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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3223594 No.3223594 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished her route (good ending). Do people like her exist in 3d? God, that was awesome.

>> No.3223602

Shallow bitch with no personality whatsoever?

>> No.3223599

>implying there are decent 3D females

>> No.3223608
File: 18 KB, 125x125, 1248055504604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, to bad you NEETS are locked in your rooms playing this to meet any real ones.


>> No.3223615

>implying I was implying anything

>> No.3223619

They're called asperger babies. They're not as fun as this has lead you to believe.

>> No.3223622

>implying you weren't implying anything by asking that question

>> No.3223623

No. There's a reason the galge market exists.

>> No.3223634

Well, darn.

>> No.3223635

hey fags, I will ask in this thread for now rather than creating a new:

is there a way to modifiy the font hack for shuffle? the new font is still to small for me, I have to rest my eyes for the next month so I would love to read Shuffle with a bigger font.

>> No.3223636
File: 799 KB, 320x240, facepalmofdoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop this shit already.

>> No.3223644

Yeah, I guess they exist if you're into the emotionally damaged and abused kind of chick.

>> No.3223640

I concur, shit is annoying.

>> No.3223650

this thread sucks shit through a straw.

>> No.3223651

A weak slut who clings to the first man who looks at her and is capable of providing her a semblance of stability and protection? You mean every woman ever?

>> No.3223652 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 800x600, 1251000405935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3223654

>Implying we are on /v/
Nope, more like the odd combination of an inferiority complex and high amounts of optimism. Aspergers doesn't fit with Aeka

>> No.3223659

I really can't fathom why people like Aeka, sure her route was interesting. But as a character, she has the most shallow and uninspired personality of the three heroines.

>> No.3223661

Who isn't? They'll never betray you, are entirely devoted to you, and won't care what you do because of that.

>> No.3223663

The scene towards the end where she almost gets raped by Gaito but then Kouhei mans the fuck up and saves the day was really good. Stomach was turning at first, but then I just wanted to throw my fist into the air and exclaim FUCK YEAH.

>> No.3223670

I thought it was average personally. Nekoko's was the best personality, and Mizuki's was pretty bland to be honest, though they did have an awesome trip.
Aeka's still my favourite because, and I'm sure many agree with me here, I'd like to feel as if I'm needed in a relationship, and she would need someone.

>> No.3223673 [DELETED] 

It's not so much liking Aeka, it's just like you said. The route was laid out well. Her personality just complimented it.

>> No.3223672

It's all superficial. If that's your thing, fine.
lol fag

>> No.3223674

kill yourself bitter butthurt wannabe normalfagget

>> No.3223671

Itaikena Kanojo ;_;

No. Just no. If you want that, either there is something wrong with you or you haven't really thought it through.

>> No.3223686
File: 35 KB, 402x604, 1245715206036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look! he's enjoying something! what a faggot

>> No.3223689

I was being pretty sick-fuckish on purpose to be honest, /jp/ humour and all. I'd still like to date one though, feelings of protecting someone are heartwarming.

>> No.3223696

I don't see how he's a fag bro, it was a pretty good scene. Crowning moment of awesome for, if it's your first route, a pretty aggravating main character.

>> No.3223699

A one dimensional personality complimenting a pandering route.

>> No.3223706

Well, Itaikena Kanojo was more deviant voyeuristic asshole meets girl who wants to be ordered around by a deviant voyeuristic asshole. The thing is that it has two routes; a 'pure love' route and a 'humiliation' route, but even the 'pure love' route had me raging all the way through it, especially by the ending. Sick, sick game, but oddly compelling. I played the whole thing in one all-nighter.

>> No.3223708


>> No.3223725

>> No.3223730

It's not like caring for a puppy.

>> No.3223737

Yes. Emotionally damaged women can be romantically approached, genuinely loved and are doubly adorable.

Also, when did /jp/ get so normalfag?

>> No.3223746

lol ok. You don't know what the fuck you're getting into.

>> No.3223751

Since when is it normalfag to not like sluts?

>> No.3223752
File: 34 KB, 347x347, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking from experience bro?
>experience with women

>> No.3223754 [DELETED] 

>> No.3223757

You can't understand how people have different tastes than you?

>> No.3223766

Calling everyone everywhere a slut is something /jp/ would do, I was referring to the lack of grammar, /v/ posts and girlfriend implications.

>> No.3223772

>Since when is it normalfag to not like sluts?
Given that 'slut' is and always has been a pretty derogatory term, I think disliking sluts is pretty much as normalfag as you get.
What varies is the threshold of whether a girl is termed a slut or not. Most normalfags would have some level of disapproval for a girl that had sex with a different bloke every second night, but only /jp/ers would call characters like Sakura from Fate/stay Night or Kou from Sengoku Rance sluts.

>> No.3223775

Don't forget the dislike to women mentally disabled enough that liking them technically qualifies as a fetish.

>> No.3223779

Back to /r9k/ faggots.
