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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 430 KB, 1216x1706, Fall Semester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3218333 No.3218333 [Reply] [Original]

Are you attending any classes this fall semester, /jp/?
I hope Mike's gotten past remedial English after all this time.

>> No.3218348

If I can find money for the deposit to register for courses.

>> No.3218370

The guy who made that admitted it was a fake, so yeah.

>> No.3218406

Protip: one of the 'E's in NEET stands for education.

Get out, you normal tripfag.

>> No.3218511

It's almost as if you assume NEETs have ever been a majority on /jp/!

>> No.3218567

/jp/ was never NEET only, there are many here, but not the majority. It was just a running joke.
We have many colleg and University Students here, considering that /jp/ is old /a/, people just got old.

>> No.3218602

>It's almost as if you assume NEETs have ever been a majority on /jp/!
>/jp/ was never NEET only, there are many here, but not the majority. It was just a running joke. We have many colleg and University Students here

This is what normalfags really think. Go back to /r9k/

>> No.3218635

Butthurt NEETfag.

/jp/ isn't some secret 'NEET ONLY' club. Back to your shitty idol threads, please.

>> No.3218647

Yeah. They don't start for over a month though.

>> No.3218672

I actually start tomorrow. Only 2 semesters left.

>> No.3218706

I dropped uni long ago.
Though I'm still registered as a student for tax evasion.

>> No.3218721

Taking speech. Sucks ass so far.

>> No.3218742

>Butthurt NEETfag. /jp/ isn't some secret 'NEET ONLY' club.

u mad, normalfag?

>Back to your shitty idol threads, please.

Way to display your ignorance; all true NEETs hate 3d - the only reason why the drooling, subhuman, slut-loving retards that populate those threads remain here is because they have a janitor on their side. Without that invisible hand guarding them, they would have been driven out of here long ago.

All things in time.

>> No.3218745

Wait out the first week and at least a third of the class will drop.
The class will get smaller and smaller and less and less daunting as the semester goes on.
Speech is the most dropped and retaken course at my university.

>> No.3218754

Jesus Christ guys, stop feeding the incontinent autistics.

>> No.3218760

μπουαχαχαχα ωραίο

>> No.3218769

A true NEET would've known how to take it easy and would not mind no matter what happens. You seem to be yet another so-called 'normalfag' seeking to drive others from your territory.

Repeat it in red! 'I am a NEET by textbook definition!'

>> No.3218781

>NEET calling a normalfag ignorant

I lol'd.

>the only reason why the drooling, subhuman, slut-loving retards that populate those threads remain here is because they have a janitor on their side. Without that invisible hand guarding them, they would have been driven out of here long ago.

Can't argue there, though.

>> No.3218797

>Can't argue there, though.
Cool story newfriend

>> No.3218799

Oh god, you act as if you're proud of it.

Like it or not, normalfags are here to stay. Some of us can enjoy Touhou and VNs without being NEETs.

>> No.3218810

>all true NEETs hate 3d

You best be trolling.

>> No.3218822

>A true NEET would've known how to take it easy and would not mind no matter what happens.

I would do this, except that as of late, we've been menaced by /a/ spam and raids, bawwson/bird, ksdevs + their imitators and immigrants from /r9k/ who think this board is both their blog and pulpit. As I spend all of my waking hours here, I don't see why myself or any other true NEET should simply disregard these metaphorical Four (normalfag) Horsemen.

That said, if you're a normalfag who posts on topic threads, doesn't evangelize or participate in tripfag stupidity, I don't have a problem with you.

>> No.3218824

As long as you don't shit the place up by talking about your social interactions and such I don't care. But unfortunately it does seem normalfags are shit posters.

>> No.3218825

Yeah, of course.

Nothing to discuss, only nice thing is that classes don't begin until late September for me. Then again, it also means that next summer vacation starts late.

>> No.3218831

I don't. I'm just saying that /jp/ isn't NEET-only.

>> No.3218835

... what do you not understand? 3d is pig disgusting, deceitful, inferior and slut by definition; idols in particular are the epitome of these sorts of failings.

Why would anyone other than normalfags and their ill-begotten lot embrace 3d when 2d is immeasurably superior?

>> No.3218837
File: 54 KB, 571x570, cool_story_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3218845

You're right about 3D, but have you ever actually read even a portion of an idol thread?

By textbook definition, those people ARE NEETs. They've just deluded themselves into thinking a bunch of foreign sluts care about them.

>> No.3218857

... we must a different textbook definition then, because as I understand it, any true NEET hates 3d.

>> No.3218879

Butthurt "true NEET" acting as a normalfag and trying to impose his way of life on us.
Face it, /jp/ is offtopic /a/. if it was a board for NEETs it would be named like such.
However, i still think we'd have a board for idols so we can keep /jp/ to 2D only. And those /r9k/ fags should fuck off with their shit, they're the biggest eyesore of this place.

>> No.3218898


>> No.3218968

jesus fuck people, the "true NEET" has been posting this shit in every fucking thread all day. stop feeding him.

>> No.3219065

Normalfag here (Work & Cie)
Honestly talking with actually true ones NEET is just more intersting that talking with 3D pig disgusting slut.

>>3D idols
Why the FUCK should i care about a real woman? Like she'll be useful in any way in my life (... ... .. .. . . . fucking not)

>> No.3219457

I am in teh University and I haven't failed in ages

>> No.3219482

I take piano lessons. Does that count?

>> No.3219505

>if it was a board for NEETs it would be named like such.
Hey.... Hey! Why is there not a board like this? We could discuss how to make our parents stop telling us to get jobs or how to convince our shrinks that we have enough mental issues to deserve welfare. It would be awesome.

>> No.3219512

True NEET here, not only am I not doing anything productive with my worthless life, but I also just pissed all over the floor.

Feels good man.

>> No.3219516

I'm taking Biochemistry this fall. Shit's gonna suck. I'll have to console myself with Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable when it's released next week.

>> No.3219534

Oh yeah, well I just fingered my asshole.
Felt...not really that good, I don't think I can get off on it or something.

>> No.3219537

I graduated.

I miss university. Life was so much easier.

>> No.3219538

Apply for the Pell Grant

I go to school for free and have money left over to spend on figs or whatever. Most of that money I just save thouugh

>> No.3219546

>I'm taking Biochemistry this fall

Do yourself a favor and become a true NEET instead. It'll take more than Fate/Unlimited Codes to dull the pain of that nightmare. It took me every single new dlsite release I could get off of share just to make the pain tolerable.

>> No.3219550

Didn't go to college. I bake cakes for a living. Should I go back to school?

>> No.3219554

Your choice. If you have a solid job, you really don't HAVE to.

>> No.3219570

Is your job secure?
Are you happy with your job?
Does it pay enough to live comfortably?

If you answer no to all, then yes, go back to school.

>> No.3219583

Yes, I'm taking piano and Japanese.

>> No.3219604

I'm a dropout, my hobbies include VNs and beating off.

>> No.3219606

Yes, majoring in accounting.

>> No.3219613


>> No.3219614

Workingfag here.

Let me tell you guys, there is no use in having money if you dont have time to spend it. Enjoy your NEET life while you can. The 3months NEET life I have after I got my degree was the best time in my life.

>> No.3219640

As much as I'd love to be a NEET, that option is not open to me. It's either work part-time and go to class part-time, or work full-time.

At this point, I'm starting to lean towards the latter.

>> No.3219669

High school junior here (underage b& etc).

Taking AP Psych, AP US History, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP English Language and Composition 74, Pre-calculus Honors, and Latin 5.
Shit feels shit, lugged 25 pounds of books home today.

>> No.3219691

Goddamn. I only took 3 AP courses, so I can only begin to understand your pain.

>> No.3219768

Protip: AP courses are what should be taught to high school freshmen, the rest of the world is light years beyond our shit schooling structure

>> No.3219774

I'm taking Intermediate Accounting II, Federal Tax I, Corporate Finance and Economics for Mangers. I can't wait for school. Got a buddy that hit up comiket and I wanna check out his loot.

>> No.3219799

History student here, going to uni in about a week.

>> No.3219871

It's nice to start college with nearly a year's worth of credits though.

>> No.3219945

Do you really think it's worth it slaving 3 years worth of highschool for it though? I remember having to wake up at 4 am on a weekday to do my homework because I didn't have enough time after school to finish it. I wasn't in any clubs either.

>> No.3219968

Get out you fucking normalfags. Enjoy your pig 3D.

>> No.3219977

I hope the underage guy got banned, not just deleted his post.
I took the equivalent IB course load, and probably ruined my back. At least our books were softcover, which meant they fell apart halfway through the year but weighed a few pounds less.

"True NEET" guy, you're so predictable. Couldn't resist the bait, eh?
I bet you go to school, too.

>> No.3219982

I only took AP courses my senior year but they were all pretty easy.

>> No.3220004

I'm taking awesome Hamiltonian mechanics this semester, fuck yeah

>> No.3220174

>all true NEETs hate 3d
Confusing NEET with Hikki, and even then you're confusing that with some sort of imagined set of rules you have for "/jp/ers"
