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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3195286 No.3195286 [Reply] [Original]

>/jp/ lacks direction and is full of pedophiles.

How does this make you feel? Do you agree with it?

>> No.3195299

Completely accurate.

>> No.3195298

Holy fuck guys I think I just time travelled.

>> No.3195302

Feels old, man.

>> No.3195300

I feel like I've fallen in some sort of time warp.

>> No.3195305

Makes you wonder why /jp/ hasn't been deleted yet.

>> No.3195308

pedophiles in /jp/?
what the fuck take that disgusting shit out of here

>> No.3195328

In b4 japanese pedophile lacking direction

>> No.3195346
File: 152 KB, 784x693, 1249221449485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacks direction? Do any of the boards have a direction as such? But yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.3195356

>implying that /a/ has direction and isn't full of pedophiles.

>> No.3195377

I never understood that post. If we're all pedophiles, wouldn't that mean that /jp/ has some direction (i.e. the love of children)?

>> No.3195385
File: 10 KB, 144x145, 1250240463096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody here implied anything about /a/.

>> No.3195386

Moot did.

>> No.3195395

He didn't imply it, he outright said it.

>> No.3195396

no he didn't, you are just butthurt because of what he said

>> No.3195397


>> No.3195405

/a/ has direction. full of pedophiles? well that's up to debate

also stop being so obviously butthurt

>> No.3195404

Who the hell do you think you are? Some kind of superior authority? Reported.

>> No.3195411
File: 51 KB, 1920x1200, addicted to cp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot is just tsundere.

>> No.3195414

old news is old

>> No.3195416

Better than /a/ - Spam/Random

>> No.3195422


How dare you insult Anony2007!

>> No.3195428

Hey guys look! /a/ is again full of shit and they came to troll us!

>> No.3195442

Reported for report abuse.

>> No.3195452

I bet you saved that from the /a/ vs /jp/ thread just now.

>> No.3195463

It's moot's own fault that Japan/GENERAL lacks direction. He should have come up with better guidelines than "all things Japanese welcome!"

>> No.3195470

reported again!

>> No.3195480

I was there when moot made that post and I still don't get it.

>lacks direction
Better than having a direction and completely losing track of it, amirite? Too bad the ronery threads on /a/ still flourish, as well as the /b/-esque offtopic threads which should be non-existent due to the creation of /jp/. Ah, well のヮの

>full of pedophiles
And what's with this sudden problem 4chan has with pedophilia? Anonymous used to be pedo by default.

>> No.3195501

Moralfags, Agnes and EN

>> No.3195512

Moot can go suck a cock

>> No.3195534

It's an otaku board. That's enough direction.

>> No.3195538


>> No.3195535
File: 237 KB, 424x468, 1250800897810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3195548

Reporting for agreeing with a statement made by moot?
You sure didn't think that one through, did you, Anonymous2007?

Besides, it is true. /jp/ does indeed lack direction, and is indeed full of pedophiles. It's a simple, true statement, and there's no reason to take offense to it.

>> No.3195551

moot hates /jp/ because few here suck his cock when he shows up, unlike /a/.

>> No.3195559

I was bored and just kidding there.....

>> No.3195562

uh I have direction, specifically, directions to the nearest preschool.

durr hurr.

>> No.3195573


Don't mind Jonesy. He's always quite serious.

Your posts are much better than his anyways.

>> No.3195577

herpa derpa!

>> No.3195578

moot hasn't been here since the creation of /jp/
moot is a god now? Also being a terrible tripfag is enough reason for someone to report you.

>> No.3195588

Why thank you zunbar!


>> No.3195603

moot is tsundere for /jp/

>> No.3195617

What about the threadban when no one came to his offline meet in Japan?

>> No.3195620

link to archive

>> No.3195630

>/jp/ lacks direction
What does this even mean?
No seriously, what the hell is this supposed to mean?
The nearest thing I can think of is that he doesn' like how /jp/ mostly talks about touhou and VNs, with more recent ones tending to get talked about more.

If that's the case then how is it any worse than how people in /a/ talk about the latest shounen shitburger?

>full of pedophiles
See: Every board on 4chan - especially /a/

>> No.3195655

Can you imagine /a/ being loaded with all the /jp/ bullshit along with its current load of bullshit if /jp/ was dissolved? That's way too much fucking bullshit for one board to handle.

>> No.3195660

Link to said thread.
I wanna laugh at the /a/ faggots defending their board.

>> No.3195666


>> No.3195670


What are you talking about.
We would made /a/ be condensed again and there wouldnt be any shounen dicsussion/

>> No.3195673

That's why the split happened in the first place, which is why even though /jp/ isn't a board moot cares much about, it hasn't been deleted.

>> No.3195696

>moot hasn't been here since the creation of /jp/

Moot was here at least once, to see if people were interested in meeting him when he traveled to Japan. He failed miserably, no one went to see him.

>> No.3195699
File: 80 KB, 605x800, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is filled with dirty, disgusting, pedophile bastards.

>> No.3195703



>> No.3195711

whats that guy's website?

>> No.3195712

He is right on the janitor part, Isn't a single one of you fuckers I'd like to see as a janitor. EVERY thread gets reported so whoever gets picked is gonna be biased towards someone

>> No.3195718



>> No.3195723

Better than janitor that constantly sleeps.

>> No.3195726

Why bro? I'd just get rid of Dawson, spam, and occasional /a/&/v/ threads.

>> No.3195730

why do today what you can put off till tomorrow
