No.32604890


Most of the forks based on omake are backwards compatible with vanilla, so you can transfer them around. Some people even managed to transfer their oomsest saves to plus. There may or may not be some glitches though.

>> No.32607225

Wtf there is a small fallen soldier in my putit ranch.
What kind of sick fuck put their dick in a putit then leave their offspring?

>> No.32607721

Why do you think the opposite didn't happen? Puttit's are know for attacking passer-byes.

>> No.32608648

South-north isn't so bad. Having to go through etherwind to go to Irva and two checkpoints to get from north to irva or vice-versa is cancer. If you could pass between all three with return or at minimum could pass between irva and south with return things would be much better. I don't even mind new continents because North gets very boring after a while but there's just too many inconveniences and not enough incentives to using the other maps.

>> No.32609141

God I wish I was raped by a succulent mass of white charisma.

>> No.32609656
File: 4 KB, 129x21, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I like my virgins.

>> No.32611426

>Having to go through etherwind to go to Irva
Only a couple times, then you unlock the North Tyris<->Lost Irva teleport. There's even a food shop on the Lost Irva side, so you might get an herb seed every once in a while.

>> No.32612277

I've never crashed in Elona before, but the recent versions of E+ are some of the most broken shit I've ever played. 2.00fix crash when speaking to Siraha, how the fuck does it crash when it never did that in the past. If Ano is good at one thing it's ruining his own mod be it via shit coding or shit balancing.

>> No.32612286

Fug, I forgot all about that. Larna cathedral blended with the ancient garden in my mind because it's been too long.

>> No.32613295

>be mighty existence capable of making a harem from the entire pantheon
>still expected to pay taxes

>> No.32613297
File: 29 KB, 550x336, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32613333

That's because you're a little bitch afraid of being badmouthed by mouthbreathers.
Embrace the negative karma, and be free.

>> No.32614308

OP here. Enjoy your dying thread, shit eaters. I'm letting you all die. ENJOY ELONA MOBILE FOREVER.

>> No.32614741

No way

>> No.32615162





>> No.32615416

