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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3171271 No.3171271 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be the little girl /jp/. You know you want to be an Imouto.

I need some people to play with, else it'll be another lonely night slaving away at tailoring and weaving.

>> No.3171282

They're called Online Ronery Games for a reason!

>> No.3171279

But...Alexina is so boring.

>> No.3171283

What's the /jp/ guild nowadays? And I'm not even on alexina.

>> No.3171294


>> No.3171319

So is everyone playing on Mari then?

>> No.3171330

I am. But I'm not even in Derp, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.3171339


I thought we already finished playing this trash.

>> No.3171537

Obviously not.

>> No.3171721

Tell me of a reliable proxy and I might consider joining again.

>> No.3171739

Mabinogi sucks.

>> No.3172144

You need a proxy to play? You must live outside NA then?

>> No.3173393
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Imperium if you're on Ruairi.

>> No.3173432

Mari is the best server, but all the guilds that are known for being /jp/ or anon in general just have members that memespout and generally act like /b/ fags - so i'd advise against joining them simply because of faggotry levels.

>> No.3174232

Mari: most densely populated server. Highest of concentration of narutards and underage, though most of /jp/ present yet as Currybutt said, most are memespewers.
Ruairi: Healthy amount of /jp/ present, but with powerlevels so supressed you'd have to know someone.
Tarlach: Like 2 people from /jp/.
Alexina: If there's anyone besides OP here I'll be surprised.

>> No.3174299

Which is exactly why I was not in Hotglue and will never be in Derp.
I respect the bros that continued to play after 75% left, but I don't want to be caught dead around them.
I am really fucking glad Xeraph quit though, he's the biggest prick I've ever had the torture of dealing with.
I think Poptarts is a pretty cool guy, eh curses at GMs and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.3174383

Europe here, try using AOL.

>> No.3174417

This game looks interesting and if there is a /jp/ guild I'm in. What do I have to do?

>> No.3174426

Sell your soul to nexon.

>> No.3174423

>Hate Derp because of memes
>Uses a stupid fucking dead meme in their post

>> No.3174438

I don't know about an anon guild.
Kinda creeps me out to see the generic 4channer behavior outside of here...

>> No.3174444

I guess you missed the irony and sarcasm in that post, as Poptarts is an asshole as well.

>> No.3174461

I'm on Alexina. My name is iive.

>> No.3174477

Oh wait, theres maintenance. Can't play lol.

>> No.3174488

Well, it's actually a patch. A four hour patch for 3 new pets and 2 new cash shop items.
Nexon's incompetence astounds me.

>> No.3174497


Oh, cool. Are you OP? Can i add you as a friend?

Feeling kind of lonely in Alexina ;_;

>> No.3174508

Fag, broadventures are awesome.

>> No.3174514

No, I'm the Marifaggot that spends way too much time and money on this damn game.

>> No.3174526

Which server should I start on, and who wants to be my fwend?

>> No.3174531


Oh.. Aw.. Alexina sucks... I have to reset my damn skills everytime I log on, and I can't level up to 30 or Nao will stop showing up to help me ;_;.. Can't even rebirth without buying a prem card to look the same.

>> No.3174533

I can understand why weeaboos do most of the things that they do. MMO's are even more of a "waste" of time than watching anime, playing games and such. There is no redeeming factor other than the social aspect I suppose. Not as if you are trying to push through a storyline.

>> No.3174554

Any server but Tarlach. Tarlach is full of faggots.
They STILL haven't fixed that?
And they spend their money on Hackshield Pro to block the modding community?

>> No.3174570

See >>3174232

But if you can't decide based on the descriptions just go with Ruairi.

>> No.3174614

Mari: full of drama. Highest population from /jp/. Best suited for trolls. I play there and enjoy it.
Tarlach: no self-respecting /jp/er would play on this server.
Ruairi: kind of boring, good luck finding people from /jp/.
Alexina: suicide if you don't already know how to play, no one is there to help you learn the game and you'll quit in a week.

>> No.3174627
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Did you say... drama ?

>> No.3174637

This download button is broken, I am already disappoint

>> No.3174655

Guild drama and pvp drama are very entertaining, as they are both serious business. Ragelogging is very common.

>> No.3174672


>> No.3174695

This game better not totally suck, I can deal with a grindfest, (I played Ragnarok) but the rest of the game I hope is good.

>> No.3174712

Whether it sucks or not is up to you. All I can say is that it is very, very different.

>> No.3174885
File: 275 KB, 1272x762, mabinogi_2009_08_18_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and I forgot to mention that if anyone who quit is planning on coming back, a good way to make the game less boring is to do some modding, such as changing transformation sprites and clothing to more interesting ones.

>> No.3174978


>pretending that this game is not just another cash-hungry MMO grindfest

How about

no ?

>> No.3175371

I haven't played this grindfest since May 2008.
Give me a tl;dr update.

>> No.3175393

i tried to play it long time ago but this is not for european so fuck this shit

>> No.3176248 [DELETED] 

That's not what I was implying, asshole.

New races, new pets, new areas, new items, new dungeons, new skills, and no more skill caps (mostly).

>> No.3176255

where do i download this game

>> No.3176264

That's not what I was implying, asshole.

New races, new pets, new areas, new items, new dungeons, new skills, and no more skill caps (mostly).

>> No.3176265

You can rebirth for free.

>> No.3176322

Care to show how or do you have links?

>> No.3176335

Can euro fags play this yet or are we still IP blocked?

>> No.3176587
File: 197 KB, 425x490, 2ofus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alexina: If there's anyone besides OP here I'll be surprised

There are two of us, actually.

>> No.3177014

Gotta register though.

Still blocked.

>> No.3177673

Oh my gawd, I did not EVEN know it was possible to freeze that bad.


>> No.3177845

Yes, stay away from Derp. I do not want you weeaboo nerds in my guild.

>> No.3177886
File: 844 KB, 1920x1200, mabinogi_2009_08_19_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rafting Event sure is popular.

>> No.3177901

wtf sort of thing is thait shite eih?

is at a GAEM? wth

>> No.3177950

man, i played the beta for this game. Then i played the real version for like a week. Once i left the starting town it was really boring.

>> No.3178326

>weeaboo nerds

Back to /a/ please.

>> No.3178397

Got sick of paying to be the little girl and grinding on that shitty interface. Find me a better dressup game.

>> No.3178452

Hello Kitty Online.

>> No.3178455

I hate MMORPGs.
They're nothing but a balance between GRINDAN and hanging with friends.
But I'm so socially awkward that I can't even make online friends.
So it's nothing but grindan by farming monsters, alone.
Or setting up a shop and selling goods alone because I can't join a guild and sell to them.
Or wandering to another town/area because I got bored of constantly grinding in the same place.

I am always alone.

>> No.3178467

I don't want to get ganked by BoB. They run that one now.

>> No.3178483


>> No.3178484


I feel the same way, except I've found a guild somehow. Still, not many people who would rather group than solo.

>> No.3178510

DFO is leagues superior.

Hell, MS is superior.

>> No.3178528
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>Implying MapleStory is superior to anything

>> No.3178584
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Here you go.

>> No.3178609

Could someone help me please? I don't live in NA so I had to use this program to hide my IP while I open the game, as I originally had an error telling me that the game was for Americans only. Now I get an error saying that the server is out of reach, I've done some research about it and most people say to check if you have any firewalls blocking the game, which I don't. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is? Thanks.
