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File: 134 KB, 754x1071, 286837b29a2052b9391c49ae35bcf571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31677601 No.31677601 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:
Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links(keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a (embed) (embed)
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF (embed) (embed)

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Old thread: >>31503055

>> No.31677691

I want a doll. Not a dismembered kid

>> No.31677958

I want a dakimakura for non-lewd sleep cuddles. Thing is, I don't have a waifu. How do I choose a cover?

>> No.31678123
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Go to somewhere like cuddly octopus and get a few for random girls you like and swap around like the slut you are. It's fun.

Unfortunately Daki's fucking suck to sleep with. They are massive and take up way to much room

>> No.31679526

is there any hips/torso/doll/whatever that allows using your own hole? larger, softer ones in particular

>> No.31679595

I've only tried arginine. How big of a difference is there?

>> No.31679603

Surprisingly otonajp is upgrading my shipping for free in the next coming days. I hope this isn't a ruse.

>> No.31679813
File: 40 KB, 326x317, +_21ba710a3cb70ac5ece46b086454fc66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately Daki's fucking suck to sleep with. They are massive and take up way to much room
This is the first I've heard of this. Everything I've read says they're comfy. Aren't they just body pillows?

Over the years I ended up with 6 pillows on my bed and a yuge comforter specifically to hug and drape my leg over for support since I'm a side sleeper. The pillows end up fucking everywhere and the comforter is ungainly and my bed is a goddamn mess because of this. So I figured I'd just get a body pillow instead of half assing it. That's what led to me considering a daki in the first place.

>> No.31679924

They are twice the thickness of normal body pillows at minimum. I almost always sleep with a pillow or hugging a comforter since im a side sleeper and feel like my arms get in the way otherwise. The nice HQ daki I got takes up nearly half of a queen bed on its own. I also started trying weighted blankets, and it gets in the way of those as well.

It's worth giving it a try, but generally they just sort of get in the way and are far to large to roll over with or anything

>> No.31680164

I don't know. Never tried arginine alone. I take L-citrulline bulk powder from bulk supplements. I actually take it for nitric oxide production to help me survive Flying Chink AIDS. Among other reasons. Anyway, it might give me slightly harder boners. Maybe, maybe not.
That's surprisingly good news from OtonaJP. I hope it's real.

>> No.31680305

>I hope it's real.
I'll post proofs in one of these threads if it happens.

>> No.31680973

which inner did you get? If it's one from dakimakuri you should be able to remove some of the stuffing, I think. If it were softer and/or less densely stuffed would it work better for sleeping?

>> No.31681672

People who get hips. Onaholes,torsos, is this a beginning thing, SAVE UP. OR. YOU KNOW, DO IT ALL OUT. Make it somrone upu love. Fabricate audio and video but ny god don't fuck a dismembered torso gross! The blood and smell. Full sized doll or nothing.

>> No.31681706

cotton vs air pillows/plushes?

>> No.31682830

Don't listen to the other anon's stupid bullshit, dakis are incredibly comfortable to sleep and one you get used to it you can't go back to living like a peasant.

>> No.31683044
File: 20 KB, 540x540, 5_142ea246-03f6-4944-aa1e-a22b99105fac_540x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about ordering this hip but im very hesitant due to lack of reviews. Should I buy this one or keep looking?

>> No.31683578

I just went with an artist and girl that I found most visually appealing and attractive, with no regards for the character as part of a fictional universe. You can either go with one that's already on the market or browse through boorus to find a particular image that you like, to get a custom print. Doesn't have to be a "daki pose" either although it's slightly more immersive I guess. Also you can just have no image but it's kinda trash
Try not using an inner pillow, it's way better (if you have a two-way tricot), it's much softer since the inner pillow is not as stretchy, so it puts a cap on the softness of the daki material

>> No.31684006
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>> No.31684310

can you actually use an hole on a daki? or do you have to buy special ones?

>> No.31685232

Which perorin version is the most durable, or which one do you think is the best overall?

>> No.31689927

>fedex delivers on sunday
looks like I'm getting my new onas later today

>> No.31690043

7 pounds?
that doesn't seem like 7 pounds of pussy and ass, given the dimensions

>> No.31690102

Do you mean it seems like less or more? 7 (almost 8) pounds is fine for me given the dimensions.

>> No.31690250
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it seems more than it looks
i ordered this and it's 3 pounds but the same size roughly, and also cheaper.
i think you can find a better price if you wanna risk buying form China

>> No.31690548

Any site you would recommend then? What hip are you using and what do you think of it?

>> No.31691699

Puni ana dx is only 112 on Amazon U.S. is it a scam?

>> No.31693432

JP is still cheaper or Hard for the same price.

>> No.31695233

I have one of those hentai styled micro bikinis on the way, plus a soft, zip-up hoodie. Got my eyes on some soft pajamas and cute panties. I want to get a bra for it too, but I don't know what cup size the doll is.

>> No.31696831
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just curious but has there been anything new in terms of warming up onaholes or is it still this? I need to get a new one since my current one broke and im done trying to repair it everytime the wire snaps

>> No.31700412

my Goku-Hida Virgin Octopus is already tearing up near the entrance
i'm above average in size but that shouldn't happen after a few faps

>> No.31701098

my magiceyes MoT tore after first use with my massive dong
these products aren't designed for us bro

>> No.31701479

I'm very hesitant on buying an onahole for the first time because my foreskin is tight, forehead is so sensitive and I'm fucking scared. how do I overcome this

>> No.31701596

what's your size when you mean average?
unless i'm mistaken japan's average is 14cm and it's 17 or so in the US

>> No.31701695

Well, I have a very interesting journey about this. I also have phimosis and stretching it out the shower and stuff is hard and I forget so I don't do it

I bought the Mouth of Truth and that is a dick-bruiser. It was so over-stimulating that I would go soft and be in pain from it. My second onahole was the Lilith Uterus, and it's a very narrow hole.

However, it's super stretchy, so it easily accomodates you, and I found that by using it every-so-often, it actually helped my phimosis because the lube, plus the environment pulled it back and forth and made it looser as well as not battering my dick to death.

So, don't overcome it. get a good toy, wash your dick, lube up and go at it. I obviously recommend the Tomax Lilith Uterus in Regular.

>> No.31702013

damn I didn't know onas can help to make it looser. what lube do you use?

>> No.31702778

best onahole for 30 bucks on ebay?
I have 30 bucks in ebaybucks that's expiring soon

>> No.31702815

I traditionally used coconut oil but I've transitioned to generic-brand Tesco Lubricant. Some cheap ass, generic shit made by "Pasante Healthcare".

I think with the right toy, it can definitely help you get looser and either way, it's good for your sexual health anyway. It can help pull your foreskin back in ways it traditionally isn't, as long as you're careful. Overall, you can't live your life in fear of your foreskin. You have to do something about it.

If that's getting surgery and becoming circumcised, you do you. But you can stop phimosis without having your dick cut off. Stretching it back and stuff after showers, stuff like that. Certain onaholes can be great for stretching it back and it's good for your mental to do it too. Being sexually fulfilled can be great for finding time for yourself.

>> No.31703089

Anyone ever trimmed their pubes with a head-razor? like the electric ones you use for a short back and sides?

>> No.31703372

Just get a regular hair trimmer with an adjustable comb.

>> No.31704540

Those work?

>> No.31704609

You are better off getting a "body" trimmer. They are more gentle than beard/head razors since they are meant for stomach, legs, ass, crotch, etc.

I've used both to trim my shaft and such for using foreskin restoring stuff and the normal razors will nick your sack and are hard to get into the wrinkly flesh.

>> No.31705155
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>Bunch of new womb gimmick holes
Any others I should take a look at and grab in this order? I am always willing to try for a better cervix poking experience.


>> No.31705291

I and another anon here have bought the binta out of curiosity, when it arrives in like two months I'll let the thread know if it's dogshit

>> No.31706257

I think multiple anons actually have used Onas to treat phimosis. I’d say go with something soft so it’s gentle on your benis, and meaty/snug enough to gently loosen your foreskin. If you’re particularly sensitive then probably Tomax regular is too firm. I would get something in soft instead. It’s probably better for you to go slowly and consistently rather than doing occasional bursts of penis training, so I think you should get an onahole that’s comfy enough to use daily. If I were a prescribing doctor (IAM NOT) I’d say get a Tomas Venus Real in Soft, and use it all the time.

I’m not a doctor nor do I have phimosis. I do have a pretty sensitive glans though.

>> No.31706928

Its 160 usd on jp

>> No.31707941
File: 304 KB, 722x768, 1513917317535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the My Erotic Maid Servant compare to the Lolinco Virgo?

>> No.31709809

is Meiki Bliss lotion really thick?
I think somebody mentioned two options for lube, one was Meiki Bliss and the other I forget.
Which one is thicker than the other?

>> No.31709913

Meiki bliss is sorta mid road. Its not super runny, but its not crazy thick like some of the others. It has become my general use lube since it works for pretty much everything without trying out or killing sensitivity.

>> No.31710155

Onatsuyu is the other one.

>> No.31710962

What are the best cervix/womb onaholes? I tried the lillith uterus soft and couldn't feel the cervix at all.

>> No.31710984

sounds like a guaranteed buy then
would a thicker lube be better for holes without much texture to give the hole more sensation?

>> No.31711123

I've been lurking the threads for a bit now and I'm wondering if there's like a pcpartspicker for holes where I can just browse and then pick a vendor.
Wanna just peruse through the 15cm womb's but it's frustrating as fuck

>> No.31711490

most stores have an option to filter by depth size

>> No.31712970
File: 360 KB, 1024x902, ona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my delivery

>would a thicker lube be better for holes without much texture
yeah, especially if you want more grip

>> No.31713042
File: 62 KB, 408x516, Screenshot_20210103_160047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The renzoku looks fun, I will probably order it.

From my experience, the best ona with this gimmick is the Taciturn Girl Big. The R-18 is another good option and a somewhat smaller, although, not that noticeable. I have the Okunomiya KoBukuro too, with this you can actually feel like going through something on the inside, what I don't like about it is that is a little heavy, but it seems that is discontinued so I don't know if can be bought.

>> No.31713100

I've been considering buying the one on the right. It seems to have really good reviews, would be nice to have your opinion once you try it.

>> No.31713186

I'll let you know how it is after I've used it. gonna try the Senpai Cowgirl first.

>> No.31713955

just throw it in the microwave lmao

>> No.31713994

I've tried like 3 onaholes, pretty good, how do full ass/pussy ones compare? I mean the larger ones. Is it even better? Because even regular onas amplify cooming by a lot for me.

>> No.31714483

Jesus that fox girl one looks like an absolute nightmare to clean. I kinda want to get it but at the same time I think it goes a bit too overboard and probably won't feel as good as it looks.

>> No.31714516

don't throw your onahole in the microwave

>> No.31714524

It probably feels awesome. I have the flick or whatever its called with is a bunch of walls up and down and its great to enter and pull back out with all the flicking going on.

Assuming you add some handsoap and rinse well then dry with a rod cleanup shouldn't be a big issue either. Hopefully

>> No.31714935
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I have something similar but in smaller scale with the Virgin Matchless and in order to dry the space between the cervixes properly, you have to wiggle your finger around. Rod with microfiber is just too inflexible and potentially damaging. Maybe a drying stick could properly soak up the moisture though. In any case, I expect a similar painful drying process with this new ona as well.

>> No.31715127

wiggle your finger around in every crevice*

This thing is probably the hardest-to-dry ona I've ever owned despite also being the smallest ona I've ever owned.

>> No.31715202

What do you mean the kobukuro is heavy? The weight of the toy itself? Why is that a bad thing?

>> No.31715581

I just want it back...

>> No.31715619
File: 90 KB, 847x944, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried the Nikuman delta? The gimmick is the folds in the front which are supposed to emulate the feeling of a thicker girl. Is it any good?

>> No.31715876

Onaholes cured my phimosis too! I was scared I'd never be able to peel back my foreskin and I didn't want to get circumcised. But after a month of regular usage and careful lube application, it finally retracts normally.

Maybe we should publish a medical thesis about this. Normalize onaholes and stop people from getting their dicks mutilated.

>> No.31716420

Yeah, I'll see what I can do when I finish my medical degree.

I've been pushing against societal standards that women are allowed to own a plastic dick, but a dude who owns a plastic pussy is a pervert. It's my small contribution to the world.

>> No.31716487

You're doing god's work, anon. Good luck.

>> No.31718773

after I wash my onahole and stuck a paper towel inside can i just keep squeezing it closed and open to let airflow through and dry it a bit more?
does that work? it's like blowing air into it right?

>> No.31718860
File: 463 KB, 752x1062, 1598951335265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take an air compressor, stick the air hose into it, rubber band it so its sealed, then go to 90 PSI. Once it releases the air pressure will void all water.

>> No.31719053

I let mine air dry after washing and toweling it down. Haven't had any problems yet. I have a drying stick for the trickier and more stimulating holes, however.

>> No.31719480

>can you actually use an hole on a daki? or do you have to buy special ones?
Some people strap an ona to the pillow and fuck it, but there are special "insert pillows" with holes for an ona.

>> No.31719654
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godspeed anon

>> No.31719755

does it make a farting noise when you pull out?

>> No.31721124

Is just a personal thing I guess. After using several onas I realize that I prefer the small and light ones. I just don't enjoy my "session" with bigger/heavy onas that much as with the small ones.

>> No.31722207

What girth are you? I have the KoBukuro too but with 12cm girth I'm not really feel much of the cervix, not unless I catch the edge

>> No.31725074
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What is the absolute cheapest option in the USA? Are toydemon or cmst the only good choices? I'm fine with hitting free shipping limits or waiting.

>> No.31725222
File: 192 KB, 1000x1000, HonMono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows the cervix gimmick on the Hon Mono?

>> No.31725416

I was looking at the hard ver, and the ratings are pretty awful. It's also such a small hole and curved it will likely be awful to clean and dry.

Generally bigger harder cervixes that are thicker but a bit more open are better. Feel better, more noticeable, easier to clean, etc

>> No.31725589

It's one of the ones whose stimulation is restrict to you poking against it. You aren't going to insert your dick through it

>> No.31725734

In that case, do you have a recommendation?

>> No.31725786

What's the best Tomax hole? I have already tried the Lilith Uterus.

>> No.31725847

What sort of experience are you looking for? Strong and stimulating, or soft and good for slow faps?

>> No.31726573

I want something that I can last on for awhile but isn't too boring.

>> No.31726859

I've been watching videos of men fucking thier sex dolls to find the best positions to fuck mine.
Is that weird?

>> No.31727092

Hmm. Well I’d say a Venus clone in soft wouldn’t do you any harm.

>> No.31727305

Don’t worry about it. We’re on 4chan. We’re already weird.

>> No.31728165
File: 704 KB, 800x954, 84850459_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still feel like I'm getting scammed after ordering a hip that was 90% off from aliexpress.
But I'll post it when it gets here. I really don't know if I'll even use it since it's so massive.

>> No.31728307

Post link. How did you get it 90% off?

>> No.31729105

How bad is Amazon jp shipping in terms of discretion? like, will the box arrive with a huge "sex toy" label on it?

>> No.31729130

That was the price. It looked too good to be true so I went for it.

>> No.31729733

Could just watch normal porn to be honest, most positions are just variants of spooning/doggy/missionary/riding really with some other stuff

>> No.31729735

I wouldn't put my dick into anything off aliexpress, I do wonder if they make those hips/torso where you can put your own onaholes in.

>> No.31729793

Yeah but most Japanese onaholes are made in China as well, they're just designed in Japan and shipped from there.

>> No.31730010

That's true but those nip holes demand a certain amount of quality checking, a lot of stuff is made in china, but as long as its a brand name they are expected to met regulations of the brand. Meanwhile if you buy some random chink made shit you have no idea what they made it with.

>> No.31730581

What is the recommended forwarder to buy from daimaoh? The guide only says to use one, but not which ones.

>> No.31731428

Anyone have any of the real body torso? Hard to find many reviews of them around, everyone seems to have the Puni Ana Miracle DX.

>> No.31731828

it's a lump of TPE, what could they possibly do it that would be worse than a brand named lump of TPE?

>> No.31731996
File: 25 KB, 500x333, Dont-You-Squidward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a lump of TPE, what could they possibly do it that would be worse than a brand named lump of TPE?
You're new to onaholes aren't you squidward

>> No.31732212

Anon, how old are you? Bugmen are notorious for not giving half a flying fuck about safety of their products. With known brands you have an actual company with a legal address and financial responsibility in case you get chemical burns on your dick from fucking an ona made out of recycled fertilizer containers. With a random 5day old aliexpress shop you have literally nothing.

>> No.31732695

It'll come in an amazon.jp box.

>> No.31733670

Loli CQ roll and absorption six Lilith uterus are my two favorites.

Loli is softer, absorption is harder. Have fulfilled all my uterus needs for the pat six months.

>> No.31733835

Shhh everybody- let this ignorant fool fuck up his own dick for our amusement

>> No.31733961

should I use all my trumpbuxs to get a 65cm doll? also the extra +$250 for silicon body?

>> No.31734799

Tomax Muses Arkhe is one. But you've gotta be SUPER into the whole cervix penetration gimmick because as a regular onahole it's only like 6/10 while it's probably 11/10 if you've got a cervix penetration fetish

>> No.31735947
File: 32 KB, 651x616, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello. looking to buy my first onahole. i read through the guide and was wondering if venus real was a good choice for my first one? my deutsch is a bit rusty but reviews and descriptions seems alright and the price for it didn't seem all that high either given that it's an import. also, which softness is the best ie middleground?

>> No.31736040

What makes it a 6/10 as a regular onahole?

>> No.31736079

Its really down to preference, but for your first hole, I would go with either medium or soft and see how it is from there.

>> No.31736133

alright, will do. thanks!

>> No.31736356

I was hoping for the $2k so I could go full silicone piper doll but I bought a plush elf doll like the other anons from last thread, should be here before Valentine's Day

>> No.31743919

Fabric dolls are the best from a practicality standpoint and the anime ones look good to boot, Don't fall for the lies from big TPE

>> No.31744288

Did anyone end up actually getting a Real Body Kanon Kitaoji? Thinking about just getting one via proxy since it's sold out everywhere.

>> No.31745410
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>Good looking fabric dolls
>Good looking dolls at all

>> No.31745476

>being such a manlet you get mogged by a body pillow
how do you even go through life, fren?

>> No.31745623
File: 131 KB, 587x587, chrome_2019-05-09_21-31-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there, I'm the anon that asked advice about onahips and ended up ordering a Puni Ana Kiwami DX that will arrive in two days.
It just occured to me that the place I'm planning to store/hide it inside a large travel suitcase , probably inside the plastic bag the toys will come with. Will it be a safe and "healthy" place for the toy to be stored in ? I usually store my onaholes into my drawer inside little cloth bags, but it will not be possible for a hip..

>> No.31746130
File: 149 KB, 501x585, chinese merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I bought a plush elf doll like the other anons from last thread
>estartek chinks face when
There's going to be quite an elf diaspora in this threads.

>> No.31746224

it's fine

>> No.31746303

Nice, thanks

>> No.31746517

I bought the Aizam Proportion because a month or so ago an anon had good things to say about it. And I have to say it was a really good buy except for that God awful factory smell. I've tried airing it out for several days and washing it with soap, and the smell still clings to it.
The onahole itself is interesting though, lots to offer. Looks nice and I enjoy groping the small tits. Can be used hands free which is probably the best way to use it.
If I ignore the smell, it would be my 2nd favorite ona, the first being the Kiwami which is way more expensive. But with the smell being so annoying, I almost don't want to bother with it. Hopefully it fades away soon.

>> No.31746710

Elf revolution when?

>> No.31752433

ToyDemon hasn't updated shipping info on my Meiki Plush Evo since New Years Day, but Fedex says it'll be here today, supposedly. Crossing my fingers!

>> No.31752665

when i ordered from toydemon fedex was wrong as hell. deliveries are way backed up.

>> No.31752990

Anybody got any guides or tips on building a full mini doll with an onahole torso and a barbie doll?

>> No.31753097
File: 218 KB, 497x480, 1579789829619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are hips good for fapping (mostly) handsfree/ prone? I've been trying to quit pillow humping since I think it's leading to ED and deathgripping due to the extreme amount of pressure. I do enjoy doing it prone, though, so I'm hoping that a hip would be a good compromise.
I searched a bit in the archive already, would something like the Puni Ana DX be good? I have a pretty smol pp (~4 in erect), so I'm fine with something comparatively smaller.

>> No.31753537

The original is very soft and the cervix is noticeable.you can push into it if you really want. It is probably the best cervix gimmick hole available strictly on execution of gimmick.

The hard version is eh as it really takes away from the cervix.

>> No.31753750


>> No.31754694

The last update on both TD and Fedex's tracking page says that the shipment at least left the facility in Illinois, which was three days ago. Suddenly, Fedex says it'll be here today instead of next Monday. I hope they're not lying.

>> No.31755133

my ToyDemon order is a preorder and the UI is dogshit so it's so hard to tell when it's supposed to come in or be sent out

>> No.31758386

imo you're gonna get a lot more enjoyment and mileage out of a plush doll with an onahole insert sleeve. I talked about this last thread, but I actually stopped using my Puni Ana DX after getting a meiki plush doll and its for a few reasons.

A hip is heavy and thus a lot more annoying to clean and a lot less flexible when you're using it.

When I need to clean my Puni Ana DX I have to lift it and take it over to the kitchen sink or the tub because my bathroom sink is not big enough to allow me to clean the him without making a mess. Once in the sink I need to fully wash out the inside for both holes because you can't avoid getting soap and water in both holes while cleaning, so naturally both need to go though the full rinse, and be dry sticked. Then I need to dry the exterior with a micro fiber cloth and powder the surface. The whole process takes about 15 to 20 minutes post nut.
Now when I first got the hip I fell in love with thrust masturbating because it felt a lot better than stroke masturbation, so for a while all this cleaning was worth the extra effort, but after getting a plush doll I haven't used the puni ana dx once. Cleaning a single Ona plus the monthly-ish cleaning of the doll is sooo much more time efficient.

A plush doll can be used in all positions, where as a hip can only be really used while placed on a stable surface and you thrusting into it. Full sized hips are not light enough for you to have them on top riding you. You'll need monster arm strength to even balance it for any amount of time. A plush doll is light enough to straddle on top of you, roll over into missionary, flip to doggy, do it from the side, hold up against a wall, all in a row with minimal struggle. Its fun and interesting to change positions and enjoy your session for longer, it's a lot more like sex in that respect.

Lastly there are a few smaller pros to plushes that I didn't mention yet.
You can choose different onahole stimulation depending on your mood. A lot of hips have really mediocre tunnels, but with a plush you can have that fancy tunnel feel with the hip experience.
The hole is replaceable. Silicone, and TPE wear out over time, there's no avoiding it. even if you're giving it the best care in the world, a small cut or tear will only worsen over time and kill the entire toy. Meanwhile with a plush you can keep it in working order for years with regular gentle cleaning and if necessary stuffing replacement.
For the torso doll, you can cuddle with it afterwards and at night in general. Maybe I'm a weirdo but I would have bought it just for that. It's the best body pillow feeling I've ever had. Plus you can clothe it however you want for your tastes.
Oh and since you mentioned ED, for a while I actually couldn't finish inside my real girlfriend. I think it was because I was used to sitting down, andusing dick bully holes. Well, since getting the meiki doll I've been able to cum from thrusting and while using softer and softer holes. Its crazy how much more you feel in a soft hole when you aren't trying to jack off with it. Anyway, now I have no problem with real sex (though condoms are still a challenge.)

Anyway, yeah plush>hip every day of the week imo

>> No.31758597

Everyone in the thread is slowly converting to plush Chads. I love it

>> No.31758656
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Oi gib review of right. i neeed it

>> No.31759033
File: 322 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one of these in the mail today. The suction (and the ability to control) the suction is wild, and I've fucked it twice in the last couple of hours. Almost went full ahegao each time. Cleaning it is way easier than other onaholes, it's designed to pop open so you can rinse it with hot water and soap, and the locking slide mechanism also serves as a stand to use for air drying. My only complaint was that it was $75. If it was cheaper, I'd recommend it to people more frequently.

>> No.31759159

Update: Three and a half hours left in the day and it still hasn't arrived. Hope is waning fast. Good news, though - a few of the clothes I bought for the doll arrived today so I can start dressing it up ASAP

>> No.31759284
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I've got the left one and it's my favourite right now. Thing is meaty despite its low price so it's some nice pressure on your dick. Insides are ribbed triangular structures that press against your dick giving it a pretty strong stimulation, only complaint is that cos of the structure it's a real bitch to wash

>> No.31759393

I've had a red flip for a couple years now, It's better then most western ona's but as someone below average size there's too much dead space near the entrance and that kills it for me. Glad you're enjoying it though!

>> No.31759425

Are there any more onaholes that are essentially mini-torsos with breasts to fondle?
I know of Goku Hida Virgin 1100 and that one Taiminen hole, but Hida is almost double the price of the Taiminen, and Taiminen isn't in stock anywhere I can get them from.

>> No.31759745
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To the guys who own hips or even dolls.
Are stockings/leggings actually a good alternative to powdering the leg/thigh areas?
I ask because I'm ordering a hip and will most likely have it with pantyhose on and a hole ripped open in the crotch area.
Is it a good way to keep outside particles from sticking to it since the leggings are a thin wall between outside air and the TPE?

>> No.31759814

I've been looking through toydemon and it seems like they have about 15 options. Some are out of stock as well especially the cheap ones.

>> No.31759990

I'm in shit-central europe. My only valid choices are from within the communist EU Zone or the one store that I know operates within my country.
Thanks for the answer though.

>> No.31759998

I have the same problem, and that's what made me decide on the black over the red. It has more stimulation around the entrance for people who aren't as well-endowed (I'm only slightly below average, about 4.75" if I push my fupa down).

>> No.31760343

So far the section witch is my first and favorite hole
Is there anything better?

>> No.31760357

I still want to own a doll in the future, but plush has definitely peaked my interest.

>> No.31760525

Wow, thanks for the info anon! Yeah a plush doll seems like a good choice. Did you go with the regular Meiki or the DX with the head and arms and stuff? How easy is it to clean and store? Is there any particular hole you'd recommend for use with it, or will any do?

>> No.31760564

Best reproduction of a childs hole still Lolinco?

>> No.31760664

Maid Servant is more of an "enveloping" tightness (like a hug) with a focus on stroking your frenulum/underside
Lolinco Virgo is more of "grip" kinda tightness (like someone grabbing your wrist).focusing more on stimulating the sides.
Both a bit of a pain to clean/dry. You'll probably want to buy one of those drying sticks.

>> No.31760679

>You'll need monster arm strength to even balance it for any amount of time
How hard can it be to lift 10-15lbs with two arms??

If you're not sensitive to smell, consider the Aizam Proportion. I think Virgo counts too and while I haven't used it personally, I'm familiar with the Magic Eyes smell and it's more mild especially when corn starch'd.

>> No.31761017

It's not about if you can lift it or not it's about how comfortable it is to use for extended sessions. If you're use to jacking it or even having sex holding that amount of dead weight turns into a major boner killer. I had like a 7LB hip at one point and I'd always go limp holding it and could really only use it if I flopped it on something and thrusted. Ended up tossing it when my doll got here.

>> No.31761067

Going down the hole of the chink holes. Thinking of buying an 11lb hip for $30.

>> No.31761106

Oh that makes sense.

>> No.31761237
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are there any mouth fetishist friends?
what would you recommend?
i'm looking at mouth of truth peronin hard type but i don't quite get what exactly "hard" means
are there any super realistic alternatives?

>> No.31761354

Looking at buying one from amazon.co.jp. Anyone know what their packaging is like?

>> No.31761371

an amazon box with .jp added to it

>> No.31761387

I'm still kind of new to the whole onahole softness scale but from my experience using tomax soft/hard it's essentially resistance. A soft hole will accept you even if you're at half chub where as a hard one tries to kick you out and you need a proper erection to stay inside. Stuff like ribs and nubs are also more distinct in hard, in soft it all kinda meshes together into pleasure

>> No.31761439

Do they have the slip of paper with the contents on it? If so is it in jp?

>> No.31761575

The customs statement will only give a category. I think mine said rubber toy I don't remember.

>> No.31761724

I'm planning on taking the women's locker room onahole on toydemon and using it to replace the torso of an elsa barbie doll. Does anybody know what kind of glue is good for tpe and polyvinyl?

>> No.31761771

oh god, I don't know anything about that but if you figure it out please post some pics I want to see this abomination

>> No.31761929

clothes of any kind are an excellent way to prevent particles or lube from reaching the surface of your toy. With hips it's important to keep in mind that when you store them, they may develop impressions from any wrinkles or prominent seams. I would recommend using a sewing machine to finish the edge of any hole you open since fraying can be quite annoying over time.

No problem! I went with the regular Meiki doll with the full torso but with no head, legs or arms. I haven't tried the Full version, however I've read a few reviews that say the hip joints on it aren't perfect and can pop out under pressure. For that alone I didn't go full sized and since I'm super happy with my headless version it hasn't seemed like something I needed to go out and try immediately.

>> No.31762128

Will do. I'm considering practicing mini doll building with this and then selling under 65 cm dolls.

>> No.31762260

I did it let's see how it goes

>> No.31762620

damn, can't use amazon.com cards on amazon.co.jp. Master plan ruined. Thanks for the help, might breakdown and do it later anyway

>> No.31762767

If you have the money, the Magic Face 2 is considered to be the very best in blowjob tech. MoT Perorin is a pretty good choice though, I would definitely recommend it over the original because the teeth aren't as abrasive so you can go longer. I haven't tried the hard version yet, but if this is your first onahole I would recommend the regular because it's already pretty tight and stimulating and adding more stimulation doesn't always mean a better experience.

>> No.31762862

One thing to note with the MoTs is that the hard versions have actual hard teeth, whereas the soft ones just use more rubber. Some people have complained they scrape you up a bit and can cause problems. Others, like myself, actually enjoy the feeling. Something to consider.

>> No.31763063

I wanna see this too. Kinda want one now too. I feel like finding the right hole and doll to make it with would be quite the jouney. You could even make a whole disney princess line of them.

>> No.31763308

It's tough because for my personal use I could use a slightly larger sleeve but in order to keep the proportions correct I'm going to start with the smaller sleeves. I would use the fairy torso but the end of it wouldn't work for me since I'll have to stretch the sleeve to go all the way in. I don't know what other cheap doll options I could use to fit the proportions a 6.8 or so inch torso. Maybe after a few smaller and cheaper practice runs I'll get better.

>> No.31763839

you sold me on the teeth
thanks, that was very helpful

>> No.31764236

It'll definitely be a bit of trial and error. I know they make dolls of all sizes though (niece had several Elsas). Might have to go to a toy store and just size them up a bit. I've got total faith in you anon.

Glad to hear it. Hopefully you enjoy it. It's definitely a nice hole. Haven't tried it with the first kiss lotion yet though.

>> No.31764540


The duality of man

>> No.31764837

if I order the Lolinco Virgo from leaf Amazon will I have to worry about the cops showing up like with that one anon

>> No.31765060

good luck dude, I bought an ona from an unregulated maker and it stunk really bad like chemicals
I wore a condom to use it and, after cuming, decided to just throw it away and not risk skin contact

>> No.31766359
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Finally got around to opening up my SI-X type f last night. For 10 bucks it was a pretty decent hole. It feels durable, but a bit tacky. Nice for shower sessions though. Not as much suction as I would have expected, but there was lots of head stimulation. The little tongue structure doesn't feel like much though. Overall it's a decent toy. For those wondering it came with some Vanessa & Co lotion. Didn't try that out yet though as I had some Onatsuyu left over from a different ona.

>> No.31767412
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I did it, it's going to be too small but god damn is it a sexy hole

>> No.31768521

go to fucking jail dude

>> No.31768621

don't reply to obvious glowies

>> No.31768649

damn that is fine fr

>> No.31768687

My bad, anon.

>> No.31769278

box has demon slayer teeth girl posing suggestively, am I going to jail for buying this? I would request the seller to pack it without the box but this is thru amazon

>> No.31769565
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Agree with lots of the points here, just going to shill this again. It's so good being able to put any hole you own and just cleaning the hole instead of the whole thing. Don't have a plush so can't comment but this feels nice to smack around and isn't that heavy for other positions like cowgirl.

>> No.31769646

I'm reading a miracle dx review and the guy says he fists her ass to through wash, wouldn't that loosen it up?

>> No.31772000

My biggest issue and reason why I don't wanna get the plush doll is because it only has the one spot to put a hole. Like, would it really be that hard/expensive to have access for anal and oral toys? That would be a dream come true.

>> No.31773098

Finally updated today. The doll is one state away from me. Less than a 4 hour drive. It'll be here either tomorrow or Wednesday!

>> No.31773425 [SPOILER] 
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Why does weed make onaholes a lot better? I feel like its impossible for me to achieve tier 4 without it

>> No.31773984

Why do some women's vaginas non ironically feel inferior to an onahole?

>> No.31774102

Because they are not specifically designed to wring out every last drop of cum out of your dick, unlike onaholes.

>> No.31774322

lack of exercise
poor hygiene
you get the picture

>> No.31774469

What >>31774322 said plus pussy is not fine wine, they don't get better with age. Any decent onahole will better than some fat hag who's had miles of cock run through her.

>> No.31774603

Does exercise and poor hygiene actually make a difference in terms of how their pussy feels?
Does the amount of dick they've had actually make a difference?

>> No.31774800 [DELETED] 

Yes to the first, no to the second.

>> No.31774832

Yes to the first, no to the second. Only a virgin would think that years of taking dick actually affects the shape and feel of a vagina.

>> No.31774852

So is it Kegels or just general exercise or what?

>> No.31774877

Kegels give her better control over her pelvic muscles. It's like she can give your cock a hug from the inside and it's the absolute best feeling in the world.

>> No.31774914

Im not talking about her manually flexing her muscles, I mean a girl just passively taking it, some girls are way looser than others, I dont know why. I think its genetic

>> No.31774981

Genetics can play a role in it too. Every vagina is shaped and sized somewhat differently, just like every penis is shaped and sized somewhat differently. But trust me, anyone who thinks that the overall interior changes over time just from getting dicked down hasn't even touched a woman in his life.

>> No.31775569

The position also heavily effects the perceived tightness. Fucking the same woman spread eagle and on her side can feel very different.

>> No.31775760 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 500x334, 1609826689869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pre-uterus antechamber is relatively short, and the cervix is angled up pretty sharply, so if you're lazily stroking away with it, you'll miss the cervix and bottom out in the vagina portion. This makes it a little annoying to use normally like any other onahole. The arkhe is ALL about the uterus gimmick. Very much a one-trick pony. But, this enhances its function as a cervix penetration onahole.

The Arkhe's womb feels very obviously like a separate entity from the vagina. The cervix is thick and tight and angled. Which makes it hard to hit reliably. But, when you pop through, it feels like pushing past tightly pursed lips and into a snug little chamber enveloping and caressing your head. Then when you pop back out, it's the same "pursed lips" feeling gliding over your most sensitive area. The vagina itself is pretty similar to a lilith uterus and it pretty mild. The uterus is very intense. This makes it an easy 11/10 if you want a "cum-directly-in-her-womb-like-in-my-chinese-cartoons" feeling.

Basically, it doesn't feel like an onahole with a cervix before the end of the tunnel. It feels like two parts: There's a tunnel... And then there's a uterus. It's hard to describe with words so here's a pic.

It's also somewhat difficult to clean and dry because of the womb portion.
That makes it annoying (to me) to use as a daily driver onahole. It does feel extremely good, of course, but it's more... "work" I guess than using something else. 6/10 is probably too harsh. 7/10 is probably closer to the truth. Even so, I don't use it all that often.

When I do use it though cum with the force of a supernova. Hm. I think I've talked myself into using my Arkhe tonight.

>> No.31775791 [SPOILER] 
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picture 2 shows Arkhe's insides using a speculum.

>> No.31775862

Get it in Soft.

>> No.31775965

>pillow humping
I think that's super bad for you and potentially quite dangerous

>> No.31776649

Bros i'm looking at buying some onas and i'm getting slightly concerned about destroying them with my dick. I'm 8.5x5.5, can anyone recommend some larger chamber ones? The ones I really want to try I'm pretty sure will just split apart.

>> No.31776719

post cock

>> No.31776750

I came for advice, not to post dick pics for some drooling fag.

>> No.31776778

I think R-20 is supposed to have a very long tunnel.

>> No.31777560
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go be a worthless faggot somewhere else

>> No.31777650

Why does it feel so good to cum inside an onahole, wait for an hour or so and then use the cum as lubricant for the next go at it

>> No.31778491

I bought a silver tenga flip, I feel like my cock is huge for it, I don't even squeeze the sides and the sensation is already immense

>> No.31779453

How long do you guys usually let your onas air dry for? Seems like it takes forever.

>> No.31784956

Holy shit lads, should have gotten one earlier, this shit is next level

>> No.31788002

I wonder why older ladies and sluts have trended to be looser to me.

I'm honestly of the mind that the studies concerning vaginal tightness at different ages and uses are fake science.

>> No.31788093

You'll have to go with fleshlight or other western manufacturers. Many full doll manufacturers have insert options which would be better sized for you and you should be able to buy just the insert for a sleeve experience. If you're trying to get a super mini torso you might be out of luck.

>> No.31788215

So what's the verdict on Tenga? Looking at the Flip Orb right now as my very first onahole, my dick is below average afaik so it should fit

>> No.31788335

>Only a virgin would think that years of taking dick actually affects the shape and feel of a vagina
That's a major cope spread by roasties and reinforced by dudes who don't get laid
I've fucked some girls that didn't have much experience before me and over time they'd go from tight as fuck to medium
Most Tinder hookups i had on the other hand ranged from spacious to ruined, with the worst being one woman in her 30s

>> No.31788727

garbage, read the pastebin for recommendations

>> No.31789171

The other anon is retarded. Tenga stuff feels great and super stimulating, and is general much easier to clean and maintain. The flip orbs are excellent.

You may still want to try some other normal cheaper holes to see if you prefer the softness or other gimmicks like cervixes or such, but there is nothing wrong with Tenga at all

>> No.31789288

just fyi but the pastebin is dead, you need to edit it to remove all the words that reference sex or just do s*x

>> No.31789358

Anyone's tried the tenga spinners? Also any idea which one to get, there's like six models.

>> No.31789550

checked theses out but they're for chink dicks
very small, won't twist shit and have ridiculous friction if your dick is average, it's a no go

>> No.31789876
File: 43 KB, 500x500, tenga-spinner-15807508611125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that include even the ones that have max size in their graph thing?

>> No.31789942

Meiki Plush Evo arrived today. Set it up with my Lilith Uterus, put some cute clothes on it, and I was hard as a rock in seconds. I went full mating press on it and I didn't last nearly as long as I thought I would. But it feels almost as good as the real deal, and now I can use this to practice and improve my stamina. Best $300 I ever spent.

>> No.31790704
File: 3 KB, 212x96, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging by the size of the package it's not big

i see my dick as average but it's bigger than the package and then some

>> No.31790804

basically it'll shrink down when spinning and it'll be very stiff because of the spring, so you can't really fit if your dick is larger than 35mm or so

>> No.31791501

>only complaint is that cos of the structure it's a real bitch to wash
yeah, that's the only thing I hate about this hole. it feels fucking great but the cleaning and drying afterwards is a pain in the ass. all those ridges and triangles means I have to use extra paper towels to get rid of any excess water.
Okay review time. I used it last night. The entrance is small so be sure to lube it up good. The inside was nice and snug and the ridges on the inside rub on your dick as you go back and forth. The material is soft so you can use it for edging or go fast for a quick fap and let the ridges do all the work. I'd definitely recommend buying it. Though it might be a tight fit if you're larger in diameter.

>> No.31791556

Slight follow-up on this, however - what's the easiest way to get an onahole into the drawstring hole? I made sure it was as wide as possible, but the fabric on the inside is tricky to work with on a soft hole.

>> No.31791695

So i've had women buy me some onaholes but I have an issue. My dick is nothing special whatsoever but kinda fat, around 6, maybe 6 and a quarter. I've never bought any myself but need to ask, is there a brand or variety that'll last more than five or six uses? It makes them excited to see them tear but also means it was a waste of money.

>> No.31792795

The zipper on the back leads to the hole. Stick your hand in from that side and pull the ona in

>> No.31792849

Ahh, that makes sense. I thought that was for accessing the stuffing or something. Thank you!

>> No.31792932


>> No.31794972
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Plush dolls > TPE/Silicone dolls

>> No.31795887
File: 1.66 MB, 1024x1024, Mask Types.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking off Plush dolls actually, to any owners of the Meiki style of plushes have any of you bought any of these mask types for them?
How do they look on them, how well do they fit etc.

The Kuu doll mask and fairy face look the best but i've included two others as well.

The three anime mask types are on Kanojotoys while the fairy face is on otana senki

>> No.31796588

I don't like weed. It doesn't do anything to me mentally that makes me anxious or paranoid but the heaviness, buzzing throughout my body, and pounding heart make me uncomfortable. However not even I can deny it is god tier for jerking off. I'll only get high to enhance a degenerate multiple hour coom session.

>> No.31796898

I havent seen a good looking fabric doll yet

>> No.31797182

any of you use tomax rich soft? much better than just soft?

>> No.31797322

That just comes down to personal preference, so it's fair enough on your part

>> No.31797422

You're just being lax,for exemple sakura dolls wouldnt look so bad without those shitty lips. Its harder to have a good looking face with fabric tho i can understand that

>> No.31797535

Mate i'm one of the biggest supporters of plush dolls on this board, I made most of the multi image sets for them, i'm just saying it's fine to not have a preference for them.
You can use other heads on the dagmar/sakura dolls btw, including silicone/tpe and kigurumi masks.

>> No.31797564

I don't like that they don't jiggle right. Also they don't get shiny but I prefer their masks to most every dolls face.

>> No.31797586

I've used it but I really can't comment on it. I have a circumcised death grip dick so I felt literally nothing while using it and I've never used normal soft so I can't compare it to that. Using such a retardedly soft hole did make my dick for sensitive though

>> No.31797637

Whats your opinion on ovdolls anime fabric doll?
Feels like they just put a mask on a dagmar and sell it fo 2k

>> No.31797864

>ovdolls anime fabric doll
From the looks of it those are dagmar/happy dolls with a kiguruimi on it, though from a quick look on doll forum their known for being a shitty vendor so practice caution from them.

Here is a link to all known plush doll makers/vendors that is updated as more are found, note you will need a dollforum account to view it.


>> No.31797929

this interests me immensely. would you be so kind as to list the pros and cons of each? I am planning to buy a TPE/Silicone doll and want a perspective separate from my own. <3

>> No.31797935

Do they have any yordle plushies? Asking for a friend.

>> No.31798022

Hi i'm is friend and a i like female yordles a lot

>> No.31798134

Don't own one yet but here are things i've heard alot about them.

Weight is considerably less so you can do alot more positions and move it about easier

price is normally less, though you can find "cheap" tpe sex dolls as well

Better for stylized looks so you don't have to deal with the uncanny valley alot of cheaper tpe/silicone dolls deal with.

It might take awhile to get onto their waiting list but Big Sexy Plushes make custom furry plush dolls so you could give them ago.

>> No.31798165

Forgot the links;



>> No.31798208

Oh also they can still feel "real" but just as an analogue to a person wearing tights

>> No.31798899

Fairy masks are out of stock everywhere. DAMN!

>> No.31799392

Actually forget the kuu masks their just paper masks, the angelic doll and air mask are actual fabric masks

>> No.31800447

why not just make em out of tpe?!

>> No.31800768

Don't get what you mean, do you make the masks out of tpe? because that would raise the price and i'm not sure how well they'd fit over the meiki style plush dollor if you mean the heads you can just use a tpe head with a dagmar.sakura doll.

This mask thing just pertains to the meiki(and other similar) style of plush doll that doesn't have a face.

>> No.31804169

I too noticed this. I've purchased 3 holes in the last 2 months and now my phimosis is gone. Money well spent if you ask me.

>> No.31804376

How do I know if my dick is sensitive enough to feel all the contours of my onaholes properly, thus giving me maximum pleasure? Some of them definitely feel more stimulating than others but it's not like I can describe the exact shape of the insides or anything. Are dicks supposed to be as sensitive as a fingertip, or am I worrying over nothing?

>> No.31804392

If I google 'onahole phimosis' in 10 years and get no results, I'll be disappointed.

>> No.31805533

I just got my $600 Virus 2.0 check. I already have onaholes, dildos, vibrators, Meiki plush, and a small fuck machine. What should I buy next?

>> No.31805589

A gun.

>> No.31805863

a jerry can and a few matches for the day you have to hide that from the public

>> No.31806899

Are there any brazilians out there? What's the best place to buy internationally? Have you bought from Amazon jp? Did they refund the fees deposit?

>> No.31807521

You got The Handy? Get one

>> No.31808225

guess i'll give my two cents again. own the tetra spinner, its my first toy. my dick is either average or less than average idk because this toy fits snug on my member, and sliding it on all the way leaves me with a couple inches of shaft without stretching it. pretty good for long sessions, it might differ if you buy the spinners with "harder" shapes. hold the tip and it spins on your shaft which is nice, hold near the opening and it spins on your tip which is obviously more stimulating. if you have "hard" water, it'll yellow the toy regardless of how well you clean it.

>have ridiculous friction
use lube, dummy

>> No.31808283

how do i know what size underwear will fit my hip?
is there a helpful guide on clothing for dolls and hips?
I really don't want to buy something from Victorias Secret and have to return it saying it "didn't fit" or some shit

>> No.31808800

Get a measuring tape and measure it

>> No.31808870
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There are many guides, have you tried looking it up? Most places that sell clothes have size charts, I'm sure VS has them too, just use a cloth measuring tape. It's pretty straightforward, and I'm sure they get returns all the time.

>> No.31809557

>use lube, dummy
man i use lube, but this shit is just mediocre at best, the average ratings are quite low because the thing is just that stiff

>> No.31810054
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which one did you buy? like i said i bought the tetra which is the softest of the original 3 and its perfect for long sessions which i prefer doing over trying to cum as fast as possible.

>> No.31810168

Unless your hip is huge chances are normal size shit won't fit, best to get the type of underwear that have those side strings that you tie up, makes fitting a lot easier.

>> No.31811343

I dry with a microfiber cloth and/or drying sticks.
I put the ona in a plastic bag, or in a cloth drawstring bag before inserting it into my plush hip. dramatically reduces friction so it's much easier to put the ona in and out.

also this >>31792795

>> No.31812640

How do I stop my hole from leaking TPE oils all over other shit? I usually keep my Venus Real in a backpack wrapped in microfiber cloths but I just happened to leave a spiral notebook in there once and now it looks like there's a permanent wet spot on the cardboard back of it.
I see wet oil stains on shirts and other clothes I leave in there for about a day too, and they don't come off until I wash them. Does that shit just go right through microfiber, also is it probably all over the insides of my backpack now too?
The label on my Onatsuyu lube bottle also looks permanently wet/damp now from being next to the hole all the time.
How do you guys store them conveniently while keeping the tpe oils from getting everywhere?

>> No.31812909

Damn that's small, how much was it? I've been considering a loli doll too but they're all at least ~100 cm and over $800 minimum.

>> No.31812942

>over $800 minimum
Not if you get a plush one

>> No.31814509

What do I tell my roomate is in the box if he answers th doot first?

>> No.31814612

Just wait outside when you think the delivery is coming, accept the package and bring it to your car.
And then bring it inside later when your roommate isn't home or asleep.

>> No.31815568 [DELETED] 
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Man, you don't realize how creepy buying clothes for dolls is until you're forced to see your own browsing history.
Jeez, this is really awkward.

>> No.31816188

Buy a Meiki toy bag. They're not expensive.

>> No.31816591

No. Anything sold on Leaf Amazon is fine for you to purchase.

>> No.31817208

I've been running through all the classics and highly praised onas, the ZXY, the lolinco, the Venus Real, the Atelier... but none have come close to the Witch's Temptation. It's the complete package of suction, durability, and a stimulating and varied design. Are there any onas that I haven't named above which I should really give a go which could rival the Witch?

>> No.31817308

I habe a 7 inch dick, how limited is my choice in onahole?

>> No.31817528

How the fuck am I supposed to buy sexy clothes for my 130 cm doll without ending up on a watchlist. If I try to custom order something sexy with the proportions of the doll, are they going to call the police?

>> No.31817561

I got the Julia+ and feel a mixture of absolute happiness and total shame

Which is the true feeling

>> No.31817821

For anyone interested in the sakura dolls elves, I found a really detailed review of them with a lot of pictures here. It would be a good link if we ever revive the pastebins

>> No.31817826
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>> No.31818031

>How do I know if my dick is sensitive enough to feel all the contours of my onaholes properly, thus giving me maximum pleasure?
Just keep using onaholes. Especially softer ones. Don't fap with your hands. That will make you more sensitive if that's what you want.
>Are dicks supposed to be as sensitive as a fingertip
>am I worrying over nothing?

>> No.31818098

I just keep each ona in a plastic bag.

>> No.31818961

You could try ordering shit off alibaba if you dont mind chink shit. Some of the stuff there was made for dolls

>> No.31819021

this is true, I bought a striped pantsu set with the side strings and it fit my hip nice and tight after tying them together

>> No.31819144


You're probably on a watchlist for ordering a doll in the first place.
>custom order
That's a doozy. Just try ordering as is, most will just be happy for the work. If they ask any questions, don't lie, just say it's for a doll. If it's a big booba doll, feel free to post pics of it too, and claim the size is for storage reasons.

>> No.31819285

For reference, I'm 7"BPEL by 5.5 around. Not nearly as long, but the same girth. And girth is more damaging to onaholes than length. Onas are pretty stretchy lengthwise. But the onahole's weakness is the entrance. The entrance tears, then the thing splits open.


>Don't go balls deep
You really don't have to. It can be a little frustrating once in a while to bottom out sooner than you'd like (like with my 11cm/4.3" deep Tomax Muses Fillo) but like I said, well made onas are stretchy and accommodating, so it's not so bad. Different positions (and if you use a plush hip or something) can make shallower penetration feel more comfy and natural.
>get well made, durable onaholes
i.e. TOMAX. Soft is great. And like anon said, the R20 is supposed to be good for the particularly well-endowed.
>Don't get "TIGHT VIRGIN PUSSY!!1!" type onaholes. Get onas with some room.
I recommend the R20, Tomax Venus real, clone, lilith uterus, romanesco, etc.
>Get onaholes with simple orifices
The more complex and tight the entrance, the more likely to tear. You should probably stay away from most dual layer onaholes.
>LUBE. Use enough. And lube up the area around the entrance, because it rubs up and down on your shaft causing friction
Friction at the entrance is bad for onaholes, and doesn't feel that good.
>REHYDRATE. Use a little spray bottle to rehydrate the lube. Spritz your shaft and the onahole to keep everything gliding nicely.
The entrance can tightly squeegee up and down your dick and dry out the lube on your shaft, even if inside the tunnel is still slick. Mist your dick with water to reactivate the lube.

In my opinion, an onahole's build quality is more important than nominal tunnel depth. My Tomax Muses Fillo is much shorter than my NPG Maria Ozawa was, but the NPG split the fuck open and became unusable within a week or two. I've given the Fillo MUCH more use and it's still pristine. In fact all my Tomax holes--even the ones I've had over 6 years--are still in perfect shape. Well, the cervix part of my Lilith uterus is starting to wear a bit, but It's been (by far) my most frequently used onahole for over 6 years now. Because of that, and my experiences with NPG, I hesitate to buy anything other than Tomax. That means I'm biased and can't give you good recommendations for a broad range of manufacturers since I haven't personally used them. So take my endorsement with a grain of salt, I guess?

tl;dr: girth more dangerous than length because onas have weak entrances. Don't roughly go balls deep (too often). I recommend tomax. Keep everything well lubricated.

>> No.31820075

Amongst the Virgo Hard, Cyclist Girl, Umi no Ana Carnivorous Mermaid, and Virgin Age Admission HARD, which one bullies the hardest?

>> No.31821871

>I dry with a microfiber cloth
I try to use the microfiber cloth, but for some toys like the lolinco it just feels like I'm gonna tear it in half if I try to jam it any farther than a few inches in.

I actually had a toy stain a box through the bag. So no there's several layers of cloth in with them as well to act as a buffer.

I was worried about my family finding out about my purchases at one point (or at least asking about what I ordered). So prior to buying I got them accustomed to the truth through humor. Every time I bought something, I'd say it was sex toys
"Oh that's my Taylor Swift fleshlight, nice!"
"This? It's a life sized Michelle Obama fuck doll"
etc etc. So now it's just a joke when I say my latest package contains a japanese anal fuck hole.

Haven't tried the witch yet, but the hard and tight cyclist is top notch.

>> No.31823903

As the now long term owner of the plushes pictured above I would say they are quite a bit lower maintenance than a TPE or silicone doll would be, I keep them clothed so cleaning is as simple as changing their clothes and some febreze.

Both are great for cuddles, though the dekunoboo plush is obviously better for that, one of the nice things about them being plush is that they warm up quickly.
Another nice thing is they last practically forever if you take proper care of them.
I've had my meiki plush since 2012 and my Dekunoboo plush since 2017, the meiki has been 0 maintenance other than changing its shirt/febreze/spot cleaning when needed and the Dekunoboo plush has required the addition of some extra fill after 2 years as it's body is mostly filled with styrofoam microbeads which do compact over time unlike the fiberfill in the meiki.
Refilling it wasn't that difficult though, I picked up 2 bags of poly-fil micro beads, cut the stitches at the end of the onahole pocket, carefully poured them in and then stitched it back up.
the styrene bead fill helps keep the weight down for the overall firmness of the doll while still feeling soft to the touch and being easy to pose with the downside of needing an occasional refill.

Another annoying thing about the Dekunoboo plushes is that they don't sell them outside Japan, in order to get one you would have to use a forwarder, I personally used JSS' (Japan Shopping Service) "online shop" service when I got mine back in 2017.

If you do some planning you can get the Dekunoboo dolls for around $450 shipped to the US through a forwarder like JSS as they often have their dolls for 50% off for new years/christmas and various Japanese holidays.
When on sale the doll bodies are around $280 usd and the heads are around $80, shipping+forwarder cost is around $100

I wish someone made a non custom yordle plush that could easily be modified...
Sadly the only option I know of would be a custom yordle from one of the custom doll makers, of which none seem to be very good at making heads/faces that normal people could find attractive.

>> No.31824063
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Anons, how do I learn to last longer? I always blow my load way too fast when I use an onehole.

>> No.31824189

I've found that polyethylene bags like typical plastic grocery bags seem to do the best job of containing TPE oils, ziploc bags don't do shit though and happen to be polypropylene.
sadly grocery bags tend to have small holes in them from use so make sure you either double them up or closely inspect them for holes, or find something else made of polyethylene to hold them.

>> No.31825510

no matter how "soft" the material is, the spring makes it ridiculously stiff

>> No.31826683

Kegels and cock/fapheroes.

>> No.31833262
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Is pic related actually real? If it's not real, are there any other heated oneholes that are any good?

>> No.31834253

hmm yes dickburns

>> No.31834776

oh fuck oh fuck
it went from "on hold" to "processing"
holy shit SOON

>> No.31836869

are you made out of ice?

>> No.31836898

I'm Scottish.

>> No.31837713

Did I imagine it or is there a lolinco torso? Whats the name?

>> No.31838671

Bride Idealism Lolinco

>> No.31839466

Bless you anon, too bad there's no reviews.

>> No.31839550

Yordle's face are actually easier to do than regular human ones, so there maybe hope

>> No.31839815

You can find plenty of information on it by checking the archives. From what I understand it's not a bad choice.

>> No.31840828

Is that not the point of the Lolinco? Or is it the way he worded it?

>> No.31842511

should i buy the handy doll from hgdoll.net with my stimulus money or not? is it a good doll or are there issues with it that i should be aware of? this would be my first ever doll.

>> No.31842534

There's also the Cocolo which is like a slightly scaled up lolinco.

>> No.31842652

I dont have much to contribute but you have my thanks and appreciation. All the detail you provided about plushes is really helpful :)

>> No.31843420

what's the weirdest fleshlights out there?
i mean weirder than the ear/brain/foot-fucking ones

>> No.31843628
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>desired ona not in stock so have to wait a whole month
Is there a worse feeling?

>> No.31844137

Tbh I personally think their dolls are cringe and overpriced when compared with ovver tpe/silicone dolls and think that Dagmar dolls hit that anime aesthetic better and at a cheaper price.

However that's all subjective stuff on my end and from what I can tell other anons are happy with what they got from their.

>> No.31844309

the handy doll that i'm looking at from there is made by doll house 168 and the face option i want isn't anime, so i'm not sure if any of that applies to this particular doll

>> No.31844625

I still think their overpriced for their dolls, just pop on dollforum for abit and check some other vendors out.

>> No.31844787

Can I find those toy bags in amazon.com or is it just .jp?

>> No.31845171

Just find out their material and look for bags made out of that.

>> No.31845919

They're just cotton bags, although you may struggle to find zipped cotton bags in those dimensions

>> No.31846034

What storage bags are generally better? Plastic or fabric?

>> No.31847044

i'd say fabric if it has holes and if you wanna store it for a long-ish moment
plastic if you want it to be waterproof but don't store it in too long or it'll smell weird

>> No.31847101

fabric. plastic is fine, but it can leave imprints on your toy though.

i still use ziploc bags cause they're cheap

>> No.31847214

I use polycotton zip bags meant for school supplies.

>> No.31849908

Anyone know an ona that's like the tanetsuke press but doesn't have the scent of burnt rubber?

>> No.31850554

I want an alien ona, but no one seems to make one
there was an alien vs predator fleshlight, but I don't like fleshlights and they stopped selling them anyway
besides that, a zombie themed ona would be cool
idk, anything beyond normal Japanese onas is a gamble

>> No.31850720

Are they still retarded about discussing small height or small breast/flat dolls? Especially considering storage/cost is a huge issue with a lot of people.

>> No.31850867

Yeah, deserve-ably so, don't try to be coy about it just keep your pedo shit off of their.

>> No.31854138

I figured as much. I'll stick to Japanese blogs and shit then.

>> No.31855432
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>seriously debating on an aotume 135cm doll customized as remilia
fuck. is there a list of smug smile red eyed mating pressable characters?

>> No.31856526

I can't even think of any others right now but good taste. How much are those?

>> No.31857607


>> No.31858022
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I too have fallen for the weed trap.
Normally when I masturbate, I would last about a couple of minutes and am completely done after I cum.
But when I'm stoned, I can bust nut after nut consecutively literally like a hentai protagonist.

>> No.31859330

explains why most hentai plots seems only plausible afte weed and then some

>> No.31859476

new thread >>31859458
