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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3182025 No.3182025 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else playing 'dark' eroges? I played CrimeRhyme 3 by FlyingShine Dark and I'm now depressed. I put dark in quotes because it really isn't that dark, only gangbangs and rape with no /d/ stuff. I don't think darktranslation's would find this acceptable for example.

Basically there's two heroines. The one on the far right(Kaede) and the one on the middle of the pic.Both are in love with the protagonist. I only played the route where you picked the girl in the middle (Shion), here's what happened:

Not only did Kaede got repeatedly raped and gangbanged day by day, the blackmailers showed her pics of the protagonist and Shion being together and mocked her. They told her that if she requested, they would rape and gangbang Shion and let her go. She never did. No matter what they did they couldn't force her to say it. They asked why she's being stubborn. She answered that someone(the protagonist) would be sad if something happened to Shion. She then reiterated to never lay their hands on Shion. The next day she cut off her long hair as a sign of her resistance. She gathered evidence and sent it to the police, the police then arrived and arrested everyone involved. Good end? Sadly no. On the outside everyone cheered on her admiring her bravery but on the inside everyone grew distant to her with the school expelling her because they wanted to erase the incident. Her family also got gloomy whenever she's around. Being tired of it all she walked around downtown until she got nabbed by the yakuza. The yakuza turned her into their sex slave, made her into a star of numerous AVs and prostituted her. End shot of her being covered in semen with the a yakuza member asking her if she's happy. She replied in a sad voice and tears in her eyes that she's 'happy'. Credits roll.

And then they showed the protagonist and Shion having a child and living a happy life.

>> No.3182030

This is what happens to all the heroines you don't pick in an eroge.

>> No.3182031

Whee, deus ex machina despair.

>> No.3182033

so do people play these to make themselves angry?

>> No.3182042

it's a form of entertainment
& people need to be disillusioned sometimes

>> No.3182062

oh wow

>> No.3182070

I'm pretty sure I'd just end up getting pissed off beyond belief and ragequitting.
Then I'd punch a wall.

>> No.3182086

heh nice

bitch got what she deserved for not dieing in the womb.

>> No.3182092

Kaede sounds like a true bro.

>> No.3182095

where can I get this?

>> No.3182098

i've always wanted to play some flyingshine games since the art looks great, but i guess i'll have to learn japanese to do that since nobody has any intentions of translating it for me

>> No.3182102

The police were finally involved for once? That's what I always thought was stupid about these stories, there's all this awful stuff happening with massive amounts of evidence littered everywhere and nobody ever thinks of going to the police.

>> No.3182110

omg it's games like this that depress me.... I'd have to pick kaede because I can't stand for something like that to happen to someone I presumably would've grown attached to.

>> No.3182112

What happens on Kaede's route?

>> No.3182120

Guess what happens to Shion if you pick Kaede?

>> No.3182124

Angry? I got depressed as hell.
I didn't know it has a story like, I only played it because the art looks nice and fappable. The production value is also pretty high, it has 4 OP movies and 2 vocal theme songs.

The story is pretty good too and the characters are likeable, I ended up playing that whole route in one sitting. The first part of the game is composed of love triangle drama (and is pretty well done) and has none of the rape and stuff.

It also looks like there's more to it than that since the main character keeps getting headaches and deja vus during the first part of the game. (He finally collaped and became bedridden during the second part of the game.)

>> No.3182126

Pretty sure any attempt at translating ended up with translators ragequitting.

That said while reading the spoiler tags I popped a blood vessel in my left eye.

I'm going to make a nice sandwich then lie down for a bit.

>> No.3182141

Still haven't played her route, actually I'm too afraid to play it now.

Yeah, I was like FUCK YEAH during that scene thinking it be good end for once. But then the stupid story continued and showed the sad outcome.

>> No.3182153

why so mad?isnt the whole purpose of these characters are to fuck the protagonist.that exactly what would happen when they dont fuck the protagonist.

>> No.3182155


after going through the kaede route of Shuffle, This seems like a fitting end for her.

>> No.3182158
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Anonymous was made of rape and mindfuck.

>> No.3182186

Until i saw
>The next day she cut off her long hair as a sign of her resistance
i felt quite good about it. Not anymore.

>> No.3182190


What really gets to me is that they just had to show the main protagonist and Shion living a happy life. Contrasted with Kaede's outcome, they're worlds apart. ;_;

>> No.3182220
File: 34 KB, 690x656, 1243888861338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the 2nd one from the right is mai waifu

>> No.3182231

which of those files is it?

>> No.3182239

Wow. I don't think I could have read the whole thing. I'd just have that guilty feeling. And possibly a boner, with a huge amount of self-loathing to follow afterward.

>> No.3182264

(18禁ゲーム)[061222]クライミライ3 DVD-ROM版(iso+mds)

Actually I don't know if you should play that first since it's the 3rd part of the series. I only played it cause it's the first one that finished downloading first. They introduced the characters properly but there are some things that are unexplained like the main character getting constant headaches and deja vus.

>> No.3182272

Sounds hot

>> No.3182275

Thanks Anon.

>> No.3182459

I'll just add, Shion and Kaede are best friends with each other. During the part where the blackmailers showed Kaede the pics of the protagonist and Shion going out, she doesn't know it yet. Imagine how much of a mind hit it is to see your best friend and the one you love being together while you here are suffering and being raped by countless of men alone. Then being told that they'd set you free and rape her instead if you so wish. The blackmailers thought they could use it to break her mind. Normally people would just agree but she did not. She sacrificed herself so the two of them could be happy. It had the opposite effect, her defiance grew large enough to ignore the shame of it going public and went to the police. In the end she lost everything while Shion gained everything. ;_;

I guess I'll play Kaede's route now.

>> No.3182591


do you unlock the other girl's routs after you do the main two?

more specifically, does the girl 3rd from the left have a route somewhere?

>> No.3182698

I honestly don't know. That pic is from CrimeRhyme 1 which I haven't played. I'm not even sure if she appeared in CrimeRhyme 3.

>> No.3183817

So I'm playing Kaede's route now. Shion just got raped, but by different group of people that raped Kaede during Shion's route. This group seems more experienced, they drugged their victims. Their leader is also a girl. (The girl on the left. She also has a sad backstory but fuck that.)

>> No.3183858

Man, sometimes I'm really sad about my journey through manga, anime and visual novels. Really sad.

>> No.3183881

Same, OP.
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>> No.3184504

b ump

>> No.3184527

I've not reached that point yet.

Maybe when they bring out "Concrete Girl: The VN"

>> No.3184562

is there a hcg set?

>> No.3184586


Easiest place to look for hcgs is e-hentai.

>> No.3184595

>credit system

>> No.3184612


I said easier, not most logical. It only matters if you plan on downloading the sets, and I hardly ever do that.

>> No.3184628

you aren't a ... collector? damn, thought that collecting this is common sense.

>> No.3184645


I rather get the games instead of just CGsets.

>> No.3184739

Kurai Mirai
Pitch Black Future ?
Ugh, my moon is weak, but if that's the title, you can't expect good ends.

>> No.3185140

Fuck, finished Kaede's route. Here's what happened:
Like what happened to Kaede on her route, Shion got raped and gangbanged. The one who did her is a different group though. It's a club uses various aromatheraphy and drugs to numb and heighten the victim's senses. Of course she tried to find a way to escape and snooped around their computer files. She discovered that this club have been doing this since the founding of the school 15 years ago and have clouts with the school administrations and even the police, which sent her into despair. Fortunately or rather unfortunately, various people started to notice something's wrong with her and tried to investigate. One of them figured almost everything out but she made the mistake of talking with the leader of the club thinking she doesn't know anything since shes female (2nd to the left of OP pic). Anyway practically all of the females got captured in this route (except Kaede).

>> No.3185143

The rape and gangbang continued on with the girls. One day after school they forced Shion to have sex with them in the protagonist' bedroom. They mocked her that she better satisfy them soon before the protagonist arrived home. Since she doesn't want the protagonist's impression of her to change she did her best and managed to successfully do so. The boys then left. She then cleaned the room and fixed something up for the protagonist to eat and waited for him. During the evening, the protagonist arrived ... with Kaede. He's then asked what Shion was doing here and noticed something stinks. Kaede tried to ask Shion but she preemptively denied it and left immediately. She realized that the protagonist and Kaede are going out now. Fast forward a few months later with an obviously broken and pregnant Shion. The club threw her away and she was then picked up as a sex slave by someone. Fast forward years later. This certain someone is shown having sex with a very lewd sex slave. A very lewd Shion then comes along and it was revealed that she's her daughter. They're now both sex slave of the man that picked her up. Credits roll.
And then they showed the protagonist and Kaede living a happy life as a normal married couple.

>> No.3185195

yeah, thats alot of outcome

also FUCK I raged and had a guilty hard on at the same time.

>> No.3185204
File: 108 KB, 800x600, KR_P17040624S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it is read as CrimeRhyme, practically everything ingame romanized it like that.

>> No.3185206

Why am I wanting to be that man? ;_;

>> No.3185209

You should pick the girl you want, and stop caring about the rest.

This is training for marriage, unless you live in the Middle East.

>> No.3185238

You mean you want to pick up a pregnant used goods and raised her daughter to be your sex slave?

>> No.3185267

/jp/ - rape/general

I liked where this was going.

>> No.3185277

Natural selection.
Old sex slave is replaced by younger model.

>> No.3185278

There's probably another route left, I'm still missing tons of cgs. The walkthrough I found looks inaccurate, it showed tons of choices I didn't encountered ingame.

>> No.3185310
File: 760 KB, 800x600, tuto03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my rape games with gameplay!

>> No.3185317

>CrimeRhyme 3

fapped furiously to CrimeRhyme 1
HCGs of 2&3 where?

>> No.3185323

did you play it with moon skills or atlas?

>> No.3185326


nazuna . . .never heard that name before

>> No.3185363


Stop teasing us with a screenshot and no name.

>> No.3185367
File: 798 KB, 800x600, v006e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3185373 [DELETED] 

Have you tried Google?
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>> No.3185374

Sorry can`t say it right now!

>> No.3185400
File: 51 KB, 192x160, v216a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source is でぼの巣製作所] 神楽道中記

>> No.3185411

>> No.3185416


>> No.3185419

ATLAS + mediocre knowledge of Japanese. I only know the kanas and a couple of kanjis like watashi.
Translator Aggregator with JParser and MeCab is indispensable to me.

>> No.3185425

Not romantic.

>> No.3185436

Holy fuck, I don't remember seeing these 2. Are these from CrimeRhyme 3?

>> No.3185441

what's the name of the 2nd girl from the right?

>> No.3185444

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.3185453

Just look how happy they are! How can this be romantic?

>> No.3185456

yes, there are serveral more including wierd shit like a succubus and god knows what else

>> No.3185494

I want more route explanations

>> No.3185502


Seriously, what is this?

>> No.3185511

Romantic=Unhappy, Raped=Happy?

>> No.3185515


>> No.3185522

Amami Karin - classmate of the protagonist with a similar personality as him. Aloof and has a nonchalant way of speaking. She's also a member of the aromatherapy club that raped Shion, but only in name - she never attended. She ended up being raped by them too. I think she's also blood related to the protagonist. You also get to fuck her.

>> No.3185524


In a sickening way, so do I, even though I feel like dying after reading the first one. (second one was more vague at least)

>> No.3185537

thanks, i came
>blood related
fuck yeah

>> No.3185689

Maybe later, my internet is acting up right now.

>> No.3186489


bump because page 5

>> No.3186764

Actually, this sounds lot worse than much of the DT stuff in my opinion. It might be worth a try to get them to translate it.

>> No.3188114

It's called RAGEFAP.

it's the angrysex of masturbation.

except, instead of a feeling of satisfaction and freedom after the deed, there is only disgust, self loathing, and a growing feeling of despair...

>> No.3188153 [DELETED] 

Is this really the quality of discussion that we want here?
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>> No.3188160


fuck yes it is.

>> No.3188185

the perfect recipe to induce you to stay alone and buy more VNs.

>> No.3188212
File: 52 KB, 800x600, b877fa4539f5fa47c2f7a620c53b5dd0fd023f1e-53294-800-600-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try Materinty Insult, ive never fapped harder. you hate your mother cause she left ten years ago, then she comes back. so you rape her and get her pregnant

>> No.3189053

Sorry about that, went to sleep. Writing now.

No, it's (tons of) guilt from picking a heroine. You're not the one doing the raping in this game.

But hey I prefer this over NTR. At least the heroine being raped isn't the one you picked.

>> No.3189577
File: 82 KB, 780x450, ch_masak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aida Masaki

The protagonist of the game and the unwitting chairman of the newspaper club. Also the childhood friend of Shion. Has a laid back and easygoing personality. Contrary to his personality he's also quite sharp. Also likes to flirt with girls, a lot. But for one reason or another, he keeps turning down both romantic and sexual advances toward him.

During the game, he keeps babbling stuff about multiple worlds and experiences increasingly constant headaches and deja vus. It finally got him bedridden during the 2nd part of the game.

Kinda looks like an antagonist doesn't he? When I first played the game I thought he's the mastermind of all the shit that happened. Doesn't help that all his sprite are like that with a sinister smile, sinister grin, etc.

>> No.3189819
File: 109 KB, 780x450, ch_shion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shizutani Shion

Childhood friend and classmate of Masaki. Calls Masaki Maa and is in love with him. Unfortunately he seems oblivious to it or so she thought. In truth the Masaki chose to ignore everyone's advances towards him including Shion. She's also the school idol and get tons of proposal but always turns them down. Best friend with Kaede since 1st year after Kaede tried to save her from thugs. (She failed but Masaki then saved both of them.)

During the game she gets increasingly jealous with all the girls surrounding Masaki and the fact that he flirts with everyone except her. She starts to think that perhaps Masaki hates her and gets increasingly depressed.

I fapped to her hscenes the most.

>> No.3189932
File: 122 KB, 780x450, ch_kaede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koume Kaede

Classmate of Masaki and Shion. Also a member of the newspaper club and best friend of Shion. Because of her height she's been bullied during her childhood. Because of that she accepted the fact that she'll be alone during the rest of high school. Fortunately for her she became friends with Shion and Masaki after she saved Shion from a couple of thugs that are are trying to pick her up.

During the game she falls in love with Masaki. She starts feeling guilt over the fact that she fell in love with the man her bestfriend loved and inferiority over the fact that she can't compete against Shion.

>> No.3189948

>During the game, he keeps babbling stuff about multiple worlds and experiences increasingly constant headaches and deja vus.
More info on this?

>> No.3189963

>Because of her height

Too tall or too short?

>> No.3190016
File: 95 KB, 780x450, ch_hinok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yatsuka Hinoki

The last member of the newspaper club. Acts frank and emotionless. In reality she just have an extremely good poker face. She's also extremely sharp and can pick subtle hints easily. Also very knowledgeable about computers and is the one in charge of creating reports for the newspaper club.

>> No.3190082

Is there a route where you willing join in the gangbangings? Or is this a rage game through and through?

>> No.3190083

Too tall, look in the OP pic (far right).

It didn't get explained upon, maybe it was explained in CrimeRhyme 1,2 or 4.

He's mostly whining that he feels like he's trapped in an endless loop. And saying stuff like "I think therefore I am" and "Am I a butterfly dreaming I am a person? Or a person dreaming I am a butterfly?".

Well there was a detailed dream where he almost get hit by a car but was saved by a girl that looks like similar to the girl on the far left of the OP pic. It was never explained though. That girl never appeared ingame.

My theory is that he might be similar to Blick Winkel that lost his memories. Or maybe he's in a coma and dreaming all this shit up. Or maybe something like Higurashi.

>> No.3190098

Well that's dissapointing. Time Loop/Deja Vu stories are among my favorite type.

>> No.3190142


It's Natsuhi's personal hell after the first episode.

>> No.3190147
File: 136 KB, 780x450, ch_natum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yanahara Natsume

Childhood friend of Masaki and Shion. Acts as a big sister to both of them. She also acts like a delinquent but is innocent on the inside.

>> No.3190221
File: 115 KB, 780x450, ch_mizuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A teacher at the school. Since she went to an all-girls school she doesn't know how to interact with males and has androphobia. She's also airheaded and easily persuaded, the rest of the faculty tends to pass their responsibility to her (patrolling and stuff). Solicited the protagonist to help her with her androphobia.

Try playing the other games in the series, I only played 3.

I dunno but seeing as there's >>3185411>>3185416 which I never saw ingame there might be one.

>> No.3190292
File: 136 KB, 780x450, ch_karin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amami Karin

Classmate of the protagonist. Member of the aromatheraphy club but only in name. Has the same personality as the protagonist, laid back and easygoing but sharp. Met the protagonist while he was trying to escape Sumire's sexual advances by trying to hide inside a locker. Unfortunately she's inside the locker too, trying to pass time inside it.

>> No.3190482

why cant good shit like this ever get translated

>> No.3190493

>he was trying to escape Sumire's sexual advances by trying to hide inside a locker. Unfortunately she's inside the locker too, trying to pass time inside it.
How did this end?

>> No.3190495


on the bright side, once a team gets together and translates one, chances are they'll translate the other two shortly after.

>> No.3190511

The locker gets raped.

>> No.3190526

That's quite odd. VNDB doesn't have any of these titles listed.

>> No.3190554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190558 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190563 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190567 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190573 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190578

now i remember why i haven't fapped to these HCGs
censored to hell
a shame since the art is fantastic

>> No.3190576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190584 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190593 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190597 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190601

More information on what happened here please, since they seem to love old mens cock

Who is this? looks pretty hot.

>> No.3190688

This thread makes me want to suck dicks, badly.

>> No.3190893


>> No.3190962
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Sorry my internet connection suddenly went down.

Depends on you, you can either run away or stay in the locker room and have sex with her. (She's the only girl ingame where the protagonist didn't outright tried to escape her sexual advances. Even the two main heroines had to practically rape him during their route.)

She meshes and gets along with the protagonist really well. It's been hinted that she's blood related to the protagonist, possibly same mothers.

She also looks like the main heroine of Crime Rhyme 4 so maybe it's expanded there.

To be honest she's my favorite character ingame.

>> No.3190969
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A friend of the protagonist and has a crush on Kaede. He's not really important ingame except during one scene.

Now onto the antagonists.

>> No.3190983

Are there only two routes in this game?

>> No.3191044
File: 101 KB, 780x450, ch_suira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chayamachi Suiran

The chairman of the Photography club. He comes from a rich family. Is on friendly terms with the protagonist. He also has a crush on Shion and considers the protagonist as his rival which made him act somewhat like a flashy idiot around the him.

In reality the photography club is one of the club that rapes students. Their modus involves asking females to 'model' in their dark room. (Which is a bed with multiple cameras.) Or they stalk their targets and collects embarrassing pictures with which to blackmail them.

He also barely appeared ingame.

>> No.3191077

oh god why is she so hot?

>> No.3191108
File: 115 KB, 780x450, ch_ayame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A member of the photography club and the one that's running the show. Treats the photography members as pigs and hates men. Has a severe hatred for Shion because she's popular and happy.

She's also the half sister of Chayamachi. Her mother is a sex slave of Chayamachi's father. While she was young she accidentally eavesdropped on her mother and father that he wants to train her as a sex slave and with her mother agreeing. She was then raised as a sex slave too and hated her mother for it. Since then she hated everyone that's happy.

Acts cute and innocent around other people and mistook Shion as the protagonist's sex slave.

>> No.3191211
File: 92 KB, 780x450, ch_sumir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nariwa Sumire

Chairman of the Aromatheraphy club. She's been rumored and does sleeps around with freshmen. A slut. Flirts with the protagonist a lot, he flirts back but always manage to escape before it escalates.

The aromatheraphy club sells oils and is quite popular with a lot of girls visiting it. Most of the members are men. Their clubroom looks like an abandoned classroom.

In truth the club rapes the girls that visits them. They uses scents and drugs to make their victim complicit. Compared to the photography club they're much more complex, with contacts within the school administration and even the police. They've also been doing it since the foundation of the school. Since their current leader is a girl they no troubles attracting victims, which go to them for consultation.

>> No.3191217


Thank you! Honestly.

>> No.3191262


She's also fond Kaede since she sees her past self in her.

During the past she has a bestfriend. That girl has a childhood friend that she falls in love in. Unfortunately she also fell in love with the guy. Guilt notwithstanding she confessed. The guy accepted and they started going out. They agreed to keep it a secret to that girl. It didn't last. That guy was two-timing both of them. That girl was shocked and angry and blamed everything on her. She bullied her, spread rumors that she's a slut. She's now alone. That girl is now with that guy alone. Unfortunately that guy made her a sex slave and prostituted her body to old men. She hated it, but what can she do? She loved that guy. It turned out that life is not fair, that guy loved someone else and it's her bestfriend. She tried to kill both of them, she called them both to the rooftop. She killed the guy. She couldn't do her bestfriend. She jumped instead.

And alone is the bestfriend that's now disillusioned by love.

>> No.3191274

I think there's another route, I'm still missing tons of cgs and scenes (around 40%) but I don't know how to get to it. (The walkthrough I found is somewhat inaccurate.)

>> No.3191347

I'll continue to the route explanations later.

>> No.3191714

Damn, I'm really tempted to get this. On one hand, it's a change from the generic run of the mill happy jun'ai eroge, but on the other hand I'm probably going to get depressed a lot.

>> No.3191747

I download some dark eroge, but I really hate the concept. I'm not even sure what kind of dark eroges I'm hoping for.

Probably more of the childish type. Like finding a murdered fat old guy and being chased by maffia but everyone of the good guys get away without any harm.

>> No.3192453


>> No.3193033

Do you know if the protagonist is the same in all 4? games?

>> No.3193732
File: 563 KB, 800x3000, cr3_prologue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game starts with the protagonist, Masaki being dragged to the newspaper club by Kaede and Hinoki. He was then

forced to attend the meeting. Being bored, he decides to run away with Kaede and later Shion chasing him. He ran

around the school and trying to find a hiding spot. Inside the pool he found Nariwa-senpai waiting for someone, tired of

waiting she tried to seduce Masaki. Masaki shrugged her off and decided to hide in the locker room. Unfortunately she

decided to change her clothes and started to go to the locker room. Masaki realized this and jumped into the nearest

locker to hide. Inside the same locker is Amami Karin passing time because she has nothing else to do. He tried to

leave unfortunately the boys Nariwa is waiting for finally arrived and they started having sex in the locker room. He had

no choice but to wait until Nariwa and the boys to leave. (You're given the option to have sex with Amami here.)

>> No.3193743

He then moved to the backyard, in there she found Natsume smoking a cigarette. Unfortunately they were found by Mitsuki-sensei and started to ask questions. Masaki managed to deceive her by saying its chocolate. Seeing a close call Natsume left. While alone Masaki tried to flirt with the teacher. She then revealed that she went to an all-girls school and doesn't know how to communicate with boys. Masaki gave her some advice and left. He then went to an unused storage room. While inside the storage room he found a girl in a cosplay. She then asked if he's a new recruit and if she's supposed to 'service' them one-by-one today. Realizing he shouldn't be here he gave a random excuse and left. (You can also stick for a little while and she gives you a footjob.) He then went to the rooftop. In the rooftop he found Seri alone. After some random smalltalk Chayamachi soon came and captured him. Chayamachi then dragged you to the girls to get into Shion's good side. As a punishment the girls forced Masaki to treat them. It's then decided that a scoop is needed. Masaki decides to investigate the school on sunday and picks a heroine to go with him. This choice locks you into a route and starts a cascading effect resulting in the rape of the heroine you didn't pick. OP Movie plays. (There's 4 variation of it, 2 for each route.)

WTF Opera's adding random linebreaks during copy&paste.

>> No.3193846

Same protagonist but it's has a different system. I don't think there are choices in the first two games.


The first two games has a game time of one week. Basically you go around repeating the same week but from the perspective of different characters each. Viewing all the viewpoints of a character unlocks a different character. I haven't really read it yet so I don't know what the story is about.

>> No.3193870

Whats a demon girl doing there?

>> No.3194145
File: 100 KB, 800x600, crimerhyme000011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Ayame (>>3191108) in a cosplay.

If you picked Shion, Masaki and her then walked around the campus (with her proclaming it's a date) discovering nothing. In the end Masaki called it a day and decided to go home. Disappointed, Shion insisted on visiting his house to clean and fix him food. They went home and Shion started cleaning the house. He decided to take a bath while she's cleaning. After she went out of the bath he returned to his room and was surprised to see Shion sleeping on his bed.

>> No.3194220

That could be what is being referenced with the deja vu and headache stuff.
