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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 500x275, JET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3216162 No.3216162 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends,

I'm about to get to work on my application for JET. I'm sure at least some of you have a.) done this before b.) plan to do it in the future c.) know someone who falls under the a. and b. categories.

What has been your experience with it? Do you think there is anything I should know? Feel free to share any stories. Thanks!

>> No.3216173

OP here, never mind. I figured it out.

>> No.3216172

Prepare to get reamed until your ass bleeds. Even if you don't get in.

>> No.3216216


You mean like in the interviews or what? I have a lot of opportunities open to me and if this program is particularly unpleasurable, then I can find something else to do with my time.

Please let me know if it's worth it.

>> No.3216223

Be sure to let them know how much you love children.

>> No.3216225


Come to think of it, that silhouette is really creeepy, in a pedophile kind of way,

>> No.3216227

The discrimination in the application process has intensified over the past few years due to the exorbitant amount of applicants. Then, the discrimination only gets worse once you get to Japan. There are many much easier, better paying alternatives.

>> No.3216255


I see. If you wouldn't mind, could you list a few of these alternatives?

>> No.3216258

I tried it this year, did not even get invited to the interview. Was about to get my B.A. in Japanese studies when I applied for this.
I don't know what kind of people they want for this programme.

Then again, I'm German and there are like 2 positions in whole Japan for German native speaker... Nevertheless, not even being invited to the interview pissed me off.

>> No.3216262

If you're still looking to teach, there are plenty of domestic alternatives that offer comparable or superior pay to what you'd be dealing with in Japan. If you have a degree, then there really isn't any reason to leave your country, especially under a government sponsored and funded recruitment program.

>> No.3216273

I think the point is to travel to Glorious Nippon, not to get a teaching position.

>> No.3216293

Then work, get money, and go there as a vacation.

>> No.3216302


Yeah it's not the teaching that interests me so much....I was just looking for an excuse to improve my Japanese before grad school. Perhaps I should find another way? The kids are probably too genki for me anyway. >_>

>> No.3216309

Maybe an exchange or home-stay program is worth looking into. Or a visa if you're set on getting a job there, though that's more of a hassle than JET.

>> No.3216316


>too genki

Yes...please improve your Japanese. I recommend self study, and there are TONS of resources for this...but to help you out:


If the black guy can do it you can do it too. I personally don't find his method -too- helpful for me, but I can see it applying to others and I don't think it's the worst way to approach learning.

>> No.3216317

Go back to /b/, ignorant normalfaggot. This board is NEET only

>> No.3216321


Did I do something wrong with the "too genki" thing? I was just being colloquial. >_>

Also, I'm a black guy too! :D


>> No.3216324

This isn't /b/, ass. We're a bit more sophisticated.

>> No.3216333


It's just something I would not expect to hear, in fact at first I thought it was incorrect- but technically genki can mean "lively" since one of the kanji in the word IS 気 meaning "Lively/spirit/energy"

But, genki is normally heard more often in a line like 元気ですか? (Are you well?/How are you?)

But, to be honest my Japanese knowledge isn't the best so I couldn't recommend you a different word to use, but I'm sure someone here could.

>> No.3216342

please don`t tell me your name is joeseph james..

>> No.3216356

oh my god ur so nowledgeble and cool o man

>> No.3216363


It isn't, don't worry! Geez, seems there are lots of black dudes with an interest in going to Japan. I was going to eventually make a topic asking how black people are treated in Japan but I could probably just do that here.

>> No.3216364
File: 100 KB, 247x248, 1241119968351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3216369



>> No.3216375

Just like the rest of the foreigners. Not well outside of hubs of commerce, and there still not so much.

>> No.3216457
File: 93 KB, 1440x810, 1246264144977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3216468

You can read about how lovely Japanese kids are here: http://www.gaijinsmash.net/
